
apacheloggercool beans05:49
apacheloggerwhy do I get the 4.x kinfocenter05:49
apacheloggerbecause wha05:50
apachelogger kinfocenter5_5.0.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa1_i386.deb (194.2 KiB) 05:50
apacheloggerwhat is this05:50
apacheloggerah, ancient packaging05:51
=== ovidiu-florin_ is now known as ovidiu-florin
apacheloggerthere's a bug in sni-qt possibly06:50
apacheloggeror neon06:50
apacheloggeror both06:50
apacheloggeror the combination of both06:50
apacheloggerah no07:02
apacheloggerit's hplip being shit07:02
apacheloggerfound it muhahah07:07
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7892549/07:22
apacheloggerplease review07:22
apacheloggeragateau: ^ possibly as well if you find a minute07:22
agateauapachelogger: I wonder if it would not be more responsive to remove the time.sleep() and check the actual time to verify the code does not wait more than one minute08:08
agateauapachelogger: it would potentially be more responsive (since the app won't notice changes while it is sleeping)08:09
Riddellapachelogger: you have an admirable comment to code ratio :)08:09
Riddellapachelogger: "Forwarded: no" why?08:11
Riddellapachelogger: polkit accepted, will you update kauth?08:12
Riddell219 http downloads of the ISO08:13
apacheloggerRiddell: kauth is already on depwait08:17
apacheloggerRiddell: forward... not sure it should be, though it could be08:18
apacheloggeragateau: actually I'd probably put the checking logic on a qtimer and app.exec all the same, the error dialog really doesn't need to be before the exec at all08:19
apacheloggerif the timer runs out you simply sys.exit again08:19
apacheloggeragateau: but yeah, I wanted to keep it as uninvasive as possible and whether it waits 60 seconds or 80 seconds really makes no difference08:20
apacheloggerit's an arbitrary value anyway xD08:20
agateauapachelogger: true.08:20
Riddellagateau: any thoughts on failing gwenview tests? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/utopic-adt-gwenview/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/33/consoleText08:21
Riddellagateau: why should it not be? how does that fit in with out policy?08:21
* apachelogger debugs pyqt again \o/08:21
Riddellhmm no08:21
Riddellapachelogger: why should it not be? how does that fit in with out policy?08:22
agateauRiddell: I fixed those upstream08:22
* agateau fetchs commit ids08:22
Riddellagateau: probably just needs the new beta then08:23
agateauRiddell: yes, it's fixed in 4.13.95, according to git history08:23
apacheloggerRiddell: because it's a distribution integration issue caused by us having a patched qt which uses sni-qt to simulate an sni behind the application's back08:24
apacheloggerthat's why it maybe shouldn't be... at the same time sni-qt is the recommended integration bit for plasma5 and the busy wait before exec is a bit bogus anyway, so it could be ;)08:24
apacheloggerI'll throw it at their bug tracker all the same08:24
xnoxSo kde is blocking the world from migrating08:27
xnoxwhich libraries / packages were uploaded causing all kde stuff to be uninstallable, and got entangled with the libav/gnutls/etc transition that was just on the edge of a chance of migrating08:28
Riddelluh oh08:28
RiddellI think kde4libs and some friends have been uploaded08:28
yofelxnox: we uploaded a bunch of WIP stuff to work around breakage on PPA  builders08:29
xnoxRiddell: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_output.txt scroll down to "SUCCESS" and then notice how all kde is broken.08:29
xnoxRiddell: yofel: well, is all of that going to be fixed today, given we will freeze for alpha-2? Or could that have waited for the transition of doom to happen first?08:30
yofelwe can work on getting .95 done today, shouldn't be too much left08:30
yofelRiddell: how's your nepomuk removal going?08:30
xnoxRiddell: kde4libs is in release pocket, so can't be it.08:31
Riddellyofel: still got some bits to check but I can start uploading it08:31
Riddellbangarang guy said he's working on a big rewrite and current version is unsupported so I'll remove it08:31
yofelhm, kdpepimlibs is in release too08:32
yofelkfilemetadata is in proposed08:32
yofelbaloo is in release08:33
yofelyeah, it's kfilemetadata that breaks everything08:34
RiddellI'll press on with removing nepomuk then getting the rest of 4.13.95 uploaded08:38
xnox... it's best not to upload all of new kde releases, cause that takes forever to build. but instead help out with resolving uninstallables and migrating everything.08:38
xnoxRiddell: is the uninstallabes actually due to missing 4.13.95? doesn't look like it?08:38
yofelwell, the problem is probably08:40
yofelskipped: kfilemetadata (185 <- 69)08:40
yofel    got: 61+0: i-6108:40
yofelbut I don't really get why it does that08:40
xnoxyofel: ignore that.08:41
xnoxyofel: find "SUCCESS" and read the first stanza after it.08:41
yofelwell, that's even more unreadable08:41
xnoxor rather the first "Trying easy from autohinter: " which tries to migrate everything together.08:42
xnoxwhich says "kde is uninstallable on all arches" with this08:42
xnox i386: active-documentviewer, akonadi-kde-resource-googledata, akonadiconsole, akregator, amarok, amarok-dbg, amarok-utils, amor, apper, apper-dbg, apport-kde, apturl-kde, ark, ark-dbg, artikulate, artikulate-dbg, audex, audiocd-kio, autokey-qt, backintime-kde, bangarang, basket, blinken, blogilo, bluedevil, bodega-client, bomber, bovo, braindump, calligra, calligra-dbg, calligraactive, calligraauthor, calligraflow, calligraplan, calligrasheets, cal08:42
xnoxligrastage, calligrawords, cantata, cantor, cantor-backend-kalgebra, cantor-backend-maxima, cantor-backend-octave, cantor-backend-python, cantor-backend-python2, cantor-backend-qalculate, cantor-backend-r, cantor-backend-sage, cantor-backend-scilab, cantor-dbg, cervisia, cervisia-dbg, choqok, cirkuit, cirkuit-dbg, colibri, colord-kde, cvsservice, darkroom, debconf-kde-helper, declarative-plasmoids, digikam, digikam-dbg, digikam-doc, dolphin, dragonp08:42
xnoxlayer, dragonplayer-dbg, eqonomize, filelight, gally, gdebi-kde, granatier, gstreamer-qapt, gstreamer0.10-qapt, gwenrename, gwenview, gwenview-dbg, jovie, jovie-dbg, juk, k3b, k3b-dbg, k3b-i18n, k4dirstat, kaccessible, kaccessible-dbg, kaddressbook, kaddressbook-mobile, kaffeine, kaffeine-dbg, kajongg, kalarm, kalgebra, kalzium, kalzium-dbg, kamerka, kamoso, kanagram, kanyremote, kapman, kapptemplate, kapptemplate-dbg, karbon, kate, kate-dbg, kate-s08:42
xnoxyntax-go, katomic, kbackup, kbattleship, kbibtex, kblackbox, kblocks, kbounce, kbreakout, kbruch, kbruch-dbg, kcachegrind, kcachegrind-dbg, kcalc, kcharselect, kchmviewer, kcollectd, kcolorchooser, kcoloredit, kdbg, kde-baseapps, kde-baseapps-bin, kde-baseapps-dbg, kde-config-fcitx, kde-config-pimactivity, kde-config-telepathy-accounts, kde-config-telepathy-accounts-dbg, kde-full, kde-notification-colibri, kde-plasma-desktop, kde-plasma-netbook, kde08:42
xnox-runtime, kde-runtime-dbg, kde-standard, kde-style-oxygen, kde-telepathy, kde-telepathy-auth-handler, kde-telepathy-auth-handler-dbg, kde-telepathy-call-ui, kde-telepathy-call-ui-dbg, kde-telepathy-contact-list, kde-telepathy-contact-li08:42
yofellets see if I can get fiddle something together that dose-debcheck can process08:43
* apachelogger is too stupid to use sudo -.-08:44
yofelxnox: ok, I'm clueless. I uploaded kde4libs, kdepimlibs, baloo and kfilemetata on saturday, fixed some things in kdelibs after that, all of those except kfilemetadata migrated and I don't understand how that's breaking all kde packages considering it doesn't even have a transition in it.09:03
yofeldo you have a suggestion where I should look next?09:03
santa_apachelogger: I also needed this to get kauth working (with issues) https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/kauth-work/+merge/22862509:04
santa_and more stuff which I'm preparing09:05
yofelmaybe it's marble...09:06
apacheloggersanta_: all those patches need to go upstream09:11
apacheloggerah nevermind09:11
apacheloggerscreen too tiny09:11
apacheloggersanta_: looks sensible09:12
santa_indeed it is09:13
apacheloggerRiddell: I don't understand DistUpgradeFetcherKDE09:13
apacheloggerimplements DistUpgradeFetcherCore, doesn't init the base though09:14
apacheloggeror well, not with useful arguments anyway09:14
apacheloggerah wait, Oo09:14
apacheloggeryeah, I don't compute09:14
apacheloggerah there it is09:15
yofelhm, no, cjwatson took care of the marble transition09:15
* apachelogger sighs09:15
apacheloggerAttributeError: 'DistUpgradeFetcherKDE' object has no attribute 'run_options'09:17
yofelok, so kfilemetadata is blocked by exiv209:22
yofelxnox: can it be that I intruded on the new libav transition?09:24
Riddellhola rameshthecoder 09:27
rameshthecoderhola Riddell 09:28
Riddellrameshthecoder: come to be an elite Kubuntu ninja?09:28
rameshthecoderof course :)09:29
rameshthecoderI'm a Java developer. So I wanted to find out if I can get involved in Kubuntu development in any way.09:30
rameshthecoderalso thought I could find some geeky friends here09:31
xnoxRiddell: please stop uploading things that (a) don't build (b) depwait (c) further entangle transition in the proposed.09:32
xnoxnow is not the time for that.09:32
cjwatsonHi.  Any chance of a few hours' freeze on Kubuntu uploads?  I've been desperately trying to get the libav/etc. megatransition landed, and uploads of KDE components keep preventing me09:33
cjwatsonIf I could just have a short respite, and possibly temporarily undo the recent gwenview upload, then I think that would be enough09:34
yofelsure, should we just no upload anything and you'll sort it out?09:34
Riddellcjwatson: oh sorry I only uploaded gwenview because doko and others were complaining about the failing autopkgtests09:34
cjwatsonBut now it's unbuildable and stuck09:34
Riddellkill it if that's the best thing09:34
cjwatsonAnd I'd already overridden the autopkgtest failures09:34
cjwatson(after discussion with Scott)09:35
cjwatsonright, let me see if I can copy the old one back09:35
cjwatsonI can put the new one back later09:35
cjwatson(I think, otherwise a reupload is easy)09:35
cjwatsonok, that's reverted, I think09:38
* cjwatson waits for the next publisher run09:39
apacheloggerrelease upgrade code almost doesn't suck anymore \o/09:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: almost09:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: re patch : While I get what you're doing and the patch seems fine, I am unsure if there's a better way to do it09:59
apacheloggerthere is09:59
apacheloggerwhich would involve not doing a flipping sleep :P10:00
apacheloggernot my place to decide that 10:00
shadeslayerI got 20 upboats on /r/kde10:11
shadeslayerI'm rich I tells ya10:11
cjwatsonok, libav migrating, thanks for cooperation10:15
cjwatsonRiddell: if you want to copy gwenview back, "copy-package -s utopic-proposed -e 4:4.13.95-0ubuntu1 -b gwenview" ought to do it (or maybe without -b - I'm not sure if it will work right for something that never built), or else just upload 4:4.13.95-0ubuntu2.  might want to sort out a newer libkipi first though10:15
Riddellgreat news on libav, sorry for the interruption10:19
Riddellshadeslayer: http://d2xswqwhtah767.cloudfront.net10:31
shadeslayerRiddell: how about just pointing qa.kubuntu.co.uk to that10:58
soeehmm im thinking about starting something like pl.kubuntu.org, is it possible that you can point such domain in the future on a polish website about kubuntu? :)11:01
=== turgay__ is now known as turgay
Riddellshadeslayer: http://download.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-plasma5/12:50
Riddellsoee: sure, no problema12:50
shadeslayerI'll update my blog I guess12:51
soeehttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ down ?13:11
shadeslayerseems to be running13:13
shadeslayertry now13:13
BluesKajHiyas folks13:14
tsimpsonworks here, kind of slow to respond though13:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: we have cloudfronting now :p13:14
soeeworks now13:14
shadeslayersoee: use http://download.kubuntu.co.uk/13:14
soeeok, thanks :)13:14
=== shadeslayer changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - The Distro for Birthday Octopii, 100% jellyfish free | https://trello.com/kubuntu | KF5 5.0.0! notes http://goo.gl/53m7zt : status http://goo.gl/MxvdGp | 4.13.95 U http://goo.gl/dMO38I 4.13.3 T http://goo.gl/XrhwRF | Kubuntu 5 Test ISO's http://download.kubuntu.co.uk/kubuntu-plasma5/kubuntu-plasma5-latest.iso.zsync
apacheloggershadeslayer: good stuff13:16
apacheloggerthat's one way to go about distribution13:16
shadeslayer"Birthday Octopii" < whose birthday is it?13:18
Riddellshadeslayer: it was apachelogger but you can remove that now13:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: uh, belated happy birthday! :D13:29
shadeslayerwhen was it13:29
Riddellcloudfront "First 10 TB / month $0.120"13:34
Riddellso that's 10,000 downloads for 12cents?13:34
shadeslayerRiddell: I think that's for the US region13:36
Riddellshadeslayer: same for europe13:39
shadeslayerRiddell: right so, basically you need to add up costs for all the regious13:39
apacheloggerif only we had only used torrents13:43
Riddellwhy? this cloudfront thing works very easy and seems cheap13:43
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: didn't we want to ditch data packages on apps?13:44
debfxthe prices are per GB though ;)13:45
apacheloggerRiddell: cost 0 vs. cost >013:45
shadeslayerwhat debfx said13:45
shadeslayerso atleast 24 USD for 200 downloads13:46
Riddellright, we can't really sustain that13:46
RiddellI'll leave it open for a few days then go to torrent only13:46
shadeslayerwe don't have to, once we get cdimage up13:47
shadeslayerhopefully Colin has some time now13:47
Riddellnow that libav has transitioned? :)13:47
shadeslayeryep :p13:49
shadeslayeryofel: what happened with the git sharing email13:50
apacheloggerwhat do I do with the data package??????13:50
shadeslayerdrop eet13:50
yofelshadeslayer: wrt debian?13:50
shadeslayerdidn't we decide that 13:50
shadeslayeryofel: yes13:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: please also tell that to debian btw13:50
yofelI sent it and it's waiting for pino to comment, maybe he'll do that before jessie release13:51
shadeslayermaybe send a reminder?13:51
yofeldon't really have the time to follow up on it, can you do that?13:51
* shadeslayer possibly just got rid of dh_movelibkdeinit13:52
shadeslayeryofel: can do13:52
apacheloggerdebian: I'll remove that data package there13:52
yofelmaybe I overshot things a little, just having a branch in their repos would already be enough13:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: while you are at it tell them that we hate data packages :P13:53
yofelwe don't13:53
apacheloggerand dbg packages in control13:53
apacheloggerthey are the shitz13:53
yofelwe don't13:53
yofelyou do13:53
apacheloggeryou like dbg packges in control?13:53
yofelI prefer something that works, and until someone implements dbg package generation in pkg-kde-tools they work really well13:55
yofelI mean, if you think a package is too small to varrant a dbg package you can just disable stripping...13:56
apacheloggerworking around shitty tooling all of this is13:58
yofelwell, RPM seems to have seperate packages for that too14:01
yofela bit annoying that rpm and we have scripts to do it that can't be used everywhere :S14:02
apacheloggermore annoying is that everyone comes up with their own list of dependencies14:02
yofelfor -dbg? Don't have a general rule for that?14:02
yofel*don't we14:03
apacheloggeralso rpm dbgs are autogenerated14:03
apacheloggerthey are not mentioned in the packaging14:03
apacheloggeryofel: what general would we have?14:04
apacheloggerI was refering to dependencies on everything :P14:04
apacheloggerand everywhere14:04
yofelfrom what I see rpm have a script that generates them that's not always used, looks pretty similiar to pkg-create-dbgsym to me14:04
apacheloggerit is14:04
yofeland if you mean deps, we have rules for intra-package-deps for -dbg, not outside (although the general rule for that is 'None')14:05
apacheloggerI am not talking about dbg deps14:06
Riddellwhich rpm distro? rpm is very different for each rpm distro too14:06
apacheloggerI am talking about all deps14:06
* yofel usually talks fedora RPM as that (and centos) are the only RPM distros he uses14:06
yofelapachelogger: do you mean runtime dep rules outside of what the policy says?14:07
apacheloggerfor example14:08
apacheloggeralso build time deps14:08
apacheloggerevery dep really14:08
santa_apachelogger: I left you in notes.kde.org all the information I got about fixing kauth14:13
apacheloggerI wonder if we shouldn't simply import all commits from git for polkit and kauth14:15
yofeljust make a snapshot?14:15
apacheloggertoo much hassle14:16
apacheloggerthere'll be a new tar in a couple days anyway14:16
apacheloggerI find it very suspicious that qapt still doesn't work14:17
apacheloggerpolkit-qt should be what is in git master, but it still refuses to talk to polkit-kde14:17
apacheloggerkubuntuBot: ping14:19
apacheloggerkubuntuBot_: ping14:19
apacheloggerkubuntuBot_: I fear you lagged out :P14:19
* yofel wonders if he could c&p the pkg-create-dbgsym stuff into pkg-kde-tools14:21
apacheloggersanta_: are you sure polkit-qt5 works?14:23
Riddellwiki.debian.org is driving me nuts "Password not acceptable: Please choose another username, your choice might be spammy" 14:25
* yofel had to email debian-www to get registered on the wiki14:26
yofelI was not considered human ^^14:26
apacheloggerdebian not only doesn't like bug reports, they also don't like humans, I see I see14:27
apacheloggerWARNING: Cannot construct PulseSupport because there is no Eventloop. May be because of application shutdown.14:27
apacheloggeroh no non oonononononononon14:27
apacheloggeroh I knew this was gonna happen14:27
* yofel just realized that his quassel got localized14:28
yofelhow did that happen14:28
apacheloggeruh ksysguard is still excitingly broken14:28
* apachelogger heads out for something to eat14:29
yofeloh well, guess our localization support is broken again14:29
yofel"Einstellungen" is not particulary American English14:29
shadeslayerhow exciting14:29
bzoltanHello kubuntu devs. I would need a friendly licensed maintainer who could review and approve an MR from us against the QtCreator packaging branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtcreator. The patch is rather simple -> https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/kubuntu-packaging/qtcreator-ubuntudevice-qmlprojects/+merge/228665 It enables ubuntu devices to be Run targets for QML apps.14:29
apacheloggeryofel: nono14:29
apacheloggeryofel: u talking plasma5?14:29
apacheloggerotherwise probably yesyesyes14:30
yofelme talking otherwise14:30
yofelexport LANGUAGE=en:de:en14:30
apacheloggeryofel: SRU libkubuntu from youtopic and the world will be nices14:30
apacheloggerand yeah, en:de:en will not ever work because eglibc is shit14:30
yofelthis is utopic14:30
apacheloggeryeah, eglibc is shit14:30
apacheloggercome to think of it I probably could spend the rest of my life listing known bugs in software that have been there for >=1year14:31
yofeland I still have pulse running twice14:33
yofeloh joy14:33
shadeslayerfixed in pulse git I think14:33
yofelwell that's something14:33
Riddellyofel: are you taking care of 4.13.3 ?14:36
yofelRiddell: yes, in the evening14:36
yofeldo you have a new status page? Otherwise I'll set up my own14:36
shadeslayerI can do 4.13.3 if you want14:36
yofelnah, I'll do it14:36
yofelrather look at .9514:36
* shadeslayer wanted to check the ISO for more defects14:37
yofelomg, 42 apache processes on qa14:37
yofel$ ps aux | grep apache | wc14:37
yofel     43     558    394114:37
yofelone of that's grep14:37
Riddelland 100% CPU14:38
Riddellhow can it be using that much CPU?14:38
yofelI wonder why it's using so much SYS14:38
yofelunless the memory management is going crazy14:39
yofelbut this is openvz from what I see, so...14:39
Riddellyofel: status page is there but a bit broken as you will have discovered14:40
* shadeslayer ponders about rebooting server14:40
yofelI think the script opens a new connection to launchpad for every file it reads over the API, and one of those connections runs ENOBUF14:41
yofelrebooting might help, but we should restrict the apache capacity before that or we'll just end up the same14:42
yofelI might look at that when things calm down a bit, right now even ssh is laggy14:43
bzoltanRiddell: do you know who to ping with that ^^^^^^^^^ ? Mirv is the one who usually handles the packaging branches but he is not available for a week.14:53
Riddellbzoltan: ping with what?14:57
Riddell** rohan live on ubuntuonair.com now!14:58
Riddellor shortly14:58
bzoltanRiddell: I would need a friendly licensed maintainer who could review and approve an MR from us against the QtCreator packaging branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtcreator. The patch is rather simple -> https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/kubuntu-packaging/qtcreator-ubuntudevice-qmlprojects/+merge/228665 It enables ubuntu devices to be Run targets for QML apps.14:59
zbenjaminbzoltan: ok15:08
bzoltanzbenjamin:  thanks15:08
Quintasanthis shadeslayer15:10
tsimpsonprobably best to avoid pinging him ;)15:11
Riddellbzoltan: well I've no idea what that patch does, I can blindly merge it if you feel the need15:13
RiddellKDE is a community not the software rohan!15:22
bzoltanRiddell:  that patch just enables the Ubuntu devices as a target for QML projects. Because otherwise it is disabled by default.15:23
bzoltanRiddell: It would be great if you could merge it to the packaging branch. I will take care of the landing process from there. Thank you.15:23
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:25
Riddellbzoltan1: you want me to update debian/patches/series and add a changelog too?15:36
Riddellshadeslayer: yay! you're famous!15:38
shadeslayerI am15:38
mhall119thanks again shadeslayer 15:38
shadeslayeryou're welcome :)15:39
Riddellmhall119: when will it be on the youtube channel? I should do a kubuntu wire post15:39
mhall119Riddell: it takes a few minutes for Youtube to process it, but it should be available at the same URL as the live video15:39
mhall119Riddell: so http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pua8vWAMdfk15:40
bzoltan1Riddel: ohh, we will do that15:44
Riddellbzoltan1: but then don't you need another merge?15:45
bzoltan1Riddell:  just one 15:46
bzoltan1Riddell:  the MR is not good to be merged15:49
Riddellbzoltan1: too late, I merged it, what should I have done?15:49
bzoltan1Riddell: No problem. Could you merge it again? We have added the changelog and the updates series 15:51
Riddellbzoltan1: merged!15:54
bzoltan1Riddell: thank you a lot15:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: y u no stop me from going afk15:56
mhall119Riddell: looks like the video is available for playback now15:56
* Riddell publishes http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=17116:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: why?16:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: because you should have said "no you can't go afk because I'll become internetfamous today" and then I would not have gone for a bike ride and wouldn't feel like meh now16:12
Riddellapachelogger: watch it on the youtube video ↑16:12
apacheloggerno, I am feeling meh now :P16:13
Riddellyofel: any thoughts on why my kde4libs upload failed? funky symbols foo but I don't think it's related to removing nepomuk which is what the upload was for16:13
apachelogger!find Qt5DeclarativeConfig utopic16:19
ubottuFile Qt5DeclarativeConfig found in qtquick1-5-dev16:20
apacheloggerit's obvious that this file would not be in qtdeclarative5-dev isn't it :S16:20
Riddelljmux: flights booked to munich :)16:23
shadeslayerjmux: how do you guys handle CVE's?16:23
jmuxRiddell: Great - should still be at a reasonable price16:25
jmuxshadeslayer: Nothing directly - but we look at the USN. But that's propbaly not the answer you were looking for...16:27
shadeslayerjmux: not really :p16:28
jmuxshadeslayer: so what's your question? Deployment wise?16:29
jmuxWe do unattended updates for things, we think it's really critical.16:29
shadeslayerjmux: yep, deployment wise16:30
shadeslayerdo you guys just take the ubuntu package, or patch things manually16:30
jmuxAll the rest is updated, when the admin select the system for new software or to get other updates as well.16:31
jmuxWe don't have the capacity do start patching ourself. We just did that for a few really critical bugs, where we didn't get any Ubuntu updates (for Lucid HWE).16:33
jmuxAnd we keep our own browser packaging up to date16:34
shadeslayerah I see16:34
jmuxWe have Firefox and Thunderbird 24 ESR packages for Lucid16:35
jmuxThey are based on the Ubuntu packaging and even adapted to build our Firefox 3.6 packages, which we still need (configured without Internet access).16:36
* Riddell wonders if new gcc is to blame for kde4libs fail16:36
jmuxRiddell: new gcc is 4.9? I don't think the red zones bug applies to userspace16:38
jmuxOr just a general other bug?16:39
Riddellgcc 4:4.9.1  but it's just an issue with changed symbols not something too unusual16:40
d_edsanta_: did you get anywhere with kauth?16:42
apacheloggerapparently he got it work16:50
* apachelogger has a very peculiar bug in polkit however16:51
d_edmy KAuth thinks the backend doesn't support authorising...16:53
d_edfails on:     if (BackendsManager::authBackend()->capabilities() & KAuth::AuthBackend::AuthorizeFromClientCapability) {16:54
apacheloggerwell, my polkit-qt is suddenly case sensitive to action names although the code for that has not changed anywhere xD16:54
apacheloggerd_ed: polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 is running, right?16:54
apacheloggermuch peculiar16:54
d_edwith mbriza's patches16:54
apacheloggerwhich ones are those?16:55
d_edoh, I'm being silly. it's meant to fail that16:57
apacheloggerI am just as silly xD17:04
apacheloggerthe previously pokit macro apparently forced everything into lower case17:04
yofelRiddell: any progress with kdelibs or still clueless?17:05
Riddellyofel: just finishing a local compile here with full-upgrade done17:05
* yofel wonders why those were actually missing on armel17:06
Riddellyofel: vishesh says baloo in 4.13.2 is buggy so could we please hurry up with 4.13.3, I said you're on the case17:06
yofeloh sure17:06
yofelI'll go do that then17:06
Riddellthanks :)17:07
Riddellah hah, same symbols missing, so it is a new compiler version doing it17:08
Riddellthey're all symbols for methods with other symbols so I guess the compiler knows better than I that they're not important17:09
yofelit's all destructors, so should really be gcc related17:10
shadeslayerrestarting qa.kubuntu.co.uk doesn't really make a difference17:12
shadeslayerapache is back up to 32 processes17:12
Riddellshadeslayer: maybe just remove the files for now and replace with a big pointer to download.kubuntu.co.uk17:14
RiddellI don't think it gets updated unless I tell it to17:14
debfxmight be worth switchting to nginx17:16
yofelsure, if someone has experience with that17:17
apacheloggerd_ed: do you think it is reasonable that kauth_install_actions changes action ids from the policy file it is installing? (i.e. it downcases everything)17:20
apacheloggerpersonally I find that profoundly shitty, particularly given the macro name17:20
Riddelld_ed has wandered off17:20
apacheloggerthere, I think I broke qapt now xD17:24
apacheloggernew version going up to staging17:26
shadeslayerfrom #launchpad17:27
shadeslayer<cjwatson> right, so we (i.e. mostly not me) finally deployed the new replacement for the virtualised builder infrastructure that's been in development for a year or two17:27
shadeslayer<cjwatson> openstack-based, trusty base system, possibly more disk/ram per guest into the bargain17:27
shadeslayerhurray ^^ , my firefox builds in 2 hours now17:27
shadeslayerinstead of 817:27
Riddellthat's for PPAs?17:27
soee421 MB updates, what is it :>17:29
* yofel lowered apache2 MaxClients to 2017:29
shadeslayerlibav stuff I guess17:29
Riddellsome stuck libraries got unstick17:29
yofellets see how that goes for a while17:29
shadeslayeryofel: I still get [19:31:53.736] Couldn't connect socket 18 to, port 51413 (errno 105 - No buffer space available) (net.c:284)17:32
yofelyeah, but at least the server is actually responsive now. Before I had timeouts from http and ssh17:32
* Riddell uploads new kde4libs and calls it a day17:35
yofelIn the meantime there are working status pages on http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/17:36
yofelfor the sc at least17:36
santa_apachelogger, d_ed: hi, just went back to the keyboard17:46
yofellaunchpad now accepts and dispatches PPA uploads in less then a minute O.O17:47
santa_apachelogger, d_ed: well, right now the kcm fonts allways hangs when I try to install/uninstall something. but when it worked it asked me the root password and apparently indeed installed the font in question17:48
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, it doesn't feel right17:49
yofeltotally :S17:49
apacheloggerpact with the devil I suspect17:50
yofelkalgebra i386: took 2 minutes, 48.9 seconds)17:50
yofeltotally devilish17:50
santa_d_ed: I left a in kubuntu's notes.kde.org the results of my ivestigation so far, for your convenience in cases you can't acess notes.k.o right now http://paste.kde.org/pzafosgim/odmlek/raw17:52
santa_d_ed: to sum up, and stripping out the packaging stuff: you need kauth from master, build against libpolkit based on qt5 (see the cmake output), also in runtime polkit-kde with the patch here 17:54
santa_Fixing kauth:17:54
santa_    kauth doesn't work in it's current state, right now it's possible to make it work but there are issues with kcmfontinst and kcmclock (see below)17:54
santa_    The following needs to be done:17:54
santa_        - 1. Build kauth including the patches from this mege request: https://code.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/kauth-work/+merge/22862517:54
santa_        - 2. Rebuild plasma-desktop against the hacked libkauth (see 1.) and include the actions files for kcmfonts and kcmclock, also I think a couple of files were misplaced in -dev, see:17:54
santa_            http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/plasma-desktop-work/revision/2717:54
santa_            http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~panfaust/kubuntu-packaging-next/plasma-desktop-work/revision/2917:54
santa_            (they are not part of merge request yet because I'm waiting for another proposal to be merged)17:54
santa_        - 3. Build polkit-kde based on qt5 using this port awaiting in the reviewboard:17:54
santa_            https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/118263/17:54
santa_            I made a quick very experimental package (TODO: ¿make it coinstallable with qt4 based polkit?): 17:54
santa_            https://launchpad.net/~panfaust/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-kf5-experiments/+files/polkit-kde-1_0.99.1-1ubuntu3%7Eubuntu14.10%7Eppa0%2Bsanta2.dsc17:54
santa_        17:54
santa_    Once you have done all explained above, probably kauth will be working, but:17:54
santa_        - kcmfontinst is able to install a font but the dialog showing the progress bar freezes and you have to kill systemsettins with xkill; after that the font in question will be (apparently) installed17:54
santa_        - kcmclock's helper segfaults, backtrace: http://paste.kde.org/pjdpmaq4117:54
santa_        - kcmclock's claims you are not allowed to save the settings, screenshot: http://imgur.com/IN813L017:54
santa_ugh, sorry17:54
santa_I meant "with the patch here: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/118263/"17:55
apacheloggernow I definitely can't loose it17:55
apacheloggerwe don't need an agent port to make it work really17:55
santa_so does it work for you with the qt4 agent?17:57
santa_<d_ed> fails on:     if (BackendsManager::authBackend()->capabilities() & KAuth::AuthBackend::AuthorizeFromClientCapability) {17:57
santa_↑ wrt this, are you sure you built kauth correctly against polkit qt5?17:58
apacheloggeryofel, shadeslayer: kauth has new libexec binary and a plugin, how do you want that packaged?18:02
shadeslayershove them in -bin ?18:03
apacheloggerlibkf5auth-bin or kauth-bin :P18:04
santa_I didn't placed in a separate package becasuse I wanted to defer that discussion but yes18:06
yofelapachelogger: former looking at the pattern I see most18:06
apacheloggersanta_: do you know what policy-gen is good for18:06
apacheloggerthat sounds an awful lot like a dev bin actually18:07
santa_maybe it's needed only in build time18:07
apacheloggerbeh, even so, let's stuff it in bin18:07
apacheloggerotherwise theres -bin and -dev-bin and both contain one file ..18:08
santa_...because that program is responsible of creating the policy files for kauth18:08
santa_and even better: placing the dependency against -bin or -whatever in the symbols files would be a good thing18:08
apacheloggerthat's $wrong18:09
apacheloggerbaloo had/has that18:09
santa_this way kauth would never be broken because of missing plugins18:09
apacheloggermakes you wanna recompile everything when suddenly it turns out that your packaging was crap and you really didn't need that package and/or need to split it18:09
soeeany idea why vlc-phonon-backend is not visible on the list ?18:12
shadeslayersoee: what list18:12
soeeshadeslayer: in system settings -> Multimedia18:13
santa_apachelogger:  well, the split in -bin is needed, but has the disadvantage of possibly breaking kauth if plugins are not there, thus, adding the dependency in the symbols file gives you the best of both worlds 18:13
shadeslayersoee: Plasma 5?18:13
soeeshadeslayer: yes18:13
shadeslayersoee: install phonon4qt5-backend-vlc ?18:13
apacheloggersanta_: no, a dependency from the lib to the bin gives you the best :P18:14
apacheloggera dependency in the symbols file gives you a reason not to append soversions to packages because you get to recompile all linkees when something should change18:14
santa_apachelogger: a dependency on the -bin gives you circular build dependencies usually18:15
soeeshadeslayer: thank you, got it now18:15
apacheloggerthere is already a plugin in the lib :O18:16
* apachelogger scratches head18:16
shadeslayerpackaging in a plugin based world is hard18:17
shadeslayerplugin without lib is useless18:17
apacheloggerpackaging is hard18:17
apacheloggerlet's go shopping18:17
shadeslayerlib without plugin is useless18:17
shadeslayermuch conflicting18:17
shadeslayerI want a quadrocopter18:17
shadeslayerand some new shorts18:17
santa_about second apachelogger's point I have to admit you have a point18:17
santa_but I think it's the lesser of all possible evils here18:18
yofelwe've been there with baloo, and it was bad. So lets not put stuff in symbol files unless there's really no other way18:18
apacheloggera symbols dep18:18
apacheloggermakes dh_symbolsgen on all users of the library introduce the bin package as a dependency18:19
apacheloggerwhich is wrong18:19
apacheloggerthey have no dependency on it, the lib has18:19
apacheloggerwhich is why I always argue that splitting plugins and bins out of lib packages is nonesense18:19
apacheloggeras shadeslayer pointed out one is useless without the other18:19
shadeslayerbugs.debian.org is down18:20
santa_well, you avoid having conflicting library packages on soname changes which is a very bad thing because it tends to confuse package managers, also18:20
yofelthey'll conflict anyway as the lib needs to have a = binary:Version dep on the plugins really18:21
shadeslayerwhat yofel said18:21
apacheloggeryou have that conflict anyway18:21
santa_1st paragraph18:21
apacheloggerthere is no way to generally say that libfoo1-plugins will work with libfoo2.so18:21
shadeslayerthing is18:21
santa_and it's a _must_18:21
apacheloggerso if you package it like that then you may make things easier for the package manager18:21
apacheloggeryou also make it easier for yourself to actually break the lib18:22
apacheloggersanta_: not a must it isn't :P18:22
shadeslayeryou either follow policy to the letter, or you read it long enough to realize that it was written in the 90's18:22
yofellets just follow it and throw penguins at debian18:22
apacheloggeru just bashing on 90's because ur an 80's fanboy :P18:22
shadeslayerI am18:22
santa_about this18:23
santa_<yofel> they'll conflict anyway as the lib needs to have a = binary:Version dep on the plugins really18:23
santa_I will say again you will get circular dependencies18:23
apacheloggerof course you will18:23
apacheloggerbecause there is one18:23
apacheloggersemantically there is one18:23
santa_so the lib depending on the -bin is not an option18:23
apacheloggera plugin by its very definition has a two-way abi-link with it's library18:24
apacheloggeras it will need the library to do whatever it is doing and it is implementing a well defined interface for the library to load the plugin18:24
apacheloggerso whatever you do in the packaging ultimately does not matter, on a library level you cannot split the two18:24
shadeslayerI'm heading home18:28
shadeslayercya tomorrow18:28
apacheloggerkauth-policy-gen definitely is a dev thing18:31
apachelogger!find kauth-policy-gen utopic18:32
ubottuFile kauth-policy-gen found in kdelibs5-dbg, kdelibs5-dev18:32
apacheloggermh, dev seems appropriate enough I guess18:32
santa_ok, fair enough. what about the plugins?18:37
debfxyofel: re nginx: I can help with that if you want18:37
debfxis anyone working on CVE-2014-5033 (kde4libs)?18:38
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-5033)18:38
yofelnot according the security board18:38
soeepage wilt build status broken :)18:39
yofelsoee: http://yofel.dyndns.org/kubuntu/ has working ones18:40
soeeindeed, thank yofel18:40
debfxwhat's the security board?18:40
yofeldebfx: wrt. nginx, if you want to set it up go ahead, currently qa is pretty much DOS'd18:41
yofeldebfx: https://trello.com/b/hmAnhv77/kubuntu-security18:41
yofelscott set that up a few days ago18:41
debfxnot allowed to see that18:43
yofeldebfx: do you have a tello account?18:44
debfxyofel: https://trello.com/felixgeyer18:45
yofeldebfx: welcome to kubuntu on trello :)18:46
debfxthanks ^^18:46
debfxsame problem with the server ;)18:47
yofelgive me a minute for that18:48
yofeldebfx: ssh debfx@qa.kubuntu.co.uk, I added the ssh key that was on launchpad18:52
debfxyofel: works, thanks18:53
yofelthere's a bunch of things in apache2 sites-enabled, so please try to keep downtime to a minimum18:54
apacheloggeryofel, shadeslayer, santa_: revu plz http://paste.ubuntu.com/7897395/18:55
santa_importing all the upstream commits -> ok, in fact I was about to add more to my merge request18:57
santa_kauth-policy-gen in -dev -> ok18:57
santa_symbols files with plugin symbols -> ugh18:58
debfxyofel: ok. now I only need a password so I can use sudo :)18:58
yofeldebfx: you should have a file in your home folder with it in it18:58
yofelunless I messed up18:58
apacheloggersanta_: I know, but the other plugin was in already, so no harm done muahahhaha18:58
santa_yes, but iirc this made this randomly ftbfs, let me check please...18:59
debfxah yes, works fine19:00
* apachelogger goes wow at the plasma-desktop changes19:00
yofeloh well, the new build farm also seems to fix our PPA nepomuk failure19:01
santa_apachelogger: wrt plasma-desktop I have a merge request, if it needs to be re-done against latest brz I will19:01
apacheloggersanta_: do you have your plasma-desktop changes merge proposed?19:01
yofelso it was a qemu issue I guess19:01
apacheloggerah uh19:02
apacheloggerI even found a grand unified diff19:02
* apachelogger is quite the launchpad elite19:02
santa_apachelogger: yep, but also I was waiting for other changes to be reviewed: i.e. a kde-workspace-bin dummy package19:02
apacheloggersanta_: kde-workspace-bin that seems unnecessary19:03
santa_it's not19:03
santa_but it's unrelated to the kauth issue19:03
apacheloggerkhelpcenter needs fixing19:04
apacheloggersanta_: what's it solving?19:04
apachelogger79+ oxygen-sounds,19:04
apachelogger82- oxygen-sounds,19:04
apacheloggerRiddell: ^ that's why I hate wrap and kittens19:04
santa_apachelogger: making the upgrades for debian's people with kde-standard or kde-full smooth19:04
santa_i.e. apt-get or aptitude not wanting to remove your kde19:05
apacheloggersanta_: that's achieved by +Breaks: kde-workspace-bin (< 4:5.0.0),19:05
santa_not really iirc. I tested with ubuntu server with kde-full (which also pulls kde-standard), then I tried to dist-upgrade to plasma 519:06
apacheloggerneeds more changelog if that is the case19:07
apacheloggerlike, a lot more changelog19:07
santa_so ... what do you propose as a changelog entry for that change?19:09
apacheloggerexplaining why it is necessary19:10
debfxoh, the server is an openvz container :/19:10
apacheloggerbecause right now it's entirely arbitrary and if is needed then we need it for ever kde-workspace package19:10
apacheloggerso either it's a non-issue or it's a larger-scope issue19:10
apacheloggersanta_: there is no khelpcenter519:13
apachelogger(there is however a khelpcenter5-dbg ... :S)19:13
santa_apachelogger: there's a merge proposal for khelpcenter. about dummy packages it's a bit arbitrary, yes - they are there just to un-confuse package managers but it's not needed for every package in kde-workspace19:15
apacheloggerthat needs proper investigation and explanation in the changelog19:16
apacheloggerif there is need for transitionals they would have to be kept around until 2016 (at the very least), so it best be avoided if possible19:17
santa_I did the investigation, I tested the dist-upgrades, without the set of changes I made you would get kde-standard or kde-full removed19:20
apacheloggersanta_: I believe you, but we should know why :P19:20
apacheloggerbecause depending on the why a less invasive solution might be much more appropriate19:21
apacheloggeryofel: btw, I find the dbg recommends vastly pointless19:23
apacheloggerthey are incredibly incomplete when one considers that they are for the most part qt-dbg and I genearlly dislike the notion that there is a recommends relationship19:23
yofelwell, that's pretty useless indeed19:24
apacheloggerI can get a perfectly fine backtrace on libqfoo code without having qtbase-dbg around19:24
apacheloggerso IMO that's suggests really19:24
yofelI think we mostly use recommends for multiple binary package depends for a dbg package19:24
santa_apachelogger: give me some minutes to re-clone the virtualbox machine so I can paste the aptitude dist-upgrade outputs if that's needed19:24
apacheloggeryofel: that'd make more sense19:24
apacheloggersanta_: sure, take your time19:25
apacheloggerI am doing khelpcenter right now anyway19:25
santa_but probably the explanation would end up being "because the package manager gets confused"19:25
santa_oh, regarding khelpcenter19:25
yofelaptitude should tell you pretty accurately why something gets removed19:26
apacheloggersanta_: having the respective problem resolver tell you why it fails to resolve usually helps with that ^^19:26
santa_it's not that simple irrc19:26
santa_apachelogger: about khelpcenter, the old khelpcenter4 conflicts against khelpcenter (because of kde 3 times) thus that confuses the package manager19:27
apacheloggerkhelpcenter4 packaging is crap then19:27
apacheloggershould have a versioned relationship19:27
* apachelogger hugs https://wiki.debian.org/PackageTransition19:27
yofelit should, right19:28
soeesomeone can confirm (plasma5) that in desktop settings on wallpapers thumbs list there are 3 unknown intems ?19:32
apacheloggersoee: do you get a tooltip when hovering ofer them19:33
soeeapachelogger: no19:33
apacheloggeryofel: do we still have a point update for trusty pending19:33
yofelyes, .319:33
apacheloggerif we fix that in a SRU we are good for LTS upgrade in the future19:34
yofelthe versioned khelpcenter?19:34
yofelok, I'll add that19:34
apacheloggersoee: most suspicious19:34
apacheloggersoee: check your .cache/upstart/startkde.log19:35
apacheloggersearch for wallpaper19:35
apacheloggermaybe it tells you what went wrong19:35
soeeapachelogger: thers no upstart dir under .cache19:35
apachelogger.xsession-erros maybe19:35
apacheloggerI love how that file keeps changing xD19:36
santa_soee: so you can't see the wallpaper previews?19:36
soeesanta_: http://wstaw.org/m/2014/07/29/wallpapers1.png19:37
yofelapachelogger: khelpcenter << 4:4.0 is fine? Or should I make that 4:5.0.0~ ?19:37
apacheloggeryofel: << 4:4.019:38
yofelare you updating bzr or should I?19:38
santa_make sure that change goes to debian then19:40
yofeltrue, I'll tell maxy19:41
apacheloggeryofel: done rev 44919:41
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=449&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 44919:41
apacheloggerubottu: u so outdated mate :P19:41
ubottuapachelogger: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:41
shadeslayerdon't underestimate yourself ubottu19:41
soeeapachelogger: also nothing in .xsessions-errors19:42
apachelogger pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy : Depends: libkf5khtml-dev (>= 5.0.0) which is a virtual package.19:42
apacheloggersoee: you'll have to strace plasmashell I guess19:42
apacheloggersoee: fwiw, those could be broken files or non-image files (though I guess latter wouldn't or rather shouldn't be listed)20:00
* apachelogger cries about the amount of work needed to get qapt to work :'<20:03
soeeapachelogger: probably unsupported format, i just tested with .xcf file and have same behaviour20:03
apacheloggersoee: there's a bug to be reported tough20:03
apacheloggerfor plain file wallpapers it should show the file path in the tooltip20:03
apacheloggersoee: bugs.kde.org -> product plasmashell20:04
apacheloggernot sure about component if you find something to do with wallpapers pick that, otherwise general20:04
soeeapachelogger: thers is Image wallpaper component20:05
apacheloggersoee: that's the one20:06
soeepltform Ubuntu packages ?20:06
apacheloggerunless you use neon20:07
apacheloggerthen compiled from source20:07
soeenope im on ppa20:08
apacheloggersoee: ubuntu packages then20:08
debfxyofel: website should be more responsive now. the server hit the tcp send buffer limit of the container so I've set a lower SendBufferSize in apache.20:09
* yofel *HUGS* debfx20:09
yofelworks, great, thanks a lot! :D20:09
soeedone, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33788720:13
ubottuKDE bug 337887 in Image Wallpaper "File with unsupported format shows default thumbnail and can't set wallpaper" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:13
soeeif someone can reproduce, please post a comment :)20:13
yofelhm, how do I tell 'dch -i -m "foo"' to use my name for the entry and not the previous uploader o.O?20:18
* apachelogger whistles innocently20:19
apacheloggerkhelpcenter improvement arriving in staging soonishy20:20
yofelok, by not using -m, sometimes I should really *read* the manpage20:22
apacheloggeryofel: tell me about it20:23
shadeslayeryofel: hah20:23
shadeslayerI actually discovered -m recently :p20:23
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: a counter would be incredibly misleading unless you want it for kubuntu next exclusively20:23
yofelhm, we could make some download statistics for the PPA20:23
yofelIt's been ages since I've played with that api20:23
apacheloggeryofel: that's a good thing20:23
apacheloggerI get to work with it every month20:24
apacheloggermuch fun20:24
shadeslayeryou do? 0.o20:24
yofelthe statistics API or lplib?20:24
* apachelogger squints20:24
shadeslayerkubuntuBot_: nick kubuntuBot20:24
=== kubuntuBot_ is now known as kubuntuBot
apacheloggerREAD ALERT RED ALERT20:24
yofelthe stats api is a bit weird indeed20:24
apacheloggerso... kinfocenter conflicts kde-runtime-data over /etc/xdg-menuyaydyayda/kde-information.menu20:25
yofellast time I used it I wanted to import the data into another DB to use it20:25
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: have you read the description?20:25
apacheloggereverything ever needs kde-runtime-data20:25
apacheloggerso we now have a compat conflict20:25
* apachelogger falls over dead20:25
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: no, the bot didn't tell me the description :P20:25
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: please read it.20:25
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: the data is still entirely misleading20:26
ovidiu-florinhow so?20:26
apacheloggerofficial isos are mirrored20:26
yofelnot sure if we have public cdimage.ubuntu.com statistics20:26
apacheloggerwe have no data from mirrors20:26
yofelthat too20:26
apacheloggerso you'd have cdimage.ubuntu.com and that'd be it20:26
apacheloggerwhich is tiny fraction of the possible download sources a user can use20:26
ovidiu-florinwe could request download statistics from mirrors20:26
keithzgUnless it was automated, that'd be a bit like herding cats I imagine.20:27
apacheloggerthey might not cooperate, the data might be scewed, and there's like 300 mirrors you get to write a mail to :P20:27
ovidiu-florinautomated of course20:27
apachelogger(that is 300 official ones anyway ;))20:27
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: how would you automate that though20:27
apacheloggeralso.. torrents20:28
apacheloggerand what about people who don't download an ISO at all but do a live upgrade from their system20:28
yofelalso.. zsync20:28
apacheloggerit's all very tricky20:28
apacheloggervery very tricky20:28
shadeslayeranyone else notice http://imgur.com/ozxAJUe in kamoso20:28
apacheloggeractually this came up in the kubuntuforums the other day20:28
shadeslayerit's like ... so many missing icons20:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: been like that for years I think20:29
yofelhm, I have that icon20:29
ovidiu-florinmake a JS function available on a file on our server, that can be called from each link. This would only work if the mirror has some kind of webpage, and not dirrectly a file list. (this would be the preffered way)20:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: alex doesn't know how to check if an icon comes from another application and then import it :P20:29
apacheloggerall the missing icons are frm other apps20:29
yofelboth icons actually20:29
apacheloggerin fact I think one or two actually were removed by the app that contained them so there is no way to get the icon now :P20:29
yofelyeah, that's probably it20:29
yofelapachelogger: I have all icons here20:30
yofelno idea where they come from though20:30
apacheloggeryofel: check kipi maybe20:30
apacheloggeror maybe I am just not remembering things correctly ^^20:30
yofelkipi has too many icons :P20:30
ovidiu-florinapachelogger: I see only 3 mirrors: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu20:30
ovidiu-florinI'll do some more research on this20:31
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors20:32
yofelhm, looks like kamoso.png to me, which is from kamoso20:32
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: similar problem with general census https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?65895-Kubuntu-Ranked-34-On-DistroWatch-Why-Is-Not-Popular&p=354905&viewfull=1#post35490520:32
apacheloggerovidiu-florin: I do not necessarily have a problem with using the data internally although I am reasonable certain the data will not be meaningful enough20:33
apacheloggerbut it certainly shouldn't go public20:33
yofelshadeslayer: broken icon cache? maybe?20:33
apacheloggerin particular since we cannot assure the correctness nor representativeness of the data20:33
shadeslayerthis happens all the times20:33
shadeslayerall of the times20:33
shadeslayerwhat do you see20:33
yofelI see kamoso.png, in both places20:34
yofelwell, it *looks* like kamoso.png20:34
apacheloggerdid anyone see my red alert?20:35
apacheloggerbecause I am freaking out here20:35
yofelRiddell is the upstream release manager for conflicting files...20:35
apacheloggerRiddell: unconflict your files, see backlog20:35
yofelanyone with trusty around that wants to test .3? Otherwise I'll just copy it over20:47
* apachelogger wonders how to test staging migration when kinfocenter is busted20:54
yofelif you ask britney it'll simply hit you in the face :D20:54
* apachelogger uninstalls kinfocenter20:55
apacheloggerthis is all taking much longer than I had planed -.-20:55
* yofel uploads rebuilds for .95 in ninjas for the new gcc20:56
debfxhm the server still sometimes hits the limit. hosting the isos, running transmission-daemon etc is probably just too much.21:13
debfxI could redirect some of the iso downloads to my own server (which is mostly idling anyway) and download.kubuntu.co.uk21:14
shadeslayerdebfx: can you somehow redirect all downloads to download.kubuntu.co.uk?21:21
shadeslayerfrom qa.kubuntu.co.uk21:21
shadeslayerthat would be perfect21:21
debfxnot the way the couldfront stuff is set up right now.21:27
* apachelogger falls off chair21:27
debfxas soon as I redirect to download.kubuntu.co.uk, it mirrors that behavior so you end up with an infinite loop.21:27
apacheloggerI think I am out of uploads for today21:28
santa_yofel, apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/pbhyzqo7d22:05
santa_that's the dist-upgrade without my changes22:05
santa_yofel, apachelogger: as I said the reason for the dummy packages is to avoid package managers confusion22:09
santa_since you ditched my khelpcenter I will retry tomorrow the dist-upgrade and re-work my changes22:10
santa_and if you really think the changelog entries could be better, suggestions are welcomed22:10
santa_although I think my changes were good enough to get them included today22:11
apacheloggersanta_: what does apt-get's problem resolver have to say about this22:11
apacheloggeralso I think this is more about kde-full not being updated than anything else22:12
santa_apt-get doesn't say anything, just tries to remove stuff, let me pastebin...22:12
santa_apachelogger: I had a merge proposal for meta-kde too22:12
santa_.. which would make meta-kde work reasonably well for kde sc 4 and plasma 522:13
apacheloggersanta_: you need to enable the problem resolver output22:14
santa_apachelogger: if it's not abusing this channel for user support, how I do that?22:15
=== alket_ is now known as alket
santa_trying to find out....22:21
yofelsanta_: apt-get -o debug::pkgproblemresolver=true22:29
santa_ah, about to try to do the same editing the conf file22:30
apacheloggerthis kauth crap is so weird it makes no sense22:30
santa_yofel: thanks22:33
santa_apachelogger: what exactly about kauth? as you could see I really had a hard time getting it (almost) working too22:34
apacheloggerif it was almost working it would still be almost often crashing :S22:39
apacheloggerthere's weird mem corruption going on22:40
apacheloggeralso this static cast here doesn't help        result.append(ActionDescription(static_cast<PolkitActionDescription *>(i)));22:40
apacheloggersanta_: it appears to me a version Breaks and Replaces kde-workspace-bin should fix the dep resolution btw22:47
apacheloggerthat is unless anything else other than plasma-desktop 4. -> 5. is preventing the removal22:49
apacheloggerwhat the23:01
santa_apachelogger: fine if you have more suggestions drop me a message here and I will evaluate them in tomorrow's re-working of the "upgrade from kde sc 4" changes23:03
apacheloggerthis is lovely23:03
apacheloggerQString construction from nullptr23:03
apacheloggersanta_: that a breaks repalces should adequatly take care of it, from what I remember conflicts is somewhat more restrictive which ultimtely makes dep resolution sometimes impossible or undesirable wwhen conflicts are involved23:04
apacheloggerIIRC conflicts prevents the packages from being unpacked at the same time at all which makes unpack order a bit of a hassle23:04
apacheloggerwhat the23:11
apacheloggerit's like phonon, except with better code style23:11
apacheloggerkcmodule holds a kauthaction on the stack, which by default is a bogus one and is replaced with a real one, but by then the polkitqt side has detected an error and apparently doesn't clear the flag ever so it keeps moaning about how there's errors....23:12
apacheloggerand on the root side of things the helper randomly segfaults for unknown reasons but possibly todo with stack corruption23:12
* apachelogger shakes head23:12
apacheloggerhow did this ever work23:15
apacheloggerit's madness23:15
apacheloggeroh I am stupid23:37
* apachelogger should go to bed -.-23:37

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