
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-oh to: Welcome to the IRC home of Ubuntu Ohio! | Technical Support is most definitely not offered in this channel. Please consult #ubuntu #xubuntu #kubuntu #lubuntu #ubuntu-gnome #edubuntu #ubuntustudio or #ubuntu+1 instead | Severe Weather Alerts in ##weather-us-oh | Verified until 2015-11-19 | *buntu 13.10 goes EOL on July 17th. ARE YOU PREPARED?
* belkinsa pokes skellat (just for fun)16:00
thafreakjrgifford: you going to the DevOpsCle meetup tonight?19:44
jrgiffordthafreak: where is it?19:44
jrgiffordis this the one at hurricane?19:44
thafreakhurricane labs, rockside rode19:44
jrgiffordtoo far from where i am, at for now, i'm stuck on my bike or a bus.19:45
thafreakok, thought I'd check19:45
thafreaknormally I probably can't go, but I'm working from home today so I can head up early19:45

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