
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
mappsgang related was good05:55
Myrttigrocery store close to the university buildings where they hold an annual Roleplaying Convention in Finland advertises: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t1.0-9/10530719_10152334453113661_7916478887435041425_n.jpg06:13
mappsa banana:D06:15
Myrttialso it says on the bottom their _gates_ are open 24h06:17
Myrttioooh I just realised I have milk, so I can make coffee!06:45
diploMorning all07:23
SuperMatthttp://sysadminday.com/ loooool07:33
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy SysAdmin Appreciation Day! :-D08:18
bashrctop of the morning08:23
foobarrywhat can i do with a bunch of xml results from an api call to make them look nice on a web page?08:33
foobarryaha http://www.w3schools.com/xml/tryit.asp?filename=tryxml_display_table08:34
JamesTaitfoobarry, apply xslt08:39
foobarrythanks , i'll check it08:40
JamesTaitfoobarry, I'm scouring my bookmarks, I think I have a link to a good reference and tutorial.08:41
foobarryhttp://www.w3schools.com/xsl/xsl_transformation.asp looks ok08:42
JamesTaitfoobarry, that'll just about cover it. :)08:46
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:58
foobarryargh ubuntu.iso doesn't fit on 1Gb usb stick09:00
SuperMattobligatory xkcd post for the day09:09
foobarryworringly firefox shows the xml+xslt but chrome doesn't09:13
foobarryah, a "security geature"09:15
SuperMattgotta love those geatures09:23
davmor2bigcalm: do an update on 12.04 you should be able to upgrade after that :)09:30
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
foobarryhmm. i can't do stuff with <description>test</description> but if i have a line <status id="2" name="Open"/>09:33
foobarrythen the examples don't cover that :(09:33
xnoxi just made crispy bacon in the microwave oven.... this changes everything =)09:39
JamesTaitMmmm, bacon.09:43
foobarrybeen too scared to09:49
foobarrywhat's the recipe?09:49
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:54
bigcalmdavmor2: okay09:54
davmor2MooDoo: I know how to fix your no work email issue, start your new job already :P09:56
foobarryfixed my xml issues with the help of an internet stranger \o/10:02
davmor2foobarry: or so you think, in reality he was a hacker who wanted access to your machine and you just invited him in ;)10:32
foobarryi conversed over irc10:33
davmor2foobarry: oh well that makes them saints obviously, cause nobody on irc would be cruel.......hunter2 :D10:35
davmor2foobarry: I'm only teasing :)  Glad to hear you got it sorted, but now you are ever so slightly paranoid right ;)10:35
foobarryhe did ask me to type {}{}{}:)::(:(_:}{{}10:36
foobarryif thats the forkbomb code then its a zillion to one chance10:37
davmor2bigcalm: you'll appreciate this https://soundcloud.com/neilcic/mouthsilence10:47
bigcalmWhat the hell?10:50
bigcalmVery well done10:51
foobarrywhat the heck was taht noise10:58
foobarryits like an audio version of twitter10:58
davmor2foobarry: just keep listening it gets weirder11:01
bigcalmAww, they censored the NIN track :(11:06
davmor2bigcalm: you got to the LoveShack to the wrong music?11:13
bigcalm11:54 is where I'm at11:13
bigcalmHaving to stop-start due to work11:13
bigcalmNow it's time for lunch!11:13
davmor2bigcalm: booo11:13
diddledanwtf am I listening to?11:14
davmor2diddledan: is it melting your brain yet?11:31
diddledandavmor2: I gave up11:31
davmor2this is works I have no idea how http://factsvillage.com/dancing-spiderman-gif/11:33
bigcalmI could imagine deadpool dancing like that11:42
jpdsdavmor2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wga5A6R9BJg11:44
Myrttiif you didn't know already, apparently right now during ComicCon you can try out the Marvel archive thing for .99USD11:44
Myrttiit's a subscription normally for a tenner11:45
diddledanI think I need eyebleach after that video11:48
davmor2jpds: you need help :D11:49
Myrttioh so that's where that one gif comes from11:51
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foobarrymark hamill looks like hes been living on a fishing boat for 30yrs12:12
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
jpdsdavmor2: you were the one with the dance GIF.13:13
davmor2jpds: only cause it landed in my inbox on google plus13:15
foobarrytrying to find something on the internet that i can only remember few details of.13:16
foobarryshort story, possibly true, about a guy who lost his job but just went into a spare office and persauded them he was the area manager now13:16
foobarryah, what a stroke of luck13:18
mappshey all14:06
mappsracing on mondayD14:10
mappslast evening racing of the summer at uttoxeter14:10
mappshope its sunny14:10
diddledanit's raining! :-o14:13
penguin42no it's not14:14
mappsshame the trains are so rubbish14:15
mappslast train 21;07 last race 20;5514:15
mappsprobab;y have to miss last race:<14:15
diddledanit's also thunderising14:17
davmor2this made my friday http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/comedy/10985111/British-inventor-builds-giant-fart-machine-to-fire-at-France.html14:23
daftykinsmapps: did you see my link to the screenshot i took of android on the VPN? :>14:30
daftykinsfoobarry: heh this tale is amusing so far14:31
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=== alan_g|ea is now known as alan_g|tea
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foobarryMyrtti: my wife is going to a yarn and spinning show tomorrow,14:51
foobarrythink its near bedford14:51
penguin42not my type of fibre14:53
foobarryi have fibre to the cupboard at home14:53
foobarryand to the bedroom14:53
Myrttithank god I don't have drivers licence14:53
Myrttior a car14:53
foobarryshe will buy a kromksi wheel if its discounted14:53
foobarryshe borrowed one a month ago14:53
foobarryand has been beavering away14:54
foobarrylooks right up your street this show14:54
foobarrydoes mr Myrtti drive?14:55
MyrttiI'm not sure I'd dare to ask him to waste his day there...14:56
daftykinsthat's what trains are for14:56
Myrttidaftykins: I'm not going to waste 4hours in a train to get there and 4hours to get back, if the trip is 36miles by car.14:59
foobarrythan a half hour journey15:00
foobarry1hr round trip , mr Myrtti could do it15:00
daftykinsah, car mentality.15:02
davmor2Myrtti: fly you must have a local airport :D15:04
foobarrytrain is good for point to pint15:04
penguin42problem with airports is the hour of security queuing, and then you have to add another 30min-hour extra time just in case, and you end up having to turn up 2 hours before it's due, so it takes longer than the train journey15:09
daftykinsfoobarry: haha, was that a genuine pub reference? :>15:12
davmor2JamesTait: Hey dude does that mean you were one of the fools on the dancefloor square dancing to Cotton Eye Joe?15:21
JamesTaitdavmor2, doesn't sound like the kind of thing I'd do.15:22
davmor2JamesTait: So that that's a yes but only after enough drink :D15:23
JamesTaitdavmor2, maybe 20 years ago....15:24
davmor2JamesTait: It would of been 20 years ago :P15:25
davmor2JamesTait: 199415:25
* JamesTait feels he's missed something important somewhere.15:25
davmor2JamesTait: You were on about how Startrekking took you back to student days So it dawned on me you would party going night cluber in the early-mid 90's :)15:27
JamesTaitdavmor2, not Startrekking, the other one.  High state of Consciousness or whatever.15:28
daftykinssuper cheap 2 x 1TB NAS there15:28
davmor2JamesTait: oh yes15:28
davmor2Josh wink higher state of consciousness15:28
JamesTaitI'm pretty sure I wasn't dancing to Cotton Eye Joe at Uni though.15:28
JamesTaitOnly the 6th Form leaver's do.15:29
davmor2I knew you'd be dancing to it somewhere :D15:29
JamesTaitPossinly with my chemistry teacher.15:29
davmor2JamesTait: Please say she was a woman15:30
JamesTaitWe were her first class.15:30
davmor2JamesTait: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh15:30
JamesTaitShe wasn't prepared for how gutted she'd feel that we were leaving.15:30
JamesTaitShe got very tearful at the end of the night, bless her.15:30
davmor2JamesTait: I'm currently listening to Robert miles Children15:33
daftykinsnow there's a blast from the past, the ol' instrumental track15:36
JamesTaitdavmor2, name rings a bell.  I remember the entire world going ga-ga over it.  Can't bring the song to mind, though, my brain keeps playing Tubular Bells.15:36
daftykins:D quick piano work, was that one15:36
daftykinsor more keyboard, really15:37
JamesTaitdavmor2, indeed.  :)15:38
JamesTaitdaftykins, even.15:38
JamesTaitThis heat is getting to me.15:38
davmor2JamesTait: there was that and Mark snows X-files music at similar times15:39
daftykinsmmm, i woke up in a 27 deg C bedroom15:39
daftykinsnot nice at all15:39
davmor2daftykins: could of been worse, could of been a 72 deg C bedroom in which case the place is likely on fire15:40
daftykinsi wonder if the cat would wake me in such a case15:40
davmor2daftykins: no it would just leg it15:41
JamesTaitdaftykins, it would wake you if it were hungry.15:41
davmor2oh moby extreme ways nice15:43
davmor2I should hit shuffle on rhythmbox more often now into all along the watchtower :D15:50
daftykinsit's great until you go from really light, to really heavy15:50
daftykinsor it starts playing that thing you don't know because you've intended to get around to trying it but never quite did15:51
davmor2daftykins: Most of my music is 70's 80's and early 90's with the odd bit from 2000's there is no such thing as too heavy ;)15:53
daftykinsi've been on the Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and so on a lot of late15:55
davmor2oh dirty diana and now back in black16:02
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=== Krenair_ is now known as Krenair
daftykinsI've been operating on laptops again :)18:20
penguin42ah yes, I think I see your problem, look closely at the right on image 1218:33
diddledanyeah, it looks like it's got the vista defect18:36
daftykinsit's running ubuntu 12.04 :>18:37
daftykinshorrible, horrible design... LCD off to get the motherboard out18:38
mappsurgh tpp hpt and sticky here19:00
penguin42here as well19:02
mappsits hard to feel like doing anything19:04
mappsdont wanna sit at my pc..dont wanna watch tv19:04
daftykinsone cannot sleep in this! ;)19:09
mappsman thats hard in this heat19:10
mappsi wakeip 2-3x and hot as19:10
mappscant open windows too much traffic19:10
daftykinsah much improved temps19:13
daftykinshey mapps check out this surgery - ;) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sdew7skkm4nqvtu/AAA0XrUF4J0Cd2pmw3lSCaZ6a19:14
foobarrygot a possible corrupted fs19:15
foobarry mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt/usb/19:16
foobarrymount: you must specify the filesystem type19:16
foobarryis there anything like e2fsck for ext4?19:16
foobarryif indeed it is ext4 :S the label just say linux19:17
daftykinsdo you not always specify the fs? i do19:17
daftykins"mount -t ext4 /dev/sdd1 /mnt/usb"19:17
* penguin42 doesn't normally - it normally figures it out19:20
foobarrymount -t ext4 /dev/sdd1 /mnt/usb19:20
foobarrymount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so19:20
foobarry[ 3253.906616] EXT4-fs (sdd1): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem19:20
penguin42foobarry: fsck should check it and run the ext4 fsck19:21
penguin42foobarry: so just do fsck /dev/sdd1 - are you sure it's sdd1 ?19:21
foobarryfsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...19:21
foobarryfsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdd119:21
foobarryThe superblock could not be read or does not describe a valid ext2/ext3/ext419:21
foobarry/dev/sdd1            2048   156249999    78123976   83  Linux19:21
foobarryit was working before i unmounted it and brought it home from work :(19:22
foobarrye2fsck -b 32768 /dev/sdd119:22
foobarrye2fsck 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)19:22
foobarrye2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdd119:22
foobarryPartition Table: msdos19:23
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
foobarrynah that was not true19:24
penguin42foobarry: Go back a step, check /proc/partitions to see what you think is your device is there and the right size19:24
foobarryyep its there19:25
penguin42damn, the simple things are always easier19:27
penguin42foobarry: ok, does fdisk  onthe device show you what you expect19:27
foobarryinstalling testdisk19:27
foobarryand crying19:27
foobarry*may not be crying19:27
penguin42if it was a physically bad disk it would be moaning in the log19:29
foobarrythats why i think corrupt fs19:32
foobarrytestdisk is listing the files!19:32
penguin42what did you do to it last?19:32
foobarryunmounted and put in my bag19:33
penguin42oh well, if you're going to do dangerous things like that19:35
foobarryslaps penguin42 with a fish19:35
foobarrystrangely testdisk sees the partition and files19:36
* penguin42 grabs it19:40
daftykinslove this HP's ubuntu install19:40
daftykins"723 packages can be updated"19:40
daftykins"318 updates are security updates"19:40
penguin42daftykins: We do get lots of updates19:41
daftykinsthis person's never done one XD19:41
foobarrythankyou Jesus and testdisk19:42
foobarry74G   56G   14G  81% /mnt/usb19:44
davmor2daftykins: set it to autoupdate security updates19:46
foobarryther's a package for that19:46
davmor2foobarry: what Myrtti said19:47
foobarrythat it be19:47
daftykinsdavmor2: it's being wiped19:48
daftykinsnow i've fixed it, it's miiiiine19:48
daftykinsalthough it has a broken DVD drive19:49
davmor2daftykins: back to windows vista then right?19:49
daftykinsugh, i'd rather not install that :)19:49
daftykinsi'm not sure what to do with it, a 1.9GHz Athlon 64 X2 with 2GB RAM isn't all that19:49
davmor2foobarry: or via http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/screenshots-desktop/autoupdate.png19:51
davmor2Damn Stairway to Heaven is a good track19:51
Jay_does one of you guys know if there is a way to add a dummy option (one that will not be used by a program) to a shell cmd line. So that you could more easily track the process via PS19:52
penguin42which process?19:52
penguin42Jay_: A lot of processes ignore stuff after --   or at least don't treat them as options any more19:53
Jay_But would it still appear if looking for it via ps aux | grep19:53
foobarryJay_: can you give a more concrete example19:54
foobarrythey may be a better way19:54
foobarrye.g using the alias command19:54
Jay_for example, for any process you could add - - id 12345678919:54
foobarrywhy not just track the pid?19:54
Jay_then you could find the id of the previously launch process by doing ps aux | grep 12345678919:55
Jay_sometimes when you launch a program by cmd line19:55
Jay_the process id often changes19:55
foobarrydo you mean a shell script that spawns a new one?19:55
foobarrythey will have the same parent id19:55
Jay_I mean if I launch a program via a python script with Popen for example19:56
Jay_subprocess module will report a different pid, for example 450; when the actual pid is 45119:56
penguin42Jay_: pstree is one thing that helps19:57
foobarrycheck the PPID column19:57
Jay_Didn't think of that, gonna look into it, thanks!19:59
foobarrylong daddy day with teh kids tomorrow20:01
foobarrynighty night all20:01
DJonesAlanBell: Might be interesting read (assuming your still on irc) https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/elibrary/case/toulouse-saves-1-million-euro-libreoffice20:10
* DJones reminds himself, never go shopping with your wife, it gets expensive when it comes to cars20:21
penguin42ohoh, what did you buy?20:23
mappsanyone got any idea why my shoutcast is still showing my old ip for streamurl from sc_trans_basic.conf ..edited the file checked etc20:31
mapps94.193.78.219 ismy old ip streamurl now set to my dyndns20:32
zleapok anyone here remember windows 3.121:27
Myrtti3.11 for Networks21:28
zleaphttp://wiki.tcl.tk/8595 -21:28
zleapsorry wrong link21:28
zleapMyrtti, http://zleap.net/dosbox-and-win3-1/21:28
zleap3 seconds to load21:28
zleapi think21:29
zleapMyrtti, my next task is to test on the pi21:51
MyrttiI've been fiddling with irssi theming agani21:53
Myrtticompiled the RC few days back, it's got 256 color support21:54
Myrttidecided to redo an old theme of mine that ten years ago I wished I had had 256 colours in my use21:54
Myrttiit looks absolutely horrid, but so does the original21:55
zleapok pi + dosbox + win3.122:03
Myrttismile, you're on a screenshot!22:19
Myrttihttps://flic.kr/p/osV65o :-D22:22
mappsdo i go out tonight or not22:28
penguin42Myrtti: well, it's an interesting colour scheme you have22:31
daftykinstoo much pink!22:34
penguin42ah, yes, it's getting there - have you considered changing the background?22:36
Myrttiwhy would I, I love my Studio Ghibli one ♥ http://imgur.com/gallery/wTApy22:36
penguin42yellow should help in your aim22:36
penguin42no, I meant of the irc terminal22:36
Myrttino, black is fine.22:36
penguin42but it's far too readable22:36
MyrttiI'm not a total idiot... it even works if tmux isn't playing ball22:37
Myrttithen it looks almost like my old roses.theme22:37
dwatkinsanyone in the UK around who could run a get_iplayer command for me, please?22:49
dwatkinsget_iplayer --pid p02169t022:49
dwatkinsI seem to get a corrupted file, sadly.22:49
dwatkinsIt's a Mogwai gig from Glastonbury.22:49
MyrttiI would but our home server has a harddrive on the blink and it's time for bed22:49
Myrttigood night22:50
dwatkinsnp, sleep well Myrtti :)22:50
dwatkinsIf anyone manages to grab it this weekend at some point, please PM me, thanks.22:51
daftykinsi'm giving it a try23:03
penguin42is this still the fallout from the beebs screwup the other day?23:04
daftykinsthey had a screwup?23:07
penguin42a big outage for a few days23:07
penguin42daftykins: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/internet/posts/BBC-Online-outage23:09
daftykinsty sir23:09
daftykinsdwatkins: worked ok here sir, shall transfer to a web server and link you momentarily23:18
=== MonsterKiller_ is now known as MonsterKiller

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