
cjwatsonarayaq: That's similar to bug 1273487 - not the same symptom, but more or less the same cause.  I believe I've fixed this in launchpad-buildd now, so it should be sorted out at the next rollout, which I'm planning to organise later this week.00:25
ubot5bug 1273487 in launchpad-buildd "daily recipe fails for utf-8 filenames" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127348700:25
cjwatsonThanks for the report.00:25
arayaqcjwatson: Thank you, so I cant build until the fix is rolled or is something I can do on my side to make it build?00:26
cjwatsonarayaq: If it's urgent to work around it, then temporarily removing the diacritic from your display name on Launchpad (https://launchpad.net/~/+edit) should sort it out, though I fully understand if that's an unpalatable answer.00:26
cjwatsoni.e. "Angel Araya" rather than "Ángel Araya"00:27
cjwatsonObviously it's unacceptable for us to restrict to ASCII-only displaynames though.00:27
arayaqcjwatson: I see! I'll go with the work around for now and revert back when the fix is out00:27
arayaqcjwatson: Thanks a lot!00:27
cjwatsonYou can subscribe to the bug above to be notified when it's fixed (it'll flip to Fix Released)00:28
wgrantHm, I think that's rather a separate bzr-builder bug.00:35
wgrantaOh no00:35
wgrantMissed the enc arg, cjwatson's right.00:35
cjwatsonYeah, I tried out the failing bits of code in both environment-with-no-locale and environment-with-LANG=C.UTF-800:36
cjwatsonIt goes back to the question of whether we should just set LANG=C.UTF-8 across the board, but this will do for now00:36
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jtayloris recipe building broken? I get an bzr error about quilt not being installed07:41
wgrantjtaylor: Not all recipes, just those that are forced by bzr-builder from 3.0 (quilt) to 3.0 (native).07:48
wgrantBut yes, it seems our new virtual builders don't have quilt installed. I'll get that fixed in a few hours, hopefully.07:48
arun_hi guys !!!08:53
arun_I needed a help in Launchpad.net please help me out08:53
ersiI might not be able to help at all, but what is the problem you're having? (It's usually better to ask the question you came to ask about, instead of asking if anyone can help)08:57
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:59
arun_ersi: I was wanting to get bugtracker enabled in launchpad09:01
mark06can anyone help with https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/249542 ? it simply can't be done? not even rm, or sql delete, or whatever?13:53
mark06look at what kind of thing it forces me to write: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~renatosilva/pidgin++/trunk/view/head:/build/translations.sh :(13:54
dobeyi really don't understand what you're complaining about14:01
dobeythe filenames are not wrong14:02
mark06it's not the original po file14:20
mark06thus, the program doesn't know about this new translation, since it relies on the language code for some things14:21
dobeywell, the original po files are allowed to be wrong14:21
mark06I need to run the script above on every merge14:21
mark06why allowed?14:21
dobeybecause you seem to be assserting that they are correct as if they are not allowed to be wrong, because they are pre-existing14:22
mark06hmm the Language: header?14:22
dobeywhy do you have ms_MY.po instead of ms.po?14:22
mark06I have no idea, only pidgin developers know14:23
mark06btw the Language header is ms for ms_MY but not my for my_MM, still LP exports to my.po, so that won't fix it14:23
dobeylaunchpad does not use the region specifier for po files unless it's absolutely necessary to do so14:25
dobeyiow, there's no good reason to have ms_MY instead of just ms14:25
dobeyand same with my_MM instead of my14:25
mark06ok so you're still into 'everything is just ok'?14:25
mark06I'm not asking tyo rename default name, if that thing ever exists, that would just move the problem to someone else14:26
dobeyi'm saying that because pidgin is doing it wrong, and you're forking pidgin, blaming launchpad for being not pidgin isn't exactly a helpful solution14:26
mark06I'm asking to export foo.po to foo.po not bar.po, why ignore foo.po's name and use bar.po instead?14:26
beaumanviennaI've uploaded software to my launchpad PPA, but it doesn't show up on my profile. How can I see a build log?14:29
cjohnstonbeaumanvienna: how long ago did you upload? Did you get an accepted email?14:30
beaumanviennaI did check my mail. wait14:30
mark06beaumanvienna: "View package details" on the top right corner of your ppa page14:30
cjohnstonbeaumanvienna: depending on how long ago, it may be either pending or building..14:31
cjwatsonbeaumanvienna: Make sure you signed the upload.  Launchpad only sends any kind of reply to signed uploads, so if you forgot to sign it with a key that you have registered in Launchpad, you won't hear anything back.14:32
beaumanviennaI do have message from launchpad. It says Rejected: Unable to find distroseries: experimental14:33
beaumanviennaI signed it14:34
dobeyyou can only build for ubuntu distro series14:35
mark06beaumanvienna: where's your code?14:36
dobeyso you need to specify utopic, trusty, etc… not the debian series names14:36
beaumanviennaAhh, I get it. So http://slexy.org/view/s2Qk44cWD6 ?14:38
mark06beaumanvienna: yay :)14:39
beaumanviennaI have uploaded my code with dpit14:39
beaumanviennaI have uploaded my code with dput14:39
beaumanviennaI changed the entry in changelog to trusty, now it says: Package has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net14:50
cjohnstonprobably need to bump the version number IIRC14:50
beaumanviennaI give it a try..14:51
beaumanviennaUpload successful, but in the mail: Rejected File mednafen_0.9.36.2.orig.tar.bz2 already exists in Primary Archive for Ubuntu, but uploaded version has different contents.15:00
cjwatsonYou aren't allowed to change a file with a given filename once it's been uploaded to a given archive.15:03
cjwatsonWhy did you change it?15:03
mark06beaumanvienna: can you simply delete the ppa? that would fix it15:03
cjwatsonIt's complaining about a mismatch with the version in the primary archive15:03
mark06cjwatson: he changed because of the above, the series15:03
cjwatsonSo rather than constructing that file however you did it, grab the version from the primary archive and build your source package against that15:04
cjwatsonmark06: That doesn't require changing the .orig, and in any case this warning is about a mismatch with the primary archive, so deleting the PPA won't help15:04
beaumanviennaYou mean by patching it?15:04
cjwatsonNo, I mean by fetching that file from the source package in Ubuntu15:04
beaumanviennaI think so too, but where can I find the original? The latest version in Ubuntu is in Utopia with 0.9.33, not
mark06cjwatson: why does it complain that the "Primary Archive" already has that version, no idea what's that15:05
cjwatsonLaunchpad won't allow you to build a PPA for Ubuntu with file names that conflict with Ubuntu proper15:05
cjwatsonbeaumanvienna: I just gave you the URL, which is in utopic-proposed at the moment.15:05
mark06cjwatson: I thought when you changed origs... it didn't try to overwrite them in the upstream repos???15:06
cjwatsonmark06: Because it does, as I pointed to above.15:06
beaumanviennaThanks!! So I can patch my version against it?15:06
cjwatsonbeaumanvienna: Just replace the version of that file in the parent directory of your unpacked source package with the one from Ubuntu, and rebuild the source package.15:06
cjwatsonmark06: It won't try to overwrite the version in Ubuntu, but nevertheless having conflicting files of the very same name in an Ubuntu PPA and in Ubuntu itself would be very confusing, and possibly break some specialised use cases, so it's not allowed.15:07
mark06cjwatson: ah I see... it's odd that it didn't grab the latest version though15:07
mark06it, when it fetched the source package then patched it for creating this new patched package15:08
mark06*when they15:08
cjwatsonmark06: beaumanvienna constructed the source package15:08
cjwatsonThere's nothing automatic going on there15:08
mark06this is not from scratch15:08
cjwatsonhttp://slexy.org/view/s2Qk44cWD6 implies it's from scratch15:09
mark06source (orig) has been fetched and only the diff is being uploaded, no?15:09
cjwatson's not a changelog that would suggest that it's a modification of an existing package.15:09
beaumanviennaactualy it's not. It's just my first src code so I tried to keep things simple, sorry15:09
cjwatsonmark06: All previous uploads were rejected for other reasons.15:10
cjwatsonThere was no need to bump the version number to avoid the "Package has already been uploaded" warning.  dput -f or removing the .upload file locally would have taken care of that, since Launchpad rejected the upload.15:10
mark06beaumanvienna: are you creating the package from scratch or did you download the source package then changed it?15:10
beaumanviennaOK guys, thanks for the moment, I will think about all this and figure it out!! Bye15:10
cjwatsonAs such, Launchpad didn't keep a record of the files there.  This new upload is effectively an attempt to upload it from scratch.15:10
mark06cjwatson: I'd assume that's just the top of the changelog15:11
cjwatsonmark06: I wouldn't, given how it says "Initial release"!15:11
cjwatsonNormally it's very badly misguided to repackage something from scratch, but lots of people do it.15:11
beaumanviennaMy bad, I was going to include a complete changelog, but I tried to keep things simple15:12
cjwatsonWhat would be simplest would be copying the perfectly good package that already exists :)15:12
cjwatsonAnd not reusing a version number that's already been used in Debian15:13
beaumanviennaOk, wait guys. The actual number I made my changes on is So how do call my package with my changes then?15:14
cjwatsonThat's an upstream version number.  Surely you reused the existing packaging rather than doing it from scratch?15:15
cjwatsonIn which case you'd want to base on the version number of that packaging, and then follow https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#versioning15:17
beaumanviennaGot it. I must name it 'mednafen_0.9.36.2-ppa1', right?15:22
beaumanviennaI'll give this a try.15:22
cjwatsonbeaumanvienna: No, that doesn't look right.  What version of the existing packaging are you basing your work on?15:30
beaumanviennaIt is based on version, I forked it on github, see https://github.com/beaumanvienna/mednafen-git15:34
cjwatsonThat's upstream, not packaging.15:35
mark06then you created the debian dir from scratch?15:35
cjwatsonYou shouldn't do your packaging from scratch - you should base it on the existing packaging in Ubuntu15:35
cjwatsonOtherwise it's a total waste of time15:35
cjwatson"pull-lp-source mednafen" will fetch the latest15:35
cjwatson(but note, that will probably overwrite your current one, so do that in a scratch directory)15:35
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beaumanviennaok got your meaning. I'll try it. I took the latest version I found in Ubuntu, which is 0.9.33 in Utopic and changed it to my needs.15:36
cjwatsonThat's not the latest version in Ubuntu.15:36
cjwatsonThe latest version in Ubuntu is, as reported by rmadison / visible on Launchpad.15:37
cjwatson(It hasn't built yet, but that's due to an incompatibility with the latest libtrio, I think.)15:37
mark0636 is under proposed, 33 under release15:38
mark06that's the 'channel' and proposed is for testing, right?15:39
cjwatsonRight, that's because hasn't been able to build in utopic yet; but given that it's an incompatibility with the latest libtrio packaging, probably caused by libtrio converting to multiarch in utopic, it should build fine in trusty.15:39
cjwatsonchannel> misleading15:39
cjwatson-proposed is part of our continuous integration system, essentially, so we don't put things into utopic until they've built and passed certain tests15:40
mark06beaumanvienna: whenever you want to patch something that already exists in ubuntu, it's *highly recommended* (not exactly required) that you patch the ubuntu package, instead of trying to re-package from scratch15:40
cjwatsonhowever, if you just want the latest source code, fetch the latest rather than worrying about whether it's in -proposed or not15:40
cjwatsonespecially if the alternative is doing it from scratch!15:40
cjwatsonif you then need to modify it further, then would normally be a sensible version number to use15:40
beaumanviennaWait, wait.15:40
mark06beaumanvienna: this is because someone else already did all the hard work for integrating that piece of software into ubuntu (the patches), and already has applied important security fixes and is going to maintain these *for you*15:41
mark06hmm channel is universe, multiverse, main etc right?15:42
mark06dobey: I've reported bug 1349885, but thanks anyway :)15:43
ubot5bug 1349885 in Launchpad itself "Original po filenames are not preserved in translation export" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134988515:43
beaumanviennaI would like to branch from version Why do I have to branch from the latest version?15:44
beaumanviennaIn the project I work with we have my custom made version for some weeks in deployment, it's perfect, no need to take the latest source15:44
mark06beaumanvienna: because of what I said above, you have to choose between that (which is currently available only for 33) or doing that *yourself*....15:45
beaumanviennaOK, I'll do it by myself! Thanks!15:46
mark06will they guess http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/utopic/mednafen/utopic/files/head:/debian/patches/15:47
bennabiyIs anyone else suddenly experiencing failed builds, as of yesterday?15:53
bennabiybecause of missing quilt dependency?15:53
cjohnstonbennabiy: it should be either already fixed or inprogress. cjwatson ^15:56
bennabiythank you15:57
cjwatsonRight, William was working on that with IS15:58
cjwatsonThis is just for a subset of recipe builds15:58
cjwatsonbennabiy: Do you have a recent failed build?15:58
bennabiylet me check15:58
bennabiyI did as of last night15:58
cjwatsonRecent> last couple of hours15:58
bennabiylet me try again16:00
bennabiyfailed.. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/180992994/buildlog.txt.gz16:02
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cjwatsonbennabiy: OK, so we've landed the patch to fix this, I think we're just waiting for a cronned update of the base image now16:16
cjwatsonbennabiy: this system is so brand new I don't know the frequency yet16:17
cjwatsonliterally a complete replacement of the virtual builder infrastructure16:18
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bennabiyCan you let me know when to try again?16:38
cjwatsonbennabiy: Yep, hang around here16:41
bennabiywill do17:04
shadeslayeridk what you guys did, but Launchad now builds firefox in ~2 hours, and I'm extremely happy about that :D17:09
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
cjwatsonshadeslayer: is that in a virtual PPA?17:18
cjwatsonYep, looks like it17:19
cjwatsonThat'll be scalingstack :)17:19
shadeslayercjwatson: virtual PPA?17:23
shadeslayerI'm assuming all PPA's are Virtual17:24
shadeslayerhttps://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/ubuntu/firefox is the one I was talking about17:24
cjwatsonshadeslayer: no, some special ones are "devirtualised" and build on the distro farm, but anyway, yeah, I found it, this is virtualised17:24
shadeslayerbut quite happy that I don't have to wait 8 hours for a build :D17:24
cjwatsonand I mostly meant PPA rather than an upload to Ubuntu17:24
cjwatsonright, so we (i.e. mostly not me) finally deployed the new replacement for the virtualised builder infrastructure that's been in development for a year or two17:25
cjwatsonopenstack-based, trusty base system, possibly more disk/ram per guest into the bargain17:25
cjwatsonappears to not have guests fall over every five minutes17:26
cjwatsonwhich is nice17:26
shadeslayerso the builders aren't running warty anymore? :D17:26
cjwatsonhardy, but yeah17:26
shadeslayerah, heh :P17:26
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cjwatsonshadeslayer: in your case I suspect it's just extra RAM or something making a difference; don't know the exact specs involved ...17:29
cjwatsonbennabiy: can you retry now?17:29
shadeslayerok, whatever it was, it was awesome ^_^17:29
cjwatsonyep, I see it17:30
bennabiySeems like my build is starting quicker, but is that just because of the switchover?17:30
cjwatsonPretty much, we have better capacity now it seems17:30
cjwatsonRoughly the same number of builders, but they fail less often and apparently they're quicker in some cases, so I haven't seen any backlog since we switched17:31
bennabiyfailed https://launchpadlibrarian.net/181000140/buildlog.txt.gz17:31
cjwatsonhm, I'll get back to the sysadmin who was helping me17:31
bennabiyok thank you :)17:31
bennabiyI will stick around to try again17:32
bennabiyjust alert me by name :)17:32
cjwatsonyeah, just don't want to push you over your daily recipe build limit unnecessarily17:32
sergio-br2can i use # bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {debupstream}-0~{revdate} ?17:39
dobeysergio-br2: i don't see why not, though personally i've started avoiding having - in the version string in recipes17:41
sergio-br2dobey, why?17:42
cjwatsonbennabiy: try now17:43
cjwatson(glitch in the upgrade procedure)17:43
dobeysergio-br2: for a while lp was more strict because newer dpkg was being more strict, and since recipe builds amount to being native packages in the eyes of dpkg, it made sense to not have -17:43
bennabiyone thing that would be nice to have is an auto refreshed page so I do not need to keep refreshing the page to see my build progress17:44
dobeysergio-br2: so i just use {debupstream}+r{revno} generally, for actually native packages, and tack on a ~{revno:packaging} if it's something i have to nest a separate packaging branch into17:44
sergio-br2this revno gets the bzr commits?17:45
cjwatsonbennabiy: yeah, I'd like to hook that up for builds, but enotime, and the auto-refresh mechanism in LP has some limits at the moment anyway ...17:46
dobeysergio-br2: yes, it's the value of "bzr revno" against the branch17:46
bennabiyfair enough17:46
cjwatsonbennabiy: there you go, success17:46
bennabiythank you17:46
bennabiyI have thought about building my own launchpad / builder just for local stuff, but have yet to do it17:47
dobeysetting up sbuild to build locally is pretty easy17:48
bennabiyI need something local, as I have projects that are not public domain, which I would not want to host on launchpad17:48
cjwatsonsbuild is local17:50
sergio-br2dobey, so it's not good to use revdate to iterate the version? I remember that i got an error with this thing17:53
dobeysergio-br2: you can use a date if you want, but i don't know what error you got or what revdate means exactly17:54
dobeysergio-br2: i prefer the revno, because it's a more accurate description of what you're building17:54
dobeysergio-br2: the date doesn't really tell you which revision the build was from, as more revisions could have landed after the build, on that date17:55
sergio-br2the thing is that i imported a code from github, then i don't know if it make sense using the bzr number to iterate17:55
sergio-br2humm, right17:55
sergio-br2it makes sense17:56
dobeysergio-br2: the bzr revno still makes sense, because you can track it to the specific revision in bzr, and then track that to the specific revision in git17:56
dobeyit only breaks if upstraem does something stupid and deletes existing revisions in the master branch17:56
dobey(which, sadly, some people actually do quite often)17:56
sergio-br2so deb-version {debupstream}-0~{revno} is good17:57
dobeyi would do {debupstream}+r{revno}17:58
sergio-br2why in the end the package got a .1 in the name? like 0.9.9.git.20140727.1~ubuntu14.10.117:58
cjwatsonhardcoded in launchpad-buildd for some reason I meant to track down but was sort of scared of changing in case it broke things17:59
sergio-br2this .1 is not used for iterate17:59
dobeythe -0 doesn't tell you anything useful, and if the debupstream is the same version as already in ubuntu, the package will appear older than what's in ubuntu, even if it's newer17:59
cjwatsonI think it's a bug, but it doesn't really matter17:59
dobeyyeah i wouldn't worry about that. lp appends the series to all recipe builds automatically17:59
sergio-br2it's annoying me :p17:59
dobeyfind a new annoyance :)18:00
dobeyor just build it for trusty, then the .1 will "mean" something ;)18:00
yofelBig thanks to everyone that worked on the build buildds, they're amazing! :D18:04
yofel*new buildds18:04
cjwatsonI've passed it on :)18:05
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
sergio-br2i got this error: http://pastebin.com/6BxQqQbQ18:25
cjwatsonPlease always link to the build on LP rather than pastebinning its log18:27
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~libretro/+archive/ubuntu/testing/+recipebuild/763395 apparently18:28
cjwatsonsergio-br2: Your recipe doesn't include any branch that contains any packaging.18:28
sergio-br2{debupstream}+r{revno:Genesis-Plus-GX}  ?18:33
sergio-br2the code is https://code.launchpad.net/~libretro/libretro/Genesis-Plus-GX18:33
sergio-br2"Replaced by the revision number of the branch you specify, using the short name specified elsewhere in the recipe."18:35
sergio-br2so id is Genesis-Plus-GX?18:35
sergio-br2cjwatson, why i need to specific branch? This is in the recipe too:  lp:~libretro/libretro/Genesis-Plus-GX18:37
dobeysergio-br2: what you need is a debian/ directory18:38
dobeysergio-br2: it can either be in the upstream branch, or you can create a new branch with its contents, and nest it in the recipe18:39
sergio-br2ahh, i completely forgot that debian/ is inside libretro/18:40
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sergio-br2stupid me18:41
sergio-br2what's the difference between nest and merge?18:54
dobeynest grabs the branch in a subdir, merge is a merge (same as bzr merge otherbranch)18:56
dobeyi find just having the contents of debian/ in a branch and nesting it is easier to deal with, for recipes that are building upstream branches which don't have a debian/ dir18:57
sergio-br2so, i need to have only the debian/ folder in a branch?19:00
dobeysergio-br2: can you see https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/+recipe/ardour-dailies ?19:02
dobeyhttps://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dobey/ardour/packaging-dailies/files for example, is nested with "nest packaging lp:~dobey/ardour/packaging-dailies debian" in the recipe19:04
sergio-br2good example19:05
sergio-br2in "nest packaging ..." , this packaging is a reference to {revno:packaging} ?19:07
sergio-br2ah, it's a a short name19:08
dobeyit's the symbolic name, which is referenced in the veresion string variable, yes :)19:09
sergio-br2but i need to use this?19:10
sergio-br2hum, it's good to know what revision in the package, right?19:10
dobeyyes, it's good to know what revision of the packaging you are using, if it is a separate branch from the upstream branch19:16
sergio-br2in my case19:17
sergio-br2# bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version {debupstream}+r{revno}.{revno:packaging}19:17
sergio-br2nest packaging lp:~libretro/libretro/Genesis-Plus-GX-debian debian19:17
dobeyif someone complains about a packaging issue, you can use the version number of the package they have installed to cross reference it with the branch and see what changed or needs changing19:17
sergio-br2this should work?19:17
dobeyit will work, but i would use ~ instead of . there19:17
dobeyright, that's what i use in my recipes19:18
sergio-br2ok, it will be good to automate retroarch and core builds19:20
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sergio-br2i'm having problem with quilt patch: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/181006003/buildlog.txt.gz19:31
cjohnstonsergio-br2: that's an old build correct? (more than an hour or two)19:32
cjohnstonsorry.. now I see what I think is the proper timestamp19:33
sergio-br2it's other package19:33
sergio-br2it's the last build19:33
sergio-br2funny, this quilt patch works here, even with debian/ folder inside retroarch code19:34
sergio-br2*here in my machine19:34
cjohnstoncjwatson: ^19:34
sergio-br2i think there are some files missing yet, in the repo19:35
bennabiywhat is with this...     You have exceeded today's quota for ubuntu utopic, ubuntu trusty, ubuntu precise. ?19:37
bennabiyI have never had a limit on being able to build my package19:37
bennabiyis this new?19:38
bennabiycjwatson: Is there now a limit on how many builds can be done in a day?19:41
sergio-br25 builds each ubuntu version19:43
sergio-br2yeah, I already had this problem19:43
bennabiybah, can someone reset it? I used up my builds troubleshooting the issue with launchpad!19:47
dobeybennabiy: the quota exists because people keep wasiting resources trying to constantly rebuild broken packages as they try to learn how to package things. you should test builds locally with sbuild before uploading a package to a PPA19:48
bennabiydobey: my package was fine. It was launchpad which was broken19:49
bennabiyand I kept rebuilding to help cjwatson track down the issue with quilt19:49
dobeyhow so?19:49
bennabiyand now I cannot actually rebuild it when I need to.19:49
dobeybennabiy: i think you'll need to ask cjwatson about that if/when he returns then (it's getting late over on that side of the atlantic)19:51
dobeyor if wgrant appears soon, he might be able to help with that19:51
* bennabiy sighs19:51
dobeyi can't do anything about the quota, sorry19:51
bennabiythank you dobey19:52
cjohnstoncprov: any thoughts ^19:52
cprovcjohnston: no, sorry, you need an lp-admin for that19:53
bennabiyWell, if one shows up. I would appreciate it. Otherwise, is there a way to patch the files on my machine, and then upload the revisions?19:55
cjwatsonthe quota is hardcoded in LP code19:59
cjwatsonbut you can build again tomorrow19:59
cjwatsonthis is why I test-built myself after the first time ...19:59
cjwatsonsorry for the inconvenience, but it should just be for today20:00
cjwatsonit's only recipes.  Ordinary PPA uploads have no quota20:00
cjwatsonso you can certainly grab the source package from the recipe-target PPA, modify, reupload20:00
LiamWhow can I sort bugs by importance, then by age?20:05
LiamWI want to have "Triaged" bugs appear first, ordered by their age20:06
LiamWthen "Confirmed," etc20:06
LiamWcan I do this by just browsing on the website or will I need to use something like launchpadlib to do that?20:07
dobeyisn't that just how it works on the web site?20:07
dobeyoh, i guess you can't explicitly say "triaged first" on the web site20:09
dobeyit will show fix committed and in progress bugs above triaged bugs20:09
LiamWyou can probably hide fixcommitted bugs from the listing20:09
dobeyyes, with an advanced search20:09
bennabiycjohnston, cjwatson : thank you20:17

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