rww | meeting in about an hour | 00:58 |
rww | meeting in 15 minutes | 01:46 |
* ianorlin knows | 01:48 | |
rww | just reminding everyone with a memory as good as mine :) | 01:48 |
grantbow | and mine | 01:52 |
rww | speaking of which, time to look up my meetingology quick reference | 01:53 |
* rww pokes nhaines with a stick | 01:57 | |
rww | alrighty. who's here? | 02:00 |
rww | o/ | 02:00 |
grantbow | o/ | 02:00 |
rww | well that's not a lot of people :( | 02:01 |
* eps ponders | 02:01 | |
rww | will give it a few more minutes i guess | 02:01 |
rww | i assume pleia2 is out. she probably even told me this last meeting. i don't remember :s | 02:02 |
jose | yeah, she's not right here :) | 02:02 |
jose | but I am! | 02:02 |
jose | (though I don't live in CA) | 02:02 |
rww | that's okay, we like you anyway | 02:02 |
rww | elky is busy watching some video that sounds suspiciously like teletubbies | 02:02 |
elky | it's a pet penguin with a penguin backpack that walks to a fish market in japan | 02:03 |
rww | pingu? | 02:03 |
elky | and the market just gives him fish by the looks | 02:03 |
elky | no, a real penguin | 02:03 |
ianorlin | o\\/ | 02:03 |
rww | it would be better if it were pingu | 02:03 |
rww | anyways | 02:03 |
elky | | 02:03 |
darthrobot` | Title: [Pet Penguin In Japan] | 02:03 |
rww | #startmeeting Ubuntu California meeting 2014-07-13 | 02:03 |
darthrobot` | Meeting started Mon Jul 14 02:03:40 2014 UTC. The chair is rww. Information about MeetBot at | 02:03 |
darthrobot` | Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired | 02:03 |
rww | #chair rww | 02:03 |
darthrobot` | Current chairs: rww | 02:03 |
rww | Today's exciting meeting agenda: | 02:04 |
darthrobot` | Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14July13 - Ubuntu Wiki] | 02:04 |
rww | spoilers: it's empty | 02:04 |
rww | Anyone have anything to talk about? | 02:05 |
elky | "lyz is awesome for doing the after meeting stuff from last time" | 02:05 |
rww | yep | 02:05 |
Corey | +1 ^ | 02:05 |
grantbow | +1 | 02:06 |
elky | +1 | 02:06 |
ianorlin | +1 | 02:06 |
nhaines | +1 | 02:06 |
rww | rww is silly for not remembering that it was his job to do the meeting reminder this week | 02:06 |
rww | now everyone is missing out on this enthralling meeting | 02:06 |
rww | any other business? if not, I'm ending this meeting at 19:10 | 02:07 |
rww | and then we can talk about my cat or something | 02:07 |
ianorlin | nhaines any news on planned installfest in October? | 02:07 |
ianorlin | not sure of anything in southern California else planned | 02:08 |
rww | nothing in North California, as far as I know. The response to us asking for some ideas has been... minimal | 02:09 |
grantbow | summer time | 02:10 |
rww | indeed | 02:10 |
rww | alrighty, endmeeting time, if nobody objects | 02:11 |
* eps misses Linux picnics | 02:11 | |
* ianorlin wants eps to explain what those are | 02:11 | |
eps | ianorlin: see | 02:12 |
darthrobot` | [R:] Title: [WebHome < Picnix21 < TWiki] | 02:12 |
rww | #endmeeting | 02:13 |
darthrobot` | Meeting ended Mon Jul 14 02:13:22 2014 UTC. | 02:13 |
darthrobot` | Minutes: | 02:13 |
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: July 27th | This channel is publicly logged at | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic | ||
DonkeyHotei | eps: those stopped? i hadn't noticed | 02:15 |
rww | oh. is anyone around with root on it is b0rked | 02:16 |
rww | ping jyo, this seems like the sort of thing he would have | 02:16 |
DonkeyHotei | rww: might be a linode issue | 02:16 |
rww | DonkeyHotei: Newark had trouble earlier today, but they claim it's resolved. could be, though. | 02:17 |
rww | grantbow: can you grab the forums bullet on the meeting checklist? | 02:24 |
rww | one of these years i should probably fix my forums account | 02:24 |
grantbow | rww: ok | 02:25 |
grantbow | I still haven't merged my two forum accounts yet | 02:27 |
nhaines | ianorlin: sorry, I'm in a park with terminal problems. but no info yet about the next OCLUG installfest. | 02:32 |
rww | grantbow: I have one, but I don't know how to log into it, and I think it might still list me as an ubuntu member | 02:33 |
jose | rww: want me to post a link or something? | 02:34 |
jose | I can help you with that | 02:34 |
rww | with what | 02:35 |
rww | logging in? | 02:35 |
jose | posting the minutes to the forum? | 02:35 |
rww | oh. I think grantbow's doing it | 02:35 |
grantbow | just did it | 02:35 |
jose | oh ok :) | 02:35 |
grantbow | thanks for volunteering, it's greatly appreciated | 02:35 |
jose | cool :) | 02:35 |
grantbow | I think I read about a window of time where merging the forum accounts was simple and now it's more difficult to do. | 02:36 |
rww | oh, I see. so if my forums login is under my old email, I have stuff to do, and if it's not, I can just SSO login | 02:39 |
rww | except I have no idea if it is or not | 02:39 |
rww | glorious | 02:39 |
rww | and i need to be logged in to see my profile page | 02:40 |
rww | i am remembering why i didn't bother fixing this last time i looked | 02:40 |
* grantbow too | 02:50 | |
jose | I asked someone to merge my accounts *before* the second one was created :P | 02:51 |
pleia2 | rww: yeah, I'm in Germany this week | 08:19 |
nhaines | pleia2: oh! bongiorno! | 08:20 |
pleia2 | world cup last night was \o/ | 08:20 |
nhaines | Must've been exciting! | 08:20 |
pleia2 | yeah :) | 08:20 |
nhaines | By extra time I was on the edge of my seat. :) | 08:21 |
pleia2 | hehe | 08:21 |
nhaines | pleia2: what city? | 08:22 |
pleia2 | darmstadt | 08:23 |
pleia2 | just outside of frankfurt | 08:23 |
pleia2 | deutsche telekom is hosting our OpenStack QA/Infra sprint :) | 08:23 |
nhaines | Ah, no Sauerbraten there, but still good Döner Kebab and also the Eiscafes serve gelatro. | 08:23 |
pleia2 | shame I don't eat pork | 08:24 |
pleia2 | and I grew up on sauerbraten, so I'm ok :) | 08:24 |
nhaines | Also I don't know where the 'r' came from but I blame my wireless keyboard. | 08:24 |
nhaines | Also Döner Kebab is lamb. | 08:24 |
pleia2 | ah, neat | 08:24 |
nhaines | Donno what's in Currywurst but I also recommend it. :) | 08:24 |
pleia2 | hehe | 08:24 |
nhaines | And if you like mushrooms then Jägerschnitzel is good. In the US it's usually pork but I think it's veal in Germany. Double check. :) | 08:25 |
pleia2 | is it fried? | 08:25 |
* pleia2 off fried food to until the gallbladder comes out next week | 08:25 | |
nhaines | Only technically! | 08:25 |
pleia2 | I'm not supposed to drink either, but I made an exception last night ;) | 08:25 |
nhaines | I was going to say, you should give your gallbladder a good send off. ;) | 08:26 |
pleia2 | haha | 08:26 |
pleia2 | alas, it hurts, so it's not will power keeping me away from fried stuff | 08:26 |
nhaines | If you ever change your mind about pork, Kassler Rippchen is pork loin with Sauerkraut. | 08:27 |
nhaines | Hope the gallbladder procedure goes well. :) | 08:27 |
pleia2 | good to know | 08:27 |
pleia2 | thanks :) | 08:27 |
nhaines | Hope mine never goes. I know I definitely like to keep my liver on its toes. | 08:27 |
pleia2 | folks in my family haven't really had problems post removal (and we all drink a lot!) | 08:28 |
pleia2 | so I'm hoping I got those genes | 08:28 |
nhaines | It's worth a try. :) | 08:28 |
nhaines | I picked up an Aventinus doppelbock to celebrate the victory. It was glorious. (and so was the World Cup victory.) | 08:28 |
pleia2 | I got random-beers-from-bar | 08:29 |
pleia2 | they were fine, nothing worth writing home about though | 08:29 |
nhaines | Germans take their beers seriously, so I'm sure they were all pretty decent. | 08:29 |
pleia2 | yeah | 08:29 |
nhaines | Alas, I didn't drink when I was visiting last. | 08:29 |
nhaines | I presume I'll make up for lost time on the next visit! | 08:30 |
pleia2 | I shouldn't anymore, last night my gallbladder was muy angry at me and had trouble sleeping | 08:30 |
nhaines | On the bright side, now you know for sure! | 08:30 |
pleia2 | yes, I'm very happy about that | 08:30 |
pleia2 | constant pain is no fun (nor is avoiding fried foods + alcohol) | 08:31 |
nhaines | What will you eat to celebrate once you're recovered? :) | 08:31 |
pleia2 | well, I'm going to philly 2 weeks after the surgery, so I'm thinking I'll celebrate in my favorite city of carbs and microbrews | 08:32 |
nhaines | This immediately reminds me that I should go to Philly's Best up the road, eat a cheesesteak, and then have a Tastykake. | 08:32 |
pleia2 | :D | 08:32 |
nhaines | pleia2: how's your German? | 08:34 |
pleia2 | non-existant | 08:35 |
nhaines | It's easy. For example, "Mein Hund trägt eine Krawatte." means "My dog wears a tie." | 08:35 |
nhaines | [TheMoreYouKnow.gif] | 08:35 |
pleia2 | for instance: | 08:36 |
darthrobot` | Title: [Twitter / pleia2: On a bus, need to get off at ...] | 08:36 |
nhaines | Hehe :) | 08:36 |
nhaines | Once you know "haupt" means 'chief' or 'main', things start making more sense. :) | 08:36 |
pleia2 | yeah, they smoosh words together a lot :) | 08:36 |
nhaines | English lost its nerve with kennings once the Normans invaded, but the Franks doubled down and now German has tons. :) | 08:37 |
pleia2 | hehe | 08:37 |
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