
DarkwingOkay... SDDM fails to load. Let's see if Lightdm will work.00:20
DarkwingHuh. sddm didn't like my system. 00:35
genii!info sddm utopic00:35
ubottuPackage sddm does not exist in utopic00:35
DarkwingAaaand Lightdm doesn't load Plasma5 either. *sighs*00:47
DarkwingBack to trusty00:56
valorie`sudo kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade` didn't work on my other laptop to try to upgrade to utopic01:05
DarkwingHey valorie01:05
valorieneither did `sudo do-release-upgrade`01:05
valoriehi Darkwing01:05
valoriehow are ya?01:06
Darkwingvalorie: a bit frustrated at the moment.01:08
valoriewhat's going on?01:08
DarkwingPlasma5 lol01:09
valorieit's rather incomplete01:09
valorieto say the least01:09
valoriebut impressively stable, IMO01:10
valorieI have to say, I've not been able to do much, so I never leave it running long01:10
valoriedef. not ready for Prime Time01:11
valorieI think we made the right call01:11
valorieallow easy-ish access, but continue to release the stable version01:12
valorieimpressive work by the kubuntu team to make both happen simultaneously 01:12
DarkwingAgreed. Lol01:14
DarkwingThe joys of having a state of the art laptop and the pains of having one lol01:14
valoriehaving uefi issues, or what?01:18
DarkwingMostly HiDPI01:23
DarkwingPlasma5 via Neon in trusty works!01:27
DarkwingNow to switch my buttons to the left get my workflow back01:27
ScottKshadeslayer: I don't even remember the bug?01:43
valoriehmmm, I never got the pretty wallpaper to work01:50
ScottKRiddell: Are you already working with Ubuntu Security on getting http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdelibs.git&a=commit&h=e4e7b53b71e2659adaf52691d4accc3594203b23 fixed?01:55
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soeegood morning06:09
soeeafter latest upgrades plasmashell crashes at start :(06:09
soeeok have it working again after removal of .config dir06:15
soeenow also i have all icons (with some new etc)06:15
soeegtk apps does not use qtcurve 06:41
apacheloggeryofel: what would you want to do with qtptahs?07:25
yofelapachelogger: well, for now I made plasma-workspace depend on qttools5-dev-tools again, but is that really as scary as your comment suggests?07:25
apacheloggerYour membership in kubuntu-members is about to expire07:27
apacheloggertalking about a stressful morning07:27
apacheloggeryofel: what is it used for?07:27
yofelfiguring out where the qt bin and plugin paths are07:28
apacheloggerand the dev dep definitely is no option it pulls in the entire graphics dev stack mesa,mir,probably opengl07:28
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, but for what is it used?07:28
yofelapachelogger: startkde uses it07:29
apacheloggeryofel: needs splitting into own package I'd say07:30
apacheloggerlike qdbus07:30
soeeany idea why gtk apps do not respect/use qtcurve ?07:37
RiddellScottK: mm nope, don't think I've seen that07:54
Riddell"Harald Sitter (apachelogger) renewed their own membership in the Kubuntu Members" yay apachelogger still loves us!07:58
yofelsoee: did you set the gtk theme to qtcurve? There was at least a gtk2 one IIRC07:58
soeeyofel: where exactly should i do it ?07:59
yofelgood question.. do we have a qt5 gtk theme kcm?07:59
yofelsoee: try 'kcmshell gtk', maybe that will work08:00
yofeler, kcmshell4 gtk08:00
soeekcmshell4 kde-gtk-config08:03
soeeit had oxyget-gtk set by default for gtk2 apps08:06
soeenow when qtcurve is set by default shouldnt this be set to qtcurve also ?08:06
soeefor gtk3 thers no option to set qtcurve08:06
yofelprobably because we have no gtk3 qtcurve theme right now08:09
yofeland no, qt and gtk need to be set seperately08:09
yofelif anything we can make a script that updates everything on update08:09
apacheloggersoee: run /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kconf_update_bin/kde4breeze08:13
apacheloggerif you then don't have gtk use the same theme the app is gtk3 or you are missing the gtk package08:13
soeeapachelogger: just type /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/kconf_update_bin/kde4breeze right ?08:13
soeeapachelogger: http://wstaw.org/m/2014/07/24/qtcurvecfg.png08:17
yofellooks right08:18
soeeah sorry, i thought there should be gtk3 qtcurve set :) the gtk2 apps works fine now08:19
apacheloggerthere is no gtk3 qtcurve at this time08:19
yofelI see something in a github repo, with a very grumpy gtk3 comment in the readme...08:20
Riddellqtcurve just moved to kde git by the way08:21
Riddelltsdgeos: what happened to kactivities in 4.13.90?08:28
apacheloggerit became 5.x08:30
tsdgeosRiddell: there is no08:32
tsdgeosit's been announced08:32
tsdgeosjust use 4.1208:32
tsdgeosRiddell: there is no, right?08:32
tsdgeosor did i fuckup and packaged it anyway?08:32
soeehttp://sessellift.wordpress.com/2014/07/23/its-aliiiiive/ :)08:34
soeea lot of intertesting improvements in plasma 5.108:35
soeepersonaly waiting for activities switcher :)08:35
Riddelltsdgeos: no it's not there08:37
Riddelltsdgeos: I must have missed that announcement, thanks08:37
soeequestion from g+: Where are the 4.13.3 KDE updates for Kubuntu 14.04 Trusty??08:41
Riddellsoee: none yet, too busy with plasma 5 and 4.14 beta08:42
Riddellvolunteers welcome as ever08:42
soeeok ill give short answer on that question08:43
valorieRiddell: you advised using kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade earlier, but I keep getting: command not found09:04
valoriedo-release-upgrade won't work until utopic is actually released09:04
Riddellvalorie: part of ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt ?09:05
Riddellit's just a one line script to run kdesudo "do-release-upgrade -m desktop -f DistUpgradeViewKDE -d"09:05
Riddelldpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/sddm-theme-maui_0.8.99-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa4_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/sddm/themes/maui/maui.jpg', which is also in package sddm 0.1.0~git20140624-0ubuntu109:05
Riddellshadeslayer: something expected? ↑09:05
valorieI'll try that and leave that laptop working all night09:05
RiddellI wonder what happens if you release upgrade with neon installed09:06
Riddellsince there's no neon in utopic09:06
RiddellI guess it'll remove it since it's PPA packages09:06
valorieprobably have to reinstall, yeah09:07
shadeslayerit disables them IIRC09:12
shadeslayeron that note, I wonder if neon is co installable with next PPA09:12
shadeslayerbecause of SDDM09:12
valoriethanks, your kdesudo line did the trick09:14
valorieand I'm installing it in the neon session, so I guess we'll see what it does....09:15
valorieeither it works or it doesn't; I'll see in the morning09:16
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: do I get any kind of notificaition when my new email is available?09:44
soeeehat is FIFO ? :)09:45
soeewhen system is booting i see 2 lines with some messages and one contains FIFO09:45
Riddella queue of any sort09:54
soeecome kind of quiz ? find out what is behind box 1 2 or 3 ? http://wstaw.org/m/2014/07/24/wallpapers.png :)10:06
soeeit is impossible to switch PRIME profiel from NVIDIA to  INTEL, thai should be reported against nvidia-prime ?10:08
soeelooks like the images thumbs arent cached10:20
soeeand generated each time we browse images10:20
kubotufeed branches had 7 updates, showing the latest 610:42
shadeslayerRiddell: https://cloud.google.com/products/calculator/\10:52
shadeslayerRiddell:comes out to about 22 USD a month10:52
shadeslayersent you a email10:53
shadeslayerif we remove the cloud storage, it's 20 USD :D10:53
shadeslayerabout the same price as our current instance10:55
Riddellshrug, so no advantage?10:57
shadeslayerwell, faster disk10:57
soeewhat are the specs of your current cloud storage ?10:59
Riddellwe don't use cloud currently11:00
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:00
Riddellit's the hosteurope server he's talking about11:00
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: no11:12
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: just try to send yourself a mail via the alias :P11:12
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: apparently the council neglected to mention that you might want to change your launchpad id ....11:13
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: ovidiub13@ubuntu.com is good?11:13
apacheloggerif not you want to change your launchpad id and wait another <=48hours ;)11:13
ScottKRiddell: I think we need that fixed.11:26
soeesystem settings window freezez when trying to open desktop effects section11:32
apacheloggergdb -p `pidof systemsettings`11:38
soeeafter few minutes i had a windows askig to cloase program or wait, i have closed it11:40
soeeand now i when i try again i can open desktop effects oO11:41
kubotufeed branches had 7 updates, showing the latest 611:42
RiddellScottK: slap it on trello then so we don't forget11:43
soeehmm  activiteis arent listed in window/program properties11:48
ScottKRiddell: All trello'ed up.11:50
soeeapachelogger: this command gdb -p `pidof systemsettings` should help in case of this problem again ?12:09
apacheloggerit allows you to backtrace and repot a bug12:13
apacheloggergoing to promote usb-creator and software-properties now, both appear to be rather functional12:44
apacheloggeralso I decided not to run the cpp apps through recipes since we mostly are tied into the releases anyway so we'll not get overriden by a new version without us being aware12:46
apacheloggeralso promoting debconf12:48
apacheloggeryofel: what's with your workspace in staging?12:48
Riddellapachelogger: promote where?13:25
shadeslayeramd64 ISO's13:43
apacheloggerScottK: you should make more people admin on the board13:44
Riddelldoes it need a separate board?13:45
Riddell"Traffic incl. unbegrenzt"13:49
kdeuser56yofel: hi, do you know a command that helps me to detect if I run on Ubuntu or Kubuntu?13:49
Riddellapachelogger: that mean unlimited bandwidth?13:49
Riddellthat's from the hosteurope admin page13:49
kdeuser56lsb_release does not state anything about Kubuntu ... only says Ubuntu13:50
apacheloggerRiddell: yes13:51
apacheloggerkdeuser56: you cannot13:51
Riddellkubuntu is just a selection of packages from ubuntu, there is no difference13:51
apacheloggeryou could check if kubuntu-settings-desktop is installed, which is a good indicator, but you can just as well have that package installed on an ubuntu desktop installation13:52
Riddellubuntu unity is another selection of packages, they just like to take the default name13:52
kdeuser56apachelogger: how does the kcmmodule do it then (About System)? is that hardcoded?13:52
apacheloggerthat being said, you can detect the desktop you run in and then brand accordingly13:52
apacheloggerkdeuser56: hardcoded in kubuntu-settings13:52
apacheloggeri.e. kubuntu-settings will force it to brand as kubuntu13:53
apacheloggerwithout that package it will also say Ubuntu in the about system kcm13:53
kdeuser56apachelogger: thanks14:01
Riddellshadeslayer: casper scripts/casper-bottom/15autologin14:56
yofelapachelogger: that's workspace with qttools added again for now, should be in next too so feel free to remove it15:06
apacheloggeryofel: dangerous, I always almost delete the ppa :P15:08
yofelheck, I wrote klearppa for mass deleting packages. Go and use that15:08
yofelusability patches welcome :P15:09
apacheloggerbut I don't want mass delete15:15
apacheloggerI want selective delete15:15
yofelit asks you y/n for every package by default15:16
apacheloggerI don't want to say y/n for every package either :P15:17
apacheloggerI want to say delete foo and delete bar15:17
yofelas I said, usability improvements welcome :P15:18
Riddellhttp://www.it-muenchen-blog.de/2014/07/bug-squashing-party-2014/ munich sprint now public!15:18
Riddellseems they're having some politics with the local provost 15:18
apacheloggerthere's yet another list where I have to put my name15:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do you recommend autostarting polkit kde15:30
shadeslayerlike, hooks on the ISO?15:31
shadeslayerpackage links?15:31
kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 615:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: poke poke15:46
apacheloggerdid I not say that yesterday?15:47
apacheloggerthe relevant packages should be fixed to install to etc/xdg/autostart15:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: *install* ?15:48
shadeslayeror link?15:48
shadeslayerah nbm15:50
kubotufeed branches had 13 updates, showing the latest 616:44
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lordievaderGood evening.18:07
soeeSystem Settings -> Applications -> Paths ; it is impossible to change /home/soee/Desktop to /home/soee/Pulpit or other name19:15
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soeeother paths i can modify withput eny problem19:15
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kubotufeed branches had 25 updates, showing the latest 621:45
valoriehmm, upgrade to utopic failed on the other laptop because packages couldn't be downloaded22:18
valoriedidn't we fix it so wireless continues to work during an upgrade?22:18
Riddellyou think network-manager stopped?22:19
valorieit was working away when I went to bed22:19
Riddelloh but you are on plasma 5, I wonder if that affects it22:19
valoriethat was the message when I woke up the screen22:19
Riddellit'll remove plasma-nm from the ppa I expect22:19
valorieI restarted the process, so I'll see now22:19
geniiWas having constant hash mismatch today on the ddebs repo, disabled it for now (14.10).22:20
valorieI guess I better get the wire out then22:20
Riddellsorry for the hassle valorie, thanks for being a guinea pig22:22
valorienot a problem22:22
valoriethat's precisely why I'm doing it22:22
valorieshame to let a decent laptop sit idle!22:22
valorieit is reporting getting files, so perhaps it was just a glitch last night22:24
soee4.13.90 = beta3 ?22:24
kubotufeed branches had 21 updates, showing the latest 622:45
valorieupgrade succeeding so far, no glitches22:59
valoriestill from the neon session22:59
valorieomg running utopic on the other laptop23:25
valorienow installing neon to take it over completely23:25
valorieeverything looks excellent23:39

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