
=== ochosi_ is now known as ochosi
santhoshhow to conncet enable desktop sharing in lubuntu 14.0405:34
fareshi  i use lubuntu and install  erpnext   software  it using  server application   ,  how can i access this server from  another computer as client10:30
ladidahey, how do i force lightdm to use the keyboardlayout i want?10:57
ladidaeverywhere else it is set to de-latin110:57
ladidaexcept at login, even though is displays de_DE in the top right corner10:58
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
* wxl stretches, yawns, and drinks coffee13:23
wxlyou mean morning phillw :)13:26
wxl0626 < wxl:#lubuntu> you mean morning phillw :) :รพ13:28
wxlgithub just released their internal bot as open source14:07
wxloh gosh i'm on #lubuntu oooooops14:08
ismael_I need some help, Lubuntu is running a bit slow, I want to know what can I delete for make it faster14:12
czigorhi everyone! What irc client do you recommend for lubuntu? I've been using ubuntu with empathy and now I would like to switch to lubuntu since I could not get to like unity. As I read on forums, empathy has problems with lubuntu.14:32
wxlczigor: if you want a gui you might want to try xchat14:33
czigoryes, gui would be nice14:33
czigorI was using xchat for a while but my experience was that it was less stable than empathy. My nickname got '__'s after it. Might have been an internet connection issue though.14:36
wxlmore likely, yes14:36
czigorok, thanks wxl14:36
czigori'll go with xchat then14:37
wxlczigor: what browser do you use?14:37
czigorfirefox, chromium, occassionally chrome and opera14:37
wxlcuz there is chatzilla for firefox14:37
wxlthere's also quassel-qt4 for qt (which lubuntu will soon switch to)14:38
czigorhmm, I think I want a standalone application instead of an addon14:42
czigorquassel looks nice though14:45
czigorok, thanks again, going off to reinstall now.14:46
=== eric is now known as Guest42776
=== eric is now known as Guest90766
eric__do you have a question?19:24
=== eric is now known as Guest60420
Guest60420does light-locker and xdm cooperate?20:33
Unit193Guest60420: Nope, light-locker is only for lightdm.20:34
Guest60420so i will  have to install xscreensaver for lock function?20:35
Unit193Guest60420: That, or something like it, yeah.20:36
Guest60420is there an other way? ... i don't xscreensaver, it takes too much ram20:37
Guest60420*i don't like xscreensaver20:37
Guest60420do you have any idea Unit193?20:40
Unit193Not that's more lightweight.20:41
Guest60420i just need the lock screen function20:42
Guest60420whatever thanks for your help20:45
Meris2wxl, I've heard from phillw that you are an expert when it comes to Macs. I'm having trouble getting my iSight and close lid sensor working on my Macbook 2.1 running Lubuntu 14.0422:32
Meris2I've tried the tutorial pages but after following them I'm left with the same situation, iSight does not work and neither does closing the lid initiate a Pause state as it does on MacosX22:34
phillwMeris2: I'm a docs person, I do not have Mac Kit. try grabbing wxl or heading for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPC%26Mac6422:34
phillwwxl: are you about to help Meris2 ?22:35
phillwMeris2: just be patient, very patient.22:36
Meris2phillw, Ah, don't worry, I will, I have some time right now. I can be patient.22:37
phillwMeris2: wxl is the best guy to help out with Apple stuff. He's been at an osscon meeting so is playing catch up. He will answer you.22:39
Meris2phillw, I'd be delighted. Around when will be a convenient time for him to discuss those issues?22:42
phillwMeris2: he's European time. you can also email the mailing list for testing via the link I gave you earlier, which means more that just him will read it. :)22:45
Meris2phillw, in that case I'll prepare an e-mail to the mailing list after making sure that nobody has asked the same question by searching thoroughly through the threads.22:47
phillwMeris2: if you email that team, it matters not if the question has been asked before. the testing team are always happy to kidnap new people..... OOOhhhh, did I say kidnap? I meant assimilate.... No... stop it.. I meant help :)22:49
Meris2phillw, hehe, I have written quite a few bash scripts and I am generally precise and detailed in my reports, the only thing I lack is oceans of time ;-)22:55
phillwMeris2: we do have a laugh, but wxl is a really good guy. So, do please await him to be online or simply email the testing team.22:59
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