
SMillerHow does one apply a patch to a kernel source? I tried to use command (patch -p1 < /usr/src/0004-HID-kye-Add-support-for-3-tablets.patch) into the konsole and was asked "File to patch:" and put in Kconfig.hz and was given "Permission denied". Am I doing it right or am I missing something?02:15
=== SMiller is now known as Savagemiller
SavagemillerHello. Is there any resources that explain about the kernel program? Mostly about installing patchies. For version 3.13.0-32. On K.ubuntu.03:06
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arkaschaNewbie question: to make my ethernet card work I have to manually call dhclient, dhcpd does not work. How can I setup that to be called everytime ethernet tries to connect automatically?08:36
six86Hello. Do you know the problem with apparently SMB mounts going stale and blocking every application accessing them? Is there a solution for that? Appeared after the 14.04 upgrade i think.09:06
dheerhello sir09:23
dheeri am unable to install any software from muon discover09:24
dheerhelp me09:25
urbancamodo you get any error messages?09:46
six86Hello. Do you know the problem with apparently SMB mounts going stale and blocking every application accessing them? Is there a solution for that? Appeared after the 14.04 upgrade i think.10:58
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krejsihi, is there some log I can check after an automated installation to see what happened during install?11:25
tsimpsonkrejsi: /var/log/installer/ should contain some logs11:30
krejsithanks tsimpson11:30
BluesKajHiyas folks13:13
mhall119shadeslayer: ubuntuonair.com has been updated for the Q&A in an hour, and we've posted to the Ubuntu social media accounts, do you have access to the Kubuntu pages on FB or G+ to let people know about it?14:11
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ can you handle @kubuntu14:11
Riddellmhall119: what what?14:20
Riddelljust link to  ubuntuonair.com ?14:20
mhall119Riddell: yeah14:20
Riddellrohan's going to star?14:22
shadeslayerI'm going to be famous14:22
bzoltanhello kubuntu folks. I would need a friendly licensed maintainer who could review and approve an MR from us against the QtCreator packaging branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/qtcreator. The patch is rather simple -> https://code.launchpad.net/~zeller-benjamin/kubuntu-packaging/qtcreator-ubuntudevice-qmlprojects/+merge/228665 It enables ubuntu devices to be Run targets for QML apps.14:27
tsimpsonbzoltan: please ask in #kubuntu-devel14:29
bzoltantsimpson: I do, thanks14:29
Riddell** Rohan live on ubuntuonair.com now talking about Plasma 5!14:58
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:24
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awesomesauceHi! I'm having trouble getting my printer working.16:16
robinhood2014How do I transfer my IM accounts from Pidgin to KDE Telepathy?16:55
=== yaroslav is now known as yarik654e3
troy__Anybody here? I have important questions and i was told this konversation was where i should ask.17:25
lordievader!ask | troy__17:26
ubottutroy__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:26
=== troy__ is now known as Torededer
ToredederWell i have a big problem- i cant export display, start plasma-desktop or kwin automatically, i have to go into the terminal by pushing cntrl+alt+f1 and start them myself after i login on the graphical side. i am trying to find how to run/write a script to help with this, but i dont know how to. (sorry if thats hard to understand--it seemed simpler in my head)17:31
BluesKajTorededer, have you updted then upgraded since logging, missing upgradess might solve your problem17:36
BluesKajor upgrading rather17:36
lordievaderTorededer: Do you have anything special in your setup? ("text" as a kernel parameter?)17:38
ToredederBluesKaj i updated this morning17:40
Toredederim not sure if i upgraded anything though17:41
BluesKajTorededer, yes , but did you upgrade?17:41
Toredederhow would i be able to tell/17:41
BluesKajsudo apt-get upgrade is the upgrade command17:41
Toredederlordievader, im not sure if i do how can i tell17:42
ToredederBluesKaj, thanks will do right now17:42
lordievaderTorededer: If you don't know there shouldn't be any special setup ;)17:43
lordievaderTorededer: What graphics card + driver are you rocking?17:43
ToredederBluesKaj it says: unable to locate package upgrade17:44
Toredederlordievader im a total noob how do i tell(feeling so dumb right now)17:45
BluesKajTorededer, sudo apt-get upgrade, in the terminal17:45
lordievaderTorededer: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA".17:46
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SouL_Guys, are you able to pass audio via hdmi?18:20
LiamWI seem to be able to18:21
LiamWeven through my nvidia card18:21
SouL_Please, onegai! Can you tell me how to do it?18:21
LiamWprobably something in KMix? idk, I'm more from a gnome background18:22
LiamWin gnome, I'd do something like this http://i.imgur.com/HTAeubU.png18:24
soeeSouL_: go to system settings -> multimedia18:26
soeeand when hdmi is connected, you can select from the list output18:26
SouL_ah, yes, soee.18:27
SouL_Let's see if the tv plays something..18:27
soeeit will :)18:27
SouL_Still not :(18:30
SouL_I'm looking at kmixer to see if I have to select master channel or something18:30
soeebut video works ?18:30
SouL_ye yes!18:30
SouL_video works out of the box18:30
soeeall i was doing was to hcnage output in system settings18:30
soeebut maybe some channel is muted18:30
SouL_Now I listen when I do "front right" or "front left"18:35
SouL_But not the music fro myoutube, for example18:35
SouL_her voice is beautiful :$18:37
soeemaybe you are missing some codecs18:38
SouL_What do you mean? Sorry, I don't know about multimedia things18:40
soeecheck if you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed18:42
SouL_No, I'm going to install them18:43
SouL_.exe wtf xD18:45
SouL_Why I need to install things from microsoft?18:45
LiamWworks as long as it's ELF format18:45
LiamWone can read the first four bytes of an executable to tell if it's an ELF file18:45
SouL_It worked!!18:47
lordievaderSouL_: The kubuntu-restricted-extras does not contain any Windows executables ;)18:47
SouL_Ohh guys :(18:47
SouL_Now the sound goes speeched18:47
SouL_it plays it super fast18:47
SouL_and like a chimpunk18:48
LiamWSouL_: what audio backend do you have?18:48
SouL_Here it says..18:48
LiamWIn one of my games, I found that I had issues with PulseAudio over HDMI so I used ALSA instead and it worked better18:48
lordievaderSouL_: Does your TV expect 48kHz and does your soundcard output 44.1kHz? (Or the other way around...)18:49
SouL_I'm going to reboot. Thank you guys very much, Let's talk later18:49
SouL_thanks really18:49
SouL_I'll tell you18:49
ToredederBluesKaj oh i put install when it wasnt needed18:54
Toredederlordievader do i put that in the terminal?18:55
lordievaderTorededer: Yes, and then copy the output to http://paste.kde.org and give us the link.19:00
Toredederlordievader here -----19:01
ToredederVGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS200M [Radeon IGP 330M/340M/345M/350M]19:01
Torededer        Subsystem: IBM ThinkPad R40e19:01
Torededer        Kernel driver in use: radeon19:01
lordievader!paste | Torededer19:01
ubottuTorededer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:01
Torededersorry this is my first time using konversation19:02
lordievaderTorededer: Hmm, that seems to be in order. If I understand correctly, lightdm does not start on boot? And you get a text-based login prompt?19:03
Toredederlightdm... im not sure if it starts on boot for me,19:05
Toredederlordievader i have to type in export DISA19:06
Toredederwait fail19:06
lordievaderTorededer: "export DISPLAY=:0&&startkde"?19:07
Toredederlordievader i have to type in "export DISPLAY=:0" then "plasma-desktop &" then "kwin &"19:07
RobinHood2014_How can I configure Kopete to display what I'm listening to using Clementine?19:08
ToredederBluesKaj i updated nautilus, that was the upgrade i was missing.19:08
LiamWupgrading nautilus wouldn't do much19:08
LiamWKDE prefers dolphin anyway19:08
LiamWnautilus is a gnome thing19:08
lordievaderTorededer: So X is running, what happens when you press ctrl + alt + f8 after a reboot?19:09
BluesKajTorededer, nautilus is not a kubuntu app, are you running kubuntu or ubuntu?19:17
LiamWperhaps kubuntu with nautilus installed afterwards19:17
BluesKajmethinks he's in the wrong chat19:18
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Toredederlordievader when in the boot process are you talking about?19:59
ToredederLiamW you would know better than me, you installed it for me :p20:00
lordievaderTorededer: After you get a text-based login screen, as in http://www.coolpctips.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/tty-console.png20:00
LiamWlordievader: no text-based login screen20:00
LiamWkdm is installed, the greeter appears20:00
LiamWafter logging in, nothing happens20:01
LiamWplasma and kwin have to be started manually20:01
Toredederlordievader its just what LiamW said.20:02
LiamWthis is basically done by hitting Ctrl+Alt+F1 (to switch to tty1), then logging in to the shell, and running the commands20:02
lordievaderTorededer never said anything about kdm?20:02
lordievaderDid I miss something?20:02
LiamWTorededer: nope20:02
LiamWlightdm is not installed20:02
LiamWlordievader: you didn't miss anythinig20:02
ToredederLiamW should i install it?20:03
lordievaderAnyhow, kdm is not really supported anymore by Kubuntu.20:03
LiamWlordievader: kdm isn't really the problem20:03
lordievaderLiamW: This was a crucial bit of info, such things should also be said...20:03
LiamWwell, maybe20:03
lordievaderTorededer: Yes, install lightdm, remove kdm and reboot.20:03
Toredederlordievader sorry for tag teaming you with LiamW but he knows a lot more than me about linux. i just switched to linux looking for a new solution because my computer is SUPER SSSLLLOOOWWW and i dont really know much about it so...20:05
LiamWwell, for a thinkpad from seven years ago it's still running fairly well20:05
ToredederLiamW but you always tell me it sucks XD20:06
LiamWit really does20:06
Toredederlordievader do i do "apt-get remove kdm" then "apt-get install lightdm"?20:07
LiamWswitch to a text console first20:07
LiamWremoving kdm will kill X20:07
lordievaderKubuntu isn't really the right choice for an old laptop, then you'd rather want to look into Xubuntu or Lubuntu.20:07
LiamWneither worked20:08
ToredederLiamW well yeah i know that much, it had 128mb of ram20:08
LiamWlordievader: both hung on the install, the ubuntu net installer did though20:08
lordievaderTorededer: I'd switch them around, and listen to LiamW ;)20:08
lordievaderTorededer: Or run it in screen ;)20:08
Toredederlordievader switch them around? what do you mean20:09
lordievaderapt-get install lubuntu-desktop?20:09
LiamWsudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-dekstop20:10
lordievaderTorededer: First install lightdm and then remove kdm.20:10
LiamWjust ignore me for now20:10
Toredederlol which one of you should i listen to20:10
lordievaderTorededer: Could even be that lightdm removes kdm itself.20:10
lordievaderLiamW: Bit drastic ;), they can exist side by side.20:11
Toredederlordievader so i should use the code the LiamW just gave me?20:11
LiamWswitch to a text console (tty1) and write20:11
LiamW`sudo apt-get install lightdm`20:12
LiamWthen go through it blah blah blah20:12
LiamWset lightdm as the default display manager20:12
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ToredederLiamW so will that crash my Computer like as in i have to reboot and stuff21:04
LiamWit won't crash it per se...21:04
Toredederk will do it now, dont expect me to be back soon21:04
ToredederLiamW its already installed apparently but then whats the problem...21:07
LiamWdo `sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm`21:07
LiamWthen select lightdm21:08
aguitelanyone install kubuntu on chromebook ?21:09
ToredederLiamW kk21:11
Toredederhitting enter but then there is like black terminal spaces tab doesnt work either21:14
LiamWhit tab to select the OK button21:14
ToredederLiamW k so i guess that worked so can i reboot/21:17
ToredederLiamW what if something goeswrong and i dont know how to use the terminal21:17
LiamWnothing will go wrong21:18
LiamWdon't worry21:18
LiamWit'll probably be the same old routine, in fact21:18
ToredederLiamW im trusting you...21:18
=== troy__ is now known as Torededer
Toredederlordievader thanks for helping me out man, light dm fixed the problem i can just login but i still need to export display to make programs run21:35
Toredederanyone know how to make the buttons on an ibm thinkpad r40e work?22:12
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Toredederjeez 200 people here and no one answering22:24
LiamWTorededer: they likely don't know, or aren't answering because they are away (watch for their nick to become gray over on the right)22:26
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