
aguitelkubuntu 14.04.1 is up  ?00:06
PedroSilvahi good night00:10
PedroSilvawe have a Skype for kubuntu 14.04?00:12
Unit193PedroSilva: Yes, it's in the partner repo.00:17
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga00:17
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:17
PedroSilvathanks for your help00:23
PedroSilvainstall done00:23
it_whats up ?03:30
it_i'm on live kubuntu03:30
valorietauriel: do you have a question?04:43
valoriethis is a help channel04:43
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krejsiHi, how do I partition automaticly with kickstart so /boot is on the first partition and the rest is LVM?07:33
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ik_good morning08:44
ik_how are you ?08:45
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yossarianukik_: i'm good09:35
yossarianukAre the plans for 14.10 to include kde5 +  wayland?09:36
soeeyossarianuk: i think kde would be available through ppa but not by default09:44
yossarianuksoee: cheers09:51
yossarianuk15.04 then i imagine (by default)09:52
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yossarianukhi - ho10:33
jbgoodIs there a timeline when the LTS upgrade in Muon will be offered?10:34
tsimpsonshould be offered soon, as 14.04.1 was released today10:37
tsimpsonand LTS -> LTS upgrades are offered when the .1 release is made10:38
jbgoodYes, I was wondering since the 14.04.1 release was announced for yesterday and I already saw the ISO files on the download mirrors...I'll be patient then, thanks! :)10:39
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aguitelkubuntu 14.04.1 is up  ?12:59
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:02
jubo2g'morning BluesKaj13:09
BluesKajhi jubo213:10
InspectorCluseauI upgraded to 14.04.1 yesterday13:26
calziferInspectorCluseau: from 14.04 ?13:27
InspectorCluseaufrom 12.0413:27
timmy_tofuThe mirrors (ex http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/kubuntu/releases/14.04/release/) all have torrents and direct downloads for 14.04.1, but the main downloads page (http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu) is still pointing to 14.04 - maybe someone should change that, assuming the 14.04.1 media is indeed final?13:58
tsimpsontimmy_tofu: reported to #kubuntu-devel thanks14:05
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hyper_chgood evening, I keep noticing that cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/xxx   does not work with tab completion... well, nothing after luksClose does16:27
hyper_chhowever tab completion works when I use luksOpen or luksFormat16:28
BluesKajhyper_ch, best to ask in ##linux16:44
hyper_chbut it happens on kde :)16:44
hyper_chand howdy16:44
hyper_chI googled for luks and cryptsetup irc channels but didn't find anything16:44
BluesKajthen if you think kde has something to do with it ask in #kde16:45
BluesKajsomehow i doubt that encryption has anything to do with a DE16:46
SporkWitchhaving trouble tracking down how to install ia32-libs or equivalent on 14.04 64bit.  the help articles all just seem to point to "use apt" but the application in question only has its own install script and binaries17:08
jazzkutyaSporkWitch: you have to manually install every dependency and add :i386 to the package names17:12
jazzkutyasomething like libjpeg:i38617:12
SporkWitchknew that much, the trouble i was running into was the specific packages it says to try no longer exist (specifically the ia32-libs family) in the repos.  i'm trying the lib32z1 now, see if it behaves17:13
tsimpsonyou don't need to manually install every dependency, just install whatever :i386 package you want17:13
SporkWitchno joy on that one :(17:13
tsimpsonwhat package do you want?17:14
SporkWitchtsimpson: ia32-libs and ia32-libs-kde17:14
SporkWitchtsimpson: trying to get Second Life behaving, and the console output recommends installing thoes17:14
jazzkutyaSporkWitch: forget the ia32-libs family. you have to install every neccessary lib separately, all with :i38617:15
SporkWitchin other words start googling which ones it needs from that bundle; well that's annoying, but easy enough17:15
jazzkutyaSporkWitch: ia32-libs (which is a collection of other packages actually) does not exist anymore17:15
jazzkutyatsimpson: he wants something that is not part of ubuntu17:16
SporkWitchwell they used to be :) lol17:16
jazzkutyaSporkWitch: anyway you could try installing similar apps that my have the same dependencies... for example for second life try installing the 32 bit version of an opengl app or game17:19
SporkWitchlooks like the easier solution is to look at some of the third party viewers; some of them seem to have native 64bit support, and so might be better than tryingto get the official 32bit one behaving17:19
jazzkutyamaybe, that's offtopic here :)17:20
SporkWitchjazzkutya: that's an option as well17:20
SporkWitchjazzkutya: granted, heh17:20
jazzkutyaSporkWitch: i've noticed installing plain wine even without :i386 pulled in a lot of useful 32bit libs17:21
SporkWitchjazzkutya: i just try to be active when receiving help, to avoid duplication of effort and wasted effort (and no one likes thinking they're helping someone that already left lol)17:21
SporkWitchjazzkutya: that one may be worth ago; i hadn't gotten aroudn to reinstall playonlinux since upgrading to 14.0417:21
tsimpsonSporkWitch: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linux_Viewer#64-bit seems to give instructions17:21
tsimpsonwhich is in fact the first link when I google "second life ubuntu" ;)17:22
jazzkutyai see solution is very near now :) have fun17:22
SporkWitchtsimpson: you'd have thought that would have come up higher in my search results... (i DID do a decent amount of googling before harassing you mates heh)17:22
tsimpsongoogle can sometimes promote other results because you've clicked on them in previous searches17:23
jazzkutyaand it also gives different resoluts according to user's locality17:23
jazzkutyahow i hate that17:24
SporkWitchtrue, still embarassing; i'm normally the jerk that hands out lmgtfy links17:25
SporkWitchtsimpson: and that worked; good find, thank you17:27
tsimpsonyou're welcome :)17:28
SporkWitchGDI, even more embarassing, that IS the page i found, it's just not organized logically.  now to see if it's a wiki so i can add a note in the "startup issues" section to point to the 64bit part further down >_<17:30
* SporkWitch is braindead today17:31
jubo2Congrats for releasing 14.04.118:01
lordievaderGood evening.19:14
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Guest33865i have aproblem with transmission that says port is closed20:52
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Guest33865firewall seems inactive " sudo ufw status verbose "20:53
Guest33865suggestions ?20:53
rbergis the port open upstream at your router? if you have one20:58
Guest33865i am checking the router Cisco epc392521:02
rbergalso not just open but forwarded to your lan ip21:02
Guest33865hi rberg, thank you for you support21:02
rberghi!.. no21:03
Guest33865additional info: transmission is working perfectly in upload21:03
Guest33865and in past (2 months ago) was working properly21:03
rbergwith out port forwarding you can upload to to a peer if you initiate the connection21:06
Guest33865I have not idea ho to configure the "internal ip address" in the router21:08
Guest33865I have dhcp how can decide the internal ip address?21:08
rberghmm on my router with openwrt it will show the ip/hostname/mac addr to help with that21:11
Guest33865I am studying: http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Cisco/fpa.htm21:14
rbergcool good luck.. also there is upnp that can automatically open ports for you if the router supports it21:16
rberg(I dont want ports opened automatically)21:17
Guest33865I opened the port, but now i shall decide to abandon dhcp for a static ip21:21
aguitelwhat tool need to make usb booteable with kubuntu +ubuntu+xubuntu os ?21:32
espertosono un nuovo utente di Kubuntu. Qualcuno può aiutarmi con mirc?21:36
Sternaquitel: If you already have an Ubuntu installed >> Startup Disk Creator21:36
SternOr Kubuntu21:36
espertoItaliani no?21:37
aguitelStern, i need multi system21:37
Sternaquitel: Sorry no first hand experience. But this describes a manual method: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Create_Bootable_USB_Manually21:41
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Guest3726pinchis culos22:39
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