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brendandelopio, hey!15:37
elopiobrendand: hello.15:37
brendandelopio, you know those uitk failures caused by autopilot?15:39
elopiobrendand: the ones for the date picker?15:40
brendandelopio, yeah15:40
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
balloonselopio, brendand I had the date picker failures appear yesterday in jenkins.. magically15:54
balloonswhile I was working on this: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-aphelper-emulator-warning/+merge/22709315:54
balloonsso something changed..15:55
balloonsif the UITK landed, I would blame that first15:55
brendandballoons, no - the date changed :)15:56
brendandballoons, because the test is adding 25 years to this year15:56
balloonsbrendand, yes, but depending on how the pickers are implemented they seem to get a large year on them, and when AP reads the list it blows15:57
brendandballoons, although, i tried changing the date used in the tests and it didn't seem to fix it, so there might be something else going on - or it could be i didn't understand the test properly15:57
balloonsbut I've run the UITK tests before without issue15:58
balloonsbrendand, yes, it depends on the pickers15:58
brendandballoons, someone needs to look closer at the tests and see if anything strange is happening15:59
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balloonspitti, perchance you are still about?16:35
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balloonsso elopio are you looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1328600?16:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1328600 in Autopilot "Autopilot lacks support for large timestamps" [High,Confirmed]16:55
elopioballoons: not yet. Looking now at the qmlscene crash16:56
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balloonselopio, just wanted to make sure I wasn't stepping on any toes. Is anyone fixing autopilot to support the large timestamps?16:58
balloonsif not, I'll just propose my local change as an mp16:58
elopioballoons: not yet. Yesterday thomi and veebers were looking at the issues with QML components versions.16:58
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balloonselopio, well no matter the date you set, AP sees the 2064 date in the uitk tests17:48
elopioballoons: that's the max date on the picker, right?17:49
balloonselopio, that's a question for t1mp I suppose.. It seems we should dig deeper into the UITK. I messed with AP to no avail. The fix in AP also causes some weird off by 1 hour differences. Looking at the qml for the test, modifying the year doesn't fix anything17:50
elopioballoons: yeah, last time we found that the exception doesn't come from selecting a specific date17:51
elopioit comes from autopilot trying to load all the properties on the picker.17:51
balloonselopio,  yes I remember.. But I was trying to find a qml solution.. someway to not end up with those high dates in the picker17:52
elopioballoons: I don't get the hour difference with the statements that veebers pasted there.18:03
balloonselopio, I don't get it persay either.. I tried it locally and didn't have the issue. However, after I made the change to AP and ran the tests, the differences showed up18:03
elopioit could be a tz issue, as I get 11 instead of 17 or 18.18:04
elfyevening balloons elopio18:04
elopiohello elfy18:04
balloonselopio, I get 12 :-) so yes, it's tz based18:05
balloonselfy, good eve to you sir18:05
elfyelopio: so let's hope that letozaf has seen the hangout and can now tell the difference between us both :)18:05
balloonsyou too look slightly different.. I mean it's definitely close :-p18:06
elopioelfy: I am you!18:06
elfyha ha ha18:06
* elfy is the young looking one :p18:07
balloonselopio, so looking at trunk you see they've not touched the datepicker stuff; http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/files/head:/modules/Ubuntu/Components/Pickers/18:08
elopioballoons: I suspect this is a lower level change18:11
elopiolike the listview loading more values than before18:11
balloonsok, I'll dig deeper ;-)18:11
balloonselopio, that said, I see an interesting idea for a fix...18:12
elopioballoons: I'm not sure what's the value we are looking for. UTC, or the one on the current tz.18:14
elopioI actually don't know how to interpret the timestamp if 0 means something different depending on where you are.18:14
elopiobut I think that using timedelta or time is the way to go.18:14
balloonselopio, so this is I think the easiest way to go forward right away: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix-1328600/+merge/22738118:18
elopioballoons: well, that will unblock the toollkit landings, but it also changes the API.18:20
balloonsyea, there's a few other things that would have to change as well.. the '50' limit exists a few other places18:21
balloonselopio, but what I'm really wondering is if we can set this max property in our test qml18:22
elopio>>> datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(2047570047)18:22
elopiodatetime.datetime(2034, 11, 19, 17, 27, 27)18:22
elopio>>> datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=2047570047)18:22
elopiodatetime.datetime(2034, 11, 19, 17, 27, 27)18:22
balloonsthat fixes everything.. I think we can, just need to try18:22
elopioI think that explains to veebers the weird behaviour he was seeing.18:22
elopiowhat I don't understand is why he has one call utc, and the other on his timezone.18:22
elopioballoons: oh, yes, on the tests we can change the max date.18:23
balloonselopio, yes, syntatically I haven't figured it out tho18:24
elopioballoons: you need it to be a javascript date object.18:26
elopiolet me find an example.18:26
balloonselopio, I see setting maximum.. it's just not working18:27
elopioballoons: this might also fix it18:29
elopiomaximum: Date.prototype.getInvalidDate.call()18:29
elopiothat means infinite, so I guess that the property won't get a big integer.18:30
elopiomaybe -1, or empty.18:30
balloonsmmm.. so I'm still getting that large 50 year date18:33
balloonsI'll try your idea18:35
balloonsmm.. that makes the date max be 2106 :-)18:38
balloonselopio, so setting the max value I can see the max value, but there are several objects, and the 2064 year object still exists18:40
elopiohum, I think that we just need to solve it in autopilot18:41
elopioit's clear that it's autopilot's fault.18:41
balloonswell, I guess that does swing the pendulum back into AP's territory18:42
balloonselopio, so I wonder if we can look closer at what's really on the dbus tree, vs what AP is creating18:43
elopioballoons: the vis shows the values before convertion, I think.18:50
elopioor you can put a breakpoint just before autopilot makes the convertion. I guess you could also inspect dbus, but I'm not sure what to look for there.18:50
balloonsohh, silly me. I'm doing this all on the phone.18:51
balloonsI can use the desktop, even if it doesn't blow up, to look at the objects18:51
* balloons facepalms18:51
balloonselopio, sadly I believe vis shows translated values.. but maybe I'm wrong18:52
elopioballoons: and it makes it harder to reproduce that our machines are 64bits18:52
elopiojenkins is 32, so that's why it is failing.18:52
balloonselopio, i figured out the limit for my box this morning, heh18:53
balloonselopio, try 9123456789112345678918:53
balloonsit'll blow up18:53
elopiohere I get an exception when trying the year 10000, but it's not the same exception.18:53
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balloonselopio, success! I isolated the value from the dbus session19:54
balloonsso one object has the maximum date I set, while the other still has the default maximum19:57
elopioballoons: so there are two pickers? I'm not sure what you meant19:58
balloonselopio, I'm playing around looking at the dbus session. It's not an autopilot thing. It's definitely in the toolkit19:59
balloonsI'm looking at the raw values AP is reading, and it's in there19:59
balloonselopio, here's one of the objects: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7816047/19:59
balloonsso let me try the fix now :-)20:00
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
balloonselopio, TLDR, setting the max works. But you also have to set the max for the timepicker20:02
balloonsbecause it too has m/d/yyyy on it20:03
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Aki-Thinkpadwhat is this channel for exactly? I see unicorns... but that does not exactly tell me much...21:53
balloonsAki-Thinkpad, this is for the quality team21:53
balloonstesting, bugs, fun stuff21:53
Aki-Thinkpadballoons, ahhh; okay.21:54
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