
nhainesianorlin: sorry to hear that!02:37
* ianorlin knows but now have a phone interview tommorow and in person interview Friday02:37
nhainesSame place?02:37
ianorlindifferent place02:38
nhainesThat's good too.02:39
nhainesHopefully tha'ts better.06:36
nhaines_Yay I reconnected for some reason?06:36
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* nhaines shrugs.06:37
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darthrobot`Title: [OpenMW 0.31.0 | OpenMW, Open source Elderscrolls III: Morrowind reimplementation, Morrowind remake, Morrowind remade,]08:19
nhainesI gotta play that some day.  :)08:21
nhainespleia2: Did you find Döner Kebab yet?08:21
pleia2nhaines: alas, no, but I did have goulash last night, yum yum08:21
pleia2(my father used to make it growing up, brings back memories)08:22
nhainesThat's a pretty good consolation prize.  :)08:22
nhainesI just can't remember if the Kebab I had was in Frankfurt or Marburg.  Anyway, should be some somewhere.  Gyros are not the same, so don't be afraid to ask someone if you're curious about it!08:23
nhaines"Entschuldigung bitte, wo möchte ich Döner Kebab finden?" ought to do it.08:23
pleia2I've not been feeling the best, so I'm probably sticking close to the hotel for the rest of the week (gallbladder out in a week, yaaay)08:23
pleia2I'll come back to germany some day when I'm not sick :)08:24
nhainesAww, I thought that might have been temporary.  Hope it goes well!08:24
nhainesYou could also tell the hotel concierge, "Wenn ich kein Döner Kebab esse, dann sterbe ich!"  ("If I don't eat Döner Kebab then I'll die!")08:24
nhainesWhich I might try next time I'm over there.08:25
nhainesBut if you're still fond of chocolate, try Kinder Schokolade (which you can get here) or Kinder Schoko-Bons (which are almost impossible to find here).08:26
nhainesOh, or Kinder Überraschung eggs!  They have plastic capsules with little toys inside.08:26
nhainesThose are downright illegal here.  :)08:26
pleia2ah yes, I remember those from when they were legal08:26
nhainesThey haven't been legal since the 30's.  The FDA simply cracked down.08:27
nhainesBut yeah, when I found Schoko-Bons here I bought a case of them.  The store gave me a 15% discount so they were only $80.08:27
nhainesNot sure how I managed to eat 3.3 pounds of chocolate, but I survived.  (Actually a lot went to family, friends, and their kids.)08:30
pleia2yeah, in the 90s I got a bunch with disney toys in them08:30
nhainesIf I still have them somewhere, mine have little farm vehicles in them.  Old-timey cars, anyway.08:31
RoguehorseGood Morning16:05
RoguehorseGood Morning16:23
ianorlingood morning16:31
RoguehorseSo what's the exciting news today? BALUG needs help finding a new home in SF, anyone have contacts that can help them?17:11
* ianorlin lives in socal so doesn't know about that17:25
RoguehorseI just heard about it from one of my mailing lists.....it sucks, but I told them I would do whatever I could to help them out17:27
* MarkDude can help, but most of my suitable contacts are likely in Oakland. /me is pretty sure a space can be found in SF :D18:14
RoguehorseMarkDude: That's great! I figured it wouldn't take too long to find them a new home if enough people got involved. : )18:21
MarkDudeTrue. Balug is cool18:23
RoguehorseAgreed! I think it's good to have enough LUGs spreads around so it's easy for people to get to one : )18:44
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