
TDJACRDoes anyone have experience installing on Lenovo's machines with Software RAID? The install keeps failing during grub-install.00:05
xnoxTDJACR: how large is your RAID in size?00:06
TDJACRxnox: It's 6TB, software raid. I wish I could disable it (and use mdadm instead), but it won't boot unless it is used.00:07
xnoxTDJACR: MBR and bios grub has limit of 2TB00:08
xnoxTDJACR: make sure your /boot is on a separate partition, which ends << first 2TB00:08
xnoxTDJACR: or make sure you are using UEFI boot.00:08
TDJACRxnox: I tried with EFI too, but the system wouldn't add the EFI boot option...00:09
TDJACROn both CentOS and Ubuntu00:09
xnoxTDJACR: right, i've had that with a few raids.00:09
xnoxTDJACR: so yeah, have you been using separate /boot ?00:09
TDJACRxnox: Nope, but I will try that and legacy boot again00:11
xnoxTDJACR: make sure you have "biosgrub" partition first, then "/boot" (e.g. 500 MB) and then whatever else, e.g. "/" for all remaining portion of the raid array.00:12
TDJACRxnox: How big should the biosgrub partition be, and how should it be specified in the install?00:14
xnoxTDJACR: in the manual partitioning, just create partitions as needed. biosgrub is just for the overflow of things that don't fit in the MBR, ie. kBs, make it 10MB00:15
TDJACRxnox: So I'm leaving it unallocated?00:15
xnoxTDJACR: no.00:16
xnoxTDJACR: in the partitioner one marks it as of special type for biosgrub..... although let me check that. Maybe it's done behind the scenes with no UI.00:16
TDJACROkay, that makes sense.00:17
xnoxit's like "swap" but different =)00:17
TDJACRAlright, I'll give that a try00:18
TDJACRTrying now, thanks.00:21
xnoxTDJACR: hm, biosgrub type of partition is not offered to me in the installer, that's weird. But this is mbr without gpt, maybe with 6TB it will be using gpt and then offer it. If not do leave out space before first partition then.00:28
xnoxTDJACR: good night and good luck00:29
TDJACRThanks xnox00:30
toyotapieI need someone to run an nmap command for me, the command would be this : nmap -F -T5 -Pn -sS -v x.x.x.196-222. And pm me the results. I can't do it because all my computers are on 'trusted' networks.00:43
toyotapienmap -F -Pn -sS -v x.x.x.196-22200:43
toyotapieI'd PM you the IP.00:44
toyotapieand PM me the results :)00:44
jrwren_i'll do it.00:45
Patrickdkthere are websties that do this :)00:45
toyotapiejrwren_, I PMed my IP.00:47
toyotapieI tried a few, but they don't seem to work00:50
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`ajvenHi, got problem with my eth0 card, i dont know why its not running on system start. Any idea what can be wrong ?08:31
`ajvenhow to make sh script autostart on systemboot ?08:50
jpds`ajven: Your /etc/network/interfaces file is broken.09:02
mlaphello. I am doing a dhcp server on my ubuntu computer using dnsmasq. For this I have disabled dnsmasq in networkmanager  and everything works as expected. The only problem is that i cannot make dnsmasq start at bootup. How can I debug this problem?09:14
jacobwman updaterc.d09:15
jacobwSorry, update-rc.d even.09:15
jacobwupdaterc.d dnsmasq defaults09:16
mlapthe links already exist but dnsmasq reports an error that the interfaces do not yet exist09:18
jacobwHmm, it sounds like the job to start dnsmasq is being done before the job to start network interfaces09:22
mlapi supposed so, but i dont have the knowledge to debug this problem09:23
mlapI assumed that the dnsmasq package does the update-rc.d stuff so that this issue is taken into account09:24
mlapand I recall that in my previous works dnsmasq worked out of the box09:24
mlapbut I dont know why it does not now09:24
jacobwOk, can you try using `update-rc.d dnsmasq disable` then `update-rc.d dnsmasq enable 5` to start dnsmasq on runlevel 5 only.09:24
mlapthere are no logfiles in /var/log/upstart/ for dnsmasq09:24
jacobwWhich version of Ubuntu are you using?09:25
mlapand its desktop - please dont bash me -> the desktop people sent me here despite that fact09:25
mlapI'll try and reboot now  with that enable 5 thing09:26
jacobwMake sure to disable first, please.09:27
mlap_didn't work09:28
jacobwOk, did you disable first?09:29
mlap_i issued those two commands and then restarted09:29
jacobwWhere do you see the error message? Can you paste the error message in full?09:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:29
mlap_ill try to get the error message again09:32
mlap_the problem is taht i don't remeber where I  found it -> I tried fixing the problem some time ago and just came back to it09:33
mlapok. I rebooted and checked syslog09:37
mlapthese two lines are relevant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7893428/09:38
mlapI have got three network interfaces - eth0 (pci network card) eth1 (motherboard card) and wlan0 (usb adapter)09:39
mlapi command dnsmasq to work on the eth1 interface09:39
mlapheres the log from the whole boot. The error is at 115109:43
mlapit kind of starts in parallel with networkmanager and is always a little bit earlier? Below theres some networkmanager eth1 related stuff09:44
rbasaksmoser: please could you triage 1341710 for cloud-init? Looks valid to me.09:56
hasdfI upgraded my server to 14.04. After the upgrade finished the server asked to restart but never came up again. How do I get it up again? (I have no physical access and each hour of a virtual keyboard at my hoster costs money)10:07
cfhowlett!server | hasdf better ask in other channel perhaps10:07
ubottuhasdf better ask in other channel perhaps: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server10:07
hasdfcfhowlett, I am in #ubuntu-server? Or does my irc-client lie to me?=10:09
cfhowletthasdf doh!  never mind.  too many tabs.10:09
rbasakhasdf: that depends on why it's broken. I'm not sure anybody on IRC can figure that out without knowing what it says on the screen - sorry!10:11
hasdfmy question is more: what would be the next steps?10:11
hasdfto find out what is wrong10:12
hasdfbecause I don't want to pay my hoster for a virtual keyboard and then not know what to do10:12
rbasakhasdf: it might actually minimise your costs to pay somebody for support to help you with what to do, if that leads to a faster resolution.10:13
rbasakhasdf: (since you hardly get an SLA on IRC)10:13
rbasakOr switch to a hosting company that doesn't charge for remote access to the console.10:14
hasdfok, thanks10:14
hasdfIf it doesn't boot up it's most likely a problem with grub isn't it?10:15
hasdfor sshd doesn't start (but why shouldn't it)10:15
rbasakCould be, yes.10:18
rbasakHow did it get installed in the first place?10:18
rbasakIIRC, there is a class of grub bugs that occurs on upgrade, if it wasn't installed correctly originally.10:19
freezeveeI am running VBoxHeadless --startvm "Ubuntu server 12.04LTS #1" --vrdp=off  in an ubuntu server to start my vm but it reserves a terminal window. IS there ay way to let it run in the background ?11:04
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zartooshhi  does ubuntu 14.01 update has new kernel version?12:12
bekkszartoosh: there is no 14.01, but 14.04.1 only. And most likely it ships with a new version, not a new release.12:21
rbasakzartoosh: bugfixes only. You'll see a new kernel with 14.04.2, which will have an HWE kernel backported from Utopic.12:24
zartooshhi I would like to know if there is an application that can list the name of the packages installed on my system? thx13:01
bekkszartoosh: dpkg -l13:02
zartooshbekks, thx13:06
zetheroojust wondering if there has been any progress on the release for a fix of the 3.13 Ubuntu kernel issue .. ?13:24
rbasakWhat issue?13:24
zetheroothe issue in 14.04 which makes me have to disable KSM on my KVM hosts13:25
rbasakAh. Check in the bug, maybe?13:26
rbasakElse you can ask in the weekly server team meeting.13:26
zetherooI am not sure which is "the" bug ...13:26
zetheroothere is this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/134119513:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1341195 in linux "KVM guests getting slow by time" [High,Incomplete]13:27
zetheroobut maybe this is not "the" one!?13:27
rbasakzetheroo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1346917 maybe?13:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1346917 in linux "Using KSM on NUMA capable machines can cause KVM guest performance and stability issues" [High,Fix committed]13:30
jeffreylevesquei have ubuntu server 14.04..  I cloned a project into the '/var/www/` directory.  But, when I goto the browser, I cannot access the 'index.php' page14:07
rbasakjeffreylevesque: the default document root has changed to /var/www/html. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes#Apache_2.414:15
rbasakLooks like there'a broken link there14:16
rbasakapache2.NEWS as shipped in /usr/share/doc/apache2/ anyway14:16
blaaaa lot of dovecot's sub-executables do not have apparmor profiles, afaik these are available and IMHO it does not really make sense to ship haf-baked/partial profiles for a programme, even if some customization is usually needed anyway14:42
jdstrandblaaa: dovecot profiles are in the apparmor-profiles package. those aren't shipped by default and are considered example profiles14:44
blaaajdstrand: OK, clear, I'll remove that package then and roll my own profiles. Mabye the  description of apparmor-profiles should be adapted a bit, to make it clearer not to expect too much14:46
blaaawhich is fine by the way., creating own profiles should not be too much of an issue, at least when the aa-tools are working, which is a bit of a poblem on 14.04 right now14:47
jdstrandyes, that is known. fixes will be coming, but profiling by hand will always work14:49
bitfury!info aide14:49
ubottuaide (source: aide): Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment - static binary. In component main, is optional. Version 0.16~a2.git20130520-2 (trusty), package size 499 kB, installed size 1356 kB14:49
blaaatrue, just a bit of a chore sometimes. But fortunately only need do it onxce14:50
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bitfuryhey guys, what's the difference between using 'sudo stop mysql' and '/etc/init.d/mysql stop' ?15:24
bitfuryI noticed that when using the latter it stopped the mysql socket from listening but kept all mysql processes running15:24
lordievaderGood afternoon.15:25
pmatulisbitfury: upstart vs sysvinit15:25
bitfuryI had to use 'sudo stop mysql'15:25
bitfurypmatulis: got it, thank you. using init.d/mysql stop should've yielded the same results though right?15:28
pmatulisbitfury: not necessarily.  what Ubuntu release are you using?15:28
rbasakbitfury: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.5/+bug/127346215:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1273462 in lsb "Users can mistakenly run init.d scripts and cause problems if an equivalent upstart job already exists" [High,Confirmed]15:30
rbasakbitfury: in other words, it's safest to *never* call /etc/init.d/X15:30
rbasakAlways use the service wrapper.15:30
rbasak"sudo service mysql stop"15:30
rbasakUnless you're absolutely sure which init system is in use.15:30
rbasakAnd the correct thing to do for that particular release.15:31
bitfurygot it, thank you rbasak15:32
smoserstgraber, hallyn fwiw, i did: lxc-userns-setup at https://gist.github.com/smoser/49444542158f2e5f88f115:50
toyotapieif I use ngrep to monitor a network card, should I see packets destined for other IPs on the same switch ?15:55
smoserprobably not15:55
smoserlikely the switch would not send you traffic not for your mac.15:55
smosera "hub" would do that. but i dont know that you can even buy one of those.15:56
bekkstoyotapie: Not as long as you dont use promiscious mode.15:56
mgwI'm working on configuring a netboot installer and am trying to understand the process better. I've got the dchp server configured with next-server, and have tftpd-hpa set up. My system is getting as far as looking for the installation media. Is 'mini.iso' the installer?15:56
hallynsmoser: you don't want to shut down the contaienr when done?15:56
smoserhallyn, the first thing is 'lcx-chroot'. i was pointing at second. (lxc-userns-setup)15:57
smoserregarding shutting down the container, it does that in cleanup (on trap EXIT)15:57
smoserthe lxc-userns-setup just basically adds the .config/lxc/default.conf and adds user to /etc/lxc/lxc-usernet if not htere.15:58
jrwren_toyotapie: you need to use a managed switch and put that port into monitor mode. also, "other ips on the same switch" is nonsensical. switches operate at layer2.15:59
mgwsmoser: is lxc-userns-setup new?15:59
hallynok, will i don't feel like working on th eother two windows i have open, so lemme try a patch to give more helpful error on no-userns15:59
smosermgw, new in that i just put it together. not new in that it is nothing not described at https://www.stgraber.org/2014/01/17/lxc-1-0-unprivileged-containers/16:00
hallynsmoser: you could simply copy /etc/lxc/default.conf to get the system-defined default networking...16:00
smoserthe point of it is that i just want to run one program and be able to then run 'lxc-create -t ....'16:00
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mgwsmoser: thanks, yeah... I've used stgraber's directions already16:00
mgwI was just curious as I did not see it on my system :-)16:00
smoserhallyn, yeah. getting the bridge from there woudl be good.16:01
stgraberhallyn: or use "lxc.include = /etc/lxc/default.conf"16:01
smoseri was just goign to ask that.16:01
smoserif i could #include16:01
jrwren_toyotapie: another option is arp spoofing ;]16:04
mgwI'm trying to get a minimal netinstall working... what are the files from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ that I absolutely need for an unattended install? I have a custom pxelinux.cfg that points to a preseed on an http server.16:14
mgwthis is my cfg https://gist.github.com/mgwilliams/e56a131bcdffce384a7b, but I'm not sure whether the ks= is needed. On my old setup that ks file points to a full install media location16:15
mgwbut I want to do the installs via apt (I have a caching proxy)16:16
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bekksmgw: For a kickstart file, you need the ks= parameter. For a preseed file you need a preseed/url or preseed/file parameter.16:19
mgwbekks -- so do i not need ks= at all if I have preseed?16:20
bekksmgw: And their is no such thing as a "kickstart full install location". The kickstart/preseed file determines what is going to be installed and what not.16:20
mgwok, so I'm not sure what I used to have :-) it works, but I think it's rather convoluted16:21
bekksJust configure your kickstart file to install what you want.16:21
mgwand I can avoid http altogether by using preseed/file, correct?16:21
mgwand serve the preseed over tftp16:21
mgwI'm getting the bekks: something like this? https://gist.github.com/mgwilliams/e56a131bcdffce384a7b16:24
mgwwith that file in by tftpboot dir16:24
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paco1hi folks!16:32
paco1i have a new issue16:32
RoyK!ask | paco116:33
ubottupaco1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:33
paco1when i boot my server DELL poweredge 720, with 4 broadcom netxtrem BCM5720 (driver tg3), ubuntu 14.04 lts don't up the eth0 and eth1 interfaces16:34
mgwbekks: I'm still getting stuck on "searching drives for an installer ISO image"16:42
mgwDoes this mean it's not getting my prseed?16:42
RoyKpaco1: pastebin ifconfig -a16:44
bekksmgw: It doesnt find the ISO to be booted.16:48
mgwbekks: i'm trying to figure out where it's looking for that iso16:49
mgwi dropped into busybox and it looks like there's no networking set up16:49
arrrghhhNivex, so no real response to the launchpad bug yet... is there nothing else we can do, just wait?16:54
arrrghhh(I hate waiting too :P)16:55
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RoyKpaco1: ?16:59
patdk-wkpaco1, heh? you actually have eth0 and eth1 interfaces?17:00
RoyKpatdk-wk: why do you think I asked him for the ifconfig -a output? ;)17:00
patdk-wkdidn't see that17:00
patdk-wkwas way too many lines away :)17:01
Nivexarrrghhh: I suppose we could ask at the Ubuntu Engineering Live! hangout tomorrow at 1400x17:02
arrrghhhNivex, haha yes let's troll them :P17:06
NivexI'm not a fan of trolling. I'm interested to know what challenges remain in making that upgrade path possible.17:08
arrrghhhAgreed, I wasn't serious about trolling them...17:10
arrrghhhalthough I always do feel a bit trollish asking for ETA's on anything17:11
arrrghhhthey just usually stick to the release schedule pretty closely...17:11
mgwwhere does the pxe linux look for the installer iso?17:12
Nivexarrrghhh: it made it on to askubuntu too  http://askubuntu.com/questions/502886/ubuntu-12-04-4-lts-to-14-04-1-lts-upgrade-no-new-release-found17:14
arrrghhhmgw, I think you can define it in the dhcpd conf... I had a dream of setting up a pxe server but never got around to finishing.17:15
arrrghhhhere's an article I found which was going to be the setup I wanted - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallMultiDistro17:15
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arrrghhhNivex, lol the responses... I gotta quell the thought that it could be "random"17:17
arrrghhher, can't comment.  oh well17:17
mgwI think my immediate problem is it's not grabbing the preseed b/c networking is not up, and I can't figure out why.17:19
arrrghhhYa I think at some point I will resume trying to do a pxe server... but at the moment my need for that is not so great.17:19
Nivexugh, maybe I don't want to upgrade: http://sebastian.marsching.com/blog/archives/134-Linux-KVM-Problems-with-Ubuntu-14.04-LTS-Kernel-3.13.0-30.html17:20
patdk-wknormally, pxe doesn't look for the iso anywhere17:23
patdk-wkarrrghhh, this issue:17:24
patdk-wkdo-release-upgrade -c17:24
patdk-wkChecking for a new Ubuntu release17:24
patdk-wkNo new release found17:24
arrrghhhpatdk-wk, yes17:25
arrrghhhwhat's -c?17:25
patdk-wkcheck for upgrade17:26
arrrghhhah manpage isn't updated I spose17:26
arrrghhh -c, --check-dist-upgrade-only17:26
arrrghhh                        Check only if a new distribution release is available17:26
arrrghhh                        and report the result via the exit code17:26
arrrghhhjeez that pasted like crap sorry17:26
RoyKarrrghhh: interesting - can't find that flag in the 14.04.1 manpage17:27
arrrghhhRoyK, do-release-upgrade -h has it.  I pasted the result, although badly.17:27
patdk-wkdunno, it is in the 12.04 manpage17:27
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jrwrenfile a bug. man page is wrong.17:27
arrrghhhpatdk-wk, it's not, I just linked it.17:27
arrrghhhbut no biggie lol17:27
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patdk-wkwell, there is the issue17:30
patdk-wkit's not listed17:30
Nivexyes, we know. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/134476217:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1344762 in update-notifier "update-notifier tells me to upgrade from 12.04.4 LTS to 14.04 LTS (because of HWE), but that release is not found" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:30
NivexNoone is saying why that hasn't been updated yet.17:30
patdk-wkittakes so long to read bug reports :)17:30
arrrghhhpatdk-wk, that's what we're wondering - why hasn't that been updated17:30
Nivexonly that it will happen "soon"17:30
patdk-wkodd, I had assumed it would happen when 14.04.1 was released, like the other lts versions17:31
arrrghhhpatdk-wk, indeed... that's why we're thinking some bug is preventing it from happening - but we're not sure what.17:38
patdk-wkwell, there was a delayed lbuntu release17:39
patdk-wkbutthat is long past17:39
patdk-wkmost all of my systems I upgraded months ago though17:39
arrrghhhI've been waiting for the .1 release on my production rig...17:40
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toyotapieHere is my interfaces file for my kvm server : http://pastebin.com/bDtW415Y17:47
toyotapiebr0 is used by kvm to link vms to the network card. eth0 is my primary link, eth1 is my backup link.17:47
toyotapieWill this configuration allow traffic to pass between eth0 and eth1? I think it shouldn't allow this, but I am not sure.17:47
rbasakgnuoy, matsubara-lunch: sorry, for some reason I said that gnuoy will be chair for the next meeting, but actually it'll be matsubara.17:48
rbasakI think I just forgot after getting confused. Apologies. No point trying to add corrections now I think.17:48
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toyotapiehas anyone here ever used a bond interface with a bridge interface ?17:58
jrwrentoyotapie: it shouldn't bridge eth0 and eth1 as that is not how its configured.18:01
toyotapieOk. Thanks :). There is a loop on my network, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't the source. I was reasonably certain it wasn't, but a second opinion is always nice18:01
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ShutterstromAny idea how to solve this upgrade from ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS to 14.04.1 LTS18:27
Shutterstrom$ do-release-upgrade18:27
ShutterstromChecking for a new Ubuntu release18:27
ShutterstromI do not what to have "$ do-release-upgrade -d"18:28
NivexShutterstrom: That has been a topic of discussion in here for a few days. Noone knows when they are going to allow the updates other than "soon"18:28
sarnoldShutterstrom: I believe there was a kitten-killer upgrade bug that was annoying enough that the upgrade isn't yet being  offered..18:29
ShutterstromNivex: Alright, so the upgrade is delayed?18:29
ShutterstromI read something about Grub issues.18:29
Nivexwe have no idea what the hold up is. just that it hasn't happened18:30
Shutterstromsarnold: Thanks! I just wondered if I was doing something wrong :)18:30
ShutterstromNivex: Enough info for me. Thanks! :)18:30
ShutterstromThanks for the info and have a great day!18:31
patdk-wkheh, I posted the grub bug many months ago18:38
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mgwat what point in the boot process does the netinstall try to access the preseed file? And at what point is networking supposed to be up?18:58
hallynstgraber: ok so for the cgmanager/cgproxy systemd jobs, I'll just (a) assume systemd only runs on newer kernels, so never cgmanager+cgproxy;  then (b) use ConditionVirtualization = lxc | libvirt-lxc | systemd-nspawn in cgproxy (and inverse for cgmanager)18:59
bekksmgw: Networking must be up and running.18:59
mgwbekks: of course... but at what point in the boot process is it supposed to bring up networking?19:00
mgwThe installer is flaking on me with no interfaces configured19:00
mgwI've scoured /var/log/syslog from busybox ash prompt19:00
bekksmgw: So configure the interfaces - the exact point in time when the installer requires that is irrelevant. :)19:01
mgwbekks: the whole point is it's supposed to configure it unattended19:02
mgwthis is for an unattended network installation (PXE)19:02
bekksmgw: you cant use preseed to configure the network when you need the network to actually boot and get the preseed config.19:02
cdb23axhello, i have a problem with this simple traffic shaping command: tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate 2048kbit latency 20ms burst 154019:03
mgwI've tried stuff like interface=auto in the kernel options, but that does not help19:03
bekksmgw: "interface=auto" is a wrong syntax.19:03
mgwbekks: that's obvious... I'm trying to figure out what is going wrong though that it can't get the preseed19:03
mgwbekks: there seems to be a lot of contradictory information online about how those kernel params are supposed to be formulated19:04
bekksmgw: which "kernel parameters"?19:04
cdb23axThe default route from my cisco router goes through an Ubuntu-Server. On the Ubuntu-Server on eth0 i added that script, but i wonder why my Cisco only has 2Mbit of Upload and still 4mbit Download19:04
cdb23axcan someone explain?19:04
mgwpreseed/url, interfaces, auto, etc19:04
mgwthat go on the append line of the pxelinux cfg19:04
bekksmgw: interfaces and auto arent kernel parameters, preseed/url=http://... is19:05
cdb23axI mean the default route goes through an gre tunnel which is my ubuntu server on the other end19:05
mgwbekks: it is my understanding that interfaces is an alias for netcfg/choose_interface19:06
mgwis that wrong?19:06
bekksmgw: you are mixing up preseed configuration paramaters and kernel parameters.19:07
bekksmgw: Using PXE, you cannot configure the network using preseed later on.19:07
mgwbekks: I'm basing my command line off this assumption: "  If a preconfiguration file cannot be used to preseed some steps, the install can still be fully automated, since you can pass preseed values on the command line when booting the installer.  "19:08
bekksmgw: thats a wrong assumption :)19:09
mgwok, so ubuntu is different than debian in this regard?19:09
bekksmgw: That assumption is wrong on debian as well ;)19:09
mgwok, do you suggest somewhere other than official docs to get info?19:09
bekksNope, thats just my experience.19:10
mgwbekks: what boot params do you use to get network to auto configure?19:11
bekksI am using a plain dhcp server and preseed/url=http://...  - nothing else.19:11
bekksAnd for the sake of convience, since preseed is pretty painful, I am using kickstart.19:12
mgwHas anyone here successfully used the boot parameters to preseed, as described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/installation-guide/amd64/apbs02.html#preseed-bootparms19:14
bekksWhat would happen if someone did?19:14
mgwbekks: I'm looking for help, so maybe such a person could help me?19:14
bekksmgw: then it would be more targetting to show your configuration and describe the error as detailed as possible.19:15
mgwbekks: I've done that already, remember?19:15
pmatulismgw: what error are you seeing?19:15
bekksDid you pastebin both the pxe config and the pressed file? Along with the full, exact error, not what you think the error is? :)19:16
mgwpmatulis: the installer is booting successfully over tftp (using various permutations of this: https://gist.github.com/mgwilliams/e56a131bcdffce384a7b)19:17
mgwbut rather than pulling the preseed, it errors out trying to find install media on local drives19:17
mgwwhen I drop into a shell and run 'ip addr', there is no interface configured19:17
mgwpmatulis: sorry, that particular permutation is definitely bad19:23
mgwI'm now using preseed/url=http://x.x.x.x/server-14.04.presed19:23
mgwbut it's never even trying to hit that url19:24
bekksmgw: To make that clear - you are using that parameter in the kernel command line of your PXE booted ubuntu?19:24
mgwyes, just as in the gist i posted19:25
mgwbut I"m using preseed/url rather than preseed/file -- I"ll update the gist, on second19:26
bekkspreseed/file uses a local file on the install media. preseed/url uses an URL.19:26
mgwbekks: right19:26
pmatulismgw: that must be why it's not working19:27
mgwpmatulis: this is what I"m currently using: https://gist.github.com/mgwilliams/da96bc073452db7b7f4d19:28
mgwit's still looking for local install media rather than pulling the preseed19:28
bekksAnd that file is reachable with a browser?19:28
mgwbut I can't ping from the shell  on busybox, of course19:29
bekksDo you have a working DHCP in that setup?19:29
mgwsince ip addr shows no ips19:29
mgwbekks: yes, that's how it gets the files from tftp to start with19:29
mgwlet me clarify: the machine that's running the installer is successfully getting an IP and PXE booting into the installer19:30
mgwI can watch the tftp traffic onthe tfpt server19:30
mgwI can see my kernel command line in syslog on the system that's running the installer19:30
bekksWhich network interface make and model do you use?19:30
mgwbut the system is not getting its networking configured or looking for the preseed19:30
mgwThe box is an HP ProLiant with Broadcom networking....19:34
pmatulismgw: i'm having difficulty parsing this: "I can see my kernel command line in syslog...".  you are viewing your logs on the system being installed and you see what?19:35
mgwpmatuils: when I drop to a shell in the installer, I can cat /var/log/syslog19:36
pmatulisyes, and?19:36
bekksmgw: which make and model _exactly_? :)19:36
mgwpmatulis: there I see a syslog entry including the kernel params19:36
mgwone sec, i'll get a screen shot19:36
pmatulismgw: ah19:37
pmatulismgw: where did you get your kernel from?19:37
mgwi'll grab the exact url in a sec19:37
pmatulismgw: specifically, thanks19:37
mgwpmautils: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/19:38
bekksmgw: Did you check wether that kernel supports your networking mae and model?19:39
mgwbekks: are there known issues with 14.04 install media and fairly modern HP hardware?19:40
pmatulisyeah, you might want to test on a virtual machine19:40
bekksmgw: Would you please start answering my questions? :)19:41
pmatulisa lot faster to boot as well during the maddening preseed phase19:41
pmatulis5 seconds vs 2 minutes prolly19:42
qmanBroadcom network cards frequently require loading extra firmware or other fiddling that can complicate things19:43
pmatulismgw: there are known issues with the *linux kernel* with any fairly modern hardware ;)19:43
qmanIf you want NICs that "just work" with linux, your best bet is 2+ year old intel chips19:44
bekksGood old Intel MT Server :)19:45
patdk-wkPT :)19:45
patdk-wkso many flavors19:45
mgwpmatulis: FWIW, I previously used the precise netinstall just fine on here19:46
patdk-wki350 should be great :)19:46
mgwso it would be a regression19:46
bekksmgw: Which network interface make and model do you use _exactly_?19:46
patdk-wkI wouldn't use mt's though19:46
mgwbekks: the model is BCM5719 (rev 01)19:46
stgraberhallyn: sounds reasonable19:46
mgwmake is Broadcom19:46
patdk-wkbnxe sounds like19:46
pmatulismgw: are you saying your current preseed config works on 12.04 with exactly the same h/w?19:46
mgwpmatulis: yes, the same preseed19:48
mgwbut the preseed is clearly not an issue here (yet) -- the preseed is never accessed from the http server19:48
pmatulismgw: with the same h/w??19:48
mgwpmatulis: yes, the exact same system19:48
pmatulisbloody hell why did you say so an hour ago?19:49
mgwit currently has precise installed, and it was done from precise's netboot installer19:49
mgwpmatulis: only so much data can be provided at once, sorry19:50
pmatulisi suggest re-confirming.  exact same h/w with exact same preseed.  minus the different pointers to precise bits instead of trusty ones19:50
mgwI mean, I *could* compile a complete history, including photographs of the hardware, before mentioning the issue ;-)19:50
bekksI doubt that networking hardware will work out of the box.19:51
mgwbut it would with Precise you think?19:51
mgwbekks: ^19:52
bekksIt wouldnt.19:52
mgwhmm, well, it did19:52
mgwi set up eight of them on precise19:52
bekksWhy dont you use the ubuntu server image?19:52
mgwwith no special drivers19:52
mgwbekks: remotely?19:53
bekksSure. Using PXE.19:53
bekksOr attach the ISO to the ILOM and boot it.19:53
bekksEven easier than PXE.19:53
pmatulisif you know how, sure19:54
mgwis the kernel on ubuntu-server iso different than the one on archive.ubuntu.com?19:55
bekksNo, but the kernel on the netinstall thingy is much smaller than on the isos, for the sake of its size. And quite a lot of module are stripped off.19:56
qmanLooks like that one tuns the tg3 driver19:57
mgwbekks: thanks, that's very useful information19:58
pmatulisi had trouble with the Tigon stuff in the past20:00
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mgwdoes ubuntu.com or some mirror have an unpacked version of the server iso, where I can grab just the installer files?20:04
Nivexyou want PXE files or a mini ISO?20:06
Nivexnetboot.tar.gz or mini.iso20:06
mgwNivex: per pmatuils, that's a stripped down kernel20:08
mgwI need what's found in the server iso's20:08
mgwI can mount and extract the server ISO, but it would be slightly easier to just grab the specific files off ftp/http20:08
leniosi don't know what you're talking about, but the packages of the server iso is available at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ubuntu-14.04-server-amd64.list. linux version is linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic_3.13.0-24.4620:14
leniosthe packages list*20:14
leniosbinary packages for this version are available there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/3.13.0-24.46/+build/589769220:15
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hallynsmb: i assume it's far too late to be pinging you?22:02
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jotterbot1234hey guys, do virtual hosts in apache work differently under 14.04 then 12.04? I know it is a different apache version with some syntax23:08
jotterbot1234but I can't get my server to resolve a site via IP *AND* a servername23:09
jotterbot1234have never had this trouble before23:09
sarnoldjotterbot1234: do you have any errors in the error.log files for the main server or the virtual servres?23:10
jotterbot1234no errors23:10
TJ-jotterbot1234: Apache 2.4 has changed the configuration options, the release notes detail the changes23:11
sarnoldat least the access control primitives changed drastically, but I don't recall hearing about virtual server configuration changes23:11
jotterbot1234I think the issue is the default and my virtual host are both matching , i read somewhere it will then match on name, hence 000-default.conf takes "precedence"23:11
Patrickdktakes precenence?23:12
Patrickdksince when do config files take precedence?23:12
Patrickdkyou didn't happen to have them named without .conf on the end did you?23:12
jotterbot1234but, if my 000-default.conf file does not have a servername directive, i thought it would correctly resolve my virtual host23:12
jotterbot1234I am trying to find the link i was using as a guide.23:13
jotterbot1234Patrickdk: they all have .conf extensions23:13
TJ-jotterbot1234: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/trunk/upgrading.html23:13
jotterbot1234TJ-: cheers, will have a look23:15
* solarfly groans at upstart23:22
solarflyholy crap. Step aside, there's some developers I need to kill.  Who wouldn't put a fully qualified path in an upstart script!23:24
* solarfly sighs23:24
solarflyNobody in this room, of course :)23:24
* sarnold backs out of the saloon23:24
pmatulisheh heh23:33
z1hazehello, would someone mind helping me setting up virtual machines on my server? i dont really know what im doing23:55

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