
basiclaserOerHeks: " It is possible to use 64-bit kernels with00:00
basiclaser             the existing 32-bit userspace, and if you want a00:00
basiclaser             64-bit userspace create it in a chroot00:00
TJ-basiclaser: Hmmm, not sure I've read anything specific on it. It's a combination of 2 concepts. 1) installing the amd64 versions of the kernel packages and 2) using standard procedures to install Ubuntu into a chroot00:00
ikoniabasiclaser: install a 64bit OS - make life simple00:01
linuxliteby the way i used sudo apt-get update is that how you do it?00:01
Vyse007Thanks guys, but I do know about the release schedule. I just want to know what stops us from switching to the repo of the newer version, considering that all packages upto that point are updated. Sorry if it sounds stupid, but I would appreciate a simple answer.00:01
basiclaserikonia: yup think i will :)00:01
ikoniaVyse007: because it will cause conflicts and break things00:01
TJ-basiclaser: but as ikonia says, if you can do it, install the 64-bit OS ... that'll support 32-bit applications too if you install the 'foreign' i386 architecture00:01
TJ-basiclaser: I use 32-bit userspace on 64-bit kernels, mostly on USB keys, where they have both 32-bit and 64-bit kernels to cope with booting on any Intel/AMD CPU type00:02
Foxhoundzoh my god I think it worked00:02
Foxhoundzor maybe it didn't.00:02
FoxhoundzI edited /etc/networks/interface and added auto wlan000:03
Foxhoundznow it's stuck at "Waiting for network configuration" at bootup00:03
TJ-Foxhoundz: You'll also need a wpa_supplicant config00:03
zenkekuTJ-: Any updates?00:03
TJ-Foxhoundz: That's why, often, taking advantage of Network Manager's built-in handling makes it quicker and easier to do00:03
Vyse007ikonia: I guess so. But why should things break? What do these things depend upon? The kernel, or some other components that do not get updated from the repos? Nonetheless, if things do indeed break, then it must mean that some packages must be dependent on a feature that does not get updated when we run 'apt-get update'...00:04
TJ-zenkeku: Yes... your pastebin was a simply grep of the lines matching the *starting* phrase - I want to see *every* line from the last occurence of the starting phrase, to the end of the file :)00:04
FoxhoundzTJ-: I used wpa_passphrase to generate a config file00:04
ikoniaVyse007: you wanted a simple explaination, you got one00:05
FoxhoundzWell, 'here's my config file: http://pastie.org/939783800:05
zenkekuTJ-: All 12k?00:05
TJ-zenkeku: If that is what it is, yes.00:05
zenkekuTJ-: Alright, one moment.00:05
TJ-Foxhoundz: trying to recall if you also still need the "wpa-driver ..." line in "/etc/network/interfaces"00:06
ikoniaFoxhoundz: just install the desktop00:06
Vyse007ikonia: All right, my bad. Thanks.00:07
ikoniaFoxhoundz: manage your machine through simple tools00:07
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TJ-ikonia: Overkill on a headless server!00:07
ikonianot really00:07
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ikoniaif you can't manage it with the shell00:07
ikonianothing wrong with running a desktop with all the user friendly tools00:07
FoxhoundzIt's actually an Ubuntu desktop ;-)00:08
linuxlitehey how can i scroll the messages up and down like piping to less im using cli now no gui thanks00:08
Foxhoundzbut my spare keyboard and mouse are in the garage00:08
FoxhoundzI can't go into the garage :|00:08
Foxhoundzthere are spiders there...00:08
ikoniaFoxhoundz: great, so just use network manager to configure it00:08
ikoniaeasy and simple00:08
Foxhoundzikonia: in all seriousness, if it's possible through the GUI it should be possible through the back-end terminal, no?00:09
ikoniaFoxhoundz: of course it is00:09
FoxhoundzAfter all, even network manager is a wrapper for the back-end variants.00:09
ikoniaFoxhoundz: no it's not00:09
ikoniaFoxhoundz: network manager is network manager00:09
FoxhoundzI will try your method00:09
TJ-Foxhoundz: So, create the system wifi connection from nm-applet, then edit it's connection file in "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/" and add the "autoconnect" command00:09
zenkekuTJ-: I believe this is what you're asking for. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7806369/00:09
TJ-Foxhoundz: in the "[connection]" stanza, add "autoconnect=TRUE"00:11
TJ-zenkeku: it is, great thanks00:11
zenkekuTJ-: No problem. Let me know what you find.00:11
linuxliteim using cli now no gui how can i scroll the messages up and down like piping to less00:12
TJ-zenkeku: You've got a dying disk drive (sda)!00:12
zenkekuTJ-: What does that mean?!00:12
TJ-zenkeku: Hmm, that doesn't show a suspend/resume attempt.00:12
TJ-zenkeku: It means the disk may be on its way to failure... there's I/O errors reported00:13
zenkekuTJ-: Ah, that is odd.. I've had those for years, though.00:13
TJ-zenkeku: check its health: "sudo apt-get install smartmontools" then "sudo smartctl --all /dev/sda | pastebinit"00:13
zenkekuTJ-: Will do.00:14
TJ-linux4u: terminals can usually be scrolled using Shift+PgUp/PgDn00:14
Foxhoundzor using your mousewheel!00:16
HikaruBGHi All00:16
HikaruBGis there free NFC Encoding software for Ubuntu?00:17
linuxliteis there anyother way?sorry but im using ssh client now connecting to ssh server ihave no shift on my phone00:17
linuxliteand pagup page down00:17
zenkekuTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7806398/ There is the output.00:18
Deet`so i installed ubuntu on a macbook g3 a good long time ago. kinda left it laying around for a while. now when i try to log in to gnome, i just get a blank dark grey screen with my coursor. i can log in to terminal tho. is there anything i can do from termial to make gnome work again?00:19
HikaruBGAnyone on the NFC Encoding?00:20
TJ-zenkeku: There are errors in the drive's log as you can see, and the "Reallocated_Sector_Count" and "Load_Cycle_Count" look very large, which is a bad thing00:20
HikaruBGI need NFC Encoding software for Ubuntu00:20
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kostkon!find nfc00:20
zenkekuTJ-: Is this something that can be fixed with software?00:20
ubottuFound: libdebconfclient0, libdebconfclient0-dev, bnfc, confclerk, libacme-brainfck-perl, libnfc-bin, libnfc-dev, libnfc-examples, libnfc-pn53x-examples, libnfc5 (and 3 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nfc&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all00:20
kostkonAltruismAndCake, hi00:21
editionhow to boot from disc, in qemu?00:22
AltruismAndCakeany exciting new plans for ubuntu?00:22
TJ-zenkeku: No... you should be thinking urgently about backing-up the data on the drive and replacing it00:23
zenkekuTJ-: All of my data is backed up on dropbox and google drive, so I'm not worried about that. Is my hard drive affecting my computer's ability to suspend?00:24
AltruismAndCakeso many people leaving D:00:25
TJ-zenkeku: possible, but we can't know yet. Can you do a suspend/resume cycle attempt now, then reboot clean and check that "/var/log/kern.log" has grown (it may have been moved to "/var/log/kern.log.1"  and the current kern.log will not contain any suspend/resume log messages). Then pastebin the contents of the log from the most recent startup to the end of the file, including the suspend/resume attempt.00:29
editionhow to mount a CD as an iso?00:29
zenkekuTJ-: Will do.00:29
editionany ideas?00:31
TJ-edition: Do you mean how to mount an ISO9660 data CD into the file-system?00:31
editioni have a windows server DVD, i want to mount as ISO for Qemu.00:31
editionany ideas?00:31
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OerHeksedition, look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountIso00:32
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TJ-edition: You can add something like this to the qemu-system-x86 command line: "-drive file=/home/all/VirtualMachines/iso/ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.iso,if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-0,readonly=on,format=raw -device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0"00:33
zenkekuTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7806454/ I made a backup of the old log file before making a suspend attempt. Here is the new log file.00:35
TJ-zenkeku: Yeah, as I thought. That is a freshly written file and doesn't include the suspend attempt... Try "/var/log/kern.log.1" instead :)00:36
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zenkekuTJ-: Will do.00:37
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zenkekuTJ-: kern.log.1 does not exist.00:38
TJ-zenkeku: Really? :O00:39
TJ-zenkeku: check all the logrotated versions then, too: "ls -altr /var/log/kern*"00:39
TJ-zenkeku: that list should be ordered with most recently changed, last00:40
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zenkekuzenkeku: There are two, the new one and the back up.00:40
zenkekuTJ-: There are two, the new one and the back up.00:40
TJ-zenkeku: something spooky is going on!00:41
zenkekuTJ-: Indeed! What shall we do about this?00:42
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:42
ObrienDaveecho? ;p00:42
Deet`well i'm gonna reinstall. however, the computer cannot get on the internet. is there a way to include 3rd party stuff (mp3, video, etc) offline?00:42
TJ-zenkeku: every kernel message should be written to the kern.log ... when kern.log gets 'too large' it is moved to kern.log.1. If that file already exists, then kern.log.1 is compressed and moved to kern.log.2.gz, the next time kern.log.3.gz, and so on.00:43
zenkekuTJ-: I made the backup myself, so it is likely the file was not too large.00:43
TJ-zenkeku: That system doesn't seem to be capturing any kernel messages when you attempt a suspend, in fact, it seems to be losing the old file00:43
zenkekuTJ-: The backup was made because I didn't want to parse through 13,000 lines of code.00:43
TJ-zenkeku: OK, well with the new kern.log in place and apparently being written to, try another suspend-resume cycle :) Hopefully this time the log-file will capture the details :)00:44
editionok. how to boot from dvd in KVM?00:45
zenkekuTJ-: Will do!00:45
zenkekuTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7806489/ There you go.00:47
TJ-zenkeku: yay! "[  750.722748] PM: Preparing system for mem sleep"00:47
zenkekuTJ-: Results!00:47
zenkekuTJ-: To reiterate the issue: I believe it does suspend, however it immediately wakes up. I should note that I am dualbooting with windows and its sleep cycle works fine.00:49
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OerHeks!kvm | edition try to search yourself for these simple howto's00:49
ubottuedition try to search yourself for these simple howto's: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM00:49
TJ-zenkeku: It does, and then immediately resumes, likely due to "[  752.068627] [Firmware Bug] ..."00:50
editionid rather not use virtualbox :)00:50
zenkekuTJ-: Ah.. Hm. Is there anyway to fix this?00:50
TJ-edition: Add "-boot order=c,menu=on" to your qemu/kvm command-line00:51
TJ-zenkeku: If the firmware/ACPI isn't putting the devices to bed correctly, one of them is generating an interrupt which is immediately waking the system so it can be handled, is my guess right now00:52
Foxhoundzok so I have my ubuntu hooked up with a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Now how do I set it to autoconnect to both wired and wireless connections at bootup (before login)?00:52
zenkekuTJ-: Sorry that you have to hold my hand through this so much. How might I go about doing that?00:53
koellwhat is the preferred way of set up a network share? samba? nfs?00:53
TJ-zenkeku: Let's deal with basics first. Are there *any* external devices connected to the laptop (USB, ExpressCard, Firewire, etc.) ?00:54
TJ-Foxhoundz: set both connections to "autoconnect=TRUE"00:55
FoxhoundzTJ-: where do I do thaT?00:55
Foxhoundzare there any steps before doing that?00:55
koellFoxhoundz: there is something in the network connections00:55
zenkekuTJ-: Not to my knowledge. There isn't anything connected on the outside. I haven't messed with the inside.00:55
TJ-zenkeku: external devices may be sending 'wake-up' signals, USB keyboards are favourites for that00:55
TJ-zenkeku: OK... is there a wired network connection, or are you only using WiFi ?00:56
TJ-Foxhoundz: I told you earlier... do you want me to re-paste the message?00:56
zenkekuTJ-: Yes, I'm only using wifi.00:56
FoxhoundzTJ-: yes please00:56
TJ-Jul 17 00:48:56 <TJ->   Foxhoundz: But you can edit the connection info (in "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/") adding any valid settings, including "autoconnect=TRUE" (in the "[connection]" stanza00:57
TJ-zenkeku: OK, so other devices aren't the issue.00:57
FoxhoundzTJ-: so I guess I didn't need to plug in my monitor for this00:58
TJ-zenkeku: My next thought would be there may be some setting/combination of settings in the BIOS/Firmware that are affecting this, but laptops are usually so locked down I can't guess at what they might be00:58
zenkekuTJ-: This has been an issue for a while, I've just never really worried about it. Every flavor of linux I've used has had this issue, including Arch, Mint and Debian.00:58
TJ-zenkeku: on this same hardware, or on other hardware too?00:58
zenkekuTJ-: This hardware.00:58
zenkekuTJ-: And as to the BIOS, I haven't messed with the settings behind the boot order.00:59
zenkekuTJ-: And as to the BIOS, I haven't messed with the settings beyond the boot order. *00:59
TJ-zenkeku: which does point more to a buggy motherboard or more likely, its firmware00:59
TJ-zenkeku: No, sometimes they're just 'bad' from day #100:59
zenkekuTJ-: That's unfortunate. Does that mean there is no fix to this?00:59
TJ-zenkeku: What is possible, is an internal device on the USB bus is waking it up... I do see 2 messages like this one "[  751.805675] ehci-pci 0000:00:12.2: System wakeup enabled by ACPI"01:00
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TJ-zenkeku: It is worth searching through the Firmware settings for any option along the lines of "Allow USB to wake from sleep/S3"01:00
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zenkekuTJ-: That's interesting. How might I look through that?01:01
boundialIntel® Ironlake Mobile x86/MMX/SSE2  that's my main graphics card. how can i see what's going on with a GUI for ubuntu 14.0401:01
TJ-zenkeku: At boot-time enter the BIOS/Firmware Setup by pressing some specified key (usually shown on-screen) and hunt through the menus01:03
Geodid 14.04.1 hit yet?01:03
zenkekuTJ-: Noted. I'll report back in a few minutes.01:04
Geoor whatever the 'final' version is?01:04
FoxhoundzTJ-: I added autoconnet=TRUE but it still doesn't connect when I ssh in01:05
TJ-Foxhoundz: autoconnect is for when the Network Manager service *starts*, at boot-time. If you want it to pick up the new settings you'll need to do "sudo service network-manager restart"01:07
cuddylierWhat is the command to view the information about a process ID?01:07
OerHeksGeo, sometime today i think01:07
FoxhoundzTJ-: I rebooted the PC and it still did not connect01:07
Bashing-omcuddylier: 'ps' is one such.01:08
GeoOerHeks: so, what i grab off the site right now should be final?01:08
TJ-Foxhoundz: The interface you're configuring, make sure it isn't also defined in "/etc/network/interfaces" - that'll cause NM to ignore that interface (don't want NM interfering with manual configurations obviously)01:09
OerHeksGeo if it says 14.04.1, then yes01:09
cuddylierBashing-om: When I do 'ps [PID] it just shows PID, TTY, STAT, TIME, COMMAND but doesn't say anything below those headings.01:09
TJ-cuddylier: "ps -efly"01:09
Bashing-omcuddylier: Try as: ps aux .01:10
Geoit does not01:10
kostkonGeo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule01:10
cuddylierBashing-pm: 'ps aux [PID]' shows all processes01:10
Geobut i've never seen the .1 in any file notation01:10
zenkekuTJ-: I was not able to find anything. The only options it shows are F2 for setup and F12 for boot order. F2 didn't contain anything.01:10
Geogot it, thanks01:11
Geoanother week01:11
Geodecisions decisions :)01:11
apb1963How can I install "ActiveApp" in 12.04 ?  apt-get can't seem to find it?01:11
kostkonGeo, yeap, exactly 1 week from now01:11
FoxhoundzThe only thing defined in interface is autolo and the loopback interface01:11
Foxhoundzauto lo*01:11
TJ-zenkeku: yeah, F2 takes you into Setup. Laptop setups are so locked down usually too :(01:12
Bashing-omcuddylier: Can you be more specific in what your goal is ? maybe something like -> ps -ef | grep <application> <- .01:13
Phasehm, anyone know if Mumble (windows, specifically) depends on the executable being named 'mumble.exe' offhand? I'll figure it out soon enough anyway, but just thought I'd put it out there just to see01:13
zenkekuTJ-: My next computer won't be a laptop. :P01:13
zenkekuTJ-: So there isn't anything we can do?01:13
ultra-i have an ssd with limited space, and i want to install ubuntu only to run and test bitwig studio (audio workstation)… what’s the minimum amount of space i should set aside for that?01:13
Phasewrong channel01:13
Phasemy bad.01:13
Foxhoundzsigh >_<01:13
cuddylierBashing-om: I just want to see the command of a process, like when you type '-c' in top01:13
TJ-zenkeku: Short of some major intensive suspend/resume debugging of the kernel, or trying the very latest mainline kernel (which often fixes bugs!) there's not a lot you can do01:13
zenkekuTJ-: Oh well! Thanks for the help, anyway.01:13
compdocsomeone grab Phase while I leave to get the rope!!01:13
TJ-Foxhoundz: work in stages. If the connection doesn't autoconnect...01:13
Phasedon't grab me :O01:14
TJ-zenkeku: try the most recent mainline kernel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds01:14
zenkekuTJ-: Would you recommend upgrading to it?01:14
TJ-Foxhoundz: ... use "nmcli" to bring the connection up... if that isn't working, you know you need to work on refining the connection settings... once it will start manually, then autoconnect should also work01:14
TJ-zenkeku: I always use the latest *stable* release (I only use Release Candidates "rcX" that I know have bug-fixes that apply to my problems)01:15
boundialhow do i find out if preload is working and what it has done in my system?01:15
zenkekuTJ-: Okay! I'll attempt that.01:15
TJ-zenkeku: This'd be the latest stable: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.15.5-utopic/01:16
TJ-zenkeku: read the instructions on the Wiki carefully on how to install the packages01:16
zenkekuTJ-: Will do! Thanks for the help. Is there anyway to check to see if my specific bug has been fixed?01:16
TJ-zenkeku: Well, no, since it is likely the motherboard that has the bug... but recent kernels may include workarounds to take account of such things01:17
boundialis there a way to see what prload is doing in my system?01:17
zenkekuTJ-: Roger! I'll upgrade to the new kernel and report back.01:17
boundialAdaptive readahead daemon  aka preload01:18
boundialmister aaaaanderson.  lol01:21
dlamarg i accidently Ctrl+C'ed out of a `do-release-upgrade`  ...anyone know how to restart the process?01:21
OerHeksdlam, maybe this page is any help http://askubuntu.com/questions/346678/how-do-i-resume-a-release-upgrade-update01:23
zenkekuTJ-: Upgraded. Rebooting and testing suspend.01:23
TJ-zenkeku: OK... *fingers crossed*01:24
apb1963cuddylier: figure it out?01:25
cuddyliernot rly01:26
laspahrNero, you still here?01:26
cuddylierI got the process IDs and tried killing them but they said no process existed hmm01:26
apb1963cuddylier: ps fp <pid>01:26
cuddylier7161 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto python01:26
cuddylierE.g. that01:26
cuddylierMaybe that isn't an actual process?01:26
TJ-cuddylier: Did you run that command in a different terminal?01:27
cuddylierTJ- I ran it in the main screen01:27
apb1963cuddylier: it's the process that runs grep... it's gone by the time you get the output01:27
laspahrdang, anyone know the site Nero gave me to look up? /: my computer shut off while I was gone01:27
TJ-cuddylier: But what input did you give grep? It is waiting for input by the look of it01:27
cuddylierps ax | grep python01:28
zenkekuTJ-: I don't believe it worked. Suspend failed again. Is there anyway to double check I'm on the new kernel?01:28
cuddylierI'm trying to check for python processes to kill any if there is any01:28
TJ-zenkeku: "uname -r"01:28
apb1963cuddylier: if that's all you get, then there are none01:28
cuddylierapb1963: Good thanks01:28
zenkekuTJ-: Yup, I am.01:28
TJ-cuddylier: Ahhh ok, you're piping ps to grep... so grep will be terminated as soon as the command completes01:28
cuddyliermakes sense01:29
TJ-cuddylier: so grep will almost always see itself ;001:29
subcoolTJ-, !!!! - long time no talk. BUt ofcourse i got a Q.01:29
subcoolWhats the real difference between portforwarding, and port triggering?01:30
laspahrany help? /:01:30
TJ-zenkeku: A few years ago I spent several weeks debugging the same issue on different hardware - 2 identical Vaio notebooks. 1 just developed this same issue... I never could pin it down, but it had to be some change on the mobo or in the BIOS NVRAM settings01:30
TJ-subcool: UhOh :p01:30
subcoollol.. been a long time man.01:30
ApteryxHello! Anyone else has a compact Apple Wireless bluetooth keyboard here? It used to work, but I don't know if something is wrong with the latest kernel drivers, but the layout is completely screwed up now.01:30
Foxhoundzsubcool: i know it's been a while how r u lol01:31
TJ-subcool: "forwarding" means a rule waiting for a connection. Triggering means when a connection hits, it triggers something else to happen01:31
zenkekuTJ-: Oh well! It's not a big issue.01:31
subcoolsup Foxhoundz  - a lot actually.01:31
kuby64like no other01:31
zenkekuTJ-: Thanks for trying. I appreciate it.01:31
subcoolTJ-, yea- still sounds the same to me. :/01:31
TJ-zenkeku: you're welcome, I hate letting the systems win01:31
subcoolthats why i was asking. its sounds the same to me.01:31
BlindyHey guys, anyone else update their 12.04 HWE today? The workspace switcher seems to be running a bit laggy.01:32
zenkekuTJ-: We'll get them eventually. If you had to guess, when do you think my hard drive will kick it?01:32
TJ-subcool: Well, say you configure port-forwarding of port 143... any connection that arrives on port 143 gets forwarded01:32
subcool so maybe i can use that though. if i were to setup a trigger for port 10, it would act like 9?01:32
TJ-subcool: but for port-triggering, the connection might arrive on port 5469 which when detected triggers the opening of port 143, which then allows connections *only* from the client that triggered it01:33
TJ-zenkeku: I'd keep a close eye on those "smartctl --all /dev/sda" reports, and watch kern.log for I/O errors01:33
zenkekuTJ-: Will do!01:34
subcooloh- thats cool.01:34
subcoolmakes more sense.01:34
subcoolso it would kinda be better to use triggers.01:35
subcoolok.. what about if - i have two computer behind a router that i need to respond from requests of WOL. but- the firewall only allows me to specify one.01:36
TJ-subcool: have the PC that is woken by the router, send a WOL packet to the other PC?01:38
bkuberek_I was hoping I could help with this error:01:42
bkuberek_uwsgi: error while loading shared libraries: libzmq.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:42
bkuberek_uwsgi on Ubuntu 14.0401:42
egradman1I thought I understood how this works, but apparently I do not.  Why are there no packages for raring available at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ ?01:44
tewardegradman1, didn't raring to end of life?01:45
tewardyep it idd01:45
egradman1yes, but does that mean I'm no longer able to fetch packages for it?01:45
ObrienDaveegradman1, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/01:46
egradman1I can't even install update-manager-core to upgrade it!01:46
egradman1thank you!01:46
tewardegradman1, you will have to use the old-releases stuff, but don't expect any updates01:46
egradman1I think first thing will be to upgrade to 13.10!01:46
ObrienDaveyou're on your own with those01:46
TJ-bkuberek_: the package "uwsgi-core" depends on libzmq3 which should install "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libzmq.so.3"01:47
CapprenticeWhat is the proper way to clean all logs residing in /var/log ?Should I run rm -rf /var/log/* ?01:47
Jeffrey_fbkuberek_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219477701:47
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.01:48
Capprentice-_- !01:48
TJ-Capprentice: no, you shouldn't delete the logs :)01:48
subcoolTJ, yea.. i could do that. but -- thatd be a lot more difficult. Im remotely WOL my NAS and Computer. I use the computer to do the work locally until i have it completely setup so i can do it all from remote.. - i was just hoping u knew some kinda cheesy workaround for a crappy router. - its cool. :) thanks. for helping.01:49
TJ-Capprentice: The logs that logrotate has compressed ("/var/log/**.gz") are safe to delete though01:49
TJ-subcool: Unless you can 'hack' the router into sending to multiple MACs, I cannot think of another way to do it01:50
tewardegradman1, might want to keep in mind 13.10 EOLs tomorrow according to https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-June/000185.html01:50
egradman1great timing :)01:50
egradman1maybe I can just downgrade to 12.04  instead :)01:50
egradman1easier upgrade path :)01:51
subcoolyeah.. idk.. id upgrade the firmware if it wasnt our modem.01:51
subcoolOk- here is a hard one for you... but i know your great at this stuff so- youd find an answer in 5 mins compared to the 2 weeks ive been at it.01:51
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.01:51
subcoolI have a FreeNAS box, with owncloud running.01:52
CapprenticeWell Im getting errors while starting httpd ! one of the httpd error is, not being able to create logs !!! So I thought if I empty the log folder, all log files will be re-created and reinitialized?? ! Screenshot: http://imgur.com/P2KvZee01:52
TJ-Capprentice: The problem with deleting all log files there is the rsylogd process, and others, have those files open, so if you delete them it causes many problems. Best thing is to only delete those that are not active (those ending in .gz)01:53
subcoolTJ - and on it i setup owncloud, but just a basic setup. Uploaded files and was happy. then i tried to setup btsync and couchpotato - thus changing ownclouds source and destination directories for files to be stored. In that i setup some symlink (i asume). Now when i try to ssh into the machine, the only files i see- or the new symlink directory. I kinda "lost" the original files i uploaded. HOw might i go about finding them> or s01:54
subcooletting the source/destination  directories back to default so i can get my files.01:54
subcoolall the results im finding lead me to the Linux version of owncloud. which speak of var/www/owncloud- such i dont have.01:54
apb1963subcool: I'm still thinking about your WOL issue....  is there any reason you couldn't just run etherwake?01:56
TJ-subcool: Check the configuration of each tool... if you are SSHing into the PC then by default you'll only see that user's home directory... if that contains a symlink to other locations that user doesn't have permissions for, then you won't see anything. Maybe just check the ownerships of the directories the shared files are in, make sure your user is in the same group(s) as own those directories01:56
subcoolnah.. its not something like that..01:57
subcoolapb1963, etherwake?01:57
subcoolTJ - i have full access to the users,01:57
subcooli think of it like this..01:57
subcoolsay you create /mnt/stupid01:57
TJ-subcool: Well, you're the one that (re)configured it... if you don't know where the files are going... I can't help!01:57
subcooland then put files into stupid..01:57
subcoolthats the problem01:58
subcoolit was a basic setup at first..01:58
subcoolso i dont know where the files wouldve gone before i chagned the source/destination.01:58
subcoolas for my example. say you put file into /mnt/stupid -01:58
TJ-check what a basic owncloud install does, the docs should help you there01:59
subcoolbut then later did a nfs mount to that folder, the NEW stuff would be seen. whiel to other stuff is kinda .. just not seen.01:59
apb1963subcool: etherwake xx:yy:zz:11:22:33  Where,  xx:yy:zz:11:22:33 is remote servers mac address.01:59
subcoolTJ, i have.. thats the problem. - :/01:59
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon
subcoolythign i look up is for a linux setup. for which the files would be on /var/www/owncloud.01:59
subcoolevery setup i find, goes about defining where the souce and destination folder should be changed to- not what its default it.02:00
cornellHowdy...  Got a Toshiba 1Tb external drive, plugged it in and nautilus opened up showing TOSHIBA EXT under Devices.  I poked around in a terminal a bit and found /media/THOSHIBA\ EXT.  For future reference, if I need to mount it myself, can I just mount /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT ?02:00
subcoolapb1963, my issue is the router- it only allows transmission to specific ip's.. not a range.02:01
Alison-need-helpsomeone can help me?02:01
subcooland i cant have multple ip's with the same port02:01
ObrienDave!ask | Alison-need-help02:01
ubottuAlison-need-help: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:01
apb1963subcool: did you perhaps mount a filesystem on top of the files you uploaded?  i.e.  cp <files> /mnt/stupid  and then mount /dev/sdx /mnt/stupid?  If so, then your files would be UNDER /mnt/stupid.  Umount it and perhaps your files are there?02:01
cornellDepends on what you ne... what ubottu said ;-)02:01
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subcoolapb1963, thats EXACTLY what im saying02:02
Alison-need-helpObrienDave: hi, my name is Alison and i do embroidery. and i'm try to install this program02:03
BenMcLeanI have a live usb installation of ubuntu with persistence that i created with unetbootin02:03
apb1963subcool: the idea of using etherwake would be to wake the  one computer your router will wake, and then have that computer run etherwake - waking all the other devices you want to wake.02:03
subcoolbut its not a mount option- from what i understand.02:03
subcoolapb1963, yeah thats what TJ said..02:03
bigcathello all, i wanted to bounce off some ideas with some of you ubuntu pros02:03
BenMcLeanI can get the persistence by editing the command line option from the boot menu by pressing "e" and then adding "persistent" to the end of the command.02:03
bigcatis this the right place?02:03
subcooli can easily do that.. - im just trying to be a little more simplied, because id be doing all this from my phone until i can get this stupid NAS to work properly.02:03
BenMcLeanBut is there some way to get it to do that automatically without my editing it every boot?02:03
subcool(to include fixing this owncloud bs)02:03
BenMcLeanshouldn't I be able to open something with notepad++ and add the word "persistent" to one line somewhere?02:04
cornellYou're using Ubuntu, Alison-need-help?02:04
BenMcLeanso i guess basically my question is, "where are the commands selected on the boot menu stored?"02:04
subcoolTJ, apb1963 the this bringbs me back to the problem. idk how to unmount the new source/destination specifications. - if i knew what the default was,, id be able to reset it to that. and i cant just undo them. from what i know.02:05
subcoolim a bit limited by my knowledge at this point.02:05
TJ-subcool: OK, if you've hidden directories under a mountpoint, then do "mount" to list all active mounts, and then either 1) "umount /mnt/stupid" or 2) identify the device that *contains* the mount directory (possibly the root file-system), and then mount the root file-system someplace else, such as "sudo mkdir /mnt/rootfs && sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu-rootfs /mnt/rootfs" then look in "/mnt/rootfs/mnt/stupid/" for the 'hidden' files02:05
friendlyfascismBenMcLean, So what is your end goal on having this setup?02:05
apb1963subcool: well, he said "<TJ-> subcool: Unless you can 'hack' the router into sending to multiple MACs, I cannot think of another way to do it"  and I'm simply standing on his shoulders by suggesting that you not hack the router, but instead run etherwake from the computer after it receives the first WOL .02:05
ObrienDaveAlison-need-help, sorry, i don't know how to install it that way02:06
cornellAlison-need-help, the site says you can install with apt-get in Ubuntu.  Open up a terminal (Applications/Accessories/Terminal)02:06
cornellAnd enter the command: sudo apt-get install git build-essential qt4-dev-tools libqt4-opengl-dev kdelibs5-dev valgrind02:06
TJ-apb1963: yeah, subcool was referring to: "Jul 17 02:38:57 <TJ->   subcool: have the PC that is woken by the router, send a WOL packet to the other PC?"02:07
cornellYou'll be prompted for a password.02:07
cornellAnd that should be it.02:07
apb1963subcool: so someone else has already done the job of hacking for you, you need merely install the program... and then trigger it to run.02:07
laspahranyone please help me? :( my ubuntu 14.04 laptop won't go past boot animation after running 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-touch' and I think unity was uninstalled, but I don't know for sure.. all files are still on the computer...02:07
bigcati have a machine running 64 bit ubuntu 14.04. i'd like to a) increase my knowledge of certain programming languages and b) learn new ones.02:07
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Run it as a text boot to see what happens.02:07
apb1963TJ-: sorry, missed his comment there.  But yes... so etherwake would be one tool to accomplish that suggestion.02:08
bigcatwhich leads me to vagrant that i've been playing with.02:08
cornellfriendlyfascism?  Isn't that a contradiction in terms ;-)02:08
laspahrfriendlyfascism how do I do that? /:02:08
TJ-apb1963: I think subcool is trying to avoid having to start 1 PC in order to start another :)02:08
friendlyfascism!text | laspahr02:08
ubottulaspahr: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:08
bigcatwhat do you think of setting up a bunch of boxes and running/destroying them at will.02:08
friendlyfascismcornell, Look up the book with that name.02:08
chippieWhat happened to raring? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/02:08
chippieWe can't install packages or apt-get update. All mirrors seem to be missing raring.02:09
TJ-!eol | chippie02:09
ubottuchippie: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:09
subcoolTJ, apb1963 yeah.. just for now- once i can finally setup this stupid NAS computer, i wont really need the first one. but- right now- i need it to do all this work until is safe and setup.02:09
subcoolTJ, yeah-- i found it mount shows it..02:09
=== laspahr_ is now known as laspahr
chippieRaring has been end of lifed already?02:09
subcoolTJ, mind if i pm you?02:09
TJ-subcool: I was about to go to bed!02:09
Alison-need-helpcornell: i want the version 202:10
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring02:10
chippieEep, thanks!02:10
subcoolahh- ok. i forgot your far far away- yeah.. goto bed.. :)02:10
friendlyfascismlaspahr, So what were you expecting with the install of ubuntu-touch?02:11
subcoolthanks for the eye opener on this. - i knew ud be able to help.02:11
apb1963TJ-: I guess I don't quite understand why he needs multiple WOL packets if he only wants to use one?02:11
cornellAlison-need-help, the apt-get doesn't do version 2?02:11
subcoolapb1963, because im a half noob.02:11
TJ-apb1963: I think subcool wants the router to be able to wake any 1 of his PCs, but the router's WOL config only allows configuration to wake a single PC02:11
cornellfriendlyfascism, whether the fascists are militaristic, big government or big business... it ain't friendly ;-)02:12
laspahrfriendlyfascism I thought it would help with my touchscreen, but I was wrong heh..02:12
apb1963TJ-: oh, so he wants to dynamically choose which PC to wake at his discretion.02:12
laspahrwhat do I do once I'm in text boot?02:12
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.02:12
TJ-apb1963: I read it that way, yes, and the router limits to just a single host02:12
friendlyfascismcornell, You are making a ridiculous argument read the book, and this is offtopic.02:12
subcoolYep- you two are correct.02:12
bigcatany thoughts y'all?02:13
apb1963TJ-: yeah I got the part about the router limit from the start.. didn't understand the other part... now I do.02:13
subcoolthe router is a controlling bull TJ, apb196302:13
cornellAny response about mount /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT?02:13
subcoolsicne ur still awake..02:14
subcoolTJ-, id like to unmount /mnt/NASstorage/Media on /mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1/media/SubCool (nullfs, local)02:14
apb1963subcool: Well, I suppose if you wanted a long term solution you could replace the router by a linux box that acts as a router...02:14
friendlyfascismlaspahr, I think your broken, the text boot will show you where it stops. You will have to purge it most likely and reinstall unity if you think it was removed.02:14
subcoollol - apb1963 done that before..02:14
subcoolit was a great option.02:15
laspahrah that's the command I was looking for.. purge...02:15
editionhow to add filesystem to windows, using virt-manager?02:15
editionguest os02:15
subcoolbut im also saving power- but what have you.. let me abuse TJ for a min.02:15
laspahrso just 'sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-touch'?02:15
editionthe windows guest sees it as a PCI device02:15
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Yes and I can't guarantee any fixes that was a big mistake.02:16
TJ-subcool: :O02:16
subcoolmy mount list shows: NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1 on /mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1 (zfs, local, nfsv4acls)02:16
=== nishantjrxxx is now known as nishantjr_
apb1963subcool: well,  your linux router would sleep until it received the WOL packet.... but go ahead and abuse him :)02:16
laspahrfriendlyfascism yes, big mistake indeed.... won't do that again lol02:17
subcoolits only abuse because hes trying to goto bed.02:17
laspahrif only my computer would turn on now... it seems to only want to turn on with the usb plugged in, which would cause it to boot into Live USB02:17
TJ-subcool: so what is "NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1" - it doesn't look like an LVM volume02:18
friendlyfascismlaspahr, what happens without the usb?02:18
=== nina is now known as Guest42379
subcoolTJ-,  its a plugin/jail for freenas02:18
pinPointwhat are the chances of breaking the system while going from 12.04->14.04?02:18
atLargepinPoint, very frickin high02:19
TJ-subcool: OK, and are you saying the 'missing' files are 'under' "/mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1" ?02:19
pinPointatLarge: :/02:19
friendlyfascismpinPoint, No percentiles, back it up a image/clone would be your best protection.02:19
ObrienDavepinPoint, wait for 14.04.102:19
laspahrpower button lights up as usual, but the screen doesn't seem to actually turn on /:02:19
atLargepinPoint, it might be better since I last did it, but i did 9.10 to 10.04 update and it hardly worked02:19
subcoolTJ, i belive so..02:19
laspahreven with usb plugged in it's not doing anything...02:19
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Not doing anything is to vague, can you be more exacting? Is this just a ubuntu install?02:20
subcoolTJ this is what i think matters. :02:20
subcoolNASstorage/jails/owncloud_1 on /mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1 (zfs, local, nfsv4acls)02:20
subcooldevfs on /mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1/dev (devfs, local, multilabel)02:20
subcoolprocfs on /mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1/proc (procfs, local)02:20
subcool/mnt/NASstorage/Media on /mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1/media/SubCool (nullfs, local)02:20
=== nina__ is now known as liubei
subcoolso first its made, then it puts my media folder onto it..02:21
laspahrit''s literally not doing anything.. the power button comes on then nothing else... I'm trying to recover ubuntu, as I installed ubuntu-touch and now it wouldn't boot, now it's not even turning on...02:21
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Preface answer to others with their nick, you can tab complete nicks.02:21
subcoolso i would umount /mnt/nasstoreage/ails/owncloud_1/mediasubcool right?02:21
TJ-subcool: so, you think that the first mount also has directories "...media/SubCool" and they've been hidden?02:22
laspahrfriendlyfascism what?02:22
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Is ubuntu the only OS, I asked this before, read questions carefully and answer if you can, this is free help.02:22
subcoolthis is why i was gonan pm you- so you, so i can post it all02:22
laspahrfriendlyfascism: ah nevermind... yes Ubuntu is the only bootable OS right now on computer02:22
laspahrwell.. was bootable02:22
TJ-subcool: OK... find out: "sudo mkdir /mnt/test && sudo mount --bind /mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1 /mnt/test" then "ls -latr /mnt/NASstorage/jails/owncloud_1/media/SubCool"02:23
laspahrfriendlyfascism: I had Win8.1 installed then I deleted the BCD for it and had to put ubuntu back on there, then this happened and now I'm stuck02:23
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Hit the power button and tap on the shift key repeatedly you should get the grub menu, if not report that to me.02:23
laspahralready tried that, and it failed, screen did nothing02:23
subcoolthis is too easy - - especially for you- so im sorry for taking mroe time.02:23
subcooli just dont wanna lose the files. i totally owe. you.......02:24
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Since you had W8.1 you have a uefi right?02:24
laspahryes, but I can't get to it either02:24
laspahresc, f10, f2, nothing works...02:24
laspahrexcept power button02:24
cornellOk, thanks anyway everybody.  Catch y'all later02:24
friendlyfascismlaspahr, So ubuntu booted after the install and all you have done is the ubuntu-touch install?02:25
laspahrfriendlyfascism: ubuntu didn't boot after ubuntu-touch install, it got stuck on boot screen, but the grub menu showed up still.02:25
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Can you tell I'm trying to get your sequence of events exactly?02:26
laspahrfriendlyfascism: yes, here is exactly as it went02:26
laspahrI installed ubuntu-touch using 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-touch' and it said it required me to install another program or something, the name escapes me, but I installed that then ubuntu-touch02:27
friendlyfascismlaspahr, How about from the ubuntu install and what type, a efi for example, up to the ubuntu-touch install02:28
laspahrafter that ubuntu opened grub and was able to select ubuntu, or recovery modes or whatever, but always stuck at boot screen. Now when I turn it on, it shows nothing for the USB or built in disk02:28
laspahrI used 14.04 LTS02:28
CapprenticeIs Cpanel available free of cost? Which one is better Webmin or Cpanel?02:29
laspahrumm.. efi I'm not sure..02:29
CapprenticeWhich works bettr on Ubuntu?02:29
apb1963Capprentice: be aware, there's also zpanel and probably others.  webmin is for considerably more advanced users than cpanel.02:30
friendlyfascismlaspahr, Okay trying to fix this will be longer than just reinstalling correctly, theoretically any OS is fixable, your choice, but this one I have little hope for. Boot the live and get out what is need if anything is there, if not read the uefi boot info next for a new install, be sure you are still uefi.02:31
friendlyfascism!uefi | laspahr02:31
ubottulaspahr: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:31
BrandonChey all02:31
laspahrI don't think you understand. my laptop is doing NOTHING.. like absolutely NOTHING02:31
laspahrno way to boot into live usb or from the installed files on computer02:32
BrandonCits existing02:32
friendlyfascismlaspahr, You stated that it would boot the live from a boot with the usb in a usb poart.02:32
TJ-laspahr: Does it power up?02:32
BrandonCso when i recover with ubuntu it makes an image?02:33
TJ-laspahr: Can you enter the Firmware Setup menus?02:33
friendlyfascismBrandonC, No you have typ make an image02:33
laspahrfriendlyfascism: yes I said it booted from the USB but then after said it's doing nothing whether the usb is plugged in or not... TJ- it powers up but the screen shows nothing. all black02:33
laspahridek if backlight is on02:33
BrandonCis the image the same size of the hard drive?02:33
* apb1963 feels a nomodeset coming on02:34
friendlyfascismBrandonC, If you address another preface it with their nick.02:34
* apb1963 waits for it02:34
friendlyfascism!ot | apb196302:34
ubottuapb1963: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:34
TJ-laspahr: I'm trying to determine if the system is even getting to the boot-loader.... when it powers up the screen should show some kind of manufacturer messages... is that correct?02:35
BrandonCim wondering if i need to have a hard drive that holds image same or larger than the one im recovering02:35
laspahrTJ-: I agree it should, but it does not02:35
apb1963!ot | friendlyfascism02:35
ubottufriendlyfascism: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:35
TJ-laspahr: So, are we dealing with a hardware failure here?02:36
TJ-laspahr: what is the make/model?02:36
friendlyfascismapb1963, Do we need to involve the mods, you are not close to channel norms, this is support stick to that please.02:36
apb1963friendlyfascism: I guess you're unfamiliar with nomodeset.02:36
apb1963friendlyfascism: and apparently don't recognize it as a kernel option02:36
laspahrumm.. It's an HP TouchSmart..02:37
laspahrExact make and model I will find in just a sec02:38
ObrienDavewb q_02:38
friendlyfascismBrandonC, What is your issue, and preface whom you answer with their nick, you can tab complete nicks.02:38
q_i tryed every thing02:38
bigcathi all, new at this irc thing02:38
bigcatim sure you're very busy, just wondering if my messages going through02:39
friendlyfascism!details | q_02:39
ubottuq_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)02:39
q_i dont know i will put this the best way i can02:39
jYnot sure where to ask this question.. but I created a repo on s3.. and i have some binary-all packages and even  though my Release file includes binary-all apt-get doesn't download the package list02:39
awesomess3what games do you play on ubuntu? I use wine1.7 to run World of Warcraft and I play teeworlds, and I would play minetest (a minecraft clone) if guns worked against creatures.02:40
laspahrTJ-: it is an HP ENVY TouchSmart m6 Sleekbook m6-k025dx02:40
TJ-laspahr: thanks... looking now02:40
BrandonCfriendlyfascism, i wana to use linux to recover stuff from hard drive.. was told linux has some rescue thing with image.. i need to know if my 80gig im recovering will be an image that fits on 40gig hard drive02:40
BenMcLeanfriendlyfascism, right now i'm just trying to make it easier to boot, because i expect to have to boot a bunch of times in the next 3-4 dyas02:40
ObrienDaveBrandonC, no, it will not fit02:40
BenMcLeani want to add "persistent" to the command the boot menu selects for "try without installing" ubuntu02:41
TJ-laspahr: can you confirm this is it? http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c03892122&tmp_task=prodinfoCategory&cc=us&dlc=en&lc=en&product=544732302:41
ObrienDaveBrandonC, the destination drive must be equal to or larger02:41
BenMcLeanand i mean, add it so it stays, not need to type it each time02:41
BrandonCwell that sux. the one i want to recover is my largest drive02:42
Technodromei have no vhosts yet my serveralias are still catching02:42
friendlyfascismBrandonC, never heard of a rescue thing with an image. What is your definition of rescue first, next what is image to you?02:42
TJ-laspahr: So, when it powers up you do *not* see "Press the ESC key for Startup Menu" or a splash-screen graphic?02:43
friendlyfascismBenMcLean, You can make the live usb persistent when load it or use a casper-rw partition, which is done along with the loading of the iso.02:43
laspahrTJ-: Yes sir, that is the correct laptop as far as I can tell02:43
laspahrTJ-: and that's also correct02:43
ObrienDaveBrandonC, normally an image is an exact copy. therefore it will not fit on a smaller drive02:43
BrandonCfriendlyfascism, ddrescue02:44
TJ-laspahr: I'm looking in the Service & Maintenance guide for an emergency reset procedure02:44
technickulWould anyone why in Windows it shows my 1tb with a single partion and ubuntu shows 3 separate partitions? One partition is unallocated and the other two I think are ntfs. The reason I'm asking is because Ubuntu can't mount the drive.02:44
wheatthinddrescue still only does bit by bit.. so it's gonna count every single bit used or not lol02:44
laspahrTJ-: If possible I don't want to reset the laptop.. I have some files on there I'd rather not lose02:45
wheatthindepending on the size of the image anywho02:45
ObrienDavetechnickul, the other 2 partitions are windows boot and system recovery. they do not show up in windows02:45
friendlyfascismBrandonC, Ah, you can use clonezilla and save it to a external the size of that data, but in packets, the place you reload to has to be equal or larger that the original partition or partitions. If it is just a partition you save your hd only has to be at least that big.02:45
technickulObrienDave, this is not the boot drive this is just data02:46
technickulI have an SSD that I dual boot that works just fine and the other two HDD are just for data. Ubuntu has no problem with one of them, but the other it won't mount02:46
ObrienDavetechnickul, was it ever used as a primary drive? if so they are probably residual partitions02:46
q_Files still appear in UBUNTU  after it said that  they have been deleted or not found but i go into search and search for wine it pops up saying  wine files i  from HOME   i went to HIDDEN FOLDERS moved it to trash02:47
technickulObrienDave, it might have. It's really weird because it says one of them is unallocated for 120 gb or something then another is like 400gb and then the rest is the other partition.02:47
technickulObrienDave, do you know of any way to handle this without losing the data?02:47
TJ-laspahr: Does it have a removable battery?02:48
laspahrTJ-: No02:48
ObrienDavetechnickul, if you're sure, you can remove, resize and move the partitions with Gparted02:48
laspahrTJ-: at least it's not meant to be removed02:48
q_back up your data on a memory  stick and re install ubuntu02:49
wheatthintechnickul, did you check to see if it has a good dos partitioning?02:49
q_tech ourt it on a memory stick re install02:49
technickulObrienDave hmm. The weird thing in windows it will only let me shrink it I think 10 or 20 gb when i have a lot more space left than that.02:49
oscarb92anybody knows how to set hotkeys' default config on ubuntu 14.0402:49
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technickulwheatthin, how do I check?02:49
friendlyfascismq_, YOU can tab complete nicks.02:49
sydneyoscarb92: I dont think its possible :-/02:50
q_i know i ckick and go02:50
superdelete ~/.wine02:50
wheatthintechnickul, that's ntfs and I doubt ntfsprogs or ntfsutils handles compressing the files so you can resize02:50
oscarb92sydney damn02:50
=== karstensrage is now known as Guest64872
superdelete it from the /usr/share/..wine02:50
ObrienDavetechnickul, disk management in windows will not let you manipulate the partitions like Gparted02:50
wheatthintechnickul, well fdisk won't read it02:50
q_are you useing windows02:50
TJ-laspahr: ahh, I see the battery now in the exploded diagram... that's a pain... this kind of issue can sometimes be solved by removing the battery and holding down the power button to ensure all remaining charge is drained from components02:50
oscarb92I fucked it up02:50
wheatthinthat's one clue02:50
technickulwheatthin, I tried resezing in windows02:50
wheatthinlanguage please02:50
q_tech windws02:50
friendlyfascism!who | q_02:50
ubottuq_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:50
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technickulObrienDave, I see02:50
laspahrTJ-: *sigh*02:51
technickulwheatthin, Yea fdisk has troubles. when I try to mount it says it exit code 1202:51
laspahrTJ-: So any idea on a fix..?02:51
apb1963BrandonC: Try http://redobackup.org, it's a frontend to Partimage, which purports to only copy data from the used portions of the partition... which is what it sounds like you're looking for.02:52
apb1963BrandonC: I've not tried either program as of yet so I can't vouch.02:52
superlaspahr, fix what?02:52
technickulAlso when I did a chkdsk in windows it found something but I forgot to take a picture so I could remember and also mention unallocated space, but now it says no errors02:52
ObrienDavetechnickul, in windows you need something like partition magic to manipulate partitions02:52
wheatthintechnickul, you can run fsck02:53
TJ-laspahr: I can't find anything, it seems as if the hardware (screen) has failed... when you power it up do any LEDs light up ?02:53
wheatthinsudo fsck.vfat -f -v /dev/sdb1     or whichever device it is02:53
technickulObrienDave, alright I'll check that out02:53
technickulwheatthin, alright I"m not familiar with that. What does that do diagnotic info?02:53
GeoHello again, my grub chronicles continue :)02:53
wheatthinit runs a fixdisk type thing02:54
GeoI swapped a HD into a new machine, and when I booted, I was dropped to a grub rescue prompt02:54
wheatthinfor vfat partitions02:54
Geoerror is "no such device: <<UUID>"02:54
ObrienDavetechnickul, you can also use http://gparted.org/livecd.php02:54
friendlyfascism!bootinfo | Geo02:54
ubottuGeo: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:54
superGeo, easy fix02:54
laspahrsuper: Installed ubuntu-touch on accident on 14.04 and it got stuck on boot animation, now it won't boot at all, w/ or w/o usb drive. TJ- the only LEDs that light up are one on the keyboard and one on the power button, then some on the sides to indicate charging or whatever heh..02:54
technickulwheatthin, will it do anything with the data?02:54
technickulObrienDave, I have an ubuntu live cd which I think has it?02:54
laspahrTJ-: so thinking that the screen just gave up?02:54
wheatthinif anything it'll recover if broken02:54
wheatthinlike linux fsck does when you don't shutdown right02:55
Geosuper: I'm on pins and needles02:55
friendlyfascismGeo, Run the bootscript and pastbin the text from it use a live dvd/usb to run it.02:56
ObrienDavetechnickul, if it does not mount ow, you might need a bootable system to access the drive like Gparted Live or Parted Magic02:56
superlaspahr, the update broke your xserver I think02:56
technickulwheatthin, should I use .vfat even if it's an ntfs?02:56
TJ-laspahr: Have you tried holding the power button down for more than 5 seconds until all the LEDs switch off... leave it 30 seconds, then power-up again?02:56
superare you using nvidia or ati card?02:56
wheatthinhmm no..02:56
technickulObrienDave, yea it doesn't mount02:56
TJ-super: The BIOS boot screen isn't appearing at boot02:57
laspahrsuper: I didn't do an update..?02:57
laspahrTJ-: counting to 30 heh....02:57
Geosuper: do you have a solution that doesn't involve bootscript?02:57
ObrienDavetechnickul, do you have a torrent client?02:57
wheatthintechnickul, check this out   http://askubuntu.com/questions/86086/fsck-cant-find-fsck-ntfs02:57
superlaspahr, change the grub argument and put nomodeset02:57
* apb1963 looks up02:58
friendlyfascismGeo, Note people will say anything here.02:58
TJ-super: laspahr's PC *will not start* ... no screen display from power-on02:58
laspahrsuper: I can't get the computer to even turn on haha...02:58
laspahrwell turn on, but screen doesn't work02:58
q_who know about wine02:58
superGeo, you can't access your bios settings?02:58
wheatthinlaspahr, does the power supply power up? and hd light flicker?02:58
laspahrthe power supply works, the LED lights up. HDD light, Idk it was facing away from me02:59
technickulObrienDave, no I haven't used that in a hwile02:59
laspahrlet me check02:59
HumbleCoderShould i install 12.10 or 14.04 i want to build android02:59
technickulwheatthin, I will thakn you02:59
Geouhh... this is grub, shouldn't have anything to do with bios?02:59
friendlyfascismHumbleCoder, Your choice not ours and any answer is subjective.02:59
superlaspahr, are you on a laptop?02:59
laspahrsuper: yes02:59
superlaspahr, Fn+Display03:00
Geofriendlyfascism: actually, got into the grub menu now already03:00
laspahrwheatthin: the HDD LED doesn't flicker /:03:00
laspahrsuper: what?03:00
friendlyfascismGeo, Can you boot to the desktop?03:00
HumbleCoderI mean i was trying to install android told and java it always says package not found03:00
Geowe'll see in a moment03:00
superlaspahr, can you take a picture and upload it to picpaste.com?03:01
superbe easier to see what you see03:01
wheatthinlaspahr, Hmm.. do you have a bootable usb? I think an HD might have died or something and thus not going thru post   Does it beep confirming it past post? or release multiple beeps?03:01
friendlyfascismsuper, You are not helping anyone and just getting in the middle of help and muddling things up. This is support meaning you have to be correct.03:02
ArexRI'm on Ubuntu 12.04.4 HWE LTS and it removed my AMD drivers03:02
ArexRI tried to reinstall fglrx-amdcccle-experimental-13 but it has unmet deps03:02
laspahrsuper: just a sec03:03
wheatthinArexR, ok.. well then    sudo apt-get --purge --install fglrx-updates03:03
laspahrwheatthin: bootable USB doesn't work...03:03
truedonhey guys i am trying to install ubuntu as a vm with vagrant and i get a 404 not found for every package it tries to get from archive.ubuntu.com every single time i do this - here is the output in paste bin… really need some advice http://pastebin.com/J8FJCzkm03:03
wheatthinlaspahr, I think it's a bad hardware issue then..03:03
wheatthinis it beeping alot with pc speaker?03:03
friendlyfascismtruedon, raring is eol03:04
ArexRwheatthin: E: --install is not an understood command03:04
laspahrit's a 7 month old computer /: no beeping at all..03:04
truedonfriendlyfascism:  right… i need to use it for my client any way to get this working?03:04
wheatthinsorry.. no dash's03:04
ObrienDavetruedon, change 'archive' to 'old-releases'03:05
friendlyfascismtruedon, Not supported here is all, you do not have repo access, it is a job you should have turned down.03:05
TJ-laspahr: According to the HP Support site, the emergency reset *should* be to hold the Power button for 8-10 seconds03:05
Geofriendlyfascism: doesnt seem to be booting, just a blinking cursor03:05
truedonObrienDave:  how do i do that, this is install via vagrant is doing it03:05
laspahrTJ-: hmmm...03:05
TJ-laspahr: Make sure everything is unplugged when you do that... especially the AC power charger03:05
GeoI may have chosen the wrong partition with set prefix/set root, but I don't tihnk so03:05
ArexRwheatthin: ok now it says fglrx-updates depends on xorg-video-abi-11 12 13 or 14 but it is not installable03:06
ObrienDavesorry, don't know a thing about vagrant03:06
GeoI didnt edit anything beyond that, just made a selection from the grub menu03:06
friendlyfascismGeo, Is this a dual boot, like say W8 at least sometime on this computer?03:06
ArexRE: unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.03:06
Geomoved the HD from one computer to another, only ubuntu on it03:06
wheatthinArexR, did you install fglrx from the amd site initially?03:06
truedonObrienDave:  i have a provisioning setup shell script that just asks for a apt-get the apt-get is using those urls. how can i switch it… is there a fixed image?03:06
laspahrTJ-: I'll do that if I can't get anything else to work03:06
Geoso Im surprised the UUID error popped up03:07
ObrienDavetruedon, like an install ISO?03:07
friendlyfascismGeo, Can you boot to a live and run the bootscript it will take out the twenty questions and get to the heart of the issue most likely?03:07
truedonhttp://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/raring/current/raring-server-cloudimg-i386-vagrant-disk1.box anyway to get a fixed on that can get the packages from apt-get03:07
Geobut wheres the fun in that?03:07
TJ-laspahr: This reset won't upset whats on the disk... it is purely to give the motherboard a kick so it behaves itself03:07
ArexRwheatthin: no03:07
truedonObrienDave:  yeh i mean i just used this image (it was provided to me by the clients old sys admin) and he said to run that.. but all the apt-get fails an i cannot get any packages03:07
laspahrTJ-: ah, okay..03:07
wheatthinArexR, how about updated xorg via ppa?03:08
laspahrTJ-: IT WORKED03:08
friendlyfascismGeo, Preface answers to others with their nick, personally I'm not here for fun but to give free help that does not take hours, so others can be helped, it is free help here.03:08
TJ-laspahr: thank &^)&)! for that ;)03:08
laspahrokay I'm in grub, now what03:09
TJ-laspahr: I've forgotten what the Ubuntu issue was :D03:09
laspahrStuck at Boot screen03:09
laspahrunless it decides it wants to work now03:10
friendlyfascismTJ-, Installed ubuntu-touch was one03:10
BrandonCwill ubuntu see my windows partition drives?03:10
TJ-laspahr: ahhh yes, the recommendation was to edit the GRUB kernel command-line to add "text" so it doesn't try to start into GUI03:11
ArexRwheatthin: how?03:11
superlaspahr, linux/vmlinuz-3.13.0-30-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff03:11
laspahrTJ-: How do I do that?03:11
friendlyfascismGeo, Anyway I have other things to do, had you just run the script we might of had this fixed already best of luck.03:11
superlook for this line and edit delete quiet splash and put nomodeset03:11
laspahrsuper: wut?03:11
superlaspahr, you say you are looking at the grub screen right?03:11
TJ-laspahr: Hold down Shift at boot to get into the Grub menu, highlight the Ubuntu entry, press 'e', navigate to the line beginning "linux ..."03:11
ObrienDavetruedon, sorry, i have no clue about vagrant, i just know you need to edit the sources list to point to old-releases03:11
truedonObrienDave:  ok thanks man i am trying with trusty now as its not eol03:12
TJ-laspahr: Then, navigate to the end of the line and add " text" to it. You might want to also remove "quiet splash" and add "debug " for this boot, so you get to see maximum information in case it has a problem.03:12
ObrienDavetruedon, you can still get the old releases in an ISO file03:12
wheatthinArexR, no, it was a question bro.. did you.. or was it a clean install and something went wrong?03:13
TJ-laspahr: Then, once you've altered the "linux ..." line, press Ctrl+X to eXecute that kernel03:13
laspahrokay, I see it, what do I type, just after $vt_handoff type 'text' ?03:14
TJ-laspahr: Yes ... separate each entry with a space of course03:14
superTJ-, what about adding nomodeset?03:14
laspahrso '$vt_handoff text' ?03:14
TJ-super: might help... belt and braces ... laspahr also add "nomodeset " :)03:14
laspahrso '$vt_handoff text nomodeset' ?03:15
TJ-laspahr: remove "quiet splash" and add "text nomodeset"03:15
* apb1963 blinks03:15
TJ-laspahr: :) you've got the idea03:15
ArexRwheatthin: no I didn't install xorg from ppa03:15
laspahrTJ-: Okay, then ctrl+x03:15
ArexRatleast... not that I know of03:15
TJ-laspahr: Correct :)03:15
ArexRwheatthin: how to check?03:15
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Geofriendlyfascism: no need to be a dick about being a dick.03:15
rnatwhere is the chat logs  maintained03:16
technickulwheatthin and ObrienDave  I'm back in ubuntu now and this is what fdisk -l says "This doesn't look like a partition table03:16
technickulProbably you selected the wrong device."03:16
laspahrTJ-: Just confirming.... 'ro  text nomodeset $vt_handoff' ?03:16
ArexRwheatthin: BTW, I started up the computer today, it asked if I wanted to install HWE, I said yes and it crashed in the middle of updating03:16
ArexRwell... hung actually03:17
superlaspahr, no "text" don't think you need to add that in there03:17
ArexRhung for 4 hours and keyboard/ mouse was unresponsive, wheatthin03:17
TJ-laspahr: correct... the order doesn't matter ... "text" *is* required03:17
ArexRso I had to force shutdown03:17
wheatthinArexR, try to reinstall HWE with --purge appended03:17
laspahrTJ-: okay, hope you're right lol03:17
laspahrI'm putting my faith in you xD03:17
ArexRhow to reinstall HWE? wheatthin03:17
TJ-laspahr: I have been so far :p03:17
wheatthinArexR, in the console? don't you still get one?03:18
laspahralright, screen went black after hitting Ctrl+X.. backlights still on tho03:18
ArexRwheatthin: yes in the console, video is messed up03:18
ArexRwhat is HWE's package name?03:18
ArexR :P03:18
ObrienDavetechnickul, is there anything ultra critical on that drive that you cant lose?03:18
wheatthinI dunno, you installed it.03:18
ArexRwheatthin: no, the gui installed it03:18
TJ-laspahr: At this point GRUB should be loading the kernel and initial ram disk image... you should see kernel boot messages scrolling by quite fast03:19
laspahrTJ-: Nope.. just black screen...03:19
superlaspahr, hmmm normally you would see like a matrix screen scrolling rapidly down03:19
ArexRit asked "do you want to upgrade to HWE? your system will be upgraded to point release"03:19
ArexRwheatthin: ^03:19
TJ-laspahr: That, or, GRUB will throw an error report an possibly return to the menu03:19
technickulObrienDave, unfortunately yes otherwise I would just format it. I have all my data on there03:19
laspahrSo restart computer and try again..?03:19
ArexRwheatthin: so how do I reinstall that from a CLI?03:19
ObrienDavetechnickul, any backup available?03:19
ArexRlaspahr: I have no GUI, how do I try again? :P03:20
wheatthinArexR, well if you knew the package name    sudo apt-get reinstall --purge <packagename>03:20
TJ-laspahr: Yes... this time, get into the GRUB boot menu, choose "Advanced" and then use one of the pre-formed "Recovery" menu items03:20
ArexRwheatthin: RIGHT03:20
technickulObrienDave, I should probably back it up to my external03:20
ObrienDavedo that if you can03:20
wheatthinright, so yeah.. maybe look up the package name, cause I don't see any package named HWE03:20
technickulObrienDave, it's a recently built computer because my old one died03:20
ArexRbut I have no idea what HWE is03:20
technickulObrienDave, my old computer had backups I haven't set up backups yet03:21
wheatthinme either. go figure. lol maybe google search it.03:21
ArexRwheatthin: it was more like a bunch of packages03:21
ArexRwheatthin: not just one03:21
laspahrdangit I hit enter once too many...03:21
ArexRwheatthin: HWE Hardware Enablement Stack03:21
ObrienDavetechnickul, i mean do you have a backup of this drive?03:21
TJ-ArexR: HardWare Enablement stack03:21
truedonWhat is the command to set apt-get to use old-releases and not archive for EOL ubuntu?03:21
ArexRTJ-: Yeah, it hung and I had to do a hard shutdown03:22
technickulObrienDave, I did when my old computer was running it would auto back it up just not any more03:22
ArexRTJ-: so, how to reinstall it?03:22
wheatthinwhat release are you on ArexR ?03:22
rnatwhere is the chat logs  maintained03:22
rwwubottu: 1984 | rnat03:22
ubottuError: Could not gather data from Ubottu for bug #1984 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1984). The error has been logged03:22
ubotturnat: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.03:22
TJ-truedon: "sudo sed -i 's,http://.*.ubuntu.com,http://old-releases.ubuntu.com,' /etc/apt/sources.list"03:23
laspahrTJ-: okay.. so I have '/...... *blah blah*... ro (two spaces) quiet splash $vt_handoff"03:23
rwwtruedon: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, change the hostname on its existing entries03:23
truedonTJ-:  thanks mate, i need to run this during a provisioning script in shell i hope the sudo -i is available then03:23
truedonrww:  it must be done by a script thats running from vagrant, can that be done?03:23
wheatthinArexR, my suggestion would be to update the release03:23
TJ-laspahr: OK... instead of editing that line, press Escape to return to the menu... then choose "Advanced" sub-menu, then choose the "Recovery" option03:23
rwwtruedon: never mind, go with what TJ- said03:23
truedonrww:  big thank u03:24
ObrienDavetechnickul, i want to suggest something but hesitate if you have no current backup of this drive03:24
TJ-truedon: if the script runs as root you don't need the "sudo"03:24
laspahrTJ-: and I need to  have '/...... *blah blah*... ro (two spaces) text nomodeset $vt_handoff"03:24
superTJ-, you are the man very helpful03:24
laspahrTJ-: I am on a recovery option...03:24
truedonTJ-:  ok mate.. I'm unsure who it runs as actually so i'll try both - cross them fingers n hit enter n hope03:24
laspahrwait maybe not..03:24
TJ-laspahr: If you're using the "Recovery" option then you don't need to edit it at all, it's pre-built for what we need03:24
laspahrokay... going with the first recovery option then!03:25
technickulObrienDave, what do you suggest I'll write it down for when I do ahve a backup03:25
TJ-truedon: If you use "sudo" unless the user has NOPASSWD permissions it'd wait for a password to be typed03:25
laspahrTJ-: Now I see Matrix-type text, and am now in recovery menu...03:25
laspahrTJ-: Now what?03:25
ObrienDavetechnickul, chkdsk <drive>: /x03:26
truedonTJ-:  yeh man … gonna have to wait n see how vagrant handles it - big thank u satta massagana ubuntu03:26
TJ-laspahr: Yay! OK, I can't remember the exact options in that menu, but what you want is network enabled and then a root shell prompt03:26
laspahrI have resume, clean, dpkg, failsafeX, fsck, grub, network, root, and system-summary03:27
TJ-laspahr: do "network" then "root"03:27
TJ-laspahr: that'll put you at a shell prompt... once you have that check for good network connectivity... it might not have any if the WiFi is the only option03:27
laspahrTJ-: alright, looks like it's working..... hopefully it doesn't take too long heh03:28
technickulObrienDave, is that a windows or linux command03:28
technickulI've ran a chkdsk -r I believe03:28
superTJ-, can't he manually connect to his wifi using ifconfig?03:28
technickulWhat does the x parameter do?03:28
TJ-laspahr: You can check using "ping" (one of Google's DNS servers)03:28
josepedrohola como estan amigos03:28
ObrienDavetechnickul, /x closes all open handles to the drive and implies /f03:29
TJ-super: No... needs to use wpa_supplicant as well03:29
ArexRwheatthin: 12.04.403:29
truedonTJ-:  here's what i get now http://bpaste.net/show/Cmgtjebiqa3XRvTQe0Ze/03:29
laspahrTJ-: stuck on network-manager starting/running, process 92403:29
technickulObrienDave, why is that command risky? I understand it will unmount it from windows so ti can do it's thing, but why is it risky?03:29
ArexRwheatthin: the computer hung in the middle of upgrading from 12.04 to 12.04.403:29
josepedroalguien que sepa hablar español03:29
ArexRjosepedro: well I understand spanish03:30
ArexRbut I cant speak spanish03:30
ObrienDavetechnickul, i had chkdsk eat a 3TB drive 2 weeks ago, not sure exactly what went wrong03:30
laspahrTJ-: not doing anything right now.. just stuck on the black part of the screen with that text...03:31
TJ-truedon: check the content of "/etc/apt/sources.list" - also, ensure after that edit is made the system does a "apt-get update" too03:31
sydneyObrienDave: eat?03:31
technickulObrienDave, dang :/. I already ran a chkdsk /f and it want fine03:31
ObrienDavedestroy all data03:31
TJ-laspahr: OK... press any key, or the Escape key... you may get back to the menu, or you may have to wait for it to time out03:31
truedonTJ-:  just added the apt-get update nice one we are thinking the same.. i can't really check it other then the output that vagrant makes03:31
truedonlooks like its working tho!!03:31
ObrienDaveok, if /f worked, then /x will work03:32
TJ-laspahr: Do you have a network patch cable you can connect the PC to a router with?03:32
laspahrhit esc, exit, any key...03:32
laspahran Ethernet cable work?03:32
TJ-laspahr: Saves having to mess about with trying to configure WiFi manually03:32
TJ-laspahr: Yes, an Ethernet patch cable :)03:32
technickulObrienDave, yea I agree03:32
laspahrokay, will get that connected...03:32
ObrienDavesydney, destroy all data03:32
TJ-laspahr: right now, starting network is looking for an Ethernet interface to respond03:33
sydneyObrienDave: eww03:33
laspahrTJ-: just went back to recovery menu..03:33
laspahrhaven't hooked up Ethernet tho03:33
technickulObrienDave, Should I try fsk for ntfs first or would chkdsk be better?03:33
TJ-laspahr: Good. timeout. So, hook it up then try "network" again03:33
ObrienDavesydney, fortunately it is strictly a backup drive03:33
truedonTJ-:  yo tj i owe u big time, anytime ur in south east asia give me a shout BIG LOVE BRO03:33
supertruedon, which part of SE?03:34
ObrienDavetechnickul, i would think the windows chkdsk would be slightly safer, no guarantees though, sorry03:34
TJ-truedon: sure thing... I pop over there for a beer often :D03:34
sydneyObrienDave: and you can reformat it and reuse it,right?03:34
ObrienDavesydney, already done ;P03:35
technickulObrienDave, right I understand just looking for advice03:35
laspahr_Shoot, TJ-?03:35
TJ-laspahr: ?03:36
truedonTJ-:  ok hold the link an maybe we can hang out on the beach with some good vibes03:36
ObrienDavetechnickul, before you do anything, get a backup to another drive, please03:36
laspahr_Wi-Fi goes off when Ethernet is connected03:36
superObrienDave, do you share yout 3TB drive with your windows machine?03:36
technickulObrienDave,  alright thanks03:36
TJ-laspahr: off where?03:36
laspahr_Stops working03:37
ObrienDavesuper, yes, it's formatted NTFS03:37
TJ-laspahr: for the HP? or for your home network?03:37
laspahr_Home network.03:37
TJ-laspahr: What router do you have!?03:37
laspahr_Wi-Fi router becomes paperweight until reconnected to modern03:37
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superObrienDave, did you have to convert it to GPT since you have 3TB drive?03:38
laspahr_I hook Ethernet straight to modem, faster03:38
TJ-laspahr: Are you sure you're not connecting the Ethernet cable into the router's WAN port rather than one of its LAN switch ports?03:38
ObrienDavesuper, yes i did03:38
TJ-laspahr_: Well that explains it... you can't do that! You need to be into the router... that is what gives out addresses, routes packets, etc03:38
laspahr_TJ- I'm positive i know what i connected.. Lol.. Anyway what blue?03:38
ObrienDavesuper, MBR will only work up to 2TB03:39
laspahr_What the?03:39
laspahr_What next, I'm on root03:39
superlaspahr_, apt-get update03:39
superlaspahr_, apt-get install update03:39
ObrienDavesuper, maybe 2.2TB max iirc03:39
superObrienDave, I have everything running on Linux at my house I never had to do any fixing for any of them03:40
ObrienDaveway cool03:40
laspahr_Super can't locate package update03:41
TJ-laspahr_: Is the network connected?03:42
superlaspahr_, ifconfig what does it say?03:42
laspahr_Yes, TJ- it's a modem and router Lol..03:42
TJ-laspahr_: but does the HP have a connection now? at the recovery menu you started the "network" ?03:43
laspahr_Super eth0, lo, or wlan0?03:43
laspahr_TJ- yes03:43
ObrienDavesuper> laspahr_, apt-get install update **what command is this**???03:43
TJ-laspahr_: "ip addr show eth0" should show an "inet" (IPv4) address03:44
BrandonCcan i recover hard drive and make image on a remot server?03:44
BrandonCits my largest harddrive03:44
TJ-laspahr_: It may even me an IPv6 address, if your network is IPv603:44
laspahr_Gives both03:45
TJ-laspahr_: test connectivity with "ping -c 5"03:45
laspahr_Yes, it works03:45
TJ-laspahr_: lets see if you also have IPv6: "ping6 -c 5 2001:4860:4860::8888"03:45
meganerdthe fe80: address is just link local and does not really matter03:46
furkancan anybody here with Ubuntu 14.04 + an AMD graphics card with fglrx do a quick test for me? literally will take you less than 5 seconds... Can you just hit print screen and tell me if it lags like crazy when taking a screenshot?03:46
meganerdor ping6 ipv6.google.com03:46
wheatthinfurkan, nope no lag03:46
laspahr_Unknown host03:46
TJ-meganerd: We're avoiding the complications of a resolver for now, that is the next test03:46
furkanthanks wheatthin what graphics card are you using? (R7 260X 2GB here)03:47
TJ-laspahr_: OK... you have IPv4 so that's good... shouldn't be any weirdness over lookups03:47
wheatthinfurkan, did you run    sudo aticonfig --adapter=all --initial03:47
wheatthinafter installing graphics drivers?03:47
laspahr_Tried ping6 ipv6.google.com03:47
furkani did sudo aticonfig --initial03:47
furkanbut not --adapter=all03:47
TJ-laspahr_: Now test DNS resolution... "ping -c 5 google-public-dns-a.google.com"03:47
laspahr_Still says PING ....03:47
furkani should show you a video of what happens to me03:48
furkanto my computer rather03:48
wheatthinfollowed by a reboot? cause after I did that, my graphics is smooth as heck03:48
furkanya followed by a reboot03:48
furkanby many reboots haha03:48
TJ-laspahr_: You can break out of a hanging ping with Ctrl+C03:48
superlaspahr_, you are not connected03:48
furkantook a video and will upload it to dropbox now03:48
wheatthinwhich graphics adapter do you have?03:48
furkanRadeon R7 260X03:49
laspahr_Thanks Lol03:49
TJ-laspahr_: Now test DNS resolution... "ping -c 5 google-public-dns-a.google.com"03:49
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furkanwheatthin: you're gonna get a kick out of this video once it's done uploading03:49
TJ-laspahr_: You got responses?03:49
meganerdlaspahr_: ip -6 route should have a default entry for your IPv6 gateway, ip -6 addr should list two IPv6 addresses (one that starts with fe80 and another one)03:50
TJ-laspahr_: Good - you have full IPv4 connectivity then03:50
superfurkan, once you get that can up and running you will be able to run steam03:50
TJ-laspahr_: OK, lets move on03:50
laspahr_TJ- 5 transmitted 5 received03:50
TJ-laspahr_: "apt-get update"03:50
wheatthinfurkan, I have an ati 5450.. runs pretty smooth for a cheaper card03:50
laspahr_Ugh hope this doesn't kill my data /:03:51
laspahr_Okay next?03:51
furkanwheatthin: i'm convinced that Ubuntu 14.04 has some serious CPU usage problems, i get 40% usage just by moving a Nautilus window around03:51
wheatthinfurkan, I'm thinking that's related to compiz03:51
furkanwheatthin: i suspected that too, until i installed xfce and got 50% cpu usage for moving a Thunar window around03:52
furkanit was just Xorg, no compiz03:52
superfurkan, you just need to get the video card up and running once you fix that problem you will not see cpu usage that high03:52
laspahr_TJ- next?03:52
TJ-laspahr_: "dpkg --get-selections | pastebinit" and tell me the URL03:52
wheatthinfurkan, did you try installing the fglrx drivers?03:52
furkani did03:52
furkanthe latest beta even03:52
furkancatalyst control centre works fine too03:52
furkani'm running tear-free desktop03:52
wheatthinyeah mine was showing artifacts before I did the aticonfig thingy03:53
wheatthindkms was uninstalled, and everything started working just fine03:53
furkanhere, this should entertain you guys: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m9uldz7sz3a917k/VID_20140716_234110.mp403:53
laspahr_ TJ- dpkg error unknown option -g03:53
furkanIntel Graphics 4000 vs Radeon R7 260X lol03:53
TJ-laspahr_: "dpkg --get-selections | pastebinit"03:53
furkaninsane lag on my desktop, no lag on laptop03:54
TJ-laspahr_: That is *two* minus signs03:54
laspahr_Ah, forgot the second03:54
wheatthinfurkan, print screen seems to be working fine there03:54
wheatthinit's meant to flash the screen while doing it03:54
furkanwheatthin: but notice how smooth it is on the laptop?03:54
furkanwheatthin: it's just one symptom out of many, i'm getting horrible performance in general on that desktop03:55
TJ-laspahr_: Did you originally have "ubuntu-desktop" installed? That is what you want returning, isn't it?03:55
wheatthinfurkan, how's the temps on it?03:55
furkanlet me check03:56
laspahr_Umm yes i believe so.. Ubuntu desktop 64bit i think03:56
Nickd55345353hello guys when i start my ubuntu it says system program problem was detected03:56
furkanwheatthin: 45 degrees03:56
wheatthinpretty cool03:56
laspahr_I just wanna be able to boot into Ubuntu that i installed and has all my files and such..03:56
TJ-laspahr_: OK, one last thing before we start the repair. "pastebinit /var/log/apt/history.log"03:56
wheatthinfurkan, does fglrxinfo give you all the proper stuff?03:57
TJ-laspahr_: Yep, give me the URL from that pastebin so I can check what was removed, just to confirm what I've deduced03:57
furkanwheatthin: looks correct to me03:57
ObrienDavelaspahr_, the whole URL :))03:57
wheatthinfurkan, then Id still point to compiz.. cause compiz was killing my setup too03:58
Nickd55345353modem manager error?03:58
wheatthinin ccsm do you have the refresh rate set manually?03:58
TJ-laspahr_: I got it the first time :)03:59
laspahr_Okay Lol..03:59
TJ-laspahr_: OK, "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-touch"03:59
TJ-laspahr_: Then "apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop"03:59
wheatthinfurkan, and I'm on a dual quad xeon with the ati card. lol..03:59
superTJ-, so he broke his ubuntu by trying to installed cinnamon desktop04:00
TJ-laspahr_: Then "apt-get autoremove"04:00
TJ-super: No... ubuntu-touch :)04:00
furkanwheatthin: that's really what i thought too, but it happens even with xfce, which doesn't use compiz04:01
laspahr_That will make things how they were before i installed Ubuntu touch?04:01
TJ-laspahr_: We'll be getting there, yes... more checks to do once these operations are complete04:01
wheatthinfurkan, can I see a pastebin of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf    file?04:01
laspahr_Okay.. Time remaining? /:04:01
laspahr_It's midnight here..04:02
TJ-laspahr_: It's 05:02 here ... about 10 minutes04:02
furkanwheatthin: here it is http://pastebin.com/NS3MCvdC04:03
laspahr_Okey, after auto remove?04:03
TJ-After those commands, show me "lspci -nnvk | pastebinit"04:03
TJ-laspahr_: good - no proprietary VGA driver to check on04:04
furkansuper: man, been there done that RE: breaking my ubuntu install with cinnamon04:05
laspahr_Nope, no vga on here heh.. Good and bad04:05
TJ-laspahr_: now let's check that your regular user account isn't prevented from starting the GUI: "ls -al /home/*/.Xauthority | pastebinit"04:05
superfurkan, thats what happened to laspahr_04:06
wheatthinfurkan, that looks fine.. hmm04:06
laspahr_Super no it's not Lol04:07
TJ-laspahr_: and follow that up with "grep '^deb ' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list | pastebinit"04:08
furkanwheatthin: good chance that i'm just gonna go back to 12.04 because of this04:08
TJ-laspahr_: note the space inside the single-quotes, after "deb"04:08
superfurkan, no need to go back to 12.0404:09
furkansuper: can't stand the high CPU usage + lag04:09
superfurkan, try installing proprietary driver you will see a faster performance04:09
furkanhonestly i've been doing that for a couple of weeks now04:10
furkani tried the fglrx package, fglrx-updates package, radeonsi, changing to the mainline 3.16rc5 kernel, and now i'm running the Catalyst 14.6 beta straight from AMD's site04:10
TJ-laspahr_: OK, now I think we need to remove all the cinnamon packages and then the entry in apt's sources for it04:11
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laspahr_Cinnamon? I don't use that haha...04:12
superfurkan, don't give up yet04:12
laspahr_It's probably installed from trying it to04:12
laspahr_So what next?04:13
TJ-laspahr_: "apt-get --purge remove cinnamon cinnamon-{bluetooth,common,control-center,control-center-data,desktop-data,screensaver,session,session-common,settings-daemon,translations}"04:13
superTJ-, what about using *cinnamon*04:14
TJ-super: I was punishing laspahr_ for installing a nightly PPA :D04:14
TJ-laspahr_: You can also do "apt-get --purge remove 'cinnamon*' "04:15
laspahr_I think it's doing it..04:16
laspahr_Done, next04:17
superlaspahr_, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:18
supercinnamon might remove some dependencies04:18
laspahr_Already did that..?04:18
TJ-laspahr_: OK, lets delete that PPA entry: "rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*cinnamon-nightly-trusty.list"04:18
TJ-laspahr_: after that, update the package lists with "apt-get update"04:19
TJ-laspahr_: then do "apt-get -f install" in case there are any broken dependencies04:19
superlaspahr_, told you04:19
TJ-super: There aren't any reported, I'm just being cautious so we don't have to return to this later04:20
laspahr_Super, you did tell me so.. Heh04:20
laspahr_Running autoremove again04:21
TJ-laspahr_: You've got several other PPAs there I don't like the look of, but its up to you whether you keep them later once the GUI is back working. Personally, I'd be very selective about what I allowed to be installed from PPAs04:21
TJ-laspahr_: Those PPAs are the root of the problem04:22
laspahr_Okay, so remove them once i get back on?04:22
TJ-laspahr_: At least review which you *really* need.... and if you decide to remove one, ensure you *first* remove any packages installed from it!04:23
TJ-laspahr_: else you'll be in another mess :)04:23
superMicrosoft expected to announce thousands of job cuts on Thursday04:23
laspahr_I'll just keep them then... Heh04:23
laspahr_Next step..?04:23
TJ-laspahr_: OK ... now for the acid test... lets see if we can kick you into the GUI... if this fails you may need to a do a normal reboot/start04:23
TJ-laspahr_: "telinit 2"04:24
superoh on ubuntu its telinit04:24
laspahr_Acpid: waiting for events: event logging is off04:25
laspahr_Flashing cursor underneath04:26
TJ-laspahr_: OK ... any sign of disk LED flashing?04:26
TJ-laspahr_: that might indicate it's firing up all the services04:26
laspahr_Don't see flashing04:26
TJ-laspahr_: OK, lets see if the other VTs have been started: Press Ctrl+Alt+F2 ... do you get a "login: " prompt?04:27
laspahr_White cursor in top left corner flashing04:27
TJ-laspahr_: OK, it hasn't kicked over correctly. Try to reboot with Alt+SysRq+S (that syncs the disk) then Alt+SysRq+B (reboot)04:28
superTJ-, :) hahaha04:29
TJ-laspahr_: usually it is on the PrintScrn key04:29
laspahr_Prt sc?04:29
superright on top of your Insert,Home,PageUp keys04:30
TJ-laspahr_: you may have to also hold down a special 'function' key with it, if it is coloured that way (on my keyboard some functions in Blue need the function key holding down too)04:30
supernext to F12 key04:30
laspahr_Yep, it just shut off04:30
TJ-laspahr_: Here, 'function' key has the "Fn" marking04:30
TJ-laspahr_: OK ... it should reboot itself, if not, press the power button ... and lets hope04:31
laspahr_And restarted... I'm in Windows boot manager tho04:31
TJ-laspahr_: Windows?!04:31
laspahr_I know where i need to go tho04:31
laspahr_Yeah cuz windows is on there just can't boot04:32
laspahr_I'll have to run boot repair when i finish04:32
TJ-laspahr_: Once in GRUB, do a regular Ubuntu start and see how it goes04:32
laspahr_Alright it just automatically set it to the ubuntu option on grub since i was typing04:33
laspahr_It's on boot animation, let's see if it boots tho..04:33
superlaspahr_, are you dual booting too?04:33
laspahr_Tried to super, but lost windows boot ability.04:34
superreinstalled your grub04:34
laspahr_Screwed up easybcd04:34
TJ-laspahr_: You can press Esc to lose the plymouth splash screen and see the text messages04:34
TJ-laspahr_: I think letting you loose around that PC is dangerous!04:35
laspahr_I hit esc and it went black04:35
TJ-laspahr_: Can you do Alt+F2 and get another VT with a "login: " prompt?04:35
laspahr_-.- same white cursor in top left corner04:36
TJ-laspahr_: Looks like you've upset something much more fundamental then, if even the getty VTs haven't been started04:36
TJ-laspahr_: Do you want to pause now and try again tomorrow? I think we both need sleep!04:37
laspahr_I agree... Thanks for your help TJ-!!04:37
laspahr_maybe I'll have better luck when I'm rested haha04:38
superyou can reinstall ubuntu all of your files should still be there04:38
laspahr_Now how do i shut down...?04:38
supersudo shutdown04:38
laspahr_Can't type04:38
supershutdown now04:38
TJ-laspahr_: Alt+SysRq+S then Alt+SysRq+O (off)04:38
superhold the power key04:38
laspahr_Ah there we go04:39
TJ-laspahr_: always sync the disks, don't just kill power by holding the power switch... that can result in damaged file-systems04:39
laspahr_Ill keep that in mind ahha04:39
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superTJ-, wheres the SysRq I don't have that key04:40
TJ-laspahr_: I may be around later today (my time) .. if not, and someone else helps you, tell them the problem could be a bad initrd.img config (requires "sudo update-initramfs -uk all"), but more likely the Upstart init daemon isn't kicking off the jobs correctly... since the getty terminals aren't being started04:40
laspahr_Okay.. Haha04:41
TJ-laspahr_: Do you want me to pastebin our conversation from tonight/04:41
laspahr_Couldn't hurt Lol04:42
TJ-laspahr_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7807152/04:42
laspahr_Thanks TJ-04:43
KumarAbhishekHi, my 14.04 laptop connects to a wifi network but pinging the gateway fails. However the same laptop connects to the same wifi network in Windows and works fine04:57
Shadow}}Hello, May I ask the off topic channel thats most likely to have someone on to help me with something unrelated to linux? I was told once.. Forgot.05:06
cfhowlett!ot | Shadow}}05:07
ubottuShadow}}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:07
Shadow}}Well guess technically its related just not linux.05:07
Shadow}}Thank you.05:07
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KumarAbhishekIs it expected for the route command to take some seconds to return?05:08
reisioKumarAbhishek: I imagine that all depends on the particulars of your network05:09
reisiokind of the point in running it, no?05:09
KumarAbhishekreisio: the problem is that Ubuntu 14.04 isn't able to access my network but my Android mobile device and the same laptop are able to from Windows05:13
reisioKumarAbhishek: that's probably just a driver issue05:14
KumarAbhishekreisio: what is strange is that it worked fine yesterday05:15
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KumarAbhishekI've tried restarting the system several rimes, but no effect05:17
KumarAbhishekSymptom: I fail to ping the gateway (it succeeds when I connect to the same network from Windows05:19
wheatthinKumarAbhishek, are you statically assigning your ip?05:20
KumarAbhishekwheatthin: its dhcp05:20
wheatthinrestart your gateway, might be a glitch05:20
Nickd55345353hello everyone05:21
Nickd55345353i have 2 questions05:21
Nickd55345353brasero or k3b?05:21
Nickd55345353and also is my paint good?05:21
wheatthinbasically does the same thing Nickd5534535305:21
Nickd55345353which is the best?05:21
wheatthindon't ask which is best..05:21
KumarAbhishekwheatthin: it's a university wifi network so no luck :(05:22
wheatthinwhich one works in your favor?05:22
Nickd55345353i havent treid05:22
Nickd55345353thats why i ask...05:22
wheatthinKumarAbhishek, then your mac might be blocked05:22
wheatthinKumarAbhishek, might wanna try a different mac address05:22
wheatthinNickd55345353, well then try it and build a preference, this is a Support channel. Or go to #ubuntu-offtopic if you don't require assistance getting your machine working.05:23
Nickd55345353how do i get there?05:24
wheatthinNickd55345353, type    /join #ubuntu-offtopic05:24
bipulHello, I am trying to import file in my SVN repositories that is in /var/lib/svn/myproject from /home/user/Document/file. I am unable to import this file into the repository. Please kindly help.05:30
bipulHello, I am trying to import file in my SVN repositories that is in /var/lib/svn/myproject from /home/user/Document/file. I am unable to import this file into the repository. I am getting this error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/7807299/05:34
softcoderhi using ubu 14.04 64 bit05:35
softcoderand unity05:35
softcoderhow can i set the size of the mouse pointer?05:35
softcodergoogle helped with nothing05:35
softcoderone would think such a basic thing would be easy to do (like an accessibility type feature)05:36
softcoderbut alas I found no-one with solutions05:36
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Guest44601 how do i mount dos box05:37
Guest44601to c:\05:37
Guest44601thank you05:37
Guest44601hi   tozen05:38
Guest44601any one can help me with dos box please05:39
Guest44601thank you05:39
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threeseasany hints on getting lightscribe to work on 14.0405:46
lotuspsychjethreeseas: maybe this can help? http://askubuntu.com/questions/216462/how-to-install-lightscribe-for-cd-burning05:53
hari_hello all05:53
UbuntiusI was hoping someone could please help me with an apt-get problem05:56
UbuntiusI ran the commands at http://fedir.github.io/web/blog/2013/09/25/install-wkhtmltopdf-on-ubuntu/05:56
UbuntiusNow I'd like to undo that05:57
UbuntiusHow do I undo it?05:57
wheatthinlol sorry man, you installed something that wasn't from the repo05:57
wheatthinyou might wanna check their uninstall docs05:57
bipulHello I am looking for a help. Just now i have import a directory in my svn repository. But i am not getting the Directory name or file there. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7807360/05:59
wheatthinbipul, try not using the file://06:00
wheatthinjust specify the absolute path06:00
wheatthinfile:// only represents a nautilus call I believe.06:01
atLargewheatthin, file:// or file:///?06:02
wheatthinI'd use    /path/to/filename06:03
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Ubuntius<wheatthin> lol sorry man, you installed something that wasn't from the repo06:10
Ubuntiuswhat do you mean?06:10
UbuntiusIf I did apt-get install wkhtmltopdf doesn't that mean it was there by default?06:10
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UbuntiusHi guys, how can I find out on the command line what version of ubuntu i am using06:24
th0rnUbuntius: ls /etc/*release06:25
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th0rncat /etc/*release06:25
Ubuntiusliterally an asterix in the command?06:26
th0rnits a wildcard in linux.06:26
Ubuntiusit says lsb-releas and os-release06:26
th0rndid you cat the files?06:27
Ubuntiuseither one?06:27
th0rnether one06:27
Ubuntiusthe os-release says: Ubuntu Precivise 12.04.206:27
th0rnthere ya go06:27
Ubuntiusawesome, thank you06:27
th0rnno probs06:28
neo1691Hi has anyone here using bspwm with lightdm, I ran into some problems! I am getting a seg fault.06:28
Ubuntiusis it also possible to determine if the system is 64bit or 32bit?06:29
th0rntype uname -a06:29
Ubuntius(I am trying to determine what sort of download is suitable for my system)06:29
neo1691ok, what processor06:29
th0rncheck the end of the string06:29
th0rnafter uname -a06:29
Ubuntiusthe end of it says: Wed Apr 25 12:51:49 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux06:30
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th0rnyou are using a 32bit os06:30
Ubuntiusthank you - how did you know?06:31
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th0rn i686 i686 i38606:31
UbuntiusI presume 1686 or 1386 gave it away?06:31
th0rnLinux hax.n.snax 3.14.9-200.fc20.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 26 21:40:51 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:31
Ubuntiusthank you06:31
th0rnno probs06:31
neo1691th0rn: I think he want's to know whether his processor arch is 64 bit or not06:31
th0rnthats not what he asked, though.06:32
UbuntiusI just need to know what to download at http://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html06:32
UbuntiusIt sounds like Linux (Ubuntu Precise) 32-bit is what I need06:32
th0rnsounds correct06:33
Ubuntiusso my final question, is it hard to install a deb file over the command line?06:33
th0rnno its rather simple06:33
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th0rnsudo dpkg -i file.name.deb06:33
th0rnwell fuck.06:34
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Ubuntiuswhat happened then06:34
th0rnserver issues06:34
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Ubuntius[14:33] <th0rn> sudo dpkg -i file.name.deb06:34
UbuntiusCan that last argument be an http link?06:34
th0rnuh, hm.06:34
th0rni don't know06:34
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Ubuntiusokay, I guess I can find that out later. In the meantime, this is what already exists: http://fedir.github.io/web/blog/2013/09/25/install-wkhtmltopdf-on-ubuntu/ (I ran those commands but the version was very out of date). Do you think based on that, I just have to delete /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf.sh, /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf/ and /usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf and it will have "undone" those commands that I ran?06:36
UbuntiusDoes the fact that there is a symlink complicate matters?06:36
th0rnno, if you remove it you should be fine06:37
Ubuntiusokay, so if I remove those files it will basically be like starting from scratch again?06:37
Ubuntiusand I can then run the .deb package to update06:37
th0rni'd imagine so, yea06:37
Ubuntiusso after I run the equivalent of [14:33] <th0rn> sudo dpkg -i file.name.deb06:38
Ubuntiusdo I need to run anything else?06:38
Ubuntiusor is it like apt-get, where it just does its thing automatically?06:38
th0rnno, if theres anything else that should be done it should instruct you06:38
Ubuntiusunlike that link I put earlier, where it piped a result into an .sh file, I'm guessing I won't need to worry about that step this time06:39
UbuntiusOkay, I'll try deleting those files and giving this a go06:39
UbuntiusThanks th0rn06:39
th0rnno problem, goodluck mate06:39
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santiDoes somebody has problems with Parole and the Gstreamer?06:46
Ubuntiusth0rn: tried downloading from http, "no such file or directory" (I downloaded the file first and FTP'd it to another webspace)06:51
Ubuntiusis it possible to download that file on the command line to a local directory?06:51
Ubuntiusand then run the command?06:51
th0rnwget http://google.com/file -O ~/06:52
Ubuntiuswget http://www.example.com/file.deb -O localfile.deb06:52
Ubuntiusif I ran that command, and I was in the folder I wanted to download it to - would that work?06:52
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Ubuntiuslooks to have downloaded ok :)06:53
riteshany one have knowledge rabbitsvn ?06:54
riteshanyone have knowledge about rabbitsvn ?06:54
riteshi am having issue with it06:54
riteshsvn export "some file" -06:55
riteshgives me old file06:55
supergot a hotplug SATA hard drive problem07:00
Lost_xgreetings from me....07:00
superit is not detected by ubuntu 14.0407:00
superthe drive is partition as ext407:01
superhow do I rescan for new devices?07:01
riteshanyone here who can help me with rabbitsvn issue ?07:01
Lost_xim currently installing ubuntu in my desktop computer with previous OS (windows7).  What is the best option to choose? intall ubunto alongside windows or something else? i want to dual boot my pc. thanks07:01
FuzzyWhirlpoolIt's better to manually do the partitioning.07:02
superLost_x, what do you use your computer for mainly?07:02
Lost_xby the way, im  anewbie with ubunto and im planning to shift  to linux soon07:02
superif you don't need windows I say completely wiped the entire hard drive07:02
Lost_xi have two partitions07:03
superLost_x, cool I'm completely 100% on the linux side07:03
Lost_xcurrently i need windows for now.... :)07:03
th0rnyou'll need to select 'install ubuntu along side windows' if you're looking to dualboot07:04
Lost_xi still have window based apps07:04
th0rnthen select the partition/drive you wish to install ubuntu on07:04
superokay guys I need help with hotplug SATA hard drive not detected on linux whats the command to rescan my device?07:04
superi formatted my drive as ext4 the only time it works is when I restart with the hard drive inserted07:05
Lost_xselecting something else prompted me to create drives07:05
Lost_xfor "/", swap and "/home"07:06
th0rnwhat did you select?07:06
Lost_xsomethings else07:07
superLost_x, it is formatted as EXT407:07
BeldarLost_x, Do you have an unallocated space for ubuntu?07:07
superLost_x, nvm I thought you were trying to help me07:08
jumanjiwhy does my selenium python script fail on linux but not on windows ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24796995/selenium-browser-visiturl-fails-on-linux-but-works-on-windows07:08
Lost_xthis is what i get dev/sda, /dev/sda1(which is windows loader), /dev/sda2 (the system drive windows created on installation), /devsda3 (which i leave intentionally for ubuntu OS)07:09
jonascjHi all. Where should I start to look to modify the kernel lines in grub.cfg such that it stays after grub-update etc.? I think I can find places to add new menu items to grubcfg etc., but how to modify the kernel boot line? I need to pass it "intel_iommu=on"07:09
BeldarLost_x, What is the windows version on there now?07:10
Lost_xwindows7 ultimate07:10
jonascjit is the os-prober utility that constructs those lines, right? The kernel and initrd lines of grub.cfg07:11
superewww thats a pirated copy07:11
BeldarLost_x, Where di you make the sda3 version?07:11
jzcthis is mu first use ubuntu07:11
jzcand irc07:12
Lost_xi did not make the sda307:12
th0rnwelcome to irc07:12
Abhijitjzc, hello. glad to hear that.07:12
Beldarjonascj, You don't do this is grub.cfg but in /etc/default/grub  than update grub07:12
jzcIn fact ,I'm a china07:12
Lost_xthat sda3 was the partition i created during the windows installation07:12
jzcEnglish is so bad,hehe07:13
BeldarLost_x, An ntfs?07:13
Lost_xsda1 and sda2 are ntfs, sda3 is not07:13
bcvery!cn | jzc07:14
ubottujzc: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw07:14
BeldarLost_x, You are limited to 4 primaries or 3 primaries and an extended for logical partitions inside, are you aware of this?07:14
jzcthink you07:14
jonascjBeldar: yeah, I just thought I had to go to the /etc/grub.d scripts/files, but yeah, /etc/default/grub seems like what I need07:14
Lost_xi encountered that when partitioning the drive.07:15
Lost_xonly 4 primaries created07:15
BeldarLost_x, So what do you need help with, you have two windows partitions and want three linux?07:17
Beldarwindows is installed?07:18
Lost_xactually, when i started windows7 from scratch, i created two partitions(100gb and 400gb)07:18
BeldarLost_x, how big is the HD?07:18
BeldarLost_x, So how can we help you?07:19
Lost_xi wnat to dual boot my pc with windows and ubuntu07:19
BeldarLost_x, Are you in the ubuntu live right now?07:20
Lost_xyes, on "installation type"07:20
BeldarLost_x, Can you take a screen shot of it and put it in a imagebin.07:20
Lost_xok, a minute07:21
supermy hot plug SATA hard drive is not getting detect by ubuntu07:24
superi format this drive in ext407:24
blackyboyHi , Everyone, Accidentally i have deleted 100MB MBR record of Windows while reformat the Windows, Now i can't access Ubuntu, When ever i used to On the machine its not showing the OS choosing menu, I want to make Ubuntu work, guide me please07:25
neo1691Somebody here must have got bspwm working with lightdm?07:25
neo1691need some helo07:26
Beldar!info bspwm07:26
ubottuPackage bspwm does not exist in trusty07:26
superneed help with hotplug SATA hard drive not showing up07:26
superit only shows up if I leave it on at the beginning of the bootup07:27
neo1691Beldar I compiled it from source07:27
Beldarneo1691, Where did you or are you getting bspwm?07:27
neo1691it's a wm07:27
Beldarneo1691, Support here technically is for what is in the ubuntu repos.07:27
neo1691but basically bspwm has two files in its source, bspwm-session and bspwm.desktop07:28
Beldarneo1691, You may get help just a heads up, ##linux might be helpful.07:28
ilivI just realized something strange happened to this system. All symlinks in /etc/init.d/ are broken for no apparent reason: https://dpaste.de/biYW/raw Like, where do I even start to go about fixing this?07:28
neo1691I just wanted to know where I am supposed to copy them07:28
Beldar!bootinfo | blackyboy using a live ubuntu run this and pastebin the text07:29
ubottublackyboy using a live ubuntu run this and pastebin the text: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).07:29
Lost_xBeldar, here's the link of the image http://ibin.co/1TbYZV1zNx5B07:29
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superwell i get zero response so far07:30
BeldarLost_x, Is there anything in sda3? do you want to share say media between both OS?07:31
superi formatted my hard drive in EXT4 format it is hotplug SATA and this ubuntu doesn't show me my hotplug hard drive07:31
Lost_xi want to install ubuntu in sda3 the some of it will be another drive the shared files/media for both os07:32
BeldarLost_x, sda3 says unknown what is it?07:33
Lost_xnot formatted07:33
Lost_xi just created that using the windows installer07:34
Lost_xthe part the you have the option to created partitions07:34
BeldarLost_x, Lets be sure, close the installer and open gparted and take an image of it. You can't make a linux partition in windows.07:34
superI am running Ubuntu64 and I have a SATA hotswap tray. Currently, the only way my system recognizes a new SATA drive in the hotswap tray is when I reboot. I'm able to remove the drive after unmounting it but I'd like Ubuntu to detect when I've put a new drive in the tray and automount it (like it does when I plug in an external USB drive) without having to reboot. Would someone please tell me how to set this up?07:36
superhow do I scan my system so that my hotplug will be detect?07:37
superwhats the point of having a hotplug tray when Ubuntu doesn't support it07:39
Lost_xBeldar, is it a good choice to install ubuntu first before installing windows?07:40
jzci want get a chat room about game (escapesily wesnoth) .07:40
jzccan help me?07:40
BeldarLost_x, Depends on your skills, mainly you want windows at the front if the disc.07:41
DLangejzc: /join #wesnoth07:41
k1lsuper: does the tray come with linux support?07:41
superecho "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan07:41
superalready solved my own problem07:42
superdon't know why i have to run that to see my hard drive07:42
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BeldarLost_x, Windows is where it should be, just trying to confirm what sda3 is and get you set for 3 more partitions a /  /home and swap you will need a extended to contain these.07:45
fklinguistaHi there07:45
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fklinguistaBig problem: I can't install anything07:46
Tonvin_How to restart php-fpm on ubuntu 14.0407:46
fklinguistafor some reason the universe source is disabled and nothing I do can reenable it07:46
Beldarfklinguista, What release is this?07:46
Lost_xi have tried that the other day. created 3 more partition / swap and /home and the rest for the drive share by both os07:46
fklinguista12.10, I can't upgrade either07:46
FuzzyWhirlpoolJust edit /etc/apt/sources.list directly07:46
Beldarfklinguista, 12.10 is eol.07:47
fklinguistaI get a 404 when trying to fetch packages07:47
FuzzyWhirlpoolRIP 12.1007:47
Beldar12.10 | fklinguista07:47
FuzzyWhirlpoolYou'd better downgrade to 12.0407:47
Beldar!12.10 | fklinguista07:47
ubottufklinguista: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on May 16th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/quantal07:47
webmind12.10 has been eol for some time07:48
Lost_xthe problem i encountered was when i selected windows in grub loader windows wont proceed, just restarting all over again on windows welcome screen part07:48
k1lFuzzyWhirlpool: downgrade is not supported07:48
webmindsadly 12.04 with trust kernel breaks for nvidia07:48
FuzzyWhirlpoolI mean reinstall. lol07:48
fklinguistaSo, basically, there is no easy way for me to upgrade now07:48
BeldarLost_x, Is ubuntu installed at all on this HD?07:48
k1l!eol | fklinguista07:48
ubottufklinguista: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:48
fklinguistaI was unsure if the upgrade would break my drivers07:49
k1lfklinguista: see the eolupgrade howto.07:49
FuzzyWhirlpoolIf you want to do a gamble, replace quantal lines in /etc/apt/sources.list with trusty07:49
Ben64don't try that ^07:49
BeldarFuzzyWhirlpool, Bad advice not appropriate, and don;t use the word downgrade without a context.07:50
fklinguistaYeah, I am pretty much done with messing with the sources07:50
FuzzyWhirlpoolSo, it's better to do a clean trusty install.07:50
fklinguistaI keep getting this line in apt-get07:50
fklinguistaW:Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal-security/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found [IP: 80]07:50
Lost_xBeldar, ubuntu was installed in another partition. drive c was windows, drive d i guess maybe the ubunto (dev/sda1) had created the  swap drive which is twice the size of my memory, the a /home07:50
Tonvin_I had set error_log = /tmp/error.log ,phpinfo() show error_log value was specified,but php script can not write  errror logs07:50
fklinguistaLet me see how my partitions are07:51
Ben64yep, because 12.10 hasn't been supported since may07:51
fklinguistaI hope I had enough sense to do a separate home partition07:51
BeldarLost_x, Sounds like you are mired in problems you have had, not really relevant for me to help you get installed.07:51
BeldarLost_x, Fir the record I have three OS on my HD I know this stuff.07:52
fklinguistaHow can I check my partitions without gparted?07:52
fklinguistaI uninstalled gparted and (obviously) can't install it now07:52
Ben64fklinguista: parted?07:52
fklinguistaBen64, I just tried to -l in parted and nothing displayed07:53
fklinguistanevermind, got it now07:53
fklinguistaWell, looks like I only have 1 Linux partition07:54
fklinguistano seperate /home07:54
blackyboyBeldar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7807736/07:54
fklinguistaBen64, would the fresh install be able to preserve my /home directory?07:54
FuzzyWhirlpoolThen, start your backup of home on external hdd.07:54
Ben64fklinguista: nope, you should back that up somewhere before07:54
fklinguistaI was afraid of this...07:55
fklinguistaI gotta see how big home is, lol07:55
FuzzyWhirlpoolHow much is your homedir?07:55
fklinguistaBtw, does 13.04 still support GNOME Fallback?07:55
Ben64don't run 13.04...07:55
FuzzyWhirlpoolStick with LTS07:56
Ben64yeah, 13.04 is already unsupported07:56
FuzzyWhirlpool12.04 or 14.0407:56
fklinguistaOh, whoops07:56
fklinguistayeah, I meant 14.0407:56
Ben6414.04 preferably at this point07:56
Ben64gives you support and updates until 201907:56
fklinguistahomedir is about 90 GB07:56
fklinguistaI should be able to put that on one exthdd that I have07:57
fklinguistaThe thing is, I only started reusing my laptop recently07:57
blackyboyBeldar: this is the output of bootinfoscript  >>>>>  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7807736/07:57
fklinguistaI mostly used my desktop, which I probably should upgrade soon, too07:57
FuzzyWhirlpoolJust go with install. Unless you choose to format the partition, your home should be safe.07:57
Ben64really do need to format though07:58
FuzzyWhirlpoolOr rename your /home to /home-old or something.07:58
Beldarblackyboy, "Hi , Everyone, Accidentally i have deleted 100MB MBR record of Windows"the windows boot partition is there, you are missing boot stuff in sda6 the ubuntu partition.07:58
Ben64that won't solve it getting formatted...07:58
blackyboyBeldar: ok then how can i fix this issue07:59
FuzzyWhirlpoolI think there is an option to leave the drive unformatted.07:59
Beldarblackyboy, You are also missing the /bootmgr / is sda2 the windows C partition.08:00
FuzzyWhirlpoolWindows boot partition is accidentally deleted. Maybe windows startup recovery could deal with it.08:02
superthats easy fix08:02
meteorNewbieMorning. What is the official way to set up a static default route in ubuntu?08:02
Beldarblackyboy, Did you have a ubuntu boot partition?08:02
superdo you have your windows disc?08:02
FuzzyWhirlpoolip route will do the task.08:03
blackyboyBeldar: no idea for me while reformatting i have delete that Windows 100 MB and Windows installed partition and then i recreated those, but never touched the partition were Ubuntu installed, So i Thought  it will boot properly, after installing the Windows only i can access windows, now i cant see Ubuntu but the partition and files are still there08:03
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: And if it doesn't stick on reboot?08:03
blackyboyBeldar: no i dont have a separate boot partition08:03
fklinguistaBen64:  More good news...  My desktop was also 12.10...08:04
blackyboyBeldar: boot was inside / as /boot , i don't have a separate partition for boot208:04
Beldarblackyboy, Not sure how what youhave done would remove grub in sda6 it makes no sense.08:04
blackyboytypo 208:04
fklinguistaAnd the HDD is bigger on it, so on top of everything, looks like I have to go buy a larger external drive08:04
FuzzyWhirlpoolYeah, unless you add some lines in /etc/network/interfaces. Though it will interfere with network manager.08:04
blackyboyBeldar: ya me to don't have idea , cos i never use to create a /boot in Ubuntu08:06
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: I'm using 14.04 server will it interfere still?08:06
fklinguistaWell, thanks everyone for the help08:07
FuzzyWhirlpoolServer? I guess it won't interfere with network manager, because nm is found on desktop versions.08:07
fklinguistaI'm just going to go to bed, since it's late and I know what's on my plate now...08:07
fklinguistaI'll start the backup process soon08:07
Beldarblackyboy, You could try chrooting to sda6 and running a apt-get purge grub-common grub-pc just to make sure anything is cleaned out than run apt-get install grub-common grub-pc than when asked grub in sda and run a grub update just to be sure.08:08
FuzzyWhirlpoolchroot is the ultimate way to fix a broken ubuntu system08:08
blackyboyok let me try @ Beldar08:08
KakaduHello. I need to install Qt 5.2.1 on Ubuntu 12.04 Virtual machine (on Travis CI server). Currently I add trusy repo and install it but it takes a lot of time. Where can I find Qt 5.2.1 backported to Precious?08:08
rnatyou may find ur sys backup here http://www.nsa.gov/08:08
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: Good. I've seen a few examples on configs and tried one which screwed things up for me. How would you set it up?08:09
superNSA got everyone's backup08:09
rnatquite handy website , free cloud space08:10
sokollQuick question for ubuntu wizards, does anyone know if it's possible to have separate versions of java running on the same ubuntu server?08:10
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FuzzyWhirlpool`man interfaces` is a good way to learn ubuntu networking config.08:10
Mister-T-52Hi guy's for use a live USB of ubuntu, what is the best ? Harddisk USB2 vs Usb Key in USB3 ?08:11
Mister-T-52and why ?08:11
FuzzyWhirlpoolJust add up or post-up script to achieve your desired network setup.08:11
BeldarMister-T-52, best is an opinion, however a HD is hit and miss, use a usb flash.08:11
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: Thanks. Been there. It doesn't say much about setting stuff up in the config file though.08:12
rnatsokoll: http://superuser.com/questions/135580/multiple-java-environment-on-the-same-linux-machine08:12
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: I tried this adding this: post-up /sbin/ip ip route replace default via dev eth0 It felt wrong when I tried it and it obviously was... What do you think is amiss?08:13
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: It doesn't seem right to put commands in /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0.cfg08:14
FuzzyWhirlpoolYou need two commands08:14
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: I'm using replace so this works fine on the command line08:15
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: If you're thinking of del/add.08:15
FuzzyWhirlpoolYeah, you store your own config on interfaces.d directory and store your networking scripts somewhere else.08:15
FuzzyWhirlpoolFirst, add a new static route then replace the default route.08:16
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: You don't happen to know where "somewhere else" is by any chance? :-)08:16
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: If we're talking command line here replace actually does what you are saying and it works fine. It's just not persistent on reboot.08:19
FuzzyWhirlpoolWrite your ip scripts on /etc/ip-up.sh then add a post-up to execute /etc/ip-up.sh08:19
Aliekezhiis there a way to disable a graphic card integrated to the CPU ?08:20
Aliekezhion a laptop with 2 different AMD graphic card, it always choose the CPU's integrated as the default one whatever I do08:20
Aliekezhidisabling the card in /sys, changing the order of cards in Xorg didn't work...08:21
Aliekezhi(using fglrx "catalyst" driver)08:21
function9can you disable one of them in the bios?08:22
meteorNewbieFuzzyWhirlpool: Thanks. I'll try that.08:23
FuzzyWhirlpoolX is still no good at handling multiple gpu and takes the easy one to use.08:26
blackyboy1Beldar: it's giving error while im trying to install sudo apt-get install grub-common grub-pc08:27
arjun_kcan i ask some doubts regarding remote access08:27
arjun_kin ubuntu 12.04?08:27
Beldarblackyboy1, A chroot is in root no sudo08:27
blackyboy1ok let me08:27
bcvery!ask | arjun_k08:28
ubottuarjun_k: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:28
FuzzyWhirlpoolDo you actually do chroot, blackyboy1 ?08:28
blackyboy1FuzzyWhirlpool: no idea :(08:28
arjun_khow can i access a remote computer which doesnt have static ip08:28
Beldarblackyboy1, http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/07/creating-chroot-ubuntu.html?m=1  this is a chroot info page08:29
arjun_k how can i access a remote computer which doesnt have static ip ? <bcvery>08:30
Beldarblackyboy1, A chroot get you to the install as a root user, the commands are run there with no sudo.08:30
FuzzyWhirlpoolbasically, you need to mount your sda6 partition on somedir, for example /mnt. Then cd into /mnt and launch `sudo chroot .`08:30
blackyboy1ok ill try08:30
Beldarblackyboy1, Follow the link I gave you.08:30
sokollrnat: thanks :)08:32
arjun_khow can i access a remote computer which doesnt have static ip ?08:32
FuzzyWhirlpoolRegister for a dyndns08:33
arjun_khow can we do that?08:33
arjun_ki need to connect to both windows and ubuntu?08:34
FuzzyWhirlpoolJust search for dynamic dns and register with one of the service, for example no-ip08:35
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cebuanoarjun_k check PM thats the no-ip web08:35
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cebuanoFuzzyWhirlpool what app d o i install for proxy08:36
SirAbleI am running Trusty on a Pentium M and tried to apply updates tonight.  I get the error "This kernel does not support a non-PAE CPU" and I don't know how to proceed.08:37
FuzzyWhirlpoolProxy software? squid3, polipo, privoxy, tor etc.08:38
blackyboy1FuzzyWhirlpool: GRUB failed to install to the following devices:                                     │08:39
blackyboy1 │                                                                                      │08:39
blackyboy1 │ /dev/sda08:39
FuzzyWhirlpoolYou need to mount /proc inside the chroot08:41
cebuanoI currently purchased 2 roots in diferent company , I run a bot on the first root when the bot connects it uses proxy, dfrent ip not the my root ip, now the other one i also run a perl bot on it, when the 2nd bot connect bot uses the real IP not proxy, what app do i install on the 2nd root ?08:41
cebuano*IRC bot08:42
FuzzyWhirlpoolOh, irc bot. I have no knowledge about it.08:42
cebuanowhat im talking is the IP08:42
blackyboy1FuzzyWhirlpool: will this command do it ? for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt/temp$i;  done08:42
cebuanoother my first root uses proxy and the 2nd root dont have it uses the real IP08:43
cebuanowhat app do ineed to update on 2nd root08:43
blackyboy1FuzzyWhirlpool: Did i want to mount all separately ?08:44
FuzzyWhirlpoolyes, if you mount your ubuntu sda on /mnt/tmp08:44
blackyboy1yes i done it08:44
FuzzyWhirlpoolso you just need to chroot into /mnt/temp08:44
arjun_kis ther any tools like Webex to access different systems remotely in diff os without static ip?08:44
Abhijitarjun_k, teamviewer?08:45
arjun_ki mean any free software?08:45
cebuanoarjun_k, dude I already gave you the link08:45
Abhijitits free for personal use arjun_k08:45
cebuanotdownload their softwre08:45
cebuanoFuzzyWhirlpool ddnt answer my yet tho08:46
arjun_kbut ir will expire in 30 days08:46
Abhijitarjun_k, no08:46
lemonsparrowchown -R user1 dir/ will change the owner of that directory to user1. I want to know if I can give the ownership of same directory to two users ? user1 and user2 ?08:47
cebuanoarjun_k, WTH what do you expect, FREE08:47
FuzzyWhirlpoolSorry, cebuano. I don't know about it.08:47
blackyboy1FuzzyWhirlpool: yes i have followed the steps as there mentioned, i have mounted my  / into my /mnt/temp , my / partition was /dev/sda6, what i did is mkdir /mnt/temp && mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/temp08:47
blackyboy1but still im getting error while installing grub08:48
arjun_kmeans i need to access more than one syatems remotely without much fee?08:48
blackyboy1FuzzyWhirlpool: postimg.org/image/dp89h7kjx/c437c68e/08:48
blackyboy1FuzzyWhirlpool: http://postimg.org/image/dp89h7kjx/c437c68e/08:48
cebuanoFuzzyWhirlpool Okay last Question brotha its just a simple YES or NO question , is it possible to hide a process, hide it from root using user account? , I know it root see's everything bot just asking if its possible or theres a way on hiding it using their user account.08:48
blackyboy1FuzzyWhirlpool: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7807893/08:48
cebuanoJust making sure nobody doing bad things on my root08:49
cebuanoso i see evrything.08:49
FuzzyWhirlpoolblackboy, you'd better read this wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair08:49
cebuanoI currently have 30 users n my box08:49
OerHekscebuano, "hide it from root using user account" ? it is root, or user account.08:50
arjun_keans i need to access more than one syatems remotely without much fee?08:50
cebuanoOerHeks im the root, is it possible for them to hide from me on what they run on their accounts08:50
cebuano*run a program08:51
FuzzyWhirlpoolYou need a hardened system to do that. It's called process isolation.08:51
BeldarFuzzyWhirlpool, They are missing grub at the least, and that paste looks like there are more problems than just that08:52
cebuanoso top see's everything?08:52
FuzzyWhirlpoolNo normal user can peep into other users processes.08:52
cebuanoFuzzyWhirlpool ,if your access is just a user and you wanted to hde a certain process, enable not be seen by the root , is it possible ? thats what im scared of if somebody uses my root on iligal matters08:53
CpuIDhey guys - how often do you find your getting a 404 off certain mirrors for recently added packages?08:54
CpuIDit almost feels like the packages/releases lists are updated before the pkgs make it to the mirrors half the time...?08:54
FuzzyWhirlpoolJust disable root account and use sudo instead.08:54
FuzzyWhirlpoolNo one will be able to use sudo unless they are in sudo group.08:55
neo1691finally got able to start bspwm, now need some help, I have the gtk theme looking pretty ugly!08:55
k1lCpuID: depends on your mirror. they are 2 days behind some times08:55
Beldarblackyboy1, I have to crash, you seem to have not chrooted in.08:55
neo1691the same windows looks great on a unity session08:55
k1lCpuID: see: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors08:56
CpuIDthats a bit sucky :(08:56
FuzzyWhirlpoolblackboy, you need to chroot first to /mnt/temp, not just cd08:56
OerHeks!find bspwm08:56
CpuIDan example: build17-Jul-2014 07:42:191405582939,,ui,message,    amazon_instance_pv_precise_us-west-2: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-libc-dev_3.2.0-67.101_amd64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]08:56
ubottuPackage/file bspwm does not exist in trusty08:56
CpuIDdist-upgrade on a precise instance got that...08:57
cebuanoFuzzyWhirlpool, is there any way to run a program and not be seen by the root? , thats what im trying to ask i wanna make sure all of my users dont use my shell on iligal things.08:57
k1lCpuID: works here08:57
OerHeksneo1691, how did you install bspwm ?08:57
FuzzyWhirlpool`sudo chroot .` remember to include the dot, as it tells chroot that you'd use current directory as new root.08:57
CpuIDoh well, yea thanks for that linkt hough08:57
CpuIDill see what i can do08:57
CpuIDthat wasnt the only one i had08:57
cebuanoFuzzyWhirlpool, is that for me?08:58
k1lCpuID: but i get as ip for that server08:58
CpuIDi build about 12 amazon AMIs in parallel right now, in 4 regions (3 per region), and about 3 out of 12 failed, mostly due to 404s on different pkgs08:58
CpuIDyea ok08:58
FuzzyWhirlpoolno, it's for blackyboy08:58
CpuIDbuild17-Jul-2014 07:41:201405582880,,ui,message,    amazon_instance_pv_precise_us-west-1: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-headers-3.2.0-67-virtual_3.2.0-67.101_amd64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]08:58
CpuIDbut yea thats also .1308:58
CpuIDi wonder if that machine is behind?08:59
CpuIDbit of a PITA being its security.ubuntu :P08:59
FuzzyWhirlpoolcebuano: there is no way to hide user process from root eyes.08:59
CpuIDi guess i could hosts file it temporarily or something08:59
k1lCpuID: or its down/corrupted etc. maybe ask the canonical server guys08:59
CpuIDany idea of a best contact for them?08:59
FuzzyWhirlpoolcebuano: This is what you want, maybe. http://www.debian-administration.org/article/702/Hiding_processes_from_other_users09:01
CpuIDon a train? :P09:01
arjun_kafter registering in noip, how can i control the remote system in ubuntu?09:02
brucelee_im using supermicro ipmi remote ikvm to try to access my ubuntu server. It successfully gets to grub boot loader screen, but after i select ubuntu, its just a black screen09:02
brucelee_anyone know whats happening?09:02
brucelee_im able to ssh in09:02
brucelee_so the server is up, but i just get a black screen from ipmi09:02
everyqasHi guys. How can I switch betweens Gedit tabs?09:02
CpuIDpinged #ubuntu-mirrors09:02
cfhowlett!nomodeset | brucelee09:02
ubottubrucelee: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter09:02
CpuIDsee what happens09:02
everyqasGoogle answers didn't helped me.09:03
brucelee_cfhowlett: thanks!09:03
OerHekseveryqas, with your mouse ?09:03
cfhowlettbrucelee happy2help09:03
everyqasOerHeks, I prefer keyboard shortcuts …09:03
arjun_kcebuano: after registering in noip, how can i control the remote system in ubuntu?09:03
arjun_k<cebuano> : after registering in noip, how can i control the remote system in ubuntu?09:04
Lost_xBeldar, thanks09:04
OerHekseveryqas, see top panel > documents > alt+1 alt+2 etc09:04
arkonovaHi guys, How can it be that nodejs is apt-get intalled at a six month old v10.0.25 given that we are now at v10.0.29 (stable)? Am I missing something?09:06
arkonovaOn a 14.04, apt-get updated system of course09:07
cfhowlett!info nodejs09:07
ubottunodejs (source: nodejs): evented I/O for V8 javascript. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.25~dfsg2-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 672 kB, installed size 3094 kB09:07
OerHeksarkonova, as it is stable, and tested sytemwide.09:07
arkonovaOk, so it is normal. nothing to worry about?09:08
arkonovaI'll have to clone the latest If I want to...09:09
arkonovaOerHeks: thx09:09
OerHeksarkonova, it is the choise for LTS, stable release.09:09
everyqasOerHeks, yes, that works. But I want to navigate like I can in all other applications with Alt + Tab.09:09
OerHekseveryqas, nope, alt + tab is between applications09:09
OerHekseveryqas, then open 2 x gedit :-D09:10
introomI have a file, name it fileA.09:10
introomfileA is constantly being re-written. I want to display it in the terminal without manunally refreshing it.09:11
introomhow to do that/09:11
everyqasOerHeks, sorry, I meant Ctrl + Tab.09:11
introomsay, if I use vim to display it, I have to do, :e!  . Is there any tool suffice that?09:11
th0rntail -f /your/file/name09:11
OerHekseveryqas, maybe you an change that shortkey in systemsettings, it can be tricky09:13
somsipintroom: try -F instead of -f (see 'man tail')09:13
FuzzyWhirlpoolless /var/log/syslog09:13
introomsomsip: I tried. but -f -F seems the same09:17
introomwhat's the nuance?09:17
somsipintroom: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/18760/how-does-the-tail-commands-f-parameter-work09:18
FuzzyWhirlpool`less` is better. Just press shift+g to go to end of line.09:18
introomFuzzyWhirlpool: less doesn't refresh it.09:21
OerHeksintroom, i just tested this > tail -n 50 -F /path/to/file.txt09:34
cristian_cI've to remove lamp components from autostart09:34
cristian_c(apache, mysql, for example)09:34
cristian_cbut update-rc.d -f whatever remove09:35
cristian_cdoesn't work09:35
cristian_cwhatever = process name09:35
cristian_cAny ideas?09:35
OerHeks sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 disable09:36
OerHeks!info bum09:38
cristian_cOerHeks, ah, disable instead of remove?09:38
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.2-1 (trusty), package size 83 kB, installed size 520 kB09:38
OerHekscristian_c, jups, you can also install bum and control it from there09:38
cristian_cOerHeks, I remember I tried with bum, no success09:39
OerHeksdisable should work09:39
cristian_cOerHeks, ok, with 'disable' and then service whatever start to start manually?09:39
cristian_cwithout autostart09:40
OerHeksyes, start it with 'sudo service apache2 start '09:40
gogoat10^2sudo aptitude? or apt-get?09:40
cristian_cOerHeks, perfect09:41
k1lcristian_c: is it the lamp package or the original ubuntu packages?09:41
cristian_ck1l, lamp installed with tasksel09:41
OerHeksgogoat10^2, which one you like, both wants sudo09:41
k1lgogoat10^2: apt-get. but since 14.04 you can use apt09:41
cristian_c!info tasksel09:41
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is optional. Version 2.88ubuntu15 (trusty), package size 28 kB, installed size 240 kB09:41
gogoat10^2cool thx09:41
Nemo_hi not able ot fond what is $JAVA09:47
YevgenyI need some help to bashscripting09:48
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Nemo_$JAVA where to change its value09:48
k1lYevgeny: #bash channel?09:49
YevgenyI want to create a script to spawn a telnet session to an HP switch and make a backup on the config09:49
Nemo_now $JAVA is set to /bin/java/bin/java09:49
Nemo_how to chsnge09:49
Yevgenyk1l: thanks09:50
k1lNemo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java09:51
cristian_cOerHeks, update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/mysqld: file does not exist09:52
cristian_cOerHeks, any iother ideas?09:53
cristian_c*any other09:54
OerHeksupdate-rc.d -f mysql disable09:54
arjun_ki need to get the control of  remote system09:56
OerHekscristian_c, i know the manual is not very clear about it  http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#disabling-a-job-from-automatically-starting09:56
cristian_cOerHeks, I've tried this command, before09:56
switchtehbeatI want to dual boot Ubuntu 14.04 with windows 7, what OS do I install first?09:57
cristian_cah, ok,, without 'd'09:57
Ben64switchtehbeat: windows09:57
switchtehbeatinstall windows first then ubuntu ben64?09:57
OerHekscristian_c, now you will never forget this :-)09:57
cristian_cOerHeks, thanks for the link09:57
Ben64switchtehbeat: indeed09:57
switchtehbeatyou 100% sure?09:57
Ben64switchtehbeat: yarp09:58
cristian_c* saved in Favourites *09:58
switchtehbeatthanks, bbs.09:58
TheJokerHi all, Can someone suggest a desktop countdown timer for ubuntu 14.04? similar to this? http://countdown.onlineclock.net/ but offline09:58
arjun_ki need to get the control of  remote system. how can i do that?10:01
Ben64arjun_k: ssh10:01
sokollcan anyone give me a quick bit of help with a mod_rewrite redirect question on ubuntu?10:04
cristian_cOerHeks, I've tried with 'mysql' but i get errors. I've looked at the upstart manual you have lined10:04
cristian_cOerHeks, I try to look for in /etc/init.d10:05
lvvanybody working on packaging libreSSL ?10:05
sokollcan anyone give me a quick bit of help with a mod_rewrite redirect question on ubuntu?10:06
arjun_ki need to get the control of  remote system which does not have static ip. how can i do that?10:06
Ben64arjun_k: ssh10:06
arjun_kssh can be used with static ip right?10:06
sokollcan anyone help me?10:06
Ben64arjun_k: can be used with anything10:07
arjun_ki need to get the  desktop screen and access it10:07
arjun_kthen how?10:07
Ben64arjun_k: vnc over ssh?10:08
arjun_k i need to get the  desktop screen and access it for windows and for ubuntu10:08
arjun_kis ther any tutorial for that?10:09
Ben64probably if you google it you can find one. its pretty simple though. set up a vnc server that listens on localhost, use ssh to forward the port and connect10:09
arjun_kso that i can see the remote desk top and access it?10:10
arjun_kis ther any charges fr that?10:10
arjun_kthnk u10:10
arjun_kit can be used for window s and ubuntu?10:11
TheJokerhi, no suggestions??10:11
Ben64arjun_k: all of your questions can be answered by google, but yes10:11
arjun_kkk. thank u10:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:18
cristian_cOerHeks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7808285/10:19
sokollcan anyone give me a quick bit of help with a mod_rewrite redirect question on ubuntu?10:20
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Yevgenylooks like expect does the job pretty good10:23
Yevgenyj/ #iphone10:23
Abhijit!ask | sokoll10:25
ubottusokoll: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:25
OerHekscristian_c, i just wondered, and found this > sudo echo "manual" >> /etc/init/mysql.override >>  https://scottlinux.com/2013/10/30/starting-and-stopping-services-at-boot-on-ubuntu-with-upstart/10:25
OerHekscristian_c, because apache2 is doing it right, and mysql not, i do not understand that difference10:26
cristian_cOerHeks, yeah10:26
cristian_cit's so10:26
sokollubottu: well it felt like people were ignoring me, asked to ask out of politeness.10:26
ubottusokoll: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:26
cristian_cOerHeks, I've also multple winbdd processes and also smbd10:26
sokollCurrently I have mod_rewrite configured as follows:10:27
sokoll<VirtualHost *:80>10:27
sokollServerName  address.website.org10:27
sokollServerAdmin webmaster@website.org10:27
sokollDocumentRoot /var/www10:27
sokollRedirect permanent / http://www.website.org/site10:27
unopastesokoll you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted10:27
unopastesokoll you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted10:27
catNodeI'm using a X220 running 14.04LTS, and there is something wrong with the unit, because I'm getting constant random shutdowns every 10 minutes or so. After doing an acpi_listen in terminal, it seems that it's picking up constant 'button/power PBTN 00000080 00000000' commands which are obviously causing the shutdowns. Is there any way to tell Ubuntu to ignore or block these 'button/power PBTN' commands it receives?10:35
art_djangohi gays10:39
art_djangoit is true? :10:40
art_djangoclass PostsListView(ListView):10:40
art_django    model = Post10:40
art_django    paginate_by = 210:40
art_django    def social_link(request):10:40
art_django        soc = FooterLink.objects.all()10:40
unopasteart_django you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted10:40
karan200000hello bhai10:48
sokollOk, I have a question: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7808327/10:49
Abhijit!in | karan20000010:53
ubottukaran200000: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India10:53
karan200000aur batao abhijit bhai?10:53
karan200000sab theek?10:53
Abhijit!english | karan20000010:54
ubottukaran200000: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:54
k1l!in | karan20000010:54
ubottukaran200000: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India10:54
karan200000ok, got it10:54
karan200000so, how're u?10:54
Abhijit!ot | karan20000010:55
ubottukaran200000: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:55
Abhijitkaran200000, :-)10:56
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:56
Abhijitkaran200000, /msg ubottu !test10:57
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karan200000!in | Jactly11:04
ubottuJactly: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India11:04
Lopetrying to kill all my X processes from another screen. xkill -all -display 0 or :0 is not working? unable to find display ":0" (or "0")11:06
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=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
chris112smartctl. i issued a test but the computer hibernated in between. can i tell if a test is running or was aborted?11:37
Gallomimianvidia drivers: proprietary or opensourced?11:38
iszakI am trying to write a find command that will find all files of a certain type and change to that directory and run that command. This is what I have so far find . -maxdepth 2 -iname Gemfile -exec sh -c "cd {} && bundle install" but it doesn't work11:46
TJ-iszak: Use "-execdir"11:46
TJ-iszak: how about: " find . -maxdepth 2 -iname Gemfile -execdir sh -c 'bundle install' "11:47
iszakTJ-: that is EXACTLY what I was looking for, thanks so much this is going right to the memory bank11:48
iszakTJ-: thank you11:48
TJ-iszak: Are you looking for a *directory* named Gemfile, or a directory containing a *file* called Gemfile ?11:48
iszakGood point, I will specify -type f :)11:48
decciI am after a simple script with a GUI front end which will take everything from an Ubuntu session and turn it into a bootable ISO. The only thing I need to be the same as the original Live CD image is the /etc/ folder and everything in it so the ISO auto-detects the system's hardware when run on a new machine.11:49
TJ-iszak: :)11:49
decciAny idea11:49
TJ-decci: sounds like you want to investigate LVM snapshots11:49
decciTJ-: how shall I approach11:50
TJ-decci: Well, a snapshot would capture a  coherent 'session' at a point in time... then you have to figure out how to translate that into a bootable ISO :)11:51
decciIs it possible11:51
TJ-decci: sounds like you might get away with a USB-installed ISO with persistent storage11:52
webfox Hello folks!11:52
TJ-decci: If it has to be on a DVD physically, then you'd have to modify the squashfs image on the ISO itself11:52
decciRead about remasterpup2 in puppy Linux11:52
webfoxI have one network settings when I am home and another for work. Is it possible to create a switch from one to another on Ubuntu?11:53
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Carogawebfox, what do you mean, dont understand ur question11:53
brothersomewebfox, I do that for work and private11:55
brothersomewebfox, add a connection and set static addresses11:55
webfoxCaroga, in Macs it is called Locations, on the Network painel. I can completly change the network settings basic on my location. Do you think it is possible on Ubuntu?11:57
gogogadgetohi, can u tell me why "gvfs-mount -s gphoto2" working but not with sudo?11:57
webfoxbrothersome: how do I add a connection?11:57
Carogawebfox, I believe adding another connection setup is probably your best way11:58
jawwwer Hi all. How do I create a hotspot for my mobile phone using my laptop that is running xubuntu11:59
decciTJ-: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=3397911:59
brothersomewebfox: Right on top the screen there is an icon with 2 arrows11:59
Carogajawwwer, Create a new Wifi network11:59
decciTJ-: Will remasterpup2 help11:59
jawwwerCaroga: is there any GUI way to do it?11:59
jawwwerI am new to linux :s12:00
Carogayes there is12:00
Carogain the right top side you will find an icon with 2 arrows or with a wifi signal.12:00
Carogapress that, a menu will open, and there you can select to create a new wifi network.12:00
TJ-decci: I have no idea, but for Debian/Ubuntu I'd very much doubt it12:01
jawwwerCaroga: ah there is12:01
jawwwerCaroga: but my current connection is wired12:01
jawwwertaht doesn't matter12:01
jawwwerthank you Caroga  :)12:02
webfoxbrothersome: yes, got it. Cool. Thank you!12:02
Carogajawwwer, if that doesn't seem to do the trick then you could also try the following instructions (READ BEFORE USING) http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/02/wifi-hotspot-ubuntu-laptop-android/12:02
webfoxCaroga: that is it. Thank you!12:02
CarogaNo problem.12:02
decciTJ-: http://www.distrogeeks.com/install-remastersys-ubuntu/12:03
jawwwerCaroga: it created the wifi but it doesn't work in mobile12:04
Carogajawwwer, try the instruction on the site i linked earlier, READ BEFORE TRYING please12:05
jawwwerCaroga: I have 14.04 and apple phone12:08
ytg_movshi, which shell script is used in 14.04?12:08
TJ-ytg_movs: Your question doesn't make sense, since there are thousands of shell scripts in Ubuntu12:09
ytg_movsthanks TJ- i mean which shell script language, sry12:10
TJ-ytg_movs: dash and bash12:10
ytg_movsok, thanks. and if i want to be a unix admin eventually, are those the best shell scripting languages to start with?12:11
ytg_movsTJ-, ^12:11
gogogadgetowhat do I have to do that "gvfs-mount -s gphoto2" works with sudo?12:11
TJ-ytg_movs: If you're interested in *nix then you'd want to be familiar with zsh and plain sh as well12:12
ytg_movsthaks TJ-12:12
TJ-ytg_movs: And of course, be familiar with what the coreutils can do12:12
GreatPotatoWhats the latest php version in apt?12:12
TJ-!info php12:12
ubottuPackage php does not exist in trusty12:12
webfoxCould someone recommend me a irc client please?12:12
ikoniaGreatPotato: it depends on your distro12:12
TJ-!info php512:12
ikonia!info php512:13
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.3 (trusty), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB12:13
GreatPotatoWhatever the latest is?12:13
Shardvexzwebfox, I recommend hexchat12:13
TJ-!info php5 precise12:13
GreatPotatoIs ubuntu a good choice for an internal webserver?12:13
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.13 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB12:13
ikoniait works fine as a web server12:13
cfhowlett!server | GreatPotato12:13
ubottuGreatPotato: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server12:13
ShardvexzHexchat is the continuation of xchat, it has a lot of improvements. It's very versatile and powerful, @ webfox12:13
webfoxShardvexz: installing it. Thank you!12:14
webfoxCould someone help me install Sublime Text 2 please ?12:14
ikoniawebfox: it's documented on the website12:15
ikoniaand there are documets in the tar file, or the pre-release debian repos12:15
webfox_Back from Ubuntu! :D12:16
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Lost_xGreatPotato, Ubunto is a desktop distro. debian or centoos is a good server12:17
webfoxikonia: ok, great. Thank you!12:17
ikoniaGreatPotato: ignore what Lost_x just said, ubuntu is a fine choice for running a server12:17
=== quem_ is now known as quem
ikoniaLost_x: ubuntu is a pretty widely used server distro - please don't say "it's a desktop"12:17
Lost_xGreatPotato, latest Ubuntu is 14.04LTS i guess.12:17
cfhowlettgreatdex let's see "spotify announces they dropped debian in favor of ubuntuserver ..."12:18
amirsenii need some pointers on nouveau under 12.04 64bit, got a laptop connected to a tv through HDMI, when starting from livecd 12.04 64 bit the display works perfectly, after installing to the hard drive after a shor period of time I get "No Signal"on the TV. Now when trying livecd 12.04.4 "No Signal"shows up, same thing with 14.04.12:18
ses1984switching to ubuntu isn't exactly "dropping debian"12:18
Lost_xmy mistake, yes i do that ubuntu has a server the Ubuntu14.04lts12:20
jawwwerCaroga: not working12:20
ytg_movsyay TJ-  check it out :)  http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/zsh_us.pdf12:22
ytg_movsso TJ- if i learn plain sh first, is that better than leanring dash or bash first? it seems they were built on the plain sh is that true? so it might be betterto learn the plain sh first?12:23
TJ-ytg_movs: I think you'll find learning them all in parallel by writing scripts that challenge you to figure out how to achieve something, which forces you to explore the documentation and do tests, is the best way12:24
tinkerhow can I watch how much memory and cpu the computer is using in ubuntu?12:24
function9tinker: top12:24
TJ-tinker: "top" in a terminal12:24
function9tinker: there's also htop12:25
santhosh_ubuntu kernel 3.11.0-24-generic supported wine version12:25
ineedhelpnowanyone to help me12:26
ytg_movsthanks TJ- i'll do that, but for now i am still learing the basics and know prety much nothing about cli, so you think zsh might be a place to start? i like to set a strong foundation before getting into things. if i can get docs on any one, dash, bash, zhs, or plain sh, which one should i start with? from zero.12:26
ubottuineedhelpnow: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:26
TJ-ytg_movs: for example, figure out how to write a simple HTTP *server* just using the shell language itself... see what you discover12:26
ytg_movswell, yes, 'the shell language' but which one?12:27
ineedhelpnowhelp with intel graphics and installation on mac mini a little delayed bootup12:27
TJ-ytg_movs: Start with what is installed in Ubuntu - lots of dash and bash scripts... use them as a learning resource - study them12:27
cfhowlett!mac | ineedhelpnow12:27
ubottuineedhelpnow: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages12:27
tinkerfunction9, ,TJ: ty. what does htop add to top?12:27
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages12:27
TJ-ytg_movs: hint: bash supports "/dev/tcp/$HOSTNAME/$PORT" file descriptor connections12:27
ytg_movsok. that's a good idea since i lready have  anice set up here. TJ- thanks.12:28
__Rocky__ytg_movs, I suggest  bash.  First http://www.tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/, then the bash info pages. After that you can learn about other shells.12:28
TJ-__Rocky__: starting with Bash isn't ideal, since it is the greatest superset of functionality... it's better to learn a 'lesser' shell first, and then learn the bash extensions that add power12:30
ytg_movsthanks __Rocky__ i'm still getting to the level where i can use that guide.12:30
TJ-__Rocky__: ytg_movs for example, knowing bash but not sh is not helpful if you get dumped in the initrd because the root file-system won't mount12:31
ytg_movsshould be an experienced UNIX or Linux user, familiar with basic commands, man pages and documentation12:31
TJ-ytg_movs: man-pages are your bible :)12:31
ytg_movsyeah, those are manual pages?12:32
MrPPShmm, anyone else experienced tmux in ubuntu ignoring your .tmux.conf file, even when all previous tmux sessions have been killed?12:32
TJ-ytg_movs: "man bash"12:32
__Rocky__TJ-, you have a point there12:32
TJ-__Rocky__: I've been bitten by it! ... wondering why my hacking to fix a server wasn't working :)12:32
bonghi i tried to remove audacious from lubuntu but it says lubuntu-desktop will also be removed. is it safe to remove audacious?12:33
cfhowlettbong why remove it?  It's so small!12:34
cfhowlett!info audacious12:34
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-1 (trusty), package size 240 kB, installed size 1498 kB12:34
ytg_movsok, and i figured out why my screen flickers every once in a while. i hve the liquid effect enabld so when i go too far in an app, like for example, delete too far, it sends out the watter effect waves. i think i'll leave it as an incentive to stop making mistakes.12:34
bongcfhowlet because i now have vlc installed.12:35
cfhowlettbong so?  still no need to remove audacious.  just don't use it.12:36
cfhowlettbong but if you insist, yeah, no lubuntu-desktop will make you sad ...12:36
Carogacfhowlett, are you any good at bluetooth and wifi problems ?12:36
cfhowlettCaroga not only "not good" I have zero knowledge.  sorry.12:37
TJ-He can probably create them as well as the rest of us :)12:37
cfhowlett^^ not really saying much there, tj12:37
CarogaStill +1 for TJ-12:37
Carogabut yeah that kinda s**ks12:38
TJ-Caroga: Bluetooth *and* WiFi? ... did you accidentally hit the RF Kill switch?12:38
function9Caroga: what chipset?12:38
CarogaTrying to stream music over bluetooth and that works, but my wifi gets awful instable12:38
Carogafunction9, I believe its all intel12:39
Carogalemme check12:39
TJ-Caroga: That is because they are likely both operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band, and interfering12:39
TJ-Caroga: some Wifi chipsets/drivers have an option "bt-coexistence" which can be enabled to help things.12:39
CarogaHmm I could switch to 5GHz on my wifi but I'd rather not12:39
bongcfhowlett is the statement also true for abviword and gnumeric if i install libreoffice??12:40
TJ-Caroga: But, best solution - if it is available - is to switch the WiFi to 5.xGHz (802.11a/n instead of 802.11b/g/n)12:40
cfhowlett!info lubuntu-desktop12:40
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.55 (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; powerpc; armhf)12:40
cfhowlettbong don't know if removal of abi or gnumeric will remove lubuntu-desktop ... test it and see.12:41
CarogaTJ-, I can do that but I rather not.12:41
Carogafunction9, it's intel12:42
TJ-Caroga: You can try repositioning your 802.11gn gear, or lowering the output power... so the area around the Bluetooth path doesn't have such powerful interference12:42
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Carogaproduct: Centrino Advanced-N 6230 [Rainbow Peak]12:42
Carogavendor: Intel Corporation12:42
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cfhowlettbong to see what will be effected, run this terminal command: apt-cache show lubuntu-desktop12:43
bongcfhowlett i mean would u remove abi and gnumeeric if u were installing libreoffice?12:43
CarogaTJ-, how could one use the help of bt-coexistence ?12:43
cfhowlettbong if it didn't effect my overall system, yes.12:43
TJ-Caroga: That is usually an option on the kernel driver *if* it is available at all12:44
CarogaTJ-, also, couldnt i just switch the wifi channel and see if that helps ?12:44
TJ-Caroga: It might, but 802.11bgn and Bluetooth use different spread-spectrum techniques so moving the Wifi won't necessarily help... unless you also have other neighbouring 2.4GHz WAPs affecting the signals too12:45
bongcfhowlett  so u removed abi and gnumeric?12:45
cfhowlettbong did, but I'm on xubuntu, not lubuntu ... YMMV12:46
TJ-bong: If you do "apt-cache rdepends <packagename>" it'll show you all the reverse-dependencies - in other words, the packages that will be removed if you remove that package12:46
cfhowlettTJ- good one!  thanks.12:47
CarogaHmm i think ill try, I just read that BT doesnt channels on channel 13 and 14, maybe this could be a easy solution12:47
function9Caroga: Is the power management disabled on the wifi?12:47
TJ-Caroga: remember that 802.11n uses wider channels though, 40MHz typically so the overlap is quite significant12:48
CarogaI have it running on 20MHz atm12:48
__Rocky__In Ubuntu 14.04, the area to resize window(where the cursor changes to resize) is extremely small12:48
__Rocky__does anyone else have this issue?12:48
CarogaYou do know quite a lot about this stuff TJ-12:48
Carogafunction9, How could I tell ?12:48
TJ-__Rocky__: yeah, some bright spark changed it to a single pixel some time back... great isn't it?12:49
TJ-Caroga: I should hope do!12:49
__Rocky__TJ-, Its like holding a carrot in front of a horse.12:49
Carogafunction9, according to powertop it's not on12:49
metamorpyHey guys, having a bit of trouble with my ubuntu server installation, the /boot is full, and when attemting to follow guides to clean out old kernels, i get a message of unmet dependencies, that are not going to be installed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.12:49
bongcfhowlett ok tnx. im leaving audacious and gnome m player on my system.12:49
__Rocky__But, looking at the bright side this is more addictive than flappy bird12:49
function9Caroga: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops/Dell/XPS/15z#Wireless_connection12:49
k1l__Rocky__: hold "alt" and middle mouse button12:50
TJ-Caroga: see "man iw" ... pay attention to "iw phy <phyname> set txpower ..." for example12:51
bongcfhowlett  what could have have happened if i removed lubuntu-desktop?12:52
__Rocky__k1l, alt + middle mouse button isn't doing anything12:52
cfhowlettbong see for yourself:  apt-cache rdepends lubuntu-desktop12:52
Wes-anybody else lose sshd with the patch updates this morning, due to AllowRootLogin=with-password in sshd_config?  Trying to figure out if Ubuntu goofed or if I have desktops with non-standard configs.12:53
k1l__Rocky__: sure its ubuntu 14.04 with unity?12:53
__Rocky__k1l, Gnome session fallback12:53
owlbreadDoes anyone have any idea what the difference between "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX" and "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" is in /etc/default/grub?12:53
k1l__Rocky__: ah, there you go.12:53
__Rocky__k1l, Just curious. What would alt + middle button do?12:54
k1li dont know how this cut down desktop wants to handle that issue. on unity alt+middle mouse works12:54
__Rocky__in unity12:54
TJ-owlbread: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX is applied to *all*menu entries, including the Recovery options, whereas "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT only applies the  regular multiuser (GUI) boot entries12:54
k1lmake the mouse to the "change the size of the window"mouse12:54
CarogaTJ-, changing channels was not a good idea.. :P12:55
__Rocky__oh. okay12:55
owlbreadthat's ace, cheers TJ-12:55
TJ-Caroga: :)12:55
koichiroseHello everyone. I’m logged in via SSH and just changed my shell to zsh, but first I had to disable PAM auth temporarily by editing /etc/pam.d/chsh. Now if I open another terminal, I can’t login via SSH anymore. I’m still logged in in another terminal window though. What could be the issue?12:56
TJ-koichirose: you broke PAM?12:59
koichiroseTJ-: possibly :)12:59
Picikoichirose: why did you touch PAM at all?12:59
TJ-koichirose: Does "ssh -vvv ..." give you anything useful?12:59
* cfhowlett thinks you shouldn't answer that without consulting legal counsel12:59
Picicfhowlett: :P13:00
koichirosePici: I got a PAM authentication failed when running chsh, googling suggested that13:00
koichiroseTJ-: not at all, it simply skips my public key, requests a password and doesn’t let me in with the correct password13:00
TJ-koichirose: On the existing server terminal, can you check "/var/log/auth.log" for clues?13:00
koichiroseI simply commented this line auth       required   pam_shells.so - and then uncommented it13:01
koichiroseTJ-: interesting: Jul 17 15:01:25 koichirose-srv sshd[7982]: User koichirose not allowed because shell zsh does not exist13:01
TJ-koichirose: That'd do it :)13:01
koichiroseTJ-: no luck. which zsh -> /usr/bin/zsh. chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh (no errors). can’t login anyway13:02
TJ-koichirose: Did you set the user shell to "/bin/zsh5" ?13:02
koichirosealso, weird I think, running chsh as koichirose outputs You may not change the shell for 'koichirose'. So I ran it with sudo13:03
TJ-koichirose: which Ubuntu release is that? There's no "/usr/bin/zsh" in Trusty according to "apt-file search '/usr/bin/zsh' "13:04
koichiroseTJ-: it’s XMBCbuntu, Description:Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - XBMCbuntu13:04
CarogaTJ-, it looks like switching from 2.4 GHz to 5.xGHz works13:04
TJ-koichirose: That's because "/etc/shells" lists the only user-legal shells, but pam_rootok can override that13:04
TJ-koichirose: Is "/usr/bin/zsh" a sym-link  to something else?13:05
CarogaTJ-, thanks for the help so far ^^,13:05
koichiroseTJ-: yes: /etc/alternatives/zsh-usrbin13:05
koichiroseTJ-: also, tried switching back to /bin/bash, auth.log still says ‘zsh does not exist'13:06
TJ-koichirose: here I get "pastebinit < <(lsb_release -a && apt-file search 'bin/zsh')" => http://paste.ubuntu.com/7808950/13:07
TJ-koichirose: what does /etc/alternatives/xsh-usrbin sym-link to?13:07
PiciTJ-, koichirose: apt-file won't list symlinks and other things created by scripts in the package.13:08
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koichiroseTJ-: there’s no xsh-usrbin13:08
TJ-Pici: I know, but I'm trying to figure out which zsh is installed13:08
TJ-koichirose: my typo, correct it :)13:08
koichiroseoh, oops: /etc/alternatives/zsh-usrbin -> /bin/zsh513:09
TJ-koichirose: YAY, finally :)13:09
koichiroseso I should chsh to that?13:09
TJ-koichirose: It is possible that the symlinks don't get followed... try using "/bin/xsh5" directly, see if you get a different response13:09
TJ-Why do I keep pressing 'x' instead of 'z' ?13:10
koichiroseTJ-: :))13:10
koichirosestill nothing: User koichirose not allowed because shell zsh does not exist13:10
* TJ- shuffles to the left13:10
Picikoichirose: what does the line for your user in /etc/passwd look like?13:11
TJ-koichirose: But that is because, as I said earlier, it isn't in "/etc/shells" and pam_shells.so is blocking it13:11
jawwwerPici: how do I create hotspot in xubuntu. Can you please tell?13:11
TJ-koichirose: Only root can use a shell not in "/etc/shells"13:11
Picijawwwer: I don't know, ask the channel (or in #xubuntu)13:11
jawwwerhmmm, nobody is around there13:12
koichiroseTJ-: how do I put zsh in there?13:12
mircease vorbeste aici in limba romama?13:13
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro13:13
TJ-koichirose: Add "/bin/zsh5" to "/etc/shells" should be sufficient13:13
koichiroseTJ-: so if my internet goes down right now I’m locked out forever? :)13:13
koichiroseok wait13:13
TJ-koichirose: Yes... unless you revert all the changes you've been making13:14
koichiroseTJ-: /etc/shells contains /bin/zsh and /usr/bin/zsh13:14
TJ-koichirose: why do you need zsh as the login shell? Can't you just "ksh" once you're connected?13:14
=== firewyre_ is now known as firewyre
TJ-koichirose: remove the symlink path13:15
koichiroseso /usr/bin/zsh?13:15
TJ-koichirose: There isn't a "/bin/zsh" is there? It is "/bin/zsh5"13:15
metamorpyhey guys, any way to see how much space is left in /boot?13:15
xeonidkoichirose: chsh -s don't work ?13:15
koichirosexeonid: long story :)13:15
koichiroseTJ-: there’s both /bin/zsh and /bin/zsh5 now13:16
koichiroseremoving /bin/zsh13:16
TJ-xeonid: 'chsh' won't edit "/etc/shells", and the user has added bad symlink paths into it13:16
koichiroseTJ-: not “the user”, I didn’t symlink anything, it came like that :P13:16
TJ-koichirose: does the system *have* a "/bin/zsh" ?13:16
TJ-koichirose: OK, the daft sysadmin :)13:16
koichiroseTJ-: no it doesn’t13:16
TJ-koichirose: OK, remove it :)13:17
koichiroseTJ-: now it contains /bin/zsh5 only13:17
koichiroseand others such as bash, dash...13:17
koichirosestill can’t login though13:17
TJ-koichirose: you shouldn't get the "shell zsh does not exist" anymore13:18
TJ-koichirose: what shell have you set for your user, currently?13:18
koichiroseTJ-: /bin/zsh513:18
koichiroseeven though passwd says zsh13:18
TJ-koichirose: check the log file again13:18
koichirosedon’t know why chsh doesn’t change that. should I change it manually?13:19
tinkerDo I need antivirus on Ubuntu?13:19
TJ-koichirose: the user's shell in "/etc/passwd" should be "/bin/ksh5" - is that correct?13:19
koichiroseTJ-: it’s not. it’s ‘zsh’. using chsh with sudo changes it for root, obviously. I can’t run chsh without sudo13:20
xeonidtinker: av is bad idea13:20
koichirose$ chsh -s /bin/zsh5 —> You may not change the shell for 'koichirose'. But I’m koichirose!13:21
__Rocky__koichirose, you can mention the account name in chsh13:21
__Rocky__sudo chsh -s /bin/<whichever shell> <login-name>13:21
koichirose__Rocky__: done, it works, but why can’t I run it without sudo?13:21
MACscrwhy does ubuntu 14 use systemd AND upstart?13:22
koichiroseTJ-, __Rocky__: can login now :) learned something new13:22
TJ-koichirose: OK, I've installed zsh here to see what is going on.13:22
koichiroseTJ-: I have done this on at least 10 servers (raspberry pis, ubuntu, debian). never had this issue. I guess XBMCbuntu has something wrong somewhere13:23
xeonidkoichirose: have you tried fish shell ? imho it's better then zsh13:23
koichirosexeonid: heard about it, don’t have time to switch all my plugins and everything though13:23
xeonidkoichirose: but it doesn't support exec cmd in cmd like echo " `cat /etc/passwd` "13:24
TJ-koichirose: installing zsh-common added 2 lines to "/etc/shells": "/bin/zsh" and "/usr/bin/zsh". Both of those are sym-links, the first to "/etc/alternatives/zsh" and the latter to "/etc/alternatives/zsh-usrbin". That explains where those entries came from, so I think you should fix up "/etc/shells" to be as it was - it seems the error was all about your per-user shell config not the system config.13:24
TJ-koichirose: and of course ensure all the symlinks are valid :)13:25
koichiroseTJ-: ok. I guess my only issue then whas /etc/passwd13:26
brainwashMACscr: it's not really systemd, just a wrapper to make logind working13:27
koichiroseTJ-: reverted /etc/shells, everything’s good. I messed up my /etc/passwd somehow13:27
koichirosethank you very much, I learned a few new things and I’m happy :)13:28
tinkerxeonid, why is antivirus a bad idea?13:28
ubottutinker: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus13:30
gogogadgetowhat do I have to do so that "gvfs-mount -s gphoto2" works with sudo?13:31
ytg_movswhat does it mean when there is a bell symbol on the top right of my desktop app bar?13:32
ytg_movsubuntu 14.0413:32
TJ-ytg_movs: You probably tried to scroll in a Terminal when the terminal reached the end13:32
ytg_movsyeah? that's odd. you know like 'the liberty bell' it looks like a bell up there next to my wifi signal. its gone now.13:33
MarcGuayHi folks.  Ubuntu 14.04.  Skype is running but when I click on the launcher icon nothing happens. and if I Alt-Tab to the window switcher it's not one of the options.  Any ideaS?13:35
mkanyicyMarcGuay: skype sometimes freezes, try to kill skype and start it again13:36
MarcGuay... but if I minimize all the other apps it's open and the arrow in the launcher indicates this as well.13:36
MarcGuaymkanyicy:  I'm kind of hoping for a better solution than that.  :)13:36
dangerousdaveHi, can someone help me understand the code here please? "su -c", "--pid-dir=$EB_CONFIG_APP_SUPPORT/pids", "$EB_CONFIG_APP_USER"13:38
MarcGuayIf I open the Skype Options window however it behaves as expected, but for the Options window, not for the regular Skype window...13:39
MarcGuaymkanyicy:  Does this sound like the "freeze" behavior you've seen?13:40
mkanyicyMarcGuay: No, the freeze behaviour I thought you have nothing responds. Your skype is responsive and I dont think killing it might help13:41
__infinity1) "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" gives me: "tzdata is broken or not fully installed" 2) "apt-get install --reinstall tzdata" gives me "No file name fo tzdata:armhf"13:42
HounddogI am searching  to get safari 6 installed on ubuntu.. currently could only install 5 via play if anyone has any information.. am not finding anything13:43
yeatsHounddog: why do you need Safari?13:44
Hounddogyeats: cause i need to debug a webpage using it13:44
yeatsHounddog: yeah, I don't see that happening - that's pretty much OS X/iOS only nowadays13:45
cfhowlettHounddog does safari offer linux support?  No?  Complain to Apple - and expect little (no) support13:45
Hounddogawesome so stuck to 5 only and no way to use it without having some fuckall macbook... sorry for language but this shit is pissing me off currently13:46
IdleOnejust because you're upset doesn't mean we have to suffer through bad language. Please control yourself.13:47
cfhowlettthis ^^^13:47
robin77!ubottu language | Hounddog13:49
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:49
Hounddogcool, so i say one word and now everyone jumps on me cause of that? seems people have nothing better to do ;)13:49
CarogaHounddog, just be kind, people here are volunteers to help others out, not to attack them.13:50
HounddogCaroga: and whom did i attack before?13:50
PiciLets move on...13:50
CarogaNot saying you are attacking anyone mate ;)13:50
madhiyanHi, I'm new to IRC... Just checking...13:51
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robin77Hounddog, Apple Safari has no support for Linux, so it's posilble te install it without some emulator, and emulators always have disatvantages, like only support for older versions, and slowing things down.13:53
Hounddogrobin77: i was looking at that.. i only found a version of Safari513:53
hsnopiGood Morning all. I'm a little confused on an issue. The USN's that came out overnight specify various linux-images that need updating. for example linux-image-3.2.0-67-virtual 3.2.0-67.101. Now when I do a apt-show-versions -u I don't see imges, I see 4 other things, one of which is linux-virtual. I think that's the one I need to update. If, for some reason, I need to upgrade just the elements in the USN would I just apt-get install linux-virtual? Lets13:54
hsnopiassume I can't do a dist upgrade due to upper management decisions I have zero control over.13:54
robin77But why do you want Safari? Why not use the Linux native browsers like Firefox, or Google Chome/Chromium?13:54
iszakI have a program that runs and outputs to stderr but doesn't return an error return/exit code, how can I check if stderr is populated and if it is, output a correct exit code in bash/bourne shell?13:55
wilfredorI have a dependence problem http://pastebin.com/19WeS0e113:56
mkanyicyiszak: you can redirect stderr of your program to file and then check if the file is empty or not13:56
MarcGuayHounddog:  A Safari emulator might not give a true representation of what it will look like on a Mac either, defeating the purpose of using it for testing...13:56
iszakmkanyicy: I will get concurrency issues because two programs could generate the same file13:56
iszakmkanyicy: timestamp may mitigate it, seems hackish.13:56
Picihsnopi: linux-virtual is a metapackage that depends on the latest linux-image-*-virtual package, so yes, that is the one you'd need to update.13:56
hsnopiPici: thank you13:57
MarcGuayHounddog:  If you find one that mimics it perfectly, though, please let me know.13:57
HounddogMarcGuay: then the only solution for me is simply to refuse fixing safari bugs and let the users suffer as i do not have the money to invest in a macbook or whatever13:57
cfhowlettHounddog not an ubuntu problem ... shall we move on to ubuntu support?13:58
kristina_Hi. I have have a message on a loading xubuntu screen saying "support for core revisions 0x17 and 0x18 disabled by module paron allhusupport=0...". I've added kernel parameter foo=bar but it did not help. What else can be done??13:59
Hounddogcfhowlett: sorry if i simply replied to something. didnt know it is forbidden to talk here. I know i was messing up all the support questions currently. Sorry to have made your day miserable and cost you an endless amount of salary by that.13:59
hsnopiHave a good day everyone!14:00
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Lost_xhi guys. im trying to create a start up disk or bootable usb stcik, but i can make the make startup disk button enable even i already inserted a a freshly formatted 4gb usb.14:03
cfhowlettLost_x abnormal behavior.  Workaround: install unetbootin and create your disk14:04
LiENUSLost_x, have you tried turning it off and back on again?14:06
TJ-iszak: Try this (using bash): "<your-command> 2> >(cat >/tmp/tmp.$RANDOM)" which will redirect stderr to /tmp/tmp.<some-random-value>14:06
kristina_Hi. I have have a message on a loading xubuntu screen saying "support for core revisions 0x17 and 0x18 disabled by module paron allhusupport=0...". I've added kernel parameter foo=bar but it did not help. What else can be done??14:11
iszakTJ-: thanks again14:11
raubEasy peasy question: I want a given nameserver to show on the top in /etc/resolv.conf. So I went in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and added th eline nameserver
raubwhen I do dhclient, it puts it where I want14:13
raubbut later on it changes and gets whatever dhcp is feeding eth0. Why is my change in /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf being ignored?14:13
TJ-raub: are you aware of "man resolvconf" ?14:14
raubTJ-: yeah. I was trying to figure out if I should do it in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head or /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf14:18
raubI guess that answers my question14:18
Lost_xLiENUS, im currently on ubuntu live cd.14:18
raubTJ-: so, how do the two (dhclient vs resolvconf) fight?14:19
raubdhclient does its thing first and then resolvconf comes behind it?14:19
* hsnopi is curious as well14:19
Lost_xi;ll do it later. waiting for the download to finish14:19
TJ-raub: "/etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/resolvconf" should pass the nameservers to the resolvconf scripts that build "/etc/resolv.conf" (actually it's "/run/resolvconf/resolv.conf")14:22
trijntjedoes wget keep a copy of everything it downloads in memory? I'm fetching all irc logs from logs.ubuntu.com but the memory usage of  wget is off the charts14:22
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trijntjeUsing 1.6 GB now, has downloaded 1GB14:22
TJ-trijntje: single thread or multiples?14:23
trijntjeTJ-: I think 1, I didnt specify multithread14:24
TJ-trijntje: is it doing --convert-links ?14:24
trijntjeTJ-: no, I used this command: wget -r --accept "*.txt" irclogs.ubuntu.com/14:24
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eoanhi all, maybe an odd request... I wasn't able to get my usb soundcard to be recognised on 14.04, tried a bunch of stuff from the forums, last thing I did was try installing the latest alsa driver/dkms which broke all my audio.  I removed that, then purged and reinstalled alsa-base and pulseaudio, rebooted, and now both hdaintel *and* my usb soundcard show up and work.  I tried purging and reinstalling alsa-base and pulseaudio se14:25
eoanveral times over the course of my poking and prodding, so I'm at a loss as to what finally fixed it :D is there a log I can look at to try to figure out what solved it?  I'd like to know for the future, and I thought it might be a useful thing to post on the ubuntu forum in case someone else runs into the same problem, but until I find just what did it...14:25
raubTJ-: Really? I have always ASSumed that /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head would be a good plac eto do so, just like I use /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/footer for extra options (timeout to swtich nameservers and so on)14:26
TJ-trijntje: not sure then - possibly because it is fetching all the various web-server auto-index permutations and reading all their internal links?14:26
TJ-raub: "...but later on it changes and gets whatever dhcp is feeding eth0..." so whatever dhclient started with is replaced when it gets a DHCPOFFER, presumably... I thought your aim wwas to ensure dhclient 'knows' about the nameservers too14:27
trijntjeTJ-: I'm not sure what that means. The directory structure of the logs is very simple, its /year/month/day/channel.txt, so what could cause that memory usage? Unless it parses all .html versions of log files and keeps a 'todo' list of every link it finds in memory?14:28
raubTJ-: oh yes! Now, can I tell it to use whatever nameserver aspecific interface is offering?14:29
trijntjebut even then, almost 2GB with only url's is insanely much14:29
raubTJ-: so i can be really lazy ;)14:29
JT_Can anyone recommend a minimal disc install method (CD size, as the server doesn't have a dvd rom it in... don't ask)?14:29
TJ-raub: I *think* so but its a very long time since I played with those particular configurations of dhclient14:29
TJ-JT_: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:30
raubMorning Split!14:31
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JT_TJ-: was that listed on the website and I missed it, as I looked everywhere.14:31
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trijntjeTJ-: I guess I'll restart the download specifying the depth14:31
tinkerWhere do you store your programming stuff? In the home directory or somewhere safer?14:32
raubtinker: elaborate? I want to say internal svn/git but not just yet14:32
raubRight now I know nothing about what you really want to do14:32
tinkerwell I use git but I have it on my comp as well obv. I just read about Alaeda https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Linuxvirus, maybe home directory is not a good place for executables?14:33
tinkerwhere do you store your programming repos?14:33
TJ-JT_: It's listed from the Community/Installation wiki page14:33
JT_TJ-: Guess I missed it somehow... Thanks again.14:34
raubtinker: I am still confused, so I will be babbling here:14:34
raubat work we use svn14:34
TJ-tinker: I have a separate LV file-system at "/home/all/SourceCode" where I put all external source, and another at "/home/all/Projects" for my own code14:35
raubAt home I use my own git server, which feeds ansible, puppet, docker14:35
tinkerI use bitbucket and git for version control and storage, I am talking about where to store the repo on my local machine14:35
raubA bit similar to TJ-, my homedir is NFS-mounted14:35
raubtinker: I have seen people create a separate user for their repo development14:36
tinkermaybe a good idea for safety?14:36
Freederfrom the grub shell, how can i tell what /dev/ devices are on the machine?14:36
johnthomasdouganAnyone using an asus t10014:36
tinkerseparate user for multimedia as well?14:36
rauband then do the chroot thingie so the packages they need are not installed in the host14:36
TJ-I push my own projects to several different 'remotes' internally and externally14:36
raubTJ-: do you have th elink for instruction on doing a ubuntu package on hand? You know, the one dealing with chroots14:37
raubi think that might help tinker14:37
TJ-LXC is great for isolating untrusted binaries14:37
bhaysis this the right channel for ubuntu support?14:38
TJ-raub: I'm not clear on what you're asking? You mean standard debian package building?14:38
eeeeeebhays: yes14:38
raubTJ-: I am kinda playing with docker for that reason14:38
raubTJ-: I think so. I am assuming that is what he is asking14:38
_1_johnthomasdouanyone using ubuntu on an Asus T10014:39
raubTJ-: I plan on having jenkings server firing up docker thingies to do builds14:39
TJ-I'm not clear whether tinker means a source-code or Debian package 'repo' here14:39
cfhowlett__1_johnthomasdou statistically yes, but that is a useless question.  give details of your issue and perhaps someone can help.14:40
tinkersource code+binaries14:40
raubTJ-: welcome to the club. That's why I asked tinker to elaborate14:40
cfhowlett_bhays ask your ubuntu questions14:40
Freederfrom the grub shell, how can i tell what /dev/ devices are on the machine?14:40
raubbhays: you do not need a blessing from the space pope14:40
TJ-tinker: why would you mix the binaries with the source? Do you mean the intermediate build product before the binaries are packaged?14:41
_1_johnthomasdoumy question was is anyone using that set up. NOT a statement that i have questions and not rhetorical.14:41
bhayslol - just lurking for now...14:41
tinkerTJ: binaries for android for example14:42
tinkermaybe ti doesnt matter14:42
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raubtinker: I used to build my android binaries in a usb drive of all things14:44
TJ-tinker: executing untrusted code in some kind of jail (chroot/container/vm, apparmor/SELinux, etc.) is always preferred14:44
raubAnd then sync the source with a internal repository14:45
raubbut, a jail like TJ- said is the way to go: keep all the packages you need out of yours OS's back14:45
andlabsHi. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1NIvuBqcVif This is one of my laptop fans right now. Is there a way I can shut it off from within Ubuntu? Googling doesn't help. Dell Precision M6400. Thanks.14:46
XanoI am following the instructions from https://www.varnish-cache.org/installation/ubuntu, but the first command results in https://gist.github.com/bartfeenstra/c0fc640f9c5464ed2068.14:46
TJ-andlabs: Sounds like something is trapped in the fan. Switch the PC off and clean it out... compressed air at a minimum, maybe need to lift the heatsink/pipe and clean the radiator manually14:47
andlabsTJ-: yeah; in my experience compressed air doens't work on these fans and for this laptop you literally have ot take everything apart, but I'll try that later; thanks :S14:48
TJ-andlabs: I use an industrial compressor... never fails and it makes the fans sing very high notes ... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee14:48
wheatthinandlabs, it depends if you're a smoker or not actually.14:48
cfhowlett_andlabs cats?  dogs?14:49
TJ-Sounded like a GCHQ tap to me :p14:49
andlabsTJ-: heh14:49
eeeeeesounded like those waves they record in the alien movies14:50
bhaysor if the cats are smokers,,,,14:50
wheatthinbhays, yup that too~!14:50
wheatthinblame it on the cats.. lol14:50
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wheatthinresinous air being sucked in through the intake will definitely coat the fans and then make the hair much harder to get out14:51
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GreatPotatoJust installed Ubuntu server15:00
ubottuGreatPotato: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server15:00
GreatPotatoIm now getting “Ubuntu login:”15:01
GreatPotatoBut i cant do anything15:01
GreatPotatoIts like the usb keyboard is not responding...15:01
mguyGreatPotato: what hardware?15:03
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GreatPotatoPlugged the keyboard in another usb port, suddenly came to life15:04
raubGreatPotato: do it again when you can but keep monitoring /var/log/dmesg15:05
raubGreatPotato: the log file should report when the usb device is connected and disconnected15:06
raubAnd what it thinks of it15:06
raubI did notice it is best to connect keyboard and rodents to the USB ports on the motherboard than the ones on the case of a desktop15:07
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eSoulHey guys, I jsut did an update and dist-upgrade and somehow my dkms install got hosed.  How can I go about reinstalling it15:11
eSoulcan I just apt-get remove and then a install?15:11
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bananamonHello. What are some websites that people from the EU buy computer parts or laptops? I am in the EU and everything is about the double price when I look to buy locally, compared to the US.15:16
xangua!ot | bananamon15:17
ubottubananamon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:17
bananamonI need a good machine to support my linux system :/15:17
gogogadgetowhy is "sudo gvfs-mount -s gphoto2" not working but without sudo it is working?15:17
tinkerHow vulnerable is Ubuntu to injected code in websites?15:21
MonkeyDusttinker  vulnerable in what sense?15:22
compdoc_they keep all packages updated. you can check to see if there is a particular vuln for the injected code youre thinking about15:22
tinkerMonkeyDust, well in all senses there are. Installing viruses, stealing my pw data etc15:23
MonkeyDusttinker  afaik, there are no working linux virussen in the wild, not sure about other threats15:24
_TJ_tinker: most web-server vulnerabilities are due to server-admin mis-configuration, or lax security policy, or plain bad programming in web 'apps'15:25
wolf__cant agree more.15:26
seanhHey, can anyone tell me what "Ubuntu Online Services" means these days? I would have thought Ubuntu One, but that's shutting down. Canonical are apparently still hiring for Ubuntu Online Services though15:26
DrGrovHello. I am using 14.04 64-bit and having issues with the official repos, using the ones in Finland. Can I easily switch from Synaptic to the Swedish ones in order to get the updates?15:28
MonkeyDustseanh  is this link relevant http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/07/run-microsoft-office-web-apps-ubuntu-desktop15:28
DrGrovIt says that the package is missing somehow, not sure why and how but the repositories seem to be slow.15:29
seanhMonkeyDust: I don't think so15:29
andreslara501The Microsoft's web-app it's no good :S, because the app open in my browser :S, I did't like that15:30
bananamonSo, running the software updating and not running random code will keep me safe?15:34
laspahrTJ- you here?15:38
laspahrGuess not.. Here's what he told me to tell anyone who wanted to help15:40
laspahr[00:40] (TJ-) laspahr_: I may be around later today (my time) .. if not, and someone else helps you, tell them the problem could be a bad initrd.img config (requires "sudo update-initramfs -uk all"), but more likely the Upstart init daemon isn't kicking off the jobs correctly... since the getty terminals aren't being started15:40
ikonialaspahr: whats actually the problem ?15:40
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laspahrWell i installed Ubuntu touch, then it wouldnt turn on, and now the problem is something wrong with whatever he said lpl15:41
ikonialaspahr: you may want to try #ubuntu-touch15:41
ikonialaspahr: that channel deals with ubuntu touch spefically15:41
renjennoobIm having a problem booting ubuntu on acer aspire i5 64bit windows 8 preinstalled15:41
laspahrNo no no... I was on ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit on laptop15:42
renjennoobActually i want to install it next to windows 815:42
ikonialaspahr: so ?15:42
renjennoobAnd i have downloaded ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit15:42
laspahrI thought Ubuntu touch was something to help with touch input on my laptop15:42
ikoniano, it's the phone interface15:42
laspahrNow I cant get into ubuntu desktop15:43
laspahrBecause of what TJ- told me i guesa15:43
Beldarikonia, laspahr installed what is in the repos in his ubuntu setup15:43
ikoniadepends what the ubuntu-touch package replaces15:43
renjennoobAny idea how to solve my issue?15:43
bananamongive us more information, renjennob15:43
bananamonyou may killed your partitions15:44
renjennoobI want to install ubuntu next to windows 8 preinstalled on my acer aspire v5 its 64bit and have UEFI boot mode15:44
miladI love python and Django so much !15:45
laspahrSo what do i need to do Beldar or ikonia?15:45
renjennoobBut when rebooting to boot to the usb it doesnt boot15:45
ikoniait depends what the package replaces laspahr15:45
ikoniaI suspect you've replaced more than the desktop with that package15:45
philinuxikonia;~ ubuntu-touch has unity8 as a dependency15:45
ikoniafor a quick win, just re-install the standard ubuntu desktop15:45
philinuxit has a ton of dependencies15:45
ikoniaphilinux: what else does it change though ?15:45
ikoniaI suspect it will probably even change the kernel15:46
laspahrHere's the convo we had.. [00:42] (TJ-) laspahr_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7807152/15:46
ikoniato something designed for the mobile platforms (at a guess/assumption)15:46
miladcan I ask question about Django? <315:46
ikoniamilad: try the #django channel15:46
renjennoobActually the windows file contained in ubuntu iso image didnt help15:46
renjennoobThe exe file15:46
Geofrom the grub shell, how can i tell what /dev/ devices are on the machine?15:47
philinuxikonia;~ no kernel15:47
miladwhy #Django channell is not open?15:47
k1l_Geo: you cant15:47
ikoniaphilinux: useful, thank you15:47
k1l_Geo: see in bios for the hardware15:47
GreatPotatoOk, im setting up my ubuntu server - ive setup a static ip and i can now connect via ssh15:47
GreatPotatoHowever, i can seem to get any internet connectivity?15:47
Beldarlaspahr, My suggestion after talking with you yesterday was a reinstall if you remember, you had a user help you who is a person tries to always fix stuff rather than reinstall and after 3 hours yesterday here it is still broken, you call I would have reinstalled myself.15:48
Geok1l_: the bios wont list /dev/ paths15:48
ikoniaGeo: neither will grub as grub doesn't use /dev paths15:49
k1l_Geo: what do you actually want to do?15:49
laspahrIf i reinstall will all my files still be on there Beldar?15:49
Geoin a grub shell, need to boot the box from it15:49
Geobut i need to tell it the /dev/ path15:49
ikoniaGeo: it uses (hd0) format15:49
Beldarlaspahr, Is there a separate home I forget?15:50
FapFlop|WorkAnyone need a Desktop Support guy in the Jacksonville area? =/15:50
Geoyes, to start15:50
laspahrUmmm.. I made a seperate home partition yes15:50
ikoniaFapFlop|Work: please don't tout for work in here15:50
Geobut once you're in the grub menu itself, i need to specify the /dev/ device15:50
ikoniaGeo: do you mean the boot line15:51
ars23join #debian15:51
Geolinux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdXY ro15:51
raubGeo: does this help? http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20CLI%20Mode%20Commands.html#cli_ls15:51
ikoniaGeo: ok, so that's up to you to know the device15:51
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ObrienDavears23, /join #debian15:51
Geoso how can I find that from a grub shell, or grub menu?15:52
ikoniaGeo: you can't15:52
FapFlop|Workikonia: My bad. Wrong channel.15:52
Beldarlaspahr, IF you correctly install just the root than you will still have home, however I would backup what you can't lose. You also had a a lot of ppa's many not needed. Honestly this install should be a learning lesson on what not to do it was and is messed up in multiple ways.15:52
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JediMastercan anyone recommend a command line tool, like "ftp" to ftp to port 990 with SSL (FTPS)?15:53
ikoniaJediMaster: sftp15:53
laspahrBeldar would you mind walking me through it? Yes, i will not install as many ppas.. Did that for programs that i no longer use heh15:53
Beldarlaspahr, You can wait for TJ though or anyone else, I'm just saying what I think a biased opinion.15:53
JediMasterikonia, isn't that FTP over SSH client?15:53
_TJ_laspahr: Aha, the Gremlin returns!15:53
ikoniaJediMaster: that's secure ftp15:54
laspahrYou're back Lol15:54
varunendraGreatPotato, not sure I can help with something connected via ssh, but can you show us the routing table? The output of - "route -n"15:54
Beldarlaspahr, I have to take off in about 10 min is all, so.15:54
JediMasterikonia, from the man page: " sftp is an interactive file transfer program, similar to ftp(1), which performs all operations over an encrypted ssh(1) transport."15:54
laspahrAlright Beldar, if _TJ_ is willing I'll have him take over?15:55
ikoniaJediMaster: yes and ?15:55
Beldarlaspahr, Yeah I would, go for it.15:55
JediMasterikonia, I am after FTPS, FTP with SSL, not over ssh15:55
JediMasterusually on port 99015:55
raub_TJ_: FYI, I chickened out and edited /etc/resolvconf/interface-order15:55
philinuxBeldar;~ his only other option is to get to a rrecovery root prompt with networking, purge ubunt-touch do an autoremove then reinstall ubuntu-desktop, Maybe. I don't know whats gone before15:55
ikoniaJediMaster: that is ssh15:55
_TJ_laspahr: I read up on the packages you'd installed, earlier, and it shocks me. You killed that Trusty system by indiscriminately installing all sorts of conflicting packages from obscure sources. It's now a mess. Re-install fresh and *don't* go adding random %^%$&! unless you want to re-install again... and again!15:55
JediMasterikonia, port 22 is SSH15:55
GreatPotatovarunendra: My /etc/network/interfaces looks like this:15:55
ikoniaJediMaster: you can specify the port15:55
ikoniaJediMaster: you can also use the ftps client15:55
ikoniaJediMaster: the port is just a number15:56
_TJ_raub: :) easy life15:56
Beldarphilinux, theoretically any OS can be fixed yes. ;) this however is a mess is all.15:56
laspahrOkay, so run live usb and reinstall Ubuntu?15:56
JediMasterikonia, yes, but I'm NOT talking SFTP here, this is a different protocol15:56
_TJ_laspahr: Yes!15:56
JediMasterikonia, what package is the ftps client in, I can't find it in apt-cache search15:56
ikoniaJediMaster: it will work just fine, or as I said use the ftps client15:56
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renjennoobI have live usb and it contains ubuntu15:56
renjennoobBut i cant boot it up on UEFI15:57
laspahrI'll keep all my stuff correct?15:57
_TJ_JediMaster: "apt-get install ftp-ssl"15:57
renjennoobI need windows 8 tho15:57
JediMaster_TJ_, thanks, that's what I'm after15:57
_TJ_renjennoob: Yes, that's a problem with the ISO on a USB hard disk ... because the Firmware can't/doesn't see it as an ISO9660 image15:58
laspahr_TJ_ will i be able to keep all my files like it was minutes before installing Ubuntu touch?15:58
JediMasterikonia, it really won't work:  "sftp -P 990" returns "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host. Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer"15:58
varunendraGreatPotato, that looks a rather abnormal IP for gateway. Are you sure it works and is not an Ad-Hoc address?15:58
GreatPotatoI believe that its right15:58
renjennoobSo whats the solution ?15:59
_TJ_laspahr: What 'stuff'? Anything you need to back-up you'd best do from a Recovery boot, move it to an external disk/USB drive... then start fresh on the SSD :)15:59
varunendraGreatPotato, are you able to ping the gateway?15:59
GreatPotatovarunendra: Here is what i have via DHCP on my mac15:59
laspahr_TJ_ so its a fresh install, not reinstall?15:59
renjennoobUmm i have something16:00
_TJ_laspahr: Yes... you've made such a mess of it you need to start from clean, do it the standard way, and not add lots of weird fluff that kills it16:00
renjennoobOn BIOS16:00
JediMasterikonia, it's a different protocol to sftp, it's "FTP with implicit SSL"16:00
renjennoobi added a custom UEFI firmware16:00
Beldar!uefi | renjennoob16:00
GreatPotatoShould gateway == router?16:00
ubotturenjennoob: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:00
renjennoobFrom ubuntu iso image16:00
raubGreatPotato: AFAIK, yes16:01
laspahrOkay, how do i get my files and put them on a hard drive? /:16:01
_TJ_renjennoob: *if* the UEFI firmware has a boot option that will treat the USB device as a CD, it may boot it16:01
renjennoobI tried that thanks lol16:01
varunendraGreatPotato, is the router working as the DHCP server? Have you checked its DHCP settings?16:01
_TJ_laspahr: Use Recovery mode console again16:01
tinkerCan I surf via my smartphone?16:01
renjennoobI only have access to grub boot file16:01
varunendraGreatPotato, gateway == router - usually.16:01
dhaval2712How do you install OpenSync in Ubuntu?16:01
GreatPotatoOk that kind of seems to be working now16:01
GreatPotatoIf i do “ping bbc.co.uk” i get:16:02
dhaval2712I want to install BarryDesktop16:02
varunendraGreatPotato, magic or some modification?16:02
GreatPotatoping: unknown host bbc.co.uk16:02
ars23hi guys, I have a problem with internet connection via DSL...  It worked but after a restart of the PC I can't connect anymore ( I can only via Mobile Broadband)... The reason, it seems to be stuck at requiring address, and after that automatically disconnects...16:02
GreatPotatoBut if i do “ping” it works...16:02
renjennoobAny idea how to boot the system from grub boot?16:02
raubGreatPotato: check your dns16:02
GreatPotatoraub: where do i check it16:02
raubGreatPotato: can do you nslookup bbc.co.uk?16:03
srofitanybody know how to install version 1.1 and version 1.3 of libfltk?16:03
laspahr_TJ_ go to root?16:03
raubGreatPotato: /etc/resolv.conf is where the nameservers your machine is using should be defined16:03
varunendraGreatPotato, so you need DNS. If the router is not configured to forward the DNS requests to a proper DNS server, you must define that manually in the /etc/network/interfaces file.16:03
GreatPotatoI keep setting them in resolv.conf and they keep disapearing, is that normal?16:03
_TJ_renjennoob: UEFI does a 'simple' boot for removable media (CD/DVD) by looking for the file "/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi" and if it finds it, loading it. That doesn't generally happen for USB storage since the Firmware treats it as a fixed disk and simply looks for a GTP partition table with an ESP in it16:03
_TJ_laspahr: Yes :)16:03
raubGreatPotato: what is defined there16:04
GreatPotatoNothing now16:04
GreatPotatoBut i did have:16:04
raubGreatPotato: do you know the ip for your router?16:04
tinkeri mobile broadband a problem or do all USB mobile broadbands work?16:04
GreatPotatoEvery reboot though they are gone16:04
laspahrThen..? Sorry I'm not experienced in linux quite yet16:04
_TJ_GreatPotato: "/etc/resolv.conf" should contain "nameserver" which is the internal, Network-Manager managed, instance of dnsmasq.16:04
varunendraGreatPotato, if resolvconf package is installed on the system, it will reset the resolv.conf file everytime.16:04
raubGreatPotato: pastebin resolv.conf16:05
_TJ_GreatPotato: Is it a desktop/GUI system?16:05
=== _TJ_ is now known as TJ-
GreatPotatoNo server16:05
dhaval2712popey: You here brother?16:05
GreatPotatoBasically trying to make an internal webserver16:05
leshaafanybody here uses dcm4chee for medical organitations?16:05
GreatPotatoOk have it working now :)16:05
TJ-GreatPotato: OK, so it has a static IP declared in "/etc/network/interfaces" ?16:05
raubTJ-: I think GreatPotato needs to see if whoever is feeding dhcp info is giving a good dns server IMHO16:06
laspahrTJ- I'm probably gonna need step by step instructions...16:06
GreatPotatoThink ive figured it now, i added dns-nameservers to my network interfaces16:06
GreatPotatoNext question - when i connect to the server via samba i get some weird printer stuff16:06
raubGreatPotato: That should work. Is that a home box?16:06
leshaafanybody here uses dcm4chee for medical organitations?16:07
GreatPotatoOn the old centos server i had, it would log me in to the server root, how can i change this?16:07
TJ-GreatPotato: so the stanza for the Ethernet interface should also have something like "   dns-nameservers <IP-address-of-DNS-server> ..."16:07
mofaiHi all16:07
TJ-!root | GreatPotato16:07
ubottuGreatPotato: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:07
TJ-!sudo | GreatPotato16:07
ubottuGreatPotato: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:07
raubYou can always sudo -i if you need to16:07
GreatPotatoTJ-: no i mean i want to be able to access the server from /16:08
mofaiI've installed java sdk bundled with netbeans. How to check if the Java JRE is also installed?16:08
GreatPotatoBut when i login via samba it gives me some weird printer thing16:08
TJ-GreatPotato: Doesn't that depend on what share's you've defined?16:08
GreatPotatoI havent defined any16:08
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TJ-GreatPotato: You'll need to configure samba  to your requirements16:09
gogogadgetowhat could be the problem if "gvfs-mount -s gphoto2" is working but not with sudo?16:10
Alma_de_poetaim running kubuntu fron usb-stick  i get notification from low disk space but the stik have 14 more free gb ¿what can i do?16:10
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laspahrTJ- I'm a bit linux illiterate..16:11
raubAlma_de_poeta: you mean df -h told you you have free space?16:12
TJ-laspahr: instructions to do what, exactly? Back-up your user files?16:12
laspahrTJ- si16:12
MonkeyDust!backup | laspahr16:13
ubottulaspahr: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:13
Alma_de_poetarax-: ub i mean i'm only use 2 GB from a 16GB stick so, there are 14 GB free16:13
TJ-laspahr: Have a read through this, and some of the Suggestions links at the end: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem16:13
TJ-Alma_de_poeta: is the USB device partitioned as one large partition containing the root file-system, or several smaller file-systems? use "df" to see which devices/mounts are running low on free space"16:14
raubTJ-: if he pastebin df -h it would help16:15
TJ-raub: agreed :)16:15
zenxhi i have setup tftpd (at the moment xinetd but with tftpd-hpa same result) and I get a timeout whenever i try and retrieve a file16:16
raubAlma_de_poeta: pastebin df -h. If you are not sure how to do so, let us know16:16
zenxthis on ubuntu 14.04, previous versions with the exact same configuration worked16:16
raubzenx: /var/log/syslog is where I would start16:17
TJ-zenx: 14.04 is the TFTP server?16:17
zenxTJ: no, ubuntu16:17
zenxraub: thanks i was wondering wher i could get debug16:17
TJ-zenx: You mean Ubuntu 14.04 is the TFTP server?16:18
zenxTJ-: yes16:18
bruce927Are there any issues at the moment with the raring repos?16:18
bruce927I'm getting 404s whenever I try to access them16:18
raubzenx: that is what TJ_ asked: who is the tftp server16:18
TJ-zenx: Have you tried connecting to the TFTP server port using a telnet client, to prove the connection is working?16:18
xanguabruce927: 13.10 is no longer supported16:18
bruce927xangua: And so the repos have been taken down?16:19
k1l_raring is 13.04 and that is EOL some time now. 13.10 even went EOL today16:19
zenxTJ-: no i didn't knwo you could do that, anyway using tftp client on localhost produced no output in syslog16:19
bruce927Ah, that makes sense16:19
zenxwill try telnet16:19
raubbruce927: if you must use 13.04, there is an old-repo site. Otherwise I would update it16:19
zenxtelnet can't connect16:20
Findegil: Hey everyone, anyone familiar with myisamchk ?16:20
raubzenx: is tftpd up?16:20
laspahrTJ- i dont see instructions..16:20
zenxxinetd is, i cant grep ps for any tftpd16:20
TJ-bruce927: If you need to "do-release-upgrade" you can so "sudo sed -i 's,http://.*archive\.ubuntu\.com,http://old-releases.ubuntu.com,' /etc/apt/sources.list" to point to the old-archives repository, then do "sudo apt-get update" to fetch the package lists.16:21
raubzenx: start tftpd manually (thinkit evne has a debug mode)16:21
raubAnd then try again. i.e. eliminate variables16:21
raubthen you can see if you have firewall issues16:21
TJ-zenx: did you restart the xinetd service after configuring for tftpd?16:21
raubwhile oyu have a running tftpd instance16:21
zenxTJ-: yes16:22
raubif that works, your xinetd config has issues16:22
TJ-zenx: OK, do as raub has suggested then16:22
zenxtftpd is installed, I am guessing xinetd manages tftpd16:22
raubzenx: you can start tftpd manually. Check man page16:22
zenxraub: will do, thanks all16:23
laspahrTJ- the page you gave me doesn't seem to help.. Unless i missed something16:23
nicholasdipiazzaXRDP session shows the desktop for a second then POOF it terminates me. I'm using ubuntu 14.x with XFCE4. Here is a link of the issue: http://tinyurl.com/ns4k59h16:23
nicholasdipiazzaanyone ever see this?16:23
Alma_de_poetaraub: /dev/sda1 15G  3,0G   12G   21% /cdrom16:23
raubOnce it is running, telnet as TJ- said but from localhost and then from anothe rmachine16:23
raubAlma_de_poeta: pastebin the entire shebang16:24
raubAlma_de_poeta: cdrom is usually read-only16:24
Alma_de_poetaraub:  i try but dont know how to copy the text, ritgh button dont work16:24
TJ-Alma_de_poeta: "df | pastebinit"16:24
raubTJ-: the pipes the pipes are calling16:25
nicholasdipiazzaDoes anyone know the status of gnome-session + ubuntu 14 + xrdp working?16:25
nicholasdipiazzais that still broken?16:25
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:26
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Alma_de_poetacommand not found patebinit16:28
raubAlma_de_poeta: pastebininit ? Note the "s"16:28
laspahr_TJ- no instructions in either of those pages that apply to me.. Unless you're seeing something I'm not16:29
cuddylierAnyone any idea why my 'top' is spammed with 'fuser' processes?16:29
raubAlma_de_poeta: make it pastebinit16:29
cuddylier 8087 root      20   0  7176  836  692 R   33  0.0   0:00.17 fuser16:29
zaggynlHi, I just installed ubuntu 14.04 64bit on my spare SSD but when I attempt to boot from it I end up with a blinking cursor16:30
raubAlma_de_poeta: if that does not work, df > /tmp/df and then read /tmp/df by any means16:30
raubzaggynl: is grub happy?16:30
TJ-laspahr_: If you want to back-up *everything* in your "/home/$USER/" to a single compressed file, that you can then put on a USB stick, you can do "tar -czf /tmp/home-backup.tar.gz /home/$USER" (replace $USER with your usual username)16:31
zaggynlraub: I don't know, I didn't get to choose where to leave grub16:31
zaggynlI just picked "install along side windows 7"16:31
zaggynlhad to put a gpt partition table on the ssd first though16:31
TJ-laspahr_: That'll give you the file "/tmp/home-backup.tar.gz" which you can simply "cp" to a mounted USB stick file-system16:31
laspahr_TJ- that'll backup everything on my computer?16:32
TJ-laspahr_: It'll backup only what is in the user home directory16:32
TJ-laspahr_: If you stored documents or other files in other locations, you'd need to add those to the tar archive too16:32
TJ-laspahr_: usually, all user-created files are under /home/$USER/16:33
laspahr_idk if I did or not ._.16:33
laspahr_if I can't remember, then it's probably not important anyway..16:33
zaggynlI'll just try reinstalling with a msdos type partition table :/16:34
TJ-zaggynl: if you get a flashing cursor that strongly suggests a legacy/MBR boot which can't find core.img16:34
laspahr_Uh oh...16:34
laspahr_tar: /home/$USER (I put mine): Cannot stat: No such file or directory16:34
laspahr_it says16:34
laspahr_tar (child): /tmp/home-backup.tar.gz: Cannot open: Read-Only file system16:35
laspahr_Error is not recoverable: exiting now16:35
laspahr_TJ- what's that mean?16:36
TJ-laspahr_: Hmmm, OK, because of single-user mode the root file-system is read-only16:36
laspahr_so... what's that mean..?16:36
TJ-laspahr_: in that case best step is to insert a USB stick that has free space, mount it, and tell tar to write the archive directly to it16:36
laspahr_so instead of /tmp/home-backup.tar.gz put /*harddrivedir*/home-backup.tar.gz ?16:37
gogogadgetoI am still trying to figure out why "gvfs-mount -s gphoto2" is working but not with sudo. can you help me?16:37
laspahr_does a USB Hard Drive count?16:37
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TJ-laspahr: yes, any external writeable storage16:38
laspahrokay.. this is gonna sound dumb but how do I mount the HD and find the dir?16:38
Alma_de_poetaraub: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7809836/16:39
TJ-laspahr: plug it in first16:40
TJ-laspahr: then do "blkid" to identify the file-system you want to mount16:41
superTJ-, haha welcome back16:41
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TJ-Alma_de_poeta: "blkid | pastebinit"16:42
Guest13267hello, when I ping host1 it works fine, but as soon as I ping an unknown host, the first ping to host1 can resolve host1 for a few seconds. super weird. Any ideas? 12.04.416:42
laspahrit gives sda1,2,4,5,6,7,8 and sdb216:43
laspahrah, it's sdb216:43
laspahrnevermind, thankyou!!16:43
TJ-laspahr: then identify a mount-point to put it on ("/mnt/" should be there) and then do "mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/"16:43
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laspahrjust type mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/ ?16:44
TJ-laspahr: if that works, it *should* be read/write mounted... check using "mount" l16:44
TJ-laspahr: yes16:44
TJ-mount should show /dev/sdb2 as (rw) -- read/write16:44
AnoJoneshi, i'm having trouble hearing sound. When running commands like 'aplay -l' I can see alas.conf (/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf) is missing. I tried reinstallg alsa lib (sudo apt-get install --reinstall libasound2), but it didn't work (reinstall worked, file still does not exists)16:45
superAnoJones, pulseaudio -k16:46
AnoJonessuper - doesn't do (or at least show) anything?16:46
superAnoJones, also install pavucontrol16:46
AnoJonessuper - m.. well in configuration it says 'no cards available for configuration'. Meaning my sound card isn't plugged O_o ?16:48
superAnoJones, is it usb audio?16:48
AnoJonesno, built in.16:49
AnoJonesI did however replaced my PSU lately. Didn't touch too much though. I guess I can look at it if you think it's the issue?16:49
superAnoJones, aplay -l | pastebinit16:50
AnoJoneswell nvm. I forget to close the computer and it's easy to see. the built in sound driver doesn't have any cables even, so no can do there (sorry if it's obvious it can't have any cables; not too familiar with hardware as you can see)16:51
AnoJonesanyway: http://pastebin.com/pcamnsjN16:51
superAnoJones, don't think psu is the cause of your problem16:51
NGC3982Hi guys, im trying to start a daemon, but when i do, it wants me to use the "/etc/init.d/nameofdaemon start". When i do that, i in turn get "start-stop-daemon: --start needs --exec or --startas". It links me to a help file i do not understand.16:51
Guest13267ping issue: http://i.imgur.com/O3oPchF.png16:51
NGC3982The help file tells me i need to start with -S, but that gives of the same effect.16:51
superGuest13267, ping -c 5 -n www.google.com16:52
Guest13267super, works 5/516:52
superAnoJones, did you make any changes on your bios settings?16:53
superand also check your audio jack16:53
AnoJonessuper - nope, definitely didn't touch the bios. Tried reconnecting the audio jack several times. Speakers works when connected to phone btw, so not a speakers/jack issue either16:55
superAnoJones, are you dual booting windows also?16:55
AnoJonessuper - I'm pretty sure the problem is the file doesn't exists. The question is, how do I recreate it.. doesn't that looks like ap roblem?16:55
superAnoJones, apt-get update16:55
AnoJonessuper - yes, but i've been dual-booting windows for a while now, and it worked so far.16:56
AnoJonessuper - ran update (and upgrade/dist-upgrade after). It shows the usual output, update anyway. upgrade/dist showed no updates to be installed.16:56
superAnoJones, yeah I remember when I switch back and forth between windows to ubuntu I would get audio problem16:57
Alma_de_poetatj i cant use pastebinit and cant install it because lack of space in disk16:57
AnoJonessuper - i'm a bit confused. Wouldn't simply recreating the file (not sure how) fix this? what makes you think that file is not the issue?16:57
superAnoJones, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS16:59
AnoJonessuper - ha, found how to cerate the file. reinstalled libasound2-data (found the info from http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Asoundrc ). Trying to play a bit to see if I can hear now, since errors don't show up.17:00
superAlma_de_poeta, yeah you will learn a lot after troubleshooting and breaking stuff :)17:00
NGC3982http://pastebin.com/GtJESAwW <- I'm trying to start this daemon. What on earth am i getting wrong?17:01
Alma_de_poetasuper:  maybe, now i learn that i have almost 10 GB of disk space unused that i cant use until i know how to do17:01
superAlma_de_poeta, you can add another hard drive to your volume group and extend it17:01
NGC3982I'm trying to read the examples and man file for service, init.d and start-stop-daemon, but i dont understand what's wrong.17:02
Alma_de_poetasuper:  im running kubuntu from usb stick, that stick has only used 3 GB from 16 GB17:02
superAlma_de_poeta, if you installed with LVM you can resize it17:03
Alma_de_poetaso i asume with that and 6GB of ram i can get more free space17:03
Alma_de_poetasuper:  i dont know what i use, a aplicatión from the list, it does all the job17:03
superAlma_de_poeta, sudo lsdisplay | pastebinit17:04
Alma_de_poetasuper pastebinit isnt installed17:06
AnoJonessuper - reboot :( brb17:06
supersudo lvdisplay | pastebinit17:06
supersudo apt-get install pastebinit easy17:06
Alma_de_poetasuper dont work, no space XD17:06
supersudo lvdisplay I want to know if the /dev/vg_volume/root is using too much17:07
raubsuper: you did check if he is not running off a cd, right?17:08
hsnopidumb question, is this correct? sudo mount -v -t ext4 /dev/xvdf /mnt/opt17:08
superraub, is he on livecd?17:08
Alma_de_poetasuper usb-stick17:08
raubsuper: did he give you the output of df?17:08
superGuest13267, ifconfig what does it say?17:09
Alma_de_poetasuper this is df http://paste.ubuntu.com/7809836/17:09
Guest13267super, lo+eth017:10
Alma_de_poeta and thid from lvdisplay --> No volume groups found17:10
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raubAlma_de_poeta: how did you install ubuntu in the usb drive?17:12
anojonessuper - thx, it works now! Had to play a bit with configuration after reboot, but it works! thanks :)17:12
raubsuper: I am only seeing a large device in sdb and a cd in sda17:13
Alma_de_poetaraub:  a usb installer in the menu, just select installer and the iso17:13
superraub, his /dev/sda used 100%17:13
anojonessuper - just a random question since you seem to know a lot about ubuntu: My computer is old (and slow), and i'm a bit afraid of upgrading to 14 due to performance. Any justifiction to my fear, or should I just upgrade?17:13
raubsuper: did he make a livecd into the usb  or something?17:13
superanojones, system specs17:14
superraub, yes17:14
anojonesnote that currently i'm on 13, and it is a bit slow; but good enough, most of the times17:14
anojonessuper - any quick app for it or should I just list what's on my mind?17:14
raubsuper: that explains the mystery then17:14
OerHeksanojones, your support ends today.17:15
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy17:15
anojonesOerHeks - only security updates :P and yeah I know, I just got notification from it, which is why i'm asking.17:16
daftykinsanojones: consider ditching unity and going for something like xubuntu if you have old hardware17:16
superanojones, sudo dmidecode -t 4 | pastebinit17:16
anojonesOerHeks - but I prefer a non-supported fast-working 13, than a supported very-slow-working 14 ubuntu ..17:16
Alma_de_poetaraub:  super ¿what can i do? i dont mind if i need to erase the usb-stick and rebuilt it from diferent aproach17:16
OerHeksanojones,  no security updates, sorry17:16
anojonesOerHeks - that is what I ment. Only no security updates. At least that's what the notification said.17:16
raubanojones: then you would want to go back to 12.0417:16
anojonesraub - I do think about it, yes.17:17
superAlma_de_poeta, how big is that .iso you used to create your liveusb?17:17
Alma_de_poetasuper just the livecd from kubuntu, 1,07GB17:17
superand you say you have 16gb usb right?17:17
raubsuper: would he doing a normal install to the usb (livecd on disk 1, then installing to disk 2) do the trick?17:18
superdid you create it with dd?17:18
raubsuper: partition time?17:18
Alma_de_poetano, i just use a usb live creator from menu17:18
Alma_de_poetajust need to select the usb and the iso17:18
superAlma_de_poeta, are you trying to put Ubuntu to your USB?17:19
raubAlma_de_poeta: the live installs are ephemerous: they use your memory as temporary storage. Once oyu logout, it is all gone17:19
OerHeksanojones, 14.04 didn't change that much from 13.10, so i wonder, how do you tell 14.04 is slower?17:19
ObrienDaveunless you add persistance to the usb17:19
anojonessuper - the relevant information seems to be only Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz, (and 2 GB memory, I think it's relevant). Any chance that's enough?17:19
Alma_de_poetasuper i want to try a persistent ubuntu  in the usb stick so i can customice it and when all is done install whenever i want17:19
raubObrienDave: or that ;)17:19
anojonesOerHeks - as said, I'm afraid it will be. I didn't try it though. But usually, upgrades to a software doesn't lower the specs requirements.17:20
raubanojones: for a server that is plenty17:20
zaggynlyay, got it installed and booted this time, had to use uefi boot menu to boot ubuntu17:20
anojonesraub - ubuntu server? I'm talking about ubuntu desktop :P17:20
zaggynlone thing though, moving cursor from one screen to another is very difficult17:20
zaggynlcursor gets stuck all the time17:20
Alma_de_poetai have also 6 GB of ram so i think in put swap directly in ram, 1 gb, maybe more17:20
raubanojones: the memory will get to you17:21
raubanojones: I run 14.04 in an old X61 with 4GB and it is fine17:21
ObrienDaveAlma_de_poeta, no, use ISO on DVD to install to the entire USB drive17:21
ObrienDavethat will give you full capacity of the USB17:22
zaggynlsticky edges disabling fixed cursor stuck, nice17:22
anojonesraub - yeah I can feel it a bit in 13 too. Will the upgrade to 14.04 makes the feeling noticeable worse ?17:22
anojones(I know i'm wrong with my use of the word 'noticeable', but i'm not sure how to fix it :P sorry about that)17:22
superAlma_de_poeta, try that persistent and see how you like it.17:22
raubanojones: probably as bad as 13.17:22
anojonesraub - any way I can upgrade to 14.04 with a fast-way to downgrade to 13.04 if I want to?17:23
Alma_de_poetaObrienDave:  thats what i try but i failed, so the ubs is used only in 21%17:23
raubanojones: live install (CD/USB) of 14.04?17:24
ObrienDaveAlma_de_poeta, not if you used live creator, that only uses what it needs17:24
raubThen if you don't like it, you never changed anything17:24
Alma_de_poetaso what i need to use?17:24
rcampbel3nslookup us-west-2.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com <-- not in DNS! What's going on?17:24
ObrienDaveAlma_de_poeta, burn ISO to DVD, boot DVD, use that to install to USB17:24
anojonesraub - don't have any. I think I can boot iso from hard drive though, so I guess the live install is an option. I'll try that, thanks!17:25
Alma_de_poetawell, i restart and ask from dvd17:25
Alma_de_poetaseveral minuts17:25
anojonessuper - thanks again for the audio issue!17:25
superanojones, I didn't do much bro just gave you the link :)17:25
raubanojones: FYI, I did install lubuntu in a really old machine with only 1GB and it works fine17:25
anojonesraub - i'll check out lubuntu too then, cool.17:26
ObrienDaveanojones, you'll like Xubuntu much better17:26
anojonessuper - you also checked some commands before, checked the output, went with me.. you did much :)17:26
superfor system with 1GB please use LXLE not the Ubuntu gnome,kubuntu, unity17:26
anojonesObrienDave - k, I got 3 versions to test then :P hehe. thanks.17:26
anojoneslater all, thanks again!17:26
ObrienDaveno prob17:27
raubsuper: that's what I did17:27
raubI think that is the default for lubuntu17:27
superubuntu lxle 14.0417:27
superi think they changed their name from lxde17:27
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superquiet again17:32
Alma_de_poetaall ready17:37
superhi Alma_de_poeta17:37
Alma_de_poetabooted  from the dvd17:37
Alma_de_poetaand the stick is in my hand17:37
Alma_de_poetalast time i used startup disk creator17:38
Alma_de_poetawhat i should be use_17:38
ObrienDavesuper, lxle is a different DE from lxde. http://lxle.net/17:38
superObrienDave, oh. thanks17:39
narcosHi all. I have an Ubuntu 13.10 laptop for which no-one can remember the creds for. I can't seem to figure out how to single boot the machine as there's no grub men. Any hints?17:40
Alma_de_poetaObrienDave: , super, raub +what i use to make a bootable persistent usb stick_17:41
OCP001narcos: press Shift while booting, this should bring up the grub menu17:41
__Rocky__narcos, You should have grub menu. Maybe its not being displayed. Press shift will booting17:41
narcosahhh thanks! rebooting17:41
ObrienDaveAlma_de_poeta, install selecting ENTIRE usb. there should be a replace all option. make SURE you select the USB before installing17:42
narcoshm that didn't seem to work *tries again*17:42
Alma_de_poetaObrienDave:  you mean to install the same way if i install on hard disck_17:43
Alma_de_poetathats dont use grub_17:44
ObrienDavethat will make the whole USB a stand-alone OS. it will still use grub as a bootloader, you won't see the boot menu17:46
narcosHolding shift doesn't seem to GRUB me.17:47
Alma_de_poetaObrienDave:  i dont wnat to install a bootloader, while i can select from where to load by bios with only one key17:48
ObrienDavethe USB still needs a bootloader to boot the OS on the USB17:49
ObrienDaveit's not like you're going to add grub to your HD. you're just making a stand-alone OS on the USB17:51
ObrienDaveyou plug in the usb, turn on the machine, and the usb boots. easy17:51
Alma_de_poetathats is what i want17:52
superAlma_de_poeta, you can you Disks to create your liveusb and also have free space17:52
ObrienDaveAlma_de_poeta, i have several usb drives setup that way17:54
Alma_de_poetasuper:  i reserved 5GB for usual data transfer bewten pcs17:55
Alma_de_poetaObrienDave:  i want to have a portable system, almost from now17:55
pgar23I am trying to setup a PBX on ubuntu desktop and want to keep the desktop offline for the time being (meaning no eth/wlan connection)...how would I manually assign a static IP to the desktop computer if there is no existing connection? TIA17:55
ObrienDaveAlma_de_poeta, then install to usb using the full drive. easy enough17:56
superthe liveusb is like your hacking tool :)17:56
brothersomepgar23, Just add another connection and put the current one offline17:56
vornikhello! I need audio and video codecs for ubuntu 9.04; please can you help me? :)17:57
pgar23add another connection? put the other offline? Not understanding what you mean, sorry...brothersome17:57
supervornik, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:57
MonkeyDustvornik  not supported in this channel17:57
* ObrienDave is wondering if google translate help should really be allowed here17:57
OerHeksvornik, 9.04 really?17:57
brothersomepgar23, Right top cornet --- 2 arrows --- make a new connection and so on17:58
Alma_de_poetaObrienDave:  better no, i tried sometimes and the text makes no sense17:58
brothersomepgar23, At work I have a dongle for 2 networks17:58
ObrienDavegotta go, sorry17:59
Alma_de_poetais ten times better to have a native speaker that translates you17:59
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
pgar23brothersome: My computer is not connected to any network at the moment. I don't want it connected to any network. I want to keep the desktop offline but assign a static IP to the desktop machine so that other devices (IP phones) can communicate with the IP locally...18:00
cuddylierAnyone know why the 'fuser' process is spamming my 'top' and causing my load to go super high?18:00
brothersomepgar23, Have you tried what I said?18:00
pgar23brothersome: No because I don't understand what you mean by make a new connection and so on...18:01
brothersomepgar23, communication to the outside world is just the gateway address18:01
pgar23brothersome: I understand that. I don't want any communication to the outside world18:02
pgar23I don't want the PBX to be hacked18:02
=== newbie is now known as Guest30078
pgar23I just want to setup it up locally in my LAN, test it, secure the PBX, then get it connected online18:02
Jaber!seen a18:03
ubottuI have no seen command18:03
brothersomepgar23, You are behind a firewall and no one can go to the PBX18:03
pgar23Since I have no ethernet cable connected to the machine and do not have a wireless NIC installed, there is 0 connections18:03
pgar23brothersome I am not behind a firewall18:03
brothersomepgar23, strange not using NAT or Firewall, even dangerous18:04
Guest30078Can anyone help me fix a software installation problem? I had heard about this command ... something like sudo dpkg -a18:05
brothersomeGuest30078, sudo dpkg -i .......deb ?18:05
pgar23brothersome: I don't think you understand what I am saying. The PBX desktop is not connected to any network at all. I have a desktop lying on a desk, with the OS loaded, asterisk installed, and FreePBX. For the time being it will not have any communication with the internet (meaning the ethernet cable will remain unplugged and has no wireless NIC)18:06
Amaze-ballsGood evening18:06
PiciGuest30078: it completely depends what the problem you are having is.18:06
pgar23brothersome: I simply want to assign a static IP to the desktop so that the IP phones can talk to the machine18:06
brothersomepgar23, so everything is localhost and you do not have an IP address18:07
brothersomepgar23, except the
Guest30078brothersome: Pici: an incomplete installation18:07
pgar23brothersome: similar to Windows APIPA, where as the desktop has no connection to the internet and gets assigned a private IP. Other machines on the local network can talk to the private IP if they too have an APIPA address...18:07
pgar23brothersome: that is correct18:08
PiciGuest30078: Are you getting an error?18:08
daftykinspgar23: are you after giving this phone an address? why not set up a simple DHCP server temporarily?18:08
brothersomeGuest30078, have you tried sudo apt-get -f install ?18:09
Guest30078brothersome: not yet18:09
pgar23daftykins: I will be. That is what I am asking here, so I guess if the machine will be completely offline and I want devices to communicate via IP I need to setup simple DHCP?18:09
pgar23daftykins: how will I go about setting DHCP server up?18:10
daftykinspgar23: that'd be the most reliable approach i think yep18:10
Guest30078brothersome: Wanted to install Wine 1.6.  It started, but stuck18:10
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daftykinspgar23: installing dhcpd (i'm guessing that's the package name), quick configure of a scope to set it up, then hey-presto18:10
pgar23daftykins: that makes sense. Thanks much! brothersome: thanks for the response too!18:11
Alma_de_poetaGuest30078:  thats is what i try before see is not a great idea in live distro XD18:11
lmatI'm having some VNC problems. I run x11vnc and then connect from another host and it goes *really* slow.18:11
lmatI used to do this from the same machine: I had created a Windows 7 virtual machine on the same machine, and VNCed having the guest view the host, and thought it was a virtual machine problem18:12
tharkunlmat: mtr -r is your friend18:12
lmatBut now I'm actually doing it from different machines (still Windows 7 viewing18:12
Guest30078Alma_de_poeta: I don't understand what went wrong.18:12
lmattharkun: hmm, I'm on an uber-fast network, both machines wired...18:13
lmat (still Windows 7 viewing ubuntu 14.04)18:13
brothersomeGuest30078, did you do sudo apt-get -f install?18:13
Alma_de_poetaGuest30078:  nothing went wrong, simply i dont have enough space to do it18:13
tharkunlmat: mtr -r will tell you a fact. And probably it will spot where your bottleneck is.18:13
pgar23lmat: I don't have much experience with it yet, but I am essentially trying to accomplish the same thing and have been pointed to Cygwin and sshd...18:13
lmattharkun: okilie dokilie!!18:14
lmatpgar23: oh my... So have you got vnc going? (but it's slow?)18:14
Guest30078brothersome: Did, but got error messages and it didn't complete18:14
lmatpgar23: I really need VNC, sshd won't do.18:14
Alma_de_poetaGuest30078:  is live cd or live usb?18:15
genialHello! How does Ubuntu handle open files? Does it automatically close the users least recently accessed open file when it hits the users open file limit? Using lsof I see a lot of files i recently have been accessing, but don't have open right now.18:15
brothersomelmat, and rdp?18:15
pgar23haven't tried VNC but Cygwin is working for my Win7 to Ubuntu connection no speed issues18:15
lmatbrothersome: pardon? What is rdp?18:15
Guest30078Alma_de_poeta: Installed on hard drive. I'm trying to add Wine on it18:15
lmatpgar23: So you're just using a terminal from one machine to the otheR?18:15
brothersomelmat there is a package xrdp and you can do the same as VNC, RDP is from MicroSoft and you can see your desktop with it18:16
brothersomelmat, I'm positive about rdp. Works nice in Ubuntu.18:16
lmatbrothersome: I see.18:16
lmatbrothersome: Can I run with ubuntu as host?18:16
brothersomelmat: yes you can18:17
lmatbrothersome: I'll try it out immediately.18:17
brothersomelmat, some part are already installed18:17
lmatbrothersome: already installed it ^_^18:17
Alma_de_poetaGuest30078:  i try to install with aptitude thats means aptitude says to uninstall a lot of stuff and intall a lot more, but the intalls go on before i run out of space18:17
lmat"it looks like xrdp is already running" :-O18:17
lmatnow mstsc on the host...18:18
lmatokay, I authenticated...18:18
lmatNow it's showing a ... patchwork design?18:18
brothersomexrdp: Xwindows Remote Desktop Protocol18:18
lmatbrothersome: I have the Microsoft Windows computer connected, but it looks like it's not showing anything?18:19
lmatbrothersome: It looks like it's maybe on a different X session than I'm using?18:19
brothersomelmat, watch for firewalls18:19
lmatbrothersome: It's connected just fine. And I authenticated...18:19
brothersomelmat, correct you get another session18:20
lmatbrothersome: damn it...18:20
lmatbrothersome: I don't want another session.18:20
brothersomelmat, also VNC will work on the same way. Only teamviewer is different18:20
lmatbrothersome: I want other people to be able to view my desktop *as I use it* ^_^18:20
brothersomelmat, must google for that18:21
lmatbrothersome: okay18:21
lmatrestarting, brb.18:21
TralfazGuys, did an xfce & xrdp install on my server (sometimes I have to do some gui stuff. Chromium won't initialize the flash player plugin. Any ideas?18:21
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laspahrTJ- you still on?18:22
laspahrguess not heh.. okay I think I got this18:23
lmatbrothersome: But this doesn't make sense...18:23
lmatbrothersome: rdp starts up a new X session, but there's nothing there. How is that useful?18:24
brothersomelmat: http://askubuntu.com/questions/235905/use-xrdp-to-connect-to-desktop-session18:24
lmatbrothersome: reading.18:24
brothersomelmat, it has to do with vino-preferences18:25
lmatbrothersome: oh my goodness...18:25
laspahrhmm.. still not working. tried using "tar -czf /dev/sdb2/UbuntuBackup/home-backup.tar.gz /home/$USER" with $USER as my username18:25
lmatbrothersome: No I think vino is set up properly (that's what I was using to do vnc before), I need to deal with /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini18:25
brothersomelmat, even VNC starts a new session18:25
lmatbrothersome: hmm18:26
lmatbrothersome: It looks like xrdp is showing lots of possible sessions: a console, vnc sessions, existing X sessions, etc., etc.!18:26
scxWhat is default text editior in ubuntu 14.04 (unity)?18:30
lmathmm, now error connecting.18:30
brothersomescx: gedit18:30
scxbrothersome: thanks18:30
lmatbrothersome: OH, I wasn't using vino, I was using x11vnc...I'll switch to vino.18:30
brothersome scx, for a good programming editor I prefer codelite18:31
jj77helloo helloo i have a problem with a mobile broadband usb stick, i understand the solution to use modeswitch to change from mass storage to modem but 'Error opening the device. Abort'18:32
jj77any ideas?18:32
MadsRCmsg NickServ18:32
brothersomejj77: Software update -- extra ... programs18:33
Alma_de_poetarestart brb18:33
jj77don't understand:Z18:33
jj77hah sudo i c18:34
brothersomejj77: Drivers?18:34
jj77bleh bleh ok ok now it can change the mode but no18:35
lmatbrothersome: This is frustrating :)   I set it up as it says, except no password!18:36
lmatbrothersome: Now, when I mstsc from Windows 7, no password or username field shows up. I hit connect or start or whatever and it says18:36
brothersomelmat: It is vino-preferences (run it from command shell)18:36
lmat"started connecting" "connecting to 5900" "tcp connected"  "security level is 0 (1 = none, 2 = standard)" "error - problem connecting"18:36
lmatbrothersome: Yeah, I got that :)18:37
lmatbrothersome: That's where I turned off the password :)18:37
laspahrthis is what shows up when I try using the "tar -czf /dev/sdb2/UbuntuBackup/home-backup.tar.gz /home/$USER"18:37
dlami got a box which is randomly slow when I try to ssh into it,  anyone know what to check?   i've tried like ssh -v so far18:38
Picilaspahr: does that directory actually exist?  Do you see it in /home/ ?18:39
laspahrIdk, I can't get any GUI18:40
laspahrjust root shell18:40
laspahrI'm trying to make a backup of my computer before doing a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.0418:40
brothersomeWhy fresh laspahr?18:40
laspahrTried to install Ubuntu Touch and it pretty much screwed my entire OS. that and too many PPAs installed18:41
Picilaspahr: also, /dev/sdb2/.....tar.gz  is not going to be valid.  That is where you devices live, it is not a mount point.18:41
brothersomelaspahr, The installation disc of 14.04 did everything for me, just have to install some applications because I went from 32 bit to 64 bit18:41
laspahrPici: where's the mount point then..?18:42
Picilaspahr: looks like you mounted it to /mnt/18:42
laspahrbrothersome: well I have programs and stuff that I don't want to lose..18:42
laspahrPici: oh yeah... heh18:42
laspahrPici: so I'd use 'tar -czf /mnt/.......' correct?18:43
blzHello, I have a plain-old ubuntu 14.04 server install.  I'd like to install the latest nvidia drivers and XBMC.  The last few times I tried, lightdm/gnome/etc were automatically installed alongside the nvidia drivers.  How can I install the bare minimum to get xserver running with the nvidia drivers?18:43
Picilaspahr: yes.18:44
laspahrthanks lol18:44
blzIn other words, I'd like to install xserver/nvidia-current/xbmc **without** any sort of WM or graphical login manager18:44
laspahrdidn't work...18:44
laspahrgave the Cannot opentar: .... Cannot Stat: No such file or directory18:44
Picilaspahr: well, you still need to fix the /home/lancespahr path.18:45
laspahrhow do I fix it..?18:45
Picilaspahr: cd /home/   then ls  and look at what is there.18:45
laspahrI typed ls and it just showed a new line18:46
Picilaspahr: If I had to guess, I'd say you need to mount either /dev/sda7 or /dev/sda7, your home is probably in one of those.18:47
laspahrthey're both the same....18:48
Picilaspahr: I need to prepare for a meeting here though, someone else in the channel should be able to help18:48
laspahrokay, I'll try that tho18:48
laspahrso mount /dev/sda6 to where?18:48
eeeeto /home/lan....18:49
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laspahrah.. okay18:49
softballsHi, i have a question (although not really ubuntu specific so if people don't want to answer no worries!) i have a service running on my server and it sometimes causes "Segmentation fault (Core dumped)" how can i somehow analyze what happened if the service itself aint logging anything?18:49
TralfazAnyone have a clue why "Application Preferences" won't save in xfce/xrdp?18:49
laspahrhow can I tell which is home? sda6 or sda7?18:50
brothersomeTralfaz, that is policy18:50
Tralfazbrothersome: what do you mean?18:51
eeeelaspahr:  well you can either ls the contents, or you could lsblk and check the size of the partitions if you knew how big home was18:51
laspahrso lsblk /dev/sda6(or 7)18:51
brothersomeTralfaz, with rdp you are prohibited to set some things18:51
eeeeno just lsblk18:51
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laspahroh ok18:52
Tralfazbrothersome: is there a way to manually modify it so it's set? Possibly at CLI?18:52
laspahraha, sda6 is root, sda7 is home :D18:52
lmatbrothersome: got it, using x11vnc.18:52
brothersomelmat: I supposed it was in preferences18:53
laspahrmount: mount point /home/.... does not exist18:53
laspahrwhat'd I do? /:18:54
eeeei guess you have to mkdir /home/lan....18:54
eeee(i dont use a seperate /home partition so...)18:54
laspahrwait I'm still on cd /home/18:54
laspahrnope that didn't help...18:54
laspahrso mkdir /home/... and that'll make the "home directory" to put sda7 in?18:55
ardan_guys, stay out of #math18:55
laspahrugh.. read-only file system -.-18:55
laspahrso can I just do 'tar -czf /mnt/.... /dev/sda7 ?18:58
lmatbrothersome: I think my vino is broken :-o18:58
eeeelaspahr: i dont think so18:58
laspahr /:18:59
eeeeis /home empty ?18:59
supereverything on linux soooo complicated19:00
superhotplug hard drives have to be manually scan, and mount and unmount19:00
Alma_de_poetafreshly installed, go to config and customize19:00
Alma_de_poetafirst step, see why sometimes all freeze19:01
laspahrhow do I check if /home is empty?19:01
superdf -h19:01
eeeetype ls -a /home19:01
supereeee, :)19:01
softballswhen i do "dmesg" i see alot of errors from a running application, but the data itself tells me nothing, how can i know what happened?19:02
laspahryes it's empty, it just shows blue dots19:02
softballs"segfault at 0 ip 00000000004363e3 sp 00007fffd9b2d6c8 error 4 in merc[400000+67000]"19:02
eeeesuper: that's not what's happening we want to see if his /home dir is empty to mount to it19:02
laspahrsince I'm already root, does sudo do anything?19:02
eeeelaspahr: no need to sudo19:02
eeeeactually it's not advised19:03
eeee(you shouldn't)19:03
laspahrokay, I wasn't sure. I figured not since it's used to get root permission, but as root there's no point19:03
laspahrso... what now? /:19:03
eeeelaspahr: mount /dev/sda7 /home19:03
eeeelaspahr: mount -rw /dev/sda7 /home19:04
BrandonChey all. i used testdisk on hard drive and it cant find partition, it found some files but its only 2, recycler and documents and settings.. am i screwed?19:04
eeee(second command mounts it read-write, but that's default anyways)19:04
laspahrsorry got excited heh19:04
BrandonCit waas gana let me wite a partition but when i selected it it errored19:04
eeeeit should work now19:04
laspahrso now we do 'tar ........ /mnt/..... /home/lancespahr?19:05
laspahror would it be /home/sda7 ?19:05
eeeeno, just /home19:05
eeeetar czvf is kind of better, it's verbose19:05
eeeeso you get to see the files19:06
laspahrinstead of czf?19:06
eeeeyeah tar czvf /mnt......tar.gz /home19:06
laspahrno dash?19:06
laspahrtar -czvf /mnt..... /home19:06
laspahrwhich one? 0.o dash or no dash?19:07
eeeeboth work i think, use the dash in case19:07
laspahridk if it worked or not19:07
=== newbie is now known as Guest45302
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eeeedid it list the files ?19:08
Guest45302Anyone wanna help me with this problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7810479/19:08
laspahrit said the cannot open: no such file or directory, however it showed /home/ and a bunch of other files including /home/lancespahr/....19:09
Guest45302broken packages, etc19:09
superfix your ppa19:09
Guest45302dependencies, partial installation19:09
Guest45302super: If that is for me, I don't know how to fix my ppa19:10
eeeelaspahr: tar -tf /mnt.......tar.gz should list the files19:10
eeeewhats the error though, kind of weird19:11
laspahrdid it work?19:12
superGuest45302, sudo apt-get -f install19:13
eeeelaspahr:  try tar -tf /mnt/....tar.gz19:14
eeeeyour home directory is empty though, right ?19:14
laspahrunless it put something in there within the past minute or so19:14
superlaspahr, did you add a user yet?19:14
laspahrnot that I know of, but there's still a user on there, my account.. I think19:15
laspahreeee: it gives the "no such file or directory" again19:15
eeeelaspahr: i tried it here19:15
Guest45302super: I got this verbose from that command ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7810512/19:15
eeeelaspahr: it is cuz you didn't create UbuntuBackup in /mnt19:15
laspahrthat's what we were trying to do..?19:16
eeeeyou have to create the directory19:16
laspahroh so I can't do it because i'm trying to make a file that's not there?19:16
laspahrokay!! I know what i need to do now heh...19:16
eeeeyou can make the file, but tar wont make the directory19:16
hrolfHi #ubuntu, I'm trying to connect to my wireless19:16
eeeeso just mkdir /mnt/UbuntuBackup19:16
eeeeand run the command again19:16
laspahrmkdir /mnt/UbuntuBackup ?19:16
hrolfmy password is "qwerty123"19:17
laspahroh okay, nevermind lol19:17
brucelee_if i use set +e, if my script runs into error return codes, does it keep plowing through?19:17
hrolfbut the connect button is only enabled if i type five characters19:17
hrolfor 1019:17
hrolfwhat is the issue?19:17
Guest45302super: Got an idea or a suggestion?19:18
eeeehrolf: is this wep ?19:18
laspahreeee: I used the mkdir /mnt/UbuntuBackup but it still gave me the "no such file/directory"19:18
odisaHi. I ran Software Updater today on my 14.04 Ubuntu, and received the following error: ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/7810523/ ). I then subsequently figured: OK, I'll back-up /boot, and resize it with GParted in my 12.04 install. This doesn't work, for I've a crypt-luks partition which needs to be sized down before others can be sized up, and GParted doesn't yet accomodate this. Please help.19:18
hrolfeeee: I think it is WAP19:18
reisiolaspahr: is there a 'mnt' dir in / ? (ls /)19:18
superGuest45302, you trying to install wine19:19
eeeehrolf: i think wpa is 8 and above, wep is 5 or 10 or something19:19
hrolfeeee: Basically, the default on a TP-link router19:19
supersudo apt-get install wine*19:19
laspahrreisio yes there is a mnt dir19:19
hrolfeeee: It worked fine previously.. I deleted the connection and now I cannot login..19:19
Guest45302super: I tried.  It stuck.  Since then, problems19:20
hrolfmy password is "qwerty123" which is  9 characters..19:20
Guest45302super: halfway installed19:20
hrolfwhich one could this be?19:20
laspahrand there's a dir in mnt named UbuntuBackup19:20
laspahrbut nothing inside19:20
pinPointhas anyone done a 12.04.4 upgrade to 14.04 without much system chaos?19:20
mojtabaHi, here is the result of the 'ls' command.19:21
mojtaba15860434 drwx------  3 mojtaba mojtaba 4.0K Jul 15 18:38 Lyn19:21
mojtabaCould you please tell me what is that 3 after -----?19:21
mojtabaWhen it is file, this number shows the number of hard links. But what does it mean when it is a directory?19:21
laspahreeee: aha it worked!!19:21
laspahrit's doing the backup now, I see white matrix thingie haha19:21
Guest45302super: I am trying synaptic, doesn't work.  I tried sudo dpkg --configure -a. No success19:22
eeeelaspahr: cool, what was the issue?19:22
softballscan anyone help me on how to get log info from a running application why it causes segmentation fault core dumps?19:22
nikolamhow to make skype working with webcam on 64bit?19:22
SamwiseGamgeeCan anyone see all four images from this link?  http://imgur.com/a/9baVi19:22
laspahreeee: tried to install ubuntu-touch on desktop, and had too many PPAs as well19:22
nikolamI used to preload some 32bit libs, but it does  not work anymore19:22
laspahrso I have to make a backup and then fresh install19:22
eeeelaspahr: no i mean howd the tar work in the end19:23
odisaI can, SamwiseGamgee19:23
SamwiseGamgeeall four of them, odisa?19:23
eeeehrolf: i just checked, wep is 5 or 1019:23
laspahroh, I used ls /19:23
laspahrand found mnt19:23
laspahrused ls /mnt19:23
odisaSamwiseGamgee: all four yes19:23
laspahrand found Ubuntu Backup19:23
SamwiseGamgeethanks odisa19:23
eeeehrolf: so change your security settings to wpa if its wpa19:23
laspahrso I guess it did make the file19:23
laspahrer... dir19:23
odisano problem samh_afk SamwiseGamgee19:24
laspahrnow it's just going through the entire /home dir... haha19:24
mojtabaHi, here is the result of the 'ls' command. 15860434 drwx------  3 mojtaba mojtaba 4.0K Jul 15 18:38 Lyn19:24
mojtabaCould you please tell me what is that 3 after -----? When it is file, this number shows the number of hard links. But what does it mean when it is a directory?19:24
laspahrwould it be a good idea to make another user on my laptop?19:24
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reisiolaspahr: what're you up to?19:25
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laspahrreisio what do you mean?19:25
Guest45302super: Any ideas on how to recover?19:25
reisiolaspahr: I'm curious what you're up to19:25
laspahrI'm doing a backup to a USB EHD and then going to do a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.0419:26
superGuest45302, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:26
supersudo dpkg --configure -a19:26
supersudo apt-get clean19:26
supersudo apt-get update19:26
laspahrIdk how I got so much on my laptop, I just wiped it not too long ago heh19:26
reisiolaspahr: why's that19:26
laspahrinstalled ubuntu-touch (well attempted, I didn't know what it was) and I also had wayyy to many ppas so it's better just to do a fresh install, as long as once I restore the backup it looks the same as before..19:27
laspahrand I have all my files19:27
reisiomojtaba: should be the same, links or dirs19:27
mojtabareisio: But directories could not have hard link.19:28
mojtabareisio: Do you know how can I find the links to this directory, if there is any?19:28
reisiomojtaba: what for19:28
mojtabashould I search by inode?19:28
SamwiseGamgeeI have a problem with my software updater: it is downloading unsupported updates, and I don't know if that is helping me or is a security risk19:28
laspahr*yawn* still on /home/.../.local19:29
SamwiseGamgeeAlso, I don't recall ever enabling unsupported updates19:29
laspahralso, strange question to ask but still... Ubuntu Software Center literally just disappeared on my laptop a while back.. it was just, gone19:30
laspahrbut on Live USB it was there19:30
laspahrI installed Synaptic but I don't think that has anything to do with it?19:30
daftykinswell yeah because one's an install and one's a live session,19:30
Argo_BerserkHi can you give me any assistance (in Spanish)19:31
Argo_Berserktranslated with google19:31
daftykinsbroken stuff on your install won't be the case for a live session19:31
daftykins!es | Argo_Berserk19:31
ubottuArgo_Berserk: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:31
laspahrdaftykins is Ubuntu Software Center removed from the actual install?19:31
laspahr0.o it's backing up all my trash...19:32
daftykinslaspahr: maybe from *your* install, how could i tell? i'm not sat at it :)19:32
Guest45302super: Still getting error messages about wine, wine1.6, etc19:33
laspahrI mean did they remove USC? or did I remove it somehow?19:33
user__you've removed it19:33
laspahrokie dokie lol19:33
laspahrgzip: stdout: File too large19:33
supersudo apt-get remove wine*19:34
superreinstall all wine again not wine1.619:34
Guest45302super: And can't seem to do a complete removal of wine through synaptic19:34
superdelete ~/.wine19:34
user__Hey, has anyone of you tried running a Mac VM on ubuntu?19:35
laspahreeee: what'd I do..?19:35
SamwiseGamgeeI tried resolving this problem here last night, and you guys asked me to get screen shots, but I had problems posting them until now19:35
superit is in the /home/username/.wine19:35
monoton hello what is the command line command to check what graphics driver I'm using?19:35
user__Hey, has anyone of you tried running a Mac VM on ubuntu?19:35
supersudo rm -rf ~/.wine Guest4530219:35
Guest45302super: I'm going to try that after the command you told me, aka sudo apt-get remove wine*19:35
user__<Guest45302>, just go to google19:36
laspahranybody know what happened?19:36
laspahrgzip: stdout: File too large19:36
user__use apt-get autoremove19:36
monotonlaspahr: what file are you zipping or onzipping or?19:37
user__no <Guest45302>19:37
eeeelaspahr: i guess the file is too large to fit on the partition19:37
eeeethe one you mounted to /mnt19:37
Nickd55345353is k3b good?19:37
laspahrit's like a ~300GB19:37
eeeelaspahr: try df, and see whats up19:37
eeeeNickd55345353: supposedly the best19:37
Nickd55345353better than brasero right?19:37
laspahrtried df, what do I need to look at19:38
eeeeNickd55345353: it can do more stuff i think19:38
monotonNickd55345353: yes k3b it better they say, it is dependent on KDE though I belive.19:38
Nickd55345353do u use it guys?19:38
eeeelaspahr: available space on the filesystem mounted on /mnt19:39
laspahrthere's not anything that's mounted on /mnt it says19:39
* monoton still burns everything with Nero in winXP :-}19:39
laspahrtried df /mnt and it's only got 2% used19:40
laspahrbut the filesystem shows -19:40
laspahrso I need to remount the USB EHD?19:40
superlaspahr, echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan19:41
guntbertlaspahr: please take it easy in <enter>, you are scrolling the channel faster than needed19:41
guntbert*on* <enter>19:41
andyroidI cannot get movile broadband to work.19:41
laspahrsorry guntbert /:19:42
laspahrsuper now what?19:42
phunyguyguntbert: laspahr: not to mention unopaste will mute!19:42
andyroidI fill in but it does not show up undwr connections19:42
andyroidWhere can i say usb connections19:42
eeeeandyroid: are we talking about iburst here ?19:42
phunyguyandyroid: the same applies to you, please ask your question clearly and in ONE line.19:42
supercheck to see if your devices is there19:43
superls /dev/sd*19:43
laspahryep, it has sda-sda8 and sdb-sdb219:43
superlaspahr, google it welcome to the mole city19:43
superlaunch nautilus19:44
SamwiseGamgeeI still have the same problem with my software updater: it is downloading unsupported updates, and I don't know if that is helping me or is a security risk19:44
laspahrI can't -.-19:44
SamwiseGamgeeAlso, I don't recall ever enabling unsupported updates19:44
phunyguysuper: google what, and what about mole city?19:44
SamwiseGamgeewhy do I even need unsupported updates?\19:45
supergoogle is your map to mole city19:45
SamwiseGamgeeall the apps I am using should be supported, as far as I know19:45
andyroidOk.mobile broadband. Filled in provider and apn. Does not appear under connections. How can i view usb connections?19:45
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: they are backported updates19:45
phunyguysuper: I still don't follow19:45
SamwiseGamgeeyes, they are, whatever that means19:45
GTB3NWweird error.. on boot-up my internal speaker buzzes twice and weird random ascii characters appear. when I manually select the device to boot from (which is default) then it boots into grub fine O.o19:45
laspahrphunyguy I have a feeling he's telling me to google the problems rather than ask on here19:46
SamwiseGamgeeand how come I never noticed before that I have been downloading unsupported updates?19:46
phunyguysuper: please stay on topic, and don't ask people to google their answer19:46
geniiGTB3NW: Sounds like some BIOS issue19:46
SamwiseGamgeeIf I disable downloading of unsupported updates, will some of my apps start causing problems?  Or is it safer to leave them?19:46
eeeelaspahr: type df | grep /mnt and paste the output here19:46
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: I am not certain, but app developers release fixes to their software, which will have to be backported to older versions to be merged into ubuntu releases19:47
SamwiseGamgeeIt just seems that I am doing too many updates too often, updates which are hogging a lot of memory19:47
GTB3NWgenii, it's only just appeared, so it's some kind of update to grub..?19:47
laspahreeee: df: /run/user No such File or directory19:47
guntbertSamwiseGamgee: updates don't hog memory - why do you believe that?19:47
geniiGTB3NW: But from what you stated, the issue occurs before Grub starts19:48
laspahrdf: /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd No such file or directory19:48
eeeelaspahr: df | grep /mnt19:48
SamwiseGamgeewell, I just downloaded a bunch of updates, and after I installed them, 30 min later, I get another 64 MB of updates to download19:48
GTB3NWgenii, well that may be so but this has only started happening after a dist-upgrade19:48
GTB3NWthere was a kernel upgrade19:48
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: updates don't normally use additional memory, OR hard drive space.  They replace existing files.  The only thing that takes up space may be downloaded package cache19:49
eeeelaspahr: lsblk | grep /mnt19:49
andyroidso how can i view what usb devices are connected?19:49
phunyguyandyroid: lsusb19:49
guntbertandyroid: lsusb19:49
SamwiseGamgeeDoes that mean I should be deleting files in the package cache regularly?19:50
laspahrsdb2 8:18 0 298G 0 part /mnt19:50
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: iirc it does that for you19:50
geniiGTB3NW: You might want to do a memtest on your system, it's possible the RAM may be going.19:50
guntbertSamwiseGamgee: only if you are *very* tight on Hard Disk space19:50
SamwiseGamgeeI got 466 GB of hard disk space19:50
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: look into the autoclean option of apt-get19:50
SamwiseGamgeeand I am using xubuntu19:50
SamwiseGamgeehow do I do that, phunyguy?19:51
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: then you should have plenty.  What were you referencing with memory?19:51
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: sudo apt-get autoclean19:51
Fishscenesudo apt-get autoclean19:51
eeeelaspahr: type ls /mnt/UbuntuBackup , is the UbuntuBackup.tar.gz there?19:51
GTB3NWgenii, too coincidental IMHO19:51
Fishsceneerr… sorry for the double post Phunyguy. lol.19:51
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: yes when you mentioned you believed that updates were using too much memory19:52
laspahreeee: yes it is19:52
guntbertSamwiseGamgee: he asked about what kind of "memory" you were taking: hard disk, RAM ?19:52
SamwiseGamgeemy hard drive's total capacity is about 466 GB19:52
phunyguyright, that is not "memory" hence the confusion.19:53
phunyguythat is hard drive space.  Memory refers to RAM...19:53
eeeedoes anybody know how to get the uncompressed size of a tar.gz zipped archive ?19:53
SchrodingersScatman tar19:53
phunyguyand if you have 466GB hard drive space, then you should not be having any hard drive space issues.19:53
geniiGTB3NW: It's almost impossible for an update to either Grub or to the kernel to affect your hardware prior to those things being loaded. You say this issue is happening before you choose a device to boot from, so neither is in memory yet. Random ascii characters on the screen are usually corrupt bios or corrupt video ram.19:54
Lopeif I run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, and then I want to do apt-get install ... should I do another update before the install?19:54
Lopeis it possible that dist-upgrade can change the apt sources?19:54
phunyguyLope: you shouldn't need to19:54
eeeeits in gzip19:54
=== dw2 is now known as dw1
phunyguyLope: and no19:54
andyroidSo my mobile internet usb is listed with lsusb. But it is not shown under connections. I have fiven apn. Any ideas?19:55
eeeeSchrodingersScat: gzip -l19:55
SamwiseGamgeeYeah, but I was thnking long-term, phunyguy, all those downloaded uupdates will add up, and I figure some of them may present stability or security problems if they are unsupported19:55
SchrodingersScateeee: great, thanks19:55
eeeethanks anyways19:55
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: no, that shouldn't be a concern.19:55
eeeelaspahr: type gzip -l /mnt/UbuntuBackup/Ubu....tar.gz19:55
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: if apt is doing what it should be doing, you should never be concerned with that19:55
=== Nickd55345353 is now known as Nicki3
=== Nicki3 is now known as Nikki3
SamwiseGamgeeIs auto clean command safe and how often should I use it?19:55
Nikki3hello guys19:56
Nikki3can someone list me a good program for interior designing?19:56
phunyguyNikki3: in Ubuntu?19:56
andyroidAny swedish people with comviq here?19:56
laspahrcompressed: 4294967295 uncompressed: 169063117419:56
phunyguyNikki3: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/sweethome3d/19:57
Nikki3is it good?19:57
phunyguyNikki3: I have no idea19:57
phunyguyNikki3: you should just try it19:57
Nikki3i am an architect19:57
Nikki3so i need it for my worklol19:57
andyroidDo i need to supply netqirk id for mobile broasband?19:57
phunyguyNikki3: then it is up to you to choose some to try, and then try them to see if they fit your needs.19:58
GTB3NWgenii, no, this is happening after it tries to boot into grub19:59
GTB3NWwhen I don't select a device19:59
GTB3NWit picks the default device19:59
GTB3NWwhich errors19:59
andyroid Is it possible to surf via your smartphone?19:59
GTB3NWbut when I select that same default..19:59
guntbertSamwiseGamgee: I never use it at all, and I have only 30GB hard disk on some machines19:59
GTB3NWmanually.. it works fine19:59
phunyguyGTB3NW: be careful before unopaste mutes you19:59
hsnopiso I'm working with ubuntu 12.04LTS in EC2. I see devices in /dev and fstab has a /dev/xvdb but there is no vdb or xvdb in /dev/ I think it is using /dev/xvda1 but I can't tell. Is there a way to somehow verify this?20:00
SamwiseGamgeethanks guntbert and phunyguy20:00
guntbertSamwiseGamgee: no problem :)20:00
laspahreeee: does that help?20:00
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: my root partition only has 10GB.  It's fine.20:00
laspahror is it correct?20:00
SamwiseGamgeeyeah, I was thinking of customizing my partitions when I was installing xubuntu, to better use the 466 GB of available memory20:02
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: not memory!  Hard drive space!20:02
geniiGTB3NW: If you think it's a Grub update, you can revert it by way of: sudo apt-get install grub=<prior version number here which I don't offhand know>20:02
laspahreeee: ?20:03
=== __Rocky__ is now known as _Rocky_
GTB3NWokay, will give it a go genii, thanks20:03
eeeelaspahr: type df | grep /dev/sd(the home one i think it had a 7)20:03
newbie|3Still a problem with wine - after sudo rm -rf ¬\.wine20:03
eeeesda7 or sdb720:03
rbowlbystupid question time: can I use a raring repo on trusty for a package that's not avail in trusty yet?20:03
eeeelaspahr: run that and paste the line20:03
newbie|3super: still a problem after rm -rf /.wine ...20:03
k1l_rbowlby: no.20:04
bprompthsnopi:     I have 12.04  not sure on the ec2 part... but I don't even have an xvda either, goes rom video0 to zero20:04
laspahrcan't paste, but it's 18%.. I have to go so I can't give exact #s20:04
k1l_rbowlby: that will most likely break your package ystem20:04
hsnopibprompt yeah. I figured that might be the case. thanks:)20:04
eeee1690631174, whats the second set of numbers?20:04
rbowlbyk1l_ any way to get this one pkg from raring?20:04
eeeelaspahr: it should be less than that number i pasted above20:05
rbowlbythis would often work on RH distros, I would just set the priority of the old repo such that it didn't interfere20:05
laspahrit is smaller, the middle is 8 digits20:05
laspahrsorry, gtg20:05
eeeewait sorry20:06
k1l_rbowlby: which package is it?20:06
eeeei think df gives the space20:06
eeeein blocks20:06
eeeelaspahr: sorry man20:06
rbowlbyk1l_ ^20:06
eeeelaspahr: when you get back ask to see how to get the size of /home and compare, see ya20:07
andyroidHow do i check mac addreas of my device?20:07
newbie|3super: Any help ... E: wine1.6: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal20:07
k1l_rbowlby: there is a package without -server. you need that package with -server?20:08
rbowlbyk1l_ I want the init script and ready to go daemonized goodies20:08
rbowlbyor perhaps something else now provides /etc/init.d/hsqldb-server?20:09
rbowlbywhat's the equiv of yum provides?20:09
bpromptandyroid:     try ->   lshw -c Network20:09
rbowlbysorry, my debian distro experience is embarrassingly lacking20:09
k1l_rbowlby: sorry that is not my kind of business. did they eventually drop the -server package and include that into the main package?20:13
rbowlbynot that I can tell20:14
SamwiseGamgeePhunyguy, guntbert, I still think there are some problems with my software updater settings, take a look....http://imgur.com/a/9baVi20:14
rbowlbyit just hasn't been updated/built for trusty yet20:14
SamwiseGamgeesorry, phunyguy, http://imgur.com/a/9baVi20:15
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: I do not see a problem there20:15
SamwiseGamgeeok, phunyguy, I can leave them all the way they are?20:15
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: why do you think there may be an issue?20:16
phunyguyWhat makes you think that I mean?20:16
SamwiseGamgeeBecause it looks like my updaters settings were changed without my permission20:16
k1l_rbowlby: i doubt the " it just hasnt been build" idea. there will be no new packages for trusty because of the freeze in development stage20:16
guntbertSamwiseGamgee: I agree with phunyguy - lokks just like I have it - "unsupported" means that Canonical don't provide support20:16
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: that is the default.20:17
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: that updates tab is the default.20:17
k1l_rbowlby: so it may be that you are on the old path, with is the wrong path due to some changes. but that is only guessing on my side20:17
SamwiseGamgeeok, good, that means I can leave things alone and just keep updating without having to autoclean?20:17
rbowlbyk1l_ the change log for trusty said no one has bothered to build/verify it yet20:17
guntbertSamwiseGamgee: exactly, you should be fine20:18
rbowlbyI did an apt-file search /etc/init.d/hsqldb-server and nothing provides it.20:18
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: this was a new thing in the 12.04 release... from the notes: Backports are now more easily accessible -- to enable users to more easily receive new versions of software, the Ubuntu Backports repository is now enabled by default. Packages from backports will not be installed by default — they must explicitly be selected in package management software. However, once installed, packages from backports will automatically be upgraded to20:18
phunyguynewer versions.20:18
sloppyfHey all. I remotely mounted a directory via ssh using sshfs. My problem is though, that I cannot actually view the contents of the directory without being root20:18
phunyguySamwiseGamgee: that repository is how said backports get updated20:19
sloppyfI checked the permissions of the hard drive itself and all of that is okay (777)20:19
rbowlbyk1l_ I doubt there's a better way of running hsqldb that doesn't at least include an init script. ¯\(ツ)/¯20:19
SamwiseGamgeethat sounds good, phunyguy20:19
sloppyfAnyone know what I need to do?20:19
phunyguysloppyf: did you mount it as root?20:19
k1l_rbowlby: well, no -server packages for trusty and utopic and i dont see why or that its missing. best is to file a bug and see what the maintainer says: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hsqldb20:20
sloppyfphunyguy: yes20:20
phunyguysloppyf: then that is probably the issue20:20
compdoc_sloppyf, the ownership of the dir ?20:20
phunyguysloppyf: sshfs is a fuse filesystem, meaning you mount as an individual user.20:20
geniicompdoc_: That's my suspicion, the shared files don't belong to the user trying to view them.20:21
phunyguyand iirc, sshfs also presents everything as being owned by the user mounting the share20:21
phunyguysloppyf: so in this case, you mount as root, that makes all files owned by root, and if non-root users don't have +x permission to the directory, they cannot list contents20:22
phunyguy....if that makes sense20:23
sloppyfphunyguy: it does. thank you20:23
SamwiseGamgeephunyguy, guntbert, thanks for explaining things so well20:24
phunyguywe aim to please.20:24
phunyguyon that note, I need to step away for a bit.20:25
SamwiseGamgeebonne journee20:25
newbie|3super: any ideas?20:29
hsnopiso, i have a device xvdb, i do a fdisk and create it as all one primary partition, i do fdisk -l and it shows a partition, then per some instructions i found I mkfs of type ext4, i do fdisk -l again and it shows no partition. yes I can still mount it. is the fdisk portion even necessary?20:30
supernewbie|3, whats the question? wasn't here20:30
superhsnopi, so you want to mkfs.vfat or mkfs.ext /dev/sdX20:30
newbie|3super: I was Giest ... with the wine partial installation20:31
superoh okay newbie|3 you still stuck with the wine problem right20:31
supernewbie|3, sudo apt-add-repository --remove ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa20:32
CrusaderADAnyone else finding empathy completely useless?20:32
supernewbie|3, sudo apt-get --purge remove wine20:32
guntbert!ot | CrusaderAD20:32
ubottuCrusaderAD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:32
newbie|3now the problem is with wine 1.620:32
superempathy need webcam support20:33
newbie|3super: the problem now resides in wine1.620:33
supersudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa20:33
superi say remove all traces of wine20:34
CrusaderADI'm seeing two issues with empathy, 1.) the first incoming message is blank and 2.) the styles are initially broken on a fresh install... anyone know of a solution to #1?20:34
bruceleeanyone know how to get ubuntu to not boot into a blankscreen20:34
bruceleeit doesnt even show the grub menu20:34
superbrucelee, hold down the Shift key20:34
bruceleeit posts, and does all the bios stuff, raid stuff, and as soon as it gets to the part where its supposed to show grub screen, and then OS20:34
bruceleeits just a blank screen20:34
bruceleesuper: ok let me try that20:34
bruceleesuper: whats that supposed to do? :P20:35
geniibrucelee: If Ubuntu is the only OS, it won't show Grub by default.20:35
daftykinsbrucelee: there is no GRUB display anymore, not for years... as mentioned left shift at boot will display it.20:35
superit will bring up the grub menu20:35
CrusaderADbrucelee: do you get the same result booting to a usb live session?20:35
bruceleei havent tried usb live session20:35
bruceleelet me try rebooting / shift key and see if it works20:35
bruceleeright now im at a blank screen via console20:35
CrusaderADbrucelee: that will tell you if it's your install or not20:35
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bruceleeim pretty sure its my OS.. but let me try again20:36
newbie|3super: Did that.  Somewhat better, but still problem with wine 1.6 and winetricks20:36
newbie|3super: Dependency problems20:37
bruceleei did it20:38
supernewbie|3, rm -rf $HOME/.wine20:38
superrm -f $HOME/.config/menus/applications-merged/wine*20:38
superrm -rf $HOME/.local/share/applications/wine20:38
superrm -f $HOME/.local/share/desktop-directories/wine*20:38
superrm -f $HOME/.local/share/icons/????_*.xpm20:38
bruceleeshift works :P20:38
superrm -rf ~/ instead of $HOME20:38
LittleLilowhen i try to /nick Lillo i get this error, why do i keep getting this error? http://picpaste.com/996cc857e1b09b75fdcf3248e347bbdc.jpg20:38
bruceleei mean shift works to get the grub menu to boot up, but after i boot ubuntu, its still a blank screen20:38
genii!nomodeset | brucelee20:39
ubottubrucelee: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:39
geniibrucelee: Try the nomodeset and if that doesn't work let us know20:40
bruceleeright now after the linux /vmlinuz line, its quiet splash nomodeset $vt_handoff20:40
bruceleeyeah i tried the nomodeset one20:40
bruceleealso tried consoleblank=020:40
geniibrucelee: What video card?20:40
bruceleebut those are the only 2 i know of though20:40
bruceleeits a supermicro onboard20:40
ubottuCertain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:40
bruceleei dont know the exact one, but i can find out i guess20:40
ubottuThe Unix 'rm' command removes files and directories from the filesystem. It is an extremly powerful tool, and you should not run 'rm' commands unless you fully understand them. Do not run arbitrary 'rm' commands you see online. For a beginning guide on using terminal commands, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal and for a cautionary story about 'rm' see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL_g0tyaIeE20:40
geniibrucelee: Can you boot to the recovery?20:41
guntbertbrucelee: please take it easy on <enter>, you are scrolling the channel faster than needed20:41
CorruptedHelixhttp://smashinglim.es/i/pfOyzN.png Any reason why this is grayed out on an Ubuntu guest machine? https://www.vmware.com/support/ws5/doc/ws_running_shared_folders.html states it'll work with a Linux kernel version of 2.4 or higher, and I can only assume that Lubuntu does indeed have a kernel version higher than this.20:41
bruceleegenii: you mean using live cd? guntbert sorry20:41
geniibrucelee: No, by choosing it from the Grub menu20:41
bruceleegenii: how do i choose recovery? im in the screen where i can edit the boot options now20:42
superbrucelee, select the advance option20:42
geniiWork, afk a few20:42
newbie|3super: I did all those rm things to get rid of wine20:42
bruceleeoh i see, the (recovery mode)20:42
bruceleelet me try that20:42
newbie|3super: Another set of commands?20:43
zleapwhat causes a dialog box in ubuntu 14.04 to say system problem detected,  i am trying to help in #dcglug,  system has been upgraded to 14.04 and now there seems to be lots of issues20:43
bruceleesuper, recoverymode seems to work, i see a bunch of stuff scrolling20:43
guntbertzleap: thats whoopsie, calls apport20:43
bruceleeit gets to this part where it says "mei: Init hw failure"20:43
supernewbie|3, ls -a | grep wine20:43
supersee if theres any wine stuff left20:44
zleapif I try and report problems i don;t get any suggestion something has been sent,  let alone how and to whom20:44
bruceleegoogling, and seems to be this "blacklist mei" option20:45
zleapok so back to my system also says system problem detected, how do I work out what has caused the problem to cause apport to display the message20:45
Beldarbrucelee, Try a live ubuntu to rule out any actual failure to staqrt with.20:46
newbie|3super: The command ls -a.... is not responding20:47
bruceleeBeldar: ah ok, i dont have a ubuntu live cd, ill have to make one using usb20:47
bruceleedo you know if it supports that off top of your head?20:47
Beldarnewbie|3, what does uname -a show20:47
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Beldar<brucelee> do you know if it supports that off top of your head? A usb? Yes20:48
supernewbie|3, you get blank right?20:48
newbie|3Linux steve-MS-7502 3.13.0-32-lowlatency #57-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue Jul 15 04:08:59 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:48
newbie|3 20:48
newbie|3super: the uname thing got me the last info.  The ls -a just hung20:49
rickiestrickhey guys. I was just in here talking about ssfs. It all worked great except that I could not write to the mounted directory. So I unmounted it and was just going to figure out what was going on. I later tried to mount it again but now I'm getting is, "fuse: bad mount point `/media/jr/pi/': Transport endpoint is not connected"20:49
Beldarnewbie|3, Thanks, "is not responding" is a bit vague, why are you running it and can you explain in more detail?20:49
rickiestrickI can't delete the file as root because it says I don't have permissions....so does anyone know what is going on?20:50
reisiorickiestrick: sshfs?20:50
reisiorickiestrick: only gives perms to the original user, by default20:50
newbie|3Beldar: super told me to see ls -a  | grep wine to see if wine was still on my computer20:50
reisiorickiestrick: FUSE THING20:50
reisiorickiestrick: FUSE thing, even20:51
reisiorickiestrick: try fusermount -uz20:51
betaI am trying to set up USB mobile broadband. I have configued with "Edit connections", set up my APN, etc. It is not displayed under connections. I use comviq (swedish) if that is to any help. Can someone help me? What could I be doing wrong?20:51
Beldarnewbie|3, I have found super to be really helping but muddling things up.20:51
newbie|3Beldar: I'm trying to fix a partial installation of wine that messed a lot of stuff up20:51
rickiestrickreisio: what does that do?20:51
Beldarnewbie|3, Try ##wine20:51
reisiorickiestrick: sometimes it will work better than -u alone20:51
rickiestrickreisio: ah20:52
Beldarnewbie|3, Sorry #winehq20:52
newbie|3Beldar: Wine seems to be messing up the rest.  Broken things, dependency problems20:52
reisiothough you'll still want to run it as the user it was mounted with20:52
marcuyI have installed language packs in U14.04 but none appear under the login screen language icon, any ideas?20:52
rickiestrickreisio: it worked. great! so why can't I write files to it?20:52
reisiorickiestrick: to what?20:52
newbie|3Beldar: And for the moment, it is wine 1.6 that is sticking20:52
rickiestrickreisio: the remote directory I mounted20:52
reisiorickiestrick: you were trying to write as root to a mount mounted by non-root?20:53
Beldarnewbie|3, I know nothing about wine and would never advise using, but I'm biased.20:53
rickiestrickreisio: no, I was just trying to drag and drop a file to it20:53
reisiorickiestrick: that's writing20:53
reisiorickiestrick: what user did you mount it as? What user did you drag and drop as?20:53
superBeldar, I run wine so I can play Starcraft 2 and guild wars20:53
rickiestrickreisio: yes,20:53
* reisio runs wine so he can play intoxication20:53
reisiorickiestrick: not a yes or no question :)20:54
* Beldar is not a gamer and would use windows for windows games20:54
newbie|3Beldar: Thx anyway and thx for the advice to change the channel20:54
rickiestrickreisio: I missread. I mounted it as the same user I am dragging files to it as20:54
reisiomany win32 games actually perform better via Wine than under Windows proper20:54
reisiosad but true20:54
reisiorickiestrick: what does 'mount' say about it?20:54
rickiestrickreisio: what exact command do you want me to enter? I am new to all of this20:55
rickiestrickjust mount?20:55
reisiorickiestrick: 'mount | grep -i name_of_mount'20:55
rickiestrickreisio: please hold20:56
reisioor just 'mount', but we only care about the one line dealing with the specific mount point in question20:56
mustmodifyI need to document setting up my dev environment. To make sure I've got everything, I'd like to create a vm. Is there an easy solution for that? Or is it pretty much always a PITA?20:56
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reisiopiatthack: I'll get right on that20:56
reisiomustmodify: VMs are simple20:56
reisiomustmodify: you want to test that you are sure of the steps to duplicate your setup?20:57
Guest16638how could i get plugins for my gmusicbrowser whenevere i play a some is show missing plugin20:57
reisiomustmodify: and the host OS is Ubuntu?20:57
superGuest16638, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:57
reisiomustmodify: okay, virtualbox is the most straightforward VM system20:57
mustmodifyreisio: I understand that's not a given, but given the chanel... ha ha20:57
reisiomustmodify: it is now, 'cause you said :p20:58
reisio!ops piatthack spam20:58
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
reisioubottu: no chance of that20:58
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:58
mustmodifyreisio: ok I'll check it out.20:58
rickiestrickreisio: do I need to have the remote directory mounted before I run the mount command?20:58
reisiomustmodify: install it, click its create vm button, add your install media in prefs as 'storage', boot, it's all pretty straightforward20:58
reisiorickiestrick: yup20:58
mustmodifyreisio: ah20:58
reisiorickiestrick: how're you mounting it, btw?20:58
rickiestrickreisio: that is an issue now. I cannot mount it.20:58
reisiorickiestrick: how're you trying to20:58
mustmodifyso I'm running server. But I guess I can start an x server and SSH in.20:59
reisiomustmodify: mmm20:59
rickiestrickreisio: sshfs address:/mnt/data /media/jr/pi/20:59
zleapok the issue here is that user has upgraded to 14.04 and now can't get anything other then the desktop wallpaper after logging in20:59
reisiomustmodify: you can run it headless, but it's... less straightforward20:59
reisiomustmodify: you don't have a desktop you can do this from? :p20:59
reisiorickiestrick: sshfs user@address:remote_path local_path is the normal way20:59
rickiestrickreisio: that is the command I am using21:00
reisiorickiestrick: okay, and if you ls -al /media/jr/, what user owns pi?21:00
reisiorickiestrick: additionally, /media/ is more for dynamic (non-explicit/manual) mounts21:00
hsnopiIf I wanted to move /home to a second drive mounted on /mnt/home would I need to make /mnt/home 777?21:00
reisioI'd use another place for manual mounts21:00
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mustmodifyreisio: I have an odd... but awesome... setup. I'm a dev/consultant working from home. All my clients have windows, so I feel like I should have it, too, so I have a chance of seeing their issues.21:00
reisioI use /mnt, but you can use anything, including, for example, ~/pi21:00
reisiomustmodify: :p21:01
rickiestrickreisio: want me to paste everything it outputted for that command? it's 4 lines21:01
reisiomustmodify: and you probably have a desktop at home?21:01
mustmodifyreisio: so I have two machines... one i7 running windows, one running ubuntu. With 16GB ram and an i7, the ubuntu machine is generally near a load of 0.01. :)21:01
reisiorickiestrick: via the 'pastebinit' app, sure21:01
reisiomustmodify: heh21:01
rickiestrickreisio: please hold21:01
mustmodifyI SSH into the ubuntu machine.21:01
blarg2So I have an old laptop that doesn't support USB booting and with a broken CD-Drive. It currently has a very old version of ubuntu installed. I want to install the latest ubuntu server. Is there a way to load/start the installer from inside the old ubuntu version. Or failing that put the installer on the disk so I can reboot into it?21:01
rickiestrickreisio: http://pastebin.com/4Y7wgtv421:02
reisioblarg2: yeah...21:03
pinPointhas anyone here migrated from 12.04 to 14.04 without hitch?21:03
blarg2reisio: What's the method?21:03
reisioblarg2: you can't just take the hard disk out and install from another box and put it back in?21:03
rickiestrickreisio: did you get my paste?21:03
reisiorickiestrick: yup21:03
blarg2I don't think I have the adapters. From memory it is not a SATA drive.21:04
blarg2reisio: ^21:04
BeldarpinPoint, Some do some don't be prepared for any contingency, most probably have no issue is my "guess"21:04
reisiorickiestrick: root owns that dir, so naturally your non-root user will not be able to mount to it21:04
reisiorickiestrick: sudo chown yourUser:yourUser /media/jr/whatever/pi21:04
reisiorickiestrick: but if it were me, I'd use ~/pi instead of /media...blah21:04
reisioas /media is an odd place21:04
reisioblarg2: mmm21:04
rickiestrickreisio: but when I log in as root it says I do not have permissions to do anything to the file pi21:05
reisiorickiestrick: says when?21:05
pinPointBeldar: I see.21:05
pinPointgot nginx/apache servers and other stuff running...21:05
rickiestrickreisio: hold on. I am so stupid. It was indeed mounting it....21:05
reisioblarg2: well you could tell GRUB to boot an install imgae21:06
reisioblarg2: image*21:06
rickiestrickreisio: let me look around to get my facts straight21:06
BeldarpinPoint, 12.04 is a longterm if it were me I would run it.21:06
reisioblarg2: depending on how much time you spend on this, it might be more worthwhile to bin the computer, though21:06
reisiorickiestrick: righto21:06
wuschLORhi there i got a problem with my grub 2 i want to add a menu entry to boot from another hdd (full truecrypted HDD) but i cant find any working instructions on the web (running 14.04 KDE)21:06
reisiowuschLOR: for the truecrypt part in particular, you mean?21:07
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ikonia!grub2 | wuschLOR21:07
ubottuwuschLOR: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:07
rickiestrickreisio: ok so the issue seems to be that while I have permission to write to the mounted directory. I do not have permission to write to any of the files within the directory21:08
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blarg2reisio: Hrm. Thank you for the advice. I'm currently attempting to take the HDD out to check it's connectors.21:08
reisiorickiestrick: chown -R, then21:08
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rickiestrickreisio: thanks21:08
reisiorickiestrick: well21:08
pinPointBeldar: until 2017... so I should hang on then?21:08
reisiorickiestrick: be careful what you run that on, though :)21:08
reisioblarg2: FWIW, an ide/sata combination (or just one or the other) adapter/enclosure is no more than $2021:09
reisioblarg2: and they're quite handy to have21:09
BeldarpinPoint, Seems to be a best of the solutions and image/back it up, however that is my subjective opinion.21:09
rickiestrickreisio: what do you mean?21:09
reisiorickiestrick: well I don't know what you're mounting21:09
reisiorickiestrick: you wouldn't want to chown -R a whole OS hierarchy, for example, that would break it horribly21:09
BeldarpinPoint, My main point however is always be prepared for anything. ;)21:09
rickiestrickreisio: concatenated hard drives that are connected via usb to a raspberry pi21:09
pinPointBeldar: indeed21:10
reisiochown -R'ing a whole directory tree of personal data, however, for a particular user, that doesn't contain any fancy repos, could be no problem21:10
rickiestrickreisio: yeah it's not where the OS is installed :)21:10
reisiosure, just FYI21:10
wuschLORgrub 2 is running perfectly - i just want to get an entry for my old windows hdd - i can boot it if i set the other hdd via bios as boot hdd but i hoped to integrate it to the grub21:10
rickiestrickreisio: thanks21:10
reisiorickiestrick: how're they concatenated?21:10
blarg2reisio: Noted. It is a laptop EIDE though. Which from memory is distinct from the desktop EIDE?21:10
rickiestrickreisio: lvm level 021:10
BeldarwuschLOR, Have you tried sudo update-grub21:10
reisiowuschLOR: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Talk:GRUB#GRUB2_.2B_Windows_7_TrueCrypt-encrypted_partition21:10
reisioblarg2: I doubt it21:11
rickiestrickreisio: I understand level 0 is not advised. I am not worried about a hard drive failing21:11
reisioblarg2: unless it's so crazy old it is absolutely not worth bothering with21:11
reisioblarg2: #hardware would know21:11
blarg2I;ll look into it.21:11
blarg2How would I do an in-place upgrade by making GRUB boot to an image?21:11
blarg2*an install image21:11
reisiorickiestrick: hrmm, well, good luck whatever you're doing :)21:11
wuschLORyes didnt add any entry21:11
rickiestrickreisio: just experimenting :)21:11
reisioblarg2: well once you've booted the image, it's the same as any other live OS install21:11
waglei cant upgrade my HWE, what do i do: http://pastebin.com/Vu6ZHm3q21:12
wuschLORreisio i will try that21:12
mustmodifyreisio: Any implications to selecting 32 vs 64 bit for image size, speed, etc?21:12
reisioblarg2: if you have a swap partition, put the image there, then you can install to the rest of the partition space, and afterwards turn it back into a swap partition21:12
blarg2What image would I need? Just an install ISO?21:12
reisioblarg2: yup, any ordinary install image21:12
blarg2just dd it to the partition?21:12
reisiomustmodify: hrmm?21:13
Beldarwagle, Are you trying to add the trusty stack to 12.04?21:13
superor use Disks to restored image21:13
reisiomustmodify: oh for virtualization21:13
wagleBeldar: i think so21:13
reisiomustmodify: you won't notice either way, I'd do same arch personally21:13
rickiestrickreisio: when i use the recursive chown, do I need to do that remotely, to the point I have mounted the directory? Or on the remote machine itself?21:13
reisiomustmodify: unless you can do 64-bit in 32, 'cause then you could debug 64-bit problems as well21:14
Beldarwagle, You think so, where did you bet that install set and why?21:14
reisiorickiestrick: actually I doubt you want to do a chown -R21:14
rickiestrickreisio: then what should I use?21:14
reisiorickiestrick: so tell me again, you mount it, then you try to write it as the user you mounted with and you get ... what error?21:14
wagleBeldar: hwe-support-status --verbose gave it21:14
Beldarwagle, look here if the 14.04 stack is what you want in 12.04 and have not already put a stack in earlier. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:15
rickiestrickreisio: permissions error. so, I can make new files in pi/ but not in pi/examplefolder21:15
yorwoshi all , im using ubuntu studio 13.10 , is there any command i can run to mount/unmount or something my wireless usb ? i have to plug it in and out so middle mouse get scrolling properly but im afraid the usb slot will get damaged if keep plugging unplugging daily21:15
wagleI hate the 14.04 GUI, 12.04 is setup the way I want21:15
mustmodifyreisio: why arch?21:15
reisiomustmodify: I just mean 64-bit guest on 64-bit host, 32 on 3221:16
yorwosits usb keyboard/mouse wireless21:16
reisiorickiestrick: what's the ls -al output for pi ?21:17
wagleBeldar: ok, will read that for a bit21:17
Beldarwagle, You hate what exactly? unity if that is the issue is hardly different just a later model.21:17
yorwosthe problem is the reconnection of the device has to be typed in somehow cause the keyboard wont work to type then21:17
rickiestrickreisio: should I run this command on the remote machine or the pi machine?21:17
mustmodifyreisio: oh damn, now I need to download ubuntu.21:18
reisiomustmodify: :p21:18
reisiomustmodify: is that a problem?21:18
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reisiorickiestrick: the one you're sshfsing the pi stuff _to_21:18
reisiothe problem machine21:18
Beldaryorwos, YOU can turn the wifi off and on in the hetwork manager21:18
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wagleBeldar: i hate being dumbed down and basic all-the-time operations being made way harder/tedious, but this isn't the issue21:19
Bashing-omyorwos: Release 13.10 is today at End_Of_Life// no point in beating on a dead horse. see what results in release 14.04.21:19
Beldarwagle, Your arguments are vapid and assuming. ;)21:19
wagleBeldar: uh huh..21:20
wagleBeldar: well thanks for giving real information mixed with bullshit21:20
Beldarwagle, This is support it entails exact info.21:20
wagleyou asked why i didnt want to upgrade to 14.04..  i told you21:21
yorwosbeldar nice idea , but how to turn it back on ? if it turns off the keyboard+mouse will stop functioning ! :D21:21
rickiestrickreisio: http://pastebin.com/S8FS8bCg21:21
shellclearmy umask is 0027 ,but some programs create directories in my home with different permissions, for example  FBreader, it create a directory in my home called .FBreader with permissions 75521:21
Beldaryorwos, Ah so your all wifi mouse, keyboard and internet?21:22
Technodromei swear i love deb based distros, but if apt-get is messed up , i use aptitutde and vice versa, seems so hit or miss sometimes21:23
reisiorickiestrick: and what dir for example can't you write to?21:23
Beldaryorwos, If you spread out info rather than state it in one post it will be missed on occasion.21:23
rickiestrickreisio: folder621:24
reisiorickiestrick: and your user is 'jr'?21:24
yorwosbeldar my internet will stay on im using ethernet cables21:24
rickiestrickreisio: on the problem machine, yes21:25
yorwosi have to do it with a command like reconnect wifi in 15secconds21:25
mustmodifyreisio: Can I uses the files in /boot in lieu of an install disk? I'm assuming not...21:25
Beldaryorwos, I think your worry on the usb port is unfounded, Use it correctly you should have no issue.21:25
Beldaryorwos, Use a hub even better21:26
reisiorickiestrick: okay21:26
yorwosthats clever ! ty :D21:26
reisiorickiestrick: not really sure why it's not mounting them as jr by default, but you can probably use sshfs' -o uid=# option21:26
wuschLORreisio found the answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1558804 ;) much simpler21:26
reisioor -o idmap=user21:26
reisiowuschLOR: you have multiple hard drives?21:26
reisiooh you're truecrypt guy21:27
rickiestrickreisio: when do I use that option?21:27
reisiorickiestrick: when you run 'sshfs...'21:28
reisiorickiestrick: what's jr's output of 'uid'?21:28
rickiestrickreisio: thanks. I'll try that now21:28
reisioof 'id', even21:28
Technodromedo any of you use aptitude exlusively?21:29
rickiestrickreisio: I need the full command. I haven't used uid but maybe once or twice.21:30
BeldarTechnodrome, So far you have just commented this is actual support for real issue, not a polling channel.21:30
reisiorickiestrick: 'id'21:30
Technodromejust frustrated Beldar21:30
Technodromehad a dependecy issue21:30
rickiestrickreisio: uid=1000(jr) gid=1000(jr) groups=1000(jr),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare),127(debian-tor)21:30
BeldarTechnodrome, If you have an issue state it we may be able to help. ;)21:30
Technodromei fixed it21:30
Technodromeby just running the same command in aptitude and i hate that i had to do that21:30
reisioTechnodrome: mmhmmm21:31
reisiorickiestrick: so you could try sshfs -o uid=1000 ...otherstuff21:31
aboudreaultwhat can I do if grub-efi-amd64-signed refuse to install with/without secureboot disabled21:31
reisiorickiestrick: or sshfs -o idmap=user21:31
rickiestrickthanks. What was that unmount command you said that is the better option?21:32
Beldaraboudreault, What is the issue with disabling it?21:32
reisiorickiestrick: that was probably irrelevant21:32
aboudreaultBeldar, same thing... got a backtrace at the package install21:33
aboudreaultfirmware bla bla bla21:33
reisiorickiestrick: just, if you find fusermount -u doesn't work, sometimes fusermount -uz will21:33
reisiomuch like umount and umount -l :)21:33
Beldaraboudreault, THat makes no sense at least to me.21:33
wagleif 12.04 is supported until 2017-04, why am I being told to upgrade my hardware stack now?21:33
reisiowagle: your _hardware_?21:34
reisioy'mean software?21:34
wagle"Your current Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) is going out of support21:34
wagleon 14-08-07.  After this date security updates for critical parts (kernel21:34
newbneed some help here. my nvidia card is not being detected21:40
newbubuntu 12.1021:40
Ben6412.10 is no longer supported21:40
newbtried using other methods21:40
Beldarnewb, 12.10 is eol you need a supported release21:40
k1l_newb: before investing any time in that make it to a actual supported ubuntu release21:40
newbi did to 14.0421:41
newbit caused more issues21:41
newbi had to uninstall 14.0421:41
newbmy graphics card was slowing it down21:41
rickiestrickreisio: I still cannot create folders in the sub directories :/21:41
k1l_newb: running 12.10 is not a choice. its ended21:41
Ben64newb: come in here with the problems with 14.04 and we can talk about fixing them21:42
newbi do have issues with 14.0421:42
newbi had to down grade21:42
Ben64but we can help you fix the issues you have on 14.0421:42
newbwhen I log in, everything slows down21:42
Ben64we can't do anything with 12.1021:42
newbok, ok.21:42
newbi'll see if i can reinstall it21:43
wagleis there a equivalent of libglapi-mesa:i386 in 14.04?21:43
sandeep_chaudharHey guys21:44
reisiowagle: there's always an equivalent, that's why they're called equivalents21:44
reisiosandeep_chaudhar: heyo21:44
sandeep_chaudharhow do I override CFLAGS on shell so that I can add some value to it rather than simply over-writing it?21:44
sandeep_chaudharwhen I try "make CFLAGS+=-a" (lets say eg)21:45
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sandeep_chaudharthen CFLAGS is over-written and not added to the existing value.21:45
sandeep_chaudharok, #friendly-coders for me?21:45
sandeep_chaudharokies, thanks.21:45
rickiestrickreisio: The issue was with the permissions of the files on the remote machine. I'm just setting them all to 77721:48
renjennoobAnyone can help me in installing the latest ubuntu next to windows 8 ?21:49
reisiorenjennoob: what's the problem?21:49
renjennoobI have acer aspire 64bit preinstalled windows 821:49
renjennoobAnd i want to install ubuntu next to it like dual boot21:50
reisiorenjennoob: what's stopping you?21:50
renjennoobBut the problem is after i create a bootable live usb it doesnt boot21:50
renjennoobIt continue straight to wimdows 821:51
reisiorenjennoob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:51
renjennoobNote that i have disabled the fast will that solve my problem ?21:52
renjennoobWill that solve my problem ****21:52
renjennoobThe link u provided21:52
wagleis the hwe-support-status command telling me the right thing with respect to upgrading to HWE 12.04.05? http://pastebin.com/6bkfrMM321:53
k1l_wagle: you got the 13.10 backports kernel running21:54
k1l_wagle: install the 14.04 kernel backports stuff and you are fine21:54
waglek1l_: is that easy to say how?21:56
k1l_wagle: did you even read the message you just pasted?21:56
waglek1l_: yes, and the last command didnt work21:57
k1l_wagle: "didnt work" please pastebin the output21:57
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wagleworking on that21:58
waglek1l_: http://pastebin.com/Mnn284cm21:59
k1l_wagle: so you have PPAs running?21:59
k1l_wagle: "ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d"22:00
waglek1l_: empty22:01
eoinhow do i spoof emails on ubuntu22:02
k1l_wagle: wait, is that a server?22:03
waglek1l_: shouldnt be22:03
waglebunches of stuff in /etc/apt/sources.list22:03
k1l_wagle: ok, then show that please22:04
k1l_wagle: and that sources.list.d folder is where the PPAs (3rd party sources) go in ubuntu. then sources.list stays clean from 3rd party stuff. that will help the upgrade not break the whole system22:05
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waglek1l_: http://pastebin.com/EyM88beF22:05
waglei think I tried an failed to support my video card22:06
reisioI'll help you out22:06
betaI am trying to set up USB mobile broadband. I have configued with "Edit connections", set up my APN, etc. It is not displayed under connections. I use comviq (swedish) if that is to any help. Can someone help me? What could I be doing wrong?22:06
reisiosay this: "hey video card, good job today"22:06
k1l_wagle: well, i dont see a 3rd party repo there. did you install something by hand?22:07
eeeebeta: is this iburst?22:07
eeee!iburst | beta22:08
waglek1l_: i seem to be running nvidia PPA22:08
jribwill pretty much any sd card reader/writer work on linux or are there some recommended ones?22:08
reisiojrib: most likely any22:08
betaeeee, no, it is comviq.se22:09
jribreisio: thanks22:09
waglek1l_: i might have gone to them22:09
eeeebeta: yes but does it use iburst, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Iburst22:09
reisiojrib: if you have a specific premade computer model in mind, you could check http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/22:09
reisiojrib: but most likely it'll work22:09
k1l_wagle: if you know you fiddled with the nvidia and the xorg stuff that is the issue22:09
jribreisio: nah, was going to buy one so i could flash some images on an sd card22:10
eoineveryone on here is shit at support22:10
reisiojrib: from an online store?22:10
jribreisio: anywhere22:10
waglek1l_: what about the libglapi-mesa:i38622:10
reisiojrib: any online store that's not awful will say what OS it works on22:10
supernewb you still here?22:10
reisioor at least the reviews might22:11
Geodownloading 14.04, it says 32bit (for machines with less than 2gb ram) ... does that mean if I have 4gb of ram but a 32bit processor, it can only access the first 2?22:12
superGeo, if you have dual cores or any of the x64 cpu download the 64 bit iso22:13
reisioGeo: 64-bit for 64-bit, 32 for 32, it's not rocket science :)22:13
superGeo, if your cpu is 64 bit download 64 bit not how much system memory you have22:14
Georeisio, thanks, but that was not my question22:14
reisioGeo: yeah but I was answering, now questioning :p22:14
geniiGeo: The default kernel is PAE so it should see more than 2Gb22:14
reisiothe answer to your question is irrelevant22:14
potato_farmerGeo, generally 32-bit system can access 3.5GB of memory22:14
potato_farmerWith PAE, more22:14
Geopotato_farmer: what is PAE?22:15
reisioand he doesn't mean only .5 more22:15
reisionot that it matters22:15
AAA-does anyone here speak spanish? I need some slang translated22:15
reisioGeo: something else you don't need to know about :)22:15
reisioAAA-: #linguistics22:15
kostkonGeo, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension22:15
Geodidnt recognize the abbreviation22:15
geniiGeo: PAE is "Physical Address Extensions" ... it's what allows 32bit cpu to address more than the 2G of RAM22:16
potato_farmerGeo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3_GB_barrier22:16
jribreisio: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820208939 heh actually specifies kernel version and everything; thanks for the help22:17
* reisio moves page to 'imaginary irrelevant 3 gb barrier'22:17
reisiojrib: :)22:17
=== Guest88980 is now known as cyphase
super2^32 for 32bit right?22:17
superand 2^64 for 64bit?22:18
potato_farmerand 2^36 with PAE22:18
* reisio headdesks22:18
potato_farmerGeo, you probably have a 64-bit cpu22:18
Geoand if i read correctly, 14.04 has PAE by default, correct?22:18
Geonope, 32bit22:18
Geoolder box22:18
reisiothen it doesn't matter, you have no choice22:19
Georeisio: you still dont seem to grasp my actual question22:19
GeoI'm fully aware I dont have a choice what I install22:19
eeeereisio: he wants to know22:19
reisioeeee: to know?22:19
GeoI'm wondering how much memory I can access on the only choice I have22:19
eeeereisio: understand22:19
betaeeee, if it uses iBurst, what do I do?22:19
Geoso please let the other folds help22:19
reisiohelp with what?22:20
eeeebeta: you can add the ppa and follow the instructions22:20
JulioalndNECESITO AYUDA22:20
potato_farmerGeo: read the page I sent you, you can access between 2.75GB to 3.5GB depending on hardware. If you use a PAE kernel, you can access more, but at the cost of some performance.22:20
potato_farmerIf your box is that old, should you be installing 14.04?22:21
reisiopotato_farmer: course22:21
superpotato he can install ubuntu lxde 14.0422:21
kostkonGeo, what are the specs22:21
Geopotato_farmer: reading it now, I'm familiar with PAE, but its a good refresher22:21
superperfect for system with 1gb22:21
=== annie is now known as Guest10247
betaeeee, ppa?22:22
eeeebeta, it's on the website i sent, you have to open the terminal and run the commands, the first is sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ginggs/ppa22:23
svm_invictvsHow do I modify my machine's hostname?22:29
svm_invictvsedit /etc/hostname?22:29
eeeeyes and etc/hosts22:30
eeeethen type hostname22:30
eeee(run "hostname" in the terminal)22:30
innocent95Hi folks.22:36
innocent95koell, How it's going :)22:37
innocent95What's the best way to install chrome or chromium on Ubuntu without issues ?.22:37
Geoso did anyone ever mention why the download page suggests 32bit is for machines with <2gb ram ?22:37
koellinnocent95: issues? i just used the one from google download or the one from the sources22:38
Beldarinnocent95, What issues, never had any personally?22:38
innocent95koell, Could you provide a link22:39
innocent95Beldar, Like language issues22:39
kostkoninnocent95, for chrome or chromium?22:39
innocent95kostkon, What do you prefer, and what most people prefer ?22:40
Beldarinnocent95, Should run as you have your computer set up, never seen this addressed here ever.22:40
waglek1l_: I uninstalled the nvidia driver, rebooted, and it still fails for same messages22:40
Beldarinnocent95, https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95416?hl=en22:41
innocent95Beldar, I installed chromium the worst way, and i have problems with flash and language ... etc.22:41
Beldarinnocent95, Give exact details so far none of this means anything.22:42
awesomess3kostkon, innocent95 Beldar I just installed the latest Chromium for Xubuntu 14.04 and when I change workspaces the graphics glitch and I can't see most of its GUI except when I mouse-over specific pieces.22:42
kostkon!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree | innocent95, to get propery flash support in chromium install this package22:43
ubottuinnocent95, to get propery flash support in chromium install this package: pepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.3ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)22:43
innocent95Beldar, The flash player is not working on youtube... also Arabic language letters are not displayed properly in page titles.22:43
kostkoninnocent95, if you want to try chrome, get it from here http://www.google.co.uk/chrome/22:44
innocent95Alright, i'll try chrome.22:44
innocent95can i remove chromium using: sudo apt-get remove chromium-browser ?22:45
awesomess3innocent95, I'm 95% sure yes22:45
innocent95awesomess3, :),  you mean 05% percent of packages will be in my computer for a long time ?22:46
innocent95I hate installing .deb files.22:48
=== notrev is now known as notrev`out
awesomess3would you rather double-click an MSI .exe installer?22:50
ubottuA netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:52
_Rocky_Oh, I am tripping22:54
skinuxHow do we use Pylons once we have installed it via repo??22:54
koellcall admiral adama!22:56
Piciskinux: read its documentation.  If you still need help, it would probably benefit you to ask in #python22:56
newbok, installing 14.04 lts23:00
newbwhat's with the goat in 14.04?23:02
newbubuntu 14.04 LTS23:02
Picinewb: I don't understand what you mean by "goat"23:03
_Rocky_I think he means the Tahr23:03
newbyeah, tahr23:03
PiciIt's the development codename.  Every Ubuntu release has an Adjective Animal codename.23:04
ubottuUbuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more23:04
=== solarfly_ is now known as solarfly
newbok, I hope you guys can help me soon.23:05
newbi hate nvidia23:05
newbwhen I finished installing this, everything is slow. The mouse pointer is hardly moving.23:05
_Rocky_newb: does your Nvidia card support optimus23:06
newbmy graphics card is a nvidia geforce 8400 gs23:07
daftykinsoptimus is a state of fact, not a feature to support.23:07
_Rocky_daftykins: yes. grammatical error there23:08
_Rocky_newb: Have you installed the restricted drivers?23:08
newbok, i do not see the unity launcher23:08
koellnewb: god bless you :D23:08
newbi dont know that much about installing nvidia drivers23:08
supersh: 1: ini: not found23:08
newbok, i see evrything but its so slow.23:09
newbthe mouse pointer is moving slow23:09
super03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti] (rev a2)23:09
newbi may need to use ctrl + alt and F123:10
_Rocky_newb: try this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedDrivers23:10
newbok, but i need to restart my pc now. Im using my laptop on this chat.23:11
superinstall the nvidia proprietary driver23:12
superremove all the nouveau23:12
newbsudo apt-get install nvidia-current-uodates?23:13
supergauntletsomething like that23:13
supersudo apt-get remove nvidia-current23:13
svm_invi1tvsif I setup a machine as a virtualbox host machine, what exactly does that mean?23:14
supergo download your driver from nvidia site23:14
svm_invi1tvsDoes that somehow limimt the packages that are available?23:14
newbE:unable to locate package nvidia-current23:15
supersudo apt-get remove nvidia*23:15
superbe sure to download your nvidia driver first23:15
newbhow can i download it with a slow pointer?23:15
newbthe system is slow23:15
newbi can dowload it through terminal?23:16
superis it laptop or desktop card?23:16
newbdesktop card.23:17
newbin addition, my chipset is nvidia as well.23:17
[1]rsa_seanAnyone else seeing a "ALERT /dev/mapper/vg00-root does not exist" error on new netboot server installs23:17
[1]rsa_seanWe also have no way of interacting with ash because it does not recognise usb keyboards ...23:17
newbim using my laptop right now.23:17
[1]rsa_seansame configuration worked 3 weeks ago, this week we are getting these errors23:18
newbi can't do almost anything on my desktop.23:18
superput the nvidia*.run file on your usb23:18
superwhen you boot up your desktop hold down Shift key23:19
superwhen you see the grub selection menu press "e" to edit it23:20
superthe line that start with linux ..... "quiet splash" delete the two words and put 223:20
superdelete "quiet splash" and add "2"23:21
newbso just "2"23:22
newbwhat's with this slow download.23:22
supernewb, yes23:23
superthats runlevel 223:23
newbso look for "quit splash" in grub pressing e and delete "quite splash" and replace it with "2".23:24
supernewb, correct23:24
newbok, will do that as soon as i get this nvidia driver in the usb.23:24
newbits so slow23:25
newbi hate the internet here23:25
braksonHey guys. I'm having trouble booting Windows 8.1 from grub. Can Anyone help me out? Here's a detailed description. http://pastie.org/940125123:25
braksonBoth Linux and Windows work on my computer but in order for me to use Windows at this point I have to go into my BIOS and change the boot order.23:26
newb4 minutes left.23:27
superbrakson, if you want to dual boot windows and ubunt easiest way is to have both of them run on legacy mode and not uefi mode23:27
braksonsuper: thanks for the reply. I will try that. Why do you think it will boot in Legacy but not uefi?23:27
superyou might have to look up uefi dual boot brakson23:28
superyour windows 8 is preinstalled in UEFI mode23:28
superuefi allow your system to boot much faster but once you are inside windows the performance is about the same is if you select legacy mode23:29
eeeebrakson: was ubuntu installed in uefi mode ?23:32
newbi made the changes to grub.23:32
braksoneeee: yes23:32
newbnow what?23:33
supernewb, are you in terminal screen?23:33
newball i see is a blakc screen23:33
newbi did what you told me, too23:33
superor f123:34
newbit does nothing23:34
ko3thi ! i got a windows 7 from the ebay and wanted to install linux. is there a way to download and install it straight from windows, without using USB stick or CD?23:34
eeeebrakson: try turning secure boot off23:34
braksoneeee: ok. I'll be back23:34
superko3tb use wubi23:34
ko3ti mean i got windows 7 laptop23:34
svm_invi1tvsSo I've installed apache2, I've installed PHP and all that23:35
newbdo i go to boot and re-edit grub back23:35
svm_invi1tvsI want to use ldap-account-manager, installed it via deb...23:35
svm_invi1tvsHow do I configure it from there, do I just symlink it into my /var/www/ directory?23:35
ko3tsuper: thanks23:35
supernewb go back to grub this time just put nomodeset nouveau.modeset=023:36
newbsame place where "quite splash"23:36
Crazywolf132anyone here?23:36
supernewb, delete "quiet splash" and add "nomodeset nouveau.modeset=0"23:36
superyes be sure it is spacing23:37
brucelee_i just installed a brand new ubuntu, there were other logical volumes on other disks in the system, and after installing ubuntu, vgdisplay registers those23:37
brucelee_but i cant remove them because it says device or resource busy23:37
superxxx nomodeset nouveau.modeset=0 xxxx xxx23:37
brucelee_when i do lsof <lv> it doesnt say anything23:37
brucelee_anyone know how i can remove these pvs so i can use them for something else23:37
Crazywolf132nomodeset nouveau.modeset=023:38
newbthen hit f10?23:38
newbwhen im done23:38
supernewb,  yes23:39
superf10 or ctrl+x23:39
braksoneeee: You are amazing23:39
braksoneeee: it finally works!23:39
newbi see the log in23:39
eeeeit worked ?23:39
eeeecool :)23:39
braksoneeee: Why did secure boot keep it from working?23:39
newbdo i log in or just ctrl + alt + f1?23:40
Crazywolf132brakson: What works?23:40
supernewb, when you press f10 you will be at a login prompt screen23:40
eldawgits plane23:40
eldawgand yes23:40
superenter your username and password23:40
eldawgits been news for almost 12 hours23:40
PiciCrazywolf132: take the nonsense elsewhere, this is a support channel.23:41
supernavigate to your nvidia*.run file and sudo sh *.run23:41
braksonCrazywolf132: I was getting this error http://pastie.org/940125123:41
ubottumaurizius81: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:42
newbcommand not found23:42
newboh wait, need to put the name23:43
newbok its installing23:44
supernewb, are you on the promp login screen?23:44
supercongrat newb23:44
superremember everytime you do update you will have to reinstall your nvidia driver again23:44
newboh wait23:44
superthe update will break it23:44
newbbut i got an error23:44
Crazywolf132okay cya23:44
superadd that to sudo sh -F *.run23:45
superforce installation23:45
newbthe chipset NVIDIA geforce 6150SE nforce 430 GPU23:45
superdon't forget to blacklist nouveau23:45
newbcan't force install illegal operation23:46
newbgot it23:47
newbhow do i black list nouveau?23:47
Picisuper: neither --force nor -F are valid options for sh, and -f is probably not what you want.23:47
eeeebrakson: did you use boot-repair ?23:47
eeee(after you installed ubuntu)23:48
supernouveau.modeset=0 on your grub23:48
supermake it permanent23:48
supernewb, sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf23:49
super# This file was installed by nvidia-current-updates23:49
super# Do not edit this file manually23:49
superblacklist nouveau23:49
superblacklist lbm-nouveau23:49
superblacklist nvidia-17323:49
superblacklist nvidia-9623:49
unopastesuper you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:49
unopastesuper you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:49
brucelee_anyoen know how to remove an LV if lvremove returns device-mapper: remove iosctl on failed: device or resource busy23:49
unopastesuper you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:49
brucelee_i tried lsof, doesnt list anything23:49
supernewb, http://askubuntu.com/questions/112302/how-do-i-disable-the-nouveau-kernel-driver23:51
newbok, thanks super,23:51
=== AcidRain is now known as Neytiri
newbhow do i exit x server?23:56
supernewb, sudo shutdown -r now23:56
newbcannot install drivers because of x server23:56
eeeesuper: he wants to exit x not reboot23:57
supereeee, he just did a runlevel 223:57
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.23:57
newbcan't install nvidia drivers because of x server running23:57
eeeeok, i wasn't paying much attention :)23:58
superanyone know how to get to init 3?23:58
superi used to just type sudo init 323:58
superand i'll see tty123:58
Picisuper: init 2,3,4,5 are all the same on Ubuntu.23:58
newbim checking it now23:58
=== oguz is now known as rtl8188ce
supernewb, if you want to install the nvidia driver you have to exit xserver23:59
newbim trying that now23:59

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