
=== JanC is now known as Guest24309
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
_jphey all. I'm dealing with the notorious stale NFS file handle problem. I can't unmount or remount. Is there any way to solve this without rebooting?04:43
_jpI've tried lazy unmount, and forcing04:44
_jpThe NFS server had to be rebooted, but the share is available again.04:45
_jpAny way out of this?04:46
cfhowlett_jp ##linux might know04:47
racecongetting started on virtualization for a couple of headless servers running 14.04, would kvm or xen be the way to go?05:12
andolracecon: I'd go with KVM, both because of it having more momentum in general as well as it being better integrated in Ubuntu.05:31
raceconthanks for the input.  it seemed like kvm was somewhat preferred in some forum posts I read.05:35
=== Julian is now known as Guest92124
Guest92124Hello.  I am looking for help in getting DNS working.  Everything is loading, loags are being written, no firewall to port 53.  When I tyr dig, it returns status: SERVFAIL06:47
Guest92124Oh and I am running LinuxMint06:47
lordievaderGood morning.07:17
ashdmorning world.  i have a system hang at this point - http://screencast.com/t/1PV6XFQFav - file system is clean - all packages are good but it will not complete the boot process 14.04 LTS08:06
lordievaderashd: Did you create a custom initrd?08:11
ashdlordievader: no, was completly out of the box with updates09:06
ashdlordievader: and thinking that soemthing was wrong i “apt-get install --reinstall initramfs-tools” - but is still broken09:08
SierraARI'm looking for a web based file manager I can setup on ubuntu server 12.04, that should only have access to a specific folder and access files/folders as a specific user (The folders are in a users /home directory, not in /var/www/09:09
lordievaderashd: You could try recreating your initramfs, "sudo update-initramfs -u"09:09
SierraARAlso, if any ops are around, someone in this channel sent me a random PM with a link I'm not clicking when I joined09:09
SierraAR[02:08] <kikinii> show gratis (solo hooy) --> (Link removed so nobody clicks it)09:09
ashdSierraAR: I had that as well.. blocked and deleted09:10
ashdlordievader: i’ll give that a go - 48 hours and i am still no closer to getting a clean boot.09:11
lordievaderashd: Oh, do you have some kind of a special setup?09:11
ashdlordievader: well, is dedicated to virutalmin - it is in an ESXi container but apart from that a fresh install of 14.04 LTS09:12
ashdlordievader: well, fresh, two weeks old09:12
lordievaderNo raid or something? Uefi? That sort of thing?09:12
ashdlordievader: No raid, ESXi disks only, one disk LVM set up for /root and swap09:13
ashdlordievader: sda1 = boot….09:13
ashdlordievader: all pretty out of the box really09:13
ashdlordievader: it is in the init phase that it breaks.. but i am stuck getting some logging out of that.09:13
lordievaderashd: lvm2 is installed I take?09:14
ashdlordievader: well it was.. - and as i can work with the disks in rescue mode it is working i suppose.. i can boot in with break=init and housekeep etc, all the disks are clean and the packages up to date.09:14
ashdlordievader: i have not specifically looked at LVM yet, was looking at systemd - upstart - random09:15
lordievaderWell lvm support needs to be in the initrd/initramfs.09:16
ashdlordievader: the system was booting fine untill the host had a crash on friday AM, lvm is in the initramfs as i can boot=init and work with the file systems etc09:18
ashdlordievader: or perhaps i should look into this.09:18
lordievaderashd: Have you checked the filesystems for errors?09:18
ashdlordievader: all clean - and all packages are good - i have re-installed upstart - systemd - and a few others all without issue09:19
SierraAROk, new problem.. I was having an odd error with webmin on my 12.04 server, so I went to uninstall and reinstall it... Suddenly, when I run 'sudo apt-get install webmin', it's telling me it's unable to locate package webmin. I'm tried running a sudo apt-get update, but no luck09:19
ashdSierraAR: grab the package from the webmin site and dpkg -i webmin.xxx09:20
ashdSierraAR http://sourceforge.net/projects/webadmin/files/webmin/1.690/webmin_1.690_all.deb/download?use_mirror=softlayer-ams09:21
SierraARRight.. completely forgot it's not in the repositories. That through me off because apt-get remove worked xD09:21
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:22
lordievaderSierraAR: ^09:22
SierraARWonder if that's related to why webmin was giving me invalid request errors09:22
ashdubottu: when was this decision taken?09:23
ubottuashd: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:23
ashdubottu: i was only asking...09:24
ubottuashd: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:24
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-server's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone09:25
SierraARHm.. Out of curiousity.. If I wanted to setup an interface on an ubuntu server I want to access through VNC, is that possible?09:26
SierraARI.e. setting up a simple desktop environment with a vnc server, that starts on boot09:26
lordievaderSierraAR: Yes it is possible, however it ain't recommended. VNC isn't very secure.09:26
SierraARlordievader: If I'm using a realvnc license with encryption, and it only accepts tunnelled SSH connections (AKA localhost only)? I'm not actually sure if doing that makes anything more secure09:27
ashdSierraAR: put up a VPN and keep it inside that09:27
SierraARPretty much everything on my server only responds to localhost, and my SSH user only accepts a private key09:28
lordievaderashd: By the by, from the break=init busybox are you then able to continue the boot process?09:30
ashdlordievader: no, i can work with the system but when i exit out of it - it hangs09:34
lordievaderHmm, you where able to mount your disks right?09:35
ashdlordievader: yes, and check them, and after mounting proc and dev i can install uninstall using apt-get / aptitude etc.09:35
lordievaderPff, that is really strange...09:36
ashdlordievader: yes, and i would really like it not to be strange - i am about to ditch ubuntu for centos 7 for this application - if i cannot work out WTF is going on - how can i be sure it will not happen again.09:37
ashdlordievader: i actually suspect it is something simple, just need to get a handle on it.09:40
lordievaderHeh, CentOS is even wierder :P09:41
ashdlordievader: eveyrhing is weird untill you understand it -09:44
=== khaitanya is now known as Guest4193
lordievader!info initscripts09:45
ubottuinitscripts (source: sysvinit): scripts for initializing and shutting down the system. In component main, is required. Version 2.88dsf-41ubuntu6 (trusty), package size 27 kB, installed size 219 kB09:45
lordievaderashd: Is ^ installed correctly? (Reading an old bug report, they mention that package)09:46
ashdlordievader: i everything checks out ok - BUT i will reinstall it now (i think that is one of the re-installs i ahve already done)09:51
ashdlordievader: apt-get update ran clean09:54
ashdlordievader: sudo dpkg --configure -a = clean09:55
lordievaderashd: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?09:56
ashdlordievader: no dist-upgrade availabe for 14.04 LTS09:57
ashdlordievader: but i did run it anyway09:57
ashdlordievader: so initscripts is now —reinstalled09:57
ashdlordievader: exit from busybox gives me http://screencast.com/t/24rw4aIs09:59
ashdlordievader: will re-boot and see09:59
ashdlordievader: does not look any better.10:00
ashdwill leave it for a while and see if there are any developments while i look up that last screencast10:01
lordievaderashd: Well it's different, different is sometimes better ;)10:03
ashdlordievader: yes, was different when exiting busybox.. but not in the normal boot.. BUT i thought selinux is replaced by apparmour in 14.04LTS10:04
ashdlordievader: i am looking into that now10:04
ashdlordievader: well re-installing apparmor did not do anything useful10:14
lordievaderashd: You don't run a custom kernel, right? Just the generic one?10:15
ashdlordievader: generic - and i have re-installed it too10:16
lordievaderHmm interesting on my machine the /sys/fs/selinux does not exist either.10:18
ashdlordievader: is 10.04?10:18
ashdlordievader: basically - i have been looking at this since friday AM - and i am nowhere nearer sorting it out.10:19
lordievaderAh, are you running 10.04?10:19
ashdlordievader: no 14.04 LTS10:25
lordievaderashd: Ah ok, running Trusty here too.10:32
ashdlordievader: have started installing centos in another container - if i cannot understand this - then i cannot trust it to be in production10:33
lordievaderWell this shouldn't happen. I have never seen it to be honest.10:34
ashdlordievader: yep, i have never seen the, nor has anyone else i have spoken too.. there are some threads on the net about similar boot problems, but nothing seems to help or actually be relevenat to the problem.10:35
lordievaderReinstall of Trusty ain't an option?10:35
ashdlordievader: so it can happen again? there should not be an issue that cannot be fixed by the sysadmin for the machine - re-installing because i don’t understand is the microsoft way10:36
=== jml_ is now known as jml
ashdlordievader: it will be on the same hardware - same software - basically virtualmin pro - so once i get sites going live i really don’t want this to happen again.  and given what the bot just said about webmin, which is what virtualmin is built on10:37
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:27
linuxthefishhi, does ubuntu server have wifi utility in by default?11:48
linuxthefishlike to configure wifi networks11:48
lordievaderlinuxthefish: On a Trusty vm of mine they seem to be available.11:57
linuxthefish<kikinii> show gratis (solo hooy) --> http://s422803032.mialojamiento.es/12:39
linuxthefishwhat is this?12:39
lordievaderlinuxthefish: A spam bot. Just ignore the bot.12:40
linuxthefishthanks though, ubuntu server time!12:41
=== baffle_ is now known as baffle
MaddethHi guys been having a kernel panic: "kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)" it's on a VM, I have tried numerous backups, and different kernels, re-installing grub, /boot is not full, I have performed and apt-get autoremove but nothing appears to be working13:25
MaddethI have also tried installing new over the top without formatting the original disk, it runs fine, but reboots with the same error13:26
MaddethIf it wasn't for the fact I have tried backups from 30 days ago, I would have pointed at the vmdk13:27
Maddethbut, I am at a loss13:27
Maddethanyone have any experience, or idea as to what I can try next?13:27
MaddethI have already replaced the server that died, but I really want to get to the bottom of this13:28
lordievaderMaddeth: What kind of vm is it?13:29
Maddethlordievader: v713:30
lordievaderDoes it use LVM?13:31
Maddethlordievader: not through my choice ;)13:31
ashdMaddeth: create a new VM and use your existing disks13:32
lordievaderThe VM uses a standard Ubuntu kernel I take?13:32
Maddethlordievader: yes13:32
Maddethashd: hmm, good shout, I will take a look13:32
ashdMaddeth: actually, install a minimal fresh and then you know it works13:33
ashdMaddeth: then swap out the vdisks13:33
Maddethashd: same issue (without doing a minimal fresh first)13:37
Maddethtaking a break, off on lunch for a sec :)13:42
neriumHave anyone here heard about a software called Linux_time_y_2?13:43
neriumMy server has been "infected" with this file and is doing a ton of DNS requests against a server13:43
neriumIts being ran as the elasticsearch user and I'm not sure how it go into the system13:44
dasjoenerium: this gives a good summary about what happened to your box and what to do now: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/wiki/wikitech/48214913:56
neriumdasjoe: Awesome, thansk!13:57
Maddethashd: lordievader: Trying it on a different host now, see if that makes a difference14:27
=== esde is now known as Guest60871
=== Guest60871 is now known as esde
punkgeeki need encodeing my php file in /var/www/html, what should i do? :-?16:25
Patrickdkwhat do you mean16:26
=== Malinux_ is now known as Malinux
psih0manhello! I'm trying to start a LXC on an Ubuntu 14.04 host but it is giving me an error about the mounts and it won't start; the container was created with lxc-create -n container -f container.conf -B loop. here are the config, fstab and log files: http://dpaste.com/0V445J016:54
psih0manwhat whould fstab contain in this case?16:54
alison412hi all. i am trying to upgrade using do-release-upgrade. i am over ssh and lost my connection. no worrries, it starts screen when it starts. except now it wont accept my user password. i am logged in as root right now but im not sure what to do without breaking it. help.19:34
=== CripperZ- is now known as cripperz
=== cripperz is now known as CripperZ-
marshallhey ubuntu23:00
marshallwhat's the easiest way to setup single-sign-on? I don't want to have to setup all my users, groups and home directories on every machine23:01
jrwrencopy your passwd adn show files around?  :)23:03
jrwrenits not a good solutino, but its the easiest.23:03
marshalli've used LDAP and, it's anything but it's pretty precarious23:03
marshallevery apt-get upgrade on the client breaks ldap auth23:04
Patrickdkit depends what you want sign-on for23:07
Patrickdkand what you need to support23:07
Patrickdkpersonally, I'm using just about everything :)23:07
Patrickdkldap, radius, pam23:07
Patrickdkbetween those, pretty much have everything covered23:07
Patrickdkyou could go more modern, and to saml23:08
tjbenator0So when I set "mailbox_command = /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver" in postfix I get an error23:23
tjbenator0which says there is a configuration error with dovecot. When I use "dovecot -n" it returns no errors23:23
Patrickdkthat is to be expected23:25
Patrickdkif you switch to lmtp instead, you won't have issues23:26
marshallPatrickdk: i think i want to give saml a try23:44
tjbenator0I found some instructions here: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/HowTo/PostfixDovecotLMTP... Tried it and now I'm getting Undeliverable email stating the user doesn't exist23:50
tjbenator0Oh wait, I think i fixed it ;D23:54

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