
thomielopio: thoughts? https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1dLdjvRbrILs3314dBM7sKazHDJgeFe3i2E5Rk5pJHTM/edit#00:11
thomielopio: you have edit / comment rights now00:11
thomielopio: I need to go to lunch and run some errands in town. I'll be back in about an hour. Please leave notes (if you have any) in that docuemnt00:17
elopiothomi: is the comma part of xpath? I thought it would be something like |00:17
elopiothomi: ack, I'll comment.00:17
thomielopio: well, we can make it part of it00:17
thomielopio: I'm open to alternative suggestions for syntax though00:17
thomiok, bbs00:17
elopiothomi: I might not be here when you return. It looks really good for me. I left you some comments, and I will show it to the toolkit devs tomorrow.00:29
thomielopio: ok, thanks01:38
thomielopio: still around?01:39
thomiveebers: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/autopilot/refactor-test-logger/+merge/22606301:45
elopiothomi: I'm back.04:03
thomielopio: I replied to your comments04:03
thomielopio: note that no one will ever actually see the query bytestring04:04
thomielopio: but I expanded the code examples to show how this fits with the existing validate_dbus_object method04:05
elopiothomi: I thought xpathselect was a subset of xpath. If that's private, do it as you prefer.04:06
elopioI'll report the bug about the cache tomorrow. It will take a little more time to make a small example for that one.04:07
thomielopio: yeah, it's only commonality is the name :)04:08
thomiI picked a poor name 3 years ago, and it stuck :(04:08
thomiever since then I've hated it04:08
elopiothomi: rename it to xps ;)04:08
thomithat's a good idea, I might just do that04:09
elopiobarry: hey, can you resubmit your mediaplayer branch with this one as a prerequisite?14:59
barryelopio: sure14:59
barryelopio: done.  crossing fingers! :)15:02
elopiobarry: thanks.15:02
elopiobarry: please fill the MP checklist on your mediaplayer branch18:05
=== rpadovani_ is now known as rpadovani
barryelopio: done; let me know if that's sufficient19:37
elopiobarry: well, now that you ask, it would be nice for you to merge with the prerequisite, so Jenkins gives you the approval.19:37
barryelopio: you want me to merge the prereq branch into mine and push?19:38
elopiobarry: yes. That way the test that fails on your MP will be skipped.19:38
barryelopio: gotcha19:38
barryelopio: done19:41
elopiobarry: thanks.19:45

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