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kevdog114 | Hello everyone, I'm new to all of this... Is Ubuntu for Android still in development? or is it called Ubuntu for Devices, or Ubuntu Touch? I am a little confused | 02:04 |
kevdog114 | Is Ubuntu Touch "safe" to use without fear of messing up my phone? | 02:11 |
sarnold | kevdog114: as I understood ubuntu for android (running ubuntu as an "application" on an android system), it's dead... ubuntu touch is very nearly 100% 'native ubuntu' on hardware itself | 02:11 |
sarnold | kevdog114: (at least with e.g. the nexus4 images, I think they start with an android kernel and then start fiddling with it) | 02:12 |
sarnold | kevdog114: .. when we get Real Hardware later this year, I don't know if it'll start with an android kernel or not. | 02:12 |
sarnold | kevdog114: I haven't heard of anyone messing up their phone to the point of not being able to get android back; the two dozen ubuntu images I've used on my nexus 4 all more or less worked okay | 02:13 |
kevdog114 | sarnold: Thanks for the info. Would you recommend installing Ubuntu Touch on my personal phone over Android (as I understand that's how it works)? or is it meant for developers at this point? | 02:13 |
sarnold | kevdog114: there are people who use ubuntu touch as their only cell phone, but it's probably still best considered for developers or strong enthusiasts | 02:14 |
sarnold | kevdog114: I'm not sure if the emergency dialer works yet, for example :) | 02:14 |
nhaines | "Ubuntu for Android" was a customization option for Android phone OEMs that was basically working, but no OEM picked it up. | 02:14 |
kevdog114 | sarnold: Alright, that's kind of what I thought. you mentioned something about later this year? is it becoming more 'consumer ready'? | 02:14 |
sarnold | kevdog114: yes, it's making pretty impressive gains each week :) | 02:15 |
nhaines | Ubuntu for phones is just called "Ubuntu" and is a standalone operating system that doesn't have anything to do with Android other than it does run the Android kernel in a container after Ubuntu boots--only so that Android hardware drivers can be reused if desired. | 02:15 |
nhaines | You can install Ubuntu on a Nexus 4, 7, 10, for development purposes. The Nexus 5 has some brilliant (but not perfect) community support too. | 02:16 |
nhaines | The only thing meant for non-developers are the Ubuntu phones being sold later this year by Meizu and BQ Readers. | 02:16 |
kevdog114 | sarnold, nhaines: that is pretty exciting! If I were to try to plan for the future, if I am getting a new phone soon, is there one that would maybe be "better" supported if I were to install it once it becomes "consumer ready"? | 02:17 |
sarnold | kevdog114: in that case you may wish to wait for the bq or the meizu phones when they ship | 02:17 |
nhaines | If you are getting a new phone soon, the only one that's going to have any kind of guarantee is the Meizu or BQ Ubuntu phones. | 02:17 |
nhaines | Example: Nexus 4 is the "reference" phone but they haven't been sold for over a year now. It's the only one supported. | 02:18 |
sarnold | kevdog114: (I sort of assume my nexus 4 won't be supported once we have meizu or bq devices, but I'll be sad about that...) | 02:18 |
nhaines | Canonical engineering claimed they'd start working on Nexus 5 support in June, but now say they never said any such thing. | 02:18 |
nhaines | sarnold: I assume that too. Canonical has said otherwise but I don't believe them. | 02:18 |
kevdog114 | Alright, I appreciate the help! So the way it sounds, a particular phone model has to have its own special build? | 02:19 |
nhaines | Yeah, due to the way ARM processors boot, unfortunately. :) | 02:19 |
sarnold | yeah :( | 02:20 |
nhaines | On the bright side, if you grab a Nexus 4 or Nexus 5, you can install MultiROM Manager and dual-boot. :) | 02:20 |
sarnold | yeah, that's the bright side of the nexus 4; once ubuntu drops support, it can become an android phone again | 02:20 |
kevdog114 | Alright, well that's too bad about needing a specific build... | 02:20 |
nhaines | Yup. But phones are coming soon. | 02:21 |
sarnold | time to walk the dog :) have fun | 02:21 |
nhaines | And the development branches are pretty nifty and can almost be used for every day stuff. But the retail builds are coming up quick and they'll be polished for sure. :) | 02:21 |
kevdog114 | Thanks for the help sarnold! | 02:21 |
nhaines | It's all based on Ubuntu 14.10. | 02:21 |
kevdog114 | So if I were to install one of the development branches on a phone, is that difficult? | 02:22 |
nhaines | It's fairly trivial. | 02:22 |
kevdog114 | And really the only requirement is that I need to get the right build for the phone I have? | 02:23 |
nhaines | Yup. So the trick is, only the Nexus devices have recent working builds as far as I know. :) | 02:24 |
nhaines | !devices | 02:24 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices | 02:24 |
nhaines | On account of it's kind of a bit of hard work to get everything running, and a lot of volunteers got so far and got bored or frustrated. | 02:24 |
kevdog114 | Oh okay, I think I am starting to understand all of this a little better. | 02:25 |
kevdog114 | nhaines: I really appreciate your help! | 02:25 |
nhaines | Thank you. It was my pleasure. :) | 02:25 |
nhaines | You can always use the emulator, too, if you just want to play with it a bit. | 02:26 |
nhaines | http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/sdk/tutorials/using-the-ubuntu-emulator/ | 02:26 |
kevdog114 | I was thinking of that. I have been using Ubuntu for several years now, and I was excited to try it out on a phone, but it sounds like the best option right now is to wait a little bit | 02:26 |
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dholbach | good morning | 07:02 |
nhaines | dholbach: good morning! | 07:18 |
dholbach | hi nhaines | 07:19 |
nhaines | How's your morning so far? | 07:19 |
dholbach | nhaines, thanks a lot - going well :) | 07:28 |
dholbach | can anyone have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/messaging-app/qmltests1/+merge/227661? what does it need to get landed? | 07:28 |
nhaines | dholbach: good to hear! I told a friend's kid a joke in German over the phone yesterday and he still understood it and laughed, so I feel accomplished. :) | 07:37 |
dholbach | wow - well done! what was the joke? | 07:37 |
nhaines | „Du, Vati“, sagt der Vierjährige, „ich möchte heiraten.“ | 07:37 |
nhaines | „So, wen denn?“ | 07:37 |
nhaines | „Die Oma.“ | 07:37 |
nhaines | „Aber du kannst doch nicht meine Mutter heiraten.“ | 07:37 |
nhaines | „Warum denn nicht? Du hast doch auch meine Mutter geheiratet.“ | 07:37 |
dholbach | haha, very good :) | 07:37 |
nhaines | I bought him a little joke book for a dollar at the used book store, and I'm trying to practice my German until I visit him again to give it to him. It was one of the few I can actually understand. | 07:38 |
nhaines | Humor in foreign languages is hard. :) | 07:38 |
Rienzilla | doh | 07:38 |
dholbach | it is :) | 07:40 |
nhaines | It was a little discouraging, I'll be like "Okay, I know each of these words, but..." >_> | 07:41 |
nhaines | But my little friend is twice the age and flew to Germany today to see his Oma again, so it seemed like the right one to tell. :) | 07:42 |
nhaines | I wish I knew anything about power management. I'd love to find out why my N5's backlight doesn't turn off when the screen sleeps. Used to work. But I also didn't note down when it started, so I can't bisect. | 07:42 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy SysAdmin Appreciation Day! :-D | 08:18 |
tvoss | mardy, good morning :) | 08:35 |
tvoss | mardy, review on https://code.launchpad.net/~thomas-voss/trust-store/fix-1347739 would be appreciated | 08:35 |
mardy | tvoss: works indeed, thanks :-) | 08:58 |
tvoss | mardy, ack and thanks | 08:59 |
mardy | tvoss: did you already decice which service names you'll use in the trust-store for camera and pulseaudio? | 09:00 |
mardy | *decide | 09:00 |
tvoss | mardy, nope, not yet ... I think CameraService and PulseAudio are quite intuitive | 09:00 |
tvoss | mardy, any thoughts? | 09:00 |
tvoss | mardy, it will be com.ubuntu.trost.store.CameraService and PulseAudio respectively | 09:01 |
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Matty | hello | 09:02 |
mandel | ogra_, can I ask you for a very simple cpp review -> https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/better-error-logging/+merge/227544 | 09:07 |
mandel | ogra_, it is adding a method to print better errors, nothing serious but it is something I'd like to land before rtm | 09:08 |
ogra_ | mandel, but that isnt logging by default all the time, is it ? | 09:11 |
ogra_ | (we try to reduce the disk writes due to logging atm) | 09:11 |
mandel | ogra_, it just adds the print when there is an error, so instead of adding a error 202 it says Network Error: not connection | 09:11 |
mandel | ogra_, will add more characters but it will not write more times than needed | 09:12 |
ogra_ | right, i see | 09:12 |
ogra_ | approved and top approved | 09:13 |
mandel | ogra_, \o/ | 09:14 |
mandel | ogra_, thx, it will make sergios and my life better when debugging :) | 09:14 |
ogra_ | :) | 09:14 |
bzoltan | mvo_: how to uncomit an empty change? | 09:43 |
ogra_ | with a lot of imagination ? | 09:48 |
mvo_ | bzoltan: heh, a good point | 09:52 |
mvo_ | bzoltan: I think you can use "bzr uncommit -r revision-number" | 09:53 |
bzoltan | ogra_: that one I have :) and nasty it is | 09:54 |
ogra_ | lol | 09:54 |
mvo_ | too much information ;) | 09:54 |
bzoltan | mvo_: I did `bzr uncommit -r 445` and as expected the bzr status shows no change. So the push returns "No new revisions or tags to push." | 09:56 |
mvo_ | bzoltan: hm, bzr push --overwrite ? | 09:57 |
ogra_ | you might need --overwrite | 09:57 |
mardy | tvoss: that sounds good, thanks | 10:02 |
bzoltan | mvo_: ogra_: Yeee, I made it :) the little Hungarian is happy now | 10:03 |
ogra_ | :D | 10:03 |
dpm | pitti, could we update the touch language packs? I've not checked myself, but translators have told me they haven't been updated since the first upload? We've got about 10 new languages over 70%, and it'd be good to get all those new translations in | 10:08 |
pitti | dpm: sure | 10:09 |
mvo_ | :) | 10:09 |
dpm | pitti, thanks. Do you need me to file a bug somewhere? | 10:09 |
pitti | dpm: it would be nice to have a new full export, but I can cobble one together from teh last base and delta | 10:09 |
pitti | dpm: ah no, that wouldn't work well with deltas | 10:10 |
pitti | dpm: would Mon/Tue be enough? | 10:10 |
dpm | pitti, I think so | 10:10 |
pitti | judging by the dates on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+language-packs we ought to get an export on Tuesday | 10:10 |
dpm | pitti, I'll make that a full export in any case | 10:11 |
pitti | dpm: already requested | 10:11 |
dpm | \o/ | 10:11 |
pitti | dpm: delta langpacks currenlty don't work with --threshold, as when you build a delta you don't have a meaningful measurement; but I have an idea how to handle that | 10:12 |
pitti | dpm: so I can sort that out this afternoon or on Monday | 10:12 |
dpm | ok | 10:12 |
bzoltan | mvo_: I have a possible silly if not disturbingly insane question. How can I make a static rootfs and turn it to be a valid schroot? So I do not want to install the packages to the chroot when it is created. I just want to dump over a directory structure. | 10:21 |
mvo_ | bzoltan: I'm not sure I get 100% what you ask, but you can simply unpack/copy something into /var/lib/schroot/chroots/, there is no need to build that chroot from packages (well, without packages some stuff won't work of course, but that is a different matter :) | 10:23 |
bzoltan | mvo_: the idea is to `apt-get install ubuntu-sdk-framework-proposed-1410` a static image what provides that sysroot instead of click create it | 10:27 |
mardy | tvoss: do you happen to have a basic implementation of a trusted helper using the trust-store, which I could use for testing? | 10:39 |
mandel | ogra_, do we have awk in the phone? | 10:40 |
tvoss | mardy, you are asking at the right point in time :) let me introduce you to the trust-stored | 10:40 |
mardy | \o/ | 10:41 |
ogra_ | mandel, sure | 10:41 |
mandel | ogra_, I love utouch :) | 10:41 |
ogra_ | :) | 10:41 |
mandel | ogra_, weird question, do you know how can I get the phones imei, firmware and manufacturer? | 11:03 |
ogra_ | mandel, hmm, not sure you should be able to get it from the properties (getprop) | 11:09 |
mandel | ogra_, what dbus interface and path are those?? I'll investigate :) | 11:09 |
ogra_ | not sure there is a dbus interface | 11:10 |
mandel | ogra_, also, you are muuuuuch better than me with shell, can you tell me how terrible is this => http://paste.ubuntu.com/7854730/ | 11:10 |
mandel | ogra_, is an upstart job that requires a number of env vars to be set and always be there even if empty | 11:10 |
ogra_ | mandel, well, these env vars wont be available outside of what you start in this job | 11:12 |
mandel | ogra_, yes, that is intended :) | 11:12 |
mandel | ogra_, just for those two exec | 11:12 |
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ogra_ | mandel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7855018/ .... so you dont need to fiddle with temp files for this | 11:42 |
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ogra_ | mandel, oh, and drop the sudo from the gdbus call ... | 12:11 |
ogra_ | (only just noticed that) | 12:12 |
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mhall119 | mandel: can you join #ubuntu-touch-meeting for the trojita meeting? | 13:00 |
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mterry | slangasek, I saw your comments about sed'ing pam.d files. Agreed that it was a solution of convenience given the image-build nature of the script. I'll file/assign a bug to me to do that proper | 13:07 |
mterry | slangasek, thanks for pushing the branch in though! | 13:07 |
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kenvandine | jgdx, mind doing a review for me? | 13:28 |
kenvandine | https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/sound_panel/+merge/228227 | 13:28 |
jgdx | kenvandine, sure thing | 13:30 |
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jgdx | kenvandine, seeing http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7855889/ | 13:39 |
kenvandine | jgdx, i wasn't... | 13:39 |
kenvandine | but i only ran it on my device | 13:39 |
jgdx | kenvandine, nothing in logs? | 13:40 |
kenvandine | jgdx, i just confirmed, not seeing those on the device | 13:45 |
kenvandine | those are weird warnings, since those lines refer to anchors within the same component | 13:48 |
kenvandine | jgdx, do you have the latest qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-settings-components | 13:49 |
kenvandine | jgdx, i have 0.3+14.10.20140708-0ubuntu1 | 13:50 |
jgdx | kenvandine, 0.3+14.10.20140708-0ubuntu1 | 13:51 |
kenvandine | weird | 13:51 |
jgdx | kenvandine, think I have some old pkgs though, let me try again. | 13:51 |
kenvandine | i also don't get that on the desktop | 13:51 |
kenvandine | jgdx, does the slider work for you? | 13:52 |
kenvandine | do you see the icons on each side? | 13:52 |
jgdx | kenvandine, yep | 13:57 |
jgdx | (to both) | 13:57 |
kenvandine | jgdx, great... dunno about those warnings though :) | 14:01 |
jgdx | kenvandine, don't you have a double binding right now? | 14:08 |
jgdx | kenvandine, L43 and L49 do the same thing, and that might produce the warning (L43) | 14:08 |
kenvandine | jgdx, L49 is probably not needed, but that warning you saw was in the anchors of the Slider component | 14:10 |
kenvandine | so just layout stuff, nothing value related | 14:10 |
* kenvandine tests without that | 14:10 | |
kenvandine | jgdx, i can remove L49 | 14:12 |
jgdx | kenvandine, right. I added inline comments | 14:13 |
kenvandine | i pushed it | 14:13 |
kenvandine | enabled: soundActionGroup.volume.state != null | 14:17 |
kenvandine | jgdx, maybe that? | 14:17 |
jgdx | kenvandine, a right, that makes more sense | 14:17 |
jgdx | would still produce warnings though, is that qml element docced somewhere? | 14:18 |
jgdx | the QDBusActionGroup | 14:18 |
Chipaca | Laney: tvoss: tedg: could you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/just-the-touch-settings/+merge/228317 please? | 14:18 |
Chipaca | Laney: tvoss: tedg: this will let us unblock the push notifications preferences work which is bitrotting right now | 14:19 |
kenvandine | jgdx, i just read the source :) | 14:20 |
kenvandine | jgdx, this is consistent with how it's used in the battery plugin | 14:20 |
jgdx | kenvandine, hehe, ack | 14:21 |
kenvandine | jgdx, pushed | 14:21 |
jgdx | kenvandine, +1d, thanks | 14:22 |
kenvandine | thank you | 14:23 |
jgdx | kenvandine, could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/1319044-carrier-design-dual-sim/+merge/227318 ? | 14:24 |
jgdx | kenvandine, shortly folllwing this branch is a cleanup of the SIM naming + sim name editor. | 14:24 |
kenvandine | jgdx, i approved it | 14:26 |
kenvandine | will get it in a silo after the current one is published | 14:26 |
jgdx | kenvandine, kay, thank you | 14:27 |
jgdx | anyone else having troubles with sbuild? Maybe my chroot is borken? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7856233/ | 14:28 |
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kenvandine | jgdx, not me | 14:32 |
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kenvandine | jgdx, i spoke too soon... my rebuild of silo 2 got hosed... same error! | 14:33 |
pmcgowan | kenvandine, silos are busted | 14:33 |
ogra_ | the whole day already .... | 14:34 |
ogra_ | we had a small window where they built | 14:34 |
kenvandine | pmcgowan, same error jgdx is having with sbuild | 14:34 |
jgdx | ^ and kenvandine | 14:34 |
kenvandine | sigh... i have so many things to land :/ | 14:34 |
ogra_ | yeah, chroots are screwed | 14:34 |
taiebot | Waouh r149 looks very nice. the font looks more sharper. it is so much easier to read. :) It looks like videos have glitches around them in the web browser when you rotate the phone | 14:34 |
pmcgowan | they are updating them now | 14:34 |
ogra_ | kenvandine, i was pondering to tell you i'd do a separate landing for the deps ... :( | 14:34 |
pmcgowan | jgdx, see #ci, need to upgrade then chroot | 14:35 |
ogra_ | they dont break anything | 14:35 |
pmcgowan | the | 14:35 |
kenvandine | ogra_, yeah... i didn't realize the build would fail :/ | 14:35 |
ogra_ | me neither | 14:35 |
ogra_ | the chroots were working for a while | 14:35 |
kenvandine | is there an eta? | 14:36 |
ogra_ | kenvandine, but worst case (if it holds you back to long) just lland 02 as is, i'll take care for the dep changes later | 14:36 |
jgdx | pmcgowan, ack | 14:37 |
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barry | is anybody available to do some confirmation testing on the new system-image release? | 15:11 |
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davmor2 | barry: I'd love to help you out but I'm currently preping a device for dogfooding 150, I can possible help you out on a flo or manta after that though | 15:36 |
barry | davmor2: that would be great. | 15:36 |
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pmcgowan | barry, hi, running tests with system-image, scenario A worked fine, am trying Test B and its not seeing the system update | 16:07 |
pmcgowan | barry, I edited the file and opened settings, did not restart anything | 16:08 |
barry | pmcgowan: can you take a look at the log file? | 16:14 |
barry | pmcgowan: it wfm, but i will try it again from scratch | 16:15 |
barry | pmcgowan: another thing to watch out for is whether system-image-dbus is running. you'll need to restart it for every test | 16:17 |
taiebot | mm it looks like unity does not start on r150 i am on black screen | 16:29 |
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pmcgowan | barry, hey | 16:48 |
pmcgowan | log has this at the end | 16:48 |
pmcgowan | [systemimage] Jul 25 16:06:33 2014 (1611) test and acquire checking lock | 16:48 |
pmcgowan | [systemimage] Jul 25 16:06:33 2014 (1611) checking lock not acquired | 16:48 |
pmcgowan | [systemimage] Jul 25 16:16:33 2014 (1611) SystemImage dbus main loop exited | 16:48 |
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pmcgowan | barry, I manually set it to 148 so it should have seen 149, now it sees a 149 to 150 update | 16:51 |
pmcgowan | barry, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7857336/ | 16:51 |
pmcgowan | seems it should see a 148 to 150 update | 16:52 |
barry | pmcgowan: if it can't acquire the lock, that means a -dbus process is already doing the check. it should show up in the ui that there's an update available | 16:58 |
pmcgowan | barry, the ui is now showing me an update, but its 149 to 150 since 150 just built | 16:59 |
pmcgowan | not from 148 which is what I put in the ini file | 16:59 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, dont upgrade though ! | 16:59 |
ogra_ | 150 is broken | 16:59 |
pmcgowan | right | 16:59 |
pmcgowan | saw that thanks | 16:59 |
barry | oh yikes, mine is updating to 150. no worries, i'll reflash it | 17:00 |
barry | pmcgowan: if you set the file to 148, that means it's "at" 148, so upgrading to 150 makes sense | 17:00 |
pmcgowan | barry, but check the log it says 149 to 150 | 17:00 |
pmcgowan | so its ignoring 148 | 17:00 |
barry | but you can always verify this with `system-image-cli --info` and `system-image-cli --dry-run` | 17:00 |
cwayne | on a fresh flash, tapping 'abut this phone' in settings doesnt do anything.. | 17:00 |
barry | pmcgowan: yep, that's expected. the message might be misleading, but the "Upgrade path" log info doesn't include the version your device is at | 17:02 |
pmcgowan | barry, ok, so the original problem is after changing that file it did not see an update available, per test B | 17:02 |
pmcgowan | barry, seems test B scenario is wrong | 17:02 |
pmcgowan | cwayne, thats not good, what does log say | 17:03 |
barry | pmcgowan: okay, let me try this: i am going to flash to 149, hack the file to 148 and then try to check for an update from the ui | 17:03 |
ogra_ | cwayne, are you sure or is it just slow ? | 17:03 |
pmcgowan | cwayne, what image? | 17:04 |
barry | on channel ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed of course | 17:04 |
ogra_ | cwayne, (i noticed it is slow on my flo (15 seconds) ... but fast on mako (3 seconds) at times ) | 17:04 |
pmcgowan | 150 doesnt have any relevant changes I can see | 17:04 |
ogra_ | in system--settings ? | 17:05 |
ogra_ | nope | 17:05 |
ogra_ | pmcgowan, i noticed slowness that over the last few images on my flo ... after a fresh flash it behaves normally again | 17:05 |
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ogra_ | *slowness like that | 17:05 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, well good it works again | 17:05 |
pmcgowan | but wonder why | 17:06 |
ogra_ | well, there is definitely something going on | 17:06 |
ogra_ | and it seems to be totally random, some images are really slow with the about button, others just work | 17:06 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, and always on flo? | 17:07 |
ogra_ | for me always on flo | 17:07 |
ogra_ | i heave heard people talking about teh same thing on mako before | 17:07 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, hmm | 17:07 |
ogra_ | but have never seen it myself | 17:08 |
ogra_ | cwayne, is that mako, flo or manta ? | 17:08 |
pmcgowan | we could selectively comment qml to see what may trigger it | 17:08 |
pmcgowan | we recently added the ofono call for the phone number | 17:08 |
ogra_ | it doesnt print anything in the log | 17:08 |
cwayne | ogra_: mako, 150 | 17:08 |
pmcgowan | seems like a timeout somehwere | 17:08 |
* ogra_ was staring at that for a week now when implementing developer mode | 17:08 | |
pmcgowan | cwayne, log? | 17:09 |
ogra_ | cwayne, 3sec on flo for me with 150 | 17:09 |
ogra_ | (134 that i developerd on had the 15second delay for it) | 17:09 |
cwayne | ogra_: its been a minute now | 17:09 |
ogra_ | cwayne, yeah, thats definitely wrong | 17:10 |
ogra_ | weird | 17:10 |
ogra_ | i doubt you will see anything in the log though | 17:10 |
cwayne | nothing in the log | 17:10 |
ogra_ | rigth | 17:10 |
pmcgowan | cwayne, is the process spinning? | 17:10 |
ogra_ | and the system-settings landings are all not in any image yet ... | 17:10 |
ogra_ | (there are a bunch that should hit 151) | 17:11 |
ogra_ | (or even 152) | 17:11 |
cwayne | oh jesus, you know what -- i think my hardware's broken | 17:11 |
cwayne | i can't seem to get any touch events on the bottom .5inches of my n4 | 17:11 |
ogra_ | really ? | 17:11 |
pmcgowan | hmm | 17:11 |
cwayne | yeah | 17:11 |
cwayne | let me try on my n5 | 17:12 |
cwayne | yeah, works there (on 149 though) | 17:13 |
cwayne | i think my n4 is officially busticated | 17:13 |
pmcgowan | reboot? | 17:14 |
pmcgowan | maybe screen calibration got foobar | 17:14 |
ogra_ | cwayne, system-settings can fipl 180° ... | 17:19 |
ogra_ | *flip | 17:19 |
ogra_ | just turn your mako around | 17:19 |
cwayne | ogra_: lolt hat worked | 17:20 |
daker | guys, image 150 is broken ? | 17:21 |
ogra_ | daker, yes | 17:22 |
daker | :( | 17:22 |
daker | black screen | 17:22 |
ogra_ | daker, adb shell ... mount -o remount,rw / && vi /etc/system-image/writable-path .... add the changes from http://paste.ubuntu.com/7857334/ ... mount -o remount,ro / && reboot | 17:23 |
daker | ok | 17:23 |
cwayne | do you need to do the last mount? | 17:23 |
ogra_ | (writable-paths actually ... not path) | 17:24 |
ogra_ | cwayne, i usually do it so shutdown doesnt write any files where they shouldnt be | 17:24 |
ogra_ | (you never know) | 17:24 |
daker | ogra_: this will break OTA updates ? | 17:24 |
ogra_ | daker, nope, what makes you think that ? | 17:24 |
daker | ogra_: making things writable | 17:25 |
ogra_ | daker, but you only edit one file and make it ro again | 17:25 |
ogra_ | (and the file will be exactly the same in 151) | 17:25 |
daker | ogra_: ah ok | 17:26 |
barry | pmcgowan: can you pastebin or otherwise post the full client.log? | 17:27 |
pmcgowan | barry, how bout I email it over | 17:28 |
pmcgowan | sent | 17:29 |
barry | pmcgowan: got it, thanks | 17:29 |
barry | pmcgowan: one thing i've noticed is that when my device boots up, it seems like system-image-dbus is already running. not sure why (probably gets dbus activated by system-settings or some such). i'll update the test plan, but this process really needs to be sigterm'd before the packages can be updated and the test plan executed | 17:45 |
pmcgowan | barry, I dont see it running here when I enter settings | 17:46 |
pmcgowan | or when I run the system-image-cli checks | 17:47 |
barry | hmm. interesting. as soon as i get a shell after a reboot of r149, the process is running for me | 17:47 |
pmcgowan | I can see what happens on a reboot | 17:48 |
pmcgowan | barry, fwiw I am testing on a manta | 17:48 |
barry | pmcgowan: me too | 17:49 |
pmcgowan | barry, rebooted and its running | 17:51 |
barry | pmcgowan: yeah. i don't know why that is, but the process has to be sigterm'd for the rest of test b to work | 17:52 |
barry | (i.e. clean state) | 17:52 |
MoPac | Hello. I am thinking about buying a hybrid originally made to ship with Windows (the HP Envy x360). The one store I tried that actually had one (Best Buy) wouldn't let me boot from a USB stick to try U14.04 out. Are there any questions I can ask HP or specifications I can read about a system... | 17:52 |
MoPac | ...that might be indicative of whether Ubuntu Touch fucntions will generally be able to work or not? | 17:52 |
barry | pmcgowan: i've tried it several times, and if i'm careful (i.e. killing the process, etc). i can get test plan b to work each time. if it's still failing for you, perhaps you could try the other tests and see how they turn out? | 17:54 |
MoPac | I'm not sure if the sensor data from touch screens and orientation sensors is very fragmented right now between OEMs. Are they all pretty much sending the same ACPI or whatever signals in the same format? Or is Ubuntu having to add drivers for each new system that comes out? | 17:55 |
pmcgowan | barry, I guess the problem is I need to wait for 151 or it will hose me | 17:55 |
barry | pmcgowan: probably not a bad idea ;) | 17:55 |
pmcgowan | MoPac, good questions, not sure if any is here to help on that | 17:55 |
MoPac | pmcgowan: Is there any good place to ask a question like that? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices deosn't really seem to be the right forum | 17:59 |
pmcgowan | check this list http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/models/?query=envy&category=Desktop&category=Laptop&release=&level=Any | 18:00 |
pmcgowan | lots of ENvy models certified | 18:00 |
MoPac | pmcgowan: Ah, that's more recent than I thought -- most of the models I've found on that list have usually been years out of date; thatnks for getting me to look at it again | 18:01 |
pmcgowan | MoPac, sure, not sure the hybrid is there or not, but its promising | 18:02 |
MoPac | pmcgowan: It isn't, but yes, that's fairly promising. One thing it may not indicate, though, is whether the sensor data for orientation or configuration (like the state that deactivates the keyboard because it's beeen folded out) would work | 18:03 |
pmcgowan | yeah that I doubt | 18:04 |
MoPac | One other thing I was wondering about that's more generic to Ubuntu Touch: is touchscreen sensitivity usually easy to configure at a software level? | 18:04 |
MoPac | I really want a hybrid tablet that I can write on. In a store, a screen might seem awful for writing because it's smoothing out my quick fine movements of a stylus into straight lines or ignoring them. But I can't alter admin settings in Windows or try booting Linux. So do you guys know if upping the sensitivity and relaxing the jitter dampening is something that you can just do for any screen... | 18:06 |
MoPac | ...in Ubuntu? Or, again, is it something that requires messing with each individual screen differently through its own drivers? | 18:07 |
Gallomimia | hey think ubuntu touch would run well on a tablet with half a gig of ram? | 18:13 |
Gallomimia | i seem to remember hearing requirements are a full gig | 18:13 |
sergiusens | Gallomimia: that's true | 18:14 |
sergiusens | 1Gb | 18:14 |
Gallomimia | too bad. i got a line on some 7" tablets for 75 bucks each. quad core, half gig only :( | 18:15 |
mhall119 | bzoltan: after getting my scope installed, I can see it and open it,but I don't see any results, looking at the code it appears that there should be some place-holder results being added by the template, what might I be doing wrong? | 19:26 |
mhall119 | cwayne: ^^ | 19:26 |
dobey | is it not possible to set a Button in qml as insensitive? | 19:49 |
kenvandine | dobey, i think you can, the property is enabled | 19:52 |
dobey | oh | 19:52 |
sergiusens | kenvandine: tedg random question; but how does url-dispatcher deal with conflicts? | 19:53 |
sergiusens | as in same protocol and domain handling by two different clicks | 19:54 |
kenvandine | sergiusens, sorry, dunno... ted ^^ | 19:54 |
dobey | ted is away until aug 4 | 19:54 |
Fishscene2 | Am I still in this room? | 19:56 |
dobey | apparently not | 19:58 |
dobey | why is it so incredibly hard to get an item centered horizontally inside a column | 20:18 |
jgdx | Do 60 seconds and autopilot test suites have anything in common? | 21:02 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
tomdp | Has anyone else experienced a broken display in ubuntu-emulator? When I run it, the display is divided into a few bars, each offset a bit, with garbage from other parts of the screen, or previous parts of it, or even parts of ubuntu touch's display. I've tested it on 2 different Xubuntu 14.04 machines. | 22:46 |
daker | ogra_: can't ssh to the device anymore : chown: invalid user: ‘phablet:phablet’ | 22:55 |
daker | well adb shell works | 22:56 |
slangasek | daker: you need to update to image 151; the previous image had a broken user migration | 23:11 |
daker | slangasek: yes managed to update via system-image-cli | 23:13 |
slangasek | ok, so once updated phablet:phablet should no longer be invalid | 23:13 |
slangasek | if it is, that's a previously unidentified bug | 23:13 |
daker | phablet:phablet is valide now | 23:14 |
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