
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
thezenguyrequest features?00:36
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TheMusorobert_ancell: Is there a build of GTK with mir support in a PPA anywhere?04:30
robert_ancellTheMuso, ppa:ubuntu-desktop/gtk-mir04:30
TheMusoGreat thanks.04:30
robert_ancellI'm trying to uploading it to main but the current GTK+ build fails04:30
TheMusoHrm not installable. Depends on libmirclient7 which is not installable...04:34
robert_ancellTheMuso, ah, it probably needs a recompile against the newer Mir05:06
robert_ancellTheMuso, you can build from lp:~robert-ancell/gtk/ubuntu-mir05:06
pittiGodo morning05:06
pittihey robert_ancell, how are you?05:07
robert_ancellI'll push a new version into the PPA05:07
robert_ancellpitti, good05:07
robert_ancellpitti, hey do you know the plan with systemd in utopic? I'd like to try some of the features from 20805:07
pittirobert_ancell: does current simple-scan work with your scanner?05:07
robert_ancellpitti, yes05:08
pittirobert_ancell: yes, I do; want to play with a 208 package? I have a working one05:08
robert_ancellpitti, yeah, if you have a PPA or something let me know05:08
pittirobert_ancell: we need to teach systemd-shim about the cgroup creation API05:08
pittirobert_ancell: as that moved from logind to pid 105:08
robert_ancellpitti, file a bug with the simple-scan log if you're getting problems05:09
TheMusorobert_ancell: Thanks, will pull that branch.05:09
robert_ancellTheMuso, I've just uploaded to the PPA too05:09
TheMusoOk, probably will just wait for that, since the install is on another boxz.05:11
robert_ancellTheMuso, yeah, the PPAs tend to outrun doing it locally too :)05:11
robert_ancellgtg, bye all05:12
seb128good morning desktopers06:51
didrocksmorning seb12806:53
seb128didrocks, lut ;-)06:53
pittibonjour didrocks et seb12807:02
seb128salut pitti, ça va bien ?07:02
pittioù est le seb128 qui se leve à 8 heures ? :-)07:02
didrocksbonjour pitti !07:02
pittiseb128: oui, merci ! et toi ?07:02
didrockspitti: petit à petit, il se lève plus tard :p07:03
seb128pitti, j'étais levé à 8h1507:03
seb128just took a bit before starting IRC07:03
seb128didrocks, roh!07:03
* didrocks will upload the sebowakeup app to the clic store07:04
didrocksmetrics gathered on seb's wake up time :)07:04
seb128didrocks, that would be a boring application, everybody knows I get up a 8 every morning now!07:14
didrocksahah, I'm sure it wouldn't be that flat!07:16
mvo_seb128: I still don't get why you get up at 8 when you don't have to :)07:37
seb128mvo_, good morning ;-)07:38
seb128to be honest I'm not sure either07:38
seb128but I don't want to think about it, might me change my mind on the topic ;-)07:38
mvo_seb128: and good moring to you as well :)07:39
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Laneyhey hey08:04
didrocksmorning Laney08:04
seb128Laney, hey, how are you?08:04
Laneyyeah great08:05
Laneyit's already pretty warm, been having breakfast outside!08:05
seb128I'm good thanks08:07
seb128just had some croissant and drinking coffee, going to be a nice day here as well ;-)08:07
pittic'est bien d'avoir l'été :)08:08
pittihey Laney08:08
seb128oh oui, mais pas trop chaud c'est mieux !08:08
Laneyhey hey pitti08:09
Laneythat ringtone scrolling thing is weird08:21
seb128how weird?08:22
Laneymaybe 5/1008:22
seb128my guess is that the componentloaded arrives late and setting the index is what makes it scroll08:22
seb128I meant, what do you find weird there? the fact that the loading is so slow?08:23
Laneythe panel takes a while to load08:23
seb128could be accountsservice use...08:23
LaneyI am suspicious that something is slow08:23
Laneyyou get the index change straight away08:29
Laneybut it scrolls after a delay08:30
seb128toolkit issue?08:31
seb128though I see the same on trusty, so nothing new there08:31
Laneywell add an onSelectedIndexChanged: console.warn('Index: ' + selectedIndex) and you see it come in early08:31
seb128if you do a "oncomponentcomplete" on the listview, when does it come?08:32
Laneybefore even the selectedIndexChanged08:33
seb128Laney, dealing with the sdk team is no fun08:51
Laneyseb128: yeah, might have to ping someone directly08:52
* seb128 tries some more nagging first08:52
Laneyi'll leave this one with you08:52
* Laney goes back to fixing tests08:52
ochosihey seb128, do you have a minute to push https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xdg-utils/support_xfce/+merge/224076 ? (sorry, i know the 14.04.1 deadline is approaching)08:53
seb128larsu, did you see that robert_ancell is having another gtk build failure issue?08:53
larsuseb128: yes he pinged me last night. I'll have a look at it today08:54
seb128ochosi, hey, oh, right, I started on merging xdg-utils from Debian but didn't wrap that up yet ... I should perhaps upload your easy patch first there ;-)08:54
seb128larsu, thanks08:54
ochosiseb128: heh, yeah, that would be nice ;) i'm not counting on this making it for 14.04.1 anymore, but it still would be great, cause the screenblanking during video-playback blows :>08:54
seb128ochosi, should be fine still for .108:56
ochosithat'd be really great08:56
seb128we should get didrocks to review/upload that, I see that he had his patch pilot shift on monday which was an holiday here ;-)08:57
didrocksseb128: it was at the end of the week and barry changed it for me08:57
didrocksI don't know why though08:57
didrocksI think a mistake from him08:57
seb128he though maybe you needed to stay on the same day and moved himself?08:57
didrocksbut yeah, can have a look at this08:57
didrocksnot sure08:57
seb128didrocks, thanks, the xubuntu team would appreciate it ;-)08:58
* ochosi bows08:58
didrocksseb128: hum, you started to look at it though?08:59
seb128didrocks, not really, just did some "from a glance" review comments09:00
seb128I didn't look at the code/code change09:00
ochosiif you have any questions, i'm around09:01
didrocksochosi: I'm only looking from a non-sru standpoint for now09:01
didrocksochosi: seems that you are doing an inline patch09:02
didrockswould be better to add it as a patch09:02
didrocksalso, I think you can break other use case with replacing '' by 'xfce'09:02
didrocksshouldn't you just append (before the '') the 'xfce' case?09:02
ochosithe thing is, that there is a second ''09:02
ochosii submitted another bug report about that09:03
ochosiubuntu is carrying a useless patch, which duplicates code09:03
didrocksah indeed09:03
ochosiso i thought i'd use that duplication to my advantage for now09:03
didrocksso yeah, the replacement is fine09:03
ochosisimply to produce the most minimal patch09:03
ochosito get SRU'd ;)09:03
didrockshowever, this should be carried as a patch, not an inline change?09:03
ochosisure, i'm fine with that09:03
didrocksochosi: ok, just do that change and I'll +1 for utopic09:04
ochosialthough after it's SRU'd I think it should be done properly09:04
didrocksochosi: yeah, try to get it into debian/upstream to not have that as a patch :)09:04
ochosii've gotten in touch with upstream, but after the initial reply i haven't heard back...09:04
ochosiofc :)09:04
ochosii know it's a bit silly09:04
didrocksbut let's do it as a patch first to unblock your SRU09:04
ochosiyup, thanks!09:04
didrocksyw, just ping me back :)09:05
didrocks(also provides a changelog with the bug ref and so on)09:05
ochosiok, i haven't ever done a debian patch, but i'll give it a shot09:05
* ochosi isn't a coder anyways...09:05
didrocksochosi: poke me if you need any help, look for "quilt" ;)09:06
didrocksochosi: https://wiki.debian.org/UsingQuilt09:06
* ochosi only understands "scotland"09:06
didrocksand http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/patches-to-packages.html09:07
didrocksheh ;)09:07
ochosididrocks: quick question, after modifying scripts/xdg-screensaver i run "quilt add.." but the diff/patch is still empty..?09:12
* ochosi is afraid he overlooked something obvious09:13
didrocksochosi: yeah, you need first to restore the original file09:13
didrocksthen, quilt add09:13
didrocksthen making your change09:13
didrocksand finally quilt refresh09:13
ochosii pulled a clean branch09:13
ochosiso it is the original file09:13
didrocksok, so just quilt new and then add09:14
didrocksto say "I want to create this patch and add this file to it"09:14
ochosii thought i have to modify before add...09:14
didrocks(it will store the original state)09:14
didrocksthen, make the modification09:14
didrocksand quilt refresh to say "please register the diff for my quilt added files into my current patch"09:14
* ochosi tries again09:16
ochosididrocks: ok, shall i push this to a new branch?09:22
ochosior: can i09:22
didrocksochosi: you can, or with the same with --force-overwrite09:22
didrocksnobody else will be interested into that branch :)09:22
ochositrue :)09:22
ochosibzr: ERROR: no such option: --force-overwrite09:22
didrocksochosi: do not forget to bzr add the patch09:22
didrockshum, --overwrite09:22
ochosididrocks: lemme know if that ^ is okay09:23
didrocksI'm looking, one sec09:24
ochosisure, sorry, no rush ;)09:24
didrockslooking good at first side, at least :)09:24
didrocksochosi: ok, technically, it's perfect09:26
didrocksyou just need to add the patch tagging guidelines now :)09:26
didrocksthis is to easily retrieve why this patch and if it's still valid09:26
didrocksochosi: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/09:26
didrocksyou have some examples at the bottom09:27
ochosiwhoa, wall of text...09:27
didrocksthe important fields are bugs and forwarded09:27
didrocksochosi: debian/patches/xdg-screensaver-dbus.patch09:27
didrocksit's a nice example09:27
* ochosi looks again09:28
didrocksjust add the forwarded to it as there is no Applied-Upstream:09:28
ochosiok, one sec09:29
ochosididrocks: i'm wondering though, i *have* forwarded the patch and all, but this specific patch is in a way "not needed" as xdg-screensaver upstream is a bit different (without the duplication patch)09:31
didrocksochosi: just reference what yo udid forward09:31
didrocksas it's equivalent, that's fine :)09:31
ochosidoes that look ok? http://dpaste.com/10JKBPG09:33
ochosi(i used the upstream bug title as a description now)09:33
ochosi(added author meanwhile)09:34
didrocksochosi: just add yourself as the author, have the description wrapped up on 80 char and it's perfect :)09:34
ochosididrocks: pushed!09:36
didrocksochosi: perfect! sponsoring it :)09:37
didrocks(to utopic)09:37
ochosiok, then i guess i need to do the SRU paperwork09:37
ochosithanks a bunch, didrocks09:38
ochosifor your patience and your help09:38
didrocksochosi: thank you! no worry :)09:38
ochosididrocks: hmm, could you take a (very quick) peek whether this looks ok? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/134263410:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1342634 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "[SRU] xdg-screensaver should control X11's screensaver in Xfce as fallback" [Undecided,New]10:18
Laneythe about panel actually reads some random hidden file10:38
Laneyto get the last updated date10:39
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+bug/128016910:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1280169 in Ubuntu system image "Should provide an API to query the timestamp of the most recent CheckForUpdates" [Medium,Fix committed]10:56
seb128ups, wrong bug10:56
Laneyit's there now10:56
seb128Laney, not sure if the system image service was there/providing that info when we added that, though I think they use the same file/timestamp info10:59
Laneyyeah it's just not that helpful when mocking the dbus service to give a fake date ;-)11:00
Laneyseeing if the about panel can use info from the updates panel now11:00
seb128oh, right ;-)11:00
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didrocksochosi: not today, but before EOW is good?11:30
didrocksochosi: ah, you should have reused the other bug11:30
didrockschange the description11:30
didrocksand add the trusty target11:30
ochosididrocks: ok, i can move that over to the original bugreport11:40
didrocksochosi: yeah, do that + tag + nominate for series11:40
didrocksochosi: I'll accept the nomination once done11:40
ochosidoes EOW mean it'll too late for 14.04.1?11:40
didrocksnot sure when 14.04.1 freeze is, don't have the calendar handy11:41
Laney14.04.1 *release* is in 8 days11:41
didrocksLaney: is there any freeze? I don't see on the calendar11:42
LaneyI don't know of any in particular11:42
didrocksyeah, so should be done today at latest11:42
didrockswith the week of SRU11:42
didrocksor I guess, to be frank, it's already too late11:42
didrockstime for the SRU team to approve11:42
ochosiok, i was afraid so11:42
Laneythey might stop processing SRUs a bit before maybe11:42
didrocksfor it to migrate11:42
Laneybut you could speak to the SRU team if xubuntu considers it important11:43
didrocksand the iso will be built quite some days before11:43
didrocksochosi: ping me once you have everything ready11:43
didrocksochosi: *ubuntu7.1 for the version btw11:43
didrocksso that it's < to the utopic one11:43
ochosicopied over the SRU info now to the original bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-locker/+bug/130974411:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1309744 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Light Locker blanks the screen when playing video" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:44
ochosisorry, what else is needed?11:44
* ochosi isn't very packaging proficient11:44
didrocksochosi: subscribe the sru team, nominate for release and provide a debdiff11:45
didrocksochosi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure11:45
seb128hum, I wonder if they are going to respect that schedule11:45
seb128I didn't see any activity related to .1 yet, but maybe I didn't pay enough attention11:46
seb128they usually try to flush the queue/packages in proposed which are not verified, etc11:46
ochosididrocks: sorry, have never done a debdiff before... i guess i'll ask someone from the xubuntu team to help11:46
Laneyyeah I didn't either11:46
Laneyochosi: debdiff <current trusty.dsc> <your new dsc>11:46
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ochosiLaney: thanks, but as i don't know how to create my new dsc i'd rather leave this to people who know/do packaging...11:48
Laneydebuild -S :-)11:49
* Laney screams12:34
* ogra_ shades his ears12:35
* Laney goes for a brain-cleansing lunch and crossword12:40
seb128Laney, enjoy12:40
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attenteseb128: hey, can we SRU https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/unity-gtk-module/1208019-2/+merge/216964?13:04
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ChrisTownsendpitti: Hi, per the discussion a couple of weeks ago, we now have a new Unity package in trusty-proposed (accepted yesterday) that has new strings that need translated.13:07
ChrisTownsenddpm: I think you may have been part of that conversation as well.  ^^^^^13:09
pittiChrisTownsend: oh, I thought that already happened some weeks ago; we got new langpacks into -proposed last week which are currently being tested, so I assume they don't have the new strings yet?13:09
ChrisTownsendpitti: D'oh, no I don't think so.13:09
ChrisTownsendpitti: Unless it took strings from Utopic.13:10
dpmhi ChrisTownsend, I had a conversation with Trevinho about it, and my impression was that it was taken care of?13:10
pittiChrisTownsend: I think it only does that when the trusty PO template gets updated13:10
pittibut 14.04.1 is next week, so we couldn't delay them any further anyway13:10
ChrisTownsenddpm: Yeah.  We are still working it out.13:11
ChrisTownsendpitti: Ok, well, looks like we might have missed that boat then.  We got blocked behind another SRU, so it took longer than anticipated.13:11
ChrisTownsendpitti: So, even though we are going to miss the 14.04.1 release, is it possible to speed up the next langpack for the current Unity SRU?  I guess we can keep Unity in -proposed until that's done.13:13
TrevinhoOr, going untranslated...13:15
pittiChrisTownsend: yes, sure; this will only require new update packages, which are much faster to build; the main limiting factor there is how fast can people verify them13:19
ChrisTownsendpitti: Ok, I see.  I assume we are talking about after 14.04.1 is released, right?  No way to get this before, right?13:20
pittiChrisTownsend: I think verifying the Unity SRU, get people to translate the new string into sufficiently many languages, build new packs and test them will take longer than 3 days13:20
ChrisTownsendpitti: Ok13:21
pittiChrisTownsend: but this is just new install media, which aren't that interesting from this POV13:21
TrevinhoChrisTownsend: at this point I don't know if it's better to just go without that bug, and try to release the rest...13:21
pittiChrisTownsend: unless it's a crucial new feature on the life system/installer13:21
pittiChrisTownsend: but existing installs or new 14.04.1 installs will get the update either way once it hits -updates13:21
Trevinhopitti: no, in fact people with updates will get it soon... so nothing crucial, just nice to have13:21
pittiso the microreleases are mostly interesting for hw enablement13:22
ChrisTownsendpitti: It is an OEM priority, so it may be important from a pre-load perspective.13:22
ChrisTownsendpitti: ara has been tracking this13:23
ChrisTownsendTrevinho: Well, even if we pulled that fix, we still need to verify all bugs (again) and then wait a few days to make sure no regressions pop up and by that time, we probably still missed the cut-off.13:26
TrevinhoChrisTownsend: I see13:26
Trevinhowell, updated systems will get it... There's nothing more we might do. We probably should have pinged the translation guys before13:27
seb128attente, do we need to SRU gtk with that patch first?13:30
attenteseb128: yeah, i've just attached it here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/180076505/gtk+3.0_3.10.8-0ubuntu1.2.debdiff13:32
seb128attente, thanks, we need a bug affecting gtk (we can use the one mentioned, just adding gtk to the components list), with SRU info (impact, test case, regression potential) ... that bug already had the testcase but not the other ones13:34
attenteok. should it be two separate sections for the two different components?13:34
seb128ChrisTownsend, Trevinho, pitti, dpm: the template seems to not be approved yet, it's in https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/unity/+imports?field.filter_status=all&field.filter_extension=pot ... maybe pitti or dpm can approve it (I seem to not have the acl to do that)13:35
pittiI can't13:35
ChrisTownsendseb128: Yeah, saw that.  I wasn't sure of the process...13:35
dpmseb128, I can, let me have a look. I'm a bit puzzled that it didn't get auto-approved, though13:36
seb128pitti, dpm, unping, seems like I just did that, the UI is confusing13:36
seb128I had to click on the "no import target selected yet" and validate the screen13:36
seb128not the first time I hit that one13:36
seb128the statuses on the right didn't have "approve" before that13:36
ChrisTownsendseb128: Thanks13:37
seb128seems like that worked13:37
seb128it's listed and using the utopic string13:37
ChrisTownsendseb128: Well, that seems to make this a bit easier:)13:38
dpmhm, still no idea why the auto-approval didn't work...13:39
* didrocks added 15 tests for the new command line parser pre-mangler, 14 pass, one fail (the trivial case) and it was a real bug in the new code written after the tests went in \o/13:40
seb128didrocks, working tests for the win ;-)13:48
didrocksyeah ;)13:51
attenteseb128: ok, updated the bug report with the required info, will it be possible to have both uploaded simultaneously to trusty-proposed since the changes are dependent on each other?13:58
seb128attente, yes13:58
attenteok, great, thanks again!13:59
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didrocksRan 262 tests in 710.681s14:40
didrockscoverage at 95% :)14:40
seb128we almost do as good on the timing for u-s-s14:42
seb128we have like 50 tests though :-(14:42
didrocksyeah, as told somewhere else, I have 250 tests taking 40s and 12 taking the rest :p14:43
LaneyI think the py3 test in u-s-s is borked14:46
Laneyrunning pep8 manually shows errors ._.14:47
didrocksI have some nice ways to run pep8 as part of the testsuite if you want14:47
Laneyit's supposed to work14:47
Laneyprobably just being called on the wrong directory14:47
seb128Laney, would it make sense to split the "get update date" change out of the ap cleanup merge request?15:09
didrocksdo you still have the system-image crash btw?15:10
Laneyseb128: it could be a prerequisite ...15:12
seb128I'm still on trusty so yeah15:12
seb128Laney, wfm15:12
Laneygoing to be tedious to split that out15:14
seb128Laney, don't bother then15:15
seb128I'm not that picky15:16
Laneyup to you, I can just cherry pick and chop out the not needed bits15:16
seb128it feels nicer to have it a separate commit/logical unit, but it's not the end of the world if it's not15:16
seb128your call, I'm going to accept either way15:16
seb128it was more a reminder for next time ;-)15:17
seb128if you keep it there, please update the commit message to mention it at least15:17
Laneythought I did15:17
seb128oh, you did15:17
Laneylet's wait for CI at any rate15:17
seb128I was reading the description of the change15:17
Laneyoh it wasn't that bad15:21
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Laneykay there we go, let's see if CI is happy15:40
Laneyseriously, if it's not ...15:40
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* didrocks waves good evening16:11
Laneysee you didrocks!16:12
seb128didrocks, night16:12
didrocksLaney: thanks, you too :)16:12
seb128see, people see goodbye to you ;-)16:12
didrocksseb128: enjoy tennis :p16:12
didrocksseb128: not like… yesterday! ;)16:13
* seb128 was afraid didrocks would close IRC before he responded16:13
seb128didrocks, thanks16:13
seb128see you tomorrow!16:13
didrocksthanks, see you ;)16:13
LaneyI did check tab completion to make sure you hadn't quit16:13
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robert_ancellyay, 13.10 EOL today! Less things for me to support!21:07
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