
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu ZekirdekZNC wants folks to join his channel for a free ZNC account.07:24
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:24
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (dragos)09:43
grythanks IdleOne12:54
=== h00k_ is now known as h00k
DJonesYep, ah well, thats enough of them anyway15:48
DJones"of a darker skin colour" is offensive to me anyway, cetainly not appropriate for the ubuntu channels15:48
bazhangthe whole thing was bannable15:50
bazhang<notan_> ubuntu runs best with an i716:14
bazhangback for more16:14
ubottunotan_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:38
bazhang<notan_> my children are in this channel16:39
DJonesAs if16:39
bazhanghe just keeps on going16:39
=== Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
DJones17:46 <   notan_> i'm sorry my son just typed that16:47
DJones17:46 <   notan_> he'll get no ice-cream for a week for causing such a disturbance16:47
DJonesVia pm16:47
DJonesI'd say no #ubuntu for a week16:47
bazhangsounds fair16:48
bazhangor make the ice cream durian flavor16:48
chuDon't a lot of people actually like the *taste* of durian, it's just the smell that everyone hates?16:49
chuNever eaten it, definitely smelt it though.16:49
DJonesNot something I've heard of before16:49
bazhangpretty much you hate or love all aspects16:49
chuCouldn't imagine anyone enjoying that smell :p16:50
chuDJones: Serious problem! A lot of public places will ban durian because it's so bad.16:50
bazhangthe taste is gag-reflex16:50
DJoneschu: Yeah was looking at that16:51
DJonesThe edible flesh emits a distinctive odour that is strong and penetrating even when the husk is intact. Some people regard the durian as having a pleasantly sweet fragrance; others find the aroma overpowering and revolting16:52
chubazhang: Apparently: "it is of such an excellent taste that it surpasses in flavour all other fruits of the world, according to those who have tasted it."16:52
DJonesI guess from the reaction, most people find the latter smell16:53
bazhangthere is no aspect that is not revolting16:54
chuOh man, not gonna repeat it in here for the obvious reason, but the second quote in the "Flavour and Odour" section (Richard Sterling).16:54
DJonesSounds pleasant16:58
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec
rwwI have eated durian. It does not taste good.19:29
rwwThat was the last time I let Animal Crossing guide my fruit choices.19:29
ubottuDaekdroom called the ops in #ubuntu ()21:46
ubottubasketballl called the ops in #ubuntu (yizyqgd)21:51
ubottubasketballl called the ops in #ubuntu (xtjoqet)21:52
=== niko is now known as evilNiko
bazhang<Ntemis> Ryan_: google it23:50

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