
IdleOnetoday is the 17th.00:24
IdleOnetime travel is confusing00:25
ubottuThanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently00:41
ubottusupachick called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()00:41
ubottusupachick called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:42
supachickhi idleone00:42
IdleOneyou done?00:42
supachickban me and get it done with00:43
IdleOneyou can leave on your own00:43
supachickunless you repent you will perish00:44
IdleOneI'll perish anyway00:44
IdleOnesome day00:44
supachickwhy do you want to go to the lake of fire00:44
IdleOnebetter view00:44
chuHe's Canadian, obviously sick of the cold.00:44
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DLangeevery time freenode splits and services are on the other side you send people to #ubuntu-unregged07:42
DLangethat's pretty annoying (and I'm affected by it every week or so depending on how splitty freenode is and how stable services are in a given timeframe)07:43
DLange(+jf 5:10 #ubuntu-unregged on the channel)07:43
DLangewe've removed that from ##linux quite a long time ago and I'd ask you to do the same for #ubuntu as it only affects your users but doesn't help with anything currently07:44
DLangeif ever botnets like we had a few years ago come back, you can always put a join throttle back on the channel07:45
k1lDLange: we just had botnets the other day.07:45
k1l#ubuntu as one of the biggest channels gets regular attention from botnets. but i will forward this suggestion to the team and we will discuss that issue. thanks07:46
DLangecan you point me to the botnet joins? I didn't find anything in #ubuntu logs for the last 48hrs (before I was pinged off and ended back in -unregged as so often)07:49
DLangethe max I'm seeing these days is five joins from one IP and a kiddie with three or so VPNs07:49
DLangethat won't get filtered by +jf 5:10 but the 100s and 1000s of users returning from splits always are07:50
DLangeesp. as freenode's seven has broken the ping handling and re-join burst but that's another story for another day07:51
Unit193One in my backlog is at 16:40 EST, but yes returning from netsplits into there is annoying.07:51
DLangecan you pastebin?07:54
DLangeidlog -sjoined \#ubuntu.log | grep ":40 " | sort | uniq -c doesn't return any joins of more than one IP for me07:55
DLange(but then my logs are incomplete as I end up in -unregged every now and then :-))07:56
Unit193The joins/parts/quits/notices were not logged.07:57
k1li know07:58
k1ljust to show that there are bots joins.07:58
DLangeneither IPs or *anything* useful for administering the channel :) This is for end users (only)...07:58
DLangeI have it in my logs, thanks for the pointer k1l08:01
DLangestill the join throtteling doesn't help much with such small botnets08:01
DLangeif you don't want to remove the +jf, consider +I *!*@about/linux/staff/* and /freenode/staff08:03
DLangethe cloaks are often still on when the auth is gone due to split services08:03
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DLangehave fun discussing, cu around08:06
PriceyHmm I thought the ircd kept track of whether you were identified...09:34
k1lbut not in netsplits when all the services go mad etc.09:39
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Priceyk1l: I misread Dlange's lines so my comment is entirely irrelevant.. but I'm pretty sure the ircd does keep track of whether you're identified if it splits from the services side of the network.13:13
k1l_Pricey: yes. but there was a huge netsplit last days where users were dropped and when reconnecting they could not auth because the services were down. but that is no that common14:17
Priceyk1l_: Right, I usually only refer to netsplits as servers losing connectivity.15:02
PriceyLooks like our new "netsplit whenever staffers says 'netsplit'" fantasy commands are working.15:05
k1l_"it wasnt me" :)15:12
ubottuIn #kubuntu-devel, Tm_T said: !testers is <sed> /malarley/malarley, alket/15:58
ubottuIn #kubuntu-devel, Tm_T said: ubottu: no, !testers is <sed> /malarley/malarley, alket/15:59
Tm_TI fail, can someone help me with this? I've basicly without computer this summer so I find this thing bit difficult right now16:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:00
Tm_Tah, got it16:02
Tm_Tthanks! (:16:02
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Pici9.04 :(17:57
popeyI have asked this before, but can never quite get the incantation right, I need #ubuntu-phone to not exist, but fo~22:03
popeystupid cat walked on keyboard pressing enter then22:03
popeyI need #ubuntu-phone to forward to #ubuntu-touch22:03
popeycan someone tell me the magic?22:03
ikoniait's it just +f22:04
ikonia+F #ubuntu-phone #ubuntu-touch22:04
ikoniaI thought it was already done22:04
popeyme too22:04
popeythought we did it months back22:04
ikoniait's mode +F #ubuntu-phone #ubuntu-touch from memory22:04
ikoniabut #ubuntu-touch needs to accept forwards22:04
popey23:04:46 -!- mode/#ubuntu-phone [+Fb-n #ubuntu-touch!*@*] by popey22:05
ikonialet me see if I can dig out the sytax if someone doesn't know it22:05
popeythat look okay?22:05
ikoniadon't know what -n is and I don't think you need the !*@*22:05
popeywell that failed22:06
ikoniaahhh look at that22:06
popeyI just did /mode +F #ubuntu-phone #ubuntu-touch22:06
ikonia#ubuntu-ops just did it22:06
ikoniaperfect timing net split22:06
ikonia23:06 -!- mode/#ubuntu-ops [+Fcntzf #ubuntu-unregged]22:07
ikoniauna momento22:07
ikonialet me dig out the docs22:07
ikonialets try to get it right22:07
popeyalso need to do -tablet and -tv too22:08
ikoniaok so #ubuntu-touch needs to be +F22:08
ikoniathen #ubuntu-phone needs to be +f #ubuntu-touch22:09
ikoniaand you're +n was also useful22:09
ikonia(I think thats right)22:09
popeylets see22:10
ikoniapopey: you're an op in both channels ?22:11
ikoniathat seems odd then as +F on #ubuntu-touch allows it to accept forwards22:12
* genii slides k1l_a fresh coffee22:12
ikoniathen +f on #ubuntu-phone should allow it to forward to a channel that is +F22:12
ikoniapopey: try setting it +i too22:13
ikoniapopey: so #ubuntu-phone +if #ubuntu-touch22:13
popeythank you ikonia !22:14
ikoniano sweat22:14
ikoniaI was reading it wrong22:14
k1l_was it Pricey again? :)22:54
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