
Josephim back guys, i am stuck at the dependency error01:45
JosephI was in here earlier with a realtek card problem01:50
Unit193Right, http://askubuntu.com/questions/346685/wired-connection-problem-ubuntu-13-04-realtek-rtl8111-8168-ethernet-controller01:52
Unit193One idea was to get apt-offline and get whatever packages you needed to fix the problem with that tool, http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/offline-packages.html01:53
Josephi got the package and installed it. what is the command?01:54
Unit193Yes, hello.02:01
Josephim confused on what to do here02:04
Unit193wrst said that forcing 100Mbps/full-duplex mode is helpful: sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off02:07
Unit193Ah, I see, they were trying to get you to install the dkms module, actually.02:07
Josephyes but the modules gave me an error on install02:08
Unit193sudo apt-offline set --install-packages r8168-dkms --update apt-offline.sig02:09
Unit193If you downloaded apt-offline from the page linked.02:09
JosephI did and it just gave me the error"apt-offline set: ambiguous option: --install could match --packages, --install-src-packages"02:11
Josephany ideas?02:12
Unit193You're sure you used --install-packages and not --install?02:14
Josephi ran it again. it says "ERROR: Fatal: Something is wrong with the apt system"02:15
JosephI feel bad giving you all these errore02:17
Unit193I'd say it's because you tried to install a package and don't have the deps for it, so first you'll have to remove the package.02:22
Josephwhich one?02:22
Josephi have the r8168 package02:23
Unit193Whichever one you tried to install.  sudo dpkg --configure -a  will tell.02:23
Josephnothing happened after i ran that command02:24
Unit193sudo apt-get install -f02:25
Josephit installed then i ran the other command and still nothing02:26
Josephare you there?02:33
Unit193Kind of, but also doing other things.  Not a lot to go on there, not really sure what you're doing or what's not working.02:33
Unit193Was hoping wrst or average_guy were still around.02:33
Josephim sorry for the trouble02:34
average_guysorry I'm late, what did I miss?  reading scrollback02:34
Josephif this help another error "Unable to locate package r8168-dkms02:35
average_guyhmm, I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time Joseph02:36
Josephits fine. I just really want to switch to linux and stop using windows. Im trying to learn software development02:36
average_guyso you did "sudo apt-offline set --install-packages r8168-dkms --update apt-offline.sig"02:37
Unit193average_guy: He may not have a full repository cache, thus it may not know yet about that package and a refresh may be required before installing it.02:38
Josephyes and it gave the error "E: Unable to locate package r8168-dkms Error: FATAL: Something is wrong with the apt system."02:38
average_guyJoseph: You mentioned initially that you connect for a few minutes and then lose the connection,  is there a chance that rebooting  will give you a connection long enough to complete the download?02:39
Josephits not even a few mins. its a few seconds02:40
Josephafter a while it just stops trying02:40
average_guyI see02:40
average_guygimmie a sec here02:41
Josephhaha alright02:41
average_guycould he not just copy the entire repo to a usb key and then install it as a local repository Unit193?  Sorry I tend to use the sledgehammer approach02:43
average_guyyou said you do have another machine with a connection right Joseph?02:44
Josephyes, the one im using now. MacBook Pro02:44
average_guyobviuosly I guess, since we are talking02:44
Unit193average_guy: ...Do you happen to know how large it is? :)02:45
average_guyI do not, is why I ask02:45
Unit193I'd just say, refresh the cache, then install it using two steps rather than one with apt-offline.02:45
Unit193average_guy: Think hundreds of gigs, IIRC.02:45
Josephhow do i refresh?02:46
average_guyI am reading http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/offline-packages.html02:48
Unit193First section, updating.02:49
Unit193If he doesn't have an online computer with apt-offline, I can volunteer that.02:49
Joseph That was the problem. I do not.02:50
average_guyare you reading the page Joseph?  It has pretty clear instructions02:51
average_guyfrm deiconnected machine: apt-offline set --update apt-offline.sig02:52
Josephyes i am. I just dont have a computer that apt-offline02:52
Josephi got the .sig file, put it on a usb and onto my macbook but i do not have the command available to do so.02:52
Unit193I do, if you want to use the Mac to download it from me.02:53
Unit193it = the zip file.02:53
Unit193Just send me the sig file.02:53
Josephcan you send files through irc02:53
Josephhttp://www.mediafire.com/view/yxvqvh0xn6x29v1/apt-offline.sig here you go02:57
Josephyou get it?02:58
Unit193Will in a sec.02:58
Unit193https://unit193.net/bundle.zip MD5: 0fcb108469214d9ea97793ee364e8e2a03:00
Josephwhy so large03:00
average_guy27mb is large?03:01
Josephthe original file was just a few kb03:01
Unit193unit193@Sigma:~$ du -hs /var/lib/apt/lists/03:01
Josephwhat is that03:01
Unit193That's the full cache update, you then transfer that to the offline linux computer to update the cache.03:02
Josephi ment the command03:02
Unit193sudo apt-offline install bundle.zip03:03
Josephi typed that command perfectly and nothing happened. Should i see a result?03:04
Josephokay it finally worked03:07
Unit193Does  sudo apt-offline set --install-packages r8168-dkms apt-offline.sig  command work?03:07
average_guyyou have to navigate to the folder on the usb with the .zip03:08
average_guyand enter the command03:08
Josephit says "Generating database of package r8168-dkms, and its dependencies"03:08
Josephthen stops03:08
Unit193Should have a new apt-offline.sig file for me.03:09
Josephwhat do i do now03:09
* Unit193 likes tagteam with average_guy! \o/03:09
Unit193Send 'er over to me.03:09
Josephthere ya go03:10
Unit193Heh, that's the old one. :P03:12
Josephnope it cant be. i just uploaded it03:12
average_guysudo apt-offline set --install-packages $PACKAGENAME --update apt-offline.sig to generate new one03:13
Josephhttp://www.mediafire.com/view/4m4fwau9r9hw9a1/apt-offline.sig try that03:14
Josephsame url diff file i presume03:14
Josephis something wrong03:16
Josephhttp://www.mediafire.com/view/7e3c8soliy7e829/apt-offline(2).sig try that if you think something is wrong with the other one03:17
Unit193https://unit193.net/bundle.zip MD5: 1b0ae8a2d560e6d7843a870ff7b4578103:18
* Unit193 finds it useful having apt-offline on his server. :P03:18
average_guyrut row03:20
Unit193Oh good, we didn't lose him.03:20
Josephcan you say those commands again.03:20
Josephi was dc03:20
Unit193sudo apt-offline install bundle.zip  for the new file, https://unit193.net/bundle.zip03:21
Josephi did that and it looks like the results of the last fiel03:21
Unit193Now,  sudo dkms status03:23
Josephcommand not found03:23
Joseph"sudo: dkms: command not found"03:24
Unit193Rechecked the bundle, it had dkms. average_guy ^03:25
Josephim sorry for all the trouble im giving you guys03:25
average_guysudo apt-get install dkms03:26
Unit193Oh right, were you supposed to sudo apt-get install -f after or something?03:26
Josephit had a bunch of feed and then ask me if i wanted to continue then a bunch of errors happend03:27
Unit193Joseph: Right, you just need  sudo apt-get install r8168-dkms   now.03:28
average_guyyou no have to apologize Joseph, I am just trying to learn frm your troubles and Unit193 lives to serve, though he is a busy guy so patience is required03:28
average_guyright, THAT was the pkg name03:29
JosephI am forever thankful. and 4 new things installed but when i was asked to continue, errors happened because i was not connected03:30
average_guyit installed though? you should be able to sudo dkms status03:34
average_guymay require reboot03:35
Josephcommand not found03:35
Josephim going to reboot03:35
Unit193Shouldn't require one..03:35
Josephits one things after another03:36
Unit193Can you pastebin the errors?03:36
Josephyeah but i have been typing the word for word in here03:37
Josephshould it be working since the r8168 is installed?03:38
average_guyyou just said "4 new things installed but when i was asked to continue, errors happened because i was not connected" when you installed r8168-dkms03:38
average_guyhe needs to see the errors03:39
Josephit gave the url and and couldnt connect to some websites to download further more packages03:40
average_guyhe needs to see the "more packages"03:40
Josephidk how to get those errors over to pastebin03:41
average_guycopy to a txt file in gedit or whatever you got03:41
Unit193copy > open text editor > paste > flash drive > http://paste.debian.org03:41
Unit193http://paste.debian.net/ not .org03:41
average_guyput the txt file on USB take to connected machine and paste to pastebin03:42
Josephhow do i save it to a txt file.03:42
Josephim so sorry im new at this03:42
Josephderp nvm03:43
Josephthere ya go03:44
Unit193Aha, I see.  The bundle install didn't complete correctly then.03:45
Josephwhat should i do?03:46
average_guycan you scroll back up to the when you installed the bundle and pastebin the errors from that?03:51
Josephno because i rebooted like you suggested03:52
Josephi can reinstall03:52
average_guyomg, it's not supposed to be this hard to run ubuntu03:53
average_guyI am sorry for you my friend03:53
average_guyif you reinstall the bundle you see what?03:54
Josephdo you want to see what happens when i install bundle.zip03:55
average_guysudo apt-offline install bundle.zip03:57
Josephhttp://paste.debian.net/112308/ viola03:58
average_guythat looks pretty good to go03:59
Josephso now what?04:00
Josephand i thought ubuntu was the beginners distro of linux :(04:00
average_guyit really is, you are cursed with a piece of hardware it doesn't like.  I have never had this misfortune04:01
Josephso whats next. :/04:01
Josephwhy does linux hate me04:03
average_guyhang on, reading back but it looks like the error must have been in the original .sig04:04
Josephso what do you want to do?04:04
average_guyI hate to say it, but I REALLY have to go to bed now.  If you are on tomorrow I will try to help you otherwise you will need to wait on Unit19304:07
average_guyfyi typing a users name pings them04:07
Josephshould i ping him?04:08
Josephthanks for all your help04:08
average_guyi just did when I typed his name04:08
average_guyI wish you luck04:08
JosephUnit193 do you have any ideas?04:09
Unit193Might be better off tomorrow.04:09
Josephyou going to bed?04:09
Josephwrst you there?04:11
Unit193Not quite, but the maintainer of a package I help with is online, and we have a build failure to fix, as well as I'm working on converting a couple svn repos to git.  My recommendation would be to try again from the top, and see if you accidentally missed a step.04:11
Josephokay thanks man. Im sorry for bothering you.04:12
Unit193No problem, just a tad busy atm.04:13
Josephanybody else in here?04:23
Josephwrst are you up?04:42
JosephI fixed it!!!!05:39
wrstWish he had said how10:35
average_guyMAN! me too wrst10:38
wrstOh well he did what I don't think he could, figured it out.10:40
wrsthello netritious14:31
netritioushow's life wrst?14:58
wrstgoing well and you?15:04
netritiousall is well15:25
wrstwhew sorry for the short answers, work is happening. and too much of it!15:29
netritiousnp wrst :)15:30
wrstguess that's good, means money shall continue to come in still for the short term :)15:30
Joseph__Need a little help. My headphones and microphone are not showing up in the sound setting on ubuntu 14.0418:36
wrstJoseph__: what type of headphone/microphone? bluetooth? USB? wired?18:42
Joseph__btw i fixed my wifi18:43
Joseph__blue yeti mic and audio technica headphones18:43
wrstJoseph__: ahh thought it was a wired network setup?18:43
Joseph__ive tried a billion methods but none have worked18:43
Joseph__i found this forum that had some commands for downgrading the realtek driver18:44
Joseph__and it was18:44
Joseph__i ment wired18:44
wrstahh ok going to say that might have brought on a different line of thinking18:44
Joseph__but i cant get my mic or headphones to show in the settings18:45
Joseph__the only sound that works is the one from my monitor18:45
Joseph__any ideas?18:47
wrstwell I'm no for sure if they should show in the settings18:51
wrstare your headphones just normal headphones with an 1/8 inch jack?18:51
Joseph__to be honest im not sure18:51
Joseph__the headphones plug into the yeti which is then plugged into the computer via usb18:52
wrstok so its getting the mic to work then, I am guessing that it should show up as another audio device if it is detected properly18:54
Joseph__the problem is that under the input and output section there are not options18:54
wrstthat is a symptom of the problem, does the mic light up?18:59
Joseph__yes the mic has power to it19:00
wrstis it powered only by usb?19:00
wrstopen up a terminal and type: lsusb and see if your mic is listed there19:00
Joseph__i dont see it19:01
Joseph__Do you know what is wrong19:05
Joseph__you there wrst?19:14
wrstJoseph__: yep, I'm at work19:24
Joseph__oh my bad. what do you do?19:24
wrstI know its not being detected now we need to figure out why19:24
wrstits a usb 2.0 audio device which does not work as well as usb 1.0 devices19:24
Joseph__is there a driver i need19:25
wrstunsure, I *think* it should be detected in lsusb, do you care to paste the results of lsusb19:25
wrstprobably do it at pastbin.com so we don't clutter things up here and post the link back19:26
Joseph__it wont let me copy the terminal19:28
Joseph__nvm figured it out19:28
Joseph__there ya go19:30
wrstI don't know things look like it should just work from what little I see19:44
Joseph__is there a driver i need to install19:45
Joseph__linux is slowly losing its value to me19:47
wrstwhat i'm seeing it looks like it worked but now doesn't for some... still searching19:47
Joseph__are there any  commands i can do in the terminal to reset the audio or?19:48
wrstno because it isn't listed as a device19:48
wrstyou could try a couple of things, one try unplugging and plugging it back up and then try lsusb to see if it is listed19:49
wrstthe next thing I would try would be to reboot with the mic plugged in if you haven't already19:49
wrstthen we can move to something else19:49
Joseph__it was listed in the first one because when i ran the lsusb command the second time the list was shorter19:50
wrstlisted in the first what?19:50
Joseph__the pastebin link'19:52
Joseph__Bus 008 Device 003: ID b58e:9e8419:52
Joseph__that is the one19:52
wrstok so where are you at? have you rebooted19:58
wrstjust a good way to be sure we are starting off from scratch19:58
Joseph__just a few moments ago i did20:00
wrstI don't think your card will show up here but its a good place to look when having sound problems20:00
wrstdrop to a terminal and type: alsamixer20:00
wrstthen press F6 and see if you see it listed in that list20:00
Joseph__okay now what20:00
wrstis it listed?20:01
Joseph__yeti mic is listed but when i select it the command prompt times out20:01
wrstwhat do you mean?20:01
Joseph__i try to look at the setting for yeti in alsa but it just closes the command prompt20:02
wrstwhen you arrow down and press enter?20:03
wrstthat can't close the terminal20:03
Joseph__yes and it does20:04
Joseph__it freezes then closes20:04
wrstdoes it close alsamixer or the entire terminal?20:04
Joseph__alsamixer and now its not even listed when i go back into it20:04
wrstso the terminal doesn't close.... ok let me do a little more checking, have you tried another usb cable that type of thing?20:05
wrstoff and on is very odd with most things linux it either works or it doesn't20:05
Joseph__it use to work on my windows20:07
Joseph__im cursed20:08
wrstJoseph__: you might want to try #ubuntustudio20:14
wrstor #ubuntu20:15
Joseph__what is that20:15
wrstirc channel20:15
Joseph__so you dont know what the problem is20:16
wrstyes the problem is it doesn't work ;)20:18
wrstthe solution I have no clue20:18
average_guyHello Joseph__, what did I miss?20:39
average_guyLooks like sound problems now eh?20:39
Joseph__i solved my ethernet problem but now i have a whole new set of problems with my audio20:39
average_guyyou have an external sound device that connects USB right?20:40
Joseph__i have yeti connected to the computer20:42
Joseph__my headphones are plugged into the yeti20:42
average_guyso your sound works fine but the mic is not functioning correctly and by proxy the headphones when you plug them into it?20:44
Joseph__its very annoying20:45
average_guywhat model is the yeti?20:46
Joseph__im not sure its called blue yeti20:47
average_guylooks like this:20:48
average_guybad link20:48
Joseph__thats it20:48
average_guyok then, let see if I can find you a solution20:49
Joseph__thank you20:49
average_guydon't thank me yet, I guarentee nothing :P20:50
average_guyyou are running Ubuntu 14.04?  (not xubuntu or lubuntu)20:51
Joseph__idk why i am cursed with so many errors20:51
Joseph__ubunut 14.0420:51
average_guyseen this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/how-to-set-up-blue-yeti-mic-in-ubuntu20:51
Joseph__about ten times. the problem is that it dosnt show in the menus20:52
average_guysill looking, you might also ask over in #ubuntu-studio, those guys should know all about connecting mics20:55
Joseph__i already tried20:55
average_guy:( I'm sorry to hear that it is still unresolved then20:56
average_guylemme keep digging a bit20:56
Joseph__this is hopeless20:56
average_guyhave you tried it in other USB ports?  Like in the back of the machine instead of the front?20:58
average_guysometimes are diff types of ports20:59
Joseph__i have tried every port on the machine plus through my keyboard port20:59
average_guyalrighty then, sounds like you've covered that21:00
average_guyI see in the forums that you are not the only one with a problem with this device.21:02
Joseph__i think linux just hates my hardware21:02
average_guyI see where someone got one working here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215327021:04
average_guyI think you should goto forums and search "yeti"21:04
average_guylook for "solved"21:05
average_guyok yeti brought back garbage, search "yeti mic"21:06
Joseph__i think im done with linux21:12
average_guyI don't blame you after all of the troubles you have been having.  You definately need to consider the hardware when selecting the software and visa versa21:17
Joseph__now i know21:21
netritiousLooks like I missed all the fun21:46
Unit193We've got more for you.21:46
netritiouslatest Transformers was awesome though, so there's that :D21:47
netritiouswhatcha got Unit19321:47
Unit193Really?  You liked it that much?  I saw it, and the only likeable ones were the autobots. :P21:47
netritiousI don't get out to theatres much so yeah, I'm settling for awesome21:48
netritioussure, I can pick it apart...I grew up watching the original cartoons, including that terrible dinobots series21:49
netritiousalbeit I was around 25 when that one came out :$21:50
* netritious still watches cartoons21:53
* wrst doesn't think that is odd22:15
* average_guy has a little one to blame it on22:18
wrstme too average_guy22:19
wrstbut I must admit dora the explorer and doc mcstuffins are not my favs22:19
average_guywe watch My Little Pony, I have become a fan22:20
wrstha well you gotta do what you gotta do22:20
average_guyand adventure time and regular show22:20
average_guywife loves Bob's Burgers22:20
average_guyThe Doc McStuffin and Sofia the First sends me running to the computer though22:24
wrstha ha22:25
wrsthello mr frog22:52
wrsthow are you ?22:52
Omnifrogtrying to get ready to go on air in 7 minutes22:53
Unit193...Meanwhile, the Mystery Machine just turned around in our driveway...22:53
wrstenjoy the insanity22:53
wrsthave pics?22:53
Unit193Well, no I don't, but it still actually happened...22:54
Unit193...And my drug test will come out clean too. :P22:58
=== Omnifrog is now known as DJOmnifrog
wrstha ha sure...23:05

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