
=== keithzg_ is now known as keithzg
ScottKRiddell: I think calligra also needs the new librevenge:04:20
ScottK/usr/include/libodfgen-0.1/libodfgen/OdtGenerator.hxx:30:35: fatal error: librevenge/librevenge.h: No such file or directory04:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: why is kubotu broken?06:50
apacheloggerno rss feeds?06:50
apacheloggeroh, I am a bit of a stupid person, forgot to move the rss settings to the new database xD06:57
apacheloggerkubotu: save07:04
apacheloggerkubotu: rss show07:04
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help rss'07:04
apacheloggerkubotu: rss who watches07:04
kubotubranches-next: http://feeds.launchpad.net/kubuntu-packaging-next/revisions.atom (in format: default): watched by #kubuntu-devel07:04
kubotubranches: http://feeds.launchpad.net/kubuntu-packaging/revisions.atom (in format: default): watched by #kubuntu-devel07:04
kubotubugs: http://feeds.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs/latest-bugs.atom (in format: default): watched by #kubuntu-devel07:04
apacheloggerthat should be fixed I guess07:04
RiddelllScottK: yeah it does07:17
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
valorieemail sent09:08
shadeslayervalorie: thx09:18
shadeslayerI've replied09:18
* valorie goes to bed09:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: category d is danger will robinson09:29
shadeslayerI said C09:30
apacheloggerthere is no C because D is danger09:30
shadeslayerheh ok09:30
apacheloggerit's the cover story because I forgot the original story behind D09:32
apacheloggerit might have had to do with the tenth doctor having had problems with numerations 09:33
apacheloggersomething equally important as danger will robinson anyway :P09:33
shadeslayermuch fun to be had with lxc09:34
shadeslayercan't setup imager in there09:34
apacheloggeruse schroot09:37
shadeslayerstupid apparmor09:46
shadeslayerdisabling it makes it work09:46
shadeslayerin lxc09:46
shadeslayertrying to protect me from shooting myself in the foot, what if I *want* to huh09:46
shadeslayerit's only 12 PM, and I'm already hungry09:47
RiddellMirv:  qml-module-qtserviceframework ← that's now current naming practice?10:07
Riddellwhat happened to qtdeclarative5-foo ?10:07
* Riddell reads https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtsystems-opensource-src/+bug/134203110:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 1342031 in qtsystems-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Rename QML modules to follow qml-module-foo naming" [Low,In progress]10:09
MirvRiddell: yes, that's the new way indeed. there's no hurry (Ubuntu archives have huge amount of QML modules) but better to rename at some point to be better consistent10:11
RiddellMirv: gotcha, accepting qtsystems10:13
apacheloggerRiddell: shadeslayer: thoughts on moving usb-creator from pykde to pyqt? currently it uses kicon, kmessagebox, kglobalsettings, kprocess, kstandarddirs, kurl, i18n, kfiledialog, kaboutdata10:14
apacheloggerout of those kmessagebox, i18n , kaboutdata and kfiledialog are native to kf510:14
apacheloggeri18n is only used for kaboutdata it seems, so if we ditch that we don't need i18n, kmessagebox while very handy could probably be replaced by qmessagebox for the time being10:15
MirvRiddell: thanks!10:15
apacheloggerkfiledialog *could* be replaced if qfiledialog does actually go through qpa and launches a kfiledialog anyway (I doubt we use much fancy api)10:15
Riddellapachelogger: I think having qt5 is more useful than having kde classes so go ahead10:17
Riddellapachelogger: with the exception of i18n where it's needed10:17
Riddellapachelogger: I think using qfiledialog is advised by upstream now no?10:17
apacheloggerRiddell: the actual ui i18n is passed through usb-creator-core so that's pure gettext from what I can tell10:18
apacheloggeras for qfiledialog, I dunno, I certainly saw plasma-nm using a filedialog class in kio xD10:19
Riddellwhich is lovely10:19
apacheloggerah, usb-creator is largely preferring qt classes over kde anyway10:19
apacheloggere.g. uses qprogresdialog apparently10:19
RiddellWarning This class should be avoided in new code. QFileDialog should be used instead. 10:19
Riddellapachelogger: ↑10:20
apacheloggerperfect then10:20
apacheloggerditching all the kde classes10:20
apacheloggerbug 131586610:20
ubottubug 1315866 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Trusty) "usb-creator-kde crashes on exit" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131586610:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: is the underlying bug for that fixed?10:20
apachelogger    #       Ref: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2014-March/033929.html10:20
apacheloggerRiddell: def translate(self, prop): uses i18n10:21
apacheloggerI have no clue what that thing is supposed to achieve tho10:22
apachelogger# Description: Re-usable include which re-implements the translate method10:22
apachelogger#              from uic, and changes it to use gettext.10:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: not that I'm aware of10:22
apacheloggerah, I guess that can be wired thorugh _() as well10:22
* apachelogger gives this a tr10:22
RiddellMirv: what about is there's multiple modules in each one? separate packages? http://paste.kde.org/psx5ovlqw10:27
Riddellso qml-module-org-kde-draganddrop etc?10:28
shadeslayerwhy not qml-module-$framework10:29
MirvRiddell: there has been one qml-module- package for each QML module, although I agree it might mean quite a lot of binary packages in some cases10:30
Mirvqml-module-org-kde-kquickcontrols/kcoreaddons/drananddrop sounds according to Lisandro's schema in that case10:32
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:59
Riddell"I tested the neon iso yesterday and it looks absolutely stunning!"11:18
Riddellomgubuntu love  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/kde-plasma-5-released 11:18
Riddellhola sgclark 11:27
sgclarkRiddell: good morning11:29
Riddellseen the omgubuntu love?  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/kde-plasma-5-released11:31
Riddell"I tested the neon iso yesterday and it looks absolutely stunning!"11:31
RiddellI like all the comments11:31
shadeslayerare you sure about that :p11:31
Riddellwell the one I quoted I like, I haven't read the rest :)11:32
sgclarkvery cool!11:33
RiddellMirv: qml-module-qtserviceframework Depends: libqt5serviceframework5.  should that not be =binary:version ?11:33
Riddellsgclark: what exciting things are you doing today?11:39
sgclarkRiddell: finishing up last few copyright cleanups. Definately have some room to compile stuff or whatever you like :)11:40
Riddellsgclark: there's a very exciting new release of about-distro out11:40
Riddelland partitionmanager has a genuinely exciting release cos it'll make it work11:41
sgclarkwhere do I find those?11:41
Riddellpartitionmanager dunno, google knows all11:42
MirvRiddell: hmm, probably. thanks, I'll file a bug about it so that it doesn't get forgotten.11:48
santa_Riddell: is baloo-widgets gone in plasma 5.0.0 ?11:48
Riddellsanta_: there's no release yet11:49
Riddellwill be released with applications I guess11:49
soee13.10 support ends today ? :)11:54
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
santa_regarding this change http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging-next/krunner/revision/5011:59
santa_Riddell: ↑ the point of is not having conflicting libraries if the soname changes12:00
sgclarkRiddell: are these for trusty or utopic?12:19
BluesKajhope the virtual desktop wallpaper choices is fixed soon ...prefer different wallpaper for each desktop12:41
soeeBluesKaj: activities ftw :)12:58
BluesKajdon't need activities soee vds are enough for a home user like me13:04
soeeBluesKaj: yeah but what i like in activities for example: i can have one called development when i know i won't be using it next 2 weeks i juts stop it and its 'gone' for a while, than i can enable it again and have all configured as before ready to use :)13:06
apacheloggerI still don't get usb-creator's translate function13:08
BluesKajwell, I use launchers for different apps and files 13:09
yofelsoee: yep, saucy reached EOL13:15
Riddellsgclark: utopic13:19
alvinQuick yes/no query: Is there EFI support on the Project Neon iso?13:19
Riddellsanta_: yes the data packages should be put back in libs13:20
Riddellalvin: no I don't think so, that's black magic13:20
alvinI feared as much.13:21
shadeslayeralvin: I13:21
* alvin fetches his voodoo dolls.13:21
shadeslayeralvin: I'm working on getting a Kubuntu ISO + Plasma 5 with EFI support13:21
shadeslayerthough ETA is unknown13:21
shadeslayerblocked on Colin13:22
alvinshadeslayer: You're my hero. I'll wait. (take your time)13:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: halp13:22
* shadeslayer runs away13:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: ssup13:22
apacheloggerpyqt is being shittsy again13:22
Riddell"waiting on colin to do some valuable code" is more polite to say  :)13:23
shadeslayerheh :P13:23
apachelogger    self.__mainWindow.ui_dest_list.itemChanged.emit(item, 0)13:23
apacheloggerAttributeError: signal was not defined in the first super-class of class 'QTreeWidget'13:23
apacheloggerwhy why why why why13:23
shadeslayerrecently I've been anything but polite13:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: welcome to the club of angry men \o/13:23
apachelogger        persist_mb = target['persist'] / 1024 / 102413:24
apacheloggerit's obvious13:24
apacheloggerthere is a property that is divided by stuff and out comes mb13:24
shadeslayerno, I was going wat @ AttributeError: signal was not defined in the first super-class of class 'QTreeWidget'13:24
apacheloggeroh yeah13:24
Riddellshadeslayer: nonsense, i've been the bad cop13:25
apacheloggerthere's a couple of things wrong with pyqt513:25
apacheloggerfirst of all you cannot connect via qobjects anymore13:25
apacheloggerso connect(foo, signal(bar), slot(yolo)) will throw an error because you need to use foo.bar.connect(yolo)13:25
shadeslayerthat was the case with 4 as well13:25
apacheloggerthe problem with that of course is that connections happen at runtime of the runtime of the runtime so unless you have a very fancy regex you can't detect that shit13:25
shadeslayerthough it was optional13:25
apacheloggerit's the kind of shit you'd not want to do ever in an interpreted language13:26
apacheloggerlike not ever ever ever ever13:26
shadeslayermuch fun13:26
apacheloggerbut that aside13:26
apacheloggerit now is lying to me qtreewidget.itemChanged.emit(item, column) is not there it says13:26
apacheloggerof course that cannot be the case because that signal was there since forever and a glimps at the cpp docs says it is still there13:27
apacheloggerso now I am introspecting the metaobject of the qtreewidget13:28
apacheloggerand guess wat13:28
apacheloggerpyqt is shit and I have no clue why we are using it13:28
santa_Riddell: ok, my next candidate mass merge proposal: update lib*.install paths so a soname change wouldn't do unnoticed, example: https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/baloo-work/+merge/22714613:29
santa_I plan to do something similar to all the frameworks packages if it's ok13:29
Riddellsanta_: yep seems sensible13:31
PriyanthaHi all :)13:32
Riddellhi Priyantha 13:32
Riddellshadeslayer: kdeclarative updated with new qml-module package naming13:32
kodandaInstalled plasma 5 on 14.04. After loggin in I see only blank screen. any ideas how to fix this?13:33
Priyanthahi I was wondering about the new kde plasma5 desktop :) and tried to install it on my Ubuntu/Kubuntu Utopic13:33
Priyanthabut I am not able to install it yet13:33
soeePriyantha: why >13:34
Priyanthawell with trying to do a "apt-get install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop" I am getting a lot of dependency problems13:36
shadeslayerPriyantha: lets move to #kubuntu, and plz pastebin your dep issues13:36
Riddellkodanda: I guess the same thing, support in #kubuntu13:37
BluesKajPriyantha,  install qt5-default13:37
Priyanthayes sorry13:37
Priyanthawrong channel ;)13:37
Priyanthasorry about that13:38
shadeslayer!find /usr/lib/syslinux/chain.c32 utopic13:49
ubottuFile /usr/lib/syslinux/chain.c32 found in syslinux-common13:49
shadeslayerno it's not13:49
shadeslayeryou lying bastard13:49
soeeuh oh :) owncloud 7 is coming ... :D13:50
=== Priyantha is now known as Priyantha|AFK
* Riddell blogs https://blogs.kde.org/2014/07/17/plasma-51-kickoff14:08
BluesKajhmm desktop just crashed left with bar across the bottom where the panel was, desktop was black14:21
BluesKaj /var/log/syslog shows systemd suddenly failed to load14:25
Riddellsystemd isn't ment to load, unless you explicity use it14:26
BluesKajRiddell,  I'm using it, it's setup in the grub line 'quiet splash'14:32
* BluesKaj likes to live near the edge14:34
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
alketwill the next release be on KDE 514:44
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
Riddellthere's no such thing as KDE 514:49
Riddellwe won't be using Plasma 5 in the next release but some parts of KF5 may well creep in14:49
alketyeah , i wasn't sure how these things called , but the video of "kde 5" looked nice14:49
alketthanks for reply14:49
Riddellshadeslayer: kdesu rejected!  fixed in bzr, please reupload14:53
sgclarkRiddell: lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging-next/partitionmanager is ready for review. Please note the patch was only needed to build in pbuilder. Build in chroot was fine without. I have no idea why.14:57
kubotufeed branches-next had 7 updates, showing the latest 615:05
Riddellsgclark: becoming a cmake ninja are you?15:07
Riddellsgclark: it's still a kdelibs4 app so just put the packaging in kubuntu-packaging not in kubuntu-packaging-next15:08
sgclarkRiddell: ok15:08
Riddellsgclark: dep 3 headers in the patch will make policy wonks happy :)15:09
ScottKRiddell (or anyone with commit rights in KDE git) please commit http://paste.debian.net/110262/ for e-c-m.  It's got a ship it in https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/119339/15:12
RiddellScottK: "but bear in mind this is not part of ECM" what does that mean?15:13
sgclarkRiddell: I am getting an odd error on quiltrc perhaps, can you expain what you want because I am not a quilt ninja :(15:13
ScottKRiddell: It's in the attic, not formally part of the release since it's not used ATM.15:14
ScottKI was thinking I might work on making it do PyQt5, since that'll be needed for bindings at some point.15:14
Riddellsgclark: what's the error? what are you trying to do?15:15
sgclarkRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7809467/  and atm only trying to figure out what you mean dep 3 headers15:18
RiddellScottK: pushed!15:18
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.15:18
RiddellScottK: lining yourself up to become pyKDE maintanier I take it? :)15:18
ScottKThat much pain I'm not into.15:19
Riddellsgclark: I have no .quiltrc15:19
Riddellnever had any need15:19
Riddellsgclark: just edit the file with your favourite text editor to add headers15:20
Riddellsgclark: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/  adds meta data to the patch15:20
Riddellsgclark: I've not read that fully, I just use the "Sample DEP-3 compliant headers" at the bottom to copy and paste15:20
Riddellsgclark: paritionmanager compiles and runs, looking good, the question is have you been brave enough to test it?15:21
Riddella bug in a partitioning tool can have nasty consequences15:21
sgclarkhaha no15:21
sgclarkyes it can15:21
sgclarkI don't have any spare drives to be brave with :( sorry15:22
Riddellhmm, trying it with a usb drive I can't get it to do very much15:24
RiddellI wonder if it has some authentication that's broken with plasma 515:24
sgclarkI have run into that with a few things in plasma 515:25
Riddellwhat we need is a plasma 4 user to test15:25
Riddell!testers | new partitionmanager15:25
ubottunew partitionmanager: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information15:25
Riddellah BluesKaj, you went back to plasma 4?15:25
shadeslayerbusy making ISO's, go away ....15:26
sgclarkI can run out and get a usb drive. I have plasma 4 on this laptop15:26
BluesKajRiddell,  yes for a couple of days , but back on 5 bow15:26
Riddelltrying with a virtual machine15:28
apacheloggerkubotu: order a glass of white wine15:29
* kubotu slides a glass of white wine down the bar to apachelogger15:29
apacheloggertomorrow is friday isn't it15:29
shadeslayerfriday \o/15:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: btw, I'll be out at 14 or 1430 tomorrow, so we'd better roll an early iso15:29
shadeslayerok ok15:29
shadeslayerI don't think there are any blockers off the top of my head15:30
apacheloggerbuildwise everything is green/orange anyway15:30
apacheloggeractually not15:30
apacheloggeroh lol15:30
apacheloggerwrong server15:30
Riddellsgclark: working well on a virtual machine, so I think it will just be the broken kauth15:31
Riddellsgclark: lovely, make the changes and I'll upload to ubuntu15:32
sgclarkRiddell: ok great15:32
sgclarkRiddell: lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/partitionmanager fixed patch headers, was there something else?15:33
Riddellsgclark: let me try without your patch, if we keep it then it needs to be sent upstream15:36
sgclarkRiddell: it builds in chroot without, which is perplexing, all depends were satisfied15:37
Riddellmaybe something not updated and the update needs it?15:39
Riddellbuilds fine here without it15:39
Riddelltrying pbuilder15:39
_Groo_Riddell: whats up?15:41
_Groo_Riddell: i changed jobs and stuff is starting to settle down15:41
_Groo_Riddell: if you guys want i can restart helping with kubuntu packaging once again15:41
alkethow can I get involved in testing ?15:42
Riddell_Groo_: we always want that :)15:42
Riddellalket: we need something tested on utopic on plasma 4 just now15:42
alketor something easy15:42
Riddellalket: we can add your to the !testers call15:42
alketreally , will virtualbox will do it ? or i have to make a fresh install ?15:42
_Groo_Riddell: :) this weekend im gonna see which packages i worked one and left behind (i can think of wally for ex)15:42
_Groo_alket: use pbuilder, its a chroot/debuild on steroids15:43
Riddellalket: virtualbox always better than nothing15:43
Riddell_Groo_: he's just running it not building it15:43
_Groo_Riddell: ah ok, sorry15:43
Riddellalket: this needs tested http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/partitionmanager_1.1.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb15:43
_Groo_Riddell: btw, i have been playing with apt-btrfs-snapshot lately15:44
_Groo_Riddell: saved my life a few times, would you guys be open to include a systemsettings module if i wrote one for ditto proggie?15:44
Riddell_Groo_: for ditto proggie?15:45
_Groo_Riddell: ofc it would be linked to apt-btrfs-snapshot package and would only install if kubuntu-desktop was installed15:45
_Groo_Riddell: for apt-btrfs-snapshot15:45
Riddellwhat is apt-btrfs-snapshot?15:46
Riddellbackup to btrfs?15:46
_Groo_its a python program that creates snapshots before any dpkg related install/remove/etc15:46
_Groo_like a recovery mountpoint on steroids15:47
_Groo_its so easy to use to go back before a broken system its a shame its not on by default15:47
_Groo_if you use btrfs subvolumes for root, give it a try15:48
=== alket_ is now known as alket
Riddell"you can revert failed apt operations (like apt-get upgrade) and roll back to the previous system state with apt-btrfs-snapshot"15:48
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information15:48
Riddell_Groo_: sounds like something that should be an addon to muon (brainstorming)15:48
alkethow to add myself there15:48
_Groo_Riddell: yep, i use it a lot to test my xorg git+mesa git +llvm git + radeon git + intel git package creation15:48
Riddellalket: ask Tm_Tr is my usual way15:49
_Groo_Riddell: yeah, but the catch is, you have some pre reqs15:49
alketTm_T: could you add me to list of testers please ?15:49
_Groo_for instance, you need to have btrfs (duh) as / or it wont work (kinda obvious but that means we need to have a pretty solid checking program in place)15:50
_Groo_that if kubuntu would ship it as default15:50
_Groo_for that to happen, kubuntu would need to put btrfs as default / filesystem15:51
_Groo_so baby steps, i was thinking in creating a systemsettings module (since apt-btrfs-snap is a CLI program)15:51
_Groo_maybe integrate it with muon15:51
Riddellwe go with whatever ubuntu uses as default filesystem format, I know they've evaluated btrfs so I guess there's reason why they didn't change to it by default15:51
_Groo_and add it to the kubuntu system (dont know the name) that suggests packages to be installed when triggered15:52
_Groo_like for ex, if you have btrfs on instalation, the install script will ask if you want to install apt-btrfs, or something in that line15:52
Riddellso I doubt we'd ship the kcm by default, since it wouldn't work with the default setup15:52
Riddellbut of course if you write it and it works we'd put it in the archive15:52
_Groo_it could be shipped but just not activated15:52
RiddellI'd strongly advise having it in kde git too as a kde project, no point going alone15:53
_Groo_but yeah, having it in multiverse would be a good start15:53
Riddelluniverse (multiverse is for non-free)15:53
_Groo_sorry, universe15:53
_Groo_always confuse the 2 :P15:53
_Groo_if you have btrfs, give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised15:54
RiddellTm_T: so he can help test :)15:54
_Groo_its a life saver if you change your system a lot, like i do15:54
Tm_TRiddell: I mean why we would be pleasantly surprised (:15:54
_Groo_Tm_T: like i said above, i do a lot of testing/packaging in the graphics stack15:55
_Groo_i have a intel 4400 and an ati 8850m15:55
_Groo_complete open source stack15:55
_Groo_and guess what, its always in flux15:55
Tm_T_Groo_: I understand that you have found it working well for you (:15:55
_Groo_it would be a pain to test new builds without apt-btrfs-snapshot15:56
Riddellsgclark: I confirm the patch is needed in a pbuilder, spooky, so please send it upstream and ask upstream author if he knows why or to include the patch15:56
Tm_Tubottu: ~testers15:56
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information15:56
Riddellsgclark: shall i upload?15:56
alketso no :'( , I use ubuntu since 2007 , look at ubuntuforums.org , and I also help test some build of games like Megaglest and Stuntrally15:56
alketbut np15:56
sgclarkRiddell: sure15:57
Riddellalket: wait hang on, he'll add you15:58
RiddellTm_T: won't you?15:58
Tm_T!testers is <sed> /malarley/malarley, alket/15:58
Tm_Tubottu: no, !testers is <sed> /malarley/malarley, alket/15:59
Riddellthat has got to be the most over-engineered UI ever :)15:59
Tm_Tit should take sed happily, maybe it doesn't recognise me16:00
ubottuHelp is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket  for information16:02
Tm_Thappy? (:16:02
alketTm_T: thank you very much :)16:02
BluesKajRiddell, ok I'm here16:03
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, debfx, JontheEchidna, Quintasan, Riddell, ScottK, yofel, smartboyhw, murthy16:03
_Groo_bah, im not there anymore16:03
_Groo_although i still have access to kubuntu-ninjas :)16:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about babyninjas16:04
_Groo_ubottu: you should little bot, you should ;)16:04
ubottu_Groo_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:04
_Groo_ubottu: more than apachelogger , cof cof16:04
ubottu_Groo_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:04
_Groo_yes, im talking to a bot :P16:04
sgclarkRiddell: since it is not consistant I filed this and included patch: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33754816:05
ubottuKDE bug 337548 in general "Unknown CMake command "CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS"." [Normal,Unconfirmed]16:05
sgclarkUmmm, I am not a !ninja ?!?!16:05
sgclarkTM_T Riddell I believe I should be a ninja.. :(16:08
_Groo_sgclark: back when i was helping a lot around here (or destroying, depends on the point of view) i was never a ninja, alhough i had access to a lot of stuff, officially i was apachelogger little bi*ch....16:13
ScottKI think that position is open.16:13
_Groo_ScottK: hi scott, yeah i plan to resume operations with you guys in the coming days.. i miss the long hours compiling/packaging stuff for no good reason :P16:14
ScottKWelcome back.16:14
_Groo_ScottK: tks tks16:14
_Groo_can someone point me to the todo list (ninja stuff) and documentation, i lost part of the stuff i had before, so i can resume the proper workflow without bugging you guys too much16:15
Riddellsgclark: totally16:16
RiddellTm_T: can you add sgclark and _Groo_ to !ninjas ?16:16
Riddellsgclark: you probably want to explain what pbuilder is in that bug report, unless you package for debian system you won't know16:17
Riddell_Groo_: https://trello.com/kubuntu16:17
Riddell_Groo_: also KDE SC 4.13.3 and 4.14 beta need packaging16:17
Riddellwe have scripts for those16:18
_Groo_Riddell: im using pbuilder, you guys still use the kde-scripts-whatever package with all the debian scripts for kde building?16:19
_Groo_or are you guys using something else?16:19
Riddellpkg-kde-tools we use16:19
_Groo_yeah, its what i use too16:20
Riddellwe have kubuntu-automation to try and automate KDE SC packaging16:20
Riddellhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ also has useful lniks16:20
_Groo_is it in universe?16:20
Riddellno it's in bzr16:20
_Groo_ah ok, ill get it then16:20
_Groo_k, i can help with 4.13.3 and 4.1416:21
_Groo_ill start this weekend16:21
_Groo_once i have the workflow going, i will be able to help all week, just give me a couple of days16:22
_Groo_im also taking a look at some orphan packages i did in the past and still are in universe/multiverse16:22
_Groo_like wally16:22
_Groo_that need some love16:22
sgclarkRiddell: lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/about-distro ready16:23
Riddellyou're on a roll!16:23
sgclarkRiddell: I have to leave for about an hour, anything needs working on when I return?16:24
Riddellsgclark: well yeah the whole of 4.14 beta 216:25
Riddellif you can work out the kubuntu-automation scripts16:26
sgclarkRiddell: sure, sounds like a fun challenge16:27
Riddellso _Groo_ can take 4.13.3 if he wants to16:28
_Groo_Riddell: yeah, should be fun16:29
_Groo_i need to get acquainted with kubuntu-automation, i used to do one package at a time when i was helping before, it was like a whole weekend just to get it going 16:29
_Groo_should be easier now16:29
sgclarkRiddell: and this is for trusty?16:32
Riddellsgclark: 4.14 beta 2 is for utopic16:32
sgclarkRiddell: ok16:32
Riddellwith backports to trusty as a second step if time allows16:32
Riddellsgclark: you'll need to make sure kdesc-packages-utopic.txt is up to date16:33
Riddellthen run ./kubuntu-initial-upload as described in the README16:33
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Riddelland check it's doing the right thing, adding new changelog entries, updating the build-depends versions etc16:33
Riddellthen upload to PPA and update the cronjob on qa.kubuntu.co.uk for the new version16:34
Riddellalthough which PPA is a good question16:34
Riddellninjas I suppose16:34
Riddellmake sure it has enough space and doesn't have stuff in it to get in the way first16:35
sgclarkRiddell: got everything but cron job16:37
Riddelloh and keep https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas up to date16:37
Riddellsgclark: ssh into qa.kubuntu.co.uk, sudo -u kubuntu bash16:39
Riddellmake utopic.conf in /home/kubuntu/kubuntu-automation/kubuntu-automation16:39
Riddelland add it to cron with crontab -e16:40
Riddellshadeslayer: rejected knotifications, I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload16:44
Riddellshadeslayer: rejected knotifyconfig, I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload16:50
shadeslayerok, will do tomorrow16:51
Riddellshadeslayer: rejected kparts, I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload16:56
Riddellshadeslayer: want e-mails or irc ok?16:56
shadeslayerirc is ok16:57
Riddellshadeslayer: rejected kservice, I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload17:02
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Riddellshadeslayer: rejected ktextwidgets, I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload17:08
sgclarkRiddell: kdesc-dev-latest would this be same as trusty or where would I find that?17:14
* Riddell looks17:15
Riddellsgclark: what's the context?17:15
RiddellI think you'll also need lp:kubuntu-dev-tools17:16
Riddellah you talk of kdesc-dev-latest-utopic.txt ? 17:16
Riddellno changes there17:17
Riddelljust use the kdesc-dev-latest-utopic.txt in kubuntu-automation17:17
Riddellshadeslayer: rejected kwallet-kf5,  I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload17:23
Riddellshadeslayer: rejected kxmlgui, I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload17:35
Riddellshadeslayer: rejected frameworkintegration, I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload17:39
sgclarkRiddell: ok looks like I have the script working :) I will review it before uploading anywhere. taking my hour break, will be back.17:46
Riddellsgclark: thanks :)17:46
Riddellsgclark: probably best to check, then upload kde4libs only then if that's all sane upload everything else18:19
Riddellthat way you get a second check and everything else might compile (nothing will if kde4libs isn't updated first)18:19
Riddellshadeslayer: rejected kdeclarativev, I've updated bzr for copyright please review and re-upload18:19
sgclarkRiddell: ok18:19
sgclarkRiddell: seems to be stuck atm18:19
sgclarkRiddell: don't suppose there is a continue? or similiar18:21
Riddellsgclark: the script is stuck?18:23
Riddelldoing what?18:23
sgclarkRiddell: yeah, it grabbed baloo-widgets modified and commited and now is just sitting there18:24
Riddelldoes ps -aux tell you what's running?18:24
sgclarkin a chroot, can't do anything without stopping script (notes to & next time)18:25
Riddellyou can stop the script18:30
Riddelland remove all entires in kdesc-packages-utopic.txt including the problem one and restart18:30
Riddellall entries up to the problem one18:30
sgclarkok thank you18:30
* Riddell blogs https://blogs.kde.org/2014/07/17/barcelona-plasma-and-kde-frameworks-50-release-party18:31
sgclarkI am so on the wrong side of the pond :(18:31
Riddellsays the person going to oscon18:32
Riddellgroovy, New queue all empty18:41
Riddelltime to call it a day, New reviews are tiring18:41
santa_shadeslayer: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging-next/kauth/revision/42 the point of having plugins out of the lib* packages is not having conflicting library packages in case the soname changes18:52
santa_+ not polluting the symbols file with symbols which can't be linked against18:53
kubotufeed branches had 22 updates, showing the latest 619:06
shadeslayersanta_: sure, but the lib is useless without the plugin19:31
shadeslayerso sure, you can have the package installable19:32
shadeslayerbut it won't work19:32
shadeslayerwe discussed it here19:32
shadeslayersee logs19:32
santa_shadeslayer: fine, that can apply to any package having a -bin counterpart, when did you discussed this?19:34
santa_shadeslayer: also I discussed that issue too, and I suggested to add the dependency via the symbols file (like libkdecore5 and kde-runtime from kde 4) but I couldn't convince people yet of that approach so what is done now is just a recommends19:36
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santa_in any case a library package should contain only the libs, it's not about "this stuff is not useful alone, therefore it shouldn't go in a separate package"19:38
shadeslayersanta_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/07/14/%23kubuntu-devel.html#t11:1319:46
santa_shadeslayer: thanks. I still think separating it in a split package + recommends is better19:49
santa_and even better adding the dependency on -bin or -plugins or whatever via the symbols file19:49
kubotufeed branches had 16 updates, showing the latest 620:07
soeehomerun kicker in plasma5 has no icons at all :D20:40
santa_soee: create the .kde directory in your home20:44
soeesanta_: it is by default created20:44
santa_soee: no it's not, do you already have it anyway?20:45
_Groo_soee: the new home for .kde now is .config i believe20:45
_Groo_no more .kde :(20:45
soeesanta_: have it20:45
soee_Groo_: since plasma5 ?20:46
santa__Groo_: sure, but there's an upstream issue which can be workarounded that way20:46
soeeany way to fix the icons issue ?20:47
santa_soee: yes, since plasma5. about your issue if it's not the lack of ~/.kde dir I don't know what it could be20:47
soeesanta_: thanks anyway20:48
soeehmmi have  had set Breeze icon theme20:49
soee\that might be the issue20:49
_Groo_soee: stupid question, but is the icon set installed?21:00
soee_Groo_: yes21:08
sgclarksoee: plasma 5 has very few icons finished. You will more as more releases come out21:10
soeesgclark: i know, the problem was menu was completely missing icons soe the system settings21:12
sgclarksoee: I had to make a new user (old settings messing something up)> not sure if that is your issue or not.21:13
soeewill do some tests21:13
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kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 623:08

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