
OvenWerksforestpiskie: with regard to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Utopic/Pkexec , where can I find more info on how the policy files are packaged/installed? Are they a part of the application package? or the xubuntu settings? I need to do something similar for Studio I would guess. Does it come with *.desktop files?06:20
zequenceOvenWerks: Check out /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/20:59
zequence..on how to make pkexec work with an application20:59
OvenWerkszequence: Ya I have used that. I was talking about how xubuntu had set up the changes for their use. If they are included in the app package or in the settings package21:00
OvenWerksIt would be nice to have a menu item in system for a root terminal or file manager. Which are two xubuntu is already setting up.21:01
OvenWerksI would just like to take their work and use it (for compatability if nothing else)21:01
zequenceOvenWerks: Yes, I agree. We need to set up our settings so that desktop settings are replicated from them - and so, we should separate our audio settings into a different package as has been discussed21:02
OvenWerksI would like one for gedit as well, but xubuntu uses mousepad21:02
OvenWerksThe conversation actually started in xubuntu-devel and I moved my part here when it got to be more STudio specific21:04
zequenceI got endorsed on my developer application during myt absence. Hoping I could get upload rights soon21:05
OvenWerksVery good!21:05
zequenceOvenWerks: Did you have a look at -controls, btw?21:06
zequencecjwatson is handling libav stuff. I think our ISO should build, if our meta is just updated. Not sure21:08
zequenceHe removed some libav packages from our seeds a week ago, or so21:08
OvenWerkszequence: Our meta is fixed, but libav is still in proposed21:13
OvenWerksSo the package our meta points to does not "exist" yet21:14
OvenWerksI think we are also waiting on all the packages that depends on libav to have the depends fixed.21:14
OvenWerks-controls is not in the PPA, does it run direct from the package directory? I am guessing it might being in python.21:18
zequenceOvenWerks: It's not packaged yet. Get lp:ubuntustudio-controls. The executable is src/ubuntustudio-controls21:20
zequenceyou need to run it from that dir, in order to load the glade file21:21
OvenWerksI may have to wait... I get 503 when trying to browse the code even.21:21
OvenWerksThere i go back again.21:22
OvenWerkshad to install bzr on this machine...21:31
OvenWerkszequence: you are using a newer version of gtk+ than trusty has in it. -controls requires gtk+ 3.12 and trusty has 3.1021:33
zequenceOvenWerks: Ah, that's because of the glade file. Easy fix21:33
zequenceJust need to use the trusty version of Glade to create a new Glade file21:34
zequence(or edit the file, haven't done that manually at all)21:34
zequenceOvenWerks: Try changing, in src/ubuntustudio.glade, the line " <requires lib="gtk+" version="3.12"/>""21:35
zequencemake it say 3.10 and see what happens21:35
OvenWerksI did... not work.21:35
zequenceWell, I'll redo it in trusty later, then21:36
OvenWerksBut it is not the gui.21:36
OvenWerksFileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/share/ubuntustudio-controls/audio.conf'21:36
zequenceOvenWerks: Ah, just need to move that file to there21:36
OvenWerksIt appears I need to partly install.21:37
zequence..or, copy, rather21:37
OvenWerksAh, have gui.21:38
OvenWerksI take it anything already checked means the setup is ok?21:39
zequenceYeah, it checks, but you can't make changes yet21:40
OvenWerkszequence: I have that the user is in audio and realtime audio. I assume realtime audio means the audio.conf is named correctly and in the right directory?21:41
OvenWerksDo we check for lowlatency kernel? I guess at this point it is meant for Studio which should already have that.21:42
zequenceThe check is not complete yet, but it does make sure the supplied audio.conf doesn't diff with an existing one21:42
zequenceNo, since this is only for the SRU, we only administer realtime for the time being21:42
OvenWerksI think once it can set the two things set up it is enough for those who install Studio metas in a different DE21:43
zequenceWon't be very flexible, but it'll work21:43
OvenWerksThat seems to be the most often asked stuff on the irc channel.21:44
OvenWerksHmm I can't exit :)   X works though.21:45
zequenceThe quit button in the top right corner should worki21:46
OvenWerksYup X works. 21:46

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