
pcemaybe someone can help me, i get a ban in #israel and i would like to talk to the op16:36
pcewho is it, the #channel is market as private (no ChanServ info) and i can't join..16:37
Avihaypce: join the club19:40
pcei would be happt, but i use just debian ;)19:42
Avihayno, join the banned from #israel club19:43
Avihayalso, buntu is a deb deriviative19:43
Avihay#egbert is the one who banned me, and he rarely frequents this channle, but he does19:43
pceyes i understand you, it was just kidding19:45
pcei get banned because i am maybe pro peace19:45
pcethey say to me lefi.. and few days after they banned me :(19:46
pcelike left (politics)19:47
Avihaywell, I've seen "lefties" being so pro-peace that it's hard to interpret them as nothing other then supporting "muslim-peace"19:48
Avihaywhich non muslims should find very offensive19:48
pceyes i know also one19:56
pceuri avnery19:56
pcehe was trying to help Arafat, in Germany he gets a lot of.. (?)19:57
pcebut i believe that he loves israel and the jews19:58

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