
shrinivasanhello friends02:12
shrinivasanthis is shrini from chennai02:13
shrinivasanlooking the manual testing tasks02:13
shrinivasanshall I write some tests?02:13
shrinivasananybody there?02:15
pittiGood morning03:49
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jibelgood morning06:48
elfygood morning jibel06:51
jibelGood morning elfy07:05
davmor2jibel: whats happening image wise do you want to hit anything else? Also would you like me to grab a 12.04 image drop it on mac and run an upgrade test?08:58
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xnoxphillw: no, not yet. we'd need livecd-rootfs update to get it in. it wasn't there for 14.04.0 and it looks like will only be enabled for 14.04.209:26
jibeldavmor2, a sanity check of netboot images on i386 and amd64 would be nice09:44
davmor2jibel: no worries I'll get on it when I come back09:44
jibeldavmor2, do you have the windows machines, do you know who has them in the team?09:46
davmor2jibel: I have a windows 7 box10:03
davmor2jibel: I can also drop windows 8 back onto my laptop too10:03
jibeldavmor2, would you have time to verify this case http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/318/builds/73658/testcases/1304/results10:05
jibelvmware easy install10:05
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davmor2jibel: vmware done, netboots installing as we speak, anything else11:36
jibeldavmor2, that'll be all for today sir. I'm waiting for the results of server tests.11:37
davmor2jibel: is it me or is netboot not actually on the 14.04.1 list11:39
jibeldavmor2, it is not on the list because the release has been open on the tracker after the netboot image had been published11:39
jibelI'll add them11:39
davmor2jibel: ah no worries11:40
pittiballoons: in case you didn't see: you can now leave out the /usr/share/autopkgtest/... prefix for --setup-commands and the adb ssh setup script11:41
pittiballoons: makes command lines quite a bit shorter/nicer :)11:41
jibeldavmor2, done, you can add your results11:42
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average_guythe link to mini.iso in the tracker is broken12:46
average_guyfor Trusty12:47
davmor2jibel: ubuntu-desktop install via netboot complete on i386 and amd64 all good12:58
jibeldavmor2, thanks13:04
balloonsaverage_guy, which liunk?13:08
balloonspitti, oO so what does the short command look like now?13:08
pittiballoons: I mean "ssh -s adb" instead of "ssh -s /usr/share/autopkgtest/ssh-setup/adb"13:09
pittiballoons: and likewise with --setup-commands ubuntu-touch-session13:09
pittiballoons: i. e. it looks for the arguments in both . and /usr/share/autopkgtest/...13:09
average_guy14.04.1/netboot/Link to download information/http13:09
balloonspitti, ahh much nicer13:10
average_guyboth architectures balloons13:12
balloonsaverage_guy, I'll try and fix in a big13:12
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balloonselopio, we should chat about music-app14:02
elopioballoons: we should.14:04
elopioballoons: let me read all the pings from the backscroll14:04
elopiook, things were a lot better than what I expected :D14:09
elopioballoons: so, music app.14:09
elopiothe tests are not in good shape.14:09
elopiomany small changes are likely to break them.14:09
balloonselopio, yes I've been talking with andrew about them for a bit. We've been planning to rewrite them14:10
balloonsbut something beat us to the punch it seems. What happened that everything is failig now?14:11
elopioballoons: I can do some initial refactors next week.14:11
elopioballoons: first, there's a helper that searches for a button by position14:12
elopioand now it's 2 pixels below.14:12
balloonselopio, as an aside, the first lightening talk video seems to be private, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKr1xxbz6Ws14:12
balloonselopio, ohh.. heh, by position..14:12
elopioand the second thing, it's not using the go_back from the toolkit14:12
balloonsthat one I knew about.. it had a custom back button14:12
elopiobut overall, we have been lucky that it has just started to fail. We need to make more objects, and higher level helpers.14:13
elopioalso rely less on select_many.14:13
elopioballoons: yes, that's jfunk's video. jfunk: can you make that one public?14:13
balloonselopio, so in this interim, everything is failing period, are you hacking on tests to get them passing?14:15
balloonsand do you need help?14:15
elopioballoons: I made one branch and timp did the other one.14:16
jfunkelopio: can you see it?14:16
elopiojfunk: I can if I log in with my canonical account.14:16
jfunkin future, it's best if I don't host the calls14:17
jfunksince it overloads my attempts at a music career ;)14:18
balloonsahh, I see.. I'll copy it out so I can link to it :-)14:18
elopiojfunk: now the onair teams hosts the calls. I also made quite a mess while hosting them.14:22
shrinihello all14:50
shriniI added a manual test case today14:50
shrinihope it is good to start with it14:50
slickymasterWorkshrini: it will have to be reviewed before being merged14:52
slickymasterWorkdid you assign a reviewer to it?14:52
shrinislickymasterWork: oh14:52
balloonsit pings all of us.. I see https://code.launchpad.net/~shrini/ubuntu-manual-tests/shrini-dia/+merge/22812614:52
shriniwhom to add as reviewer?14:52
slickymasterWorkhet balloons14:53
shrinithats mine14:53
* balloons waves14:53
* slickymasterWork waves back14:53
balloonsI'll have a review of it a bit later.. looks good just having a peak14:53
balloonsthanks for creating it!14:53
slickymasterWorkI would review it balloons, but I don't have Dia in my Xub box :P14:53
shriniI am encouraging my wife to add more test cases14:54
slickymasterWorkbut if needed I can install it and check it out14:54
elopiobrendand__: I'm fed and happy. We can meet whenever you want.14:54
shrinihope we both will add more test cases14:54
shriniso we have to add a reviewer on the merge request14:55
shriniwhom to add?14:55
balloonsshrini, no, it autoadds the testcase admins14:55
balloonsthat's enough unless you want someone specific14:55
shrinithats great14:55
brendand__elfy, sure, i'll ping you in a few minutes14:57
brendand__and by elfy i meant elopio14:57
elopioI've learned to understand that.14:58
balloonsif you have summoned elfy there's a manual test he could review ;-)15:01
brendand__elopio, let's go15:16
elopiobrendand__: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/ux-team?hceid=Y2Fub25pY2FsLmNvbV91bnZxZzdzamhoMW11YzJxZ2FxZjA5a2p2NEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t.lvb3jf2id9le0fha9d4v82q19415:17
brendand__elopio, i'm in15:17
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phillwballoons: is there going to be a set of release notes for 14.04.1 ?15:46
elfyelopio: so have I ... ;)15:57
jibelphillw, there will be release notes. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes will be updated and will have a link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/ChangeSummary/14.04.116:06
jibelbut it's not ready yet, so don't ask why it's a 404 :)16:07
elfyballoons: funnily enough elfy did that16:07
phillwjibel: thanks, if you can poke me when lubuntu one has an URL, I've been volunteered to fill it in :)16:08
jibelphillw, ah for lubuntu you can update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu16:09
jibelthe main release notes will point to this doc16:09
balloonselfy, awesome :-)16:10
elfyI know :D16:11
elfyhe he he16:11
elfyballoons: boo - I forgot to try out the inline thingymajig16:14
balloonselfy, yes, I noticed..16:16
balloonsit's really pretty cool16:16
elfyballoons: certainly looks like it would deal with an ambiguity - even on something as small as a testcase16:22
elfysuper useful in long code I should imagine - not that I would ever see that :p16:22
balloonssome of those testcases were long originally16:24
balloonswe've cleaned them up a bit, but :-) I'l guess you've seen a 500 line change16:24
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elopioballoons: can you please re open this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/account-plugins/+bug/127026416:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1270264 in Online Accounts: Account plugins "Accounts Console autopilot support" [Undecided,Fix released]16:41
balloonselopio, done16:43
elfyballoons: I'm not sure who's watching manual tests atm - is it just really the 2 of us?16:53
elfyif that's the case - you can name me when you see them - leaves you free to worry about auto stuff16:54
elfyup to you16:54
knomeyou mean merges?16:54
slickymasterWorkelfy: I try to keep an eye on the Xubuntu ones16:54
balloonselfy, everyone in this list gets pinged: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-testcase/+members#active16:54
balloonsslickymasterWork, you could be on the list16:55
balloonsdone :-)16:55
elfythanks balloons16:55
balloonsthat said, yes you or I have been hogging most of the recent reviews. Perhaps we should get some others to do so16:58
slickymasterWorkok balloons, thanks16:59
balloonsevening to you knome17:00
knomehey balloons17:01
knomei guess there isn't any API for the QA websites for data mining?17:05
balloonsa nice json api..17:05
balloonsjust for you knome ;-)17:05
balloonsbut no, it doesn't exist17:05
knomeyou're a monster17:06
balloonsknome, I learned everything about IRC from you17:09
knomei'm off for a walk17:10
knomethen i might be poking at the tracker17:10
knometa, and you too hf17:10
balloonsknome, if you do start poking, I have a request17:10
knomeok ;)17:10
bdmurrayjibel: fixed17:11
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knomeballoons, ping19:30
balloonsknome, pong19:33
knomeyou said you'd have a request?19:33
balloonsahh, yes..19:44
balloonsso on the results page is the testcase, but it starts out collapsed. I think it's really confusing to people.19:45
knomeaha, right... i wasn't looking in the tracker that way ;)19:47
knomebut we still have some of the UI stuff pending (and in the repository), so if you could successfully prod stgraber, i could look into that kind of stuff as well19:47
balloonsI wonder what we could offer? ;-)19:49
knomei need some food, so brb19:49
balloonsknome, anyways, yea, carry on.. I was mostly teasing about the request19:49
phillwballoons: / jibel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/TrustyPoint1TestingReport shows the report, but http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/318/builds shows as under testing?19:51
balloonsuntil everything is marked as ready for release, etc, it will show that. The release manager will close it when it's done19:52
phillwballoons: aahhhh, slight problem... both at meetings19:58
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knomeballoons, well requests are fine tbh20:41
cgoldbergknome, balloons, in regards to the testcase pages...  are you referring to the current ci dashboard?20:53
cgoldbergknome, if so, there will soon be a json API like mentioned20:54
knomei'm referring to the manual testcase trackers (iso.qa. and packages.qa.)20:55
balloonscgoldberg, no, but that's cool news to hear20:55
cgoldbergballoons, yea.. jenkins is going away.. once the new CI Engine released, it will have a json API for test suite summaries and test case details20:55
cgoldbergi'm writing it now20:56
balloonsso it will have the cgoldberg seal of approval then yes?20:56
cgoldbergfor whatever that is worth ;)20:56
cgoldbergmost everything in the new CI engine is microservices using json.. it's a cool architecture20:57
* elfy just patiently waits for the day when waiting for historical data on tracker doesn't entail impatient waiting too20:57
* knome wonders if that is something anybody can do anything about21:02
knomeelfy, what is it what you are looking for in there?21:02
balloonsyea, historical data takes forever to load21:02
knomemaybe we could show a subset of that information somewhere else where it'd be quicker to get21:02
elfyknome: there's a bug for it somewhere21:03
knomefair enough, i'll find that21:04
elfylooking now21:04
elfybug 112644921:05
ubot5bug 1126449 in Ubuntu QA Website "Getting a historical results report for a product is difficult" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112644921:05
elfynot sure why balloons used 'difficult'21:06
elfyabsolutely ridiculous is what I'd have said :p21:06
balloonsPC terms used for launchpad21:06
phillwvery polite :P21:23
phillwIs there a release time for 14.04.1 ?21:24
phillwI was expecting ~ 21:00 UTC?21:26
knomethere is never an exact release time, nothing should be expected21:27
elfyI expect the same as always21:27
phillwknome: stop quoting monty python and the spanish inqesition :P21:27
phillwbring back kate :D An admin who kept you all in check.21:31
phillwknome: elfy any idea as to when the news embargo is broken by the so called news sites? :)21:33
knomei don't maintain those, so nope.21:33
phillwokies... well the release notes for lubuntu are done... So... when ever :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu21:36
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