
wilsonjl3ok gotta restart for these updates, brb00:01
wilsonjl3i'm back00:03
wilsonjl3ok, Dave, what do i do now?00:04
wilsonjl3do you mind if i ca askedll you Dave? just realized i never00:04
ObrienDavewell, what would you like to do next?00:04
wilsonjl3call you dave? just realized i never asked*00:04
ObrienDavedave is fine, just don't call me late for dinner ;P00:05
wilsonjl3uhm...i need skype and Chrome00:05
ObrienDaveok, open a terminal copy and paste => sudo apt-get install skype00:06
ObrienDaveor open Software Center and search for skype00:07
wilsonjl3oh thats cool00:07
ObrienDaveyou'll have to enter your password either way00:07
wilsonjl3but it cant find skype :/00:07
ObrienDavehang on00:07
wilsonjl3okay :)00:07
wilsonjl3i downloaded chrome off of mozilla for Xubuntu/linux, is that ok?00:08
ObrienDaveok, open a terminal copy and paste => sudo apt-get install skype-bin00:08
wilsonjl3or should i have done the software centre00:09
David-Awilsonjl3: it may work, but better use the software center00:09
wilsonjl3can't find that either :/00:09
ObrienDaveyes, lets go through Software Center for now. easier on the noobies ;P00:09
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:09
wilsonjl3ok so what do i do with the chrome i just downloaded?00:10
ObrienDavenothing yet ;P00:10
wilsonjl3lol ok00:10
wilsonjl3i'll just try the software centre00:11
David-Awilsonjl3: if you find chrome in software center, then ignore the file you downloaded.00:11
ObrienDaveyou still need to add the canonical partner repo to find the package00:11
wilsonjl3how do i do that? O.o00:11
wilsonjl3idek what that is tbh00:11
wilsonjl3no, google chrome isnt there00:12
wilsonjl3neither is skype00:12
ObrienDaveUnit193 sent you the instructions. read up ^^00:12
wilsonjl3ok, i saw that, but what do i do? i dunno what a canonical partner is, or what a repo is00:13
David-Awilsonjl3: it is also possible to add partner repo with the gui. do you have "software sources" in the systems menu or in a menu in software center?00:13
ObrienDaverepo is short for repository00:13
wilsonjl3no i don't David-A00:14
ObrienDavecanonical is responsible for Ubuntu and its "flavors" Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, etc00:14
wilsonjl3so...i put skype's Partner in where it says partner?00:15
wilsonjl3ugh so confused00:16
ObrienDaveno, copy and paste the command including sudo from the ubottu instruction into your terminal00:16
ObrienDaveyou've only been at this a few minutes, relax. you'll learn00:16
ObrienDavesudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"00:17
wilsonjl3how do i copy in xubuntu? :p00:18
ObrienDavectrl-c and paste ctrl-v just like windows00:19
wilsonjl3not letting me paste into the terminal00:19
wilsonjl3just gonna type it out00:19
ObrienDaveright click near the prompt00:19
wilsonjl3ok what did it do/00:20
ObrienDavethat command added the repo to your sources list, now, MOST important....00:21
ObrienDavesudo apt-get update00:21
ObrienDaveALWAYS run update after adding repos00:22
ObrienDavewhen that's done....00:23
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install skype-bin00:23
wilsonjl3sorry im back00:23
ObrienDaveLOL what happened?00:23
wilsonjl3lost conection after i asked that00:23
ObrienDaveok, from the top...00:24
ObrienDavethat command added the repo to your sources list, now, MOST important....00:24
ObrienDavesudo apt-get update00:24
ObrienDaveALWAYS run update after adding repos00:24
ObrienDavewhen that's done....00:24
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install skype-bin00:24
David-Awilsonjl3: ... or search for skype in software center00:25
David-Awilsonjl3: (sorry, I am repeating myself)00:25
wilsonjl3i did david-a :P00:25
wilsonjl3and ok Dave00:25
wilsonjl3ugh more updates00:26
wilsonjl3and i tried switching to wireless :P didnt work00:26
ObrienDaveno, that's just the update list00:26
wilsonjl3oh okay00:26
wilsonjl3yeah its done now00:26
wilsonjl3ok installing skype now00:27
ObrienDavenow, we'll have to go through this for chrome also when this is done LOL you ready?00:27
wilsonjl3this is pretty cool00:28
wilsonjl3its still downloading/installing00:28
wilsonjl3should i delete the chrome thing i downloaded?00:28
ObrienDavenot to worry, patience :)00:28
ObrienDaveprobably not, what is the extension of the file? if it's .deb no worries00:28
wilsonjl3yep it is00:29
wilsonjl3ill brb while this downloads00:29
ObrienDavethose can be installed through software center directly00:29
wilsonjl3im back00:32
wilsonjl3what can be through software centre?00:33
ObrienDavethe .deb file00:33
ObrienDaveso, skype done?00:33
ObrienDaveok, wait00:34
ObrienDaveok, wait until the prompt shows in term00:34
wilsonjl3in term?00:34
wilsonjl3unpacking stuffs now00:35
ObrienDaveexcellent, *taps fingers*00:35
wilsonjl3*fidgets impatiently*00:36
wilsonjl3so what type of "coding" does this use? not LUA, right?00:36
ObrienDavenot sure00:38
wilsonjl3ok its done00:38
wilsonjl3ok no problem00:38
ObrienDaveok, find the chrome .deb file, right click it, "open in software center"00:38
wilsonjl3okay, im here00:39
ObrienDaveok, find the chrome .deb file, right click it, "open in software center"00:39
wilsonjl3just hit install?00:39
* David-A wonders, isn't chrome in the repos?00:39
ObrienDavecould be00:40
wilsonjl3oh its installing automatically00:40
wilsonjl3ahaha so i backed up my pics and stuff before all this but i forgot my music and documents :P00:40
wilsonjl3so dumb00:40
David-Awilsonjl3: do you mean you have lost your documents? and still laughing?00:42
wilsonjl3yes i have and i am, wh?y00:42
David-Awish I were you00:42
ObrienDavemost of us would be throwing things00:42
wilsonjl3stuff can be replaced00:42
wilsonjl3haha well i dont have too much on my comp. im a carpenter and electrician so i dont rly need this for anything important or job-related00:43
David-A(not that I have lost any files, but some day it may happen. then I would like to be you)00:43
wilsonjl3back everything up then? use an extra hard drive or something from an old comp?00:44
ObrienDaveyup, i use Grsync for file-type backups to external 3TB USB drive00:45
wilsonjl3ok, i got chrome and skype installed00:45
ObrienDaveI have another 3TB USB to back that one up00:45
wilsonjl33tb usb?00:45
wilsonjl3didnt even know they had usb that big00:46
ObrienDaveWestern Digital MyBook 3TB00:46
ObrienDaveUSB up to 4TB on one drive00:46
ObrienDave8TB on 2 drives00:46
wilsonjl3thats insane storage00:47
wilsonjl3Dave, how do i get it to let me connect wirelessly?00:47
ObrienDaveyou shoud meet one of the guys on #ubuntu-offtopic he has 36TB00:48
wilsonjl3for what?00:48
wilsonjl3holy crap00:48
ObrienDavedanged  if i know LOL00:49
ObrienDaveanyway, you'll need the router key00:49
wilsonjl3lol thats insane storage00:49
wilsonjl3i have that00:49
wilsonjl3and its long as a wet sunday00:49
ObrienDaveok, click the icon top right looks like radar waves (i think) lol00:50
wilsonjl3an arrow pointing up and one pointing down?00:51
ObrienDavedo you see your router SSID? (name)00:51
wilsonjl3but there is a lil arrow and i have two options?00:51
ObrienDaveclick router name and enter key when prompted00:51
wilsonjl3the connect button is dark, i cant click it00:53
wilsonjl3oh i had a o instad of 0,00:53
ObrienDaveLOL that makes a difference ;P00:54
ObrienDaveit will be a hexadecimal number00:54
ObrienDavethe key00:54
wilsonjl3ok i think im wireless now00:57
wilsonjl3yep i am :)00:57
wilsonjl3you there?00:57
wilsonjl3maybe i am disconnected...00:57
ObrienDaveam here00:57
ObrienDaveok, disconnect your wired connection and see if it works00:59
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wilsonjl3is it working?01:00
wilsonjl3i dont think its working01:00
wilsonjl3im not getting anything till i plug it back in01:01
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ObrienDavehmmm, check the connection icon again and see if "enable wi-fi" is checked01:01
wilsonjl3yep it is01:02
ObrienDaveis your wi-fi adapter switch on? mine has its own switch01:02
wilsonjl3yeah im using it on my phone right now01:03
ObrienDaveumm, what do you n=mean?01:03
wilsonjl3yeah its on01:03
wilsonjl3thought you were wonderine modem was on :Pg if th01:04
wilsonjl3thought you were wondering if the modem was on*01:04
ObrienDaveno, your wi-fi switch on the computer ;P01:04
wilsonjl3is there a way to turn off the clicking when i touch the trackpad?01:04
ObrienDaveumm, somewhere in sound settings i assume01:05
wilsonjl3when i touch the trackpad its like when i leftclick a mouse01:05
ObrienDavehmm, not sure, are you using both mouse and trackpad?01:06
wilsonjl3no just trackpad01:06
wilsonjl3found it01:07
ObrienDaveok, i don;t know where click sound is coming from. you sure you're not hitting a left button?01:07
wilsonjl3no its not a sound :P01:08
wilsonjl3i meant it was actualy clicking01:08
wilsonjl3selecting stuff01:08
ObrienDavei hate track pads, mine is disabled01:08
wilsonjl3xubuntu is fast01:10
ObrienDaveok, next?01:20
wilsonjl3i dunno, what else would i need?01:20
ObrienDaveoh i suggest going to software center and installing synaptic package manager01:21
ObrienDavemost everything you need for now is available in software center. explore that for a while01:22
wilsonjl3okay, what is it?01:22
wilsonjl3okay i will01:22
ObrienDavesynaptic is just another way of installing packages01:22
David-Awilsonjl3: there are many ways to install a package from the repos. 1) the software center, 2) apt-get in the terminal, and 3) synaptic01:23
ObrienDavelike any OS there are multiple way of accomplishing the same thing01:23
ObrienDavei actually like Gdebi for .deb files01:24
ObrienDaveoh, may i recommend HexChat instead of Xchat. it's newer and well maintained.01:26
wilsonjl3okay :)01:27
ObrienDaveDeluge for torrents01:27
ObrienDaveLibreOffice for a free office suite01:28
wilsonjl3office suite?01:28
ObrienDaveword, excel, powerpoint, no outlook01:29
wilsonjl3oh ok01:29
ObrienDaveLibreOffice reads and writes M$ Office files01:29
Unit193Thunderbird with addons, or Evo without addons can be like outlook.01:29
ObrienDaveThunderbird is the default Email client01:30
wilsonjl3i use outlook for emails...01:31
wilsonjl3is there a way to set that up?01:31
ObrienDavenot directly but there are many Email programs that are like outlook01:31
David-Awilsonjl3: Unit193 gave 2 examples of email programs 3 minutes ago01:32
wilsonjl3but i was wondering if i could use outlook as is01:32
ObrienDaveactually OpenOffice Calc was the first spreadsheet to support more than 1,000,000 rows01:33
ObrienDavenot sure if it will run under WINE01:33
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:33
Unit193I'd recommend native, but nevertheless.01:33
ObrienDavealways better to go with a native app. WINE as a last resort01:34
wilsonjl3i gotta go, need to sleep, work in the morning.01:35
ObrienDaveok, well, welcome to the wonderful world of Linux, please ask anytime you have questions ;))01:36
David-Awilsonjl3: for email, wordprocessing, everything else, try the programs that exist in the software center (the repos), don't think you must use exactly the same programs you have used in windows01:36
wilsonjl3aha okay, thank you guys for all the help :D you guys are awesome01:36
ObrienDavewe try ;P01:36
wilsonjl3and okay, i will david-a01:36
nikolamHow come every time I make/add new program item in xfce menu, icon does not appear in menu? (I use .png icon image from program)06:23
baizonnikolam: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_Vector_Graphics06:25
nikolamI also can not run xfce4-appfinder at all anymore (e.g.Alt+F2 does not opens, it was 13.10 updated to 14.04, 64bit)06:30
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nikolamalso issuing sudo, I get: "no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory"06:32
nikolamand I borked network configuration somehow even before 14.04 update, so LAN adapter does not share internet connection untill i click on it.06:33
nikolamalso xfce indicator applet is crashing for me.06:33
nikolamI think i beter reinstall again 14.0406:33
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nikolamyeah baizon , but applications only provide .png icons Huh, maybe .png is not supported in xfce?06:36
nikolamI could swear .png icons were working before in xfce06:37
Unit193nikolam: They do.06:37
nikolamwell not for me, on 14.04 updated from 13.1006:38
nikolamlike everything is saying to me "you should reinstall, 13.10 update was broken"06:40
Unit193nikolam: Is it full path or single file?  And, is the desktop file correctly pointing to it if full path?  You do seem to have a few strange issues, yes.06:41
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james0r HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3110M CPU @ 2.40GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.20GHz ** RAM: Physical: 5.7GB, 86.0% free ** Disk: Total: 261.5GB, 89.1% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 1d 17h 20m 2108:13
james0rs **08:13
james0rsorry for that.08:13
xubuntu542could anybody help with my laptop fan speed management? i have tried lm-sensors and fancontrol. fancontrol says that there are no pwm-capable sensors. bios has just a one option about fan (fan always on when AC on) and this option is turned off. i have read a lot of forums for 2 weeks but i still can't solve this problem. i have hp4510s and xubuntu_x6409:49
Noskcajxubuntu542, Maybe something in the biod, but PWM is normally needed for fan contorl10:20
xubuntu542bios settings have just one option about fan and this option is turned off as i mentioned earlier...10:30
jawwwerHi all. How do I create a hotspot for my mobile phone using my laptop that is running xubuntu11:58
jawwwerAnybody around?13:12
recon_laphi, got a problem, I don't seem to be able to open the application menu editor. can anyone tell me what the program is called so I can try start it from CLI?13:30
recon_lapI think it might be whiskersmenu but i get ERROR:/build/buildd/gnome-menus-3.10.1/./libmenu/gmenu-tree.c:4022:preprocess_layout_info: assertion failed: (!directory->preprocessed)13:33
recon_lapAborted (core dumped) when i try start it.13:33
recon_laphmm, seems mv ~/.config/menus/ ~/.config/menus.bak fixed it.13:36
knomtIsn't it called MenuLibre?13:46
srofitanybody know how to install version 1.1 and version 1.3 of libfltk?16:07
xangua!find libfltk16:08
ubottuFound: libfltk1.1, libfltk1.1-dbg, libfltk1.1-dev, libfltk-cairo1.3, libfltk-forms1.3, libfltk-gl1.3, libfltk-images1.3, libfltk1.3, libfltk1.3-compat-headers, libfltk1.3-dbg (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libfltk&searchon=names&suite=trusty&section=all16:08
srofityeah so i have two packages and one needs each of those16:09
srofitlibfltk1.1-dev and libfltk1.3-dev16:10
srofitbut i install them both and it says i've held broken packages16:10
xanguawhat is the actuall error message¿ do you have third pary repositories¿ srofit16:11
srofiti do this josh@shalom:~$ sudo apt-get install libfltk1.1-dev libfltk1.3-dev16:12
srofiti get this16:12
srofitThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:12
srofit libfltk1.1-dev : Conflicts: libfltk-dev16:12
srofit libfltk1.3-dev : Conflicts: libfltk-dev16:12
srofitE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.16:12
srofitand i guess they are third party repositories16:14
srofitor one of them is16:14
srofitthe dependant packages16:15
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abhrahaving a difficulty with ethernet connection.my lenovo G580  could not find ethernet connection even after connecting to the institute's lan through patch cable. uname -a http://paste.ubuntu.com/7785029/  ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/7785033/  lshw -C network  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7785035/ please provide advice. all the links found in google belonged to earlier versions of ubuntu (atleast 1-2 years17:54
abhra old)17:54
ObrienDavethe basic concept does not change17:55
wilsonjl3hey, i was wondering if its possible to transfer Xubuntu from one flash drive directly to another?18:16
wilsonjl3can i just transfer the files or should i re-download it?18:16
geniiwilsonjl3: If the drives are identical size you can just use dd18:18
geniiwilsonjl3: for example if original is /dev/sdb and one you want to copy it to is /dev sdc, you would do:  sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc18:19
genii( on a linux system)18:19
wilsonjl3ya im usiing xubuntu18:19
wilsonjl3so i just put the name of the usb thing in for sdc and sdb?18:20
doubleplusgoodsdc & sdb are the device nodes for the flash drive and hard drive respecively.18:21
doubleplusgoodDo you have more than one hard drive?18:22
wilsonjl3can i copy the OS directly off the hard drive to the other usb?18:22
wilsonjl3no just one18:22
geniiwilsonjl3: The drive designations may be different than what I gave, it will be specific to your system. To find out which is which, have none plugged in. Then plug the first one, and do: dmesg | tail   ...in there will be what drive it is. then plug second one in and same thing.18:22
genii( these instructions assume you are not running your system off the usb stick)18:23
wilsonjl3yeah its on my hard drive18:23
wilsonjl3ok one is sdc(the one i want the stuff on) and the other is sdc1(the one i want it off of)18:25
geniiThose are the same drive, just different partitions18:28
geniiwilsonjl3: Drives are like: sdc sdd  and so on. Partitons of the same drive are like sdc1 sdc2  and so on.18:29
doubleplusgoodrun : sudo fdisk -l ,it will list your disks and partitions.s18:29
wilsonjl3-l command wasnt found18:30
wilsonjl3and oh18:30
doubleplusgood' -l ' is an option for the command ' fdisk '18:31
wilsonjl3oh i did fdisks, oops18:32
wilsonjl3only one18:33
doubleplusgoodCan you paste the output on paste.ubuntu.com ?18:34
wilsonjl3im so new to this18:34
wilsonjl3yep one sec18:34
doubleplusgoodDon't worry, it gets easier. Can't learn until you try right?18:34
wilsonjl3i guess so18:35
* genii makes a fresh pot of coffee18:35
wilsonjl3http://pastebin.com/DaJzS2m7 (this is with both usb drives plugged in, should i take them out?)18:35
geniiNo, leave them in18:36
doubleplusgoodNo this is good18:36
geniiwilsonjl3: Can you also pastebin the result of just:  mount18:37
wilsonjl3http://pastebin.com/vnSfk69H here you go18:38
wilsonjl3is that ok?18:41
doubleplusgoodrun: 'sudo umount /media/wilsonjl3/11A3-B01A; sudo umount /media/wilsonjl3/KINGPIG'18:41
geniiSorry for lag, at work here18:41
wilsonjl3whats that gonna do?18:41
geniiwilsonjl3: That will remove the drives from the file system so that you can copy them directly to each other18:42
wilsonjl3ok i did that18:42
geniiDo you recall which one had the stuff you wanted? Was it 11A3-B01A or was it KINGPIG ?18:43
wilsonjl3kingpig :P it's an angry birds pig18:43
geniiwilsonjl3: So in this case to issue:  sudo dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc       ... and then go grab a coffee18:44
wilsonjl3aha how long is it gonna take?18:45
doubleplusgoodA while, copying bit by bit.18:45
wilsonjl3heh okay, no problem18:45
wilsonjl3its not doing anything i think18:45
doubleplusgoodNo output is good18:48
wilsonjl3should it be doing something in the window?18:48
wilsonjl3oh okay18:48
geniiwilsonjl3: It will just chug a while :) You'll know when it's done when the command prompt returns.18:49
wilsonjl3oke, thank you :)18:50
wilsonjl3can i play a game while it installs or should i leave the comp alone till its done? :p18:50
geniiYou can do any other thing you want, it will not affect the copy18:51
wilsonjl3okay :)18:51
geniiThat is one thing dd could benefit from, a progress indicator.18:53
wilsonjl3or even just something saying something like : "copying, do not remove usb drive"18:55
wilsonjl3just so you know its actualy doing something18:55
geniiHm, yes. Although if they have activity lights on the sticks they should be going on and off like mad18:56
doubleplusgoodI'm sure it would end up braking someone's workflow.18:57
wilsonjl3ya mine dont :P18:57
wilsonjl3cheap things18:57
wilsonjl3oh do i need an antivirus for xubuntu?19:04
doubleplusgoodNope, just make sure you mainly use the offical repos19:05
wilsonjl3okay :)19:06
wilsonjl3is there a way to move that bar that goes across the top to the side?19:10
doubleplusgoodYeah, right click on the bar and goto properties19:11
doubleplusgoodI don't have a Xubuntu box in front of me ATM, let me grab one...19:12
wilsonjl3it says style: (dropdown box here)19:13
wilsonjl3and a checkbox with expand in it19:13
wilsonjl3oh i found it19:14
wilsonjl3ok so the prompt popped up again, it should be copied now?19:16
wilsonjl3how do i remount them?19:17
doubleplusgoodRight click, Pannel > Pannel Preferences > Mode > Vertical19:17
wilsonjl3sudo mount /media/wilsonjl3/11A3-B01A; sudo mount /media/wilsonjl3/KINGPIG19:17
wilsonjl3yeah i found it :319:17
doubleplusgoodI think Thunar (the file manager) will do it19:18
doubleplusgoodJust unplug and replug them19:19
wilsonjl3that wont corrupt the data or anything?19:19
doubleplusgoodAs long as they are umounted you're fine.19:20
nikolamhow to make skype working on 64bit?19:20
nikolamI used to preload some libs, but it soed not work anymore19:20
nikolamright question is: how to make skype working with webcam on 64bit?19:21
wilsonjl3it works fine for me...19:22
doubleplusgoodnikolam: It won't install?19:22
doubleplusgoodnikolam: Try going to Setttings > Software & Updates and make sure all the sources are enabled19:23
wilsonjl3is there a way to rename the flash drive?19:27
nikolamI used to preload some libs, but it soed not work anymore19:29
nikolamdoubleplusgood, I installed it, sorry, but webcam does not work on 64 bit before 32bit libraries are preloaded19:29
nikolamand it used to work like that but not anymore 14.0419:29
doubleplusgoodwisonjl3: I think you can use ' gparted ' to rename it.19:30
wilsonjl3is that a program?19:30
doubleplusgoodnikolam: Hmm, do you know what libs are missing?19:31
doubleplusgoodwisonjl3: Yup19:31
nikolamdoubleplusgood, because it used to work before when preload them19:31
SamwiseGamgeeI have a problem with my software updater: it is downloading unsupported updates, and I don't know if that is helping me or is a security risk19:32
SamwiseGamgeeAlso, I don't recall ever enabling unsupported updates19:32
doubleplusgoodwisonjl3: ' sudo apt-get install gparted ' and ' sudo gparted ' then right click on the flash drive you want to rename and choose ' Label '19:32
SamwiseGamgeeI tried resolving this problem in the ubuntu channel, and they asked me to get screen shots, but I had problems posting them until now19:33
David-Awilsonjl3: you can also install gparted via the software center, and then start it from the systems menu.19:34
doubleplusgoodSamwiseGamgee: Unsupported means that if it doesn't function correctly, it's not Cononical's fault. Not really a security risk, mainly a stabillity one19:34
wilsonjl3ok thanks19:35
doubleplusgoodnikolam: One second and I'll try testing it on my install19:35
wilsonjl3both of you19:35
SamwiseGamgeeBut why do I even need unsupported updates?19:35
SamwiseGamgeeall the apps I am using should be supported, as far as I know19:36
SamwiseGamgeeand how come I never noticed before that I have been downloading unsupported updates?19:36
nikolamI used to do this: #!/bin/bash      Exec=env LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv41/v411compat.so /usr/bin/skype19:37
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SamwiseGamgeeIf I disable downloading of unsupported updates, will some of my apps start causing problems?  Or is it safer to leave them?19:38
SamwiseGamgeeIt just seems that I am doing too many updates too often, updates which are hogging a lot of memory19:39
doubleplusgoodSamwiseGamgee: You could try setting up updates to be less frequent19:40
SamwiseGamgeebut I was told I should update as oftenn as possible for security reasons19:41
doubleplusgoodnikolam: Sorry for the delay, trying to find those libs19:52
doubleplusgoodSanwiseGamgee: Disabling 'unsupported' should be fine if you don't have any pkgs from 'unsupported'19:53
doubleplusgoodnikolam: Seems to work fine for me :/20:06
doubleplusgoodSamwiseGamgee: Do you have specific security concerns?20:08
SamwiseGamgeeubuntu guys said I don't have to worry about the unsupported updates for security20:09
SamwiseGamgeeubuntu experts from ubuntu channel solved my problem20:26
wilsonjl3hey guys, why cant i watch netflix on my comp? :P20:31
wilsonjl3do i need to download something?20:31
doubleplusgoodNetflix uses Sliverlight which is properitary. You can install ' pipelight ' to get around it.20:33
wilsonjl3thanks again good :D20:33
doubleplusgoodThere are a couple tutorials on the web on how to do it20:34
wilsonjl3hey, uhm...how do i download pipelight?20:35
wilsonjl3i cant find it on the software centre20:35
doubleplusgoodThere are a couple tutorials on the web on how to do it, let me find one20:35
geniiThere's also a PPA20:37
doubleplusgoodThat one worked for me last time20:37
doubleplusgoodIt's going through wine so there is a performance hit, but it does work.20:37
wilsonjl3i like this step-by-step stuff :p20:41
doubleplusgoodwilsonjl3: Yeah they can be pretty helpful20:45
wilsonjl3whats wine?20:47
wilsonjl3meant to ask that but keep forgetting20:47
doubleplusgoodwilsonjl3: A program thar translates Windows APIs to ones Linux can understand.20:48
doubleplusgoodwilsonjl3: it's sorta like an emulator but not20:49
wilsonjl3mmm, i understand20:49
geniiwilsonjl3: The name itself is sort of a joke to that effect:  Wine Is Not an Emulator20:52
wilsonjl3lol i get it20:53
David-Awilsonjl3: no, it is impossible to get it for anyone, since it is an infinite loop20:53
David-Awilsonjl3: same with GNU, is is short for GNU is Not Unix, also an infinite loop and hence impossible for the brain to fully comprehend20:54
ali1234GNU is a pun on "new"20:55
wilsonjl3i dont comprehend 99% of what you are saying right now :P20:55
ali1234quite easy to understand really20:55
wilsonjl3that was longer than i though20:55
David-Awilsonjl3: the infinite loop part?20:56
wilsonjl3yes lol20:56
David-Awilsonjl3: when a definition explains an abbrev using the abbrev in the definition, you are in a sense back to where you started. both GNU and WINE use the apprev in the expansion of the abbrev.20:57
wilsonjl3oh okay20:57
wilsonjl3i understand it now20:57
David-Awilsonjl3: so it is impossible to fully grasp what GNU and WINE really stands for20:58
wilsonjl3i meant that i understand why its impossible to understand :P20:59
David-Awilsonjl3: that is an understanding on a higher level. (or lower, I dont know)21:00
wilsonjl3-.- you are confusing me again :P21:02
wilsonjl3dont explain it21:02
wilsonjl3is there a mixer/equalizer appp/program/software that can be downloaded that you guys know of?22:10
wilsonjl3for xubuntu 14.0422:10
David-Awilsonjl3: do you just want to mix a few sound files and/or apply filters and/or adjust levels to a sound file? or do you want to mix multiple sound files and/or midi-files, and maybe even while playing midi instruments in real time?22:13
wilsonjl3uhm...on  windows 8/my android there is an equalizer thing for when im listening to music and it has thingies that slide up and down :P i dont remember what its supposed to be called22:14
wilsonjl3its to adjust the levels on all audio going out the speakers i guess22:15
wilsonjl3do you know what i mean?22:15
David-Awilsonjl3: you want a musik player with an equaliser? audacious has that.22:16
wilsonjl3okay :)22:16
David-Awilsonjl3: (maybe the equaliser only works for mp3 and not for wav. I am not sure about the current state)22:16
wilsonjl3oh no, i dont mean just for that, it is to adjust sound levels on ALL audio that comes out the speakers (audio output?)22:17
wilsonjl3that=my music btw22:17
David-Awilsonjl3: there are about the square root of a thousand music players in the repos. install them all and try them out, see what you like.22:18
David-Awilsonjl3: all sounds from all programs would eventually go throu the mixer. you want an equalizer in the mixer? to compensate for room acoustics or the like?22:23
David-Awilsonjl3: I don't know about it, but google suggests there have been equalizer plugins for sound systems in ubuntu.22:26
wilsonjl3okay, ill see what i can find22:27
xubooI'm having problem getting sound card to work on my xubuntu install23:02
xubooI've tried many guides, and none seem to provide an exact solution23:03
xubooWondering if someone would be so kinda as to help me troubleshoot23:04
xubooGoing to leave, come back later, as I don't want to afk with someone trying to help.23:18
wilsonjl3hey again :323:40
wilsonjl3so the netflix thing you suggested earlier isnt working, its telling me to install silverlight, but i dunno how23:40
wilsonjl3hey dave!23:44
wilsonjl3haha do you happen to use netflix on xubuntu?23:46
ObrienDavei can23:46
wilsonjl3how? :P23:46
ObrienDavewould you like to know how? lol23:46
ObrienDaveok, sec23:47
ObrienDavebtw, how are you liking Xubuntu so far?23:48
wilsonjl3hard to use :P i dunno how to use terminal or anything so i think im missing out on alot of stuff23:49
wilsonjl3well i know how to USE it, but i dunno any commands or how they will be useful and stuff like that23:49
ObrienDavegive it time, you'll catch on. i've only been at it 3 years23:50
ObrienDavebaby steps ;P23:50
wilsonjl3only 3 years?23:50
ObrienDaveat Linux, 1st programming clas, 1971 ;P23:50
ObrienDavei used real punch cards, and the computer was larger than your bathroom23:52
wilsonjl3ahaha thats awesome23:52
wilsonjl3an sad at the same time23:52
ObrienDaveok, look here23:53
ObrienDavedon't do ANYthing yet LOL23:53
wilsonjl3you sure? :p23:54
wilsonjl3nvm i dont even know what i WOULD do here :P23:54
ObrienDaveok, this is your next lesson...23:55
ObrienDavewhat you're looking at is called a PPA23:55
ObrienDavePersonal Package Archive23:56
ObrienDavethis is how you get packages that are not included in the official repos23:56
wilsonjl3arent the ones not included unsafe?23:57
wilsonjl3(thats what i was told)23:57
ObrienDavewell, you do have to be careful and if you trust me, i'll show you how to add this one. ask in Ubuntu main if you have any doubts about a certain PPA23:58
wilsonjl3i trust you23:58
ObrienDavethanks, it's appreciated23:58
abanabee7Hello, I am not sure where to go with an issue I am having in Xubuntu. Maybe you guys can help23:59
wilsonjl3no problem :)23:59
ObrienDaveanyway, under "add this PPA" you'll see ppa:ehoover/compholio23:59
ObrienDavethat is the address of the PPA23:59

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