
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
k1l@mark #ubuntu peskyrat trolling14:08
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:08
DJones@mark seven_ +q set in #ubuntu for repated "kill all" lines, now asking in #u-ot about hose to change ip, appears to want to evade the +q15:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:36
phunyguyseven_: that is probably not going to help your case16:12
IdleOneyup, you're not going to get any help like that16:12
phunyguygood morning IdleOne16:13
phunyguyerrr afternoon?16:13
Beldarcoulkd we have a look at a nick just added on #ubuntu19:01
bazhang masturbator?19:02
bazhangthey seem to have quit19:03
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bazhang<jjsandles> I heard ubuntu is going bankrupt19:25
k1l_same user as the peskyrat one from some hours ago19:26
bazhangnice spot19:26
tewardI believe smecin is spamming in #ubuntu, or at least not having a support question and not really being on topic... can someone take a look?20:58
tewardk1l_, thanks for getting on it.  :)20:59
rwwsmecin sounds familar21:01
rwwoh, duh. I lastlogged, that's skraito21:03

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