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josharensonI'm getting a hang at the Google screen after enabling qt compositor... Trying a reflash now, but anyone else seeing this?01:23
josharensonalso getting an error when I do dist-upgrade01:47
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tsdgeosSaviq: i am in temp scope, and from dash overview "All" open a temp scope, that happens to be the same scope, i just go "back" instead of putting it on top, no?07:39
Saviqtsdgeos, on one hand, yes... on the other there's going to be the scope stack (multiple temp scopes open on top of one another)07:40
Saviqtsdgeos, so that'll need clarification,too07:40
Saviqtsdgeos, so do the simplest thing you can do (open one on top anyway?)07:42
tsdgeosi guess that's the simplest yes07:42
Saviqand we'll add to the list07:43
Saviqmzanetti, RFC https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1343760/comments/107:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1343760 in Unity 8 "[qtcomp] last focused app will rotate in spread" [Medium,New]07:55
mzanettiSaviq: done07:59
tsdgeosSaviq: having two temp scopes is veeeery confusing08:09
tsdgeoshope they see it once it's running on their hands08:09
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah well... that's what the stacked scopes will lead to anyway08:10
tsdgeosbut not with overview in the middle08:10
tsdgeosoverview in the middle is confusing08:10
Saviqtsdgeos, well, you get an overview in the middle for different temp scopes as well (and for dash, for that matter)08:14
tsdgeosnot sure i understand what you mean08:14
tsdgeosbut let's finish this08:14
tsdgeosand then see what people think08:14
Saviqtsdgeos, I mean it's as confusing as when you have dash | overview | scope108:15
Saviqand dash | scope2 | overview | scope108:15
Saviqdoesn't matter if scope2 is scope1 much08:15
tsdgeosah sure08:15
mzanettiSaviq: can you tell me what's wrong here? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/landing-006-1-build/122/console08:18
mzanettidh: Unknown sequence get-packaged-orig-source08:18
Saviqmzanetti, that's not the problem08:19
Saviqhttps://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-006/+sourcepub/4301552/+listing-archive-extra is08:19
Saviqmzanetti, prompt sessions08:19
Saviqmzanetti, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/180198115/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.qtmir_0.4.0%2B14.10.20140718-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:19
mzanettiah ok... that makes more sense now08:20
mzanettiI guess I need gerry for that08:20
mzanettigonna do some taxes crap in the meantime08:20
Saviqmzanetti, FWIW https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity-mir/unity-mir.trusted_sessions/+merge/208324 this is what got merged in unity-mir to get trusted prompts going08:22
dednickSaviq: looks like qtmir silo is having issues since mir 0.5 was released.08:40
Saviqdednick, yup, qtmir needs adaptation to prompt sessions08:41
dednickSaviq: hm. well if doesn't "need" adaptation. it should still be able to work without. but can't seem to upgrade to the packages in silo anymore.08:42
Saviqdednick, it did FTBFS https://launchpadlibrarian.net/180198115/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.qtmir_0.4.0%2B14.10.20140718-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:42
dednickSaviq: ah, ned change to mir. er, i can fix that.08:43
Saviqdednick, SessionAuthorized does not implement prompt_session_is_allowed08:43
Saviqdednick, sure, guys will be happy08:43
Saviqdednick, btw, something *weird* happened with your trusted MP to unity-mir https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-mir/+bug/1343639/comments/308:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1343639 in unity-mir "can't swipe away keyboard or use extended keys on top row" [Critical,Fix released]08:44
dednickhuh. that's weird. must have been an dodgey merge during the CI.08:46
dpmhi pete-woods, I was discussing with pstolowski what to recommend to scope developers to use as a C++ library to do networking. The tutorial code that we've got uses Qt, and I'm told that's probably not the best option. It seems you're writing the youtube scope with netcpp? Is that what you think we should recommend?08:53
pete-woodsdpm: I'd say so, yes08:54
dednickSaviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/qtmir/mir-0.5-compatibility/+merge/22729008:54
pete-woodsdpm: otherwise you have to deal with integrating with the Qt event loop08:54
pete-woodsdpm: I'd say the vimeo scope might be a more friendly example to point developers at than the youtube one, though08:55
pete-woodsthe youtube API is somewhat complex08:55
Saviqmzanetti, dednick fixed qtmir ↑↑, I'll add to the silo08:55
dpmpete-woods, we don't have any example c++ scope using the latest version of the api. Do you have the vimeo scope code somewhere in LP?08:55
mzanettiSaviq: dednick: awesomes, thanks guys08:55
pete-woodsdpm: https://launchpad.net/unity-scope-vimeo/08:55
pete-woodsit just uses a simple synchronous API08:56
pete-woodsas opposed to the youtube scope, which is peppered with futures08:56
dpmpete-woods, awesome, thanks. Another thing that some scope developers might want to do is to parse JSON returned by the remote api they're connecting to. Do you have any suggestions for c++ libraries to do that?08:57
pete-woodsdpm: again, see the vimeo scope - I'm using jsoncpp08:57
dpmexcellent, thanks08:57
pete-woodsdpm: see the youtube scope for a more difficult example, though (https://launchpad.net/unity-scope-youtube/)08:58
pete-woodsas that's really what a more involved scope should look like08:58
pete-woodsdoing parallelised http requests (to some degree), gzip compression, etc08:58
pete-woodsdpm: there are also (in my opinion) good examples of tests, using python's tornado as a fake HTTP server08:59
dpmpete-woods, great, thanks09:01
dpmpete-woods, for now, I think the vimeo scope should suffice. I'd like to get the scope template in the SDK to add some basic networking code to do a simple API call09:02
pete-woodssounds like a good idea to me09:02
pete-woodsvimeo also has the tests, though, seriously think it's not a bad idea to include a simplified version of those in the template09:03
pete-woodsreacting to just one API call, as you say09:03
tsdgeosSaviq: just pushed the show dash overview from temp scope + all interactions09:16
Saviqtsdgeos, ktx09:19
Saviqtsdgeos, looks like qmluitests are back in business, btw09:19
tsdgeosSo now i have a very small todo with a popup that doesn't want to die09:19
tsdgeosand will try to cover all the interations in a qmluitest09:19
tsdgeosnot sure how well this can be tested09:19
tsdgeosbut will try anyway09:19
tsdgeosSaviq: there's a magic item that opens a temp scope in tryDash09:20
tsdgeosTitle 2.2 in the red scope09:20
Saviqtsdgeos, oh ok09:38
mhr3tsdgeos, didn't design want that disabled?09:53
tsdgeosmhr3: no09:53
tsdgeosthey want dash overview disabled from dash overview temp scopes09:53
tsdgeosbut not from general temp scopes09:53
tsdgeosdon't ask me why09:53
pstolowskipete-woods, i'm trying to gelp dpm with getting scope tutorial compiled with the latest api, and getting errors that come from the guts of libproperties-cpp-dev - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7813060/09:54
pstolowskipete-woods, ideas?09:54
pstolowskidpm, also, here is a little bit that at least removes errors related to scopes api calls: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7813572/09:55
mhr3tsdgeos, i have to think too hard just to parse that sentence :P09:55
mhr3pstolowski, slot is a qt keyword09:56
dpmpstolowski, thanks! pete-woods, for more context, that tutorial code uses Qt for networking. I realise we should now probably used netcpp based on the conversation earlier, but I think at this point the easiest thing is to fix the tutorial code to work with the latest API and update the networking part earlier -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-sdk-tutorials/api-updates/revision/11909:56
mhr3pstolowski, there was a fix for properties-cpp ages ago09:56
dpmerr *later, not earlier09:56
mhr3pstolowski, and it's still there :( https://code.launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/properties-cpp/fix_qt_keyword_clash/+merge/22305609:57
pstolowskimhr3, uh oh09:57
pstolowskidpm, ^09:57
mhr3dpm, easy fix though, -DQT_NO_KEYWORDS09:57
dpmok, let me give this a go, thanks guys09:58
pete-woodsyeah, beat me to it10:02
SaviqMacSlow, one for you https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-test-notifications/+merge/22723910:15
Saviqoh well, mterry ack'ed it already, but no top-ack, so might as well10:15
mhr3tsdgeos, hmm, something's broken with dash overview10:21
mhr3somehow i can't activate any of the all scopes10:21
mhr3tsdgeos, do you expect it to emit openScope()?10:21
tsdgeosi expect it to have a scopeId10:22
tsdgeosmhr3: how uptodate are you?10:22
mhr3tsdgeos, pulled like 15minutes ago10:22
mhr3let me push the plugin10:23
mhr3tsdgeos, lp:~unity-team/unity-scopes-shell/overview10:24
tsdgeosmhr3: make tryDash works for you, right?10:25
tsdgeosok, let me compile the plugin10:28
tsdgeossee what i can help with10:28
mhr3tsdgeos, also, searching and then reseting the search seems to break quite a lot10:33
tsdgeosworks for me in tryDash :D10:34
tsdgeosstill building10:35
mhr3but i do unspeakable things to the models :P10:35
tsdgeosmhr3: why is your all so weird?10:45
tsdgeosi get holes :S10:45
tsdgeosand scroll doesn't work :S10:45
mhr3tsdgeos, guess a scope without art10:45
mhr3yea, what's up with that10:45
tsdgeosi don't know10:46
tsdgeosit works fine in tryDAsh :d10:46
mhr3should i be settings collapsed-rows: 0?10:46
tsdgeosno unless something weird changed10:48
tsdgeosmhr3: scopes.getScope(com.canonical.scopes.ebay) returns null10:49
mhr3oh you call that?10:49
mhr3k, fixing10:49
mhr3tsdgeos, you'd call that even when doing searches?10:50
tsdgeosmhr3: what do you mean "evn when doing searches"10:50
mhr3tsdgeos, searches can return specific canned queries10:50
tsdgeosi don't know what's that10:50
tsdgeosi open scopes10:50
tsdgeosyou give me a scopeId10:51
tsdgeosi use it10:51
mhr3tsdgeos, for example search for "u2", will return amazon result telling it to search for "u2" in the "music & dvd" department10:51
mhr3if you just do getScope() all that is lost10:52
tsdgeoswell it's not what i was told to do10:52
tsdgeosi was told, you search, have a scope, open it10:52
mhr3that was cause you didn't want to wait for openScope10:53
mhr3which it might and might not emit10:53
tsdgeosoh is openScope going to be any different anyway?10:55
mhr3i can understand why you don't want to wait for a signal10:55
mhr3oh, oh, we have the performQuery on the scope object now10:56
mhr3could you just call that after getScope() with the result uri?10:56
tsdgeosi can do whatever you want10:58
tsdgeosi have just done what i've been told to do10:58
tsdgeosand in the 99.05% i have been told anything i just improvised10:59
mhr3tsdgeos, are you ok with having ownership of the temp scope you get via getScope() ?11:01
tsdgeosi don't know what it means11:02
tsdgeosso no11:02
mhr3you'll own the instance11:03
mhr3you're responsible for destroying it11:03
tsdgeosthat's not specified in getScope docu11:03
tsdgeosis it?11:03
tsdgeosbecause i'm pretty sure we do getScope in other places11:04
tsdgeosand never destroy it11:04
tsdgeoswhy should we do it in this case?11:04
mhr3cause it used to give you only scopes that are in the model11:04
mhr3but now you want temp ones11:04
mhr3tsdgeos, or we introduce a new call for that11:05
tsdgeosmhr3: if you're going to make me use a new function, may as well use openScope11:10
tsdgeosmhr3: can you please detail exactly how i'm supose to interact with you11:11
mhr3i'm giving you options11:11
mhr3if openScope is fine with you, let's do that11:11
tsdgeosanything is fine with me, you just need to tell me what you're going to do11:12
tsdgeosobviously it's not going to work now11:12
tsdgeosso don't complain it doesn't work11:12
tsdgeosi did it so that it works for me11:12
tsdgeosbut it doesn't work for you, ok, tell me what you want11:12
tsdgeosi'm relaxed11:13
mhr3i'm just trying to figure out what's the difference11:13
mhr3and we identified that11:13
mhr3so yey11:13
tsdgeosand i'm going to give you a hint, don't tell relax to people that aren't relaxed11:13
tsdgeosdoesn't help11:13
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tsdgeosi'm investigating the height thing11:15
mhr3tsdgeos, so from my pov if you just call scope.activate(result) i'd be happy, that will emit either gotoScope (for favourites) or openScope(for the rest), or neither if it's a wikipedia result or whatever11:18
tsdgeosthat would have been useful before i started doing anything11:18
tsdgeosmhr3: in search? in all?11:18
tsdgeosi'm not going to call that in favorites11:19
mhr3that means we could even get rid of gotoScope perhaps.. yey11:19
mhr3although i don't know what's supposed to happen if you tap music from all11:20
mhr3open is as a temp scope?11:20
tsdgeosi go back to dash11:23
tsdgeosi handle that11:23
tsdgeosi check if it's on the favorites model or not11:24
tsdgeosand then go to dash or not11:24
tsdgeosbooooo for using functions in bindings11:24
tsdgeosthey don't update when the variables used in the function but not in the function call change11:24
mhr3tsdgeos, so you'll check scopeId, and if !favourite, call .activate() which you'll expect to emit openScope?11:28
tsdgeosmhr3: from the scope that was returned by getScope("scopesOverview")11:29
tsdgeosmhr3: and i have to call closeScope when i'm done11:29
mhr3and of course the opened scope can again emit openScope11:30
tsdgeosnot going to work11:35
tsdgeosthat doesn't work right now either in the dash11:36
tsdgeosso i'm not going to fix it for this case11:36
tsdgeosheight of the "All" should be fixed now11:36
tsdgeosit looks like it's wrongly calculated here at the moment since there's scopes without images that make it look empty11:36
mhr3i wonder why is that11:38
tsdgeosError downloading https://dash.ubuntu.com/imgs/art/openlibrary-scope.jpg - server replied: Forbidden11:39
tsdgeosYou don't have permission to access /imgs/art/openlibrary-scope.jpg on this server.11:39
tsdgeosis that firefox says11:39
tsdgeossomeone should fix it11:39
mhr3facundobatista, ^11:40
tsdgeosmhr3: so getScope is going to return null for any non favorite scope, right?11:40
tsdgeosmhr3: can we document that?11:40
tsdgeosso that i make my fake plugin do the same11:42
Saviqbiab, interview11:42
facundobatistamhr3, tsdgeos, checking...11:42
tsdgeosmhr3: tbh it is kind of weird, since we have the visible flag, so i would expect your "Scopes" to have all the Scope objects and set the visible flag accordingly11:43
tsdgeosand then getScope would work11:44
tsdgeosbut ok, getScope() only works for visible scopes11:44
mhr3tsdgeos, tbh i'd rather get rid of the visible flag, it's not like it was useful for anything, you just filter the invisible ones anyway11:45
mhr3tsdgeos, while at it, can we make the overviewScope something really special?11:46
tsdgeosmhr3: it's useful in my backend where i have all the scope objects created and then getScope works just fine for all scopes11:46
mhr3as in Scopes.getOverviewScope()11:46
tsdgeosmhr3: if you prefer, sure11:46
tsdgeosmhr3: you're adding it to unity::shell::scopes::ScopesInterface then, no?11:47
mhr3tsdgeos, doesn't work that great when you have dozens of objects and they're not that cheap11:47
tsdgeosmhr3: actually it should be kind of a property11:47
tsdgeosnot a getOverviewScope?11:47
tsdgeosor you prefer the getter?11:47
tsdgeosare you creating it when i call that?11:47
tsdgeosi mean it will always be non null when i call getOverviewScope?11:48
mhr3tsdgeos, property is fine11:48
mhr3yea, it could be null if things aren't initialized11:48
tsdgeosi don't know, what do you prefer?11:48
tsdgeoswell if it can be null11:48
tsdgeosi am going to need a property11:48
tsdgeoscan you please define the interface so i can copy it to my fake plugin?11:49
tsdgeosgoing for lunch11:50
greybackSaviq: hey out of laziness I bumped the version number of unity8 with QtComp support to 8.0 - mzanetti not so sure about that. WDYT?11:53
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mhr3tsdgeos, lp:~unity-team/unity-api/scopes-v312:15
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tsdgeosmhr3: waht's overlaycolor?12:51
mhr3tsdgeos, unrelated12:57
mhr3tsdgeos, btw the going back from search to surfacing was my bug12:58
dandradergreyback, should we pass a QT_NODEBUG or something when building qtmir packages to silence its log output?13:06
tsdgeosmhr3: pushed the activate+openScope thing13:25
tsdgeosmhr3: should your part be ready or not yet?13:25
mhr3tsdgeos, nope, need to override activate13:26
tsdgeosok, tell me when its done13:26
Saviq\o/ Dell technician's here13:31
mhr3tsdgeos, btw anything you can do about the large result? it's white text on light background atm13:40
mhr3tsdgeos, when you for example search for wiki in the overview13:40
tsdgeosmhr3: not sure what you mean13:41
tsdgeosmhr3: screenshot?13:42
tedgSaviq, Which MR is the one that splits out the dash?13:43
mhr3wth.. my zeitgeist doesn't work13:43
mhr3tsdgeos, http://imgur.com/EdrRvZ313:43
tsdgeosi guess i need to set some background so it's not white13:44
tsdgeosi'll see13:44
tsdgeosmhr3: is that happening if i update all branches and compile?13:44
mhr3tsdgeos, although maybe we need to update the scope, it's specifying the background color itself13:46
greybackdandrader: I think it's a good idea to keep the verbose logs printing, it'll help us tracking down bugs13:47
mhr3still white on white... eek13:47
mhr3the designs no longer show the card being white... otoh there's no real visual design, just wireframes13:49
tsdgeosthe  card is using scopeStyle.foreground as color for something i idenfity as background13:50
tsdgeosSaviq: you there?13:50
Saviqtsdgeos, wassup13:51
tsdgeosSaviq: look at summaryColorWithBackground in CardCreator13:51
tsdgeosSaviq: why is it using foreground?13:51
tsdgeosshould it be background?13:51
dandraderpaulliu, is it the design that the shutdown dialog stays behind the indicators panel and launcher?13:51
Saviqtsdgeos, hmm? that's the colour of text?13:52
tsdgeosSaviq: the color of the text is background?13:52
tsdgeosor you mean summaryColorWithBackground is the color of the text?13:52
tsdgeosah right summaryColorWithBackground is the color of the text13:53
Saviqyes it is13:53
tsdgeosthen why is that thing white13:53
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe because it takes card background into account13:53
Saviqor well, should at least13:53
Saviqgreyback, re: version... we didn want 8.0 to be when it becomes unity13:54
Saviqgreyback, i.e. we don't want to keep it being unity813:54
Saviqgreyback, but OTOH does one preclude the other...13:54
tsdgeosSaviq: ah right13:54
tsdgeosso how do we fix that?13:54
tsdgeosSaviq: that = http://imgur.com/EdrRvZ313:55
greybackSaviq: I'll just do as you prefer on this matter. I don't have a strong opinion really13:55
Saviqtsdgeos, ah that13:55
Saviqtsdgeos, StyleTool has light/dark colours13:56
Saviqtsdgeos, we need to take luminance of the background color13:56
Saviqtsdgeos, and based on styleTool.threshold you go for dark or white13:57
tsdgeosSaviq: in the cardcreator code13:58
Saviqtsdgeos, it has cardStyle13:58
Saviqtsdgeos, so summaryColorWithBackground needs to check the background color luminance (that should be ~happening already)13:59
tsdgeosok, let's see if i can make that happen13:59
Saviqtsdgeos, and depending on scopeStyle.threshold use background or foreground13:59
Saviqor well13:59
Saviqlight or dark13:59
Saviqbut yeah, that's something I didn't do yet14:00
Saviqmzanetti, do you have a branch with split dash for tedg to use?14:00
mzanettiSaviq: no14:03
mzanettiSaviq: doesn't work for that yet as ApplicationManager doesn't pick it up yet14:03
tedgmzanetti, I'm not sure how to interpret that. Simple or complex?14:11
mzanettitedg: well, what exactly do you want to do with it?14:11
tedgmzanetti, I want to overlay a trusted session prompt on it.14:11
tedgmzanetti, So I need the pid of it to pass to Mir.14:11
mzanettitedg: hmm, I see. no, slightly to early for that...14:12
mzanettitedg: when QtComp has landed (Monday or tuestday hopefully) we'll work full steam on that14:12
mzanettitedg: will ping you as soon as I have a branch for you to play with14:13
tedgmzanetti, So, again, I have no understanding of what the difficulty is. So is that a couple days after thing or a week or two after thing?14:13
mzanettitedg: ah, no, shouldn't be too hard I hope, greyback estimated 1 day to get it working14:14
tedgOkay, cool.14:14
mzanettitedg: so definitely next week unless QtComp plays bad on us (not expected any more)14:14
* greyback touches wood14:15
mzanettiheh :D14:15
kgunnseb128: hey, just getting our qtcomp ducks in a row....would you mind approving https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-system-settings/use-qtComp/+merge/22554014:31
dednicktube every day in 30 degree heat. yay!14:41
tsdgeosSaviq: so something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/7814714/ ?14:42
tsdgeosmhr3: so it's fixed with ↑14:45
tsdgeosmhr3: you need to run make again to pick up these changes14:45
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Saviq\o/ /me got my umph back15:01
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tsdgeosdandrader|afk: any idea why my EdgeDragArea oesn't work in tests?15:07
tsdgeosor anyone15:07
MacSlowcould someone test-ping me here please?15:09
tsdgeosMacSlow: ping15:10
MacSlowtsdgeos, thx15:10
MacSlowtsdgeos, once more please...15:12
tsdgeosMacSlow: looooolo15:12
MacSlowtsdgeos, great...thx15:13
Saviqtsdgeos, are you using touchDrag?15:15
tsdgeosSaviq: touchFlick15:16
tsdgeoscan't find anything like touchDrag15:16
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, that's probably the same15:17
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tsdgeosit''s moving the scope below the drag area :S15:18
paulliudandrader: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/158819734/poweroff-buttons.png15:18
paulliudandrader: should be in-front-of those.15:18
tsdgeosok now15:18
tsdgeosdon't know what i did but works now :D15:18
dandradertsdgeos, using mouse events instead of touch events?15:20
tsdgeosdandrader: that was at the begnning, they i moved to touch and still didn't work, but i may have had the coords wrong15:20
dandraderpaulliu, so it's a bug, right?15:23
paulliudandrader: yes.15:23
dandraderpaulliu, does it happens with stock image? I was trying with qtcomp modifications on top15:24
paulliudandrader: I'm not sure. How did you make it behind them?15:25
paulliudandrader: If just pressing the power button, it should pop-up in the front of everything.15:25
dandraderpaulliu, well, just long pressed the power button and then slid down the indicators panel from the top edge15:25
paulliudandrader: Let me try. I didn't do that. Should be on stock image too.15:26
dandraderpaulliu, ie, while the dialog is being shown I have full access to the top bar15:26
dandraderpaulliu, and can also do a left-edge drag to slide in the launcher15:26
paulliudandrader: yeah. It is a bug.15:27
dandraderpaulliu, ok, will report it then15:27
dandraderpaulliu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1344082 (don't know your launchpad nick)15:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1344082 in Unity 8 "launcher and indicators panel can be accessed while shutdown dialog is shown" [Undecided,New]15:31
mhr3tsdgeos, awesome15:35
paulliudandrader: ok. I'll assign myself.15:36
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dandraderdednick, fyi: just started reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/mirCompositor-appMocks/+merge/22731716:25
dednickdandrader: cool. thanks16:26
dpm_pete-woods, I was looking at the vimeo scope and noticed the PageHeader.Logo setting in the .ini file. However, when I try to run my scope using that setting via unity-scope-tool, I'm getting:16:47
dpm_warning: ignoring unknown key PageHeader.Logo in group Appearance in file /home/dpm/dev/build-8tracks-scope-Desktop-Default/src/com.ubuntu.developer.dplanella.8tracks-scope_8tracks.ini16:47
pete-woodsdpm: yes, the error is nonsense16:47
pete-woodsdpm: ^16:47
dpm_but the thing is that the logo does not load16:47
pete-woodsdpm_: I think you need to provide an absolute path to the logo16:48
pete-woodsbut your stuff is click-packaged, right?16:48
* pete-woods is asking what is supposed to happen here16:50
dpm_pete-woods, it will be click-packaged, it's just that it's not in a working state to be packaged yet. Right now I'm just getting the scope to run at all, using Qt Creator and unity-scope-tool16:51
dpm_so I set up the .ini file and I was puzzled by the error. Let me try to hardcode the path for testing purposes...16:52
pete-woodsdpm_: I'm just checking whether you're allowed to pass a relative path (as that's what you need if you're a click auther)16:52
pete-woodsdpm_: yes, the error message is annoying and misleading16:52
dpm_I'm just using PageHeader.Logo = @SCOPE_INSTALL_DIR@/8tracks-blue.png atm16:52
pete-woodsdpm_: what does that resolve to in your binary directory?16:53
pete-woodsit might be looking in the real /usr/lib/ARCH/unity-scopes/SCOPE_NAME/…16:53
pete-woods(and maybe there's nothing there)16:53
dpm_pete-woods, it's a relative path, right now using a non-click target, it's /8tracks-blue.png16:53
pete-woodsdpm_: sounds like you don't have SCOPE_INSTALL_DIR set as a cmake variable when configuring the *.ini.in file16:54
dpm_pete-woods, yeah, I'll have to look into that. In any case, hardcoding the path shows me the logo16:55
pete-woodsdpm_: okay, cool, will get back to you when I know about relative path support16:56
pete-woods(which is what you actually need as a click author)16:56
dpm_ok, thanks16:57
pete-woodsdpm_: okay, so relative paths aren't supported yet, and we're having a big argument about it :p17:02
dpm_oh :)17:03
pete-woodsit'll get fixed, though, as we're apparently already aware of it17:04
* dednick EOD. later suckers.17:04
dpm_ok, thanks pete-woods17:05
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josharensonenabling qt compositor leaves me hanging at the "Google" screen after a reboot??17:20
dandraderjosharenson, should not :)17:26
dandraderjosharenson, flashed my N4 and enabled qtcomp on it this morning and it just worked17:27
josharensondandrader, its been happening since yesterday.... i install all dependencies to run tests, and then install qt comp via right-edge ppa, and my nex7 hangs on the "Google" screen17:28
josharensonI can still access adb shell, but I cannot even boot into the boot loader17:28
dandraderjosharenson, aaahhh... right-edge ppa is "old news"17:28
josharensonof course17:28
josharensonwhat should I be using17:29
dandraderjosharenson, follow these instructions now: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8/QtComp17:29
dandraderjosharenson, we are using another ppa now17:29
josharensondandrader, thanks a bunch... this has been a bit frustrating17:29
josharensoneven when I purge the ppa, only a reflash brings the device back it seems17:29
dandraderjosharenson, I've faced this very problem when returning from vacations last Monday :D17:29
josharensonhaha ok17:29
josharensonoh this webpage is great17:30
dandraderjosharenson, I don't thrust ppa purges17:30
josharensonlol ok17:30
dandraderkudos to kgunn on that17:30
dandrader(the webpage)17:30
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josharensonthanks kgunn17:31
kgunnjosharenson: ppa-purge won't quite work on this particular pkg set i think17:31
kgunnsince we've not seeded qtmir17:31
josharensonkgunn, know of a way to undo without a lengthy reflash?17:31
kgunnjosharenson: i honestly hadn't even tested ppa-purge....but i suppose you might be able to apt-get remove qtmir-android, then try ppa-purge ?17:32
kgunnagain...its an i _think_ that ppa-purge won't work...17:33
josharensonkgunn, yeah I would concur17:33
kgunni think i did try it, but i noticed i could still close apps with swipe up in spread17:33
kgunnmeaning, it failed17:33
kgunnaltho...i think it was really late at night....17:33
kgunntired head17:33
josharensonkgunn, alright I'll try that... reflash isn't bad once its downloaded as a last resort... but something is wrong with Comcast right now and I'm getting ~200k down at best17:34
mhr3Saviq, hm, looking at the header-link branch, the diff grew significantly, anything wrong there?17:37
Saviqmhr3, yeah, LP17:37
mhr3think i'll have to deal with that on monday17:37
mhr3have a nice weekend!17:37
cyrildz_Hi all , I have some questions concerning the soundmenu18:13
cyrildz_ I have implemented for my App the mpris2 specs , I can see the interfaces present on the session Bus through qdbusviewer. But I can't see my App listed in the soundmenu. what should I add in my code to have it shown in the soundmenu?   As a test, I also did a notification  class to send notifactions through Dbus and it works18:13
Saviqcyrildz_, it might be better for you to send an email to ubuntu-devel mailing list18:23
Saviqcyrildz_, it's late on a Friday, so most devs are already having their weekend18:23
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josharensonWindow geometry broken w/ qt comp?19:11
josharensonAP tests don't run fullscreen even when forced19:12
greybackjosharenson: apps say if they want fullscreen or not. It's working in QtComp, as panel (bar at top) goes away for video app or gallery19:35
greybackjosharenson: what AP test are you running?19:35
cwaynehm, why is there no scope department for the store?20:15
josharensongreyback, any of them... it looks like some parts use the whole screen, but the wallpaper and panel are only ~25%20:24
greybackjosharenson: I've no idea what you're seeing. Can you share a photo?20:25
josharensongreyback sure 1 min20:31
josharensonyou can see the search icon in the black area on the far right20:35
josharensongreyback, this was taken mid swipe20:35
greybackjosharenson: how did you run unity8?20:36
josharensongreyback, AP launched it via "launch_unity()"... I think it just executes the binary with window geometry params specified20:37
greybackjosharenson: that's an N7 right?20:37
greybackjosharenson: unity8 overrides the window geometry requested by the app20:37
greybackunity8 should be fullscreen20:38
greybackI've not tested AP on N7, I'd better give it a go then20:38
josharensongreyback, it is nex720:38
greybacksorry but I gotta run20:40
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