[19:49] hi the room === javo_ is now known as javo [19:50] i'm looking for orientation. Not sure if this is the indicate place for that [19:53] i'm using 14.04, and after last installation of ubuntu base package, my device become crazy [19:58] no network, not identifying graphic card, no sound (sound for torpes) .... dunno how restore it [19:59] javo: This is Finnish support channel in Finnish. You are probably looking for #ubuntu which is in English or #ubuntu-fi-en which is the English loco channel for Ubuntu Finland. [19:59] thank you, Mikaela [20:00] do dou think my questins will be well recived there? [20:02] It's support channel, so they should be received there, but I am not sure what is orientation or what does it have to do with Ubuntu, but the other things look like support questions that should be there. [20:05] yes, thanks mikaela. I'm asking there now [21:54] http://viikonvalo.fi/Gwenview [21:54] http://viikonvalo.fi/Tails