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ctlaughcan anyone offer some assistance with python-jujuclient?15:01
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kirklandmarcoceppi: howdy!  can you give some attention to https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1342847 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/1342843 ?15:52
_mup_Bug #1342847: please add transcode-cluster bundle to the charm store <Juju Charms Collection:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1342847>15:52
_mup_Bug #1342843: please include transcode charm in charm store <Juju Charms Collection:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1342843>15:52
marcoceppikirkland: sure thin15:53
=== marcoceppi changed the topic of #juju to: Welcome to Juju! || Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://goo.gl/9yBZuv || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP || Weekly Reviewers: mbruzek && whit || News and stuff: http://reddit.com/r/juju
tvansteenburghanyone seen this and know how to work around? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7856024/16:00
marcoceppitvansteenburgh: is that local provider in lxc?16:11
kirklandmarcoceppi: thanks;  it would be fantastic if that could land today-ish :-)16:22
tvansteenburghmarcoceppi: no, local provider in virtualbox16:22
josehappy sysadmin day!16:26
mbruzekto you to jose16:28
mbruzekHappy Friday jose!16:28
mbruzekkirkland the transcode README could be markdown, looks like you duplicated a step step 5 also16:33
mbruzekkirkland, charm add readme will generate the markdown template that is recommended16:33
kirklandmbruzek: okay, great -- is that all that's blocking it?17:14
mbruzekkirkland, no it is just what I found so far17:15
kirklandmbruzek: Error: add is not a valid subcommand17:15
josekirkland: try `juju charm add readme`?17:16
kirklandmbruzek: can you just point me to your favorite README.md in the charm store, and I'll clone that?17:22
mbruzekkirkland, in meeting just a second.  jose has a few good ones.17:23
mbruzekjose can you give kirkland a good example17:23
josesure, owncloud will do, sec, grabbing the link17:24
josekirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7857553/ is the one given by 'charm add readme'17:25
josealso, I quite like the Chamilo one17:26
sebas5384hey! o/17:52
sebas5384there's any way that I can help to get the Drupal charm reviewed ?17:53
sebas5384we are planning to divulge how to deploy and scale Drupal with using the charm17:54
sebas5384and if the fact of being a recommended charm is really important, and the nice logo will appear in the charm too hehe17:55
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kirklandmbruzek: jose: okay, readme now markdown;  what's next?18:01
josekirkland: which branch should I take a look at?18:02
marcoceppisebas5384: it's definitely in the review queue, http://manage.jujucharms.com/tools/review-queue should be looked at shortly!18:02
* jose just joined for the readme stuff :)18:02
sebas5384thanks for the update marcoceppi !18:02
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kirklandjose: mbruzek: looks like both of you are deploying now?19:35
* jose is19:35
mbruzekkirkland, I deployed and tried the first config example in the new README19:35
* kirkland is deploying now, too19:35
mbruzekkirkland, looking at the logs on transcode/0 I see a loop19:35
kirklandmbruzek: yep, waiting until all worker nodes are done19:36
kirklandmbruzek: how many nodes/19:36
mbruzek4 total19:36
mbruzekIt does not seem to exit from this repeating pattern19:36
mbruzeklooks like 0 is done.19:37
josekirkland: I'll ping you in 5-10 when this is done :)19:38
kirklandmbruzek: can I see ls -alF /srv?19:38
kirklandmbruzek: uno momento, I'm trying to reproduce it now19:40
mbruzekkirkland, Where is the output written to?  I didn't see that in the new README.  The old README told me about the web url to hit, but not what the output file would be named.19:41
kirklandmbruzek: good point;  I'll update that.  it'll be in /srv/, which is actually served out by apache2 on every single node19:42
mbruzekkirkland, I also copied a video from my phone to the system. that is what 20140408_*.mp4 is19:42
kirklandmbruzek: so you can just point a browser to any node19:42
kirklandmbruzek: cool, that should work19:42
mbruzekkirkland, seems stuck on the first one.19:42
kirklandmbruzek: which bzr rev of the charm are you on?19:42
kirklandmbruzek: r8?19:42
mbruzekkirkland, no let me destroy and boostrap again19:43
kirklandmbruzek: okay, I'm bootstrapping now19:43
kirklandmbruzek: deploying....19:49
kirklandmbruzek: total of 8 nodes19:49
mbruzekkirkland, I have a total of 5 now19:50
kirklandmbarnett: k19:50
kirklandmbruzek: k;  mbarnett: sorry :-)19:50
kirklandmbruzek: nearly up...19:52
mbruzekkirkland, ran this command $ juju set transcode input_url=http://download.blender.org/demo/old_demos/diditdoneit.mpg output_size=640x36019:52
kirklandjose: 25 nodes, is that right?19:53
josekirkland: yep! 25 nodes19:53
kirklandmbruzek: I just ran the same19:53
kirklandmbruzek: downloading mpg...19:54
kirklandmbruzek: mine split into 8 parts, and they're each transcoding now19:55
mbruzekkirkland, I don't see the mount on transcode/0 .  If I run sudo mount | grep srv I get nothing.19:56
kirklandmbruzek: did you add the relation?19:56
mbruzekYes I did.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7858678/19:58
kirklandmbruzek: is /srv/ mounted correctly in any of the other transcode/* ?19:58
kirklandmbruzek: I'm running right now against MAAS, on an Orange Box, and everything is mounted correctly19:58
kirklandmbruzek: perhaps a problem with NFS traffic in EC2?19:59
joseEC2 works fine19:59
mbruzekkirkland, I am running local lxc containers19:59
kirklandmbruzek: oh, hmm, well, maybe nfs isn't the best shared-fs for lxc?19:59
kirklandmbruzek: I've never tried nfs mounts inside of lxc20:00
* mbruzek is switching to hp cloud20:01
kirklandinterestingly, I just had 1 out of my 8 nodes not mount NFS correctly20:02
kirkland2014-07-25 19:52:48 INFO shared-fs-relation-changed + mount -t nfs -o rsize=8192,wsize=8192 /srv20:03
kirkland2014-07-25 19:52:48 INFO shared-fs-relation-changed mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
kirkland2014-07-25 19:52:48 INFO shared-fs-relation-changed + juju-log 'mount failed: /srv'20:03
kirklandlooks like the nfs service wasn't up yet, when I tried to make this relation20:03
mbruzekkirkland, I saw a similar error in my log (which is no sadly deleted)20:05
mbruzekkirkland, you have retry logic in the mount though right?20:05
kirklandmbruzek: I'll need to look again20:06
mbruzekfor try in {1..3}; do20:06
kirklandmbruzek: okay;  I hand mounted nfs on the one bad node, and did a juju set, and my transcode job finished immediately20:07
kirkland   juju set transcode input_url=http://download.blender.org/demo/old_demos/diditdoneit.mpg20:07
kirklandjose: where are you stuck now?20:07
josekirkland: check the logs - it says something about invalid data20:07
kirklandjose: ah, okay, let me try that url20:08
kirklandjose: tbh, I haven't tried a .divx file yet;  I've successfully done avi, mpg, mp4, mkv, ogg, mov20:08
joseso there's another thing there - if something fails on the other nodes it's gonna be stuck in a loop20:09
mbruzekkirkland, does the basename get renamed or does the output have the same extension20:09
kirklandjose: I suspect the install hook might need to add some additional codec packages20:09
joseand there's no way for me to touch and cut that loop20:09
kirklandmbruzek: the output will tack on the resolution, codecs, and an mp420:09
mbruzekkirkland, ack20:09
kirklandmbruzek: so for mine: diditdoneit.mpg_640x360_x264_aac.mp420:10
kirklandmbarnett: I'll add that to the readme20:10
kirklandmbruzek: ^20:10
kirklandjose: downloading .divx20:11
josekirkland: what do you mean?20:12
kirklandjose: I'm trying to reproduce your failure20:12
joseoh, ok20:12
kirklandjose: and my run is currently wgetting your .divx example20:12
kirklandjose: I'm trying to figure out what additional packages might be necessary to support that20:13
joseok, cool!20:13
kirklandjose: okay, same problem here20:14
kirklandmbruzek: I upped the retries in the shared-fs relation from 3 to 6020:16
mbruzekjose and kirkland if the divx codec is not free it would be appropriate to list that in the known limitations.20:16
kirklandmbruzek: ack;20:17
* mbruzek suspects divx is not free, remembers something about divx in the past20:17
automatemecolemaso I have a unit of a service stuck in a dying state. Anyway to get this guy to just die20:19
mbruzekautomatemecolema, You could juju destroy-machine # with the one it is on20:20
mbruzekautomatemecolema, by chance were you using debug-hooks ?20:20
kirklandjose: okay -- could you try a different input format?20:20
josekirkland: I could, but I'll have to re-deploy - the loop cannot be cut20:20
kirklandjose: ?20:20
kirklandjose: sure you can20:20
kirklandjust update the config20:20
kirklandthere's a couple of killalls in there20:21
josebut the first instance of the config-changed hook would need to be terminated20:21
kirklandjose: this just worked fine for me:    juju set transcode input_url=http://download.blender.org/demo/old_demos/diditdoneit.mpg20:21
kirklandjose: hmm20:21
mbruzekkirkland, jose brings up a good point.  When my local one was stuck I tried different config options and the old loop never exited.20:22
kirklandjose: okay, I can add a kill switch20:22
josewould be awesome20:22
kirklandjose: mbruzek: for now, you can just touch the DONE files20:22
kirkland                while [ $(ls ${filename}.part*.${format}.DONE | wc -l) -lt $total_nodes ]; do20:22
automatemecolemambruzek, I think we'll just delete the machine, I was just trying to avoid that20:23
josekirkland: are you applying your change now? so I can branch and re-deploy20:23
automatemecolemambruzek, my consultant was logged into debug-hooks at some point, but not sure when20:23
kirklandjose: yes, give me a minute20:23
mbruzekautomatemecolema, In some cases the debug hooks command will prevent a charm from completely dying20:23
mbruzekautomatemecolema, you can try juju resolved --retry charm/#20:24
kirklandjose: mbruzek: how would you like the kill switch to work?  touch a file?  add a config option killall=true20:24
automatemecolemambruzek, yea I tried that several times20:24
josekirkland: probably not a kill switch20:24
josebut 'if retried for 10m then quit'20:24
kirkland  kill_all_jobs:20:25
kirkland    type: boolean20:25
kirkland    description: "kill switch for terminating all jobs"20:25
kirkland    default: false20:25
joseanother thingy there20:26
kirklandthat way, you can set it to true, and then back to false, to re-run20:26
mbruzekkirkland, the loop could check for a stop file of some kind. That would only be written if a new config-changed was trying to do something20:26
josembruzek: would two config-changed's run at the same time?20:26
kirklandactually, that would work20:26
mbruzekjose, not sure... marcoceppi would know20:26
josekirkland: problem with that boolean option is that config-get values don't change until the new run20:26
josembruzek: I believe not because juju is event based, and one event needs to finish for the other to run20:27
josebut let's wait for an answer :)20:27
mbruzekmarcoceppi, will a new config-get run if the old one is still looping?20:27
mbruzekkirkland, this is kind of a big change, but could you fork the process to a script so the config-get exists immediately?20:28
mbruzekkirkland, once the charm gets all the information it needs, just call another bash script to do the dirty work?  The loops in the new script could check for a stop flag20:29
kirklandmbruzek: is there an easy way for my charm to install a file?20:29
kirklandmbruzek: and a here-doc is not what I'm looking for20:29
mbruzekcopy it from the charm directory20:30
mbruzekkirkland, I have created a files/ directory within the charm.20:30
kirklandmbruzek: okay -- I'm game for that20:30
kirklandmbruzek: can you give the the cp rune?20:30
kirklandmbruzek: an example of where I'm copying it from?20:30
kirklandmbruzek: or, rather, how to call it?  it doesn't need to be copied20:31
mbruzekcp ${CHARM_HOME}/files/file.tar.gz /tmp/20:31
mbruzekkirkland, you could just put another bash script in the hooks directory or charm root20:31
mbruzeksource run_transcode_loop.sh arg1 arg2 arg320:32
mbruzeknot source20:32
mbruzekmy mistake20:32
mbruzek./run_transcode_loop.sh would be in the charm dir20:32
mbruzekkirkland, is that what you are asking?20:33
mbruzekkirkland, ${CHARM_DIR} == cwd in a hook.20:34
kirklandmbruzek: yeah, I have the change;  testing locally now20:34
mbruzekkirkland, I have a hp bootstrapped and ready to test next revision20:35
kirklandmbruzek: ack, let me put this through a quick local maas test20:35
mbruzekkirkland, yep20:35
kirklandmbruzek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7858922/20:35
kirklandmbruzek: maybe eyeball that for me?20:35
mbruzekkirkland, I have lots of other stuff to work on in the mean time.20:36
mbruzekkirkland, quick look over, I would suggest keeping the juju bits in the hook and just calling transcode with all the arguments that you compute in the hook.20:38
mbruzekkirkland, but as the author feel free to override me on that.20:39
mbruzekkirkland, I was thinking the transcode script could be juju free but perhaps that is too big of a change here.20:39
kirklandmbruzek: more like this?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7858971/20:41
mbruzekI am sure both will work.20:42
kirklandmbruzek: so I can just run ./transcode from within config-changed, if transcode is in the same dir as config-changed, right?20:52
mbruzekkirkland, no I believe the cwd is charm root20:53
mbruzekI believe the proper way is to type ./hooks/transcode20:53
mbruzekDid I mislead you Homer?20:55
kirklandmbruzek: I'm just confused about the cwd20:55
=== scuttlemonkey is now known as scuttle|afk
mbruzekHey tvansteenburgh do you have a minute?21:04
josekirkland: he means that the folder from which the scripts are ran is your charm root21:05
josebare in mind that your scripts are in the hooks folder21:05
kirklandjose: right -- I'm curious about the cwd when a hook runs21:06
tvansteenburghmbruzek: yeah what's up?21:06
joseit's /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-charmname-number/charm/21:06
josethat is exported as a variable, called CHARM_DIR21:06
joseso every time you call $CHARM_DIR, it's taking you to that path21:06
mbruzekI am trying to deploy a bundle with a local reference to the charm do you remember what we decided worked?21:06
tvansteenburghmbruzek: set the 'branch' key for the service21:07
tvansteenburgh(to the local path of the charm)21:07
mbruzekI am getting a lot of key errors21:08
mbruzekbut that is using   charm: /home/ubuntu/charms/trusty/postgresql-psql21:08
mbruzekWill switch this to branch and try again21:08
mbruzektvansteenburgh, We had this problem solved, I thought it was charm: /path/to/charm but I just tested it with branch.21:12
mbruzektvansteenburgh, Can you have a look and tell me where I am wrong?21:12
mbruzeksame KeyError with branch as with charm21:13
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tvansteenburghmbruzek: do you still have your local amulet changes21:19
mbruzektvansteenburgh, yes I believe so, but that is a good question, how can I verify?21:19
tvansteenburghcd to amulet dir, run `git status`21:20
mbruzekmodified:   amulet/deployer.py21:21
kirklandit's not working anymore21:21
mbruzekkirkland, looking21:21
kirklandseems the script just dies now inside of that while loop21:21
kirklandafter the sleep21:21
kirklanddisappears from ps21:21
tvansteenburghmbruzek: `git diff`21:22
mbruzektvansteenburgh, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7859281/21:22
tvansteenburghok, those have already been added to upstream21:23
kirklandtranscode/0 is currently doing the download, and that's going, but it seems to exit right after the wget21:23
kirklandtranscode/1-N just all die inside of that while loop21:23
kirklandI'm at a loss for idea21:26
kirklandI'm feeling at this point the charm store is more trouble than it's worth21:27
mbruzekkirkland, I am looking, trying to find what command is causing the hook to exit?21:39
mbruzekkirkland, could it be another config-changed event is coming by and killing this first transcode?21:40
kirklandmbruzek: that would be my best shot in the dark21:41
mbruzekkirkland, what is dying the transcode or the hook?21:41
bloodearnestis there a way to juju set a value to either a) and empty string or b) back to it's default value?22:02
mbruzekbloodearnest, does juju set charm key="" not work?22:06
bloodearnestmbruzek: nope22:06
bloodearnestnor = "''", = '""' or just =22:06
bloodearnestthis is on 1.2022:06
bloodearnestI should say, juju set charm setting='""' does work, but it sets the value to ""22:09
mbruzekbloodearnest, I was not aware that setting to empty string threw an exception22:11
bloodearnestmbruzek: yeah, that's new with 1.2022:12
mbruzekbloodearnest, You see a stack trace like that?22:13
bloodearnestmbruzek: I've been seeing quite a few panics, although not always fatal (as in, juju deploy x shows traceback, but the deploy has been kicked off)22:13
bloodearnestmbruzek: exactly22:14
mbruzekThat should not be that way.  you should ping in #juju-dev22:14
bloodearnestmbruzek: kk22:14
mbruzekbloodearnest, and open a bug against juju-core22:14
mbruzekIt should not panic like that22:15
bloodearnestmbruzek: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/134882922:22
_mup_Bug #1348829: juju-core client panics with juju set empty string <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1348829>22:22
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