=== EureCA is now known as Eureka [04:24] pleia2, yeah, was traveling for a little while. Expect me back with a vengeance ready to do whatever. Did you make it to oscon this year? [04:24] * philipballew always assumes pleia2 is in a foreign country at all times. [04:28] * ianorlin hasn't been to a foriegn country [04:48] ianorlin, Tijuana Mexico has a nice free software day conference that is worth going to. [04:50] if you wanna leave the country easily [04:54] * ianorlin would have to get a passport [05:03] ianorlin they always let you cross back into the states. Just be prepared to get yelled at and insulted. [05:09] TIL I learned that Taco Bell taco supreme tacos don't reheat in the microwave. [05:09] Of course, if I'd known they were supreme tacos I wouldn't have put them in. [05:16] nhaines, I would think something that claims to be supreme would be able to handle itself inside of a microwave. [05:16] Sour cream disagrees. [05:16] Although the melty cheese almost made up for the warm sour cream. [05:48] philballew: no oscon this year, had to schedule a surgery (tomorrow!) so I had to skip something [05:51] * ianorlin hopes the surgery goes well [05:51] pleia2, what type of surgery or when is it? [14:25] Good Morning [22:08] has anyone got a samsung XE303C12 or the newer arm one booting ubuntu? [22:09] Samsing Chromebook [22:09] Samsung Chromebook [22:14] there's an arm version of ubuntu now? [23:10] blitz: for at least 5 years. [23:12] hmm, I remember there were issues when the raspberry pi was first release. mustve been driver specific then eh [23:12] Ubuntu dropped support for ARMv6 and below. [23:23] Although Ubuntu can still be easily compiled for the Pi. I think Alan Pope kickstarted a build service just for that.