
mzanettiSaviq: good morning07:32
ricotzTrevinho, hi :), would you accept this or it is too much of a hack to respect GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS in wnck -- http://paste.debian.net/plain/11136307:48
cimiSaviq, did you see my ping/update to infographics?08:04
Saviqmzanetti, o/08:07
Saviqcimi, I just saw that you said you tested it08:07
cimiSaviq, I tested the next method08:07
Saviqcimi, ah ok tested in that sense08:08
cimiSaviq, adding a signal to the model mock08:08
Saviqcimi, ok coolz, will have a look08:08
Saviqmaybe we can actually land it ;)08:09
cimiSaviq, did we fix the issues on the backend side?08:15
cimiSaviq, like generating a placeholder (unless we want to put it inside unity)08:15
cimiSaviq, and taking care of compatibility with previous infographics API?08:16
Saviqcimi, pete-woods is here ;)08:16
cimiSaviq, but you land on unity side though :)08:17
cimialthough landing both will help a lot08:17
cimiso we don't rely on dying silos08:17
Saviqcimi, we need to land both, and *before* trying to land we need to try and make sure that everything's done08:18
pete-woodsSaviq, cimi: sure, I can add a placeholder, if it's my job now08:18
Saviqcimi, Pete is here in London this week, so just come to the office and sort it out08:18
Saviqhaving talked to designers, too08:18
pete-woodsSaviq: I was only there for mon/tue08:18
pete-woodsback home now08:18
cimiyeah I am at the airport (venice), will be there around lunch time08:18
Saviqpete-woods, oh!08:18
cimipete-woods, new branch is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/infographics-new-lightdm/+merge/22607908:20
pete-woodsSaviq: do you know what I'm supposed to put in for the placeholder?08:20
cimisee u soon08:20
Saviqpete-woods, I don't actually know that we want an infog08:20
Saviqthere was a bug by mpt that it moans there's no data08:20
pete-woodsSaviq: okay, well basically whatever you need here, I will do08:20
Saviqpete-woods, no doubt :)08:21
pete-woodsmaybe we should get one of the designers to draw us something cool?08:21
tsdgeosmhr3: pign when you have a minute08:27
mhr3tsdgeos, pong08:27
tsdgeosmhr3: i'll go over there08:28
mhr3pete-woods, can you try to build 012?08:32
pete-woodsmhr3: do I have the power?08:33
mhr3pete-woods, that's why i wanted you to try08:33
mhr3pete-woods, oh, colin already rebuilt it08:33
mhr3pete-woods, next time then08:33
pete-woodsmhr3: "pete-woods is missing the Job/Build permission"08:34
paulliumhr3: hi.08:46
mhr3paulliu, hey08:46
paulliumhr3: I've fix the color of Cards. Can you try again on the attributes UI?08:47
paulliumhr3: BTW, where is your seat?08:47
mhr3paulliu, the white text? yep, tested that yesterday, works fine now08:47
mhr3paulliu, tsdgeos has another issue for you ;)08:48
paulliumhr3: ok.08:48
mhr3paulliu, and he can point you in my direction ;)08:48
tsdgeoselopio: ping08:56
tsdgeoselopio: unping08:58
tsdgeosgreyback: ping09:02
greybacktsdgeos: pong09:02
tsdgeosgreyback: can you have a quick look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/platform-api/+merge/220978 ?09:02
tsdgeosyou commented on it09:02
tsdgeoswith a needs fixing09:02
tsdgeosand mterry answered back09:02
tsdgeosgreyback: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/platform-api/+merge/220978/comments/531184 vs https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/platform-api/+merge/220978/comments/54000609:03
tsdgeosgreyback: so maybe you can unblock or further comment?09:04
greybackwill do09:04
Trevinhoricotz: mh, well not that bad...09:04
tsdgeosgreyback: aewsome :)09:04
Trevinhoricotz: if the only thing we care about is the size of the extents is fine, not sure if CSD clients would expect something different from that, or DE handling CSD windows.... (?)09:05
mhr3tsdgeos, btw pls push http://paste.ubuntu.com/7846499/ to your overview branch pls09:07
tsdgeosah yes09:07
tsdgeosyou told me yesterday09:07
ricotzTrevinho, it results in the expected geometry here -- besides that there is NET_WM_OPAQUE_REGION of course which could be exposed additionally besides the geometry09:11
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Trevinhoricotz: yeah, but that atom in theory is still optional to be supported by WMs, btw that's fine for me09:27
tsdgeosgreyback: so what with mterry's patch, just tell him to discard it since qtcomp just gets rid of all this?09:52
greybacktsdgeos: ultimately yes.09:53
greybacksure we can land it, but we'll just completely remove that code when qtcomp lands09:53
mhr3tsdgeos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7846698/09:58
tsdgeosmzanetti: want me to top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/drop-running-apps-from-dash/+merge/227707 ?10:14
tsdgeosmzanetti: or want someone else to give it an extra look?10:16
mhr3tsdgeos, enough spacing? http://imgur.com/JLWajrp10:16
mzanettitsdgeos: I guess its fine... you can approve10:16
tsdgeosmhr3: hmmmm, still looks too small10:17
tsdgeosmhr3: you sure you ran build?10:17
mhr3cause i had to clean builddir10:17
tsdgeoswill bug paulliu again :D10:17
tsdgeosmhr3: this is art + title + attributes, right?10:19
paulliuok. I got it. I'll look into it again.10:20
tsdgeosmhr3: awesome, we found a way to check it without you with our tests10:27
tsdgeosso we don't need to bug you anymore D:10:27
ricotzTrevinho, regarding GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS including them like that is pretty much what is expected10:29
ricotzTrevinho, and the NET_FRAME_EXTENTS are not set on such windows afaics10:30
ricotzthat is why this "hack" would be quite clean way to support it10:31
mhr3tsdgeos, could you ack https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-api/scopes-v3/+merge/228079 pls?10:31
mhr3tsdgeos, and perhaps at least functional review of https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-shell/overview/+merge/22774510:33
tsdgeosmhr3: overlayColor is for Saviq?10:33
mhr3tsdgeos, well, you're supposed to use it in the overview too :)10:33
tsdgeosmhr3: oh really? :D10:34
tsdgeoswhere? what's it for?10:34
mhr3tsdgeos, oh btw did we have a conclusion about the generic icon for a scope?10:35
tsdgeosnot that i remember10:35
mhr3tsdgeos, the color of the overlay? :)10:35
tsdgeosmhr3: card header overlay?10:36
mhr3tsdgeos, the thing that's semi-transparent black atm (with 60% opacity iirc)10:36
tsdgeossomene will do that somewhen10:36
tsdgeosgood if we get it from the scope asap10:37
mhr3the click you were testing against should be doing it already10:37
mhr3click scope10:37
mhr3i mean.. apps scope10:37
tsdgeosnow we need someone to implelent it :D10:37
tsdgeosmhr3: wow all i can do for https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-shell/overview/+merge/227745 is "yes it does what i need", you can get someone else to do the real review, can you?10:42
mhr3tsdgeos, yea, pete-woods will take a look, once he manages to fix his branch10:50
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greybackmzanetti: have a few minutes to try https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-mir/unfocusOnGreeter/+merge/227940 ?12:09
mzanettigreyback: yes12:10
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mzanettigreyback: hmm... that Postal interface doesn't seem to work properly here12:16
mzanettiseems to not be introspectable12:16
mzanettiah, the com.canonical.Unity.WindowStack does12:18
greybackdbus-monitor sender=com.canonical.Unity;path=/com/canonical/Unity/WindowStack12:19
mzanettigreyback: can't I query the currently focused one somehow?12:20
* mzanetti is having troubles forming a "a(usbu)" type in cli12:20
greybackme too now12:22
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Trevinhoricotz: ack12:43
ricotzTrevinho, thanks and pushed, maybe you even like to release 3.4.8 ;)12:55
mzanettidid I just really type "rm shell/ -rf *"12:56
mzanettioh... solved the mess in tht folder12:56
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dandradermzanetti, why are the reboot shutdown etc dialogues inside the stages item?13:31
mzanettidandrader: I have no idea13:32
mzanettidandrader: was wondering that too13:32
mzanettidandrader: doesn't really matter much I guess, but yeah, we should move it.13:32
mzanettidandrader: but maybe in another merge, not in QtComp13:32
dandradermzanetti, you approved the thing :)13:32
mzanettiyeah... my bad... didn't realize it at that point13:32
mzanettidandrader: only saw it when I merged trunk last time13:33
dandradermzanetti, but that happens only with qtcomp... https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/134408213:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1344082 in Unity 8 "[QtComp] launcher and indicators panel can be accessed while shutdown dialog is shown" [Undecided,In progress]13:33
mzanettidandrader: oh... in that case yes we, probably want to move it in the QtComp branches13:33
mzanettidandrader: wasn't aware of that bug report13:34
mzanettimterry: scnr13:36
mterrymzanetti, are you OK?  :)13:36
mzanettimterry: sure I am13:36
mterrymzanetti, what does scnr mean?13:37
mzanettisorry, could not resist13:37
mterrymzanetti, ah hah, I see the abstain13:37
mterrymzanetti, I wasn't familiar with the acronym, looked like a cat walked on your keyboard  :)13:37
mzanettithat's more likely to happen during night13:38
mzanettibut luckily they always sit down on the power button before doing more harm13:38
mzanettimterry: seems official though: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/SCNR13:40
mterrymzanetti, I guess enough people don't wisecrack to me...  QQ13:40
MacSlowSaviq, like that? initctl set-env GRID_UNIT_PX=1213:41
* cwayne thinks it sounds like a web 2.0 scanner app13:41
mzanettithat too13:41
mzanettiMacSlow: seems correct13:41
MacSlowmzanetti, -g was missing still13:42
MacSlowworks now13:42
CimiSaviq, so what's the new assignment of https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1338497 ?13:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1338497 in Unity 8 "[dash]See more See less needs larger touch target" [High,Triaged]13:42
SaviqCimi, see collapsing in https://sites.google.com/a/canonical.com/unity8dash/toolkit/14-previews13:43
Cimistill expanding the area or reworking the widget?13:43
CimiSaviq, yeah saw i13:43
CimiI can rework the widget13:44
cwayneSaviq: im seeing occasional crashes with silo-00913:47
Saviqcwayne, less occasional than normal?13:49
cwayneSaviq: slightly more, but it's not a pristine image otherwise, so not sure if its related13:51
mzanetticwayne: btw, tagger got published14:04
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cwaynemzanetti: thanks man14:13
cwayneSaviq: so namely im seeing crashes when launching scopes from the scopes scope14:13
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mhr3Saviq, btw emblems!14:35
SaviqCimi, ↑14:36
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CimiSaviq, working on emblems and touchdown that both have fun conflicts14:36
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SaviqCimi, on touchdown make sure to talk to Josh, too, we had a review of his redlines14:38
tsdgeospaulliu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7847957/14:45
tsdgeosmterry: i'm sure you can convince someone else to abstain14:53
Cimidednick, mhr3 Saviq https://twitter.com/honestburgers/status/48654972388168908914:54
mzanettilol. does that mean Jenkins gets to decide?14:55
mzanettiCimi:  stop it!14:56
mzanettiCimi:  I already missed the cart racing, don't make me want the honest burger too14:56
Cimimzanetti, bought montenegro this morning at the airport14:56
mzanettiI do have Montegro here, so that's not too bad14:58
Cimibash: ./build: No such file or directory15:01
mterrytsdgeos, :)15:03
tsdgeosmzanetti: seen the karting photos?15:04
mzanettitsdgeos: yep :)15:04
mzanettitsdgeos: who won btw?15:05
tsdgeossome not us15:05
tsdgeosfrom us we let the boss win ^_^15:05
tedgSomething in QtUbuntu somewhere is trying to open teh application's desktop file.15:16
tedgAnyone know what that is?15:16
tedgNot sure why the application would be opening it's own desktop file, but none the less. It's getting the wrong one. :-)15:17
mhr3tsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-scopes-shell/max-attrs-count/+merge/22814415:23
mhr3tsdgeos, you can review even15:23
tsdgeospaulliu: ↑↑↑↑15:24
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greybacktedg: platform-api opens the desktop file so app can figure out if it is main stage or side stage (I honestly can't recall why). It tries to open $APP_ID.desktop in the /usr/share/applications, unless APP_DESKTOP_FILE_PATH is set, where it tries that directory instead15:26
greybacktedg: what app are you trying to run, and how?15:26
tedggreyback, Trying to run pay-ui as a trusted prompt helper.15:28
tedgK, I'll set the APP_DESKTOP_FILE_PATH15:28
tedggreyback, At some point we could look that up in UAL and set an env var. We already have the desktop file open.15:29
greybacktedg: is MIR_SOCKET=$XDG_RUNTIME_PATH/mir_socket_trusted ?15:29
tedggreyback, Further down the line. This is the prompt provider.15:30
greybacktedg: is unity8.log printing REJECTED at all?15:30
tedggreyback, No :-(15:30
tedgSeems we're bailing earlier than that. Looking at the differences when running as an application.15:31
greybacktedg: I thought prompt provider also used the trusted socket15:32
greybackdednick would know though15:32
tedggreyback, No, it uses the socketpair that is created in the trusted session.15:32
greybacktedg: platform-api reading desktop file is not essential for the app operating - it has some default vaules and only changes them if it can read the desktop file15:34
greybackso it should be no problem if desktop file is not opened15:34
tedgHmm, okay.15:37
tedgIt seems to quit soon after that.15:37
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cwaynemzanetti: so i saw your drop-recent-apps branch, so how are we going to close apps now?15:49
mzanetticwayne: hmm... didn't you try QtCompositor branches already?15:50
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greybackmzanetti: hey was looking at the code in the launcher which reads desktop files - for a key which has multiple languages, is QSettings smart enough to choose the right language?15:57
mzanettigreyback: not on its own, no15:57
mzanettigreyback: how do they look like?15:57
greybackmzanetti: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7848304/15:58
mzanettiah, []15:58
mzanettigreyback: no, that needs to be done manually15:58
greybackmzanetti: ok15:58
cwaynemzanetti: nope i didnt :)15:59
mzanetticwayne: you should :)15:59
cwayneooh, ill do that today then :)15:59
cwaynesounds exciting :P15:59
tsdgeosswipe swipe swipe16:02
anpokdandrader, greyback: hm I ran the webapp ap tests again today16:07
anpoki dont get the crashes, but now three failures16:07
dandraderanpok, probably nothing to worry about as failing AP tests is quite common.16:07
greybackanpok: I got a perfect run here.16:07
dandradergreyback, have you tried his patch already?16:08
greybackdandrader: yes16:08
anpokok because I improved it.. but got those three failures with and without the improvement16:09
greybackanpok: is the display fixed on?16:09
anpokthe output makes no real sense to me16:10
greybackphablet-test-run -p unity-webapps-qml-autopilot unity_webapps_qml16:10
greybackthat's how I ran it16:10
greybackyeah, it's noise to me too16:10
anpokcomplains about x11 ..16:10
greybackphablet-test-run -p ubuntu-html5-ui-toolkit-autopilot ubuntu_html5_ui_toolkit16:11
anpokdumps healthd logs..16:11
anpokFile "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/testtools/testcase.py", line 406, in assertThat16:11
anpokraise mismatch_error16:11
anpokMismatchError: After 10.0 seconds test on QQuickWebViewExperimentalExtension.loadProgress failed: 100 != dbus.Int32(50, variant_level=1)16:11
greybackanpok: your phone online?16:12
greybacknot sure if it makes a difference or not tho16:12
anpokhmm kind of16:12
anpokbut bad signal for unknown reason16:12
anpokthe tests fine this morning and yesterday evening..16:13
anpokoh you are right16:14
anpoki got a lot of wifi related messages16:14
mzanettiSaviq: I'm afraid dash-as-app beats the crap out of our autopilot tests16:18
Saviqmzanetti, kinda expected, they will need to be split into shell vs. dash ones16:18
mzanettielopio: heeeelp :D16:18
mzanettiSaviq: looking not too bad now: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/dash-as-app/+merge/22786816:19
Saviqmzanetti, yeah < 1k sounds fine16:19
elopiomzanetti: :)16:19
elopiowith that branch?16:20
mzanettiSaviq: mind having a first look at it so I can fix the worst before leaving for a week?16:20
mzanettielopio: well, its a bit more complicated. here's the branch https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/dash-as-app/+merge/22786816:20
mzanettielopio: it depends on qtcomp though16:20
mzanettielopio: so what it does is to split the dash to be a separate app16:21
elopioI like that. But you are probably breaking all the dash autopilot helpers, right?16:21
mzanettiSaviq: still here for 3 days, so don't have to do it now16:21
mzanettielopio: exactly. and also the application_lifecycle tests as they are now16:21
Saviqmzanetti, will try and scrounge some time for it16:22
elopiomzanetti: and my three branches not yet merged :'(16:22
mzanettiSaviq: thanks16:22
elopiomzanetti: this is for RTM, right?16:22
mzanettisorry elopio16:22
mzanettiyeah, it is for RTM16:22
mzanettithe last "big" think I guess though16:23
elopiomzanetti: not your fault. I am pretty much blocked by those three branches, so I'm all yours.16:23
elopiowell, half yours, I also need to take care of the dashboard failures.16:23
mzanettiwell, if you could support me with the AP tests here, that'd be awesome16:23
CimiSaviq, updated touchdown16:24
elopiomzanetti: leave them to me. Let me know when the UI is stable enough, and I'll work on the tests.16:24
elopiomzanetti: one question. If it depends on QtCompositor, how are we going to run the tests on the desktop?16:25
mzanettielopio: wow, thanks! We're trying to get a ppa ready for it so you don't have to build stuff16:25
mzanettielopio: yeah, that's the thought that triggered this discussion16:25
mzanettiI don't know yet16:25
mzanettielopio: on the phone, the dash is started by an upstart job, right when the shell has started16:25
mzanettinot sure if/how that would work when running it on the desktop16:26
mzanettielopio: the AP tests *could* start them manually both I guess16:26
mzanettibut not sure what's the testing value there16:26
elopio mzanetti: I would prefer to test the new dash app in isolation. Is this app what needs qtcomp, or is qtcomp only needed to glue the app and unity?16:27
mzanettielopio: again, its more complicated :D this branch doesn't really care if its qtcomp, however, qtcomp changed so much that this depnends on that for less conflicts.16:28
mzanettielopio: when qtcomp has landed, this can be a standalone branch16:28
mzanettielopio: but yeah, thinking about the tests, we should probably remove the application_lifecycle tests from unity8 altogether and move them over to the platform tests16:29
elopiomzanetti: for example, all the autopilot helpers for selecting scopes, categories and items don't need unity at all, they only depend on the dash.16:29
elopioWill I be able to launch the dash app on the desktop and select a scope from it?16:29
mzanettijust using emulators from unity8 and unity8-dash16:29
mzanettiyeah, sounds good16:29
mzanettiI'm all for splitting it as much as possible in our repo16:29
elopiomzanetti: yes, and we have pretty much everything ready to test application lifecycle from the ubuntu_experience_tests project.16:30
elopioI can start with that.16:30
elopiomzanetti: but, I'm on holidays tomorrow and have my schedule for today full. When are you leaving?16:30
mzanettielopio: here till next tuesday16:30
mzanettielopio: I'll see to get something reasonably stable for you by monday16:31
elopiomzanetti: ok. I'll move all my things for later next week to be monday and tuesday on this.16:31
elopioI have a good feeling that this split will make our interactions a lot smoother.16:32
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mzanetti:) thanks16:32
anpokissue is gone..16:33
dandradermzanetti, paulliu: the are no tests for the dialogs, right?16:37
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mzanettidandrader: no... afaik its temporary stuff16:48
dandradermzanetti, those dialogs are temporary?16:49
dandraderso they're moving elsewhere?16:49
cwayneSaviq: anything blocking silo 009 from landing?16:56
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Saviqcwayne, not any more17:10
cwayneSaviq: cool! thanks17:21
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kgunnmterry: we got silo12 for landing locking...18:15
mterrykgunn, ooh18:15
kgunnready to build ?18:15
mterryI think so18:15
mterrykgunn, did livecd-rootfs land?  I didn't see a merge email18:15
kgunnmterry: its not even approved18:16
mterrykgunn, well it was informally approved  :)18:16
kgunnmterry: so wait...does that livecd-rootfs need its own silo first ?18:16
mterrykgunn, livecd-rootfs doesn't use silos, it's one of the manual uploads18:16
mterrykgunn, steve intimated that he would upload it18:17
kgunnmterry: got no idea how that works :)18:17
mterrykgunn, but that was this morning18:17
kgunnwant me to ask ?18:17
kgunnhehe...wish we could send someone else ;)18:18
mterrykgunn, yeah poke steve directly18:18
kgunnmterry: ok, but point is, we can't build until that lands right18:20
kgunnor rather...can't test at least18:20
mterrykgunn, we can build (and in fact silo 012 looks like someone built it an hour ago), but not land18:20
mterrykgunn, we can test if you use a manual script I made that does the same changes18:20
kgunnright...stuck on not testing18:20
mterrykgunn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7841919/18:20
mterryThat's basically what the livecd-rootfs merge does18:21
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mhall119bregma: ping19:44
bregmahey mhall11919:44
mhall119bregma: hey, any feedback for me on that convergence impact survey?19:45
bregmamhall119, yes: can you add a question about using custom-build solutions running on Ubuntu (eg. in-house developed or 3rd-party developed application, not found in the Ubuntu archives)?19:47
mhall119bregma: sure, a multi-select?19:48
bregmaI think a simple yes/no and possibly a description field to volunteer a little detail would be enough -- I'm basically interested in how common it is to use applications not found in the Ubuntu archives and from there we'll want to determine some user cases and test scenarios19:51
mhall119what kind of detail?19:51
mhall119do you want to know what kind of software, or how many different ones, or how many deployments?19:52
bregmawell, commercial or common third-party apps are one thing (if we have a representative list, we can test them), but in-house apps are quite another and pose a bigger challenge to support in the converged environment19:53
mhall119bregma: so I was thinking of a multi-select with the following options:19:53
mhall119Software developed in-house by you or your company19:54
mhall119Software developed by a 3rd party that is not in Ubuntu's archives19:54
mhall119A newer version of upstream software that is not yet in Ubuntu's archives19:54
mhall119An older version of upstream software that is no longer in Ubuntu's archives19:54
bregmathat sounds like it covers what I'm thinking of19:54
mhall119was my descriptions of the different technologies accurate?19:55
bregma"company" should be "organization" to encompass schools, governments, charities, evil genius secret underground lairs, etc19:56
mhall119ok, done19:57
mzanettianyone still around that could review this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/fix-1347902/+merge/22804820:15
mzanettimterry: maybe? ^20:15
mterrymzanetti, ok20:15
mzanettimterry: thanks.20:15
mterrymzanetti, that bug title is killing me20:15
mzanettimterry: yeah...20:15
mzanettimterry: so reading through the stack trace in there, it seems the item is just gone20:16
mzanettithe code doesn't do a delete without a remove from the list20:16
mzanettimterry: we already had the issue in some mock models that QML started to delete unparented objects with the switch to 5.320:17
mzanettiqt 5.320:17
mzanettiso this sounds like a reasonable fix for it, although I haven't been able to reproduce it20:17
mterrymzanetti, I was about to ask if it's reproducable20:18
mzanettiwell, the bug description doesn't say a word... I haven't been able to...20:18
mterrymzanetti, well the change makes sense.  I remember doing something similar in the past20:20
mzanettimterry: I have seen the shell crashing before on focusedApplicationIdChanged, but didn't know its this20:20
mterrymzanetti, kind of a weak-sauce approval, can't reproduce, and with jenkins still messed up20:22
mterrymzanetti, but there ya go20:22
mzanettimterry: hmm... yeah... sorry. don't have more20:22
mzanettimterry: but regardless if it fixes the bug or not, we agree this is a good thing anyways, right?20:23
mterrymzanetti, yar20:23
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