
sydneyanarkhein: Hello :)02:01
anarkheinis there some basic way to adjust the screen brightness in lubuntu? it's the first time im checking it out, and my impression is pretty damn good so far. getting the wifi working was easy as soon as i found my way to the right configuration window02:02
sydneyanarkhein: the power manager?02:05
anarkheinok, i have looked at it already, but not extensively02:06
sydneyanarkhein: or the fn+brightness key on your keyboard ;)02:07
sydneyanarkhein: your on a laptop right?02:07
phillwanarkhein: a lot depends on if your bios / FN key combination can talk talk natively02:08
sydneyanarkhein: it *should* work ;)02:08
anarkheinbrightness is mentioned in power manager, but only as part of a solution to handle idleness it seems02:08
phillwif not, you need to use key bindings02:08
anarkheinin windows it's Fn and either right or left arrow02:09
anarkheinahh, same in lubuntu. how convenient02:09
phillwanarkhein: binded okay?02:10
anarkheinof course it would be. looking at the symbols on the keys02:10
phillwwe do try :P02:10
phillwbut for some, it does not work02:10
anarkheinok, so no touchpad issues, networking seems unproblematic and brightness just adjusted. this is promising. normally there tends to be at least one hassle with the distros i try02:11
anarkheinmaybe the problem is that ive tried too many extremely lightweight distros02:12
phillwanarkhein: ahhh.. then install 14.10 :P02:12
phillwthat'll really mess your head up... chromium browser works02:12
anarkheinyes i think ill try that soon. lubuntu should be given a chance against windows xp, which has become quite shaky lately02:13
anarkheinwait, i lied... im using 14.0402:13
phillwanarkhein: we are the replacement, one of the reasons we have only done bug fixes02:13
anarkheinlubuntu/14.04/desktop/i386... apart from the version number, is there a better choice for an acer netbook?02:15
phillwanarkhein: 14.10 is the bug fix for 14.04 :) To fix something in 14.04, it has to be proven to work in 14.10 and then be put into that system... Have a play with 14.10, it's nice :)02:15
anarkheinit says "desktop"...02:15
anarkheinwhat bug02:15
phillwany bug... the autostart bug is now relased, but iBus and Chromium had a fight02:16
anarkheinautostart bug?02:17
phillwanarkhein: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu#Update_for_Lubuntu_14.04.102:20
anarkheinpartition resize bug02:21
phillwanarkhein: bug 130834802:21
ubottubug 1308348 in lxsession (Ubuntu Trusty) "network settings indicator missing from panel" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130834802:21
anarkheinalt f2...what is that?02:21
phillwanarkhein: it was a part of work around for a rather annoying bug.02:22
sydneyanarkhein: run a program02:22
phillwI'm in the minority, but.. for lubuntu... get 14.1002:23
phillw14.10 is a bug fix for lubuntu 14.0402:24
sydneyphillw: i think they fixed the missing network manager in 14.04.1. it hasnt been missing lately ;)02:25
phillwsydney: it got in the update (by the skin of it's teeth).02:26
anarkheinthere is Network as well as Network Connections here02:26
sydneyphillw:  :P02:26
anarkheinthe latter in preferences, the former in System Tools02:26
phillwsydney: chromium and ibus will not happen until 14.04.202:26
anarkheinim still only running 14.04 from the usb02:27
sydneyI tried to try ubuntu 14.10,but it wouldnt boot :'(02:27
anarkheinmaybe i should wipe it already and put 14.10 on it. or install 14.04 on hd  and do an upgrade from within?02:27
anarkheinor just use 14.04 until i stumble upon problems02:28
phillwsydney: I have been running 14.10 as production since alpha102:28
anarkhein"as production"?02:28
sydneyanarkhein: i would stick with 14.04 for now :P02:28
anarkheinsydney: ok02:29
sydneyanarkhein: he uses 14.10 like he would any other computer.02:29
phillwit is the only way we can find bugs that are not in test cases, I guess it depends on how you trust your backups and how you trust the head of dev for lubuntu. I happen to trust the boss and have /home on a seperate partition....02:30
anarkheinsydney: that he just prefers 14.10? yea allright02:31
sydneyI ran ubuntu 14.04.1 on my moms computer from the live cd today. First of all,the cd readed so slow that it took like 10mins compared to mine which is 5. Also,the screen had moving waves in it? :-/02:32
phillwsydney: without having backups, do not run 14.10... but 14.10 is a bug fix for 14.04. So, like with every thing else... learn to take backups :D02:32
sydneyanarkhein: yeah,he likes it. ;) Just like i like 14.04 ;)02:32
sydneyphillw: i know,i backup all the time :P02:32
phillwsydney: the LiveCD is to show does it run, it is not an OS. If you want that venture, use a usb stick :)02:33
anarkheinwhat exactly lasted 5/10 mins?02:33
anarkheinsurely not the boot process?02:33
sydneythe booting from the live cd.02:33
anarkheinthen i probably shouldnt complain about my usb02:34
sydneya flashdrive is alot faster,but her pc is like 10 years and and doesnt have that option :P02:34
anarkheinand better will it become when i install it on the hd02:34
sydneyyes,esspecially if its a ssd. ;)02:35
anarkheinmore like 15 years old maybe?02:35
sydneyive neve tried one though...02:35
sydneymaybe :P02:35
phillwanarkhein: WOW, Yoda we have on the channel02:35
sydneymy main pc is 8 years old...02:36
sydney1gig of ram,running ubuntu gnome.... lubuntu dual booting....02:36
sydneyi dont understand why my moms graphics card causes waves... there are no proprietary drivers either :-/02:37
phillwanarkhein: yes, it will much happier once upon the computer you have installed lubuntu. Choices, you have..... Install 14.04.1 which has been tested, of 14.10 which is the source of testing :D02:38
sydneyIMO i like lts's. ;)02:39
anarkheinthanks for the input02:39
anarkheinback later02:39
phillwsydney: then you would use 14.04.102:40
sydneyyep,i am :P02:40
phillwthe force is strong within you, resist the dark side of windows you must :)02:41
sydneyand 12.04.5(?) on my other install...02:41
sydneydual boot...02:42
sydney:P sure :P02:42
phillwsydney:  I have a win2008vm for a student, but he also has admin on ubuntu server and centos server :)02:43
sydneyeven though Ive been using Linux for only 9 months,i have seen the good and bad in it. same with windows. ;) I prefer Linux over windows though. i can do and fix almost anything in Linux. ;)02:43
phillwsydney: you'd get on well with JasonO02:44
sydneyphillw: whos he?02:44
phillwA trainee sysadmin... good thing about a trainee sysadmin?..... toroture him.... :)02:46
sydneyphillw: :P02:46
sydneyphillw: i know more than some people who have *tried* linux. ;) :P02:51
sydneyphillw: i like ot learn ;)02:51
sydneyphillw: i dont know how to write programs yet though...02:51
=== DesktopLion is now known as silverlion
phillw!ask | cancer13:23
ubottucancer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:23
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.13:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:24
phillwwe have lubuntu-offtopic :)13:24
cancerphillw | ok, tnx. : )13:25
phillwcancer: accept the invite :)13:27
cancerphillw | i didn't get it. i'll join incase needed. : )13:27
phillwcancer: /j #lubuntu-offtopic13:28
cancerphillw | so, can i ask question regarding any linux ditro. actually i'm looking for small size linux and want to install from within the window. any suggestion.13:28
ubottuWubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug13:29
canceryep, i once used wubi for ubuntu.... so, i can install any linux distro with wubi.13:30
phillwcancer: Wubi, is no longer supported, so installing linux 'within' windows is not reccomended.13:30
phillwwhat is advised is to shrink your windows install and then make a new partition.13:31
cancerphillw | i'm sorry, i'm not good with english. basic reason now for me to install linux is for my smartphone device. i'm having some issues with windows while generating ADB commands. for that i want to try linux.13:32
phillwcancer: what version of windows are you running?13:32
cancerstill winXP.13:33
phillwcancer: and what country are you in / native language?13:33
cancerso, i'm searching for small size linux which support my device too. and drivers for my device are difficult to found. somehow i have some for winxp13:34
cancerit's ok, not that bad with english. :p. hope, i'm understood able.13:34
phillwcancer: which country are you in, it may help better if you talk to someone who knows smart phones and speaks your language :)13:35
phillwcancer: head to http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-pk/ and ask there. If you do not get a good response, do come back and ask me again.13:37
cancer  13:44
phillwwb cancer are you chatting to people on the .pk area?14:02
cancerphillw | no. i was searching something. sorry. was disconnected too.14:03
phillwcancer: no need to apologise, in that time i have done some looking up for you.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PakistanTeam14:05
cancerthanks, they don't seems to have IRC channel!14:06
phillwcancer: they do, but you have to make contact first.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PakistanTeam#Contact14:09
Man101Why is not skype in the softwarecenter ? how can i install skype ?14:10
phillw!skype | Man10114:10
ubottuMan101: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:10
phillwMan101: skype is not a ubuntu application14:11
Man101You dont recommend skype on lubuntu ?14:11
phillwI use it fine14:12
yz3pDactivate canoncials package source and then you can install skype14:12
canceryep agree, skype work well on linux.14:12
Man101it is many programs vlc and other are they lubuntu apliaction ?14:12
yz3pDthe name of the repository for skype is "Canoncial-Partner"14:13
Man101It is looking complicatd to use terminal.. sometimes nothing happens and i mess up they system.14:14
=== Administrator_ is now known as cancer
phillwMan101: (L)ubuntu can only ship pure f/oss stuff. If there are cavaerts in stuff not being GPL, we simply cannot ship as default. These companies want you to sign up for an EULA14:16
cancer phillw | thanks for help. gtg now.14:19
Piggybear87Ok. I push the power button to turn on my machine. It hangs and I get a gray screen with a flashing dash " - ", I push and hold the power button to power off, I push it again to power on and I get a menu with options, I select recovery mode, I select the kernel I want, I hit enter and it starts up. This happens every time I boot up. It takes about 5 minutes to boot because of it. Any ideas?14:51
phillwPiggybear87: you need to remove the broken kernel14:54
Piggybear87What do you mean by that? I'm fairly new to Linux.14:54
phillwI need to know the output of these from terminal14:55
phillwuname -a14:55
phillwls/ boot14:55
phillwPiggybear87: Menu --> Accessories --> LXTerminal14:55
Piggybear87Linux piggybear87-pc 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:12 UTC 2014 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux14:56
Piggybear87bash: ls/: No such file or directory14:56
Piggybear87abi-3.13.0-29-generic         memtest86+.bin14:56
Piggybear87abi-3.13.0-30-generic         memtest86+.elf14:56
Piggybear87abi-3.13.0-32-generic         memtest86+_multiboot.bin14:56
Piggybear87config-3.13.0-29-generic      System.map-3.13.0-29-generic14:56
Piggybear87config-3.13.0-30-generic      System.map-3.13.0-30-generic14:56
Piggybear87config-3.13.0-32-generic      System.map-3.13.0-32-generic14:56
Piggybear87grub                          vmlinuz-3.13.0-29-generic14:56
Piggybear87initrd.img-3.13.0-29-generic  vmlinuz-3.13.0-30-generic14:57
phillwPiggybear87: sorry...14:57
phillwls /boot14:57
Piggybear87initrd.img-3.13.0-30-generic  vmlinuz-3.13.0-32-generic14:57
Piggybear87I just want to be able to push the power button to start... Lol.14:58
phillwPiggybear87: do this in the terminal14:59
phillwsudo update-grub14:59
phillwyou are running the most recent kernel, so it is just grub not picking it up when you turn on your machine15:00
yz3pDis there a difference between update-grub and update-grub215:00
Piggybear87So now when I reboot it should work?15:00
phillwPiggybear87: did it report any errors?15:01
Piggybear87Generating grub configuration file ...15:01
Piggybear87Warning: Setting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported.15:01
Piggybear87Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-32-generic15:01
Piggybear87Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-32-generic15:01
Piggybear87Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-30-generic15:01
Piggybear87Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-30-generic15:01
Piggybear87Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-29-generic15:01
Piggybear87Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-29-generic15:01
Piggybear87Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf15:01
Piggybear87Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin15:01
phillw!paste | Piggybear8715:02
ubottuPiggybear87: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:02
phillwhowever, boot the little critter and report back.15:02
Piggybear8710-4. Be right back.15:03
phillwyz3pD: I think for grub2 it is aliased back to grub15:03
yz3pDso both does the same?15:04
phillwshould do,15:05
phillwphillw@piglet:~$ sudo update-grub15:05
phillwruns fine on my system15:05
Piggybear87phillw, Nope, same thing.15:06
phillwPiggybear87: hmmm...15:06
Piggybear87It comes to options, I select "advanced options" and do the newest kernel (recovery mode).15:08
phillwPiggybear87: this is going to get dirty... do you have a 2nd computer or the install disk handy?15:08
phillwPiggybear87: I'd prefer not to do a full re-install of grub as you have no way to get back in touch. Whilst the instructions *should* work, there is always a chance of them not doing so.15:10
Piggybear87I re-installed 3 times...15:10
phillwPiggybear87: where did you install from?15:10
Piggybear87A disk I got from a friend and he needed it back.15:11
Piggybear87One sec.15:11
phillwI strongly think you have corruption in the system, this is not good and makes solving it harder15:12
Piggybear87Ok, back (Mom call....)15:16
Piggybear87This only started happening when I installed my vid card. It works great except the recovery mode thing..15:18
phillwPiggybear87: what I'm about to suggest will make grub use the kernel, but 1st I would prefer we have a clean kernel installed, which will ask grub to re-do things15:18
Piggybear87Maybe I have to sacrifice my game for a working machine, huh?15:19
phillwPiggybear87: you have not got a poorly kernel, you may have a poorly grub. Please follow this http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3515:20
phillwahh... Piggybear87 cancel that15:20
phillwyou do not have a boot disk15:20
Piggybear87Own site, nice. Let me read though.15:20
phillwyou need a boot CD / USB for that.15:21
phillwlet's try it via a forced grub re-install.15:21
Piggybear87Will I loose anything?15:21
phillwnothing, or everything15:22
phillw(16:10:10) phillw: Piggybear87: I'd prefer not to do a full re-install of grub as you have no way to get back in touch. Whilst the instructions *should* work, there is always a chance of them not doing so.15:22
Piggybear87Lol. I have some things I don't want to loose...15:23
phillwPiggybear87: then arrange to have a cd with lubuntu on it.15:23
Piggybear87If I go that route, I won't loose anything?15:24
phillwnope, the live CD can keep everything, backup stuff etc.15:24
Piggybear87Will you be on for a while?15:24
phillwa few hours15:25
Piggybear87Ok, let me make a few calls, or use my friends PC to download a burn a new copy.15:25
Piggybear87and burn*15:25
phillwokies. burn at slowest speed possible.15:27
Piggybear87Alright. Be back in a bit.15:27
indn1234hey, anyone here?16:03
rafaellagunalots of people :D16:03
wxl!ask | indn123416:03
ubottuindn1234: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:03
wxlindn1234: tl;dr whatcha want?16:04
indn1234thanks wxl, I keep forgetting this :p16:04
indn1234_wxl: you still here? I got disconnected. Could you copy/paste the answer, if one was posted?16:09
phillw!patience | indn1234_16:10
ubottuindn1234_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:10
indn1234_phillw: allright allright, I know. I am pateint -_-16:10
phillwhowever, we do try to answer when we have looked up for a question we're not familiar with.16:11
phillwIt's very annoying when you spend 5 minutes looking up an issue, then they have logged out.16:12
Piggybear87Ok, he's on his way, should be abot 10 minutes, phillw.16:12
phillwPiggybear87: I was not referring to you :)16:13
Piggybear87I know :) I was just letting you know.16:13
indn1234_phillw: I am sorry about it. I told him I was going to be afk faw.16:14
phillwindn1234_: no need to apologise, we're all volunteers on here :)16:17
indn1234_phillw: all the more reason to apologize I believe. If I were paying you to answer me, I would feel less guilt over logging out 5 min after asking something.16:18
phillwindn1234_: nah... we'd just kick & ban you :P16:18
indn1234_phillw: that's harsh. But unavoidable as well.16:19
indn1234_Ooh question, what is the difference between a kick and a ban?16:19
indn1234_And don't give me a live answer :p16:20
phillwaccept the invite16:20
indn1234_what invite?16:20
phillwindn1234_ do this...     /j #ubuntu-offtopic16:21
indn1234_phillw: gotcha ;)16:22
phillwmake that /j #lubuntu-offtopic16:22
Piggybear87Multiple channel problems....16:23
phillwPiggybear87: you think you have problems? :D16:24
Piggybear87No, I was saying you. Too many channels, can't keep track of them all. :P16:25
=== indn1234_ is now known as indn1234
wxlindn1234: what did i miss?16:30
indn1234wxl: nothing, I was just feeling a lil guilt over logging out after asking my question, w/o responding to the answers. But phillw erased my guilt.16:31
wxlindn1234: well i had a meeting to go to so i missed the whole thing. if you need anything else, let me know.16:31
indn1234wxl: so yeah, no apologies if you took the time to answer my question and not get a response in return ;p16:32
indn1234wxl: ah, leave it now. Google is helping me out )16:32
wxlindn1234: okies, well let me know if you get stuck.16:32
indn1234wxl: sure thing kind Sir.16:43
Piggybear87OK, phillw, I;m ready. As ready as I will ever be anyway...16:44
phillwokies, have you got a boot CD?16:46
Piggybear87I have a fresh Lubuntu disk.16:47
phillwPiggybear87: okies, do the following...16:49
phillw1) boot with that disk16:49
phillw2) at boot time ask it to self test16:49
phillw3) shutdown and remove disk16:49
phillw4) boot into hard drive16:49
phillw5) poke me when it is all done.16:49
Piggybear87Explain number 2 please.16:49
wxlPiggybear87: when it boots up there's a menu. it will be pretty obvious.16:50
phillwPiggybear87: no, self tst16:50
Piggybear87Ok, I will see it.16:50
Piggybear87Be back.16:50
phillwwb Piggybear8716:57
Piggybear87phillw, I can't even use a live disk, it does the same thing...16:57
phillwPiggybear87: when the live disk boots, it gives an option to check the install media. This needs to be done.16:58
Piggybear87I didn't see that option.16:58
Piggybear87I saw "try without installing", "test memory", etc.16:59
wxlPiggybear87: http://docs.theqvd.com/images/Lubuntu_Install.png16:59
wxl"Check disc for defects"16:59
Piggybear87OH! Ok!!16:59
* Piggybear87 is an idiot...16:59
wxlno worries17:00
Piggybear87Be back.... again....17:00
phillwwxl: thanks,... I'd got to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD17:00
phillwwxl: if you can, look after this guy.... I'm about to watch a 'help' for a lady who took on 5 of her best friends kids to join with their own...17:01
wxlnp phillw17:01
phillwoh, shit... th husband died of a massive brain hamorrage17:02
indn1234are there LTS version for Lubuntu just like Ubuntu?17:08
wxlindn1234: yes 14.04 is an LTS Lubuntu17:08
wxlindn1234: the only thing is the timing is a bit different17:09
wxli wonder if this explains…17:09
indn1234wxl: how long is it supported17:09
indn1234*will it be17:09
wxlPiggybear87: nope as in what was the actual result?17:09
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)17:09
wxlhold on17:09
Piggybear87A black screen with nothing on it.17:09
wxli believe we use the old system… 3 years, indn123417:10
wxlPiggybear87: cursor blinking at the top left?17:10
Piggybear87No, but that happens when I normally boot, except it's a dash or underscore.17:10
wxlPiggybear87: did you check the md5?17:11
wxlPiggybear87: and to be clear you can't even get to the boot menu?17:11
wxlindn1234: that being said, ask away17:11
Piggybear87You understand I'm a fairly new Linux user, correct. Lol, I don't know what a md5 is.17:11
Piggybear87Ok,(1) I get to the blinking cursor.17:12
wxlPiggybear87: well, that's not a linux question, really.17:12
wxl!md5 | Piggybear8717:12
ubottuPiggybear87: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:12
wxlmake sure to check the md5 against the published values and then check the actual media against that17:12
indn1234So here goes..17:12
indn1234is there a difference in the system requirements/performance in A (ubuntu 14.04 LTS with LXDE desktop on top) and B (complete Lubuntu) ?17:12
wxlalso i'd suggest using dd or unetbootin to burn your image, Piggybear8717:12
Piggybear87(2)I force restart (hold the power button down.17:13
wxlindn1234: yes. unless you remove all of the ubuntu stuff.17:13
Piggybear87(3)it boots to a menu (ubuntu, recovery, memtest, memtest serial console)17:14
wxlindn1234: i mean they pull packages from the same repos. you could install ubuntu-core and build up an lxde system to your liking. which could potentially be lighter than lubuntu, but it would take a fair amount of work :)17:14
Piggybear87(4) I select recovery17:14
wxlPiggybear87: there's no option to check the media?17:14
Piggybear87(5) I select the top kernel that adds recover mode17:14
indn1234wxl: and which of the Ubuntu default apps would you consider the most memory/CPU hungry? Aside from the default audio and video players?17:15
wxlPiggybear87: recovery's not what you want per se. check the md5.17:15
wxlindn1234: well, the audio system for one is a big one.17:15
Piggybear87(6) blue background I select "resume"17:15
Piggybear87(7)I click "OK)17:15
Piggybear87(8) I'm up and renning.17:15
indn1234wxl: aside from the audio and video players, I said.17:16
Piggybear87Recovery is the ONLY way I can boot.17:16
wxlindn1234: well again i'm trying to be clear i'm talking about the audio SYSTEM not the audio PLAYER17:16
wxlPiggybear87: check the md5 and we'll take the next step. if you have one bit of the entire iso wrong, you could run into weird problems like this.17:16
indn1234wxl: I don't know how those 2 differ.17:16
Piggybear87How do I do that?17:17
wxlindn1234: ubuntu uses pulse on top of alsa. we just use alsa.17:17
wxl!md5 | Piggybear8717:17
* wxl kicks ubottu 17:17
phillw!md5sum | Piggybear8717:17
ubottuPiggybear87: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:17
phillwadverts are on, I am following.... 9 kids in one house.... wow..17:18
indn1234wxl: thanks, I'll read about them.17:19
wxlindn1234: that's one example. the long and short of it is that outside of apps, the underlying systems that support those apps, messaging between apps, communication between software and hardware, etc. are all more bloaty with ubuntu17:20
wxlindn1234: put another way, convenience comes at a price :)17:20
lucas21Hello from Spain. I'm studying LPCI and I've stumbled on a problem: fdisk doesn't recognize the xfs partitions after installing xfsprog17:20
Piggybear87I don't get it.17:20
indn1234wxl: does it also mean that there a lot of apps that can be run on Ubuntu, but not in Lubuntu?17:21
wxlPiggybear87: if you give md5 a file, no matter what the file is named, assuming that the information in the file is exactly the same by every bit, the md5 "code" if you will is exactly the same17:21
wxlPiggybear87: if it differs by ONE BIT, it will be dramatically different17:21
lucas21Is blkid the only way to know if a xfs partition exists?17:21
wxlindn1234: anything can be run on anything, assuming you have all the right components and libraries17:22
indn1234wxl: gotcha.17:22
wxlindn1234: for example, if something requires gnome libraries or mono libraries, it's not in lubuntu by default.17:22
indn1234but CAN be added later. Right?17:22
wxlindn1234: if you want every convenience imaginable, you can turn lubuntu into something ubuntu-like very easily :)17:22
wxlindn1234: yep. lubuntu follows more of a KISS philosophy17:22
wxlindn1234: but that doesn't meant you can't bloat it up however you want17:23
indn1234yeah but then it would end up eating almost as much resources as a fresh ubuntu.17:23
Piggybear87I mean, I don't get how to check this. That page just confused me more.17:23
wxlPiggybear87: what os are you running right now?17:23
indn1234Which defeats the whole purpose :p17:23
Piggybear87Lubuntu 14.0417:23
wxlindn1234: exactly. that's the beauty of lubuntu. we've worked hard to keep it to a minimum while allowing for many typical needs.17:23
Piggybear87In recovery*17:23
wxlPiggybear87: what os are you running in its normal mode?17:24
Piggybear87Lubuntu 14.0417:24
* wxl is confused17:24
Piggybear87BUT, I can't boot normally.17:24
wxlPiggybear87: so you're SURE your install CAN boot normally?17:24
indn1234wxl: thanks, you've been very helpful.17:24
wxlor DID i should say?17:24
wxlindn1234: np17:24
Piggybear87No, it's in recovery right now. This all started when I put my new to me video card in. I said that above.17:25
wxlPiggybear87: ok, so it DID work until you put your new video card in.17:26
Piggybear87Yes. But I need the higher OpenGL version my card provides to play a game.17:26
wxlsorry i have to have you rehash this but i get confused on all these different situations17:27
wxlthat and i'm in like 12,000 channels17:27
wxlthat being said, what happened when you tried to boot after installing the new card?17:27
Piggybear87This whole mess started.17:27
Piggybear87It's been doing this for at least a month.17:28
wxlPiggybear87: sorry, i was asking for specifics. the whole live cd/recovery thing has confused the heck out of me. :)17:28
Piggybear87Ok, Right now, I'm NOT using the disc, just recovery mode. If I could screen shot the whole process I would.17:28
wxlPiggybear87: i'm not asking about recovery mode either. what happens when you boot like normal?17:29
Piggybear87I get stuck at the blinking cursor and after a fem it reboots and does the same thing UNTIL I power off with the button.17:30
wxlit reboots on its own?17:30
Piggybear87Yes, it gets stuck in a reboot loop (if I don't touch it, it takes ~2 minutes to do a whole loop)17:31
wxlthat's quite strange17:31
wxli suspect you need to upgrade your drivers17:31
Piggybear87I know. That's why IO'm here. I have been searching the interwebz since it started...17:32
wxlupgrading to 14.10 might be a good way to solve that problem17:32
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:32
wxlyou can also try using that ↑17:32
Piggybear87The latest download from the site is .04.17:32
wxlyou can get 14.1017:33
wxlbut i'd try nomodeset first17:33
Piggybear87si= to fix lcd backlight     I'm using a crt.17:33
wxlif you can get into the system, upgrading might solve the whole problem17:33
Piggybear87Do I have to download and burn..... again?17:34
wxltry nomodeset first17:34
wxlif it fails, yes17:34
wxlit will give you the most up to date drivers17:34
Piggybear87Will I lose stuff?17:35
wxlwith nomodeset, no17:35
wxlwith upgrading to 14.10, you shouldn't17:35
wxlof course there's ALWAYS a possibility of data loss but it's highly unlikely17:35
Piggybear87"Note that this option is sometimes needed for nVidia cards when using the default "nouveau" drivers. Installing proprietary nvidia drivers usually makes this option no longer necessary, so it may not be needed to make this option permanent, just for one boot until you installed the nvidia drivers."  I am on proprietary drivers.17:37
* Piggybear87 pours soda on the MOBO and goes fishing instead...17:39
Piggybear87Also, I don't get how to do this. All the code confuses me.17:39
wxlwhen you get to the boot menu, just add nomodeset to the end of the flags17:41
wxlread only the section the starts with How to temporarily set kernel boot options on an installed OS (not wubi)17:41
Piggybear87So just add "nomodeset" without quotes to the end?17:44
Piggybear87Ok, brb again...17:44
* phillw crosses fingers17:47
Piggybear87That may have helped, but I got a LOT of white text saying something failed or something.17:48
wxlPiggybear87: did it boot or not?17:49
Piggybear87Well, I didn't have to choose recover mode...17:49
wxlok so where are you now?17:49
Piggybear87What do you mean? I still had to got to advanced, select the kernel and add nomodeset to the end of the /boot line and push ctrl+x to boot. That takes longer than recover, Lol.17:51
Piggybear87go to*17:51
wxlwhat do you see on the screen now?17:51
Piggybear87Same as normal, everything...17:51
wxlok good17:51
wxlnow you should update your system. do you know how to do that?17:51
Piggybear87I saw everything in recover also.17:52
wxlyou were able to boot to the gui with recovery?17:52
Piggybear87sudo apt-get update17:52
wxlupdate doesn't update anything17:52
wxlexcept the indexes of all the things that could be updated17:52
wxlsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade17:52
wxlget that done17:53
Piggybear87IDK about the -y part, but I do that every 3 days.17:53
Piggybear87But OK.17:53
wxland you haven't done it in a month, right?17:53
wxl-y just means "don't ask me if i really mean it"17:53
Piggybear87No, every 3 days. I operate normally in recovery mode... I just don't want to be in recovery because of how I have to do it.17:54
wxlif that doesn't solve anything, select the "additional drivers" program from the menu17:55
Piggybear870 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. See? Lol. Every 3 days. There is nothing to update/upgrade...17:55
Piggybear87And additional drivers gives me 4 choices, I have tried them all and only the proprietary one works.17:57
wxlok, so it doesn't look like 14.04 is going to get you where you want. that being said, i'd try an upgrade to 14.1017:58
wxlwhat card is this btw?17:58
Piggybear87NVidia 6600(i think)17:59
wxllspci | grep -i VGA17:59
Piggybear87I was about to ask what that command was... Lol.17:59
Piggybear8701:02.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1)17:59
Piggybear87If I update and lose stuff I will be sad. I have stuff that's non-replaceable...18:01
wxlso back it up18:01
wxlhave you tried to install the drivers from nvidia itself?18:02
Piggybear87That's the proprietary one.18:02
wxlyou can get proprietary drivers from ubuntu or install them yourself18:02
wxli'm asking which you have done18:02
Piggybear87I just said that's the only one that works. Lol.18:03
wxli have to say i'm having a wee bit of trouble parsing what you're saying. you use pronouns liberally when we're talking about multiple things, which makes it hard to figure out which thing you're referring to.18:04
wxllike that is "that?"18:04
wxlwhat is that i mean18:04
wxlthe proprietary drivers from the ubuntu repos or have you installed them yourself from the nvidia website?18:04
Piggybear87I tried both. The one I'm on now is from additional drivers.18:05
wxlwhy aren't you using the one from nvidia?18:05
Piggybear87It did the same thing, so I figured "why have it taking up space (if only a little) if it performs the same?"18:06
wxlhere's some record of it working with 10.04 and how they did it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161096818:06
wxlyou might want to go with what they did18:06
wxlalternately, i'd backup your /home and do a fresh 14.10 install18:07
wxlbut it seems like it's working for others in far older versions18:08
Piggybear87Screw it. That also confuses me. I will just stick to recovery mode. It's simpler and everything works. I just hate powering off by holding the power button...18:12
Piggybear87As a laast ditch effort I'm trying the 173 series and if it doesn't work, I'm sticking to recovery mode...18:16
Piggybear87Fuck it. I'm sticking with recovery mode until I can get another pack of cds and get 14.10, and dvd's to backup all of my stuff.18:31

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