
wgrantstgraber, xnox: Should be fixed.00:08
xnox\o/ got accept email =)00:09
ochosihey folks, if anyone could push this no-brainer SRU so our new users also get the fix (we forgot to flip the settings-switch with the previous SRU): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/134206508:50
ubot93Launchpad bug 1342065 in xubuntu-default-settings "[SRU] xubuntu-default-settings 14.04.5" [Undecided,Fix committed]08:50
ochosithe xubuntu users will appreciate it! :)08:50
ochosiinfinity: ^08:51
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ogra_cjwatson, infinity, shouldnt raring be on old-releases.u.c ? seems it isnt there11:47
LaneyLooks there to me11:48
ogra_oh, silly me ... i looked at http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/11:49
Laneyah, not sure about the images11:49
ogra_yeah, i was actually just looking for debs ... thinko :)11:50
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Laneywho's running 14.04.1?16:28
Laneyoh it's on *Utopic*16:30
Laneyfor some strange reason I didn't look there ;-)16:30
stgrabercome on, it totally makes sense :)16:30
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Laneyadded it to T too16:31
infinityLaney: Yeah, it's arranged by cycle, I guess.16:31
Laneyinfinity: I get why, just never thought to look there.16:32
Laneyinfinity: You expecting the current date to happen?16:33
infinityLaney: Do you see a reason why it can't?  Freeze today, test images, release Thursday.16:34
infinityIf the reason is "people want to put more fixes in" that's on them for not reading the schedule. :P16:35
Laneyinfinity: Nope. We were just chatting about it in #ubuntu-desktop. I think maybe there were more announcements in advance of 12.04 point releases or something.16:37
infinityLaney: Some of them may have had a pre-freeze warning (though, not all of them did, I don't think).16:40
infinityLaney: But dot-one should be pretty low key.  No HWE stack or anything, so it's really just "all the fixes we've SRUed over the last three months", and if you didn't have time to land something, warning wouldn't have created time. ;)16:41
LaneyI'm remembering the freezes on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule16:41
ochosiinfinity: any chance we could get that xubuntu-default-settings sru in that i linked to before?16:43
ochosiit's only a default settings change to fix suspend+lock for new installs (the fix is already there, just the new default setting isn't)16:43
infinityochosi: Is it in the queue or in -proposed, or still needs uploading?16:45
* infinity reads backscroll.16:46
ochosiit's already in -proposed afaik16:46
ubot93Launchpad bug 1342065 in xubuntu-default-settings "[SRU] xubuntu-default-settings 14.04.5" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:47
ochosiinfinity: ^16:47
infinityochosi: So it is.  But it hasn't been verified.16:47
ochosiyeah, i know, but it's a settings change...16:47
ochosi(if i wouldn't sit behind such a bad connection right now i'd dl a new image just to confirm it)16:47
ochosiinfinity: what's the final final deadline for this to get verified?16:49
infinityochosi: Well, please get someone to verify it, and we can slide it in.16:49
* ochosi goes on a pinging rampage16:49
infinityochosi: The deadline is around nowish.  But it's up to whoever is coordinating testing your images if they want to respin and retest after this is promoted.16:50
ochosiwell i'd prefer to just get it in now instead of respinning...16:50
infinityochosi: Sure, I would too, but I don't want to revert it if someone finds an issue with it either, hence the verification step being useful. :P16:51
ochosithing is, if there's an issue, it'd be with the already verified SRU (xfce4-power-manager and light-locker-settings patches)16:51
ochosiinfinity: ok, just got our QA lead to verify17:01
ochosiinfinity: let me know if there's anything else standing in the way of getting this into 14.04.117:04
infinityochosi: That should do.17:04
ochosithanks again infinity17:06
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