
hallynsmoser: though hm, i still would prefer it use /sbin/init00:05
hallynso that networking gets set up, etc00:09
hallynkirkland: so i'm doubting myself, and wondering if i shoul dkeep the large spinning rust disk in the new thinkpad, and replace the tiny m.2 drive with a larger ssd instead.00:10
hallyn(and screw swap)00:10
sarnoldhallyn: i <3 my ssd. I still have a spinning metal drive in my t530 but only use it as an rsnapshot target to backup the contents off my ssd :)00:11
sarnoldhallyn: once you've used an ssd you wouldn't want OS, applications, or data on spinning drives again..00:12
hallynsarnold: right, my vaio had an 80G ssd;  i bought a new tp and am buing 3d party ssd for it,00:12
hallynmy plan was to just get a 240G intel 530 from amazon,00:12
hallynbut the t440s has a m.2 ssd in it, 16G (!)00:13
hallynso maybe i should keep the 500G (shoulda gone with 1T) spinning disk for built-in backups,00:13
hallynand get a m.2 180G m.200:13
hallynsarnold: frankly i hadn't heard of the m.2 drives before :)00:14
sarnoldhallyn: I've thught about using the little msata slot on my systemfor another drive; I got the giggles when I thought that I could put three 1tb ssds in my laptop and run zfs raidz1... :)00:16
Patrickdkheh, I love the screen on it, but the rest of the laptop, heh, not impressed at all00:16
Patrickdkwish I could get a t530 with the t540 screen00:16
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kirklandhallyn: I haven't used swap in like 8 years00:21
kirklandhallyn: frankly, I despise swap00:22
hallynkirkland: you mentioned using the m.2 as swap in your email :)00:22
kirklandhallyn: and I avoid spinning disks whenever possible00:22
hallynkirkland: pshaw.  for storing large files long-term...00:22
hallynlooking at http://www.lenovoservicetraining.com/content/CourseWarePublic/19958/player.html reading about the 3d m.2 hd slot00:23
kirklandhallyn: yeah, I did...just a thought;  I'm really happy with 16GB of main memory in my x23000:23
sarnoldI'm 424 megabytes into swap on my 16GB RAM laptop. I figure the kernel knows what it's doing. :)00:23
kirklandhallyn: and I'd be disappointed to shrink to 8GB00:23
kirklandhallyn: also, I had another thought...00:23
kirklandhallyn: I always put /tmp in tmpfs00:24
kirklandhallyn: and I do *a ton* of work in /tmp00:24
kirklandhallyn: I fill that up all the time00:24
kirklandhallyn: I thought about putting /tmp on the m.2 hd00:24
kirklandsarnold: heh, swap sucks;  it's a waste;  and it's inherently insecure and always should be encrypted;  f*ck hibernate :-)00:25
hallynkirkland: but yeah, so the 16G m.2 ssd seems useless to me, so for $150 I can get 180G m.2 ssd plus keep 500G hd, or else for $250 i can have just a 500G ssd.  i'm torn.00:29
kirklandhallyn: dunno00:29
hallynheh or i could really take my chances, and go with a 500G crucial m.2 ssd :)00:30
Patrickdksarnold, with or without zswap?00:30
hallynbut i've heard so many horror stories that i dare not00:30
Patrickdkhallyn, oh?00:30
Patrickdkthe m400's wheren't that great00:31
Patrickdkbut the m500's seems to be reliable00:31
Patrickdkand the m.2 is the same I think00:31
hallynPatrickdk: well 2-3 years ago whe ni bought my first ssd, i was strongly warned to only buy intel at the time;  and yes many lost-hd stories from kirkland and others over the years00:31
Patrickdklooking to get a msata for my laptop to replace my 830, and then shove in a 1tb ssd where that is00:31
kirklandhallyn: yep, two of my non-Intel SSDs blew up (Patriot)00:32
kirklandhallyn: things may be better now00:32
kirklandhallyn: actually, none of the 150 SSDs in the OrangeBoxes are Intel00:32
Patrickdkwell, I've stuck to only using intel/samsung/plextor00:33
Patrickdklooking to get some crucial as it's been looking to be reliable the last few years, and a few people I know with them, have had no issues00:33
Patrickdkonly the m500's and m550's though00:34
Patrickdkthe other brands, ya, I wouldn't touch them00:34
kirklandhallyn: what's the mouse/track situation on the thinkpad you're considering?00:35
kirklandhallyn: I'm most concerned about roaksoax's description of the mouse buttons00:36
Patrickdkthere are none :)00:36
sarnoldthat's what worries me :)00:39
hallynkirkland: wgrant (in ubuntu-devel) said that the mouse buttons at the top of the trackpad are virtual, but work ok for him.  i expect to hate that part.00:39
sarnoldPatrickdk: without zswap00:39
hallynkirkland: d'oh, http://forum.notebookreview.com/lenovo/736398-questions-regarding-m-2-ssds-t440s-other-new-haswell-lenovos.html00:39
kirklandhallyn: me too00:40
hallynusing m.2 for the ssd may or may not work, part of me wants to experiment...00:40
hallynpart of me, not :)00:40
kirklandhallyn: each lenovo thinkpad seems like one step forward, 2 steps backward00:41
RoyKhallyn: ssd for what?00:41
hallynRoyK: fast boot and app startup?  fast builds?00:43
hallyn(i used to use ramfs for the latter)00:44
hallynkirkland: yeah...00:44
sarnoldramfs doesn't help local apt proxy/cache much though :)00:44
hallynsarnold: it gave me blindingly-fast live iamge creation00:44
sarnoldhallyn: don't worry, you'll eventually find it slow and annoying again :)00:45
Patrickdkzswap + ssd makes hibernate go around 800MB/sec for me :)00:45
hallynsarnold: oh that was 3-4 years ago :)00:45
sarnoldhallyn: oh good :)00:45
RoyKhallyn: jeg kan ikke så mye om ubuntu desktop - sorry00:45
RoyKhallyn: a lot of people here know more about that00:46
hallyneh, i guess i'll probably go with normal ssd, and disable the m.2 ssd00:46
hallyn(bc i don't want it interfering by caching)00:46
Patrickdkit won't cache00:47
Patrickdkunless you install a driver to do so00:47
hallynthat's done through windows driver?00:47
Patrickdkm.2 is just a pcie lane00:47
sarnoldI think the caching might only happen on windows because it has drivers to make it do that. last I looked into it, I think it'll just show up as another drive in linux..00:47
hallynyeah i was hoping that was the case but don't knwo what the bios is doint to me00:47
hallynsarnold: i'd love for someone who has the thing to show what shows up in lspci and fdisk00:48
Patrickdksadly don't00:48
sarnoldhallyn: yeah, that'd be -awesome-00:48
Patrickdkbut it should appear as a normal disk00:48
Patrickdkconsidering linux has had that driver for awhile now00:49
PatrickdkI think even 12.04 does00:49
sarnoldhallyn: I always want to provide those kinds of answers for others once I buy hardware but don't know where I'd put it to be found. heh.00:49
Patrickdkon the thinkpad user linux wiki?00:50
hallynPatrickdk: url?00:51
sarnolde.g. http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:T53000:51
Patrickdknow, this I did find really useful too00:52
sarnoldPatrickdk: love the Blue Tack to create some bloody mouse buttons00:54
hallynalas noone is talking about the HDD: 500GB (7200 rpm) with optional 16GB SSD Cache Drive00:55
hallynsarnold: where is that?00:55
sarnoldhallyn: once yours shows up you can add it please and thanks :)00:55
Patrickdkthe google doc00:55
sarnoldhallyn: a few pages into the googledoc00:55
hallyni searched didn't find it00:55
Patrickdkdunno how you can mis that00:56
hallynsilly chrome00:56
* hallyn cries a little00:57
hallynall right, so 180G m.2 ssd, taking a chance, and keeping 500G spinning rust, for $140;  or just a 240G ssd for $160;  or a 500G ssd for $250.  i'll sleep o nit.  (laptop doesn't ship for a few more days)00:58
sarnoldhallyn: oh, I hadn't realized you coul dstill change options..00:58
hallynmeanwhiel amazon is all excited about my cart :)00:58
hallynsarnold: no, i'm buying the disk aftermarket00:59
sarnoldhallyn: good idea00:59
hallynlenovo wanted a lot more $$00:59
Patrickdkya, they wanted an insane amount of money for 16gigs ram01:02
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hallynyeah, i'm getting that 3d party too.  went with 4G01:09
hallyni'd have been willing to pay soemthing like $50 for the privilege of not having to install it myself, but...01:09
sarnoldsame here. lazy. but also cheap. :)01:10
Patrickdkheh, I had fun with a dell laptop recently01:11
Patrickdkmy daughters wouldn't turn on anymore01:11
Patrickdkfound out it was likely cause the rtc battery was dead01:11
Patrickdkto replace the damn coin cell, you have to remove everything, even the motherboard from the case01:11
Patrickdkand then swap out the battery01:11
hallynyeah, i had to pull a hd out of a dell vostro.  took like an hour of surgery, the couldn't have made it any harder01:13
hallynso for all the complaining we do about thinkpads getting worse over time, at least we can still just take off the back cover to replace teh hd01:14
hallynheck, my sony vaio was better.  incomparably01:14
PatrickdkI haven't had a sony vaio last more than a few months01:14
sarnoldI just hope our whinging about thinkpads gets someone there to realize they can't take linux sales for granted any more. they01:15
hallynoh mine lasted 3.5 years.  but finally now it just won't boot right01:15
hallynwell ok, it did melt down once, so i ahd to replace the melted hd01:15
hallyni still really liked it01:15
sarnoldthey've changed so many of the things that we've liked abou them that they are no longer The Obvious And Only Choice01:15
hallynstill, what i want is a pixelqi laptop to use outside :)01:15
Patrickdkwell, when lenovo got it, all their laptops where crap, except the origional thinkpad lines01:15
Patrickdknow the they all are geting modified :(01:16
sarnoldthat's why no one ever bought them :)01:16
PatrickdkI got an sl500 by accident01:16
Patrickdkit physically wore through the plastic case with the palms of my hands in under a year01:16
Patrickdkwent it in for repair, and it came back more broken then it went in01:17
TJ-I've got Vaios from 2002 still going strong :)01:18
* Patrickdk streams at the horrible thought01:18
hallynoh the lenovo s10-2 was awesome01:18
TJ-hallyn: I've got the pixelQi, great screen :)01:18
hallynTJ-: really!  wehre did you get it?01:18
TJ-hallyn: Notion Ink Adam01:19
hallyni did find a reseller willing to sell me one for $25001:19
hallynbut i just cdan't afford that to use a 3 year old netbook (i.e. slow-as-molasses) outdoors01:19
TJ-I use it with a bluetooth keyboard as a remote SSH terminal :)01:19
hallynyeah i've thought ofd doing that with a rooted nook simple touch01:19
hallynbut <shrug> i can usually find a tree to sit under :)01:20
hallynTJ-: i wish pixelqi would have taken off01:20
TJ-I'm on  a farm so I like the option to go out and about with it01:20
hallyni've got kids and like to go sit at the park while they play01:20
hallynreally my ac100 does all right.01:20
TJ-hallyn: me too... Mary-Lou Jepsen went to work for Google X Projects, I think, last time I checked01:21
hallynbut boy, pixelqi woudl be nice01:21
TJ-hallyn: so possibly something interesting to come out of that :)01:21
hallynyeah, i saw that in the blog01:21
* hallyn is doubtful01:21
hallynbut we can hope01:21
TJ-I thought she was probably brought in to help get the Glass as good as can be01:22
TJ-I've found the 'Ink to be a great tool for sorting out servers remotely when I'm not near the laptop. Easy to carry, has 3G cellular. Basically, versatile.01:23
hallynTJ-: they dont' sell them any more right?01:24
TJ-hallyn: No... only place now is ebay01:25
TJ-hallyn: The Adam 2 was a poor cousin, and the company lost the trust of its original buyers (like me) for all the delays and bad communication01:25
hallynanyway, now that i've picked up the tp there's no way i can pay for the pixelqi screen right now :)01:25
hallynthat's too bad01:25
hallynwere they the ones who had a spat with b&n over the original nook?01:26
hallynzul: smoser: best url for instrutions for installing devstack?01:26
hallynoh sorry i see it now01:27
zulhallyn:  ill walk you through granite tomorrow im quite litterally falling asleep01:27
hallynzul: tbh i am too01:28
hallynbut maybe in an hour i'll feel better;  will give it a shot befor ethe mroning - sorry, i hadn't seen the link you'd pasted earlier today01:29
zulhallyn:  no worries01:29
smoserhallyn, https://gist.github.com/smoser/479535801:29
smoserlaunch an instance in serverstack with that 'ud-devstack.yaml' as '--user-data'01:30
smoseryou can add serge-hallyn to the 'import_ids' at the top first so you can get in too :)01:30
smoserthen wait and poof!01:31
smoseri dont have an easy way to tell you to switch it between01:31
smoser LIBVIRT_TYPE=kvm or LIBVIRT_TYPE=lxc01:31
smoser(without branching that and putting your own url in)01:31
hallynthanks, will try that01:32
hallyn(all stored away in my reference file)01:32
rbasakteward: o/01:49
rbasakteward: are you planning an nginx merge any time soon, please?01:49
rbasakteward: my team are going to pounce on doing a pile of merges, so I'm wondering if we should target that or leave it for you01:50
tewardrbasak, the last time i attempted a merge it FTBFS continually and I gave it the finger and rm -rf'd the build directory, 'course i was also running on the tail end of a 14 hour day the last i tried...01:52
tewardrbasak, also consider I still have 0 upload rights, so i'm not exactly enthusiastic about merging at the moment01:52
tewardrbasak, your team is free to target the nginx merge if you'd like01:53
sarnoldthe unfortunate part of moving nginx to main :( you worked hard to get it there but then can't touch it..01:54
tewardrbasak, also, don't expect me to be that enthusiastic with triage of nginx in the near/medium-term future...01:54
tewardi'm kinda focusing on outside-Ubuntu, personal things that'll require substantial financial and time investment01:54
rbasakteward: about the upload rights, I'd love to see you get PPU rights for nginx01:55
tewardrbasak, so would I.  Got other priorities at the moment though01:55
teward(happy to share privately, not gonna share at all publicly)01:55
rbasakteward: but sure - we understood that you have no obligation. I'll take care of it, and thank you for all the work you've done already.01:55
* teward nods01:55
hallynkirkland: https://plus.google.com/+JimOltman/posts/JGtzG4r1CuJ    this guy used both m.2 slots for dual 128 ssds.  compelling02:14
kirklandhallyn: neat02:15
prgCoderhey hey - I tried 14.04 LTS and had problems with Samba - anyone else had problems - “no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory”02:49
prgCodermy other 12.04 installation wants me to upgrade to 14.04 but "I DO NOT WANT TO - WAHHH!"02:50
prgCoderuntil samba is fixed - that is...02:50
prgCoderany help - please guys ?02:50
rbasaksmoser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1341710 looks reasonable to me.02:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1341710 in cloud-init "Comment placed inside of /etc/timezone" [Undecided,New]02:55
rbasakprgCoder: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/125718602:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1257186 in samba "memory leakage messages " [Medium,In progress]02:56
prgCoderneeds to be bumped up to a higher priority if everyone is going to move from 12.04 to 14.04 ...03:02
prgCoderrbasak: thanks for that - does not tell me when....03:03
PatrickdkprgCoder, how exactly does it want you to?03:03
Patrickdkit's still about a month away from asking you to do that03:03
prgCoderno - all my servers are showing it now03:04
Patrickdkthen your running 13.10 for some odd purpose03:04
prgCodermaybe one of the other admins has force something03:04
Patrickdkoh, the 24th of this month is when it's suppost to happen03:05
prgCoderwhere is the pastbin thingy03:06
rbasakprgCoder: I have bumped the Importance, and I'll take another look at it now. But I think it's mainly just noise. The memory leak is minor because the processes that hit it are all short lived.03:07
prgCoderrbasak: there are some work arounds, but that just stops the messages - my credentials fail in 14.04 - not good03:07
PatrickdkI have not played with samba on 14.04 at all yet03:08
Patrickdkguess I'll have to give it a go03:08
prgCoderPatrickdk: i definitely need it for my stuff03:09
rbasakprgCoder: then you have an unrelated issue I think. This particular bug and the corresponding fix points to nothing but some noise and a minor memory leak.03:10
rbasakprgCoder: 12.04 -> 14.04 is a major change from samba 2 to samba 3. You will likely need to adjust things.03:10
prgCodersamba 4 ?03:12
rbasakYeah, sorry. 3 -> 4.03:16
prgCoderI will keep tinkering...03:25
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hxmexists a log I can see what command executed the restart?06:17
hxmmy server is being restarted with no reason, the vps provider says they dont touch nothing06:17
sarnoldhxm: maybe; check /var/log/auth.log -- if 'sudo' was used, it may have logged the command / user / directory06:18
hxmthat file only contains the last 2 hours and this has been restarted 6 hours ago06:19
sarnoldhxm: auth.log.1?06:19
hxmyes, I saw the light now06:19
hxmsame thing06:21
sarnold.2? :)06:21
hxmi uncompressed it and  it just contains until 7th july06:21
hxmbut there are many lines like this Jul 13 07:55:01 datatec CRON[12561]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Jul 13 07:55:02 datatec CRON[12561]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root06:22
hxmand Jul 13 07:53:01 datatec CRON[12553]: PAM adding faulty module: pam_systemd.so06:22
hxmwith grep -Rin restart /var/log I see nothing relevant06:23
hxmcould be a hardware problem?06:23
sarnoldhxm: heh, never seen that "faulty module" warning before; the cron lines are fine.06:23
sarnoldhxm: look also for 'reboot' 'halt' 'shutdown'06:23
sarnoldhxm: 'panic' and 'oops'06:23
hxmno luck :(06:26
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hxmhey wait, could be an apt-get upgrade that generates the restart?06:46
sarnoldvery unlikely06:47
Abhijitwhat is the way to know if ubuntu is using a preseed file or not?07:14
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pdspreseeding works continues07:36
pdswondering how i would attach a script that is run after installation07:37
Abhijitpds, there is tag in kickstart file. it executes script post installation. maybe preseed have something similar? or just use kickstart?07:39
Abhijitpds, have you used preseed with multiple nic setup?07:40
ruben23hi guys i have  alinux server and i got a local NAS also with samba- how would i mount share teh samba share on the NAS on my linux server with user/password - any idea guys..?07:51
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pdshmm can attach a prescript to a preseed file?08:04
pdshmm can attach a prescript to a preseed file?08:42
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ToAruShiroiNekoMy ubuntu server installation is able to connect to the network but not internet. Why could this be?09:25
ToAruShiroiNekoI am able to connect to it through ssh locally09:25
AbhijitToAruShiroiNeko, add nameserver as first line in your /etc/resolve.conf comment everything else and then try. do not restart anything.09:27
ashdToAruShiroiNeko: check your gateway09:29
ashdToAruShiroiNeko: if you are using a later ubuntu - resolve.conf if manged by resolvconf09:31
Abhijitbut we can change it for the time being for testing - by hand manually without resolvconf09:31
Abhijitit lasts until reboot or networking restart09:31
ToAruShiroiNekoashd its a fresh install09:59
ToAruShiroiNekoresolve.conf has nothing in it, should I create this file?10:00
ashdif i change the name of a volume group that holds the root partition - will i have to re-run grub install?10:14
AbhijitToAruShiroiNeko, yes10:24
AbhijitToAruShiroiNeko, you can always delete content later on10:24
White_Catright but I cant even ping the google nameservers10:26
White_Catit cant seem to connect beyond the network10:26
White_CatI am ToAruShiroiNeko btw10:26
Abhijitfirewall, faulty router / modem, isp blocked you?10:27
White_Catnone of those10:32
White_CatI can speak to you on the same network10:32
White_Catmy computer and the one ubuntu server installed on shouldnt be any different aside from the mac address10:33
White_Catits a vmware installaiton too so even that is virtual :)10:33
bitbyte_hey guys, any of you know any good resources for how to amend the terminal resolutions ? after grub loads ubuntu my tv wont pick the signal for the server up. i think its because display reolution is too large / small10:37
Abhijitbitbyte_, in .xinitrc?10:37
White_Catso what should I try because I have ran out of ideas10:38
bitbyte_i’m not too certain because i have not read into it to much10:38
AbhijitWhite_Cat, Reinstall host and guest?10:40
AbhijitWhite_Cat, also you mentioned that you didnt had /etc/resolve.conf. But i think that file should be there by default. you should get this clear. that will show if this install is corrupted or not10:40
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=== Guest91402 is now known as WhiteCat
m_tadeuwhere's the place to ask about packaging?10:51
WhiteCatUSPS office? :p10:51
WhiteCatsorry sorry10:51
Abhijitm_tadeu, /j #ubuntu-packaging10:52
WhiteCatI am quote a newbie so I m more useless10:52
AbhijitWhiteCat, but you are on irc for 8 years!10:52
m_tadeuAbhijit: thanx10:52
WhiteCatover 8 years actually10:53
WhiteCatI have been on the internet since when we had to use vacume tubes :p10:54
Abhijitand still a noob!10:54
Abhijitthere was internet in vaccume tube era?10:54
WhiteCat(not really, and no I am not THAT old either)10:56
WhiteCatany ideas for my problem?10:58
Abhijitnot as of now.10:58
WhiteCatis there a way to check if it is using some bizzire http proxy setting?11:00
WhiteCatthats the only thing that comes to my mind11:00
WhiteCateven though I chose not to install it during setup11:00
AbhijitWhiteCat, netstat --listen will show you connected processes.11:02
WhiteCatits pretty much only listening to the ssh port11:09
WhiteCatwhich I already knew since I am connected through it :p11:09
WhiteCatthere ae a few other items11:09
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dduvnjaki've updated my machines running precise to openssl 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.16, but they're still detected as vulnerable to CVE-2014-022411:50
uvirtbotdduvnjak: OpenSSL before 0.9.8za, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0m, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1h does not properly restrict processing of ChangeCipherSpec messages, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to trigger use of a zero-length master key in certain OpenSSL-to-OpenSSL communications, and consequently hijack sessions or obtain sensitive information, via a crafted TLS handshake, aka the "CCS Injection" vulnerability. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cven11:50
dduvnjakopenssl changelog indicates that CVE-2014-0224 should be resolved11:51
uvirtbotdduvnjak: OpenSSL before 0.9.8za, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0m, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1h does not properly restrict processing of ChangeCipherSpec messages, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to trigger use of a zero-length master key in certain OpenSSL-to-OpenSSL communications, and consequently hijack sessions or obtain sensitive information, via a crafted TLS handshake, aka the "CCS Injection" vulnerability. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cven11:51
dduvnjakam i missing something?11:51
dduvnjaki know that uvirbot :)11:51
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TJ-dduvnjak: did you restart all processes that link the openssll libraries, before re-testing?11:53
dduvnjakyes, i rebooted the machines11:53
TJ-dduvnjak: what's detecting the vulnerability?11:54
uvirtbotdduvnjak: OpenSSL before 0.9.8za, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0m, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1h does not properly restrict processing of ChangeCipherSpec messages, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to trigger use of a zero-length master key in certain OpenSSL-to-OpenSSL communications, and consequently hijack sessions or obtain sensitive information, via a crafted TLS handshake, aka the "CCS Injection" vulnerability. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cven11:54
dduvnjakTJ: they both show the vulnerability11:55
TJ-dduvnjak: tried cyberroam on one of my Precise servers with that OpenSSL version, says its clean11:56
TJ-dduvnjak: The script reports "No need to patch."11:57
dduvnjakdetection seems to work correctly both there and with the python script11:57
TJ-dduvnjak: apt-cache policy reports "Installed: 1.0.1-4ubuntu5.16"11:58
dduvnjakTJ: i get this:  The site/domain seems to be potentially vulnerable for CVE 2014-022411:58
uvirtbotdduvnjak: OpenSSL before 0.9.8za, 1.0.0 before 1.0.0m, and 1.0.1 before 1.0.1h does not properly restrict processing of ChangeCipherSpec messages, which allows man-in-the-middle attackers to trigger use of a zero-length master key in certain OpenSSL-to-OpenSSL communications, and consequently hijack sessions or obtain sensitive information, via a crafted TLS handshake, aka the "CCS Injection" vulnerability. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cven11:58
dduvnjakyes, same package on my side too11:58
TJ-dduvnjak: Are you sure the service that you're testing has linked the installed openssl, and not some other crypto library/version?11:58
TJ-dduvnjak: could the test you are running be going through a HTTPS proxy that is vulnerable?11:59
dduvnjakldd `which nginx` | grep ssl12:00
dduvnjaklibssl.so.1.0.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 (0x00007fc30c687000)12:00
dduvnjaknope, there's isn't a proxy12:00
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dduvnjakstrings /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 |  grep "^OpenSSL "12:01
dduvnjakOpenSSL 1.0.1 14 Mar 201212:01
dduvnjakthis checks out, right?12:01
pdsis it possible to run a postinst seed file in sudo mode (root)12:03
TJ-dduvnjak: that appears to12:05
TJ-dduvnjak: could the CVE be affected by library configuration?12:05
dduvnjakI'm not sure12:06
dduvnjakJust discovered something, one of my machines is passing the test12:06
dduvnjakeverything's identically set up on it, same package and same library12:06
TJ-dduvnjak: any load-balancing going on?12:08
TJ-dduvnjak: restart one of the failing services, for the hell of it, and retest, maybe?12:08
dduvnjaknope, just nginx listening on https12:08
dduvnjaktried rebooting the machines again completely, no luck12:08
TJ-dduffey: compare the md5sums of the executable and the libraries, across machines?12:08
TJ-oops, tab completion!12:09
dduvnjaki'll try that12:09
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dduvnjakTJ: after i updated libss1.0.0 and libssl1.0.0-dbg machines passed the test12:27
TJ-dduvnjak: So they didn't get updated as part of the openssl package update?12:28
TJ-dduvnjak: were they held back for some reason?12:28
dduvnjaklooks like they didn't12:28
dduvnjaknot sure, i just updated the openssl package12:28
dduvnjakdidn't see any errors/warnings12:28
TJ-dduvnjak: weird! I hope that isn't a general problem12:29
dduvnjakthank you for your help.12:29
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pdssup guys trying to run a postinst script after my preseed file13:05
pdsexecution of preseed command "in-target wget -O /tmp/postint.sh http://<ip>/postint.sh; in-target /bin/bash /tmp/postint.sh13:05
pdsd-i preseed/late_command string \13:06
pdsin-target wget -O /tmp/postint.sh ; \13:06
pdsin-target /bin/bash /tmp/postint.sh;13:06
pds 13:06
MACscrpds: and?13:20
pdsit errors13:20
pdsgive me a moment13:21
MACscrpds: well you need to go to another console (ALT + F2?) and view your syslog to find the error13:23
MACscrthe script is running, ti just has an error within it13:23
MACscrpds: remember that the script needs to be in dash, not bash13:24
MACscrjust in case you didnt know13:24
pdsMACscr: excuse me?13:27
MACscrwhat did i say that confused you?13:28
pdsyou mean /bin/sh?13:28
MACscrwhat about it. That is dash13:28
pdsdidn't realy got the dash part there for a moment13:29
MACscri honestly just finished yesterday with my finish template, etc. So thats the information i have from what i learned13:30
MACscrd-i preseed/late_command string wget http://puppet.mgr.myiacon.com:80/unattended/finish -O /target/tmp/finish.sh && in-target chmod +x /tmp/finish.sh && in-target /tmp/finish.sh13:30
MACscrlol, oops13:31
MACscrbut thats what mine looks like13:31
MACscryou might be able to force bash the way you did it though13:31
MACscrbut i honestly im pretty confident your issue is something within the finish script itself13:32
pdsthere i just a simple wget in it for testing13:32
MACscrcan you pastebin it?13:33
pdspj@pj-pxe-server:/usr/share/nginx/www$ cat postint.sh13:34
pdswget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/zabbix/zabbix-2.2.2.tar.gz13:34
pdscan be more simpeler i guess13:34
pdscan't be *13:34
MACscr1) you should direct its output to a particular path13:34
MACscr2) maybe your dns isnt working13:34
pdsdns should be working since i'm downloading from the archive during instal13:35
MACscrpxe doesnt use dns13:35
pdslet me check i must just have been /bash instead of /sh13:35
MACscralso, do a full path to wget13:35
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
pdsbesides i'm using ip :)13:35
pdsto get the shell script13:36
pdsany way let me retest13:36
pdsback in about 20 minutes13:36
MACscryes, getting the shell script isnt hte problem13:36
MACscrits the running of it13:36
MACscrhence why i said to look at the syslog to find the actual error13:36
TJ-Does the script need a shebang line?13:36
MACscryes it does13:37
pdsgod darn it13:37
MACscrthough maybe not if /bin/bash filename.sh is used?13:37
PupenoWhat solutions are there to have distributed filesystems in Ubuntu?13:37
MACscrPupeno: ceph13:37
TJ-MACscr: That was my thought, although its always best to insert shebangs in shell scripts for consistency :)13:38
MACscrTJ-: i agree completely13:38
PupenoMACscr: I understood that ceph focuses on key/value/objects and that their performance, for files, is not great. Do you know otherwise?13:39
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MACscrPupeno: whats the DFS going to be used for?13:39
PupenoFiles for a web app. Upload and generated files to be present in all the instances of the web app.13:40
MACscrhmm, ifenslave-2.6 is specific to the 2.6 kernel. Correct?13:40
MACscrso with the standard kernel of 3.13, i just use ifenslave?13:40
MACscrhmm, i guess i read that wrong13:43
MACscrthat seems so weird13:43
jrwrenyour bottle neck would likely not be the DFS in a webapp. cephfs is good.13:43
jrwrenyou could also try gluster.13:43
Pupenojrwren: I been trying to get gluster to work for over a month, I'm giving up on it.13:44
MACscrthen you probably wont have much luck with cephfs13:44
PupenoMACscr: why do you think that?13:44
MACscrplus cephfs isnt really production ready13:44
MACscrPupeno: because gluster is easier to deploy =P13:45
PupenoMACscr: their ubuntu specific init files are horribly broken.13:45
PupenoMACscr: the community seems to not know or care too much about non-redhat distros.13:47
PupenoMACscr: what do you mean by cephfs not being production ready? what's the source of that information?13:47
MACscrPupeno: their website =P13:48
jrwrenSome community folk (me) think that redhat exists to run oracle and sacrifices being better at other things.13:49
PupenoI see :(13:49
rbasakYou think that Ceph isn't great on Ubuntu?13:50
MACscrno one said that13:50
patdk-wkwell, the us mil is very big into rhel too13:51
MACscrright. governments love expensive, supported, but stable stuff, that moves slowly with development13:52
MACscrnot a bad thing really13:52
patdk-wkno, it's only a bad thing for developers :)13:53
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pdsscript runs but i doesn't seem to store the wget command14:08
pdsit may be beause i download to \tmp14:09
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MACscrpds: ha. that would not store things, but it shouldnt cause an actual error14:31
pdsMACscr: nope it did not14:32
MACscrpds: well it did according to the screenshot you showed me14:33
MACscrif the finish script doesnt have an exist status of 0, its going to give that error14:34
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bitfury!info mysql-server15:26
ubottumysql-server (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 12 kB, installed size 130 kB15:26
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cloudmangeez guys, bloody updates, never ending16:24
rbasakcloudman: you don't have to take them!16:26
rbasakcloudman: you can opt for security only if you like. Though a security update will include all previous updates.16:26
cloudmanrbasak:  just had a load of mysql updates so its not ubuntu but geez its like every day now :)16:29
cloudmanso and so found a problem etc ...  I guess its very complicated for the developers16:30
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rbasakcloudman: you could always install an EOL release if you don't want any updates :-P16:33
rbasak10.04 maybe?16:33
lordievaderWhy not 6.04, then you are sure it is EOL :P16:34
cloudman12.04 here ;) and one server 14.0416:35
RoyKcloudman: use a cronjob ;)16:35
cloudmanRoyK have that built into virtualmin but I like to test updates first as I have a dozen live production servers16:36
cloudmantempted to use it though16:37
rbasakcloudman: please test from the -proposed pocket. Then you have further advanced warning, and if you find a regression it would be helpful for us to know so we can block it going out.16:48
rbasakcloudman: that doesn't apply for security updates like this mysql one though16:48
cloudmanrbasak:  ty I have a lot to learn still16:51
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cloudmanAnyone do outsource server maintenance here feel free to pm me, just don't have the time18:02
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bitfuryif I wanted to grant read access permissions to a group for mysql, tomcat and nginx logs (/var/log) should I just add them to group mysql, nginx and mysql ?18:42
linuxgeek_hi, i want to know what is the max lun number supported by a linux kernel,18:43
linuxgeek_where can i get this info18:43
bitfuryor o+rx to specific directories within /var/log?18:43
Picibitfury: typically the 'adm' user group has read access to /var/log18:43
linuxgeek_i was reading LUN number supported http://support.bull.com/ols/product/system/linux/redhat/help/kbf/g/inst/PrKB1141718:43
linuxgeek_and it says modinfo scsi_mod18:44
linuxgeek_and when i do that it says ERROR: modinfo: could not find module scsi_mod18:44
bitfuryPici: ahh I see18:44
linuxgeek_thats bcoz i have fc attached18:44
linuxgeek_not scsi18:44
bitfuryPici: thank you18:45
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rberg_hi on a few servers running ubuntu 12.04 I see the sterling pound symbol during boot all over the screen, they are gone by the time getty spawns the login prompt. and on tty7 (no X and no login prompt) I see "error no suitable mode found".. are they related and what could be causing that symbol to be printed?21:03
rberg_by searching that seems to be a grub error, although I dont see it around grub.. I see it in boot.log and on tty7.. strange21:05
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keithzgRandom question but perhaps someone here might know: are there any tricks to getting google to list the HTTPS version of a site, or does one just have to wait and hope it trawls enough links to the HTTPS version somewhere that it starts listing it as such by default? Finally set up HTTPS on my company's website, heh.21:21
Ro_hello, I have ubuntu server with Xen running in it, On top of Xen Dom0 I want to launch Cloudstack.21:23
Ro_Xen is working, cloudstack is working21:24
Ro_but I can't add host machine to a cloudstack, I got an error "Unable to add the host"21:25
Ro_I guess the problem is that I cant use xe commands from http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/projects/cloudstack-installation/en/latest/hypervisor/xenserver.html21:26
Ro_Is there a way to configure it without xe command?21:27
bitfury_I just installed OpenVPN on Ubuntu 14.04 but can only ping server, nothing behind it..21:28
bitfury_anyone ever run into this?21:28
bigbrovarHi guys.. am setting up an ldap server.. so far so good all is well, except the part when I want to grant more pretty much admin access to an ldap user.. I created this file http://paste.ubuntu.com/7811153/ but when I tried to add it to the ldap config using  ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ./olcAccess.ldif .. I get this error  implementation specific error (80) olcAccess handler exited with 121:40
bigbrovaram on ubuntu 12.0421:41
bigbrovarI am only able to add the ACL entry when I leave a space after olcAccess: {3}to *  however doing this means the ACL is not granted to specified user as the extra space is carried over to the cn=config database file (which can't be manually edited -or can it)21:45
bigbrovaram all new to ldap but am thinking I might have stumbled on a bug21:45
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bigbrovarI know slapd.conf is now deprecated.. however is it possible to create a slapd.conf file with just acl ldap entries? am still a newbie at ldap21:50
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prgCoderanyone know if I can uninstall samba from 14.04 and installed samba3 ?23:27
rbasakprgCoder: only if you install it from some other source.23:32
prgCoderrbasak: ok - maybe I can do it from an rpm package23:36
rbasakprgCoder: you'd probably be better off rebuilding the samba 3 package from Saucy.23:40
sarnoldI'd probably prefer to build the upstream samba3 tarball from source in /usr/local/ instead. that way you can easily get updates applied if they ever release any further updates...23:41
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prgCoderfood for thought - thanks guys23:54

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