
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
snizzohey, just for information, how much time takes the review? :)02:19
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kalikianat1mp: though I'm still waiting on confirmation of the design, if you wanna have a look, the additions to bubble shape/ pop over to support overflow panel style https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/overflowPanel/+merge/22696507:07
kalikianat1mp: one more ready for review https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/testAlarmBackend/+merge/226967 this addresses the hanging qmlplugindump (caused by having eds backend installed) and removes warnings when the backend is intentionally chosen to be for testing07:17
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Apollo 11 Day! :-D08:09
seb128hey, does anyone know if there is a way to tell the toolkit to not animate the scrolling when changing the index of a itemselector?08:51
mzanettioSoMoN: hi09:06
Nileshis any body here09:06
oSoMoNmzanetti, hey, what’s up?09:06
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mzanettioSoMoN: one more question you know the answer for sure :)09:06
mzanettioSoMoN: the trick with setting the document with meta tag doesn't seem to do for oxide09:06
mzanettioSoMoN: and yes, doesn't seem to read my GID_UNIT_PX settings either09:07
mzanetti=> everything's tiny09:07
Guest68016has anybody worked on SDL09:07
oSoMoNmzanetti, can you take that question to #oxide?09:07
Guest68016yep i dont find him09:08
Guest68016i'm stuck up in SDL can anybody hlp me09:10
popeyi dont know if many people have, who are online right now09:11
nik90_mzanetti: hi, good morning. Do you have about 45 seconds? I seem to be hitting an issue which I cannot seem to figure out why.09:35
mzanetti45 secs :)09:36
mzanettinik90_: hit me09:36
mzanetti35 left09:36
nik90_mzanetti: can you take a look at https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/10-alarm-settings/view/head:/backend/modules/Alarm/Settings/alarmsettings.cpp and https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/10-alarm-settings/view/head:/backend/modules/Alarm/Settings/alarmsettings.h09:36
nik90_mzanetti: and find out why my Q_INVOKABLE function testOutput() is not executed?09:37
nik90_mzanetti: I declared it in the header function and called it in the constructor definition. But I dont see the qDebug() output in the console.09:37
mzanettinik90_: did you import Alarm.Settings somewhere?09:39
nik90_mzanetti: on the qml side of things, I declared it the usual way, AlarmSettings { id: _alarmSettings }09:39
mzanettiah ok09:39
nik90_mzanetti: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/10-alarm-settings/view/head:/app/ubuntu-clock-app.qml09:39
nik90_line 7809:39
mzanettican't see an obvious mistake, need to buildit09:39
mzanettinik90_: what is it with those number in branch names lately?09:40
nik90_mzanetti: oh that..I took that after look at t1mp branches...it is basically means the feature implementation takes several MPs and this is the first one :)09:40
mzanetti10, means is the first one09:41
mzanettinik90_: found it:09:45
nik90_same class and file name?09:45
mzanettiyeah, the QML type AlarmSettings conflicts with the module's class name09:45
nik90_omg I am an idiot09:45
mzanettinik90_: you can either rename one of those09:45
mzanettinik90_: or use09:45
mzanettiimport Alarm.Settings 1.0 as BackendSettings09:46
mzanettiBackendSettings.AlarmSettings {}09:46
mzanettijust as an example09:46
nik90_mzanetti: ok. Thnx a lot09:46
mzanettiI personally don't like named imports that much09:46
popeylongest 45 seconds ever09:53
mzanettipopey: noah... I recall meetings where they definitely seemed to last longer09:57
t1mp         itemselector?10:02
t1mp< seb128> hey, does anyone know if there is a way to tell the toolkit to not animate the scrolling when changing the index of a itemselector?10:02
t1mpseb128: ^ no, the animation is coded inside the itemselector code10:03
seb128t1mp, hum, ok :-(10:03
t1mpseb128: I think most of our components have something like that.. perhaps it would be an idea to add an "animate" property to all the components10:03
seb128Laney, ^ fyi10:03
t1mpseb128: can you report a bug/feature request on http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit ? Please add your use case10:04
Laneyt1mp: also we're seeing that if you set selectedIndex on construct then it's not scrolled into view10:04
t1mpLaney: no I don't see a bug for that one yet10:05
Laneyso for u-s-s we have to choose between a delay or not having the selected item scrolled into view ;-)10:08
LaneyI guess the latter is probably preferable?10:08
seb128Laney, I don't find the small delay to be that much of an issue personally10:09
Laneyit's a bit disconcerting10:09
seb128but having the list not-scrolled would be fine as well10:09
seb128in fact you are right, having to scroll would probably feel ok10:10
seb128so if you want to mp that you have +1 from me10:10
Laneyok, let me do that / file a bug after I get these tests done10:13
seb128Laney, do you want me to open the toolkit bug? (I was about to do it)10:16
Laneyseb128: there's two10:16
Laney- add an animate property10:16
Laney- scroll properly when setting selectedIndex on constructed10:16
Laneyyou can use the same example with onCompleted or selectedIndex to demonstrate both of them10:17
nik90_mzanetti: Do you know what "symbol lookup error" means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7802826/10:38
mzanettinik90_: means the function QDbusConnection::sessionBus() hasn't been found in any of the libs10:39
mzanettinik90_: this can happen if you're missing the linker flags for libqdbus10:40
nik90_mzanetti: hmm...in the CMake files?10:40
nik90_mzanetti: I only added the includes for QDBus in the .cpp file10:40
mzanettinik90_: yeah, let me find the syntax (/me can never remember cmake syntax)10:40
nik90_mzanetti: sry for the trouble10:41
mzanettinik90_: no worries10:41
mzanettinik90_: so you should have this in cmake somewhere: find_package(Qt5DBus)10:41
nik90_mzanetti: ah ok..I have those lines in my main Cmakelist.txt files10:41
mzanettiand there's more... still searching10:42
nik90_mzanetti: what about here qt5_use_modules(alarm-settingsbackend Gui Qml Quick)10:42
mzanettinik90_: qt5_use_modules(<target> DBus)10:43
mzanettinik90_: right10:43
mzanettiyeah, add DBus there10:43
DanChapmanhmm that's weird I can't seem to be able to delete a u1db document. deleteDoc seems to delete the contents but the listitem remains and I can't get rid of it10:43
nik90_mzanetti: yeah that seems to work. thnx10:44
nik90_DanChapman: How come? When you swipe delete, you call deleteDoc() which should do both remove the listitem and remove it from u1db?10:45
DanChapmannik90_: hey :-) yeah that's what i'm trying http://paste.ubuntu.com/7802872/ but the listitem reappears again even after restarting the app http://people.ubuntu.com/~dpniel/dekko/images/deleteDoc.png the only way to get rid of them is removing th db10:54
nik90_DanChapman: try  db.putDoc("", model.docId)10:56
DanChapmannik90_: ahh ok i'll try that10:57
nik90_DanChapman: I am using these u1db functions at https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk/files/head:/timer/ for adding/deleting timers dynamically from u1db10:58
DanChapmannik90_: putDoc("", docId) has the same behaviour. The list item just reappears empty. How bizarre11:05
DanChapmanoh and it seems it throws some resetDrag error when it re-appears11:06
nik90_DanChapman: yeah that's a known error11:07
nik90_DanChapman: may be the issue is with your U1db.Query and Index11:07
nik90_DanChapman: It shouldn't pick up on the empty ones11:07
nik90_DanChapman: btw, when you do deleteDoc() or the method I suggested, it basically removes the contents and adds a empty item. But that empty item shouldn't be picked up by u1db11:08
nik90_DanChapman: anyways at https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk/view/head:/timer/TimerPage.qml I create the timer preset using putDoc(), and the display it in a listview. May be you might be able to see if you have implemented it differently11:09
DanChapmannik90_: Ahh so does it have to go through a Query and Index? I just plugged the U1db.Database into the list views model. As i didn't think i would have need to query, i just wanted it all11:11
nik90_DanChapman: Query and Index helps you filter stuff from the model11:12
nik90_DanChapman: so yes you might need it11:12
nik90_DanChapman: but does your listview show non-empty stuff that you saved?11:12
nik90_the valid listitems11:12
DanChapmannik90_: right ok, let me try that then :-)11:13
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DanChapmannik90_: the Query & Index has sorted it :-) Thanks for your help11:29
nik90_DanChapman: glad it helped. yw welcome11:30
nik90_jdstrand: hey, when I try making a GET call to com.canonical.indicator.datetime I get a AccessDenied error in my app.12:01
nik90_jdstrand: Didn't you say you were adding this exception to the calendar policy group so that the clock app can use it?12:01
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jdstrandnik90_: what is the output of 'grep DEN /bar/log/syslog'?12:42
ogra_will that spit out a beer ?12:42
nik90_jdstrand: It says no such file or directory12:43
ogra_you want /var12:43
nik90_ogra_: stupid me12:43
nik90_jdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7803270/12:44
mdeslaurfreudian slip12:45
ogra_freudian slurp ;)12:46
nik90_jdstrand: Should I report a bug like before?12:48
jdstrandnik90_: I did add it, but the interface didn't match12:48
jdstrandnik90_: I'll need a new upload12:48
jdstrandnik90_: can you file a bug?12:48
nik90_jdstrand: sure. will ping you the bug number12:48
nik90_jdstrand: Bug 134270812:54
ubot5bug 1342708 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Calendar security should allow dbus calls to com.canonical.indicator.datetime" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134270812:54
jdstrandnik90_: thanks, do you have a moment to help me make sure we have the right policy?12:54
nik90_jdstrand: yeah12:54
nik90_jdstrand: what do I need to do?12:54
jdstrandnik90_: ok, can you modify /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.clock.devel_ubuntu-clock-app_0.1 to have (just before the last '}'):12:55
jdstrandbus (receive, send)12:56
jdstrand     bus=session12:56
jdstrand     path=/com/canonical/indicator/datetime/AlarmProperties{,**}12:56
jdstrandnik90_: then save it, then do: sudo 'apparmor_parser -r /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.clock.devel_ubuntu-clock-app_0.1'12:56
jdstrandnik90_: did that work for you? are there any new denials?13:03
nik90_jdstrand: in the process13:03
nik90_jdstrand: should that be dbus(receive, send)13:03
jdstrandnik90_: whoops, sorry, mispaste, yes13:03
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kalikianat1mp: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/apiStdErr/+merge/22702013:07
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1342711 (fyi)13:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1342711 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "ItemSelector animation can't be disabled" [Undecided,New]13:07
nik90_kalikiana: hmm, I am unable to overwrite the file even using sudo nano ..13:07
nik90_jdstrand: ^^13:08
seb128Laney, not sure about the scrolling thing, if that should be customisable or a consistant toolkit behaviour13:08
jdstrandnik90_: that is weird. sudo vi ... works fine here. that path is in a rw area (otherwise click apps wouldn't install)13:09
snizzopopey: if I'm developing on ubuntu 14.04 can I install 14.10 framework for ubuntu touch?13:10
nik90_jdstrand: can I give you the click package?13:10
nik90_jdstrand: somehow the nano keep asking for a filename which it ignores on pressing enter13:11
jdstrandnik90_: what architecture is the click?13:11
nik90_jdstrand: arhmf13:12
nik90_jdstrand: I can give whatever arch you need13:12
jdstrandnik90_: what version of the OS is required?13:12
nik90_jdstrand: 14.1013:12
jdstrandno, I mean revision13:12
jdstrandpromoted, devel-propoed, something specific13:13
t1mpkalikiana: thanks for the fix, happroved https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/apiStdErr/+merge/22702013:13
popeysnizzo: you can in the emulator13:13
nik90_jdstrand: devel-proposed #13313:13
jdstrandyeah, I don't have that here. I can create a new emulator, but it will take a while13:14
jdstrandnik90_: you sure you typed in /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/click_com.ubuntu.clock.devel_ubuntu-clock-app_0.1 ?13:14
nik90_jdstrand: yeah I navigate into the profiles folder and autocompleted the file13:14
jdstrandnik90_: and you are doing that as root?13:15
nik90_jdstrand: yeah ..I adb shell and I am root..13:16
nik90_jdstrand: just to make sure I did "sudo nano file"13:16
nik90_jdstrand: I will just make my phone rw and see if that works13:16
snizzowhen I press autocreate for the ubuntu kit it doesn't ask me for 14.10 or something, it just put me 14.04 there13:17
t1mpkalikiana: fyi I made https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-launch/+bug/1329141 critical13:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1329141 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "qmlscene crashed while running test_can_launch_multiple_applications" [Critical,Confirmed]13:18
t1mpI don't know who to contact about that but13:19
snizzoCreating new emulator instance.13:21
snizzounknown flag `arch'13:21
jdstrandnik90_: I feel like the terminal isn't setup right for nano. the 'Enter' key isn't doing the right thing13:25
nik90_jdstrand: yeah, I am now using vi for the first time13:25
jdstrandogra_: any tips for nik90_ for using nano on the touch image?13:26
ogra_jdstrand, use vi :P13:26
ogra_nano is broken ... or rather adbd is not properly using termcap13:26
ogra_using ssh (which gives you a proper terminal) works too13:27
ogra_and phablet-shell should work as well for nano ... plain adb wont13:27
jdstrandnik90_: ^ (try phablet-shell)13:29
nik90_ jdstrand: almost done ;)13:29
jdstrandogra_: thanks13:29
nik90_jdstrand: confirmed, that works13:37
nik90_ogra_: thnx phablet-shell helps..(/me is a nano guy :P)13:37
snizzohow can I change framework from 14.04 to 14.10 on ubuntu 14.04?13:38
nik90_snizzo: so I assume you are running Ubuntu 14.04?13:38
snizzonik90_: yes13:38
nik90_snizzo: First go to Tools->Options->Ubuntu and create a chroot for 14.10 i38613:39
snizzo(I'm testing on a nexus 5 with daily)13:39
nik90_snizzo: only after the chroot is created will qtcreator pick the correct ubuntu kit for the emualtor13:40
nik90_snizzo: then in the devices, create a emulator and specify the i386 arch emulator with a valid name13:40
snizzonik90_: http://paste.kde.org/pqxtwemud13:41
snizzowhen creating the chroot i38613:41
nik90_hmm weird13:41
snizzoshould I pick x86_64?13:41
snizzoi mean, amd6413:42
nik90_snizzo: let me check, 1 min13:42
snizzook, thank you :)13:42
nik90_snizzo: I have the i386 chroot installed. I think i386 arch is required to match against the i386 emulator arch13:43
snizzooh ok13:43
snizzocould I install armhf perhaps? I'm testing on a real phone13:44
nik90_zbenjamin: ^^ any idea why snizzo might be hitting this error while creating the i386 chroot http://paste.kde.org/pqxtwemud13:44
nik90_snizzo: for the phone yes, the arm chroot will work13:44
nik90_snizzo: btw, what kind of project are you trying to run on the phone? Does the project have cmake or just qmlproject?13:45
snizzojust qmlproject13:45
nik90_snizzo: let me know when you get the chroot up and running13:47
nik90_snizzo: after which you should be able to select the device and have the correct ubuntu kit. After that, go back to the edit tab, and press Ctrl+F12 to run on phone13:47
snizzonik90_: yeah, I tried deleting 14.04 framework and recreating 14.10 and wasn't working. Creation of 14.04 still works btw13:48
nik90_snizzo: I have a feeling, there are some left over files of the deleted frameworks which is causing these errors13:49
snizzonik90_: I can delete it manually, what's the path?13:50
nik90_snizzo: I don't remember sry..I am a newbie at this as well :)13:50
nik90_snizzo: but have you tried running on the phone using the 14.04 chroot? It might work13:52
snizzonik90_: it works fine using 14.04 on phone with latest daily13:53
nik90_snizzo: awesome13:53
snizzobut to get into store they said me 14.04 is deprecated and I can't use it13:53
nik90_snizzo: ok, then change the framework in the manifest.json file to 14.10 framework13:53
nik90_while still using the 14.04 chroot13:53
nik90_snizzo: I think the only time this might be an issue is when you start cross building click packages for different architectures.13:54
snizzotried that one, app won't run on phone :(13:54
nik90_snizzo: ok. In that case, try contacting zbenjamin about the chroot issue.13:54
nik90_snizzo: I presume you have all the necessary ppas?13:54
snizzoI think yeah... which one should I get?13:55
nik90_snizzo: you should have the SDK PPA, Phablet-tools PPA13:55
nik90_those 2 should be sufficient13:55
Laneyseb128: well, either way it's not possible to do it currently13:55
snizzonik90_: I didn't have those I think I'll try now13:56
seb128Laney, "it"?13:57
Laneyscroll to the index you select on construction13:58
rpadovanidpm reminders hangout?14:02
dpmmzanetti, rpadovani, popey, I'll be in the hangout in a sec, browser crashing...14:02
dpmand again...14:02
dpmtrying chromium now14:03
snizzonik90_: upgraded click and got new exciting error: http://paste.kde.org/prsxjya5814:07
zbenjaminsnizzo: what are you doing ? ;)14:12
snizzozbenjamin: as for now, I created a symlink to that utopic script from utopic to gutsy (since also trusty was linking to gutsy)14:13
snizzoon click it says me14:14
snizzoI: Retrieving Release14:14
snizzoI: Retrieving Release.gpg14:14
snizzoI: Checking Release signature14:14
snizzoE: Invalid Release signature (key id 40976EAF437D05B5)14:14
snizzozbenjamin: http://paste.kde.org/p0onz8oon14:15
snizzozbenjamin: http://paste.kde.org/pdfcygxov14:18
* t1mp couldn't make sense why the new feature I'm testing for the header doesn't work....14:18
t1mpI need to set useDeprecatedToolbar: false14:18
t1mpperhaps it is about time we change the default value of that property :)14:18
nik90_t1mp: :)14:19
nik90_t1mp: hey btw why did you name the header branches 10-**, 20-** and so on?14:20
t1mpnik90_: because I am working on a lot of branches at the same time and I need to know in which order they should be merged when they depend on each other14:21
t1mpnik90_: so 10-* goes first, then 20-*, and some times afterwards I think of some changes that go inbetween and I name that 15-*14:21
nik90_mzanetti: there you go :) ^^14:21
t1mpnik90_: and I have branches without numbers if they are not part of a dependency chain :)14:21
nik90_t1mp: yeah i was starting to use your naming convention and was asked why :D14:22
* t1mp working on 140-headerSections now :)14:22
* nik90_ is on 10-alarm-settings ;)14:22
t1mpnik90_: zsombi started to do the same this week for the new list items14:22
nik90_t1mp: lol14:22
t1mpnik90_: I have a whole bunch of those branches, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+spec/new-header14:23
nik90_t1mp: yeah I have been keeping track of your recent header section branch..will test once the doc is ready14:23
t1mpI'm working on the docs now14:24
t1mpI don't like the user interaction that I have now, but I think I will try to land it like this and discuss it with the designers for improvements after that14:24
t1mpat least the API is fixed so apps would automatically get the better behavior after that :)14:24
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nik90_t1mp: do you know if zsombi's work on new listitems will provide https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Kkl7xT8BYo9mT8i3IXh6rPrDlNg6cBxTajahlRYIGlI/edit#slide=id.g18883f09d_01114:27
nik90_the swipe to delete style14:27
t1mpnik90_: the trash can with red background?14:31
nik90_t1mp: yes14:31
t1mpnik90_: it will even provide a list of actions and an icon+color for each action :)14:31
nik90_t1mp: hurray!14:31
t1mpnik90_: but the best news is that it will be super-fast :)14:31
nik90_t1mp: is there a API Doc you guys are using for the implementation?14:32
t1mpcurrent listitems get slow when you create thousands of them14:32
t1mpnik90_: let me search for it14:32
nik90_t1mp: thnx..until now I have been using ListItem.Base and creating all of them according to the design spec. Hoping the new listitems will fix that14:32
t1mpnik90_: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1uqmhDn_3wlcSuzvn3L44chjzUczQ3hx5yI_kBh2IxhY/edit#heading=h.ftjdgagfx6od14:33
t1mpnik90_: work in progress of course14:33
t1mpnik90_: they will, but only after rtm14:33
nik90_t1mp: oh14:33
zbenjaminsnizzo: there is no support for gutsy anymore ;)15:23
karniHey guys! I have a question regarding Ubuntu Button. I was trying to change the font of the color, but really no luck. 'fontColor' desn't exist and this didn't work: font: Qt.font({family: "Ubuntu", pixelSize: FontUtils.sizeToPixels("medium"), color: "#000000"})15:25
karniany hints?15:25
karniIt was actually easier for me to roll my own button than to change the font on our Toolkit Button. I would like to improve this situation, even though I'm fine with using my own custom button for now.15:40
karniThat's not the point though, I'd like to improve the Button component. Perhaps this is a wrong channel to share this particular problem?15:40
nik90_karni: changing the color should be just using the color property15:45
nik90_karni: but I am not sure about the fontColor.15:45
karninik90_: right, I'm interested in particular in making the font of the Button of color white. it's some shade of grey by default.15:46
nik90_karni: I think in that case you will have to custom style it yourself using the style property15:47
nik90_karni: only some customization is exposed like the font, color, size and so on. Font color is not exposed.15:47
karninik90_: right, I believe that was one of (if not the only way) to go.15:47
karninik90_: Do you know if we have any docs on styling? I failed to find it on d.u.c :(15:48
nik90_karni: I was told it would be added , but I don't see any atm15:48
karninik90_: ack, thank you15:48
nik90_karni: np15:49
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elopiojhodapp: can you please approve the branches on the mediaplayer to start the landing process?16:08
elopiolet me get the links.16:08
jhodappelopio: who tested it?16:09
elopiojhodapp: I did.16:10
jhodappelopio: what device(s) did you test on?16:10
elopiowe still see some crashes sometimes, but are not caused by this changes.16:10
elopiojhodapp: utopic desktop, and mako.16:10
jhodappok great16:10
elopiojhodapp: I'll ask for the silo and test there too.16:11
jhodappelopio: ok great16:11
jhodappelopio: do you need top approval as well?16:15
elopiojhodapp: yes, please. I can't do it myself.16:15
jhodappelopio: ok, code reviewed them and approved16:19
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balloonsdpm, can we polish this off and merge it? https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/debian-copyright/+merge/22564616:25
dpmballoons, I was waiting to leave it there for it to be used as a MP to put in the CI train, but as there are other packaging changes that will need to be done, I think we can just merge it. I know you had a conversation with elopio about licenses in the python code for the tests - would that MP address your issues?16:26
balloonsdpm, yes16:27
balloonsI think we should try and get them sorted before pushing it, since it's entry into the store has been a little delayed16:27
balloonsdpm, although there's one additional license to add for the evernote sdk16:28
dpmballoons, feel free to top-approve and address that later, or to point to any other additional changes, and I can put them in the branch16:28
balloonsdpm, if you can, just add that license to cover tests/autopilot/evernote16:30
nik90_dpm: when are planning to rename "reminders" into evernote?16:38
nik90_dpm: has it been officially accepted?16:38
popeyI don't know that we ever will call it Evernote16:43
popeyprobably call it "Notes" or something16:43
popeyOnly 1st party apps can be called Evernote.16:43
nik90_popey: oh ok16:44
qtrosHi all16:51
qtrosI've got this error in SDK16:53
qtrosCannot open: file:///usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/ListItems/artwork/ListItemProgressionArrow.png16:53
qtrosIt always happens when I start "Shorts" RSS Reader16:53
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dpmnik90_, so yeah, essentially what popey said17:02
qtrosIs someone from SDK team here?17:20
qtrosIs someone from SDK team here?17:42
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beunojdstrand, Text conflict in debian/changelog18:07
jdstrandok, let me fix that18:10
jdstrandbeuno: pushed18:13
beunojdstrand, reviewed, no blockers, just questions18:25
nik90_zbenjamin: hey, can we talk quickly tomorrow morning about some cmake stuf. I am having a slight trouble when I try to add 2 plugins into the same folder18:34
rpadovanimhall119, o/ Did you try 100balls today? What do you think of the new physic?18:34
popeyrpadovani: have you fixed the physics so i can beat mhall119 ?18:36
popeyi am in danger of pushing my finger through the screen on that game18:41
qtrosIn "Shorts" we always got "Cannot open: file:///usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/ListItems/artwork/ListItemProgressionArrow.png" on start18:56
nik90_qtros: I think the SDK devs are done for the day18:58
nik90_qtros: you should ping them in the morning, afternoon european time (t1mp, kalikiana for instance)18:58
jdstrandbeuno: ok, responded. thanks for the review!19:11
Letozaf_nik90_, Hi :)19:13
nik90_Letozaf_: Hi :)19:13
nik90_Letozaf_: I noticed that the bug faced is similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1297712 (look at comment #1). However I don't have a solution for it :/19:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297712 in Ubuntu Clock App "App won't start on desktop" [Undecided,Incomplete]19:14
Letozaf_nik90_, I found out another thing: launching ubuntu-clock-app, after yesterday's error if I type ctrl-c the clock app opens, but I get this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7805025/19:15
Letozaf_nik90_, the clock app seems to work all the same though19:16
Letozaf_nik90_, I will maybe try to install utopic on a VM and see what happens there19:16
nik90_Letozaf_: oh ok, but the new clock app doesnt?19:16
Letozaf_nik90_, haven't tried, il will try it now19:16
Letozaf_nik90_, if I launch it with qmlscene I get the error and ctrl-c interrupts everything19:18
Letozaf_nik90_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7805052/19:19
Letozaf_nik90_, yes the bug looks like my problem19:22
nik90_Letozaf_: curious why the new one stops completely while the old one continues running19:23
Letozaf_nik90_, yes curios19:23
nik90_Letozaf_: when you open the old clock app, navigate to the alarms tab and see what happens19:24
nik90_Letozaf_: the one difference between the old and new clock app is that in the new one, the alarm model is loaded instantly while in the old one it is only loaded when the user navigates to the alarm tab19:24
nik90_which means that the Alarm Model (dependent on EDS) is the cause of the error19:25
nik90_but I cannot fathom why I cannot cause the error on my machine19:25
nik90_Letozaf_: try removing qtorganizer5-eds package and stop all EDS processes and see if that allows the new clock app to open19:27
nik90_clock app should switch to the memory alarm model19:27
Letozaf_nik90_, on the old clock app nothing happens if I navigate to the alarms tab19:29
Letozaf_nik90_, everything seems to work fine after ctrl-c ... let me do what you said next on the new clock app...19:30
Letozaf_nik90_, removing qtorganizer5-eds removes also calendar app, is there a way not to ?19:34
nik90_Letozaf_: really? you mean the ubuntu-calendar-app?19:35
Letozaf_nik90_, yes ubuntu-calendar-app and calendar-app19:36
* Letozaf_ keeps on typing random letters on IRC, sorry :(19:36
nik90_Letozaf_: hmm wasn't aware of the hard dependency on calendar-app19:37
Letozaf_nik90_, I have the same error if I lauching calendar-app19:37
nik90_Letozaf_: at this point, I am out of ideas officially19:37
nik90_Letozaf_: similar to that bug I guess19:37
Letozaf_nik90_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7805179/19:38
Letozaf_nik90_, mmm... I guess I will try on a new VM, I will install utopic there and see what happens19:39
nik90_Letozaf_: yeah sry, I can't think of why this is happening.19:39
Letozaf_nik90_, no problem, I wouldn't know how to fix this :P19:40
nik90_Letozaf_: once you create the vm and set it up, make a copy as a backup19:40
Letozaf_nik90_, yes I will thanks19:40
nik90_mzanetti: In the timezonemodel class, why did you do void setSource(const QUrl &source); instead of just void setSource(QUrl source) ?19:54
nik90_mzanetti: was it to prevent duplication of the variable by the compiler?19:55
mzanettinik90_: yeah, the & makes the difference19:55
mzanettiit passes only a reference, not a copy of the url19:56
nik90_mzanetti: ok19:56
Letozaf_nik90_, yay!! it's working the new clock app19:58
nik90_Letozaf_: :)19:59
Letozaf_nik90_, I removed qtorganizer5-eds with calendar app and it works19:59
Letozaf_nik90_, I do not need calendar app now :P19:59
nik90_Letozaf_: hehe..19:59
nik90_Letozaf_: Did you try the new VM?19:59
Letozaf_nik90_, so it ok for me now :P19:59
Letozaf_nik90_, no I was still zsyncing the iso20:00
Letozaf_nik90_, for installing utopic on the VM20:00
nik90_Letozaf_: ok. The removal of EDS is a temporary measure since on the phone that wouldn't be the real case.20:00
Letozaf_nik90_, ok, my goal is to write the autopilot tests for now :)20:01
nik90_Letozaf_: Also I will have to talk to elopio about this but we have to isolate the clock app alarms from the tester's machine.20:01
nik90_Letozaf_: I dont want your alarms to be filled with autopilot alarms :P20:01
balloonsahh yes, app isolation20:02
Letozaf_nik90_, :)20:02
Letozaf_balloons, hello :)20:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1316746 in Ubuntu Weather App "Autopilot tests should properly setup environment" [Medium,Confirmed]20:03
nik90_balloons: yeah..since it requires isolation from EDS, it is a bit more difficult and I don't know (nor have time due to new clock app) to do it20:04
balloons nik90_ we spent some time.. heck, quite a bit of time trying.. apparmor makes it very difficult. I'm thinking perhaps jdstrand original suggestion about running under a different user is the way to go. We've got some more things that make this sane now20:06
balloonsI wonder if using adt-run fixes this in the interim anyway ....20:06
nik90_balloons: would that separate user be deleted after runnign the ap tests automatically?20:08
balloonsnik90_, yes20:08
balloonsyou could also have a resident autopilot user20:09
nik90_yeah. On the desktop, I could always create a new user just for testing.20:10
nik90_On the phone, I am not so sure how to do that20:10
balloonsnik90_, well you wouldn't do it.. the runner would20:11
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balloonsnik90, since you are about I'll go ahead and do the work to get rid of the deprecation warning about using the emulators module for the autopilot tests. It's alot of renaming20:15
nik90balloons: ok. I will try to review it today, but if not tomorrow.20:16
* nik90 is dead tired20:16
balloonsnik90, ahh, it's nothing important :-)20:16
balloonselopio, nik90 I believe this is not longer a bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1289616. Do you agree?20:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1289616 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "SDK AP Emulator function for TextField should wait for object creation" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:20
nik90balloons: why not?20:24
balloonsnik90, because the sdk does wait now.. the textfield helper has a self.focus.wait_for20:25
nik90balloons: ah ok..so the bug is Fix Released20:25
balloonsnik90, yes, I believe so.. just want elopio to confirm :-)20:26
nik90balloons: ok20:26
balloonsnik90, https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-clock-app/switch-emulators-to-proxy-object/+merge/22710320:33
balloonsif you are curious :-020:33
nik90looking at it now20:35
rpadovanipopey, yes, now is a bit more realistic and balls are faster :-) But, more important, on mhall119 phone glasses are smaller :P21:32
popeyrpadovani: check G+ ☻21:47
rpadovaniawww so sweetie!21:47
mhall119rpadovani: don't hate the player :-P23:25
rpadovanimhall119, I'm still blocked at 540 :P23:25
mhall119rpadovani: watch the buckets, not the balls23:26
rpadovaniI'll try! I need to arrive to 2048!!!23:27
rpadovaniIt's a bit later here, so I go to sleep.. Good night to all :-)23:30
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