
=== vying is now known as Guest95110
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== plars_ is now known as plars
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
lotuspsychjewhat happened to the full list of touch apps instead of the categories?07:21
=== Transfusion is now known as Obamango
rpadovanimhall119, yes, I cheated, my record it's ~500, but I want to have a screenshot with a lot of colors :-) I'm happy that you're enjoyng the game, I hope to publish it on store during the week!09:46
lotuspsychjerpadovani: do you know howto see full list of apps instead of categories?09:48
rpadovanilotuspsychje, just a sec, I take a look09:48
lotuspsychjeit used to show all apps togheter, but cant find the old ones, just 'top apps'09:49
rpadovanilotuspsychje, the only thing I'm able to find is: do a search and insert only a space or a *, and you will see the last ~50 apps09:53
lotuspsychjeah didnt try the search function yet09:54
lotuspsychjelemme try09:54
lotuspsychjerpadovani: tnx that trick worked!09:57
lotuspsychjei hope meizu and bq release soon09:58
lotuspsychjeso touch gets final09:58
lotuspsychjehow can i adjust brightness so my screen doesnt dim every time i boot?10:05
lotuspsychjei want it always 100%10:05
lotuspsychjeanything i can edit to keep this setting?10:05
skogshjortOkay, is it anyone around who's into the development of the calculator on touch? I'm curious about whether it's made from scratch or taking advantage of for example the desktop calculator gcalctool and just making an interface?20:20
DanChapmanskogshjort, rpadovani is the one to speak to about the calculator app. I believe it's written from scratch and uses BigNumber.js to help with the calculations. (don't hold me to that though :-D )20:29
skogshjortAha, thank you20:30
skogshjortI just found the design a bit dumb, not at all meant for using as a calculator, so I started tinkering on how to actually design a calculator that can be used as one20:32
skogshjortI read the blog post from canonicals design team about it, and to me it seems like they are trying to do some kind of bill splitter thing, that people can't use when sitting with math problems or programming/design calculations20:34
taiebotHi guys i know its quiet during week ends but can someone confirm this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/134120521:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1341205 in unity8 (Ubuntu) " Top left icon of my apps can be placed in the middle of the apps" [Undecided,New]21:45
dakertaiebot: i have seen that too many times21:47
taiebotdaker: is there a bug reported about this one on unity 8 http://i.imgur.com/JPLTUP1.png21:53
basketballlis ubuntu touch ready for user yet22:00
taiebotbasketball: depends the user. Its getting better day by day but you need to like living on the edge.22:10
popeytaiebot: confirmed also22:20
popeythank you22:20
dakerpopey hi23:23
dakerpopey: PM?23:24

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