
MooDoomorning all06:04
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MooDoolost my connection :(06:34
MooDooyeah :(06:36
MooDoohate it when it does that06:36
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opSiriHey guys16:14
opSiriHi! MooDoo16:14
opSiriIts been a year and 1/3 since I came here and the council still hasnt sent me anything16:15
holsteinopSiri: what are you expecting?16:15
opSiriWell I registered to be an op16:16
MooDooopSiri: lots of us have :) I think they are just busy16:16
opSirioh 14.0416:16
opSiriMy real user is optrusty16:17
MooDooJust give em time :D16:17
holsteinwell, there is a release every 6 months.. development on the release doesnt really stop16:17
holsteinopSiri: you are part of the launchpad team that you want to op?16:18
MooDooand being an op isn't really anything to do with the release schedule :D16:18
optrustyThis is the real me16:18
opSiriHi! optrusty16:18
holsteinoptrusty: you are part of the launchpad team you want to op?16:18
optrustyYa, I registered16:19
holsteinoptrusty: so, you *are* joined to the launchpad team?16:19
MooDoowhen was the last meeting that talked about new ops, was a few week ago if i remember correctly16:19
holsteinoptrusty: what was the last interaction with whom about what?16:19
holsteinyou want to op what?16:20
optrustyLet me see the mailing list16:20
MooDoooptrusty: i'm pending for ubuntu-offtopic :)16:20
k1l_holstein: iirc he took part in the call-for-ops-round for #ubuntu and such16:21
optrustyI'm pending for #ubuntu16:21
MooDook1l_: yup me too16:21
MooDooI know everone is busy - get your finger out AlanBell ;)16:22
k1l_but i dont know what the result of that round was. someone of the team just asked the IRCC to clarify that16:22
MooDoolast meeting they were too busy to discuss it and needed further input about current pending people16:22
optrustyI gtg16:23
holsteinoptrusty: id say, exercise as much patience as you can16:23
MooDoop a t i e n c e16:24
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=== zz_opSiri is now known as opSiri

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