
lirakishey FunnyLookinHat not sure if this is ... actually an issue or not, the front edge of my trackpad is popped up above the level of where the palm rest is17:55
lirakisim not sure if thats supposed to be like that17:55
lirakisFunnyLookinHat, https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19254184/IMG_20140717_115421.jpg17:56
lirakisi normally use a wireless mouse - so i cant really remember how it "should feel"17:56
lirakisbut it does seem really difficult to right click or click an drag17:56
FunnyLookinHatlirakis, sorry - was AFK18:15
FunnyLookinHatlirakis, that doesn't look right - I'd create a support ticket and attach the picture18:16

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