
hatchhuwshimi hey, everything working out ok?03:08
hatchhuwshimi I have a question about pr #433 when you get back03:09
huwshimihatch: Yep, all good03:11
huwshimihatch: What's the question?03:12
hatchhuwshimi so is there a reason why https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/433/files#diff-e6baa739d19ae967f00d894884a065acR602 can't go in the addMachines loop? 03:12
hatchhuwshimi sorry server went down :)03:28
hatchso did that last message make it to you about putting that stuff in the addMachines loop?03:29
hatchhuwshimi so is there a reason why https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/433/files#diff-e6baa739d19ae967f00d894884a065acR602 can't go in the addMachines loop?03:30
huwshimihatch: oh, up in the case?03:32
hatchlooks like it can be done in the same loop so you don't have to loop twice03:32
huwshimiI don't see why not03:32
hatchhuwshimi and as for the line wrapping, it's fine for now but we should fire an email off to design because I bet _every_ time you change the constraints they will wrap03:34
huwshimihatch: Yeah, I'm just not sure what the problem with the line wrapping is?03:35
hatchoh it just doesn't look very good heh03:35
hatchnothing else wraps03:35
huwshimihatch: OK, just pushed that change03:40
hatchhuwshimi thanks! +1'd but I can't QA it atm so...I'll have to take your word on it ;)03:42
=== uru-afk is now known as urulama
rogpeppe1mornin' all07:07
rogpeppe1urulama: how're you doing today?07:07
urulamarogpeppe1: morning07:07
urulamarogpeppe1: better07:07
rogpeppe1urulama: good to hear!07:07
rogpeppe1urulama: is that "totally better" or "only just made it to work" better?07:08
urulamarogpeppe1: more of the second, but at least i am awake and am able to think :D07:09
rogpeppe1urulama: well that's something...07:09
urulamarogpeppe1: how was your diving?07:17
rogpeppe1urulama: not much diving, but some good plunges...07:17
rogpeppe1urulama: a great trip down Hell Gill07:18
rogpeppe1urulama: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=hellgill&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=mtXEU_nHL4ua1AWsKA&ved=0CC0Q7Ak&biw=1237&bih=600#imgdii=_07:19
urulamarogpeppe1: niiiiice! 07:20
rick_h__bac: comingsoon seems to be pointing at a real env? 13:52
rick_h__bac: it's asking for a user login, maybe it's just missing the sandbox config?13:52
* bac looks13:53
rick_h__bac: oh hmm, getting a diff ip 13:53
bac138 something?13:54
rick_h__bac: right13:54
baci get
rick_h__138.91.155.196 for comingsoon13:54
rick_h__138.91.154.88 for ci.jujugui.org13:54
rick_h__it's on that ci machine right? 13:55
baccomingsoon should be
rick_h__luca: so working on comingsoon, looks like a dns issue ^ sorry for the trouble13:56
lucarick_h__: ah, it’s ok. Was just wondering if you has passworded it :)13:56
rick_h__luca: no more changing for you, locked out! :P13:57
lucarick_h__: haha13:57
lucarick_h__: if you want me to stop submitting bugs you have to only ask :P13:57
rick_h__luca: no, appreciate the eyeballs13:57
rick_h__bac: looking at the rt it's set to per the request13:58
rick_h__bac: can you reopen or file a new rt please?13:58
bacrick_h__: i see that.  yes, i incorrectly pointed it at the GUI managing the cluster14:00
bacrick_h__: comingsoon dns is corrected14:12
rick_h__bac: ty much14:14
rick_h__luca: ^ you should be able to access it again14:14
lucarick_h__: cheers14:14
jcastrohey rick_h__14:18
jcastroI just realized something that I used to consider an annoyance14:18
jcastrobut like, IMO should now be considered a workflow/usability buzzkill14:19
jcastrowaiting 15 minutes for my shiny new bundle to be indexed before I can share it with the world totally saps the enthusiasm14:19
jcsackettjujugui: can someone look at https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/435 for me?14:29
hatchon it14:29
jcastrohey bundle people: https://jujucharms.com/bundle/~jorge/hadoop-es/8/constraints/?text=hadoop-es#deploy14:30
jcastroif I drop the 8 from the quickstart command, will that just deploy the latest version of the bundle?14:30
rick_h__jcastro: yes, it should14:31
jcsackettMakyo: your current work addresses bug 1340666, doens't it?14:32
_mup_Bug #1340666: Clicking the destroy icon does not destroy the machine or container <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1340666>14:32
rick_h__luca: carla around? 14:35
lucarick_h__: on holiday today14:35
rick_h__luca: ok thanks14:35
lucarick_h__: do you need anything in particular?14:35
rick_h__luca: yes, we agreed to add some description field to bundles14:36
rick_h__luca: and I can't find anything that notes if we kept the summary (one line) or description (couple of sentences) for it14:36
hatchluca thanks for the email, I forgot about THAT mockup.....(we have too many lol)14:36
rick_h__luca: and wanted to see if she knew and which sized content she was designing for14:36
lucahatch: no worries :)14:36
lucarick_h__: I’ll pass the message on, she’ll be back tomorrow14:38
rick_h__luca: ok ty14:38
rick_h__luca: I can send her an email then. Just wondered if she just wasn't on irc14:38
lucarick_h__: ok :)14:38
hatchjcsackett review/qa done14:39
jcsacketthatch: thanks!14:39
hatchI think CI is broken on Makyo's branch14:39
jcsacketthatch: i concur.14:41
bachatch, jcsackett: what is the issue with CI?14:50
hatchbac it didn't pick it up14:50
hatchit said 'please test this'14:50
bacdid you manually kick it?14:50
hatchI'm wondering if Makyo  used the wrong user account or something14:50
hatchyou can manually kick it from GH?14:51
bachatch: no.  via jenkins.14:51
hatchoh, no, but it's odd that it didn't pick it up on GH no?14:51
bacyes, i guess.  i haven't looked at the details14:52
MakyoWas on the other computer, sorry.  Yes, jcsackett. I only have one account, hatch.14:53
hatchMakyo odd, you don't have an icon anymore, thought it was a different account14:54
Makyohatch, I have an icon on my end. You running into gravatar problems?14:54
jcsackettMakyo: mostly he's musing at why jenkins seems to think your PR doesn't get auto tested.14:56
jcsackettMakyo: i'm going to throw your head on the card and assign that bug to you, if you have no objections.14:56
hatchMakyo GH doesn't use gravatar any longer apparently14:56
MakyoYeah, that's the second time I've gotten that, too.  And yes, that's fine.14:56
Makyohatch, you have to set it as a separate setting.14:56
jcsackettMakyo: so, CI just has it in for you? :p14:56
hatchI have to set it to allow me to see your avatar? lol14:57
Makyohatch, No, sorry, you have to add a separate gravatar email.14:57
hatchhttps://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/303761?s=140 that is the address for your icon14:57
Makyohatch, jcsackett https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/416 rick_h__  did :ok test:, is this a setting?14:57
hatchnot gravatar 14:57
bacMakyo: so do you want me to kick off a jenkins build for 0c9371c35e14:57
Makyobac, sure14:58
Makyooops, jujugui call now15:00
rick_h__Makyo: &15:00
rick_h__Makyo: ^ 15:00
rick_h__heh next key over15:00
hatchhttp://www.meetup.com/London-React-User-Group/events/191406572/ and http://www.meetup.com/swiftly/events/192370642/15:11
hatchI'm not sure I'll be attending any - just thought i'd bring it up15:11
hatchthey are both fairly close 15:11
hatchcouple tube stops away15:11
kadams54jujugui: my wifi died just as I was joining standup. Currently using my cellphone as a hotspot, but I don't get great coverage in my house. Restarted the router twice and still can't see wifi so not sure when I'll have dependable internet again.15:12
hatchkadams54 are you using a 2Wire router? Thats what our isp provides and it's junk15:12
hatchrick_h__ watch should arrive today......it's on the truck! 15:18
rick_h__hatch: woot! 15:20
rick_h__got in trouble with my wife about it :P15:20
hatchlol - that's how you know it's a good purchase!15:20
hatchwith my luck mine won't even work15:20
rick_h__battery dead 15:24
rick_h__must charge for 8hrs before you can use it :P15:24
hatchlol son-of-a15:32
rogpeppe1rick_h__: a bit of googling solved it15:40
rogpeppe1rick_h__: jeeze google don't make intuitive UIs these days15:41
bacMakyo: so the build for your branch failed on jenkins, but since it was started manually didn't report back to github. http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/juju-gui/1417/console15:41
hatchlint failure15:43
rick_h__rogpeppe1: ah awesome!15:43
rick_h__rogpeppe1: I've given up and just make sure I create the doc from the folder. I fail at moving it15:43
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i added the folder to my drive, then dragged the doc from to the folder15:44
rogpeppe1rick_h__: i guess you can't add stuff to folders unless they're in "My Drive".15:45
rick_h__rogpeppe1: oh, interesting15:45
rick_h__luca: ping got a sec before your EOD?15:49
lucarick_h__: hey, yes I do15:49
rick_h__can you jump in the standout hangout?15:49
* rick_h__ goes to get lunch16:10
jcsackettluca: i'm working on bug 1339779, and it seems a bit odd as listed. do you just want containers to not be shown if the machine they're on has also just been created? b/c i figure we should show something in the deploy confirmation if your just creating a container on a machine that already exists.16:23
_mup_Bug #1339779: Containers that are created in MV should not be shown as part of the "Machines created" section in the deployment summary <juju-gui:Triaged by jcsackett> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1339779>16:23
jcsackettalso: you only reference the deploy confirmation--do you also mean the regular summary?16:24
lucajcsackett: if your just creating a container thats a minor change which incurs no extra cost so it should be part of the deployment summary16:25
jcsackettluca: ok, so just hide it from the summary if the machine it's on is also being created.16:26
lucajcsackett: creating a container doesn’t constitute a new machine either so the “Container created” message shouldn’t be populated within the “Machines created” summary section.16:26
lucajcsackett: well, it should be hidden regardless if the machine is new or old16:27
jcsackettluca: so, you want a new "Containers added" section as well--in that case rather than not showing the container when the machine is created shouldn't we just put in the container section?16:27
lucajcsackett: no, I think I’m confusing issues with the wording of the bug.16:27
jcsackettluca: i'm certainly confused. :p16:27
lucajcsackett: I don’t want to show that containers have been created at all in the deployment summary16:27
lucajcsackett: the only place it should be visible is in the complete change log16:28
lucajcsackett: sorry!16:28
jcsackettluca: ok.16:28
jcsackettone usability thing then--if i create a container, i either a) have created something, but see no indication that i can commit that change, or b) see i can commit the change, but when i get a confirmation there's nothing there.16:28
lucajcsackett: well, for a) you’ll see a single change in the change log if you open the curtain. b) if there are no big changes made to populate the summary the full change log should be open by deafult.16:30
jcsackettluca: ah, ok.16:31
jcsackettluca: so if i just create a container, when i go to deploy we'll open the changelog rather than displaying the summary thing.16:32
jcsackettthat makes more sense.16:32
lucajcsackett: yeah, though I’m not sure that was ever built in.16:32
jcsackettluca: i dn't believe that behavior exists yet, no.16:32
jcsackettbut i think it's in scope for this branch.16:32
lucajcsackett: ok, cool16:33
jcsackettluca: thanks for the clarification. :)16:33
lucajcsackett: no worries, I’m happy to help :)16:33
hatchinteresting perf results .apply() .bind() .call() http://jsperf.com/function-calls-direct-vs-apply-vs-call-vs-bind/4016:37
rick_h__bac: can you peek at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1311321 and help post a verification so they can move forward with 1.3.2 into trusty?16:59
_mup_Bug #1311321: ascii can't decode error in 14.04 server install <verification-needed> <juju-quickstart:Fix Released by frankban> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1311321>16:59
rick_h__tvansteenburgh: I see your recent MP go by. We'd love to make sure you take a peek at the charmstore api doc emailed out to make sure the api there will help all your needs . 17:02
tvansteenburghrick_h__: cool, is this email already sent?17:02
rick_h__tvansteenburgh: yes, it was sent to juju-dev17:03
tvansteenburghrick_h__: k, will take a look, thanks17:03
rick_h__tvansteenburgh: we've got a few specs you and your team might be interested in, /me goes for the link17:04
rick_h__tvansteenburgh: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1TgRA7jW_mmXoKH3JiwBbtPvQu7WiM6XMrz1wSrhTMXw/edit17:05
tvansteenburghrick_h__: thanks17:05
* rick_h__ moves to the coffee shop17:22
hatchdoes anyone know how I remove a file from a series of commits?17:25
rogpeppecomputer crashed, just like that. luckily i'd saved my recent changes, phew.17:26
rogpeppea good sign i should stop though.17:26
rogpeppeg'night all17:26
hatchrogpeppe you should use a real editor :P night17:26
rogpeppehatch: actually, i've been meaning to make acme do a periodic dump for ages.17:27
rogpeppehatch: it already supports dumping the whole state of the editor - but just manually.17:27
rogpeppe(or if the editor is killed)17:27
rogpeppekernels shouldn't crash just like that17:27
hatchsublime does some auto-save-to-temp, so anytime it crashes or whatever the changes are always there but not reflected in the original unless saved17:27
hatchheh nope they shouldn't 17:28
rbasakrick_h__: so juju-quickstart SRU landed in trusty-proposed. We need to get these bugs verified from the binaries in trusty-proposed itself now.17:28
rogpeppeonce upon a time they'd at least produce a panic message so you had *some* idea what the problem might be17:28
rbasakrick_h__: I know you had some ongoing CI efforts going. I wonder if you could run the same CI against trusty-proposed as an easy way to automate this verification?17:28
rogpeppebut this has happened a few times to me - the whole thing just switches off and on again17:28
rogpeppedarn, i have lost more stuff than i thought.17:30
hatchjujugui I need a review and qa for the new scale-up UI branch https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/437 plz and thanks17:34
kadams54_hatch: I can take a look17:34
hatchrogpeppe :-(17:34
hatchkadams54_ thanks17:34
rick_h__rbasak: thanks for the heads up. We'll work on getting that QA'd. 17:44
rick_h__rbasak: the CI efforts aren't ready currently, we'll manually QA. I'm not sure how we'd automate off the proposed package. That's an interesting idea to look into. 17:44
rick_h__we normally do things off the source17:45
rick_h__damn glossy laptop screens, outdoor fail17:47
hatchhaha, just sit facing the sun :)17:47
rick_h__I'm in the shade but like I'm trying tinto a mirror17:47
rick_h__typing that is17:47
hatchhmm odd mine isnt like that17:48
hatchis this your new dell?17:48
hatch"Dude you got a Dell!"17:49
rick_h__hatch: yea, stupid thing17:49
rick_h__hatch: you on the test failures for your branch?17:52
hatchrick_h__ yeah, iunno wth is going on17:53
hatchlooks like the third manually triggered run is still going17:54
* hatch crosses fingers17:54
rick_h__hatch: :/ it seemed to be a legit test there17:54
hatchyeah I know, but I can't reproduce that failure locally running prod/debug on phantom or chrome17:55
rbasakrick_h__: OK - thanks!17:59
rick_h__rbasak: thank you 17:59
rbasakrick_h__: oh, wait. Note that the juju-core SRU still needs further review. You might be broken until that goes from 1.18.1 to
rick_h__bah, and rain clouds on the way. Curse you mother nature for giving me a great day but not able to enjoy it. 18:00
rbasak(if you need that - I forget)18:00
hatchwatch hath arrived18:00
rick_h__rbasak: no, I think our update was only tied because of 1.18.1? We're actually tied to 1.18.0 as far as our release goes 18:00
rick_h__it was a response to bugs presented by the 1.18.0 release18:01
rbasakrick_h__: OK - it might not actually be broken then.18:01
rbasakIn any case, if it is, it's fine to wait until it lands.18:01
* rbasak needs to run18:01
hatchlooks like the test failure is legit....now to figure out why... and why I can't reproduce it locally18:07
hatchkadams54_ I'm not sure I understand your qa issue18:08
kadams54_hatch: which one?18:08
hatchthe first one18:08
hatchyou can't place two units on bare-metal18:08
kadams54_Doesn't mean people won't try :-)18:09
hatchsure - but that's not related to this branch18:09
kadams54_Right now we allow it and it gets everything into a funky state18:09
kadams54_Maybe a new bug then?18:09
hatchI'll try a qa doing that on a container and see what happens18:09
bacrick_h__: i found the charmworld ngram search error and will be finishing up shortly18:11
hatchkadams54_ can you elaborate with a step-by-step on point 1? I can't reproduce it 18:11
rick_h__bac: awesome, thanks for that18:12
kadams54_hatch: on a container or on the bare metal? I just tried on a container and I still get stuck with one change that just won't commit…18:12
hatchkadams54_ yeah I need step-by-step because it's working perfect here18:12
kadams54_hatch: also doing a clean build right now to make sure it's not something on my end.18:12
kadams54_hatch: How about a screenshare?18:14
kadams54_hatch: still seeing problems after a clean build.18:14
hatchyeah sure18:15
hatchstandup room?18:15
hatchok in18:15
hatchrick_h__ u got a sec?18:18
hatchjoin the standup room?18:18
rick_h__hatch: loading18:18
hatchI'm going to step away for some lunch, when I return I'll track down that CI issue with my branch.18:27
kadams54_hatch: still running into a JS error, even with one unit per container. Ping me when you're back from lunch.18:35
jrwrenping https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/1719:05
rick_h__jrwren: so normally just ping that with the jujugui highlight19:06
rick_h__jrwren: and please make sure your irc client is setup to highlight on jujugui19:06
rick_h__Makyo: you up for a tiny Go review? ^19:06
kadams54_So many jujugui pings…19:06
rick_h__kadams54_: just for you :P19:06
jcsackettand then try not to ping too much on jujugui if hatch is anywhere near you, as his sound effect is annoying. :p19:06
kadams54_Good things to know before next week19:07
bacjcsackett: i think we're at a safe distance atm19:07
bacjcsackett: and you know he only turns that on when you're around19:07
jcsackettfor his own sanity, i should hope so.19:08
jrwrenhighligh jujugui like this? :p19:08
rick_h__jrwren: :)19:08
kadams54_Yup, now all jujugui knows.19:08
jcsackettjrwren: you should work out just fine in this group. :p19:08
jrwreni may have done that wrong. jujugui like this.19:09
* kadams54_ giggles.19:09
jrwreni really want to keep going, but I shall practice restraint.19:09
jrwrenwhat is the process now? do /I/ go merge the pull req?19:15
rick_h__jrwren: for now just hit the merge button19:15
rick_h__jrwren: there's work to pull that into a CI system with juju-core and other deps and eventually it'll hopefully be part of a CI process19:15
jrwrenoh, i don't have write access19:16
rick_h__jrwren: oh hmm, /me checks perms19:16
rick_h__jrwren: added you to juju org, make sure to go to https://github.com/orgs/juju/members and mark your membership as public please19:17
jrwrenpush the green button19:18
rick_h__jrwren: cool then mark the card as done by moving to daily call19:18
rick_h__jrwren: and I think you can move forward with the description card now. I don't think if we have a summary (1 sentence) or longer it matters to the source. 19:19
jrwrenjujugui: https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/1919:44
hatchkadams54_ back19:46
hatchkadams54_ I'll need you to put the exact step-by-step instructions in the PR as I cannot reproduce any errors 19:49
hatchjujugui anyone have a free moment to run some tests locally for me to see if they fail?19:52
jrwrenhatch: what tests?19:54
hatchthe gui's make test-prod and test-debug tests19:54
hatchdo you have phantomjs and whatnot installed?19:54
hatchjrwren actually you can forget it I figured out a way to make it fail locally19:56
hatchthanks though19:56
bacjcsackett, rick_h__: could either of you review and QA my charmworld branch? https://codereview.appspot.com/11781004419:56
hatchjujugui the :checked psudo selector does NOT work in phantomjs.....20:06
bacjrwren: i looked at your branch and made some trivial suggestions.  i think we're deferring to rogpeppe and frankban for final approvals.20:06
jrwrenthanks for catching typos. Pretty lazy on my part.20:08
kadams54_hatch: yeah, that also bit me awhile back.20:09
hatchwhat a piss-off20:10
rick_h__bac: I've hit EOD and have to run to swim class. Let me know if jcsackett isn't available and I can qa it in the morning20:10
bacrick_h__: happy swimming20:11
rick_h__heh, 4ry old almost drowing ftw20:11
hatchlol - he'll learn :)20:13
kadams54_hatch: added steps to the PR. Let me know what happens.20:18
hatchthanks, checking20:18
hatchkadams54_ ok I can reproduce what you're seeing now - lemme take a look to see where the issue is20:21
jrwreni'm done for day, but i'm taking the kid to gymnastics and working more from there :)20:23
hatchkadams54_ very odd bug....nice catch, this might be a bigger issue, I'll see if I can do a driveby20:28
kadams54_Yay? ;-)20:29
hatchbetter we found this now that in 2 weeks20:29
bacjujugui: anyone want to do a charmworld review and QA?  changes are pretty straightforward. https://codereview.appspot.com/11781004420:30
hatchbac I don't have charmworld set up but I can after I get mine landed20:31
hatchwill likely be a while heh sorry20:31
bachatch: no prob20:34
hatchjujugui ^ if anyone wants to take this review/qa before me feel free to do so20:35
Makyohatch, bac on it.20:35
hatchthanks Makyo 20:35
bacty Makyo20:35
hatchkadams54_ this is fixable...fixing20:38
hatch:) just keeping you posted I guess heh20:39
kadams54_How's the fixing going?20:39
kadams54_10% 25% 76% done?20:39
hatchgood - I !@#$%^&* it up20:39
kadams54_Well that didn't take long20:39
hatchjust giving credit where credit is due ya know...20:39
hatchkadams54_ and fixed....aww yeah20:42
hatchkadams54_ heh I had this like this before and must have removed it by accident or something https://gist.github.com/577c30b5dc9fec36b89520:42
kadams54_My honor to break it then :-)20:43
hatchlinting, running tests then will be good for another qa20:44
hatchwhen is your EOD?20:44
hatchkadams54_ ok ready to go for another QA20:49
bacMakyo: i'm going to take the dog out.  will be back later.21:06
Makyobac, can't log into RV to say so, but LGTM, QA okay21:09
hatchoh darn he left21:20
hatchjujugui anyone able to do another review/qa on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/437 ?21:20
hatchrick_h__ do you know if you can send hangout messages from this watch? It seems to only support sms21:22
rick_h__hatch: I use hangouts as my sms app so not sure. 21:27
rick_h__when I send it uses hangouts and not sure what it ends up doing21:27
hatchyeah it seems to only send via SMS not hangouts21:27
hatchwell hangouts app21:27
hatchbit sms21:27
hatchkind of odd21:27
rick_h__hatch: ping me via hangouts and I'll see if I can reply :P21:28
rick_h__to mitechie not canonical21:28
hatchoh I don't have it21:28
hatchmy wife stole it21:28
hatchso....I may not have a watch anymore?21:31
hatchguess time will tell21:31
rick_h__needed a watch strap with a lock on it :)21:32
rick_h__though I suppose losing a watch > losing an arm21:32
hatchhaha - it's unfortunate it doesn't have a speaker 21:32
hatchwould be nice to answer calls on it21:32
rick_h__no, no it would not21:32
rick_h__go get that samsung thing with that stuff if you want that21:32
hatchthe samsung one has a speaker?21:32
bacMakyo: would you mind adding your approval and comments to the MP in launchpad? https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charmworld/ngram-inquiry/+merge/22691021:53
bacMakyo: and thanks for looking at it.21:53
hatchMakyo I think there is something wrong with your GH account - your new branch isn't being tested either22:07
Makyohatch, the only variable I can think of is whether or not my membership is public.  Will make sure.22:08
hatchI still don't get any photo for you, but I do for everyone else22:08
MakyoI get a photo for myself on all devices.22:08
hatchweird 22:09
rick_h__Makyo: why does CI hate you and not want to test your branches? 22:10
hatchrick_h__ do you see an avatar for him on GH?22:11
rick_h__the drinking dog? 22:11
MakyoIt's an arctic fox dressed in a victorian suit with a gin and tonic, I'll have you know.22:11
hatchI see a grey octopus 22:11
rick_h__Makyo: oh, well in that case :P22:12
MakyoIt was leftover from gravatar, which I see has been removed.22:12
hatchoh so I was right? They did remove gravatar support?22:12
hatchI remembered reading something about that, but wasn't sure if I remembered right22:13
Makyohatch, yeah, since I last checked I guess.22:13
MakyoIt's been ages.22:13
hatchvery odd that you can see your avatar though22:13
hatchmorning huwshimi how you doing?23:01
huwshimihatch: Hey, good thanks. Yourself?23:01
hatchgood good, just doing some CSS remembering why I hate it23:02
hatchhuwshimi it would be awesome if you could review/qa this https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/43723:03
huwshimihatch: code review and QA?23:06
hatchyeah please - kadams54  ran into a few issues, one was an unsupported feature that we haven't blocked yet and the other I resolved23:06
hatchI'm doing the follow-up to remove the old code right now so would like to get both of these landed for my SOD tomorrow23:07
hatchgona put in a little OT to get it done23:07
huwshimihatch: QA seems good23:16
bacmorning huwshimi23:16
huwshimibac: Hey23:16
bacbye huwshimi23:16
huwshimibac: Bye23:16
huwshimihatch: So do you want me to do the code review on this branch or your followup?23:18
hatchhuwshimi both? :) unless you're too busy to do it23:18
huwshimihatch: No that's fine I just do know what you're going to change that's all23:21
hatchoh the follow-up is just the old code removal, styling fixes from said removal, and fixing it so you can't scale-up subordinates23:22
huwshimiah ok23:22
hatchrick_h__ here is another critical one for the mv stuff https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/134241423:29
_mup_Bug #1342414: Deploying subordinate services with machine view fails <juju-gui:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1342414>23:29
rick_h__hatch: looking23:30
rick_h__hatch: ty23:31
hatchhuwshimi https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/439 new follow-up23:36
hatchit has so many commits because it's branched off the previous PR23:36
hatchso most of the commits should go away once that one lands23:36
hatchoops lint error, fixing23:39
huwshimiI'm just going to go with a maybe on the code23:40
hatchlol yeah? 23:42
hatchhuwshimi we are disabling form submits on enter because they may have done it by accident and atm we can't remove unplaced units :)23:43
hatchI'll reply in the PR23:43

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