
cmaloneyGood morning11:11
cmaloneyOr afternoon, depending on your timezone. ;)11:29
rick_h__just had lunch yay12:25
cmaloneyFigured as much12:56
cmaloneyWell this has been entertaining14:25
cmaloneyco-worker's machine is having trouble booting.14:25
brouschHave you tried turning it ... oh, wait, nevermind14:33
wafthe best way to fix that is to pour orange juice into the fan vents.14:36
waf(pulp-free orange juice, obviously)14:36
cmaloneywaf: I think the vending machine has some. Let me check14:37
cmaloneyI mean it works for curing colds so it might fix this virus.14:38
wafcmaloney gets it14:38
brouschrick_h__: Did you see your minions were looking for you on #bookie?14:39
cmaloneyWhat's even better is I ran Spinrite on it and it gave me a divide by zero error14:39
cmaloneyso I get to file a bug report with Steve Gibson14:39
rick_h__brousch: yea, I'm a bad mentor14:41
brouschHah, you're about 100x better than I am14:41
cmaloneyrick_h__: I think you have a pretty solid excuse14:42
brouschI figured your reminders might not have synced well to your new time zone14:42
cmaloney"Sorry, I woke up British"14:42
cmaloneyHow's the afternoon so far?18:17
rick_h__party party22:16
gamerchick02party party22:54
gamerchick02had a beer with dinner. leftover pizza and beer for my birthday dinner woo22:54
gamerchick02how's you, rick_h__?22:54
greg-gsounds great22:55
greg-gI'm drinking ginger kombucha, which is great actually (a local brewer)22:55
greg-git's on tap at a bar I was at last night, which is awesome22:55
gamerchick02also ya'll be happy that i switched back to my ducky zero with blacks. forgot how sweet it was. i do love the brown switches in my max, however22:55
gamerchick02sweet, greg-g22:55
cmaloneygamerchick02: That's awesome23:10
gamerchick02let's see, i've used blues, reds, browns, and blacks23:10
greg-gtaste the rainbow23:10
gamerchick02reds are at work. blacks currently being used, and the browns are sitting on my shelf. blues are in the closet... still looking for a buyer for the razer board and mouse23:11
gamerchick02love the rainbow23:11
gamerchick02tis the spice of life!23:11
brouschPrius is in the driveway23:16
brouschGot 70mpg on the ride home23:17
cmaloneybrousch: Get a baseball bat and play whack-a-hippie23:17
cmaloneyOh, it's yours?23:17
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/lNlk8D - SINCERITY - Ambiguity - The Authority 9.23.14 - We Are Triumphant - YouTube23:19
gamerchick02i'd love to have a plugin hybrid but the cord won't reach to my apartment.23:27

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