
davecheneywallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/37900:20
davecheneymattyw: http://www.ohloh.net/projects/juju00:22
perrito666fwereade: since your freaked out I returned :p00:23
fwereadeperrito666, I'm in a quantum superposition of being freaked out, and not freaked out, until I know more context :)00:24
perrito666fwereade: since the latest speed ups restore sometimes fails when it arrives to the part where it installs mongo client because someone else is running apt-get00:24
fwereadeperrito666, what's the apt lock issue?00:24
mattywdavecheney, 19% javascript?00:24
fwereadeperrito666, heh00:24
perrito666so we need to wait until apt-get finished00:24
fwereadeperrito666, who else might be running it?00:24
perrito666fwereade: I have no clue, but I intend to figure that out tomorrow00:24
fwereadeperrito666, ok00:24
davecheney"maintained by a very large development team"00:25
perrito666fwereade: but that set aside it is reckless for restore to just try to apt-get without checking if it can00:25
fwereadeperrito666, well00:25
fwereadeperrito666, restore is setting up a new state server, right?00:25
perrito666fwereade: well it is stepping on a fresh one :) so my quick guess, something like apt-get update/grade is happening00:26
mattywdavecheney, thumper https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/36900:26
fwereadeperrito666, it kinda feels like the apt lock is too low level00:26
fwereadeperrito666, we may be stepping on it while cloudinit is still finishing?00:27
fwereadeperrito666, in which case we can expect more things than just the apt lock to fall over, I suspect00:27
perrito666fwereade: good point, you think that if I wait for apt-to finish something else might break?00:27
fwereadeperrito666, yeah00:27
fwereadeperrito666, I think that we should have complete control over that server00:28
* perrito666 wonders how to know if everything else is finished00:28
fwereadeperrito666, I feel like we ought to have already solved that issue for bootstrap00:28
fwereadeperrito666, maybe we haven't?00:28
perrito666I think we think we did00:28
fwereadeaxw, you did sync bootstrap -- do we guarantee cloudinit is finished before we start work?00:29
fwereadeperrito666, if we do, restore should do whatever bootstrap does00:29
perrito666fwereade: well the first step of restore is to bootstrap a machine so we cant really be more boostrapy :p00:29
fwereadeperrito666, if not, restore and bootstrap should both make sure they wait00:30
fwereadeperrito666, and ideally use the same code in the same way to do so regardless00:30
fwereadeperrito666, that maybe sounds like we don't wait00:30
perrito666fwereade: well, new restore is far cleaner in that sense ;)00:30
* fwereade grumps a bit00:30
fwereadeperrito666, cool00:30
fwereadeperrito666, so, high-level, ISTM that we should be reusing bootstrap as much as possible (which we are, great) but that in either case we should wait for cloudinit to be done before we start doing anything else00:31
fwereadeperrito666, or possibly I don;t know what I'm talking about00:31
fwereadeperrito666, always bear that possibility in mind00:31
perrito666I definitely need someone which knows more bootstrap than I to go over what bootstrap does and find out why bootstrap declares it finished when it didn't00:31
fwereadeperrito666, either way, forget what I said about the hook execution lock, I'm pretty sure it's irrelevant00:32
fwereadeperrito666, thanks for coming back to chat00:32
fwereadeperrito666, bah, axw not around yet00:32
fwereadeperrito666, would you drop him a quick mail he can answer overnight please?00:32
* fwereade will slope off to lunch unless there's something else?00:33
perrito666fwereade: I really need some sleep so ttyt00:33
perrito666lunch? where are you?00:33
fwereadeperrito666, new zealand00:33
perrito666cool, bring back a hobbit :p00:34
fwereadeperrito666, haha00:34
fwereadeperrito666, sleep tight00:34
perrito666thank you00:34
wallyworlddavecheney: i found a deadlock in the client api login tests01:11
wallyworldthat will explain a lot of the test failures in that area01:12
wallyworldvery much timing related so subtle changes due to session copying may have triggered it to be more frequent01:12
davecheneywallyworld_: awesome01:27
wallyworld_davecheney: i updatd your bug, hopefully explanation makes sense01:32
wallyworld_fixed locally01:32
davecheneywallyworld_: thanks01:33
davecheneythumper: go test -run=XXX github.com/juju/juju/...01:36
thumperfwereade: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/38001:41
wallyworld_axw: a small one https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/38101:47
axwahh, is this what was causing the tests to timeout?01:47
davecheneywallyworld_: do you have a new PR for reapplyng your txn fix ?01:55
davecheneythen cmars can test it01:55
wallyworld_davecheney: not yet, i want to retest locally first. soon01:56
davecheneytasdomas: var uuidregex = regexp.MustCompile(`[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}`)02:01
axwwallyworld_: something I can do to help you with the mongo session changes?02:16
axwaxw> wallyworld_: something I can do to help you with the mongo session changes?02:23
davecheneyaxw: i think wallworld needs help with his intertubes02:27
axwso it would seem02:28
tasdomasdavecheney, thumper https://github.com/juju/names/pull/1902:29
axwtasdomas: do you know if landscape has updated their code to use the new format?02:32
axwtasdomas: also, #1257587 isn't actually Fix Released until this is in juju - right?02:32
_mup_Bug #1257587: environment-tag handling permits non-unique tags <landscape> <tech-debt> <juju-core:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1257587>02:32
davecheneyaxw: true02:32
davecheneywe need to land a companion branch to juju and dependencies.tsv02:32
wallyworld__davecheney: so, gh won't let me create a pr using the original copy-session branch because it says master already has all those commits, even though i reverted. so do i need to do a whole new branch? please say i don't02:38
menn0wallyworld__: add --force to the push?02:39
wallyworld__menn0: i haven't pushed anything new as yet - just went to the original branch on gh and tried to create a pr02:40
davecheneywallyworld__: i wish I could help02:40
menn0wallyworld__: ah sorry... I misunderstood what you were trying to do02:41
menn0wallyworld__: I know even less about GH than Git02:41
davecheneywallyworld__: i'd grab the .diff from the original PR and try to patch it onto a fresh branch02:41
wallyworld__menn0: that worked, thanks. not sure why exactly, since the branch hadn't been changed on my end and the revs it contains were already in my fork. but it seems to have done something02:45
axwwallyworld__: still investigating, but I think I need to reopen #134583202:48
_mup_Bug #1345832: Juju writes to mongo without an actual change occurring <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:Fix Committed by axwalk> <juju-core 1.20:Fix Committed by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1345832>02:48
axwdon't think it's actually fixed on account of the assertion going into the oplog02:48
axwmay be best to take it off the 1.20.2 milestone if that's the case02:48
axwwallyworld__: your connection is awful02:50
axwaxw> wallyworld__: still investigating, but I think I need to reopen #134583202:50
_mup_Bug #1345832: Juju writes to mongo without an actual change occurring <cloud-installer> <landscape> <juju-core:Fix Committed by axwalk> <juju-core 1.20:Fix Committed by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1345832>02:50
axwaxw> don't think it's actually fixed on account of the assertion going into the oplog02:50
axw<axw> may be best to take it off the 1.20.2 milestone if that's the case02:50
wallyworld__axw: it's only freenode02:50
wallyworld__nfi idea why02:50
wallyworld__axw: how often are the api hosts updated?02:51
axwnot sure. will need to check02:52
axwbut the oplog will be changing at the same rate as before02:53
axwjust with a different type of entry02:53
tasdomasthumper, davecheney https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/36902:55
wallyworlddavecheney: cmars: master now updated with session copying branch03:18
cmarswallyworld, thanks03:19
davecheneywallyworld: ta03:28
axwwallyworld: I'm reopening the bug about no-op writes, but thankfully I think it's easy to fix03:35
axwI had thought there were two sources of calls to SetAPIHostPorts, but there's only one03:35
wallyworldaxw: np, sounds good03:35
wallyworldaxw: i got the copy sessions stuff backported, had to fox some additional tests. i'm doing a live test before landing. if you wanted to eyeball it, that would be good. no real hurry https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/38503:39
axwwallyworld: okey dokey. so what was causing the errors last night?03:39
wallyworldaxw: that necessitated the revert?03:41
axwwallyworld: yeah03:41
wallyworldi think it was the login deadlock03:41
axwwhat about the authorization failures tho?03:41
wallyworldlet me re-read the email03:42
wallyworldaxw: i think i saw a fair few tests fail once the login deadlock caused failure03:43
wallyworldonce i fixed that, i wasn't able to reproduce any more failures03:43
davecheneythumper: fwereade https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/37803:53
davecheneyfwereade: may I draw you attention to https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/378, which I have updated04:07
davecheneymattyw: ping04:07
mattywdavecheney, pong?04:07
mattywdavecheney, at the moment all I've added is a NewUUID to the factory which just wraps utils.NewUUID04:08
davecheneymattyw: that's the ticket04:09
davecheneymore abstraction, that's what we need04:09
axwthumper: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/environs/configstore/disk.go#L23504:14
thumperhi axw04:14
thumperforgot to remove that04:14
* thumper fixes04:15
axwthanks. I'd do it, but in the middle of a branch04:15
thumperaxw: also, just pulled trunk to get the new hotness04:15
thumperbut the tests seemed to be hanging04:15
thumperlast output is:04:15
thumperok  github.com/juju/juju/cmd/envcmd0.145s04:16
axwwill see if I can repro in a moment04:16
thumperproceeded the second time04:17
thumperaxw: I normally run all the tests when I freshly pull master04:18
thumperto make sure it is all good04:18
thumperand it makes me feel better04:18
thumperI think it is up to the replica set tests now04:18
waiganiaxw: I'm trying to live test manually adding a machine with a specified ssh key and I get the following error:04:19
waiganiWARNING failed to parse bootstrap-config: empty image-metadata-url in environment configuration04:19
waiganiERROR empty image-metadata-url in environment configuration04:19
axwwaigani: do you have an empty image-metadata-url in your environment configuration? ;)04:19
waiganiaxw: fair call04:20
axwif it's blank in environments.yaml, that's considered an error04:20
axwit needs to be either not there, or not blank04:20
waiganiright, thanks04:20
thumperaxw: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/38604:21
waiganiaxw: its not there04:22
axwwaigani davecheney: I suspect https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/362/files#diff-204:23
axwconfig previously allowed "", now does not04:23
axwso... somehow your environment has a blank value I guess04:24
waiganiaxw: ugh, nice catch04:24
davecheneywallyworld: can you help me revert this PR ?04:30
davecheneyturns out we can't even remove these fields04:30
wallyworlddavecheney: sure, let me look04:30
wallyworlddavecheney: reverted and merged04:32
davecheneywallyworld: thanks04:33
thumperanyone else seeing the state/watcher tests fail?04:35
waiganiaxw: worked out what happened: I bootstrapped, ran make install (new version), then ran addmachine. I get same error when I try to destroy my env (I'll monkey my config to make it work). davecheney's revert should fix this.04:37
axwokey dokey04:38
wallyworldthumper: i occasionally get failures with those. what are you seeing?04:42
thumper    assertChange(c, s.ch, watcher.Change{"test", "a", revno1})04:43
thumper    c.Fatalf("watch reported nothing, want %v", want)04:43
thumper... Error: watch reported nothing, want {test a 2}04:43
thumperalso, my replicaset test timed out at 10 minutes04:43
wallyworldthumper: i regularly get replica set timeouts. i sometimes see the watcher failures, been meaning to search for a bug. definitely intermittent for me. another race :-(04:44
davecheneywallyworld: it's not a race04:44
davecheneyit's that PR that I landed04:44
wallyworldthe wather failures?04:44
davecheneythe problem is we're startin a mongodb on [::1]:something04:44
davecheneyand then dialing it on
davecheneythey are effectively different networks04:44
wallyworldok. i've seen them pass sometimes and not others04:45
davecheneythumper: confirmed, this has just started happening04:50
davecheneyFAIL: watcher_test.go:625: com_juju_juju_state_watcher_test.TestWatchBeforeRemoveKnown.pN55_github.com_juju_juju_state_watcher_test.SlowPeriodSuite04:50
davecheneyinsert("test", "a") => revno 204:51
davecheneyremove("test", "a") => revno -104:51
davecheneywatcher_test.go:118: c.Fatalf("watch reported nothing, want %v", want)04:51
davecheney... Error: watch reported nothing, want {test a 2}04:51
davecheney[LOG] 0:10.025 INFO juju.testing reset successfully reset admin password04:51
davecheneyOOPS: 20 passed, 4 FAILED04:51
davecheney--- FAIL: TestPackage (34.06 seconds)04:51
wallyworlddavecheney: that's what's been intermittent for me, passes mostly but sometimes fails04:52
davecheneywallyworld: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/134803204:59
_mup_Bug #1348032: state/watcher: FastPeriodSuite.TestWatchAfterKnown failure <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1348032>04:59
davecheneyit's started to fail all over the ship today04:59
wallyworldhmmmm. mostly passes here for me, with the odd failure04:59
wallyworldthat's why i thought it to be a race04:59
davecheneywallyworld: it's not a race05:05
davecheneyit's load related05:05
davecheneythe test passes on an idle machine05:05
davecheneywhen I load up my machine05:05
davecheneythe test fails05:05
wallyworldso the load could trigger the race, by changing timing of thread interactions05:06
wallyworldrace conditions typically manifest under different load conditions05:06
davecheneyi'm running it under -race05:06
davecheneyit's not a race conditoin by my definition05:06
thumperdavecheney: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/39005:33
thumperaxw, wallyworld: above PR fixes a critical issue in a previous branch of mine05:35
thumpertyped nil FTL05:35
thumperaxw: ta05:36
thumpertalking with davecheney about writing a jc.IsNil that may assert the type of the interface if it is nil05:37
wallyworldthumper: i'd argue the original code was wrong not to check err value anyway05:37
wallyworldjeez, bot is busy today05:39
thumperwallyworld: it did check the err value05:42
thumperwallyworld: what's the problem there?05:42
thumperit wasn't the error that was the problem05:42
wallyworld- if info != nil {05:42
wallyworld- info.environmentDir = d.dir05:42
thumperit was the expectation of nil, not-nil05:42
thumperwallyworld: that's perfectly fine there05:42
wallyworldshould use the return value being "nil" as the determining factor05:42
wallyworldit should have done if err != nil05:43
thumperstill not the solution there05:43
wallyworldor if err == nil05:43
thumperthat still wouldn't fix the problem05:43
axwthumper: wallyworld is arguing that all error cases should exit early, which I agree with05:43
wallyworldif err != nil, then you know info is bad05:43
wallyworldthen it doesn't matter if it is nil or typed nil05:44
thumperwallyworld: well, I have a test that asserts that info is nil if error is there05:44
wallyworldcause you won't use it05:44
thumperbut we do use it05:44
thumperand we have a test that asserts it is nil05:44
wallyworldyou use it even if err != nil?05:44
wallyworldthat's bad05:44
thumperwe assume that info is nil if error is set05:44
davecheneythumper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gocheck/+bug/124804005:44
_mup_Bug #1248040: test failed on 1.2rc3 <gocheck:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1248040>05:44
thumperI'm not saying it is right05:45
wallyworldcause if err != nil, then you mustn't assume the return val is usable05:45
thumperI'm saying that is what we do05:45
* thumper makes a note to fix the call site too later05:47
tasdomasdavecheney, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/39305:49
davecheneylog_test.go:159: c.Check(tw.Log, jc.LogMatches, []string{"foo", "bar"})05:50
davecheney... obtained func() []loggo.TestLogValues = (func() []loggo.TestLogValues)(0x455c10)05:50
davecheney... expected []string = []string{"foo", "bar"}05:50
davecheney... Obtained value must be of type []loggo.TestLogValues or SimpleMessage05:51
thumperdavecheney: https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/2305:54
wallyworldaxw: got a sec for a hangout in the standup hangout?06:15
wallyworldmgz: meeting?10:03
perrito666axw: good morning, do you think I can get an answer to my email before your EOD?10:18
perrito666good morning all10:18
axwperrito666: good morning. the one I already replied to, or the one that hasn't come yet? :)10:19
* perrito666 kicks his inbox10:19
perrito666sorry it got buried in githubbies10:20
axwno worries :)10:20
perrito666aghh, then who is running apt-get10:21
axwperrito666: can you see what's being installed via apt-get?10:22
perrito666axw: well to be honest I was never able to reproduce that yet, Ill give it a try10:23
axwjam: are you abreast of all the IPv6 changes that dimitern has been doing? if so, would you cast your eye over this please? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/39412:06
axwif not I'll land anyway and send dimitern an email12:06
=== jcw4|on-the-road is now known as jcw4
natefinchjam, mgz: relatively easy code review? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/37512:23
TheMuenatefinch: *click*12:26
natefinchTheMue: thanks... that's what I get for not scrolling all the way down in the user list12:26
TheMuenatefinch: hehe12:27
TheMuenatefinch: lumberjack? ;)12:27
natefinchTheMue: it's a log rolling package12:28
TheMuenatefinch: funny name12:28
natefinchTheMue: borning names are so boring12:28
TheMuenatefinch: I’ve been grown up with TLAs12:29
katcogood morning all12:31
TheMuenatefinch: it’s a bad PR12:31
TheMuekatco: morning12:31
katcofavorite TLA joke: what does idk mean?12:31
TheMuenatefinch: there’s nothing to complain :D12:31
TheMuekatco: iiirks, dunno?12:32
TheMuekatco: ah12:32
TheMuekatco: I don’t know12:32
katcothe response is "well then i'll just ask someone who does"12:32
natefinchYeah, I've decided I like giving real names to my projects rather than just purely descriptive ones... I could have named lumberjack go-logrotate or something boring like that... but that's not memorable.  Lumberjack is fun, memorable, and fairly unique.12:34
katconatefinch: you should have named it "snore"12:34
katcoas in, "sawing logs"12:34
TheMuenatefinch: I dislike all those go-prefixes12:35
natefinchTheMue: me too.... but it's tricky because pretty much every decent name has already been taken12:35
TheMuenatefinch: not in your namespace, eg. at github12:36
natefinchTheMue: I've decided that I don't care if I conflict with an existing project as long as it's not hugely well-known  and/or in the exact same functional space12:36
* TheMue has to admit he’s using prefixes for his repositories, but not for the packages/modules/libraries in there12:37
natefinchTheMue: http://www.pkgname.com/12:37
TheMueso it’s clear that all the stuff in there is for one language or is an application which possibly uses multiple languages12:38
TheMuenatefinch: oh no, people build services to check this12:39
natefinchhaha, it basically just checks if you have "Go" in the name, and if so, say's it's a crappy name12:39
natefinchof course, it's not smart... something like "gorilla" it says is a bad name because it mentions go12:40
TheMuemaybe it should be no prefix12:41
natefinchnah, because people do foo-go  (oh, hyphens are another no-no at pkgname, which I agree with)12:42
TheMuethose go* packages remind me of all thos ISomething interfaces12:43
TheMueor upn12:43
TheMuehmm, no, wrong name, don’t remember how it is calles12:44
TheMuethis paiPointerToArrayOfIntegers12:44
natefinchTheMue: we were having a similar conversation yesterday...   Lumberjack has a MaxSize field, which is supposed to be in megabytes.... should it be MaxSizeInMB, or should the units be in the type  (type Megabytes int) or just in a comment?12:46
natefinchTheMue: curious to hear your opinion... I went with a comment, but I sorta feel like it should have been its own type.  Not a fan of the change of the name12:46
TheMuenatefinch: I like the approach with an own type. it’s one of the strength of go to make this so simple. also for arguments or constants12:49
TheMuenatefinch: think of the time package12:49
natefinchYeah... I regret not using it on lumberjack12:49
natefinchoh well.... can't change it now, I'd break the API.12:49
natefinchIt's not so bad for lumberjack, because it's something you only ever set up once in your project, so you only have to remember it's megabytes that one time.12:50
natefinchTheMue: what do you think about the log size and number of backups for the log rotation?  It seemed like a reasonable config, but I don't know what people really expect.  100M, to me, is nice, because if you get something spamming the logs, you have half a chance at being able to go back far enough to find the root cause before all the spam.... and yet, 100MB in this day and age shouldn't be a hardship even on relatively s12:52
natefinchmall cloud disks.12:52
natefinchjam: curious to hear your thoughts on the max size of the logs, too.  Note, this is for the machine-n and unit-n logs, not the all machines log, which can be much much bigger (due to being, you know, everything)12:53
TheMuenatefinch: size is ok to me, only maybe more than just one generation, but I’m not sure12:55
TheMuenatefinch: standard is often 5, but for apps with less log changes, so the files are pretty small12:56
axwnatefinch: is there a way to get lumberjack to always backup the first log file? it may have useful information about the agent's initialisation13:25
axwe.g. the agent version/compiler13:25
perrito666aghh I hate race conditions13:40
natefinchsorry, was out for a bit, electrician arrived13:41
natefinchaxw: there's no way to keep around the first file for forever... we could do that ourselves easily enough, though13:41
natefinchaxw: just copy the log file to unit-0-init.log after initialization is done13:42
natefinchaxw: lumberjack won't touch files it doesn't generate itself13:44
natefinch(unless you happen to make a file that exactly matches origFilename-lumberjackTimestamp.origExt13:46
jamespageI have a question with regards to relation state - when does data that a remote service has set on a relation become visible to related services? is is at the point of execution of the -changed hook on the remote side or as soon as the data is set on the local side?13:54
perrito666hey natefinch ericsnow can I be a couple of mins late? I am uploading some tools to a vm and mi bw up is completely used14:00
ericsnowperrito666: I'm good :)14:01
perrito666no you are not :p14:01
mgzericsnow: poke about reviewboard plugin, have you got it in a state I can pick up and carry on with?14:03
ericsnowmgz: I take it you didn't get me email 10 days ago :)14:03
ericsnowmgz: yeah, it's ready (though I'm sure we'll find something that needs tweaking)14:04
mgzericsnow: thanks14:04
ericsnowmgz: np14:04
mgz(I have also been stuck in other things since the sprint mostly...)14:05
ericsnowmgz: I figured :)14:07
ericsnowvoidspace: how's the trip?14:14
perrito666ericsnow: natefinch I am all set, going in14:16
voidspaceericsnow: hey, cool - just sitting in lightning talks now14:19
voidspaceericsnow: you all coping without me?14:19
voidspacecurrent talk title "I hate testing"...14:19
ericsnowvoidspace: Gary Bernhardt?14:20
voidspaceericsnow: hah, no - some European guy I don't know14:20
voidspacespeaking about code mutation for testing - checking that when you change your code randomly some test fails to tell you14:21
ericsnownatefinch: you coming?14:22
wwitzel3ericsnow, perrito666, natefinch: we are working on the inbound to juju mapping document for tosca, can't join standup right now.14:29
natefinchwwitzel3: no problem.  Don't worry about the standup this week14:29
wwitzel3natefinch: I'll send another update to the team EOD tomorrow that will cover the second half of the week.14:31
perrito666wwitzel3: send pics :p14:31
ericsnowwwitzel3: hey, don't sound so excited!14:33
mbruzekHello natefinch I just got done with the Juju Cross team meeting.  The Landscape team has a bug blocking their release that someone on core should look at. https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/131836614:52
_mup_Bug #1318366: jujud on state server panic misses transaction in queue <cloud-installer> <landscape> <orange-box> <panic> <performance> <sm15k> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318366>14:52
perrito666unrelated question, any of you has a thinkpad x1 carbon?14:53
mbruzeknatefinch,  fwereade, since Alexis is out who can I speak with for core issues?14:53
natefinchmbruzek: you can talk to me... sorry I missed the cross team meeting15:02
mbruzeknatefinch, That is OK you were dealing with electricians15:03
perrito666sinzui: ping15:03
sinzuihi perrito66615:03
mbruzeknatefinch, This seems pretty important to the Landscape team and no one on juju except for John has made a comment.15:03
perrito666sinzui: hi, sorry to botter, the repo for CI tests changed?15:03
perrito666I am bzr pull-ing on my copy and it is complaining15:04
natefinchmbruzek: sorry... much of the Juju Core leads are indisposed this week.  William and Tim are on a sprint, and Alexis is on vacation.15:05
sinzuiperrito666, lp:juju-ci-tools and lp:juju-release-tools15:05
* perrito666 scratches his head15:05
perrito666thank you15:05
natefinchmbruzek: I'll look into that error today.  Seems like mongo is having trouble for some reason15:05
sinzuiperrito666, note that the restore tests are being run in HP this week because of the ec2 provisioning issue. So the tests are more likely to pass. They certainly always pass for 1.20.315:06
mbruzeknatefinch, OK great, thank you for taking a look.  I believe this is blocking the Landscape team so if you could leave a comment that would be appreciated.15:06
perrito666sinzui: I am setting up an ec machine to run the tests from there to ec2, so I can trigger the error15:06
natefinchmbruzek: done15:10
natefinchheh.... This landscape bug has a panic traceback that's over a million lines long.  Looks like about 18000 goroutines15:14
natefinchthis is why exceptions are somewhat less useful in multi-threaded environments :)15:17
mgznot really, but dumping every stack when we're also leaking routines certainly does lead to silliness15:17
natefinchdidn't realize we're leaking goroutines. that seems... serious15:18
natefinchdpb1: I hear you're the one to talk to about log files for this landscape bug... do you have the full log file? The one James Page posted is truncated, and missing a lot of info.15:18
_mup_Bug #1318366: jujud on state server panic misses transaction in queue <cloud-installer> <landscape> <orange-box> <panic> <performance> <sm15k> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318366>15:18
dpb1natefinch: I'm looking into it. sec15:20
sparkiegeekhave been pointed here for giving info about bug 1318366?15:25
_mup_Bug #1318366: jujud on state server panic misses transaction in queue <cloud-installer> <landscape> <orange-box> <panic> <performance> <sm15k> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318366>15:25
sparkiegeeksorry, wasn't connected, don't have the backscroll15:25
sparkiegeekwhat's needed?15:25
sparkiegeeknatefinch: https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~acollard/maxwell-logs.tgz15:29
bodie_anyone familiar with the cmd.out.Write utility for marshaling JSON?15:29
natefinchsparkiegeek: thanks15:30
sparkiegeeknatefinch: as stated on the bug, it might contain sensitive data, hence the canonical.com link :)15:31
natefinchsparkiegeek: understood15:31
natefinchniemeyer: we're getting "rescanned document misses transaction in queue" from mgo during a big deployment.  Relevant stack trace: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7848252/15:51
natefinchniemeyer: I'm not really sure what the panic means15:51
natefinchniemeyer: relevant bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/131836615:52
_mup_Bug #1318366: jujud on state server panic misses transaction in queue <cloud-installer> <landscape> <orange-box> <panic> <performance> <sm15k> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318366>15:53
niemeyernatefinch: I'm getting in a meeting right now, but we catch up afterwards16:00
natefinchniemeyer: ok thanks16:01
sparkiegeeknatefinch: did you read the duplicate bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1318044/comments/1 especially16:18
_mup_Bug #1318044: panic in mgo transaction lib <cloud-installer> <landscape> <mongodb> <race-condition> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318044>16:18
natefinchsparkiegeek: ahh, no, thanks16:31
perrito666natefinch: http://bashrcgenerator.com/ <-- this might come in handi16:33
natefinchwhat's the trick to rebase a change on top of stuff merged from upstream?16:48
natefinchmgz, gsamfira ^^16:48
gsamfiranatefinch: if your branch is based on "master" for example, you need to commit your changes, do a git checkout master, git pull, git checkout <my branch>, git rebase master16:49
gsamfirayour changes will be replayed on top of current master16:50
gsamfiraif any conflicts come up, you will be guided through resolving them16:50
gsamfiramake a backup of your local repo just in case ;)16:50
mgzpretty much, it's not really as dangerous as it seems either, actually destroying underlying revisions is hard16:53
gsamfiramgz: depends. If they are continuous, you could just do16:54
gsamfiragit rebase --interactive HEAD~216:54
gsamfiraand rebase the last 2 commits16:54
gsamfiraput a squash instead of a "pick"16:54
gsamfiraand they will be squashed into one16:54
niemeyernatefinch: I'm here16:55
niemeyernatefinch, gsamfira: You don't _have_ to rebase though.. merging works fine for that too16:56
gsamfiraniemeyer: true, rebasing just gives you a continuous history. If you start on a new feature, your commit messages will be at the top, instead of spread out throughout the commit log16:57
gsamfiraalso squashing is helpful if you don't want to push 50+ commit messages for one big feature16:58
gsamfirastuff like: changed based on feedback16:58
gsamfiraor "oops...forgot to close function"16:58
perrito666sinzui: getting "upgrade in progress - Juju functionality is limited" this is a behaviour you see too?17:00
niemeyernatefinch: Can I please have the full log for that bug?17:01
natefinchniemeyer: https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~acollard/maxwell-logs.tgz17:07
natefinchbrb, I have to drop off the babysitter.  back in ~10 mins17:08
sinzuiperrito666, I have never seen that with the restore tests.17:09
perrito666sinzui: btw, I see what you meant about aws being unreliable these days17:10
niemeyernatefinch, jamespage: Where are the db logs there?17:29
niemeyernatefinch, jamespage: Ah, they seem to be unfiltered in syslog17:30
sparkiegeekniemeyer: heh, those logs are from me. Separate case of the bug17:33
niemeyersparkiegeek: Hm?17:34
sparkiegeekniemeyer: I think there's a lingering "rsyslog not configured to put mongodb in a separate file" bug in there somewhere too17:34
niemeyersparkiegeek: Which logs are from you?17:34
sparkiegeekniemeyer: maxwell-logs.tgz is mine :)17:34
natefinchsparkiegeek: ahh,  I didn't realize these logs were separate from the ones in the bug17:34
niemeyersparkiegeek: Ah, you are the one facing the issue then?17:34
niemeyersparkiegeek: Or is that unrelated?17:35
sparkiegeekniemeyer: initial bug was filed by jamespage (twice, I closed one as dupe). He hit it on a SeaMicro 15k which was put down to "lots of units, complex relations, something blew up"17:35
sparkiegeekniemeyer: I hit it a couple of days ago on an OrangeBox, grabbed all the logs I could because I was aware of previous issue not being solved due to lack of logs17:36
sparkiegeekniemeyer: make sense?17:36
natefinchsparkiegeek: thank you for grabbing all that info.  It makes it so much easier to be sure we're not missing something.  Sometimes it can be like pulling teeth to get a full set of logs.17:37
niemeyersparkiegeek: Not yet..17:37
niemeyersparkiegeek: The question is, what's the actual bug these logs are relatedto?17:38
sparkiegeekniemeyer: bug 131836617:38
_mup_Bug #1318366: jujud on state server panic misses transaction in queue <cloud-installer> <landscape> <orange-box> <panic> <performance> <sm15k> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318366>17:38
bodie_question for anyone who has input on the topic17:38
bodie_config-get returns a map of config values for a service or unit17:39
niemeyersparkiegeek: Okay, thanks17:39
bodie_you can also index it by key, as in config-get maxRam17:39
sparkiegeekniemeyer: be sure to check the dupe bug too17:39
niemeyersparkiegeek: I don't think I understand what you meant originally by "separate case of the bug" then17:39
niemeyersparkiegeek: Which one?17:39
bodie_(I'll let you guys finish :) )17:39
sparkiegeekniemeyer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/131804417:40
_mup_Bug #1318044: panic in mgo transaction lib <cloud-installer> <landscape> <mongodb> <race-condition> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318044>17:40
niemeyersparkiegeek: Thanks, I've exchanged ideas on this one a couple of months ago already17:40
sparkiegeekniemeyer: perhaps "separate instance of the bug" is clearer? I mean, I hit it separately from James and the logs are from that, not from James instance17:40
niemeyersparkiegeek: Do you still have that system running, or can you reproduce the problem easily?17:41
sparkiegeekniemeyer: no, and no17:41
niemeyersparkiegeek: Ah, got it17:41
niemeyersparkiegeek, jamespage: Okay, so I'll restate my original comment from #1318044: please grab a dump of the database when you see it again17:41
_mup_Bug #1318044: panic in mgo transaction lib <cloud-installer> <landscape> <mongodb> <race-condition> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1318044>17:41
niemeyersparkiegeek: The logs were the other pending detail, and you nailed it. Thanks17:42
sparkiegeekniemeyer: just for future reference, how do I grab a dump of the database?17:43
sparkiegeekniemeyer: the thing that jumped out of me from those logs was how often mongo seemed to be getting killed17:43
niemeyersparkiegeek: There's a command, mongodump17:43
sparkiegeekniemeyer: ok :) thanks17:43
niemeyersparkiegeek: Just point it to the localhost juju-db address and it'll spit everything out17:44
niemeyersparkiegeek: It's awkward indeed.. and it's a SIGTERM, so it's being explicitly terminate17:45
niemeyerWhy is it being so?17:46
sparkiegeekniemeyer: right, that lead me to upstart logs17:46
sparkiegeekbut I hit a dead end at that point17:47
sparkiegeekis mongodb upstart controlled?17:47
natefinchsparkiegeek: for juju, yes17:47
niemeyersparkiegeek: upstart/juju-db.log17:47
sparkiegeeknatefinch: juju-db.conf right?17:47
niemeyerNothing interesting17:47
sparkiegeekyeah, but the noise there implies multiple restarts? That was my take away17:48
niemeyerJust to be clear, it shouldn't really matter for this one instance.. it might be shut down thousands of times and it shouldn't matter17:48
niemeyerBut it's a problem worth understanding on itself17:48
natefinchyeah.... wish there were timestamps in there17:48
sparkiegeeknatefinch: +117:49
niemeyernatefinch: Where?17:50
natefinchniemeyer: in the juju-db upstart log17:50
niemeyernatefinch: Why? It's all boring messages..17:50
natefinchniemeyer: because then you can tell if they were 1 second apart or 1 day apart.  Can make a big difference17:51
niemeyernatefinch: I mean, not that I disagree.. it's very strange that these messages are not timestamped.. but that's yet another bug, this time on upstart :)17:51
natefinchheh yep17:51
niemeyernatefinch: We can tell how far apart they are.. just look at syslog17:51
niemeyerThey're under 30 seconds apart17:52
natefinchright, I was going there next.  Just was surprised that any log written anywhere was done without a timestamp17:52
perrito666aghh found it apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --assume-yes install vlan17:54
sparkiegeekthe amusing thing is that the logs for mongo appear to have two timestamps :)17:55
sparkiegeektake from column A, add to column B ;)17:55
natefinchoh yeah... huh.  didn't notice17:55
natefinch very weird that it's getting sigterm'd like 21 seconds after it starts up17:58
sparkiegeeknatefinch: niemeyer: I'm about to EOD. I think I've given you guys all the help I can?17:59
natefinchsparkiegeek: the logs are awesome, thanks again.  Really makes all the difference.18:01
sparkiegeeknatefinch: np :)18:01
* perrito666 senses everybody forgot core team meeting18:02
natefinchmgz, TheMue, jam: team meeting?18:09
bodie_https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/399 should be ready to merge18:27
perrito666is anyone here familiar with networker?18:37
katcojust found this: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mnkacicafjlllhcedhhphhpapmdgjfbb18:50
katcoenables tweaking git diffs; side-by-side, ignore whitespace18:50
katcohere's github repository: https://github.com/KuiKui/Octosplit18:50
katcofirefox extension as well18:50
natefinchkatco: yeah, it sort of works19:07
katcolooks great with my sample size of 1 :)19:07
natefinchit's poor man's side by side, and it mucks up if you expand stuff and then do side by side (or something like that)19:07
katcoah. yeah i just went for the simple case.19:08
katcodoes anyone know what the const aptAddRepositoryJujuStable is used for in juju/juju/provider/local/prereqs.go? i can't find any reference of it anywhere.19:19
natefinchuh weird.  must be old19:20
natefinchI don't see any use of it either19:20
katcocan i delete it?19:20
katcobroken windows principle19:20
katcoi'm dealing with apt-getty schtuff atm19:21
natefinchalso, it someone is using it, it won't compile, so we'll figure it out19:21
katcoso i figure it fits19:21
natefinchdelete it, see what happens19:21
katcok out it goes!19:21
katcoty nate19:21
natefinchkatco: looks like the mongo code does the same add-apt-repository, but not using that constant... probably something missed in a refactor19:22
natefinchfriggin' bzr19:49
natefinchbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/gomaasapi/trunk/".19:49
perrito666perhaps it is not a branch ?19:50
* perrito666 hides19:50
natefinchit definitely is a branch :)19:52
perrito666Ill take bzr word on this one, sorry19:52
perrito666far from perfecting my go skills I am becoming even better at bash...19:53
perrito666sinzui: quick question19:54
perrito666do you think that restore should rather timeout trying to restore or rather fail after a few attempts knowing that if it kept trying it could have done it before timeout?19:54
natefinchdeleting my local launchpad.net directory and re-doing a go get fixes the problem19:55
sinzuiperrito666, I don't understand. My experience with juju in ci that juju passes quickly and fails slowly. Increasing timeouts/waiting is doesn't improve juju's chance of success19:57
perrito666sinzui: ok you indirectly answered me19:58
perrito666sinzui: you make me write, this is the deal19:59
* perrito666 writes19:59
perrito666there is a worker that tries to add vlan support, for that it needs to install a package20:00
perrito666"sometimes®" its apt-get is not finished before our restore starts installing mongod-clients20:00
perrito666that causes restore to fail20:00
perrito666which sucks bc its a dumb reason to fail20:01
perrito666so, I can either retry apt-get until it works or timeout20:01
perrito666I can retry apt-get a few times and then give up20:01
sinzuiperrito666, thank you for the explanation20:01
perrito666I guess the first option is the right one20:02
sinzuiperrito666, All apt ops in juju need to retry since it shares the system. I suppose we need to know how long is reasonable?20:02
sinzuiperrito666, we have a bootstrap timeout of 10 minutes by default? is it reasonable to use a configured timeout to "rebootstrap" the state-server for this case20:04
perrito666sinzui: mm, at that point I am not sure how much time passed, I think it is reasonable to stay there as much as required20:05
* natefinch gets ready to run go test ./... on his windows VM20:05
sinzuiperrito666, +120:06
katconatefinch: good luck lol20:13
natefinchheh... it causes like 100 "windows firewall has blocked..." windows to pop up20:15
perrito666natefinch: lol20:16
perrito666kill the fw if you want to live20:16
perrito666sinzui: the fix should go to trunk and then backported?20:50
perrito666I am not sure what is the process there20:50
sinzuiperrito666, +1 for trunk. I believe we use git patch to backport to stable. But we only need to do that if we believe stable is affected20:54
perrito666ok anyway to be sure Ill have to run this a few times20:55
sinzuiwallyworld, CI blessed bc568a6d as 1.20.2. No human intervention. It took 2.5 hours. I can start the release now21:20
wallyworldsinzui: great :-) i'd like to strongly suggest to stakeholders that we do internal testing prior to formal release21:26
sinzuiwallyworld, how would they do that. compile their own and upload-tools?21:27
wallyworldcan't they take the release you make and run that?21:27
wallyworldbefore we publish21:28
sinzuiwallyworld, I can copy all the binaries that CI made21:28
wallyworldseveral internal changes have been made to how mongo connections are handled to combat i/o timeouts and we need proper load testing on maas etc21:28
wallyworldwe need testing in the same scenariois that showed issues with 1.20.121:28
sinzuiwallyworld, I could build into a PPA, and if they reject it, we skip to 1.20.3, because packaging never lets you reuse a version21:28
wallyworldthat sounds ok to me21:29
wallyworldi'd rather do the extra due diligence given the high profile of this release21:29
wallyworldwith mark s involved also etc21:29
sinzuiwallyworld, Everyone using either CI or unreleased packages need to use --upload-tools or make their own streams21:30
sinzuiwallyworld, CI is already building its next test version, so its streams cannot be used21:30
wallyworldi guess we could ask them to use upload-tools. but we are really trying to be able to kill that "feature"21:30
automatemecolemaSo I'm trying to deploy a bundle file on juju canvas and I get an error saying no bundle name provided thoughts?21:31
wallyworldi'd like us to have a pre-release mechanism for internal testing21:31
wallyworldby a wider audience of stakeholders21:31
sinzuiwallyworld, If we provide alternate streams in a few cpcs, the users need proxy or direct access21:31
sinzuiwallyworld, I understand, but dev built juju to ensure it panics when it cannot find itself in the streams...21:32
sinzuiwallyworld, CI's packages are always available for people to test, but they need to use --upload-tools21:33
wallyworldso we need to have a mechanism to publish a "daily" set of tools21:33
wallyworldas opposed to "release"21:33
wallyworldlike daily images21:33
sinzuiwallyworld, we build 3 1.20.2's today21:33
sinzuiI don't think I will be doing that this year21:34
wallyworldok, np. it was a thought bubble21:34
wallyworldso long as we have a way we can tell internal stakehholders how to test a pre-release21:34
wallyworldif upload-tools is needed, then so be it21:35
sinzuiwallyworld, building packages and publish streams is a tightly coupled proc. CI can do it for itself. It isn't trivial to build real packages and streams because we need to ensure every version exists forever and it is unique to ensure no tampering21:36
wallyworldyes, agreed21:36
* sinzui had a meeting with Ubuntu today and they now understand streams and juju's lack of commitment for stable cli/api means backporting is hard21:37
wallyworldsinzui: we are guaranteeing a stable client api afaik21:37
wallyworldstarting with 1.18 in trusty21:38
wallyworldwe will ensure 1.18 clients are supported with future versions of juju21:38
wallyworldwe now support api versioning internally21:38
sinzuiwallyworld, so a user who deployed 1.18.1 with trusty a few months ago will get an ubuntu upgrade to 1.25.0 and CLI/API guarantees that they can talk to their env?21:39
wallyworldyes, that's the plan unless i am totally wrong21:39
wallyworldthat's why it took a while to get 1.18 done, to get all the stuff ported across to using the api which we could keep stable21:40
sinzuiwallyworld, I know there are deprecated cli between 1.18.1 and 1.20-alpha121:40
wallyworldi think AddMachine may be one such api21:40
wallyworldthere's a V2, but will will still support V121:40
sinzuibootstrap --series changed its meaning21:40
sinzuiwallyworld, I will start a conversation on the list about this case. and the case is future clients always talking to older envs because users are getting automatic updates of the client21:42
wallyworldok. i think the param change in meaning we may be able to get away with, as people can change their scripts. the client will still talk to the server21:43
wallyworldie it was a change to the client21:43
wallyworldbut i can't recall the exact change made21:44
waiganijust came across this https://github.com/gocircuit/circuit. looks interesting21:45
wallyworldsinzui:  the idea is though that we ask ubuntu to backport juju to because we are supposed to support old and new clients and then we publish new backend binaries via simplestreams21:46
wallyworldtools are tied to deployments/workloads, not ubuntu per se21:46
sinzuiwallyworld, I understand, I just happen to know that cli is still getting deprecated, so the 5 year commitment isn't in everyone's head21:47
sinzuiwallyworld, I have a few minutes left in my day. I can send an email asking for testers and provide a link to CI's packages.21:48
sinzuiI may have time to make streams from those packages.21:49
wallyworldsinzui: thank you, appreciated. i think a good dose of internal testing is essential given we haven't been able to see the issues arising in the field21:56
wallyworldcant wait to get our own maas for ci etc21:57
sinzuiwallyworld, I am now skeptical about getting our own maas now that it clears there are many configurations used by stake holders. I need many maases21:59
wallyworldyeah :-(22:03
wallyworldbut we do need at lease one set up with a reasonable workload to deploy22:03
thumperwallyworld: hey22:10
thumperFYI: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/134838622:10
_mup_Bug #1348386: lxc template fails to stop <clone> <lxc> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1348386>22:10
thumperpeople seeing lxc templates not stop22:10
thumperis because of this22:10
* wallyworld wonders if it is his fault before reading the bug22:11
thumperwallyworld: no, lxc22:11
thumperlxc changed the meaning of a command line arg22:11
thumperfrom a filename to a device22:11
wallyworldthumper: ok, thanks for heads up, will miss the 1.20.2 release sadly22:11
perrito666fwereade: ping22:12
fwereadeperrito666, pong22:12
perrito666fwereade: I found out what is running apt-get22:12
perrito666its networker trying to install the vlan module.22:13
fwereadeperrito666, and not acquiring the hook lock? please make it do so22:13
arosalesanyone available to help mbruzek debug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gccgo-4.9/+bug/1304754 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-core/+bug/134732222:22
_mup_Bug #1304754: gccgo has issues when page size is not 4kB <ppc64el> <trusty> <gcc:Fix Released> <gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <gccgo-4.9 (Ubuntu):Invalid> <gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu Trusty):Invalid> <gccgo-4.9 (Ubuntu Trusty):In Progress by doko> <gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu Utopic):Fix Released> <gccgo-4.9 (Ubuntu Utopic):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1304754>22:22
_mup_Bug #1347322: juju ssh results in a panic: runtime error <ppc64el> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1347322>22:22
arosalesspecifically mbruzek needs assistance testing utopic gcc (gccgo-4.9_4.9.1-1ubuntu3_ppc64el.deb) on trusty22:23
arosaleswallyworld:  thumper any folks available to help?22:25
mbruzekI need some help compiling juju.  Can someone help me with that?22:34
arosalesmbruzek: can your power machines reach github?22:36
mbruzekarosales, sure.22:36
arosalesdoes gccgo-4.9_4.9.1-1ubuntu3_ppc64el.deb install cleanly on your system?22:37
mbruzekarosales, I don't know how to get it to use the utopic version22:37
arosalesif so reading https://github.com/juju/juju should get you a juju binary built with that gcc version22:37
mbruzekarosales, how can I get apt-get to give me the utopic version?22:39
arosalesI thought you may be able to get it from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages22:40
arosalesmbruzek: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/ppc64el/gccgo-4.9/4.9.1-1ubuntu322:41
arosalesmbruzek: specificially http://launchpadlibrarian.net/180170369/gccgo-4.9_4.9.1-1ubuntu3_ppc64el.deb22:41
arosalesmbruzek: hopefully the deps don't complain22:42
wallyworldarosales: sorry, was having breakfast22:43
wallyworldis there anything i need to do in particular?22:44
arosaleswallyworld: mbruzek is working on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/juju-core/+bug/1347322 which is blocking the verification of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gccgo-4.9/+bug/130475422:45
_mup_Bug #1347322: juju ssh results in a panic: runtime error <ppc64el> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1347322>22:45
mbruzekarosales, depend problems let me see if I can resolve them http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7850100/22:45
_mup_Bug #1304754: gccgo has issues when page size is not 4kB <ppc64el> <trusty> <gcc:Fix Released> <gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <gccgo-4.9 (Ubuntu):Invalid> <gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu Trusty):Invalid> <gccgo-4.9 (Ubuntu Trusty):In Progress by doko> <gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu Utopic):Fix Released> <gccgo-4.9 (Ubuntu Utopic):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1304754>22:45
arosaleswallyworld: currently mbruzek is trying to test utopic's gcc https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/ppc64el/gccgo-4.9/4.9.1-1ubuntu3 on ppc64el trusty22:45
arosaleswallyworld: the help needed is just getting juju built with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/ppc64el/gccgo-4.9/4.9.1-1ubuntu322:46
arosaleswallyworld: so mbruzek is going to try to install the utopic gcc-go.deb manually on ppc64el trusty, and then try to issue, "go install -v github.com/juju/juju/..." to build juju22:47
thumperarosales: sorry, sprinting22:47
arosaleswallyworld: is that the correct approach?22:47
arosalesthumper: understood22:47
waiganimenn0, fwereade: https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go22:47
waiganifwereade: https://github.com/gocircuit/circuit22:48
wallyworldarosales: yes, go install will produce the juju binaries. but that will work regardless of what compiler is installed22:48
wallyworldie the one without the fix or the one with22:48
arosaleswallyworld: ack just wanted to confirm that was the correct process22:48
arosaleswallyworld: so mbruzek just need to get the fixed gccgo onto the system and then build juju with "go install -v github.com/juju/juju/..."22:49
wallyworldarosales: yes, so long as the $GOPATH/bin directory is in the path then you easily run the compiled juju22:49
arosalesmbruzek: note you'll need to get juju source first.22:49
wallyworldor else you will need to type the full path22:49
arosalesmbruzek: https://github.com/juju/juju#getting-juju22:49
wallyworldand all the dependencies22:50
wallyworldi think go get does that22:50
mbruzekarosales, having dependency problem with that deb package.22:50
arosalesmbruzek: so try to follow https://github.com/juju/juju#setting-gopath up to "Using Juju"22:50
thumperwallyworld: since we are busy, any chance katco could look at the lxc clone bug?22:51
thumperwallyworld: the only tricky bit is supporting old lxc versions22:51
arosalesmbruzek: why are you running sudo apt-get install gccgo22:51
wallyworldthumper: i had assumed you wanted us to look at it22:51
thumperwallyworld: I didn't assume :-) asking is nicer22:51
mbruzekarosales, to resolve unmet dependencies.  I ran it without gccgo installed and got the same error22:51
arosalesmbruzek: so you enabled the utopic archive?22:52
mbruzekarosales, no I downloaded it, but I thought the apt-get would resolve the depends for me22:52
wallyworldthumper: i can target that bug to 1.20.322:52
thumperwallyworld: sure22:53
arosalesmbruzek: try just a "dpkg -i gccgo-4.9_4.9.1-1ubuntu3_ppc64el.deb"22:53
thumperwallyworld: not sure how to best support multiple versions22:53
wallyworldyeah, need to look into it22:53
wallyworldmaybe it needs to version sniff first22:53
wallyworldwhen container manager is started22:54
mattywdavecheney, ping?22:55
wallyworldarosales: i use synaptic, does all the dependency stuff in a nice gui :-)22:55
arosalesmbruzek: hmm your apt get seemed to get, "Unpacking gccgo-4.9 (4.9.1-1ubuntu3) over (4.9-20140406-0ubuntu1) ..."22:55
mattywdavecheney, is this close to being landable? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/37822:55
davecheneymattyw: one small fix for fwereade then will and22:56
davecheneydoing that now22:56
davecheneyhold your breath22:56
perrito666fwereade: sorry you mean datadir/lockdir/uniter-hook-execution ?22:56
mbruzekarosales, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7850160/22:56
mattywdavecheney, you're a good person, thanks22:56
mbruzekarosales, I get dependency problems with or without the gccgo installed22:57
mattywdavecheney, we're going to make use of it in our envuser branch - do you think there's any point in having a (s *State) GetEnvironUUID() call that wraps the call to EnvironConfig?22:58
wallyworldsinzui: thank you for 1.20.2 and email22:58
thumperwallyworld: talked to hallyn about the bug, he said he'd look tomorrow as I asked about the best way to support 0.8 and 0.9+23:11
wallyworldthumper: great, thank you. is he able to update the bug?23:11
fwereadeperrito666, yeah, that should be the one23:16
perrito666fwereade: restore (old restore, the one failing) is a bash script run via ssh from a cmd plugin?23:17
fwereadeperrito666, yeah, think os23:17
perrito666ouch sorry ? not intentional23:18
fwereadeperrito666, I just can't type "so"23:18
perrito666I meant, the "?" was a typo23:19
tasdomastrying to deploy on local provider gives me this: ERROR juju.networker utils.go:35 command "lsmod | grep -q 8021q || modprobe 8021q" failed (code: 1, stdout: , stderr: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/3.13.0-32-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory23:26
thumperwallyworld: I've updated the bug with a solution23:27
thumperwallyworld: which is effectively, try using --console-log, and if the command fails with exit code 1, fall back to --console23:27
wallyworldthumper: you're all over it23:27
thumperwallyworld: but not actually fixing it :)23:27
wallyworldclose enough, you spoon fed the solution23:27
wallyworldom nom nom23:28
davecheneyI made mongodb panic, where is my prize ?23:34
fwereadedavecheney, congratulations, you get to fix it23:36
mattywanyone else seeing this test failure on trunk? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7850458/23:38
davecheneyfwereade: shitter23:38
perrito666axw: defer ping23:38
wallyworldrick_h__: ping23:40
mattywthumper, hopefully I've got the right idea here https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/40123:44
wallyworldfwereade: from what i can see, the charm store code does not attempt to use any configured http proxy settings, just goes straight out to the internet. is that your understanding also? if so, does that mean for private clouds, people are expected to pull down charms to a local repo and deploy from there?23:45
fwereadewallyworld, oh, wtf23:45
fwereadewallyworld, it is true that in general that is what people do23:45
wallyworldfunc (s *CharmStore) get(url string) (resp *http.Response, err error) {23:45
wallyworldreq, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)23:46
fwereadewallyworld, many people on private clouds specifically want their own charms and managing a local repo is a reasonable way to do that23:46
wallyworldthat should use any http proxy from env though23:46
fwereadewallyworld, but -- I can totally believe that code got missed when we were trying to do the proxy stuff :/23:46
wallyworldfwereade: so the above will use an an http proxy env var but not a juju configured http proxy23:47
fwereadewallyworld, hmm23:48
fwereadewallyworld, I don't think we do put the proxy stuff in the env for the machine agent do we23:48
wallyworldnot sure, thumper ?23:48
thumperwallyworld: weird race condition for you: paste.ubuntu.com/7850518/23:48
wallyworldthumper: so, am i right in saying the charm store get above will fail if the user has configured a http proxy on via juju config (and doesn't have http proxy env var set)23:51
perrito666sinzui: did you by any chance had errors about something corrupting your .jenv file?23:51
wallyworldthumper: because (by design) any config http proxy setting is not put into the env vars of a machine agent?23:52
thumperwallyworld: by design any http proxy config *IS* put into the env of the machine agent23:55
thumpersee MachineEnvironmentWorker23:55
wallyworldthumper: ok, so why would the charm store http gets be failing?23:55
wallyworldok, i'll ask them for more info, just wanted to ensure we were doing the right thing23:56
thumperI think we are23:56
wallyworldthumper: so, if the have http proxy set up in env.yaml, we expect to be able to juju deploy a charm even from inside a private network then23:57
wallyworldsince proxy is propagated to machine agent on state server23:57
thumperas long as the http proxy setting is right :)23:57
thumperpretty sure we actually use this with our #is folks23:58

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