
UltimaKRwxl: Hi I'm back00:06
UltimaKRwxl: I looked at the two cards on http://h-node.org/videocards/catalogue/en/1/1/undef/undef/works_with_3D/PCI/undef/undef but they are both for laptops00:07
john1978Would anyone be able willing to help me with a problem with wifi?00:29
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)00:29
ianorlindo you know what kind of wifi it is?00:29
john1978I am at a Panera.  I know the wifi works as I have used it on my home router.00:30
john1978However, when I try to connect on the router here, I am unable to do so.  I suspect it might be a problem with a redirect page they have setup.00:30
ianorlindo you see the network?00:31
ianorlinare you currently on phone or something and that works00:31
john1978I have two laptops with me.00:32
john1978This is not linux that I am talking to you on.00:32
UltimaKRCan anyone help me install flash player? Doing the sudo command in the terminal isn't working00:32
ianorlinwhich sudo command are you using and what is the error?00:32
phillwUltimaKR: this article may be of help to you. http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_trusty_30way&num=100:33
UltimaKRsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree00:33
ianorlinjohn1978: did you see the nm-applet and have you run updates at home?00:33
UltimaKRReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Note, selecting 'flashplugin-installer' instead of 'flashplugin-nonfree' The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:   libreadline5 Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove it. The following extra packages will be installed:   libasound2-plugins libspeexdsp1 Suggested packages:   firefox x-ttcidfont-conf ttf-ms00:34
john1978The nm-applet in the lower right hand corner?  if that is what you mean by see, yes.  I do believe I have run updates yet, at least beyond what was included in installation.00:34
UltimaKRErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/main libspeexdsp1 i386 1.2~rc1-6   404  Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1562::13 80] Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/main libasound2-plugins i386 1.0.25-2ubuntu1   404  Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1562::13 80] Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/speex/libspeexdsp1_1.2~rc1-6_i386.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 2001:67c:1562::13 80] Failed to fetch http://us.00:34
UltimaKRAll that stuff came up00:35
phillwUltimaKR: run the00:36
phillwsudo apt-get autoremove00:36
phillwto get rid of excess stuff.00:36
john1978I meant to say I do not believe that I have run updates yet.00:36
ianorlinUltimaKR: are you on quantal ?00:36
UltimaKRI just did the autoremove...I am not familiar with quantal?00:37
UltimaKRIf you mean Lubuntu 12.10, then yes00:37
UltimaKRphillw: That article on the graphics card says they are all PCI-E...my computer only has regular PCI slots00:40
john1978any ideas ianorlin?00:40
phillwUltimaKR: okies... I'll go do some more digging :)00:40
phillwUltimaKR:  for flash, try00:41
phillwsudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree00:41
UltimaKRPackage pepperflashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source  E: Package 'pepperflashplugin-nonfree' has no installation candidate00:41
UltimaKRThat is what came up. This is all weird because my installation disc is the same as for another computer and it never had this problem00:42
phillwUltimaKR: could be a corruption in the apt data base00:43
john1978does anyone have any ideas about the problem i described above?00:43
phillwUltimaKR: you in USA ?00:43
UltimaKRphillw: Yes I am. How would I fix that corruption?00:44
phillwUltimaKR: I'll go look up a set of instructions. In the mean time, have a look at https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/geforce-8400gs-1gb-pci-express-20-video-card-gnulinux-full-low-profile-brackets and see if that is okay for you.00:44
john1978Did I do something to be ignored?00:45
phillwUltimaKR: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1776763&p=10909871#post1090987100:45
UltimaKRphillw: That still says PCI-express. My motherboard doesn't have that slot. The constraint of only having PCI is what makes it tough00:46
phillwjohn1978: sorry, no... just a sudden set of questions :)00:46
UltimaKRjohn1978: I am not ignoring you, I just have no idea how to answer your problem lol00:46
john1978Apparently, this question is not able to be answered…I have asked on multiple boards and now here to no avail.00:47
john1978sheesh :/00:47
ianorlinhmm not sure did you tpye password right00:47
ianorlindid you open browser?00:47
john1978I am not upset with you…it is just rather frustrating00:47
john1978are you talking to me ianorlin?00:47
ianorlinyes john197800:47
UltimaKRjohn1978: Well I am brand new to linux so I may not be much help. Did you try the #ubuntu channel? Usually more people there if you cannot get the answer here00:47
ianorlinI have seen stuff with portal that you need to open browser00:47
john1978i did ianorlin but no dice00:48
UltimaKRphillw: This pops up: E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead00:48
john1978i will try the ubuntu channel maybe they will have some ideas00:48
phillwUltimaKR: do you have some non standard PPA's added?00:49
UltimaKRphillw: Yes one, but this did not work even before that.00:49
phillwremove that ppa, then preform another reset.00:50
UltimaKRCan I get back to only standard ones?00:50
phillwUltimaKR: yes, use menu --> system tools --> Synaptic Packager Manager, from that app there is a tab for repository selection.00:51
UltimaKRI got rid of it and now trying the update00:52
UltimaKRE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.00:52
phillwokies, have you run the dpkg command as well?00:53
UltimaKRwhat is that? Sorry I am brand new to all this00:53
phillwhe says that you may need to run a 3rd command00:54
UltimaKRoh that..yeah i did00:54
phillwokies, now run00:54
phillwsudo apt-get upgrade00:54
UltimaKRReading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:55
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:57
phillwUltimaKR: I'd suggest a reboot, so we know you are running what would be expected. then try the00:57
phillwsudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree00:57
UltimaKRreboot as in restarting the machine or reinstall?00:57
ianorlinjohn1978: when you try to connect with nm-applet what happens ?00:57
UltimaKRand is that eol thing for me?00:57
ianorlinyes it is UltimaKR00:58
phillwreboot as in restart00:58
UltimaKRI will try that be right back00:58
UltimaKR_Could you tell me what the command was again?01:00
phillwsudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree01:00
UltimaKR_Package pepperflashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source  E: Package 'pepperflashplugin-nonfree' has no installation candidate01:01
UltimaKR_Same thing01:01
UltimaKR_ianor: What was that EOL thing? Isn't that Ubuntu and not Lubuntu?01:02
ianorlinit is same for both01:02
UltimaKR_ianor: What are you saying I should do? I have 12.1001:03
phillwsudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install01:04
phillwsudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree && sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install01:05
UltimaKR_is that all one line?01:05
phillwthe && is needed01:05
UltimaKR_ah the &&01:05
UltimaKR_same error01:05
UltimaKR_I think I am going to reinstall Lubuntu and see if it works because the other computer never went through this01:07
phillwsorry, I'm about out of ideas... We get an error while trying to reset the apt database and apt-get cannot see the pepperflashplugin....01:07
UltimaKR_It's OK. Thanks a lot for trying. I will let you know if a reinstall fixes it01:08
phillwDo run the self test on the cd / dvd / usb stick before you do the re-install. This really stinks of a corruption in the installer (01:08
phillwif you are installing from cd / dvd... get a cd lens cleaner and clean the lens on the cd/dvd drive.01:09
phillwIt is also not unknown for a cd / dvd burned on one machine to have read errors on another.01:10
ianorlinphillw he is on 12.10 which is eol01:13
phillwianorlin: I thought he was the guy who switched over to 14.04... my mistake... still good practice for my google-fu :P01:16
UltimaKRphillw: Hi I finished the install. Which command should I use for the flash this time?01:39
phillwUltimaKR: did you re-install 12.10 ?01:39
UltimaKRAccording to the system profiler it is Ubuntu 12.1001:40
phillwthat is why we cannot get flash installed. I missed the bit when ianorlin asked what release you where on. the reason you are getting 'does not exists' errors is because that release no longer exists for support.01:41
UltimaKR12.10 isn't the newest lubuntu?01:41
ianorlinno 14.04 is the newest and it is long term support for 2 years01:41
phillwUltimaKR: that was october 201201:41
phillwUltimaKR: grab the 14.04 LTS01:42
UltimaKROh...so how do I upgrade without redoing the whole thing?01:42
ianorlinI wouldn't from a fresh reinstall01:43
phillwUltimaKR: by the time you have done 12.10 --> 13.04 --> 13.10 --> 14.04 You will have a confused system. Better to do a clean 14.0401:43
UltimaKRSo make a brand new disc? I didn't know you had to upgrade 1 by 101:44
phillwyou have no data that you need to keep. Just put 14.04 onto the system. Have it plugged into ethernet and do a full update after installing (bug fixes)01:44
phillwUltimaKR: yup, the release team are working on the idea of being able to upgrade to the next LTS, but it is not out yet.01:45
UltimaKRThe computer isn't in the same room as the router so I will just use the wireless adapter01:45
UltimaKRI will download 14.04 and see if I can get it going01:45
UltimaKRThanks a lot!01:45
phillwUltimaKR: just be aware that the network icon will not be there... it is a bug that is now fixed01:46
phillwbut it should connect01:47
UltimaKROh this one asked for a network password. This won't?01:48
phillwit should ask for the network password, just be aware of bug 130834801:49
ubottubug 1308348 in lxsession (Ubuntu Trusty) "network settings indicator missing from panel" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130834801:49
phillwit is fixed in the updates, but the original ISO does not have it. 14.04.1 should have it on as one of the fixes.01:50
UltimaKROk so hopefully the iso I am downloading now from the site should work01:53
UltimaKRThanks ubottu lol01:54
phillwUltimaKR: should be okay... you may have to manually add the nm-applet and then later delete that patch, it is a short job and explained on the bug reoprt.01:55
UltimaKRAlright thanks...hopefully the new release should make this work much more smoothly01:56
UltimaKRonce all that is done, back to graphics card searching lol01:56
phillwit is a better system than 12.10 was01:56
UltimaKRthat's encouraging because until this 12.10 was pretty good01:57
phillweach release has got better :)01:57
Hilikushey guys03:37
sydneyHilikus: Whats up?03:38
Hilikusi did a release update of lubuntu and now it looks like the WM is screwed. when the DM starts, it's only a black window. i thought the system was just frozen until after 2 days i did right click and i go get a context menu03:38
Hilikusany ideas on what i can try03:39
sydneyHilikus: I have no clue...03:40
sydneyHilikus: do any of your keys work? can you log out?03:41
sydneyHilikus: if you do ctrl+alt+f1,does it take yu to a tty page?03:42
Hilikusthe system works, but the desktop is all black03:43
Hilikusand when i open say chromium, if i minimize it, the window just disappears03:43
Hilikusi can't resize the window apart from max or minimized03:43
sydneyHilikus: Hmm,what are your pcs specs?03:44
Hilikusit's a vm, but again, it was working fine with 12.10 until i updated to 13.0403:44
sydneyHilikus: You could try a different de,otherwise i dont know how to help. :-/03:45
Hilikushow do i change it?03:48
sydneyHilikus: you have to install a different one. what would you like to try?03:51
sydneyHilikus: can you see the login screen? you must be able to access it.03:51
ianorlinoh right click on the desktop and click desktop prefrences03:52
ianorlinand set a new wallpaper03:52
ianorlinor did you log in to openbox?03:52
UltimaKRHi I was having trouble with the 14.04 install...everything seemed fine but when I booted up I got this:04:00
UltimaKRsymbol grub _ term _ highlight _ color not found04:02
UltimaKRhow can I fix that?04:02
fatdragonsomehow my mouse drags my lubuntu windows and keeps redrawing the windows very slowly while moving..it is very annoying..I have a 3dfx AGP voodoo 3 . Does the lack of 3dfx driver in lubunutu has anything to do with this issue?04:39
=== SpComb^ is now known as SpComb
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UltimaKR_Is anybody here?13:38
phillwUltimaKR_: !ask13:52
phillw!ask | UltimaKR_13:52
ubottuUltimaKR_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:52
UltimaKR_phillw: Oh hi again! Wasn't sure if anyone was here. I am downloading a boot repair iso to see if it can fix the grub_term_highlight_color not found error13:56
UltimaKR_phillw: Only asked that to see if the webchat worked fro my phone13:56
phillwokies :)13:57
phillwUltimaKR_: bug 1289977 has the details of using reconfigure to fix grub (not grub install).13:59
ubottubug 1289977 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 14.04 Update breaks grub, resulting in "error: symbol 'grub_term_highlight_color' not found"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128997713:59
UltimaKR_phillw: Yes, but I don't think the "try lubuntu" option on my livecd allows wireless internet connection14:00
phillwit should do....14:01
phillwand under the boot options, 'advanced' will allow you to drop to terminal so you don't need a repair disk.14:02
UltimaKR_phillw: how can i do that? is this from the livecd? i didnt see advanced14:02
phillwjust run the cd in try lubuntu mode and you will have access to lxterminal :)14:04
UltimaKR_I have "try", "install", "check disc", "test memory", and "boot from first hard disc"14:04
UltimaKR_phillw: I did that but "failed to get canonical path of /cow"14:06
phillwUltimaKR_: have you run the "check disc" option?14:07
UltimaKR_No should I?14:07
suncokret_hello, can somebody help me with lubuntu? :)14:07
phillwUltimaKR_: it is always a good idea14:10
phillw!ask | suncokret_14:10
ubottusuncokret_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:10
UltimaKR_phillw: I am doing it now. Should take a little while.14:14
suncokret_In Lubuntu 14.04 when i change themes or colors in "customize look and feel" why it don't accept it on Synaptic, or in other programs which run as root? In Lubuntu 13.04 it worked. And how can i fix this to work in 14.04.14:17
UltimaKR_phillw: No errors found. What else can I try or should I just go with the boot repair cd?14:19
phillwgo with a repair cd14:20
UltimaKR_phillw: Ok thanks. I downloaded the ISO while we did the disc check so I just need to burn it14:20
phillwsuncokret_: you may have a manifestation of bug 1316384 have a read of that bug and see if it is what you are seeing (specifically that you have the recent version of lxsession -
ubottubug 1316384 in lxsession (Ubuntu Trusty) "After upgrade from Lubuntu 13.10 to 14.04, color customization is ignored" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131638414:21
suncokret_yes, it was bug which didn't accept color customization in any application or menu, but that is fixed. Problem is because it don't accept color customization in Synaptic (and other programs which run as root), this bug was on Lubuntu 13.10 too14:24
[diablo]afternoon #lubuntu ... guys I've got my laptop connected to 2 x monitors. I've got the dual screen setup correctly and am using it (Used ARandR). But every time I boot up and login, I have to load the configuration. Is there a way to apply it system wide, so it's define at boot as the login manager is ugly resolution too14:26
[diablo]also enabling syncing would be nice cos I'm getting sharding when moving windows around the displays14:27
phillw[diablo]: have a read of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219426814:30
[diablo]thanks phillw will do14:31
phillwsuncokret_: I can only suggest staying on the channel and waiting for rafaellaguna to comee online. He is much more involved with themes (he is Team Leader of artwork team).14:32
suncokret_i am still on Lubuntu 13.04 because of this bug14:32
phillwIf I see him land on my area, I'll ensure he comes on here.14:32
suncokret_in 14.04 i was try to upgrade lxsession on, but i don't know why it don't accept choosen colors in Synaptic :)14:34
phillwsuncokret_: it could be that the theme is hard coded into the application. Rafael would know :)14:35
suncokret_do you have Lubuntu 14.04?14:35
phillwI have 14.10 :)14:35
suncokret_then try to change custom background color in theme, and run synaptic...14:36
suncokret_it must accept your custom colors14:37
suncokret_i am now in 13.04 and my custom colors are in every program14:37
phillwit does not14:40
suncokret_good, i am glad because i found this channel for Lubuntu, i hope that Rafael or someone from Lubunt team will solve this problem :)14:42
suncokret_so we will wait for him to come14:42
suncokret_when is Rafael usually here?14:46
[diablo]phillw, sorry but is there no way of taking a dump of the current X server configuration and putting over to the system wide xorg conf?14:48
[diablo]also really need to get the vertical blank sync working too14:49
phillw[diablo]: I have virtually zero experience of ARanR, used it once to give a presentation using an OHP.14:49
[diablo]ah ok14:50
* [diablo] will google14:50
phillw[diablo]: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution#Setting%20xrandr%20changes%20persistently14:54
suncokret_thanks on help, i have to go now, i will come later and i hope that Rafael will be here.. have a nice day, people14:57
[diablo]cheers phillw sorry was afk15:10
UltimaKR_phillw: The repair disc worked and this lubuntu version came with flash already there so thats perfect15:32
phillwUltimaKR_: nice to hear :D15:33
UltimaKR_Back to finding graphics cards and figuring out how to play League of Legends on this thing lol15:33
UltimaKR_phillw: You wouldn't happen to know how to play Windows games on here would you? I know it has something to do with Wine but it always seems to get more complex15:34
phillwjust that you use wine, those in the know say to always use the dev version :) http://www.winehq.org/15:36
suncokrethello Rafael, Phil told me that you can help me so i wait for you :)16:21
rafaellagunaoh wow :)16:22
rafaellagunahow can I help you?16:22
suncokreti don't know how to solve problem in Lubuntu 14.04 (that problem start with Lubuntu 13.10), and in 13.04 that is working16:22
rafaellagunatell me16:23
suncokretwhen you choose theme in look and feel, or change your custom colors it don't accept it in Synaptic (or any other program which run as root)16:24
suncokretin 13.04 that work fine16:24
rafaellagunaright, that's because the theme you're using is one in your ~/home/.themes folder16:24
rafaellagunathose themes belong to you and only you can use them16:25
rafaellagunathemes installed in /usr/share/themes are visible by all users16:25
rafaellagunawhen you launch synaptic, it's a "root" app, so it can't use your personal themes16:25
rafaellagunaI'm not sure if I'm clear16:26
suncokretbut why that work in 13.04?16:26
rafaellagunabut it makes some root apps ugly, and you want to solve it, no?16:26
suncokreti use crux theme with my custom colors in 13.0416:27
suncokretand that wore in Synaptic (and root) too16:27
suncokretbut in 14.04 don't work16:27
rafaellagunayes, that theme is global (installed for everybody)16:27
rafaellagunacan you see it? maybe you need to install it16:28
suncokrethow i can use for example crux theme with my custom colors in  Synaptic?16:28
rafaellagunaif you want root apps use your themes, open a terminal and type this: sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root/.themes16:28
rafaellagunaupdate manager, synaptic, etc. will get your selected theme16:29
suncokretand can i change my custom colors in that root themes?16:29
suncokretand how16:29
rafaellagunayes, your customizations are stored in a folder of yours, and doing this all root apps can access it16:30
rafaellagunaotherwise they only look for /usr/share/themes, and when not found, they use another16:30
suncokretthis command16:31
suncokretsudo ln -s ~/.themes /root/.themes16:31
suncokrettell system to look themes in my folder?16:32
rafaellagunaeverybody (including "root user") can access that folder, only that folder16:32
suncokretand by default system only search in /usr/share/themes and that is problem?16:33
suncokretif i understand correct16:33
suncokretthank you16:33
rafaellagunayou're welcome :)16:33
suncokreti will try :)16:33
rafaellagunaand sorry for waiting so looong time16:34
suncokretbackground color is very important for me16:34
suncokretbecause white is very bad for eyes16:34
rafaellagunaanyway, to use crux you must install the package gnome-themes-standard or gnome-themes-extra (I don't really remember)16:34
suncokretso i used lubuntu 13.04 only because of colors16:34
rafaellagunaLubuntu 14.04 has the same theme features16:34
suncokreti didn't install that gnome-themes-standard but i can use crux16:35
rafaellagunamaybe they're already included :)16:35
suncokretand i didn't wait long, i was here first time maybe two hours before16:36
rafaellagunaoh my god, sorry for being so late ;)16:36
suncokreti will try to install now 14.04 and try your advice16:36
suncokreti ll be back if i don't make it work16:37
suncokretthanks again and bye16:37
rafaellagunaif you have more troubles we're here, if I'm not, more capable people will help you anyway, but I use to be this hour16:37
rafaellagunabye suncokret16:37
UltimaKR_I still can't find a cheap, good graphics card for my comp. The fact that PCI is so rare as opposed to PCIe is what is driving up the prices to higher levels.16:39
phillwUltimaKR_: have you checked on ebay and amazon ?16:40
UltimaKR_phillw: That's where I am looking. Aside from the fact that people can't differentiate between the two types (making searching harder), supply and demand is making it more expensive except for cards up to 128 MB...do you think that is enough?16:41
phillwI would have thought so, but I'm not a gamer. ask on http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334 for what people have found works.16:44
UltimaKR_phillw: Well like I said, it won't be intense gaming since it is more of a secondary computer. This laptop has hardcore gaming covered :D16:45
UltimaKR_Thanks a lot for everything! Going to try and pick one now!16:53
suncokrethi, is rafael here?18:43
rafaellaguna yup18:44
suncokreti installed 14.0418:44
suncokretthere are themes in /usr/share/themes18:44
suncokretthere is no ~/home/.themes18:44
suncokretdon't exist18:45
suncokreti only find18:45
suncokreti think that is ini file for theme and colors?18:45
rafaellagunathat's because you didn't install themes18:45
suncokretsudo ln -s ~/.themes /root/.themes18:45
suncokretdon't work18:45
suncokreti didn't install18:46
suncokreti use themes which sistem already have18:46
rafaellagunacreate it :)18:46
suncokreti must install it18:46
suncokretor i can just copy it from18:46
rafaellagunano, just create that folder18:47
suncokretfrom /usr/share/themes18:47
rafaellagunaand then use the command18:47
suncokretcreate folder and then use sudo ln -s ~/.themes /root/.themes18:47
suncokreti don't need to install themes?18:48
rafaellagunaif you want you can install gnome-themes-standard, or light-themes, or whatever you like18:49
rafaellagunathat folder I told you is for your downloaded themes18:49
suncokreti don't understand if i don't install themes18:49
suncokretand only create that folder18:49
suncokrethow will system use my colors in root?18:49
rafaellagunathe colours are stored in a file called .gtk-2.0 (or something like that)18:50
rafaellagunaand your system should look into it, or maybe not18:50
suncokretand what is \home\.config\lxsession\Lubuntu\desktop.conf18:51
rafaellagunaa configuration file for your Lubuntu session. better if not touched ;)18:51
suncokretin that file i find under [GTK] this18:53
suncokretand under sGtk/ColorScheme is parameters for my color scheme18:54
suncokretcan i use this file for root?18:54
rafaellagunaI'm not sure, because it's a per-user configuration , but if Crux is installed globally, your synaptic will look better18:55
suncokreti go to try this on 14.04 now18:56
suncokreti will try to create folder .themes18:56
suncokretand use your command18:57
rafaellagunagive a try :)18:57
suncokretjust this?18:57
rafaellagunait's all we can do with themes18:57
suncokretbut how this work on 13.04?18:58
suncokretthere root accept my colors18:58
rafaellagunait must work the same work than 14.0418:58
suncokreti go to try and i will come18:59
suncokreti tried and it don't work :)19:07
suncokretwhich version of lubuntu you ue?19:08
suncokretso i selected theme crux (i didn't need to install it) and change my colors for background19:10
suncokretcan you try to do same, and then run synaptic19:10
suncokretand you will see that it not use your theme and colors19:10
rafaellagunasorry, wrong window :)19:13
rafaellagunasuncokret, yes, you're right, synaptic doesn't get the right colours or themes19:13
rafaellagunathis may be a bug19:13
suncokretthat bug is from 13.1019:13
suncokretthat's why i use 13.0419:13
rafaellagunait was a colorization bug, but it was fixed19:14
suncokretyes, i know19:14
rafaellagunathis may be another thing19:14
suncokretthat colorization bug was for all system19:14
suncokretand this is only for root19:14
suncokretcan you find what is problem?19:15
rafaellagunaI need to investigate a bit19:15
rafaellagunaI'll try to find a solution and tell everybody :D19:15
suncokretthis is bug for sure19:15
rafaellagunamaybe, yes19:15
suncokretand i don't know why nobody didn't say about it19:16
suncokretbecause it was start in 13.1019:16
nath_schwarzHello - quick question. I run lubuntu and access it mainly through ssh - now lubuntu crashed and I have to restart it, without rebooting the machine (some background processes are running, which I don't want to loose) - is there a way to do this via ssh? I haven't found something w/ google and alas man-pages for lxsession/lxde don't seem to exist19:16
nath_schwarzAh, daemon processes, not background - sorry19:17
rafaellagunasuncokret, noted that bug, thank you19:17
suncokretprobably nobody didn't see that, because most themes have white background19:18
suncokretbut i never don't use white window and menu background, because it is very bad for eyes19:18
suncokretso this really annoy me19:18
suncokretso please if you can, solve this19:19
rafaellagunaI understand you, we'll try to fix it19:19
suncokrethow much people work on Lubuntu?19:19
rafaellagunaofficially? almost 5019:20
suncokretnice number19:20
rafaellagunacollaborating without being members of any team, I don't know :)19:20
jxshxxNew install of 14.04  Can't get rid of a persistent screen lock.  It's not enabled in xscreensaver, and I disabled it in Users/Groups.  What else is there?19:20
rafaellagunayes, light locker is giving me problems too, but I think there's a solution in AskUbuntu19:21
suncokretso how i will know when you fix problem, i should come here every few days or what? :)19:21
bollojxshxx, I gave up and remove light-locker and installed xscreensaver instead19:22
jxshxxbollo: That's what I did, though I did it from the software center.  Is there something left that didn't get wiped?19:23
bollojxshxx, though on some of my other units it works fine19:23
rafaellagunasuncokret, yes, come in a few days and we'll see19:24
jxshxxbollo: Should I try removing via terminal?19:24
bollojxshxx, have you logged out or restarted?19:24
bollosince you removed it19:24
jxshxxbollo: yeah, a couple times19:25
suncokretgood, thank you for help19:25
bolloand you're sure it's light-locker giving you the lock window and not xscreensaver?19:25
suncokrethave nice day or night, people...19:26
Emjaymy first time here19:26
rafaellagunaI'm sorry I didn't help you19:26
Emjayhad a question about lubuntu19:26
ubudogHowdy Emjay19:26
Emjayubudog :)19:26
Emjaythere you are19:26
suncokreti have very delicates problems19:26
ubudogWhat is your question?19:26
Emjayi just was in the wrong forum/chat and thought i talked to ubudog there19:27
Emjayit is about youtube video19:27
suncokreti can tell you that Mint 17 xfce have same problem19:27
ubudogYou did, lol, but what's the problem, so people here can pitch in as well? :)19:27
Emjaywhen i play it on big screen it chops19:27
Emjayor how you say it haha19:27
jxshxxbollo: Well,I uninstalled L-L, then set Xscreen not to lock, so ... ???19:28
ubudogHave you installed any graphics drivers yet Emjay ?19:28
Emjaynow, i dont know how to19:28
Emjayi thought it went automatically?19:29
ubudogWell, you might have to enable some proprietary drivers (depending on your card).19:29
Emjaywhere do i do that?19:29
ubudogI'm on Xubuntu right now, but I think it's under Preferences -> Additional Drivers on your LXDE menu19:30
Emjayoeps..i will have to look here (in dutch) haha19:30
bollojxshxx, So it's xscreensaver's lock you're seeing? Check ~/.config/autostart/screensaver-settings.desktop19:30
Emjaygive me a minute19:30
bollojxshxx, and remove ~/.config/autostart/light-locker.desktop19:31
Emjaywhat is the lxde menu?19:31
rafaellagunaback in a minute...19:31
ubudogEmjay: This guide will probably help you: http://www.binarytides.com/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-14-04/19:31
ubudoglxde menu would be the "Start" menu if you are coming from Windows19:31
ubudog... if they still have a start menu19:31
Emjayokay i ll check it out. but i want to know for sure my  card is nvidia lol19:32
ubudogRun lspci -v | grep VGA19:32
ubudogIt'll tell ya19:32
Emjaybut that stripe before grep19:33
Emjaywhat is that?19:33
ubudogThe pipe symbol19:33
Emjayand what is that?19:33
ubudogYou can just copy/paste it:19:33
ubudoglspci -v | grep VGA19:33
Emjay i tried..let me try again19:33
ubudogJust above the enter/return key19:33
ubudogShift + Backslash19:34
Emjay01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) mj@MJ:~$19:34
Emjaythis is what i got19:34
ubudogThere you go19:34
ubudogChrome ... hmm19:34
Emjayand now?19:34
jxshxxbollo: Even though I had removed L-L using Software Center, when I just now tried removing it via terminal it indicated it was working on it.  Rebooting to see what happens.19:35
ubudogOne sec Emjay19:35
Emjayokay thanks19:35
bollojxshxx, dpkg -l|grep light-locker19:36
ubudogOk Emjay, try: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome19:38
Emjayokay, i will copy paste19:38
Emjayyou cannot read dutch can you?19:39
Emjayi think it says that i already have the good drivers19:39
ubudogI could make it out probably :)19:39
Emjayhaha..wait then i will copy paste it here19:40
ubudogHang on one sec again then Emjay19:40
ubudogDon't copy+paste the entire output here, that'd be a lot19:40
ubudogWhich Lubuntu are you using? 14.04?19:41
Emjayyes i thought so19:41
ubudogcat /etc/issue19:42
ubudogin a terminal19:42
ubudogWhat does it say?19:42
Emjay14.04 lts19:42
ubudogOk, cool,19:42
ubudogYour computer is usable, right?19:43
Emjayi wrote it on the install dvd but dont know where it is  :)19:43
ubudogIs it just the choppy video?19:43
Emjayyes, i can do as far as i know al other things19:43
Emjayits old and had xp so i wanted to revive it19:44
ubudogWhich browser are you using?19:44
ubudogWell, that could get slow, since Firefox is quite the memory hog sometimes.19:44
ubudogHave you tried Chromium/Chrome?19:44
ubudogEspecially slow on old machines19:45
Emjayi tried it but it didnt let me type letters that was some time ago, maybe i can install it again, can you give me the command to install it immediately?19:45
ubudogI don't think Chromium has been updated very much recently (at least not for Ubuntu, I don't think), but you can give it a try, and then install Google Chrome later perhaps.19:46
Emjaywhat shall i do best then? and how?19:46
Emjayvia software packet?19:46
jxshxxbollo: Seems the terminal remove took care of the problem.  I guess Software Center failed to properly remove?19:46
ubudogOne sec, we can try the development PPA since the stable PPA has not been updated for quite some time... here:19:47
ubudogsudo add-apt-repository ppa:saiarcot895/chromium-dev19:47
ubudogThen, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser19:47
Emjayokay..i will try them right now..be right back19:47
Emjayubudog, the second and third command do i have to type them apart19:48
Emjayor is it in one time?19:49
silverlionits one line19:49
ubudogJust one line yep19:50
Emjayits installing :)19:50
bollojxshxx, probably I never use it19:50
wxlif you don't care about freeness, you could always get google chrome, too19:50
Emjayas long as it works19:51
Emjayi thinks it is ready19:51
ubudogYeah, wxl, I don't like recommending Chrome either19:51
wxlubudog: i use it. there's a lot of little features that while not free are nice to have.19:51
ubudogDid you drop back to a regular shell? ":~$"19:52
ubudogYou should see that after your username & hostname once it's done :)19:52
ubudogwxl: True, and I have seen a lot of people on old systems have Firefox eat up all their RAM laely19:52
Emjayyes it is19:52
Emjayi opened it and it tells me some google API keys are missing so maybe chromium wont be perfect :)19:53
ubudogI think that's only for Sync19:53
Emjayi will open youtube and see what is happening with the videos19:53
ubudogYou can fix that easily thoug19:53
wxlif you still have issues with the letters, even after removing chrome, just remove ibus19:53
Emjayi cannot play videos19:55
ubudogYou might have to install the flash plugin in Chromium, first19:55
Emjayit tells me there is something wrong with loading19:55
Emjayhow do i do that?19:55
wxlwhat specifically?19:55
Emjayinstall flash19:56
Emjayin chromium19:56
Emjayjust as a plug in?19:56
wxlor just install chrome which has pepperflash19:56
wxli mean any way you cut it flash ain't free :)19:56
wxlat least pepperflash is freeish19:56
ubudogJust go to http://chrome.google.com19:57
Emjayokies..let me see19:57
ubudogAnd install the ... run uname -a19:57
Emjayoh so install chrome you mean?19:58
ubudogYes, you will, but first post the output of uname -a19:58
Emjayi dont understand what you mean, i just downloaded it and it ask me to open it or save it19:59
ubudogWhich version did you download? 64-bit or 32-bit19:59
ubudogthat's what I'm after19:59
Emjay32 bit19:59
ubudogAlright, you're good19:59
Emjaythanks haha19:59
ubudogSo, save that, and you should be able to just double-click on it19:59
Emjayokay i will save20:00
Emjaynow it is saved20:00
Emjayi can see in firefox the downloaded file20:00
ubudogYou should be able to click on that20:00
Emjayok and then?20:00
ubudogNot sure on Lubuntu, but some installer will probably come up20:00
jxshxxbollo: Alrighty then ... thanks for you input!20:00
wxlit will ubudog20:01
ubudogCool :)20:01
Emjayi think its installing20:01
ubudogAh, good ol GDebi20:01
Emjayokay, lets try chrome now :)20:02
Emjaydo i have to install some flash player here?20:04
wxlyou shouldn't20:04
Emjaybecause the video is not running well20:04
wxlis the video running at all?20:05
Emjayit is running, but choppy even in the small version20:05
Emjayat least in firefox the small screen plays well except when making it full screen20:05
Emjayin windows you can see if your drivers al well installed20:07
Emjayhow do you see that in linux/lubuntu?20:07
ubudogUsually with the lsmod command, I believe20:09
ubudogBut I know you installed the drivers/already had them installed20:09
Emjayoh yes indeed, it told me they were the newest version, but it also told me some of them were to be installed manually..thats why i asked20:10
ubudogWhat's the model of your computer?20:12
Emjaythats a good question20:15
Emjayi dont remember the specs20:15
Emjaycan i read it via a commando? :)20:15
Emjaybtw i thought i read you dont have to restart the pc to save the changes20:17
ubudogYes, pretty much all changes don't need a restart20:17
ubudogNormally, if it's a service, you just restart/reload that service.20:17
ubudogIf you're updating the kernel, though, you do have to restart.20:17
ubudogUnless you're using ksplice or something20:18
Emjayokay all chinese for me ..lol20:19
ubudogWell like if it's a web server, you can apply an update and then just restart the web server, not the whole computer20:20
Emjayyes i got that :)20:20
Emjaybut kernel and ksplice20:21
ubudogBut if you update the Linux kernel (the actual operating system), you have to reboot.20:21
Emjaythought so20:21
ubudogBut ksplice allows you to do it without rebooting :)20:21
Emjayi would like to thank u very much for your help20:21
ubudogNot sure if/how well that runs on Ubuntu20:21
Emjayare you allways here? :)20:21
ubudogNo problem, and no, first time in #lubuntu20:22
ubudogUsually just on the Forums20:22
Emjaybecause i want to keep using this lubuntu chat20:23
Emjayi will surely need it a lot20:23
ubudogAnyway, the video is only choppy in fullscreen?20:24
Emjayno..i just saw it chops in small too, but less20:24
ubudogI haven't done this in years, but it might help to install lubuntu-restricted-extras20:25
ubudogWell, I haven't needed it for years :D20:25
ubudogsudo apt-get install lubuntu-resricted-extras20:26
ubudog*restricted ...20:26
Emjayand what will that do?20:26
ubudogIt will install some programs that aren't inluded with *buntu by default because of legal reasons20:28
Emjayshall i do it? :P20:28
Emjayokay, there i go again ..brb20:30
Emjayit is ready, i will close firefox and try to log in again in chrome or so..hope to get the got forum back..lol20:32
ubudogSomeone tell im I20:38
ubudogI'm out for a bit20:38
Emjayubudog still no changes20:42
Emjayi guess there will be nothing for my problem :(20:43

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