
IdleOne!guidelines > newb00:26
=== jbroome_ is now known as jbroome
lotuspsychjemorning to all05:42
lotuspsychje13.10 has stopped right? can topic be adjusted in #ubuntu?05:42
valorieas of today, yes05:44
valorieI think the netsplits stopped the ops from adjusting that05:44
tsimpsonwe may want to give it a day or so before dropping support05:44
tsimpsontime zones and all05:44
valorietsimpson: softie!05:44
tsimpsonI'm more squidgy than soft, due to the humidity :)05:46
valoriethank goodness it was a bit cooler here today05:49
valorie(near Seattle WA)05:49
bazhang<OOOOOO> i dont read websites no more to much wrong infromation15:59
bazhanghe wants the official dosbox wiki copy and pasted in channel, I guess16:00
PiciI'm not sure what he wants, some of the questions felt weird16:02
bazhanghe wants to play 'street rod ' on dosbox16:02
bazhanghe refuses to read a single link16:02
geniiHm, in #l   "<garethrandall> Does anyone know how to donate to lubuntu? E.g. paypal donations."16:05
bazhangbanforward to #dosbox16:12
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (o_ profanity)16:18
IdleOnepoor Pici is not making friends today16:19
* genii feeds Pici more delicious cookies to keep his strength up16:19
bazhangI was ready to copy and paste at the end there16:19
PiciHe was not very pleasant in PM16:20
bazhangsuch surprise16:21
IdleOnemuch astonishment16:33
bazhang<ilovelinux> I need your public IP address of the modem16:57
bazhangperhaps language barrier16:57
geniiOr perhaps they want to tinker with nmap17:21
bazhang* [Semen_Dickman] (75ce1c89@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip.
k1l_oh, no unopaste in #ubuntu20:56
ubottuOerHeks called the ops in #ubuntu (Anais21 ( looks like same ip again ))23:08
k1l_the porn-link spoam again23:09

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