[05:57] is there a way through the api to get the ubuntu versions available for a ppa? like https://launchpad.net/~tiheum/+archive/ubuntu/equinox is available from 9.10 to 14.04 ? === Transfusion is now known as Obamango [10:39] Hey guys, couldone check what's going on with this import: https://code.launchpad.net/~jerstlouis/ecere/ppaNatty please? [10:41] could someone* ;) [10:46] ah it woke up :P [14:18] Heya - Question - Does anyone know how long it typically takes for Launchpad to notice a new package uploaded to a PPA? [14:28] usually just a few minutes [14:29] just make sure you signed the source with the key you registered in launchpad [14:30] Yea, everything is signed + uploaded, but no rejection email and not visible in the PPA .. Guess I'll give it another 15 mins before trying again [14:30] Make sure you signed with the right key. Things signed with an unknown key are silently dropped. [14:34] OOOOO... Launchpad still has my few month old revoked keys, dooh. Thank ScottK / tsimpson === verterok` is now known as verterok [17:50] Not sure if this is a Launchpad issue or Ubuntu issue, but running bzr branch lp:ubuntu/trusty/binutils fails with an error message: bzr: ERROR: Revision {package-import@ubuntu.com-20130727112957-vk7tklaybk3nkxt3} not present in "Graph(StackedParentsProvider(bzrlib.repository._LazyListJoin(([CachingParentsProvider(None)], []))))". === HoloIRCr6483 is now known as Hol6483 [18:02] Ok so I've return [18:06] saiarcot895: package-import.ubuntu.com, but TBH it's relatively unlikely that non-trivial problems there will be fixed - use "pull-lp-source binutils trusty" [18:08] cjwatson: That works. As it was, I only needed a export of the source code. === DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec === mars__ is now known as mars [22:57] cjwatson: fwiw that particular error is easy to work around: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/888615 [22:57] Ubuntu bug 888615 in Bazaar "UDD branch freshness checker breaks on incomplete history" [High,Confirmed] === DaGardner is now known as update === update is now known as DaGardner