
ianorlinAny one else find that reading the hippa privacy policy reads like a proprietary software liscense00:07
ianorlinand why do I want to email rms to see if he had security officers called on him when he refused to sign that he had recieved a copy of privacy policy when he had not00:08
ianorlinhmm would building an infrastrucre that allows people to host their own medical records work instead of liscensing it from the medical service providers00:09
ianorlinhow would a peer to peer medical records system work00:09
ianorlinbut getting that adopted would be a crazy battle00:09
RoguehorseDonkeyHotei: Well, that's true in some cases also00:22
RoguehorseYou can build whatever you like, it's just a matter of the adoption00:24
RoguehorseIf you think it's a good idea and you meet therequired criteria for safeguards and regulations.......eh, give it a go00:25
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darthrobot`Title: [Distributed /Encrypted Electronic Health Records (EHR) - ethereum]01:49
pleia2ianorlin: fwiw, volunteering and being a linux hobbiest is how I kicked off my career04:21
pleia2there are several open source infrastructure projects these days, debian, fedora, jenkins, openstack (what I work on) to get real experience04:21
* pleia2 digs up links04:22
pleia2Debian: https://dsa.debian.org/04:22
pleia2Fedora: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure04:22
darthrobot`Title: [DSA]04:22
darthrobot`Title: [Infrastructure - FedoraProject]04:22
pleia2Mozilla: https://wiki.mozilla.org/ReleaseEngineering/PuppetAgain04:22
darthrobot`Title: [ReleaseEngineering/PuppetAgain - MozillaWiki]04:22
darthrobot`Title: [Come join the infra team! | Jenkins CI]04:23
pleia2and of course http://ci.openstack.org/04:24
darthrobot`Title: [OpenStack Project Infrastructure — openstack-infra-config 46130f6 documentation]04:24
nhainespleia2: volunteering and being a linux hobbyist is also how I've landed in a couple of fascinating jobs.  :)04:25
nhainesNot to mention ended up being a published author (yay magazine articles!)04:25
pleia2yeah, me too04:26
nhainesEven Linux Foundation looked at my Ubucon work and called me about their Event Coordinator position early this year.04:26
DonkeyHoteiyeah, none of that ever happened to me04:26
nhaines*They* called *me*.  I was pretty amazed.  And you'd better believe my résumé had more than a throwaway sentence in it about Ubucon before I emailed it to them.04:26
pleia2DonkeyHotei: does your resume talk about your volunteer work?04:27
pleia2it has a whole section on mine, that's pretty essential04:27
nhainesPlus, you'd better believe that anyone who's been in the trenches with me at SCaLE and needs a reference is going to get a massively glowing one from me.04:27
DonkeyHoteii don't even remember that much of my volunteer work04:28
nhainesIf you don't tell anyone about your volunteer work, it can't help you.04:28
pleia2yeah, you do need to be strategic about it04:28
DonkeyHoteisome of the highlights may be in the resume, i no longer remember04:29
pleia2but it definitely is possible to get and claim experience in tech even before you have a proper job, that's why/how so many of us are self taught04:29
nhainesNobody cares about your résumé any more than you do.04:29
nhainespleia2: Free Software is unique in that regard in that it only requires determination, because the tools are all freely available.04:30
pleia2fortunately most companies these days use free software :)04:30
nhainesIt's not like interships don't exist anywhere else, but in Free Software you don't play with toys, you play with the real, live thing.04:30
nhainesAnd even if they don't, you're still using enterprise-grade software.  :)04:31
DonkeyHoteiyou look at the want ads on CL, anything that doesn't require a BS in CS is a minimum wage internship04:32
pleia2I just ignore that requirement and apply anyway04:33
ianorlinand networking in person is horrible for people with autism04:33
DonkeyHoteiianorlin: i did that for years anyway and it didn't do me a lot04:33
rwwnetworking in person is horrible04:34
pleia2ianorlin: that's why I network via IRC :) (well, I'm not autistic, but I am terribly shy when I'm not speaking)04:34
* ianorlin knows04:34
pleia2social gatherings are tough unless I know people04:34
DonkeyHoteipleia2: there is a phenomenon called "broader autism phenotype"04:34
pleia2DonkeyHotei: realistically I probably do land somewhere on the spectrum, but I'd rather not self diagnose (and I'm ok with how I am)04:36
* ianorlin also knows there are channels for autism on freenode04:37
pleia2I also write a lot - twitter, blogs, articles, etc, so people know I'm engaged even if I'm quiet at actual events04:38
pleia2ooh, breakfast time04:39
DonkeyHoteiwhen asked whether he's on the spectrum, rms said, and i paraphrase, "i don't know and i don't really care" because knowing whether he is or not doesn't really affect his life04:40
pleia2yeah, that04:41
ianorlinalso rms got upset when he was asked to sign he had recieved privacy policy when he had not at doctors04:42
DonkeyHoteiianorlin: i've personally witnessed his autistic meltdowns, he's on the spectrum, zero doubt04:43
DonkeyHoteihaving seen esr speak at balug, i'm reasonably sure he is also04:43
DonkeyHoteitakes one to know one04:45
ianorlinalso why do places send confidential messages to gmail05:08
DonkeyHoteiyou know you can use gpg over gmail, right?05:11
* ianorlin should learn to do that05:23
ianorlinno but not gpg05:23
RoguehorseSorry I missed the rest of the conversation, had to break away and watch The LEGO movie with my son06:22
DonkeyHoteiian isn't here, so convo over06:23
Roguehorseahh, looks like some good things got said06:25
DonkeyHoteiimportant things were left unsaid06:26
Roguehorsesometimes always are; good thing IRC is perpetual : )06:26
Roguehorseand to think so many miss out on this for Skype06:27
DonkeyHoteii'm on both skype and here06:27
RoguehorseI don't do Skype ... no need06:28
Roguehorsegotta run, time for bed then LOTS of homework for the weekend - YAY!06:29

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