
Unit193parole | 0.7.0-0ubuntu1   | utopic/universe00:40
Unit193xubutrello: card 17 link00:40
Unit193So is this finished?00:40
Unit193xubutrello: card 73 link00:40
bluesabreyup, looks that way00:42
Unit193xubutrello: card 73 move to Done 14.1000:43
xubutrelloCouldn't find any list named: "done". Aborting.00:43
bluesabrealready moved it00:44
bluesabrejjfrv8: :O01:27
bluesabrehe found a new bug while doing SRU verification01:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 1323405 in menulibre (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Please backport menulibre-2.0.4 to trusty" [High,Fix committed]01:28
bluesabresee last comments01:28
bluesabreeasy fix, but :(01:28
bluesabrejjfrv8: would you mind removing ~/.config/menus/xfce-applications.menu, and try that same test with a launcher that has been saved (even a new launcher, as long as it has a filename assigned to it)01:31
Unit193xubuntu-meta sitting in NEW: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+queue04:40
knomebluesabre, hey, at least we're finding the bugs "internally" on the team, so they don't spread out too far06:25
Unit193ochosi: https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/xfce/+packages07:46
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
ochosiUnit193: which packages would be intended for which ppa?09:29
ochosibluesabre: tried my best with bdmurray, as he's the sru guy today, if you have any better ideas/shots, feel free to give it a try10:07
ochosi(note: bdmurray isn't around yet)10:07
NoskcajWhy is it that we seed libcheese-doc?10:19
bluesabreI think it gets pulled thanks to gstreamer1.0-tools10:35
bluesabreochosi: if he's the pilot today, we just gotta keep poking :)10:41
ochosibluesabre: yeah, i guess11:12
bluesabrewhat's up ochosi?11:17
ochosibluesabre: not much, mostly working :)11:23
ochosibut it's frickin' hot outside11:23
ochosioh, and waiting a bit for bdmurray to show his face so i can ping him over and over :>11:24
ochosiactually i should also fix one or two things in xfpm today or tomorrow11:24
ochosi"one fix a day keeps the release-date away"11:24
ochosii saw you got another bug in menulibre11:25
bluesabreso that's fun11:30
bluesabregotta run, bbl11:34
bluesabreNoskcaj: please see my comments for the xfce4-session merge11:35
ochosibluesabre: hf, ttyl11:37
jjfrv8bluesabre, did as you requested. Giving New Launcher a name and saving before moving prevents the problem.12:39
jjfrv8Updated bug report with that result.12:45
slickymasterWorkelfy, you around?14:19
elfysigh - so I do have a bug in a clean install ... lagging badly when changing to another desktop16:40
elfywhich appears to be worse with nouveau than nvidia 17:25
Unit193ochosi_: xfdash, extras.17:41
Unit193ochosi_: Also, can you remove thunar-dropbox from extras/utopic?17:56
ochosi_yeah, i saw it got uploaded today17:56
Unit193Maybe trusty too, the one in Ubuntu is "older"17:56
Unit193xubuntu-core is in proposed (Sean pinged them) so it should be in normal soon.17:56
ochosi_yup, saw that too17:57
ochosi_still waiting for xdg-utils and x-d-settings17:57
Unit193bluesabre: I suppose you got nothing on the packageset question?18:44
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
Noskcajbluesabre, You will notice that d/p/series was not changed20:05
NoskcajThe patches were just unapplied when i pushed the branch, as i have been told to by dholbach20:06
ochosiUnit193: both done (xfdash + thunar-dropb)20:09
elfyevening all20:11
ochosihey elfy 20:12
ochosihow's it goin?20:12
elfybetter now it's a bit cooler :p20:13
elfyhad to reinstall unicorn today - was driving me nuts :)20:13
elfysame issue - I've just been really lazy ... 20:13
ochosibtw, we have a few SRU bugs that need to be verified, in case you have time and vboxes to check that out20:14
elfyI can do that - just point me and I can set the vm's up again20:14
ochosithis one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+bug/133187120:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1331871 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Please backport lightdm-gtk-greeter 1.8.5 to trusty" [High,Fix committed]20:15
ochosiand this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/menulibre/+bug/132340520:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 1323405 in menulibre (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Please backport menulibre-2.0.4 to trusty" [High,Fix committed]20:15
ochosi(both in trusty-proposed)20:15
elfyok - it'll not be today nor early tomorrow20:15
ochosiwe'll see, might be too late then. we're aiming for the 14.04.1 inclusion20:16
elfyno time tonight, working till 5 tomorrow 20:16
ochosisure, no worries20:16
ochosias far as i can see jjfrv8 already checked them20:16
ochosiso it'll hopefully be enough20:17
ochosi(although he discovered a new bug along the way)20:17
NoskcajCan someone please check that gmusicbrowser still works after you manually select a time in a song. It stops making sound for me21:48
ochosiNoskcaj: sounds like a combinatiom of .ogg and gstreamer22:52
ochosiat least we had a similar issue in parole22:53
* bluesabre enters quietly23:14

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