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pitti | Good morning | 07:05 |
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knome | balloons, ping | 11:39 |
elfy | really should be balloons, pop ... | 11:55 |
knome | hehe | 12:11 |
knome | and hey elfy! | 12:11 |
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balloons | you about elfy ? | 14:10 |
elopio | good morning. | 14:16 |
elopio | om26er: let me know if you want to work on your click element problem this week. | 14:16 |
om26er | elopio, yes, we can work on it today or tomorrow which ever suits you | 14:17 |
om26er | tomorrow might be better as I have less meetings tomorrow | 14:17 |
elopio | om26er: ok, please arrange a meeting on the calendar. | 14:18 |
om26er | elopio, does 40 minutes + 1 day sound good to you ? | 14:19 |
elopio | om26er: yes. that would give us 30 minutes. And if we need to continue, we can do it on the UX stand up. | 14:20 |
om26er | elopio, ok. | 14:20 |
om26er | elopio, also do you have a suggestion on a new UX test ? I am trying to pick a new test to work on but would prefer some suggestion on which to pick | 14:21 |
elopio | om26er: I'm not intersted in anyone in particular. You can pick from the list. | 14:22 |
brendand | elopio, hey - i want to get the FakeUrlDispatcher helper landed in ubuntu-ui-toolkit, but in terms of testing it, it doesn't make much sense to have any tests for that in ubuntu-ui-toolkit | 14:29 |
brendand | elopio, any thoughts? | 14:29 |
elopio | brendand: any single line of code that goes into the toolkit must come with a test. | 14:30 |
elopio | otherwise you are making the release process even harder. | 14:30 |
elopio | brendand: thoughts, first try to get it merged on the url dispatcher project. | 14:31 |
elopio | if that's not possible for a good reason, then copy one of the tests we have in unity. | 14:31 |
brendand | elopio, but no change to the ui toolkit can break the url dispatcher. so yes it is best to put it in url-dispatcher, but after that, what? | 14:32 |
brendand | elopio, and url-dispatcher doesn't have any autopilot tests does it? | 14:32 |
elopio | if you put it in url-dispatcher, I would imagine that becomes a new url-dispatcher-testability package, like ken is doing for the content-hub. | 14:33 |
elopio | and then your tests can depend on that package. | 14:33 |
elopio | url-dispatcher doesn't have any autopilot tests. And it has a similar helper in c++. | 14:34 |
elopio | so I have the feeling that if you propose this helper to the devs, they will tell you to use the c++ helper. Which could be good, I haven't tried that way. | 14:34 |
brendand | elopio, but we need to be able to use it in python | 14:35 |
elopio | brendand: we can call the c++ fake from python, if it's a library. | 14:38 |
brendand | elopio, well we can - but it's a total pita | 14:39 |
elopio | brendand: then try to convince the url dispatcher devs to add a python library on their testability package. I would love that. | 14:40 |
elopio | and if they refuse, put it on the toolkit. | 14:40 |
elopio | rhuddie: brendand is also working on the fake url dispatcher. | 16:15 |
brendand | rhuddie, i am | 16:15 |
elopio | maybe you two can pair to eithter put it on the url-dispatcher, to use the cpp one, or to put it on the toolkit. | 16:15 |
brendand | rhuddie, there's a fake url dispatcher in reminders-app, which i want to move to url-dispatcher | 16:16 |
rhuddie | brendand, sounds great | 16:16 |
rhuddie | brendand, I copied that one which I was using for an address-book-app test | 16:16 |
rhuddie | brendand, elopio, agreed much better if we can get it moved to url-dispatcher to save duplication | 16:17 |
brendand | elopio, right now they don't have a 'testability' package. should i create one? | 16:17 |
elopio | brendand: you should talk to tedg and try to convince him about that first. | 16:18 |
elopio | if you start the code without talking to him, later you might find he doesn't like it. | 16:18 |
elopio | but with kenvandine it was smooth, he did it himself so we didn't have to write anything at all. | 16:19 |
elopio | I hope tedg would be similar. | 16:19 |
elopio | rhuddie, brendand: can you take care of talking to him, or would like me to help? | 16:20 |
brendand | elopio, i'll talk to him | 16:20 |
elopio | brendand: awesome. | 16:20 |
elopio | let me know what's the result and I'll update reminders to use your solution. | 16:20 |
rhuddie | brendand, elopio, this is the branch I have for the address-book-app: https://code.launchpad.net/~rhuddie/address-book-app/ux-calling-helpers/+merge/226473 | 16:21 |
rhuddie | which is using the copied fake url-dispatcher | 16:21 |
elopio | rhuddie: I'm looking at it. Would you like to get it merged with the duplicated fake, or wait until it's in a shared project? | 16:22 |
rhuddie | elopio, the only issue is how long it takes | 16:22 |
elfy | balloons: hey - what's up? | 16:23 |
rhuddie | elopio, this ux test is also dependant on getting dialler app to python3, so currently there are other things to hold it up too | 16:23 |
elopio | rhuddie: I'm happy with either solution, as long as you are working to move it as soon as possible, so whatever works best for you. | 16:23 |
elopio | oh, I hate dialer's weird failure :@ | 16:23 |
balloons | elopio, Liz took care of me, ty | 16:24 |
elfy | balloons: ignore me less it's to do with membership | 16:24 |
rhuddie | elopio, brendand, let's first see how we get on with adding it to url-dispatcher. that would be the ultimate goal. | 16:24 |
brendand | elopio, heh - if you're happy to merge it before then you can merge my branch instead :) | 16:24 |
brendand | elopio, i was thinking you'd block me until it was in the 'right' place :) | 16:25 |
balloons | elfy, it is to do with membership.. I let mine expire | 16:25 |
elfy | just read -comm-team | 16:25 |
elopio | brendand: I'm not open to discussion only on ubuntu-experience-tests :D | 16:26 |
brendand | elopio, oh i see | 16:27 |
brendand | :P | 16:27 |
brendand | elopio, so do you want me to make my merge request then? it's the one you reviewed already that you said about not adding the address-book-app dependency. i just need to push to fake dispatcher | 16:28 |
elopio | brendand: as you wish. As I said to rhuddie, if you want to get it merged with the duplicated fake, and then updated it to use the shared one, it's ok for me. | 16:29 |
elopio | I'm happy that you are working on putting it in a better place. | 16:29 |
brendand | elopio, maybe as you said, best to see how things go with ted first | 16:30 |
brendand | elopio, i also have a branch for ubuntu-ui-toolkit all ready, but it needs tests. and i'm not sure what business url dispatcher tests have being in ubuntu-ui-toolkit | 16:31 |
elopio | that's what rhuddie said, but I agree. | 16:31 |
elopio | brendand: I didn't get the other thing. | 16:31 |
elopio | brendand: it would be clearer if you push your branch so I can peek. | 16:32 |
elopio | brendand: I saw your branch removing the mediaplayer tests. Thanks. | 16:33 |
elopio | there's one failing test, so I'm not sure jenkins will let you land it. | 16:33 |
elopio | I'm trying to fix it. | 16:33 |
brendand | elopio, here ya go: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fake_url_dispatcher | 16:35 |
brendand | elopio, like i said, no tests. would be very grateful to hear any thoughts on what kind of tests would be appropriate | 16:36 |
elopio | brendand: wait, but this branch will only be useful if you can't make a testability package on url dispatcher, right? | 16:36 |
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brendand | elopio, but that's probably a moot point since ted agreed to create url-dispatcher-testability | 16:36 |
brendand | elopio, but thoughts on tests still welcome. i need to put some in url-dispatcher | 16:37 |
elopio | brendand: ok, so for testing this I would call url-dispatcher with subprocess and a test parameter. | 16:37 |
elopio | then check that the fake urldispatcher got the same test parameter | 16:37 |
brendand | elopio, ah is that how it works. cool | 16:38 |
brendand | elopio, thanks for the tips. i need to go now and make some dinner | 16:38 |
elopio | brendand: have a good night. | 16:39 |
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr |
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