
wilsonjl3is there a program for xubuntu that lets me put an editable list/reminder on my desktop?01:03
wilsonjl3(i used Rainmeter when i had windows 8)01:04
wilsonjl3nevermind, found something called conky01:10
wilsonjl3is there a way to search for files/saved stuff?01:23
xubuntu329HI, I'm having trouble getting audio output from my usb audio interface plz halp04:37
GarrettHylltunHello, anyone awake here?06:28
SirLagzGarrettHylltun: nope.06:29
GarrettHylltunAwake or not, I gotta ask for some help if anyone's awake.  Xubuntu 14.04 x64.  Trying to add debian repositories to my sources, but it just refuses take.  Any times on getting through this?06:31
GarrettHylltunerr, any tips06:31
SirLagzI wouldn't be adding Debian repos to a Ubuntu system, but that's me. What are you trying to do ?06:31
GarrettHylltunI use PureBasic for my programming needs and I need a few libs that do not seem to be in the current repos.06:32
SirLagzwhat libs would they be ? Anything in Debian should also be in Ubuntu.06:32
GarrettHylltun"/user/bin/ld:  cannot find -lX11"06:35
SirLagzIs PureBasic packaged ?06:35
GarrettHylltunnope :-(06:36
GarrettHylltunhere's libs listed in readme:  libstdc++ devel, iodbc, libwebkit.so, libgnomeprintui2.2, libgnomeprintui2.2-devel, xine, SDL 1.2 devel06:36
SirLagzcan you pastebin the output of `ldd /path/to/purebasic` ?06:36
GarrettHylltunearlier this week I used a kubutu based distro and was able to apt get the files.06:37
SirLagzKubuntu based ? what distro was that ?06:37
stemidthat's probably an error in the Makefile06:38
stemidsince it says cannot find -lX1106:38
SirLagzheh...didn't occur to me that it's being compiled. oops...06:38
stemidand obviously you don't need debian repos for X1106:39
stemidsince you're most likely already running X06:39
stemidxorg-devel maybe06:39
stemidI don't remember off the top of my head what it's called06:39
GarrettHylltunxorg-dev not installed, going to do that now.06:42
GarrettHylltunOk, ran it's checking script, it said to:  apt-get install gcc g++ libc6-dev libsdl1.2-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgnomeprint2.2-dev unixodbc-dev libgnome2-dev libxine-dev libgnomeprintui2.2-dev libxxf86vm-dev06:48
GarrettHylltundid so and got this:  libstdc++ not found. libstdc++ devel package need to be installed to use PureBasic garrett@garrett-desktop:~/Programs/PureBasic$ sudo apt-get install gcc g++ libc6-dev libsdl1.2-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgnomeprint2.2-dev unixodbc-dev libgnome2-dev libxine-dev libgnomeprintui2.2-dev libxxf86vm-dev [sudo] password for garrett:  Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state informa06:48
GarrettHylltunlikely the libgnomeprint that's holding me up.06:54
GarrettHylltunWell thanks for trying to help me out.. very much appreciated.06:56
Meerkataccording to systemd documentation it will handle lid switch and power key events if those values are uncommented in /etc/systemd/logind.conf. What handles those events if the systemd config values are commented out?09:03
xubuntu071#xubuntu got an error saying grub not loaded10:31
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xubuntu882hi everyone13:04
baizonxubuntu882: ?13:06
xubuntu882ip messanger send message but not receive message13:07
abanabee7I have an issue, I am running on an SSD & for some reason the system shuts down randomly and says it has TRIMMED some stuff13:34
cfhowlett!info trim13:36
ubottuPackage trim does not exist in trusty13:36
cfhowlettabanabee7 ask in #ubuntu13:36
abanabee7cfhowlett: alright13:37
Ad1i've got a problem with Xfce desktop on my Xubuntu 14.0414:13
cfhowlettAd1 details14:14
Ad1something is wrong with icons, when i shut down my computer, and run it again then the icons are in random positions14:15
Ad1it doesn't remember position of icons on my desktop14:15
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:16
Ad1i can move it like i want, bun after next reboot or run all icons will have random position14:16
cfhowlettAd1 if no response here, see #xfce    I would guess you've got "remember session" set on         *guess*14:16
Ad1hmm i'll check it14:17
Ad1it was working properly when i've got fresh instalation of Xubuntu, but i've got problem with deleting folders on desktop, and i have upgraded the xfce, and it begin the problem with icons14:20
Ad1brb, reboot :)14:20
Ad1it doesn't work :<14:32
cfhowlettAd1 radical suggestion: nuke your xfce configuration folders.  they'll reset back to defaults.14:34
Ad1cfhowlett: i've tried deleting files from ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/ but it doesn't work, hmm... i'll try to remove whole ~/.config/xfce414:36
Ad1well, it still doesn't work14:52
cfhowlettAd1 weirdness.  ask #xfce channel14:53
cfhowlettor xfce.org forums14:53
elfypretty sure there are bugs reported for both the delete from desktop and the icon moving about issues14:53
cfhowlettelfy do tell.  as I only run LTS and haven't upgraded to 14.04 yet, I am behind the times.14:54
* elfy is wandering about in tbird atm trying to find them :)14:55
elfybug 119099014:56
ubottubug 1307251 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1190990 xfdesktop doesn't save the arrangement of desktop icons after a resolution change" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130725114:56
elfywhich says it's fixed released14:56
elfybug 129420914:58
ubottubug 1294209 in xfdesktop "Deleting files from desktop freezes machine for short period" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129420914:58
elfywhich was fixed and then regressed I believe14:58
Ad1well bug 1294209 is fixed, but i still have a problem with position of my icons on desktop15:02
ubottubug 1294209 in xfdesktop "Deleting files from desktop freezes machine for short period" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129420915:02
dsprcbeeblebrox: Segmentation fault: Unexpected end of line expected15:31
Infanthello. is there any way ctrl-t in thunar open ~ dir, but not copy current dir? same goes to terminal15:31
guest-lucashi, I tried to look on the net, but found no solution. The text under the icons on the desktop is not centered. Is that normal/known/bug/etc. and is there a workaround? Thanks15:31
markvI have issues on startup16:06
markvLogging in takes a while16:06
markvAlso firefox starts as soon as I login16:07
markvCan I stop it from starting?16:07
Infantmarkv go to settings then search for startup and look at application autostart. u should be able to remove firefox from there and stop it from auto loading :)16:32
markvInfant, It's not there16:33
Infantthere is no firefox in application autostart list?16:34
markvOr skype16:34
baizonmarkv: saved sessions?16:34
Infantmarkv sorry im out of ideas16:34
kgbguys, if you don't mind.. can some1 plz lemme know: what software 2 use, to mount NTFS partitions - since they're not automounted by Thunar, when running in Oracle VM :-(16:34
Infantgood catch!16:34
baizonif not, clear .cache/session16:34
markvlol yea, firefox, right at the top16:35
baizonmarkv: if not, clear .cache/session16:35
markvI'l delete .cache16:35
kgb^^ .cache/sessions16:35
kgbwatch for permissions, when removing root folders btw.16:36
jcatdidn't know if this would be a good place to ask questions...16:48
baizonmarkv: ofc dont forget to log out and in again ;)16:49
baizon!ask | jcat16:49
ubottujcat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:49
jcatOkay, WELL, long story short: I was using Linux mint, and all of a sudden couldn't connect to any wireless network, I decided to install xubuntu, which also couldn't connect to any wireless network (I tested 4 that worked previously), but the installer also crashed. Out of desperation, I'm trying regular ubuntu (ugh) and it ALSO couldn't connect to any wireless network, but so far, the installer is working16:51
jcatI think the crash was due to ubiquity or something16:51
jcatnevermind, it crashed16:52
baizonjcat: try switching to the oss drivers16:53
baizonthis worked for me16:53
jcatI'll have to research that, not sure how to do that. Also, I'm using an Acer c720p chromebook for the record, 2 GB RAM16:54
jcatIt's just weird because these problems literally came out of nowhere16:54
baizonjcat: http://docs.xubuntu.org/1304/hardware-devices.html16:55
baizonjcat: "Disabling restricted drivers"16:55
ochosianyone around who can do a 14.04 clean install for us quickly? we direly need a patch to be confirmed (today) to get it into 14.04.116:55
* ochosi has a terribly slow connection today :/16:55
baizonochosi: Virtualbox is ok?16:56
ochosiwe need a fix from -proposed to be tested16:56
jcatI'll assume disabling the OSS drivers can be done during install? I'm setting up the flash drive for booting now16:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 1342065 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[SRU] xubuntu-default-settings 14.04.5" [Undecided,Fix committed]16:57
ochosibaizon: i just realized you don't need to do a full install...16:57
ochosibaizon: just install the updated package (xubuntu-default-settings 14.04.5) and then create a new user16:58
ochosithen see whether the settings has been set correctly in xfconf16:58
jcatSo, in order to boot, I have to set mem=1949M in the boot options. That wouldn't mess anything up now, would it? It hadn't caused issues for me in previous installs...17:01
baizonochosi: where is the package?17:01
ochosibaizon: nvm, elfy was kind enough to do it17:02
ochosiwe just needed that verification to happen very quickly because the deadline is *now* :)17:02
baizondamn sorry, I'm  just finishing baking a cake :(17:02
ochosiheh, focus on your cake then ;)17:03
baizonbut now I'm available17:03
baizonno no its in the oven already :D17:03
ochosiif you wanna help with testing in general, i think elfy would really appreciate a hand17:03
baizonnow, or in general?17:03
baizonjcat: im not sure, but afterwards also17:04
baizonjcat: if you disable, no additional things need to be installed17:04
jcatSorry, I know you guys are busy and all, but I still cannot connect to any wireless network in the xubuntu installer. Also, no additonal drivers were listed to disable17:04
ochosibaizon: in general17:04
jcatAnd the installer keeps crashing :(17:04
baizonjcat: check your memory17:07
baizonochosi: ok17:07
baizonjcat: so dont connect while installing17:07
baizondo it afterwards17:07
jcatbaizon: the installer keeps crashing17:07
baizonjcat: with what message?17:08
jcatbaizon: I'll resend it when it crashes next17:08
kgbjcat: just maybe, sometimes the cd/usb installer will crash and the dvd won't; & vice-versa17:08
kgb(for a quick fix)17:09
jcatkgb: This laptop doesn't have an optical drive, unfortunately. But I've never run into these problem before! EVen on my install that was stable ansd running fine, all of a sudden started acting up out of nowhere17:09
baizonjcat: so check your memory then17:10
jcatbaizon: by "check my mempry", do you mean check for stability? Should I run a memory test, I guess?17:10
knomejcat, when it crashes the next time, just run 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity' while you are running the installer to file a bug with additional information about the system17:10
jcatknome: Okay, I will, Running the installer now... here we go17:11
baizonall has been said :D17:11
jcatknome: Okay, problem type: bug, package: ubiquity 2.18.717:17
knomejcat, keep on going until you've finished the bug filing; then developers can look at it17:17
jcatknome: ApportVersion: 2.14.1-0ubuntu3, Architecture: amd64, CasperVersion: 1.340, DistroRelease: Ubuntu 14.04, InstallCmdLine: initrd=/casper/initrd.lz file=/cdrom/preseed/xubuntu.seed boot=casper quiet splash -- mem=1949 BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz.efi17:20
jcatknome: oh dear, I added the mem thing to the boot options, I hope that didn't do it17:21
knomejcat, please do not paste the bug information here17:21
knomejcat, if you want, you can paste the bug number once you've filed17:21
jcatknome: Oh... I thought that's what you said to do...17:21
jcatknome: bug filing, got it17:22
jcatknome: but does the InstallCmdLine pose an issue? I had to add "mem=1949M" to the boot options in order to boot with close to 2G of RAM17:22
kgbbut.. 2gb of ram is fine, y alter any boot options then (sorz if i missed it)17:25
kgb*just sayin'17:25
jcatSo... How exactly can I file this bug if it can;t connect to the internet? Does it compile into some package I can transfer to another computer or...?17:25
kgbgah xD17:26
knomejcat, you can use 'ubuntu-bug --save=filename ubiquity'17:26
knomejcat, and then move that file to another computer that has an internet connection17:26
jcatknome: sorry for all the questions. Once I've moved the file, what do I do with it? I moved it to a windows machine17:29
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brokenaudiois xfce ever getting an update to gtk3 or qt?19:46
baizonbrokenaudio: someday :D19:51
baizonbrokenaudio: https://wiki.xfce.org/releng/4.12/roadmap/gtk319:51
brokenaudioxfce is starting to have age issues, on suse and fedora things like theming are falling apart19:52
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brokenaudioHow do I undecorate a window?20:26
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jcat4I was here earlier. I have an acer c720p, originally running linuc mint that, out of no where, was suddenly unable to connect to any wireless network. I've tried reinstalling multiple distors, but none could connect to wifi either, and all of the installers chrashed, howveer, I was able to boot into xubuntu although the installer crashed, but I still can't connect to wifi. It will see the networks, I'll enter the passphrases, and it w22:27
jcat4and eventually fail to connect. I have no idea what to do, please help22:28
Zikojcat4: try ask in #ubuntu maybe someone will help you22:32
knomeZiko, it is not exactly helpful to point people directly at other channels..22:38
Zikojust think maybe him on rush knome22:40

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