
gamerchick02head-ache.  blah. i think it's codep that hurts.01:29
gamerchick02gonna take some meds and lay down01:29
cmaloneyGood morning12:26
brouschso far12:30
brouschYou let me complete my line of doom12:30
cmaloneybrousch: You mean your weak formation? :)12:36
brouschI didn't say who it would doom12:38
cmaloneyAt least we're clear on that. ;)12:43
=== nullspac1 is now known as nullspace
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/lAeUKD - [ANNOUNCE] xorg-server 1.16.016:13
jcastrorick_h__, https://medium.com/@leostatic/cycle-of-vim-e1528fdf18a516:21
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/jWTaWz - Cycle of Vim — Medium16:21
jcastrofor you16:21
jrwrenyou login to an ancient unix known as solaris or aix. you try vim. it doesn't work. you try vi. how different can it be? you ask yourself. You try a few things. Nothing works. damn.16:23
rick_h__jcastro: :)16:35
rick_h__jrwren: you avoid working on archiac stuff and enjoy the modern world at your disposal :)16:35
cmaloneyEasier said than done.17:08
greg-gswitch jobs? I was told that was easy.17:10
rick_h__you were told that?17:10
rick_h__not easy, but definitely a tool available17:10
jrwrenit was over a decade ago that I learned I do not like vi. I like vim.17:10
cmaloneyI like vim, but vi is a nice subset17:11
greg-grick_h__: it's the unsaid libertarian mantra17:12
rick_h__ah, haven't gone to enough libertarian school. More to learn17:12
rick_h__ugh planes getting shot down 2 days before getting on a plane is not a recipe for marital success :/17:13
jrwrenwait... who is libertarian?17:16
jrwrenor... greg-g... oh... i see what you did there.17:16
jcastrorick_h__, have you seen this: http://oneplus.net/17:23
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/JswzDG - Home - OnePlus.net17:23
jcastro<cmaloney> I like vim, but vi is a nice subset17:24
jcastroI would argue that vim is vi17:24
jcastroand that "vi" is dead.17:24
rick_h__jcastro: yea, saw that. The whole invite thing is a bit wtf, but interesting.17:24
jcastroyeah probably to keep shipping promises realistic17:24
rick_h__jcastro: but there are reviews from people that have one17:25
cmaloneyjcastro: vim has replaced vi in my workflow17:25
jcastrootherwise, they'd probably be swamped17:25
jcastrorick_h__, are they good?17:25
cmaloneybut if given the choice between straight-vi and another editor I'd go with vi17:25
rick_h__jcastro: seems ok http://www.engadget.com/products/oneplus/one/17:26
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/sFOZIb - OnePlus One review - Engadget17:26
jcastroAtom is really growing on me17:27
jcastrofor non-terminal editor I mean17:27
cmaloneyThere are such things? :)17:29
jcastroI'm not joking, it's _fantastic_17:29
jcastroand it has a vim plugin that is pretty nice17:29
jcastrothough, rick_h__ we need to swap vim tips17:29
jcastroI need better git workflow17:29
jcastrolike, from inside the editor17:29
rick_h__jcastro: I just use the cli and use git aliases to make it work for me17:29
rick_h__jcastro: fugative is supposed to be the thing though17:30
jcastrohuh ... that's very unrick17:30
cmaloneyI use fugtive but only for display purposes of what branch I'm on17:30
rick_h__cliftw (license plate)17:30
rick_h__jcastro: in a tiling world I never have a screen without a terminal already.17:31
rick_h__so it works better than rearranging my editor for git stuff17:31
cmaloneyYeah, I use git on the command-line as well17:31
cmaloneyit makes more sense to learn git natively than to try to wrap an editor around it17:31
jcastromostly I want it for info purposes17:32
jcastrowhich branch I'm on, etc.17:32
cmaloneyIt'll get you there with no fuss17:32
rick_h__jcastro: shell prompt provides all info on current branch/etc. I've got 'git sync' for updating local trunk off upstream and 'git qa-pr' to pull down pull requests and running/testing/qa'ing them locally.'17:33
rick_h__jcastro: so happy to share some git hacks, but don't have anything for you in vim.17:33
rick_h__other than everyone seems to use fugative, but not been able to get myself into it17:34
jrwrenjcastro: vim-fugitive has some git command when you need 'em. I rarely use 'em for anything but git blame.17:34
jcastrorick_h__, do you have your dotfiles in gh somewhere?17:34
jcastrorick_h__, man, I _just_ upgraded to an N517:34
rick_h__jcastro: not that one, it's got some git secrets in it for gh and such17:34
jcastroand now run into this godphone17:34
jrwreniirc it does info very nicely. right in the bar.17:34
jcastroand the N5 lasted 14 days before it went south and tmo had to replace it17:34
rick_h__ugh, people seem to love their N517:35
rick_h__waf: has one and seemed happy. I've been waiting for the ubuntu touch stuff to support it and was going to get one as a second phone17:35
rick_h__jcastro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7810107/ is my git config17:36
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/YlNqBK - Ubuntu Pastebin17:36
rick_h__still needs some love in tehre17:36
jcastropraise = blame17:36
cmaloneyHoly shit, Microsoft is cutting 18,000 jobs?17:45
cmaloneySo basically Microsoft fired Nokia?17:46
brouschBuy it and  fire everyone. That's how you make money!17:47
cmaloneyWell, about half of Nokia17:47
cmaloneyIt's a sad day in Finland17:47
jrwreni wonder how many were US jobs and how many were FIN17:47
cmaloneyI'm seeing 4,700 FIN jobs17:48
cmaloneyout of the original 25,000 acquired17:48
cmaloneyso not sure what the ratio will be17:48
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho18:17
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - The Bells by I:Scintilla on The Approach18:17
cmaloneyI must have a thing for processed vocals.18:18
greg-gdanger of working at a coffee shop, fellow coffee shop warrior found out I work at "Wikipedia" and now has some questions he's going to ask me before I leave19:20
greg-g(I work for The Wikimedia Foundation, but whatever)19:20
jrwrenfound out?19:21
jrwrenwhy not say, "no, I don't work for wikipedia, I work for the wikimedia foundation"19:21
jrwrensee if that throws him :p19:21
greg-gwell, he asked if I worked there since I was wearing a wikipedia shirt19:21
cmaloneydangers of wearing branded merchandise related to work19:21
greg-git's a common mistake and one almost not worth correcting 90% of the time19:21
greg-ghey, I got this shirt before I was employed!19:22
cmaloney"No, we work for Wikimedia, the porn-hosting portion of wikipedia. ;) "19:22
greg-g(I also have a Wikimedia Foundation branded messenger bag I got at my 6 month mark...)19:22
cmaloneyMy Go board came in the mail today.20:48
cmaloney9x9 and 13x13 flippy20:48
cmaloneyHopefully it'll be as nice as it looked on the Amazon page.20:49
cmaloneyhttp://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameversion/37236/avalon-hill-bookshelf-edition <- Hopefully it'll be better than this version. ;)20:52
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/bvkJw2 - Go (Avalon Hill Bookshelf edition) | Board Game Version | BoardGameGeek20:52

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