
=== christian is now known as Guest81461
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lordievaderGood morning.07:16
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:14
Fuzzywhirlpoolyeah, morning.09:47
FuzzywhirlpoolHas the usb hdd eject problem beeb solved?09:47
Fuzzywhirlpoolusb hdd doesn't spin down when ejected via kde safely remove.09:48
lordievaderDoesn't that depend on the hard drive implementation?09:49
lordievaderI've seen harddrives that do and that don't spin down after an unmount.09:49
FuzzywhirlpoolGnome has the safely remove function properly spins down and turn off hdd.09:57
FuzzywhirlpoolOn KDE, to achieve the same goal, udisks need to be installed and do the safely removal process by issuing `sudo udisks --detach /dev/sdb`09:58
lordievaderFuzzywhirlpool: Have you made a bug report?09:59
FuzzywhirlpoolI've reported to KDE bugs, but it's marked as duplicate of bug 27080810:03
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 270808 could not be found10:03
FuzzywhirlpoolSorry, ubottu. I didn't post the bug on launchpad.10:04
lordievaderFuzzywhirlpool: Have you seen the status? Closed Wontfix. "Closing the thread for lack of activity."10:07
FuzzywhirlpoolYeah, I know it won't be fixed. Not many users have interest to spin down the usb hdd to extend the hdd lifetime.10:22
FuzzywhirlpoolFor now, I just use udisks to achieve the safe removal.10:23
lordievaderFuzzywhirlpool: From what I've read that wasn't the reason for closure. The original reported didn't answer questions or performed tests.10:25
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BenediktXVIIHello everybody. Maybe somebody can help me, I am having serious overheating issues with my laptop. It goes up to 80-90° C even when I just have my browser open and kontact. I updated my graphic cards driver, but though it improved my computer still overheats. I need to bring in a job for tomorrow (I am a translator working with OmegaT) but it is impossible to even launch the app, it is way too slow to even consider doing my translation.12:44
function9BenediktXVII: it sounds like your laptop needs a service12:53
lordievaderBenediktXVII: Have you blown out the fan ports with compressed air?12:55
BenediktXVIInope, I will try that12:55
BenediktXVIIthanks for the tip, now the challenge will be to dismantle it12:55
BenediktXVIII am backing up my files right now12:56
function9+1 on compressed air13:00
BenediktXVIIon sunday I have nowhere to buy that, I was thinking of just dismantling the laptop and brush out the the dust.13:02
BenediktXVIII have an anti-static brush13:02
BenediktXVIIwhich I use to clean camera lenses13:02
function9BenediktXVII: when push comes to shove, try a hair dryer??? Set it for high speed cold air13:15
bwrhi room13:24
BenediktXVIII will try that too13:24
BenediktXVIIIs it normal that copying 200 GB of data to an external USB HDD takes over 3 hours ?13:38
MeerkatBenediktXVII, possibly, probably. Are there many small files?13:39
BenediktXVIIit is my home folder13:40
lordievaderBenediktXVII: If usb2.0, yes.13:40
BenediktXVIIoh, ok13:40
Meerkatthen yes. It will take a long time.13:40
BenediktXVIIAnd I imagine that the overheating problem doesn't help either13:43
BenediktXVIII am just running KFolderSync and Quassel and my cpu is at 78°C despite that I elevated my laptop and put Ice Packs underneath13:44
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
function9Copying files uses a lot more CPU resource than RAM, hence it would overheat a bit more, but mine doesn't run that high temps(laptop). My laptop averages around 50-55C14:01
BenediktXVIImine plays between 75 and 82 C, with two icepacks underneath. Without icepacks he goes up to 95 and shuts down.14:03
BenediktXVIII don't get it, CPU usage 32%14:06
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function9excessive dust build up can do that, I'd pull it apart and give it a good, air compressor15:43
Fuzzywhirlpooluname -a16:16
punkgeeki need encodeing my php file in /var/www/html, what should i do? :-?16:24
lordievaderpunkgeek: I think you can better ask in ##php, this is a desktop channel.16:26
punkgeekno, i using kubuntu. i need set password or encoding with LUCKS, but i dont no, is this hurting my script?16:30
lordievaderpunkgeek: I don't understand anything of what you are saying. You mention three different things that have nothing to do with one another.16:36
23LAA1HV9any idea about compatibility between libvisual-projectm and latest amarok? i have it installed but cant find it in amarok :(16:42
meoblast001i'm using the Disks utility and i'm trying to do the SMART test on an external encrypted hard drive17:04
meoblast001the option in the menu is disabled (grey) and there is nothing in the documentation explaining why this would be disabled17:04
lordievadermeoblast001: What does smartctl say?17:05
meoblast001without a -d option: /dev/sdb: Unknown USB bridge [0x0bc2:0xa003 (0x419)]17:06
lordievaderIs it connected through usb?17:06
lordievaderFor as far as I know smart over usb is not supported.17:07
meoblast001oh. ouch17:07
meoblast001accidentally got some cords tangled and the drive was swinging around while on17:07
lordievadermeoblast001: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/smart-over-usb-t2314626.html17:08
meoblast001oh ouch17:11
meoblast001thanks lordievader17:11
lordievaderNo problem.17:13
emIs there a way to tile windows in Kubuntu?17:38
lordievaderem: I thought kwin had a tiling mode.17:49
lordievaderem: Hmm, perhaps not: http://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/1hir37/anyone_have_a_tiling_window_solution_for_kde/17:50
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wz1000em: there is a tiling script for kwin that works pretty well18:43
wz1000I'm using it right now18:46
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caiIs there something like NoScript for Konqueror?19:15
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emlordievader: Yeah I think a tiling mode would be kind of neat. Although the expose view is pretty cool.20:46
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MonikaI installed Kubuntu in English by accident, I added German through the system settings - but in keyboard layouts only Swiss German is available, not German German ... how do I get it?21:34
bpromptMonika:     how about in the system settings > locale > hardware > keyboard model?21:48
Monika104 keys21:54
Monika@ bprompt21:56
bpromptMonika:     can't add a new one from the Layout tab there?      did you check the "configure layouts"  chekmark?   it should give an option to [+Add]22:04
Monikaunder add there are only two choices22:05
Monikanone of them is Java22:05
Monikaone is CVS22:05
Monikaone is Resource22:06
Monikaah sorry22:06
MonikaI'm on the wrong chan22:06
Monikaokay, I checked the configure layouts22:06
Monikabefore that there was only US English22:07
Monikanow I can add some other22:07
Monikabut only German, Swiss is in the list22:07
Monikanot German22:07
Monikado I need to install more packages?22:12
bpromptsounds like... just wondering which ones22:12
MonikaI have installed language-pack-kde-de language-pack-de22:13
Monikakde-l10n-de was already there22:13
bpromptMonika:    this is for 14.04 right?22:14
MonikaI had the same problem with a 14.04 install22:14
bpromptI'm on 12.0422:14
Monikabut there after doing all the updates the other Layouts were added22:14
Monikaand I installed 14.10 on another system, there German-German layout is available22:14
Monikabut I never installed that one in English22:15
bprompthmm btw I was watching a few mins ago that germany won the 2014 cup =)22:18
Monikahehe :-)22:18
MonikaI didn't, but I can hear from the noise on the streets that the German team won ^^22:18
Monikahonk honk honk honk honk22:18
bpromptI don't see anything in the repositories... indicating  any installable packages for that22:22
barbarahi everyone, I have some problem to upgrade a kubuntu 12.04 to 14.04, it seems like there aren't new LTS available , any suggestion ?22:51
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valorieAlexZion_: it will be available automatically soon23:24
valoriehowever, you can get it now via the commandline if you want23:24
AlexZion_hi valorie I tried but without result ?23:26
AlexZion_do you mean using sudo do-release-upgrade -d , right ?23:26

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